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Political The Australian government introduced a carbon tax on major polluters (such as coal-fired power stations and oil

companies) that will provide increased funding for Australian public hospitals and other health costs associated with climate change. The carbon tax policy may inadvertently encourage more businesses to be more green aware and thus pave the way to listing the business on the Green Directory. The Australian government provides incentives to encourage businesses to invest in greener technology and products. This obviously is a direct benefit to the Green Directory. Australia is politically stable, thus allowing for heavy foreign investment. This can create the development of more sustainable products, positively impacting the Green Directory. Economic Business development in Australia is on the rise due to the countrys economic stability, with a GDP growth of 3.3% annually. The economic stability encourages more business development and global investor relations. This provides an atmosphere to create new products and have businesses to think green. This will have a positive impact on the Green Directory. The strong Australian currency increases the buying power of Australians while making foreign products less expensive. Australians are more confident and willing to spend when they feel richer and the cost of imported items is lower. So when the Australian Dollar is strong, we tend to see the sale of imports rise in relation to exports. This opens the door to local businesses importing more foreign green products, thus creating a positive impact for the Green Directory. Social The Australian population has increased over the last 10 years. Australias population growth rate is attributable to overseas migration dictated by workforce needs. This increase in population and labor force increases the buying power, thus creating the opportunity of more people buying greener products and services. This is a positive impact for the Green Directory. Technological Approximately 80% of Australias population uses the Internet . This provides for easy access to the Green Directory. Environmental With the Climate Change issue businesses are actively developing new products and seeking to improve their overall environmental profile. Environmental initiatives and/or new products in Australia are increasing and therefore this is a positive for the Green Directory. Legal With the introduction of the Carbon Tax, the Australian government has shown its interest in environmental issues. The legislation to protect the environment is beneficial to the Green Directory. The Australian Consumer Law protects consumers from false advertising in the Green Directory.

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