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December 6, 2013

Fast food workers Go on strike!

Workers across the country in places such as Washington D.C., Chicago and New York City, have gone on strike as an attempt to try and raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15.00 an hour. This all started about a year ago in November of 2012, over 200 fast-food workers had just walked out of their jobs in New York City. Not only do workers from popular fast food places want a pay increase, but also want the right to unionize with out being punished. Critics of the movement claim that it would create job cuts and hardships for franchise owners who make small profit. However supporters say the pay increase would make it easier for workers to support themselves and their families. A worker, Martin Rafanan said, I cant survive on $7.25 and todays minimum wage is slowly killing our community.

Pros and Cons Of this movement

A study from UC Berkeley Labor Center found that 52% of fast food workers receive some type of public assistance that costs $7 billion dollars a year. Supporters of this wage raise, claim that it would lower the amount of workers that depend on public assistance. Although minimum wage jobs were not intended for people to make a living and raise a family on, because of todays economy and the job market, many families have resorted to that. If the minimum wage was raised to $15.00 an hour, it would help people support their family.

One of the problems on raising the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour could be that employers might have to eliminate full time jobs and cause greater unemployment. Employer might start using more technology as is done in European fast food restaurants where customers place their own orders using technology Only about one third of low-income earners are at large corporations such as McDonalds, Carles Jr., or Burger King. Fifty-two percent are at small businesses where the raise in pay would greatly hurt the small restaurants.

I believe that finding a middle ground is the best solution to this problem. Other states and other cities have a higher minimum wage at $10.00 to $10.50 an hour. President Obama has said that he would back a Senate measure to increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25. There has not been a wage increase since 2007. This would help the low-income earners to be able to provide for their families without breaking the restaurant owners businesses. I think that Fast-food workers that are pushing for increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, know that they asking for a lot, hoping they can bargain in order to come to a compromise of about $10.50 an hour. This would be a reasonable solution to the problem.

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