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Dt.19th Feb 2014 BRIEF ON ISSUES OF HAL TO H.E.AMBASSADOR 1. Delay in e e!

"ti#n #$ AL%&&I ' En(ine $#) Inte)*e+iate ,et T)aine)- .)#/e!t0 Till December 2013, Russian Side has been informing that important activities enumerated below will be accomplished on certification of the engine life to 300 Hrs The engine has been certified for 300 Hrs life on 23 rd December 2013 However, as on date, the following activities remain unfulfilled a Submission of Draft Supplementar! "greement for deliver! of engines from Series production b Handing over of Design Documentation and Technological Documentation for production of engines with 300 Hrs life from the Technological #its c Technological $arts of the $ro%ect&T$$' for establishing manufacturing facilities at H"(, )oraput *n addition, the plan with time lines for e+tension of life to 1200 Hrs b! 201, and later to full life of 3-00.-000 Hrs b! 201/ is awaited 0on fulfillment of above activities is adversel! affecting the progress of *1T2 3- $rogramme and casting doubts on the development time frames promised b! the Russian Side in respect of $rospective pro%ects 2. Delay in e1tabli1hin( O2e)ha"l $a!ilitie1 #$ S" 30 M4I Ai)$)a*e an+ it1 a(()e(ate1. The overhaul of Su 303)* facilities were scheduled to be established b! 4eb 2012 based on the commitments made b! Russian Side The commitments are repeatedl! revised and during tripartite meeting between *"4, H"( and Russian side held between 10 th 4eb 5 16th 4eb 2016 and 31st *RS" meeting, Russian Side once again revised the date to "ugust 2016 The non establishment of 7verhaul facilities is holding the aircraft alread! inducted for overhaul at H"( reducing the availabilit! of aircraft to *"4 4urther, the repairables are waiting for repairs as the commissioning of test e8uipment is not complete as well as spares are also awaited *t is re8uested that the Russian Side ma! be perused to e+pedite the deputation of Russian Specialists for installation and commissioning of Test 98uipment and deliver Spare parts at the earliest so that the facilities are established b! 3ar 2016 and first aircraft overhaul is completed b! 3a! 2016 resulting in improved serviceabilit! and availabilit! levels
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3. S5a)e .a)t1 6atal#('S.6- 7ith lea+ ti*e $#) +eli2e)y 8 5)i!e +ata During 30th *RS" meeting held in 1ul! 2013 at 3oscow, *ndian Side re8uested for submission of :omprehensive :atalog with $rice data and lead times for one time negotiation, so that it will facilitate ordering of Spare parts on fast trac# avoiding the time consuming process of; a $lacing *ndent b Receiving the 7ffer & generall! the time frames var!ing from 3 months to 12 months and more' c Technical clarifications d $rice negotiations where prices are deviating from (ast purchase price escalated to the !ear of deliver! Submission of S$: will avoid above time consuming activities and ensure availabilit! of spare parts on fast trac# which is #e! to serviceabilit! 7f late, it is observed that the prices in respect of certain items are increased b! multiple times stating that the 793 is not willing to deliver the items at last purchase price with relevant escalation This approach is violating the rules of escalation philosoph! :onsidering the fact that 8uotations from Russian "gencies is restricted to a single agenc!, such increases are to be absorbed b! approved Russian "genc! as well as control the 793s to maintain prices as per (ast $urchase $rice with relevant escalation and principles of escalation are adhered to including offer of discounts as stipulated in the protocol Russian Side to continue this arrangement for the life time of the aircraft 4. I11"e #$ E 5#)t an+ I*5#)t Li!en!e1 ba1e+ #n the 1i(ne+ 6#nt)a!t10 7n man! occasions, the reason cited for dela! in deliver! is attributed to non receipt of licence from 4ederal "uthorities 3an! a times the dela!s are be!ond - months *t is suggested that licences ma! be issued for the items covered in the :ontract. Supplements as soon as the! are signed so that the dela!s due to license related issues can be avoided &. Sin(le 7in+#7 a55)#a!h 0 To enhance *ndustr!2*ndustr! cooperation and to 8uic#l! resolve all technical issues, it is suggested that a single agenc! &preferabl! <nited "ircraft :orporation' ma! be nominated to deal with all technical issues related to aviation including engines and aggregates *t will be preferable if the commercial activities are also assigned to a single agenc!
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