DMA December 09, 2013

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Press & Information Wing Embassy of India Moscow Daily Media Digest December 09, 201 I !

!o"erage on India A birds eye view of corruption in Russia and India ( Russia and India Report) "Voice of Russia" is being heard in India (Voice of Russia) Voice of Russia to broadcast programmes devoted to Russian history in Hindi (Voice of Russia) Conference of "Voice of Russia isteners in !e hi (Voice of Russia) "rom Russia with ove (Voice of Russia) #enior $RIC# officia s discuss internationa security in Cape %own (Russia and India Report) $RIC#& prospects for cooperation (Voice of Russia) Indian Army Chief 'en #ingh discusses Indo()# defence ties with *entagon (Voice of Russia) +eader of the anti(corruption party wins in the !e hi e ections bypassing the candidate from the ru ing ,ationa Congress ( Voice of Russia) -pposition wins e ections to the +egis ative Assemb y in India.s capita (Voice of Russia) Indian socia activist Anna Ha/are p ans to begin an indefinite hunger stri0e against corruption (Voice of Russia) India reduces e1port of go d 2ewe ry in Apri (-ctober by 345 (Voice of Russia) 6pic mai fai & Indian 7inister in charge of secure emai po icy uses Hotmai (Russia Today) ,ationa mourning over the death of 7ande a announced in India (Voice of Russia) II !o"erage on India#s neig$bo%r$ood *entagon chief Hage wants ,A%- forces to remain in Afghanistan after 89:4 (Voice of Russia)

Afghanistan assures to sign bi atera security agreement with )# time y (Voice of Russia) !rone operators need not ta0e precise aims now (Voice of Russia) $a uchistan as a springboard pad for dismemberment of three countries (Voice of Russia) *a0istani drug traffic0er beheaded in #audi Arabia (Voice of Russia) III !o"erage on &%ssia and its neig$bo%r$ood 1' &%ssia(E)ternal A unfi ed chemica arms containers destroyed in #yria #yria opposition coa ition to ta0e part in 'eneva 8 under #yrian revo ution banner Russia is for inviting Iran to 'eneva(8 internationa conference on #yria ( "oreign 7inistry Russian dip omats charged with fraud to eave )# %op )# dip omat for 6urope to visit 7oscow Russia pushing for 6) visa(free trave dea in ;anuary Russian *remier defends ban on )# adoptions Internationa Atomic 6nergy Agency inspectors visit Ara0 nuc ear site in Iran ;apan scramb es fighter 2ets to trac0 Russian bombers 2' &%ssia(Internal Amnesty shou dn.t 2ust be for famous prisoners < Russian *7 Russian "ormer !efense 7inister charged with neg igence -ver three mi ion i ega migrants stay in Russia ( federa migration service Russia aunches $ritish sate ite 7an who attempted to drive car into =rem in sent to menta hospita "our suspected mi itants 0i ed in ,orth Caucasus ' Economy Inf ation in Russia may be c ose to >?3 percent ( Russias 7inister of

6conomic !eve opment ) u0ayev Russias Centra $an0 not to warn ban0s of icense revocation *7 7edvedev defends Russia.s .re iab e. ban0ing system Russia to pump over 389 mi ion tonnes of oi in 89:@ < 7inister *' !I+ & ,eig$bo%r$ood Russian and )0rainian *residents meet in #ochi *7 7edvedev denies Russia pressured )0raine to abandon 6) dea )0rainian #ecurity #ervices open coup attempt investigation As )0raine opposition ra ies intensifyA +enin statue fa s )0raine opposition fears provocation to 2ustify crac0down *rotests reach crunch stage in )0raine as Russia dea ooms )0rainian *remier hai s imminent Russian dea as protests continue =yrgy/stan wants Canadian go d firm to pay B@99 mi ion for environment damage CCCCC

DE-.I/+ I !o"erage on India &%ssia and India &e0ort, 09'12'201 . bird#s eye "iew of corr%0tion in &%ssia and India' 1y .2ay 3amala4aran There is a big difference in both the scale of corruption and the way it affects the common person in both countries. A young entrepreneur and fe ow $ombayite I 0new in #a0ha in successfu y ran an Indian restaurant for over 3 years? He was f uent in Russian and went out of his way to comp y with a the ru es and regu ations in the country? At a time when even mu ti(nationa oi companies misused :(year mu ti(entry business visas to emp oy their e1ecutives on the is andA this friend made sure that each of his Indian coo0sA waiters and managers had va id wor0 permits? A mode e1pat in RussiaA if there ever was oneA the man was we (respected by the oca s and foreigners a i0e? -ne summer when there was a aw banning sa e of a coho from bott es without the right e1cise abe A this friend fu y comp ied unti he received bott es with the new abe s? He made one sma error& he sti had a coup e of bott es of rather cheap vod0a (899(odd roub es per bott eD with the o d abe sA which were not for sa e? As bad uc0 had itA on a day when he wasnt at his restaurantA there was some 0ind of officia raid and he ost his iEuor icenseA when those 8 bott es were discovered? At the pea0 of the business and tourist seasonA his restaurant cou d on y serve beer? It turned out to be a huge oss at that time and a Russian friend who was a regu ar customer offered to he p? FI can get you bac0 your iEuor icense in a dayA she said with a tremendous amount of confidenceA Fif you pay my husband two thousand do ars? He refused to pay the bribe and decided that hed fo ow the proper ega route and his restaurants iEuor icense was fina y reinstated in two and a ha f months? He definite y ost more than the two thousand do ars that he wou d have had to pay but said he was g ad he went through the proper channe ? In %ransparency Internationa s 89:@ Corruption *erceptions Inde1A which measured the perceived eve of pub ic sector corruption in :GG countriesA

Russia was ran0ed in :8Gth p aceA whi e Indias ran0 was H4? ,ot even the most hardcore supporter of both countries wou d disagree with the fact that corruption is a (commonD ma2or prob em? However there are some fundamenta differences in the sca e of the prob em in Russia and IndiaA how it affects the common person and the measures being ta0en by the respective authorities? Ihen it comes to corruption in RussiaA there is a ways a onger and officia way to get anything done? Right from wor0 permits to entry permits to restricted areas and a types of documentsA if you fo ow the ong and standard procedureA you wi get what you are entit ed to even if it ta0es frustrating y ong? "oreignersA un i0e my $ombayite friendA often ac0 the patience to wait it out and when in RussiaA the torch(bearers of virtue often eave their va ues behind at home? I have a ways be ieved that in Russia the best way to fight corruption is to avoid the easy way out and go through the proper channe s? %hat wou d meanA never mess around with any regu atory procedures? %en years agoA on a ong trip from the far eastern end of the country to the Ihite #eaA I trave ed on y by ferries and trains and often ma0ing sure that I stayed in a town for ess than G8 hours to avoid the mandatory registration procedure? %here were enough opportunities to pay an agency (which wou d then bribe officia sD and get an officia registrationA which may have made my trave s a bit easier in case I was EuestionedA but I 0new I wasnt vio ating the aw at that time by being in a new p ace for ess than @ days? A month and a ha f aterA when I had to f y bac0 to the Russian "ar 6astA I was as0ed by the airport po ice in 7oscow as to when I eft the p ace I am registered in? %he officer as0ed me to show my registration in the p aces that I had visitedA but I had a my ferry and rai ways tic0ets on hand in a nice bo1? He aughed when he saw a of them and said I p ayed with the Russian aw but technica y I didnt do anything i ega ? He even praised me for my creativityJ %he most g aring prob em when it comes to corruption in India is the fact that there are certain bureaucratic hurd es that 2ust cannot be overcome without bribery? )n i0e in RussiaA where there is a engthier and officia way of getting things doneA in IndiaA petty government officia s have made an art form of e1tracting bribes and made it the on y way? %hese bureaucrats en2oy the b essings of those above them and there is rare y a serious crac0down on themA un ess someone has a persona a1e to grind?

Russias former defence minister Anato iy #erdyu0ovA who was dismissed ast yearA faces a s ew of corruption charges? 6ven the harshest critics of the present regime dont ca these charges po itica y motivated or an act of persona vendetta? %here seems to be a genuine understanding that corruption is a cancer in Russia and the *resident is sincere in his efforts to curb this menace? Compare this to IndiaA where an outdated ega system provides protection to the most corrupt whereas a arge number of petty thieves rot in the worst possib e conditions in 2ai ? Its unc ear whether the present regime in India is responsib e for more corruption than any other in India or if its 2ust a more proactive and competitive media that is high ighting every sing e scam in sight for readership and ratings? %he fact the argest party in Indias coa ition was trounced in recent y(he d regiona e ections may 2ust indicate that an apathetic Indian midd e c ass may no onger 2ust be indifferent to corruption? 'iven the seriousness of the authorities in Russia when it comes to dea ing with the prob em and the ac0 of it across the po itica divide in IndiaA I see the countries heading in opposite directions when it comes to corruption? +ets hope the situation improves in both countries? 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 75oice of &%ssia7 is being $eard in India' The 8th All India Conference of the "Voice of Russia" listeners clubs ended in !ew "elhi on "ecember 8. -n this dayA the most active isteners and website visitors of the Voice of Russia gathered in Russian Centre of #cience and Cu ture in the Indian capita ? #ome came with their entire fami ies and with sma 0ids ( future isteners of the "Voice of Russia"? And as it turned outA the tradition of istening to broadcasts from 7oscow has been passed down from generation to generation in some fami ies? -ne of the istenersA 83(year(o d Himanshu #harmaA a computer specia ist who wor0s in the !e hi branch of A$7A participated in the conference with his unc e !eepa0 =umarA a ongtime istener of the "Voice of Russia" and *resident of ",ew !e hi +isteners. C ub"? F"o owing the e1amp e of my unc eA I became an avid user of the sites of your radio ( said Himanshu #harma?

FI was p easant y surprisedA and fe t during the conference how thoughtfu y you are not on y de ivering the information about your countryA but a so supporting the promotion of Hindi and )rdu anguages ( said Himanshu #harma? FI wou d ca the sites of "Voice of Russia" in these anguages g oba ? %hey provide information not on y about RussiaA but represent a wide panorama of internationa events? Russia for many years has provided substantia support to India in economyA science? ,ow we are wor0ing together in these areas? I dream of trave ing around the wor d and enriching my e1perience with the atest techno ogica advances? %o communicate with Russian programmersA I need Russian anguage? And I am p eased to earn it from the materia s on the website of "Voice of Russia"? Among the participants were many who have been istening to the radio programmes from 7oscow for decadesA and now constant y visit the sites of the "Voice of Russia "? AndA perhapsA they were among the most interested and friend y critics of certain moments concerning our sites? -ne of them is >9 (year(o d ;ayanta Cha0rabartyA an 6mp oyee of the 'overnment of India? FI have been istening to the "Voice of Russia " (ear ier it was ca ed "Radio 7oscow"D for:G years? Ihi e I was sti a 0idA studying in high schoo ? I had a shortwave receiverA which my father gave me on my birthdayA says ;ayant Cha0rabartyA Fand one dayA Euite by chanceA I caught a radio station broadcasting from 7oscow? I was attracted to the music? %his was music from the #oviet repub ics& +ithuanianA )/be0A Russian? ever since then I have been istening to a your programmesA and not on y music? And now I constant y browse in your internet sites? ,eed ess to sayA they became very prompt and co orfu ? HoweverA the printed materia s are sometimes poor y egib e and are p aced in a too compressed space ? %his comp icates the reading of the materia ? And one more thing& do not c ose your beautifu $enga i websiteJ +earning of this intention by the " Voice of Russia"A a arge number of users have a ready switched to $enga i #ites of "!eutsche Ie e " and " Radio China"? Ie A we than0 the participants of the conference for e1pressing their opinion and try to ta0e a note of it? As we as the opinion of another participant of the ConferenceA our co eague from the Indian heart andA 2ourna ist Rahu !wivedi? He is a free ance reporter for the newspaper "!ai y ,ews" from a sma town near +uc0now? %o get to the conference of c ub members and isteners of the "Voice of Russia " in !e hiA he covered a ong distanceA first by bus and then by train?

FIt is great that the programmes of Russia can now be istened in India on "7A ( he says? ( $ut it is on y in big cities i0e !e hiA 7umbaiA =o 0ataA $anga ore? $ut in remote parts of IndiaA the Internet is not sufficient y widespread? #o for usA transmission on shortwave remain important? I started istening to the "Voice of Russia" a few years ago as a student at the "acu ty of ;ourna ism ? 7y teacher advised me to isten to $$CA but having heard transmissions from 7oscowA I became their regu ar istener? I ove the sty e of presentationA reading by the announcersA and the programmes themse vesA inc uding news? "Voice of Russia"A serving as a bridge between Russia and India responds to the interests of preserving peace on earth? As Rahu !wivedi further notedA besides attention to current eventsA the Indians are a ways attracted to the Russian iterature? %o get to 0now itA we continue to isten to iterary broadcasts which were revived by the "Voice of Russia"A and visit the Voice of Russia sites if we have the opportunity? According to the participantsA the meetings and discussions that too0 p ace during the conference were fruitfu A usefu A important for persona contacts between c ubs and isteners? =rishna 7urari #ingh =isanA an active istener of the "Voice of Russia" and *resident of "=isan #hrota C ub" of $ihar summed the cordia atmosphere of the conference in his poem? He wrote it in the days of wor0 of the conference in !e hiA and recited his wor0 on its comp etion? %he Conference ended with a traditiona Indian cup of tea and Russian sweets? %he isteners had a re a1ed conversation with members of the de egation of the "Voice of Russia"A inc uding the Head of broadcasting in #outh Asia Irina 7a0simen0o and specia correspondent ,ata ia $enyu0h? And now a message for those participants of the "Voice of Russia Eui/ (89:@ on cooperation between Russia and IndiaA who for various reasons cou d not attend the conference& !ear friendsA we wi send your !ip omas by mai ? "or a *hoto(report about the conferenceA p ease visit our website? * ease send us your feedbac0A suggestions and etters? And p ease get ready for a new Eui/? Ie wi announce it at the beginning of 89:4? 5oice of &%ssia, 08'12'201

5oice of &%ssia to broadcast 0rogrammes de"oted to &%ssian $istory in 9indi' The Voice of Russia has prepared a series of programmes dedicated to Russian history of the #$th century for its Indian listeners and will start broadcasting from %anuary. Head of the Indian and *a0istani department of the Voice of Russia Irina 7a0simen0o to d I%AR(%A## correspondent after opening the Voice of Russia isteners annua conference in !e hi? %he programmes wi be broadcast in Hindi for :3 minutes every wee0 through the "ever "7A the Indian partner of the Voice of RussiaA as we as through our own wavebands? %hey wi be posted on our officia website? -ver :99 representatives of the Voice of Russia isteners c ubs across India are participating in the conference? FI have been istening to broadcasts from 7oscow since :H>3A >3(year(o d ,unu !ebi from a vi age in $ihar to d I%AR(%A## correspondent? FAt the timeA we received #oviet 2ourna s? At *resentA my friends and re atives get together and isten to the Voice of Russia? -ver 3A999 peop e in my vi age isten to Voice of Russia programmesA she added? 5oice of &%ssia, 08'12'201 !onference of 75oice of &%ssia: listeners in Del$i' &n "ecember '( representati)es of do*ens of "Voice of Russia+ " Clubs in )arious states of India participated in 8th All,India Conference of clubs and listeners of "Voice of Russia " that opened in !ew "elhi. #pea0ing at the conferenceA which is being he d at the Russian Centre of #cience and Cu ture (RC#CDA the #enior Advisor to the Russian 6mbassy in India #ergey =arma ito we comed the en ightening and promotiona activities of c ubsA their contribution to strengthening Indo( Russian contacts and mutua understanding between the peop es of the two friend y countries ? %his cooperation is deve oping successfu y in the fie d of radio broadcasting between the "Voice of Russia" and ""ever :94 "7A( said during the conference the representative and permanent host of "Iith ove from RussiaK #hweeta Rawat? ( "or students in !e hiA 7umbaiA =o 0ataA $anga oreA ta0ing into account their interestsA we p an to start new programs

on the history and present day Russia 2oint y prepared by the two radio stations? $roadcasting from 7oscow to IndiaA which is conducted in the nationa anguage of the country since :H48A is e1panding its audience and enhancing their 0now edge of Russia? -n the opening day of the Lth A (India Conference of c ubs and isteners of "Voice of Russia" va uab e gifts were awarded to the winners of the Eui/ " Voice of Russia"(89:@ on cooperation between Russia and IndiaA as we as the most active visitors to radio sites ? -n !ecember L the conference of isteners of "Voice of Russia" wi continue its wor0 in the !e hi RC#C ? 7ore detai s about the conference wi be pub ished in our programmes on #unday? 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 ;rom &%ssia wit$ lo"e' The 8th All,India -isteners Conference of the "Voice of Russia" was inaugurated on "ecember ' at the Russian Centre of .cience and Culture in !ew "elhi. !o/ens of c ubs from a over India sent their representatives to the conference? Among these were c ubs from $iharA )ttar *radeshA HaryanaA 7aharashtraA ChhatisgarhA 7adhya *radeshA )ttara0handA and the country.s capita !e hi ? 7embers of many c ubs correspond with each other and have freEuent y met at previous conferences he d at RC#C in the !e hi? -ne of the veteran isteners of "Voice of Russia" =rishna 7urari #ingh =isanA *resident of "=isan #hrota C ubA" came from $ihar this time with a de egation from the c ub consisting of 3 members ? FI rea y wanted the other members of our c ub to fee the business( i0e and at the same time warm and cordia atmosphere of the Voice of Russia isteners conference " says =rishna 7urari #ingh =isan ? $y the wayA the 2ury named him one of the winners of the "Voice of Russia" Eui/ (89:@? =?7?#ingh =isan & FI am very proud to have won a pri/e in the "Voice of Russia" Mui/? %he Euestions were difficu tA but the radio website programme in Hindi he ped me in answering them? It is visited by a the members of our c ub? ,ow we are continuing the construction of the new bric0 bui ding of the " =isan #hrota C ub?" Ie have co ected for this purpose a sum of five a0h rupees (more than L thousand do arsD? Construction wi be comp eted

in a year? And our c ub wi friendship in $ihar?

become the center of the Indo(Russian

%he contribution from the "Voice of Russia" isteners c ubs in the deve opment of understanding among peop es of our two countries was sing ed out in his video greeting by the chairman of the $roadcasting Corporation "Voice of Russia" Andrei $ystrits0ii ? His address was warm y received by a conference participants ? "ruitfu activities of isteners from the "Voice of Russia" c ubsA directed towards the deve opment of Russian(Indian re ations were praised in his address to the conference by the #enior Counse or of the 6mbassy of Russia in India #ergey =arma ito ? He reca ed that broadcasts from 7oscow in the nationa anguages of India conducted more than G9 years ago& F+et me remind you that the first news transmission by Radio 7oscow was aired in :H48 under the thunders of the 'reat *atriotic IarA said #ergey =arma ito? He characteri/ed the current stage of broadcasting from "Voice of Russia to India as fo ows& FI wou d even say that the Ramayana of broadcasts from Russia to IndiaA fu of smash hits and dramasA appears to have caught its second wind with its socia networ0s activities? "7 coverage in a better Eua ity and the Internet programmes are avai ab e round the c oc0? %he Indian youth has shown interest to the e1panding Russian(Indian cooperation that has brought forward this year epoch(ma0ing andmar0s with the commissioning of the first unit of =udan0u am which synchroni/ed with the nationa gridA and the aircraft carrier FI,# Vi0ramaditya handed over to the Indian side? %his audience now has the opportunity to receive information about Russia from the V-R broadcasts and through its "7 broadcasting? Cooperation between "Voice of Russia " and ""ever :94 "7"A has been continuing for three years? %he two radio stations 2oint y prepare programmes for isteners in !e hiA 7umbaiA =o 0ataA and $anga oreN it is a very successfu "7 pro2ectA be ieves the anchor of the cyc e "Iith ove from Russia #hweeta Rawat& F+istenersA many of whom are young peop eA often as0 me how I 0now so many interesting things about RussiaA and whether I come from this country?

I.m rea y happy that I host this cyc e and fee sympathy and ove for RussiaA which I perceive as my second home? %he guest of Honour at the opening of the Lth A India Conference of isteners of "Voice of Russia 7r? 7?#?=hanA !irector 'enera A !e hi !oordarshan %VA spo0e about the demand and popu arity of radio broadcasting in India? He proposed to estab ish and e1pand contacts between the "A India Radio" and "Voice of Russia?" An important and much(awaited part of the conference for many isteners of the "Voice of Russia" was the awarding of dip omas and pri/es to winners of Mui/ 89:@ on cooperation between Russia and India? -ne of the winners was 7itu =ansaiA a fresh co ege graduate and *resident of the "Internationa Radio +isteners. "riendship O "raternity C ub" in the state of Haryana? -ur c ub was founded by my father in :HL4? And now it has >99 membersA says 7itu =ansaiA ( 7any c ub members get acEuainted with the materia s of "Voice of Russia" through ""aceboo0"? Ie try not to miss any pub ication from the prompt and informative site of the V-R radio station ? Iinning the Eui/ is a wonderfu reward for finding answers to difficu t Euestions? %he programmes of "Voice of Russia" are prepared with so much ove for the isteners that they are eager to earn as much as possib e about the friend y Russia and te about it to their re ativesA neighboursA co eagues at schoo and wor0? And the number of our membersA isteners of the "Voice of Russia" and visitors to its web(sites continues to grow? !ecember L is the second and fina day of the A India Conference of the "Voice of Russia" isteners? &%ssia and India &e0ort, 09'12'201 +enior 1&I!+ officials disc%ss international sec%rity in !a0e -own' 1y Itar(-ass In an attempt to step up anti,terror cooperation( members of the grouping agree to hold regular consultations and set up a temporary wor/ing group to assess the security situation. #enior security officia s from the $RIC# countries met in Cape %ownA #outh Africa to discuss four 0ey ways of addressing the present(day cha enges? F%he 0ey topics were issues of internationa information securityA transport securityA the fight against terrorismA e1tremism and radica ismA and the

situation around g oba hotbeds of tensionA #ecretary of the Russian #ecurity Counci ,i0o ai *atrushev to d Itar(%ass after the meeting? FI thin0 the discussion was fruitfu and constructive? Internationa information security is a sub2ect of heated debates among e1pertsA top officia s and in the mass media? *articipants in the meeting decided to set up a wor0ing group that wi be tas0ed to prepare a statement to be adopted by $RIC# eaders at their ne1t summit? FAfter thatA they wi begin to wor0 on a re evant agreementA *atrushev said? Concerning the prob ems of terrorismA e1tremism and radica ismA *atrushev said that the Fthreat is stab e? It was decided that a wor0ing groups wou d wor0 on a temporary basis and wou d be transformed into a standing e1pert body when it proved its efficiency? In 89:8A terrorist acts in transport were reported from G9 countriesA inc uding Russia? FIt proves the necessity to invigorate efforts in this areaA inc uding the fight against sea piracy? $oth those who commit such acts of terror and their organi/ers who finance such crimes must be ca ed to answerA *atrushev noted? Another 0ey topic discussed at the meeting was the situation in hotbeds of tensionA the number of which is growing? F#ome countries see0 to use mi itary force bypassing the )nited ,ations -rgani/ationA he said? FIe stand for the supreme ro e of the )nited ,ations #ecurity Counci ? He once again reiterated Russias position on #yria and Iran? FA participants in the meeting praised Russias success in the po itica and dip omatic sett ement of the crisis? Chemica weapons have been p aced under contro and soon wi be destroyed? %he positions of the $RIC# countries on the #yrian prob em are either c ose or simi arA *atrushev noted? -n *atrushevs initiativeA an agreement was reached to organi/e regu ar e1pert consu tations between deputies of $RIC# high representatives who are in charge of security issues? FI thin0 the discussion was fruitfu and construction? It proved that such five(party meetings are very usefu A he added? %he secretary of the Russian #ecurity Counci invited his co eagues from the $RIC# countries to attend the fifth internationa conference of security due to be he d in Russias =a/an in ;une 89:4? %his conference is e1pected to be attended by high representatives from more than >9 countries?

*atrushev a so h ed bi atera meetings with heads of a $RIC# de egations? 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 1&I!+< 0ros0ects for coo0eration' In #$01( the 2RIC. countries are going to adopt a strategy of economic cooperation( which will indicate in which direction to mo)e. %he $RIC# geopo itica enemies are constant y trying to "bury" the a iance and predict its inevitab e brea0(off because of interna contradictions? HoweverA the participants in the unionA on the contraryA see a great future for the partnership? %oday the $RIC# ($ra/i A RussiaA IndiaA ChinaA and #outh AfricaD is an inf uentia internationa associationA which represents 4@ percent of the wor d.s popu ation and more than a Euarter of the wor d economy? $esidesA '!* in the $RIC# countries is growing faster than in the Iestern countries? *articipants of the $RIC# group at the meeting of the Ana ytica Counci this year decided to create a database for the e1change of business information and its own !eve opment $an0? F7any peop e have ca ed the future financia institution a counterba ance to the structures which are under the inf uence of the IestA vi/?A the Internationa 7onetary "und and the Ior d $an0A says Vyaches av ,i0onovA *resident of the F)nity for Russia "oundation? FCapita of B 39 bi ion is Euite a ot of money that can be used for the deve opment of the $RIC# countries and for the internationa deve opment? %he creation of the $RIC# stabi i/ation fund of B:99 bi ionA to be used in case of a ac0 of iEuidity in g oba mar0etsA is eEua y important? F%he $RIC# member states have set the goa to achieve the moderni/ation of the g oba economic systemA the center of which are the )nited #tates and the 6uropean )nionA says Vadim +u0ovA specia envoy of the Russian "oreign 7inistry? F$RIC# is an association of statesA united by strategic tendency to a profound reform of the internationa financia and economic architecture? -ur countries face common cha enges that can be described brief y as the cha enges of moderni/ation? )niEue e1perience of reforms and arge monetary and financia resources have been accumu ated? %here is the

po itica wi of the eadership to overcome difficu ties and ead our countries towards a more dynamic deve opment? Interaction within the $RIC# continues to gain strength? ,ow there are a tota of more than 89 formats of cooperation within $RIC#A beginning with the annua meetings of the Heads of #tates and ending with the e1pert dia ogue that goes on permanent y? 5oice of &%ssia, 09'12'201 Indian .rmy !$ief =en +ing$ disc%sses Indo(>+ defence ties wit$ Pentagon' Indian Army Chief 3en 2i/ram .ingh and top 4. military leadership ha)e discussed ways to enhance bilateral defence ties through 5oint training e6ercises and military e6changes to ad)ance India7s military interests. #ingh visited important )# defence estab ishments and met a number of high(ran0ing defence and civi ian officia s here during his four(day trip that ended on !ecember 3? #ingh and )# Army Chief of #taff 'en Ray -dierno discussed the ongoing army(to(army cooperation and opportunities to further strengthen bi atera cooperation through 2oint training e1ercises and mi itary e1changes? 'enera #ingh a so uti ised the opportunity to discuss the )#(India defence re ationship with other senior )# mi itary eadership and advance India.s mi itary interestsA according to an officia statement? $efore his tripA the Indian Army had said that the visit assumes specia significance in the ight of enhanced defence cooperation between the two countries over the ast few years and rapid y increasing defence engagements under the new framewor0 for India()# defence re ations? ,oting that present cooperation between the two sides was on a riseA the Army had said it "encompasses eEuipment procurementA e1change of de egationsA training and conduct of 2oint e1ercises? It is notab e the )# underta0es ma1imum number of 2oint e1ercises with India among a nations?" 5oice of &%ssia, 09'12'201

/eader of t$e anti(corr%0tion 0arty wins in t$e Del$i elections by0assing t$e candidate from t$e r%ling ,ational !ongress' In power since a long time( the present head of the go)ernment in the capital of the Indian Territory of "elhi( .heila "i/shit has lost her post of Chief 8inister to the leader of the new anti,corruption party after elections. %his was reported on #unday by the Agence "rance(*resse (A"*DA citing data from the e ection commission? Arvind =e2riva A eader of the so(ca ed F*arty of the common man (Aam Aadmi *artyA AA*D won with @HALL@ votes in his favor? !i0shitA who is from the country.s ru ing Indian ,ationa Congress party received :>AGL9 votesA reported the e ection commission? F%his is not my victoryA it is the victory of the peop e of %erritory of !e hi < dec ared the triumphant =e2riva to his supporters? FI am Euite sure that in the endA the country wi winA the peop e wi win and it wi be a victory of democracyA Euoted A"* the former ta1 inspectorA who founded his party 2ust a year ago? !i0shitA who eaves her post after :3 years of ru eA ear ier ac0now edged that the ,ationa Congress has ost contro of the par iament in !e hi? In additionA she dec ared that she wi respect resu ts of the e ections? #he a so ac0now edged of the fact that before the e ectionsA which too0 p ace on %hursday in ,ew !e hi and four other states in IndiaA she did not consider =e2riva as a possib e competitor? As reportedA favorites in the e ections in the regionsA which wi demonstrate the ba ance of power before the genera e ections in 89:4A are candidates from the oppositiona right(wing $harati ;anata *arty ($;*DA ed by ,arendra 7odi? %he fina resu ts of the e ections are e1pected to be announced on #unday? 5oice of &%ssia, 09'12'201 ?00osition wins elections to t$e /egislati"e .ssembly in India@s ca0ital' &n .unday( "elhi s Chief 8inister( .heila "i/shit( who led the 3o)ernment of the !ation s Capital and 4nion Territory since 0998( submitted to the go)ernor of "elhi( !a5ib %ung her resignation after the ruling Indian !ational Congress party was defeated in the elections to the -egislati)e Assembly of "elhi.

6 ections to the +egis ative Assemb y were he d in !e hi on Iednesday? According to pre iminary counting of votesA which is being reported by the channe ,!%VA the party I,C (whose candidate is G3 (year(o d !i1itDA received on y L seats out of G9A whi e the main opposition party of India F$haratiya ;anata *arty ($;* D ( @8? %wenty(nine seats were won by the FAam Aadmi *arty (*arty of the common manDA which was registered in 89:8 by the we (0nown opposition fighter against corruption in IndiaA Arvind =e2riva ? %he media notes of the sensationa success of =e2riva s *artyA which high ighted prob ems of the common man as a foca point in its campaign? In !i0shits tenure at the post of the chief ministerA a modern underground metro rai way and severa traffic networ0s were created? $ut opponents accused the Congress *arty and the eadership in ,ew !e hi of creating conditions for corruptionA fai ure to provide security on the streetsA increase of socia ineEua ity in the cityA rising pricesA etc? 5oice of &%ssia, 0A'12'201 Indian social acti"ist .nna 9aBare 0lans to begin an indefinite $%nger stri4e against corr%0tion' Indian social acti)ist and fighter against corruption( Anna :a*are announced that he plans to start another hunger stri/e in the ne6t wee/ in order to see/ parliament s appro)al of the ;%an -o/pal 2ill+ , a law against corruption( reports the newspaper :indu on <riday. Anna Ha/are ()nc e Ha/areDA as referred by his supportersA since the :HL9s is we (0nown in his strugg e against s uggishness and inefficiency of the Indian bureaucracyA using a method that was introduced by 7ahatma 'andhi in Indian po itics ( pub ic hunger stri0e? In the biography of Ha/areA there are more than :3 different instances of underta0ing hunger stri0es? FI promised the peop e of India that if the government does not pass the P;an +o0pa $i A then I wi again start a hunger stri0e on the first day of the winter session of *ar iament ( !ecember :9DA said the activist ? !uring the hunger stri0eA Ha/are wi be situated in his vi ageA Ra egaon #iddhi in western 7aharashtra? %he hunger stri0e wi be he d under the banner of the organi/ation ( F;antatra 7orchaA created by him? #imu taneous yA actions against corruptionA in so idarity with Ha/areA wi be he d in the states of *un2abA HaryanaA )ttar *radeshA $ihar and Ra2asthanA which were visited by the activist in the past si1 months to achieve the Fawa0ening of peop e? +ast yearA Ha/are went on hunger stri0e in the capita ( ,ew !e hi? He went on a hunger stri0eA demanding the inc usion of independent e1pertsA proposed by

the pub icA in the wor0ing group for creating the anti(corruption aw? Ha/are and his supporters be ieve that officia s wi never approve of a aw on their ownA restricting the possibi ity of receiving bribes? %he action gained widespread support and approva of the pub ic and the authorities had to concede? As a part of the wor0ing group on the creation of the awA Ha/are and some of his associates ca ed on to ma0e a number of provisions in the bi that were re2ected by government e1perts? Current yA the bi is awaiting approva of the *ar iament? 5oice of &%ssia, 08'12'201 India red%ces e)0ort of gold 2ewelry in .0ril(?ctober by C*D' =6port of gold 5ewelry from India during the period April,&ctober fell by >1? compared to the same period last year and amounted to about @ 1 billion( due to the lac/ of precious metals( reported The Aall .treet %ournal. %he reason for this was the new reEuirements aimed at reducing import of go d in an attempt to reduce the unending trade deficitA notes the artic e? India raised import ta1es on precious meta sA as we as imposed various restrictions on the use of imported go d? As a resu tA sa e of Indian 2ewe ry may ose its share in the g oba mar0etA which can be ta0en over by Chinese manufacturers? ChinaA which this year has overta0en India in terms of go d consumption and ran0s first in the wor dA is heading towards ta0ing a significant share of g oba 2ewe ry e1ports too? Chinese companies have a ready increased their sa es to !ubaiA the argest destination of Indian 2ewe ry e1portsA whi e %ur0ey is gradua y rep acing India in the 6uropean mar0etA reports the newspaper? &%ssia -oday, 06'12'201 E0ic mail fail< Indian Minister in c$arge of sec%re email 0olicy %ses 9otmail' India has been drawing up a new emai po icy to he p secure government communications in the wa0e of )# spying disc osures? HoweverA the officia who drafts the new ru es sti uses Hotmai ? %he fact became 0nown to the pub ic after I% 7inister =api #iba .s office sent an e(mai inviting 2ourna ists to the aunch of his new persona website using the free service Hotmai ?

#iba refused to comment on the matterA but another top officia in his ministry to d A"* on condition of anonymity that he persona y preferred 'mai because it is "2ust a ot easier?" "Ie 0eep movingA get different designationsA go different p aces and with thatA our emai s change? Qou ose contacts and important emai sA which you don.t need to worry about with a 'mai accountA" the officia said? "%o be honestA the Eua ity of our officia mai isn.t that great yet? It sti needs some wor0A" he added? #enior government wor0ers i0e foreign ministry officia sA the information and broadcasting minister and the hea th ministry secretaryA a so use 'mai A Hotmai or Qahoo instead of their wor0 accountsA A"* reported? India announced new e(mai security po icy in #eptemberA after reve ations supp ied by former ,#A contractor 6dward #nowden demonstrated how the ,#A too0 over > bi ion pieces of information from Indias computer and te ephone networ0s in 2ust one month? %he B:: mi ion p an was aiming to bring around 3 mi ion pub ic emp oyees onto the government.s emai domainA powered by the ,ationa Informatics Centre (,ICD as ear y as mid(!ecember? Indias I% ministry was a so schedu ing wor0shops to teach emp oyees about emai securityA such as when to change passwordsA user names and even how to use emai ? #tatistics demonstrate that so farA up to H9 per cent of Indian government officia s use private emai accounts for professiona purposesA I% e1perts at the Centre for Internet and #ociety in $anga ore said? 5oice of &%ssia, 0A'12'201 ,ational mo%rning o"er t$e deat$ of Mandela anno%nced in India' &n <riday( India announced of a fi)e,day national mourning on the death of !elson 8andela. )nti %uesdayA :9th of !ecemberA nationa f ags wi be hoisted at ha f( mast? %his was reported by 7inister of Information and $roadcastingA 7anish %ewari? 6ar ierA *rime 7inister 7anmohan #ingh e1pressed his

condo ences over the death of ,e son 7ande a and noted that the ife and wor0 of the former eader of the Repub ic of #outh Africa wi continue to inspire new generations? *resident *ranab 7u0her2eeA in turnA ca ed 7ande a Fa statesmanA a g oba eader and an icon that inspires humanity? It is be ieved that 7ahatma 'andhis inspiration in the strugg e for independence of IndiaN inc uding nonvio ent resistance (#atyagrahaD was formed in #outh AfricaA where he went to wor0 in :LH@? 7ande a himse f admitted that 'andhi.s views had a significance inf uence on his own? II !o"erage on India#s neig$bo%r$ood 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 Pentagon c$ief 9agel wants ,.-? forces to remain in .fg$anistan after 201*' Bentagon chief( Charles :agel in a meeting with American soldiers in Afghanistan on .unday( said that he supports the plan( under which !AT& troops can remain in the country after #$01. At a meeting with the mi itary at the base of FCamp $astion in He mand provinceA he said that ,A%- forces may sti p ay an important ro e in stabi i/ing the situation in Afghanistan? As reportedA the main forces of internationa forces are supposed to withdraw from Afghanistan in 89:4? HoweverA this issue remains unreso vedA as the *residents of Afghanistan and the )nited #tates have not agreed on an agreement on bi atera cooperation in the fie d of security? Hage said the )?#? High Command sees Fa new phase of its mission in Afghanistan to trainA adviseA assist and fight against terrorism? If the peop e of Afghanistan want to continue with the re ationshipA our answer is yesA he said? *resent yA in Afghanistan under the ,A%- commandA there are 4> thousand American so diers and 8G thousand troops from the internationa coa ition forces? A most a of them have to eave Afghanistan before the end of 89:4? According to the origina p anA the )?#? p anned that about :8 thousand so diers wi remain in Afghanistan to train Afghani troops to fight mi itants and the FA Maeda? 5oice of &%ssia, 08'12'201

.fg$anistan ass%res to sign bilateral sec%rity agreement wit$ >+ timely' )# !efense #ecretary Chuc0 Hage on #aturday said he had received assurances during a visit to =abu that a ong(de ayed dea a owing )# troops to stay in Afghanistan after 89:4 wou d be signed "in a time y manner"? After meetings in the Afghan capita A Hage to d reporters that !efense 7inister $ismi ah =han 7ohammadi "assured me the $#A wou d be signed in a time y manner"? %he agreement wi be a framewor0 document that wi determine the re ations between the two countries after the withdrawa of American forces from Afghanistan by the end of 89:4? "or oneA it ays out the ru es for )#( ed troops to operate in Afghanistan after 89:4? Afghan *resident Hamid =ar/ai said the agreement wou d be signed on y after *residentia e ections that wi be he d on Apri 3? 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 Drone o0erators need not ta4e 0recise aims now' The Bentagon has eased for operators of drones the reCuirements of minimi*ing ci)ilian casualties. 61perts be ieve that this measure is re ated to future e1pansion of operations in the framewor0 of the doctrine of "hyper(remote war?" %he idea of innovation is that now the )?#? mi itary are prescribed to ensure that co atera damage is "not e1cessive" in comparison with the ob2ectives of a particu ar operation? In factA Americans are preparing us for the fact that in future combat drones wi be used much more wide y than it is today? V adimir =o/inA a consu tant with the interdepartmenta wor0ing group of e1perts under the *residentia Administration on missi e defence and member of RA,# comments& Internationa yA there are no constraints? %herefore it is necessary to conc ude an internationa agreement on banning combat drones with

weapons on board? *a0istan and Afghanistan are the worst sufferers in this regard? !uring the operations against +ibyaA they were a so used? )nfortunate yA the AmericansA in addition to the above(mentioned countriesA intend to e1pand the networ0 of their app ication to new dis ocationA inc uding the north(western Indian -ceanA the north( eastern part of AfricaA the region of the Arabian *eninsu aA and the *ersian 'u f? )?#? mi itary and po itica eadership p ans to re y on the conduct of hosti ities by eEuipment which is operated from a distance of thousands of mi esA in the so(ca ed cyber(attac0 war? %hey have a fundamenta y new basis in comparison with traditiona fighting? "rom the standpoint of internationa awA 0i ing of combatants is permissib e if the two countries are at war? HoweverA for e1amp eA *a0istan and the )nited #tates are officia y not at warA and therefore targeted 0i ings in *a0istan are i ega ? %hat is why the use of drones is compared with non( 2udicia punishment? $ut even if the aws were changedA the prob em of co atera damage sti remains? #ays the director of the Center of strategic situations Ivan =onova ov& FIt is c ear that the mi itary are reEuired to minimi/e osses? Idea yA there shou d not be any civi ian casua ties? And the use of unmanned aircraft 2ust entai s very serious civi ian casua ties because of remote contro ? In factA it is Euite difficu t for the operator to understand who is in front of him ( the mi itantsA terroristsA guerri as or civi ians? %he use of unmanned aircraft is raising more Euestions and criticism? %his is a sub2ect for consideration by the )nited ,ations? At the same timeA if the Americans decided to ease the contro over the operators of unmanned aircraftA it can be regarded as recognition of drones as the main stri0ing force in American operations? Creating ess stringent regu ations of their use is beneficia to the *entagon? It can be assumed with great certainty that after the revision of instructions by the *entagon the number of so(ca ed "innocent victims" of the )?#? drone stri0es wi on y increase? 5oice of &%ssia, 09'12'201 1al%c$istan as a s0ringboard 0ad for dismemberment of t$ree co%ntries' -n #aturday e ections to oca bodies wi be he d in *a0istan.s $a uchistan province? %he 'overnment has ta0en unprecedented security measuresA and

separatists greeted the upcoming e ections with a series of high(profi e actions ( from ca s for a genera stri0e to attac0s and c ashes with the po ice? %here is no doubt that e1terna forces ( primari y the )nited #tates and #audi Arabia ( wi try to e1p oit the situation ? It is no secret that p ans have been hatched since ong for the dismemberment of *a0istan and neighboring Afghanistan and IranA and for the creation on the territory inhabited by $a uchis of a springboard for the most radica forces that may ( conscious y or unconscious y become conductors of a ien po icy? In the e ections in $a ochistan more than 4 thousand seats in the oca authorities are at sta0eA the number of contestants is more than :L thousand? *a0istani authorities have deputed to the province a most 33 thousand security personne A inc uding the armyA po ice and border guards ? %hese measures wi be necessary& in recent days separatists have intensified their terrorist activities ( there were e1p osionsA 0idnapping (inc uding candidates for e ectionDA and c ashes with the po ice in the province? %wo parties ( the $a och Repub ican *artyA $R* and $a och ,ationa 7ovementA $,7 (0nown in *a0istan by their oca names ( ;amhoori Iatan *arty and HaE ,a %awarD have ca ed for a boycott of the e ections and genera stri0e on "riday and #aturday ? %he $a och prob em is one of the most acute and chronic prob ems of po itica ife in *a0istanA said $oris Vo 0hons0iA an e1pert at the Russian Institute for #trategic #tudies ? %hese peop eA who iveA in addition to *a0istanA in Afghanistan and Iran a soA do not have their own statehood? In *a0istan the authorities for decades c ear y paid insufficient attention to economic deve opment of this part of the country which is potentia y rich in minera resources? In turnA this ed to the growth of separatist sentiment and radica i/ation of the nationa ist forces that waged an armed strugg e for secession of the province and the creation of an independent state of $a ochistan a most from the very first years of independence of *a0istan? It shou d be noted that the $a och strugg e for independence cou d hard y ast for so ongA if they had not been supported by powerfu forces from outside? $a ochis are #unnis and they have a ways en2oyed considerab e support from #audi ArabiaA for which the estab ishment of $a ochistan wou d open a aunching pad at the borders of its main geopo itica riva in the region ( Iran?

In recent yearsA increased attention of the wor d community to the territory inhabited by $a uchis is due to the imp ementation of p ans of two ma2or infrastructure pro2ects? -ne is re ated to the reconstruction of 'wadar port in *a0istanA and its connection through a networ0 of roads and pipe ines to western regions of China ? Another pro2ect invo ves the deve opment of port infrastructure in Iranian ports of Chabahar and $andar Abbas? %hey shou d become the 0ey e ements of the Indo(Iranian(Russian pro2ect of the internationa transport corridor ",orth ( #outh"? %he )?#? or #audi Arabia wou d not we come the feasibi ity of these pro2ects as these countries are not invo ved in them?A ( says $oris Vo 0hons0i? < Hence the specia attention e1hibited by some members of the Iashington estab ishment to the $a ochi prob em? #pecia /ea is e1hibited by the American Congressman !ana Rohrabacher? He has been constant y advocating for the independence of $a ochistan? %here is no doubt that the e ections in $a ochistan wi be used again as a prete1t to aunch a campaign for se f(determination of the $a ochi peop e? Instead of acting in a constitutiona way and achieving their goa s through the process of e ectionsA the separatists chose to boycott the e ections and carry out terroristic activities? %hese activities wi inevitab y ead to reta iatory action by the authoritiesA and this in turn wi give a reason for the new campaign on "human rights ?" At the same time the Americans have to hurry ( the creation of a aunching pad on the direct route from Afghanistan to the Arabian #ea wou d be very handy to them now < the troop withdrawa from Afghanistan is round the corner? 5oice of &%ssia, 06'12'201 Pa4istani dr%g traffic4er be$eaded in +a%di .rabia' A nati)e of Ba/istan was beheaded on charges of heroin traffic/ing in .audi Arabia( which is /nown for its ultra,conser)ati)e laws. A statement issued by the #audi Interior 7inistry says that the convictA 7ohammed Rayer =han Mo was arrested on charges of smugg ing a arge Euantity of heroin into the 0ingdom? %he pena ty was e1ecuted in the westA in the region of 7ecca and has become the G@rd in a row this year in #audi Arabia? In 89:8A #audi Arabia e1ecuted 2ust G> peop eA reports the agency

"rance(*resseA based on officia statistics? %he Internationa human rights organi/ation FHuman Rights Iatch reports of >H e1ecutions? According to the strict Is amic awA punishment by death pena ty in #audi Arabia is app icab e for rapeA murderA apostasyA armed robbery and drug traffic0ing? III !o"erage on &%ssia and its neig$bo%r$ood 1' &%ssia(E)ternal .ll %nfilled c$emical arms containers destroyed in +yria' $R)##6+#A !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < An internationa watchdog overseeing the remova of #yrias chemica stoc0pi e confirmed that a the respective unfi ed munition containers had been destroyed ahead of schedu e? -n ,ovember :LA #yria informed the secretariat of the -rgani/ation for the *rohibition of Chemica Ieapons that a unfi ed chemica munitions on its territory had been e iminated? %he -*CI confirmed the information on "riday in a statement citing its mission in the war(torn country? %he organi/ations e1ecutive counci ast month approved a detai edA tentative p an for the dismant ement of the #yrian governments chemica arsena to be accomp ished in the Fsafest and soonest manner no ater than ;une @9A 89:4? %he p an envisioned the remova of a dec ared chemica substances and precursors < e1cept for the sarin component isopropano < no ater than "ebruary 3A 89:4A with the Fmost critica chemica s to be transported out of the country before !ecember @:? #yrian chemica weapons faci ities are set to undergo seEuenced destruction from !ecember :3 to 7arch :3? +yria o00osition coalition to ta4e 0art in =ene"a 2 %nder +yrian re"ol%tion banner'

=)IAI% CI%QA !ecember H (Itar(%assD ( %he ,ationa Coa ition for #yrian Revo utionary and -pposition "orces (,CRD that is based in Istanbu wi ta0e part in the 'eneva 8 conference on y under the banner of the #yrian revo utionA ,CR *resident Ahmad A (;arba stated in an interview to the =),A news agencyA made pub ic on 7onday? F%he coa ition members over the past 89 days have been meeting to present to the internationa community their vision of the 'eneva 8A A (;arba said? FIe agreed to ta0e part in the conferenceA howeverA we wi attend it on y under the banner of the #yrian revo ution? F%he ,CR had preconditionsA which we announced at a meeting in +ondon of :: "oreign 7inisters of the countries that are active y sponsoring the #yrian revo ution? %hey supported these conditionsA especia y the creation of corridors for the humanitarian aid de iveryA which has not been done to this dayA A (;arba said? In his viewA the fu fi ment of this condition wou d be one of the main factors of the 'eneva conference success? &%ssia is for in"iting Iran to =ene"a(2 international conference on +yria ( ;oreign Ministry' 7-#C-IA !ecember H (Itar(%assD ( Russia is for inviting to the 'eneva(8 internationa conference of the regions inf uentia countriesA inc uding IranA Russias foreign ministry said on the eve of the visit of "oreign 7inister #ergei +avrov to %ehranA which is due on !ecember ::? FRussia and Iran share in many aspects the positions on the #yrian crisisA the Russian foreign ministry said? FIe see the ma2or ob2ective in soonest stopping of the b oodshed and sufferings of the #yrian peop e by means of aunching a wide inter(#yrian dia ogue on the basis of the 'eneva communiEuS of ;une @9A 89:8? FIe are against force variants for sett ing the #yrian crisis? Ie are convinced any outside interference in the #yrian home conf ict without invo vement of the ), #ecurity Counci wi on y dramatise the very comp icated situation in that countryA wi add to the sufferings of its peop eA and wi reduce chances for agreements between the #yrian sides? -ther Euestions on the agenda of the visit to Iran inc ude& preparations for the Caspian summit due in Astra0han in autumn 89:4A cooperation on AfghanistanA fighting drug traffic0ing in the region?

FIe be ieve Russia and Iran shou d app y ma1imum efforts to give an additiona impetus to sett ement of the tas0s in successfu A fourthA round of the Caspian summit in Astra0han in autumn of 89:4A the Russian foreign ministry said? FIe e1pect to in0 there severa important documents? As for the situation in AfghanistanA the Russian dip omatic authority said it we comed %ehrans intentions to estab ish c ose cooperation in the region Fand a so Irans efforts on fighting drug traffic0ing from the territory of AfghanistanA which is a ma2or threat to the internationa peace and stabi ity? !uring the visitA the two sides wi discuss various aspects of the trade and economic cooperation? FRussia and Iran have a mutua y(adding potentia sA which may be rea ised for the socia and economic deve opment of the two countries? Ie hope that on the basis of the ear ier resu ts and the e1perience in the bi atera cooperationA we sha be ab e to improve the mutua tradeA the foreign ministry said? F%his is the focus of the permanent Russian(Iranian commission on trade and economic cooperation? F%he Russian(Iranian re ations are based on friendship and good neighbourhood and do not depend on po itica situations? %he po itica dia ogue between eaders of the two countries has been ongoing and has been very intensive ate y? Ie p an to continue deve oping the mutua y beneficia re ations with IranA to continue cooperation in the interests of the regiona stabi ity and internationa security? Ie hope the ine for the overwhe ming mutua y beneficia cooperation wi continueA the Russian foreign ministry said? &%ssian di0lomats c$arged wit$ fra%d to lea"e >+' 7-#C-IA !ecember H (RIA ,ovostiD < 6 even Russian dip omats in the )nited #tates who were charged with medica care fraud wi short y eave the countryA a Russian newspaper reported 7onday? )# prosecutors a eged ast wee0 that do/ens of Russian dip omats and their spouses had defrauded the countrys medica system of B:?3 mi ion since 8994? -f the 4H Russian defendantsA @L are a ready in different postings? %he remaining :: wi have their )# postings cut short and wi soon eave the

)nited #tatesA Russian dai y =ommersant reported? %he defendants sti in the )# inc ude five dip omats wor0ing at the Russian 7ission to the )nited ,ationsA and their five spouses? %he other defendant is emp oyed at the Russian 6mbassy in Iashington? A of the defendants have dip omatic immunityA and none have been arrestedA )# prosecutors said ast wee0? Russia said "riday that the case was an attempt to ta0e revenge for Fissues unre ated to bi atera re ations? )# prosecutors c aimed that between 8994 and August 89:@A the defendants dec ared fa se incomes or fraudu ent y c aimed that their chi dren were )# citi/ens in order to obtain 7edicaid benefits associated with costs for pregnancy and chi dcare? !uring the same periodA the defendants spent Ftens of thousands of do ars on u1ury vacations and e1pensive watchesA c othesA shoes and 2ewe ry at u1ury retai ers i0e *rada and %iffany O Co?A the )# Attorneys -ffice said? -o0 >+ di0lomat for E%ro0e to "isit Moscow' 7-#C-IA !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < )# Assistant #ecretary of #tate for 6urope and 6urasian Affairs Victoria ,u and wi arrive in 7oscow #unday for ta 0s with senior Russian government officia s? !uring the three(day visit to the Russian capita A ,u and is e1pected to meet with Russian deputy "oreign 7inistersA as we as foreign po icy e1perts and civi society representatives? 6ar ier this wee0A ,u and paid a visit to 'eorgia to meet with the countrys new eadership and )0raineA where she attended a ministeria meeting of the -rgani/ation for #ecurity and Cooperation in 6urope (-#C6D and he d ta 0s with the opposition? In =ievA gripped by massive anti(government protestsA ,u and to d 2ourna ists& F%his is )0raines moment to meet the aspirations of its peop e or to disappoint themA and ris0 descending into chaos and vio ence? %he ra ies in =iev and in other cities across )0raine erupted ate ast month

in reaction to the governments decision to bac0 away from a dea to sign association agreement and free trade dea s with the 6)? &%ssia 0%s$ing for E> "isa(free tra"el deal in Ean%ary' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < Russia is pushing for a visa(free trave dea to be in0ed with the 6uropean )nion as soon as ;anuaryA but the Iestern b oc has yet to signa wi ingness to fina i/e any agreements and the pro2ect may be pushed bac0 another yearA a high(ran0ing "oreign 7inistry officia said "riday? A ong series of biannua meetings between Russia and the 6) have fai ed to yie d any tangib e resu ts in oosening visa restrictions or estab ishing a visa(free regime between the two? HoweverA 7oscow is ready to sign a visa(free regime with the b oc at an 6)(Russia summit schedu ed for ;anuary 89:4 Fif the 6) countries and the 6uropean Commission demonstrate the necessary po itica wi A said Anvar A/imovA Ambassador(at( arge for Russias "oreign 7inistry? He said that 7oscow has offered to ho d a wor0ing meeting to discuss deve opment of the agreementA but that the 6uropean side hasn.t responded? ,oting that it.s now too ate to enter into a visa(free regime in 89:4A A/imov said that Russia wou d sti i0e to fina i/e an agreement to be imp emented ne1t year? %he sides haveA howeverA reached an understanding on biometric passports < one of the preconditions of the visa dea ? A/imov said Russia had agreed to imit the number of peop e e igib e to enter the 6) without a visa to those with biometric passportsA which contain e ectronic security features? About :9A999 Russians current y ho d biometric passportsA and the government wont grant more than >A999 additiona ones in the near futureA A/imov said? He added that :L9A999 6) officia s current y had biometric passports? Russia and the 6) reached a visa faci itation agreement in 899G to ower

visa feesA simp ify procedures and ma0e mu tientry visas more accessib e? 7oscow has made visa(free trave with the 6) a foreign(po icy priority? HoweverA resistance within the 6) towards further visa ibera i/ation remainsA due to fears that it cou d ead to a rise in i ega immigration and crime? &%ssian Premier defends ban on >+ ado0tions' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < Russian *rime 7inister !mitry 7edvedev praised a aw banning adoptions by Americans on "ridayA c aiming it had prompted more Russians to adoptA even though H3 chi dren affected by the egis ation remain without a fami y? In the first nine months of this year 3A999 more chi dren were adopted by Russians than in the same period ast yearA 7edvedev said during an interview with Russian %V channe s broadcast "riday? He did not give the tota figure? FIt means that certain mora mechanisms have been enacted? 7edvedev said? "-ur tas0 was to attract peop es attention?" %he so(ca ed F!ima Qa0ov ev aw banning )# adoptions was named after a Russian boy aged 8: months who died of heatstro0e in ;u y 899LA after his American adoptive father eft him in the bac0 of his car for nine hours? %he ban spar0ed an outcry in Russia and abroadA with critics saying the aw denied thousands of chi dren the chance of finding a fami y? According to 7edvedevA 83H chi dren whose adoptions by their prospective American fami ies were cut short by the ban at different stages of the bureaucratic processA had to stay in Russian orphanage faci ities? Ihi e most of them have subseEuent y been adopted by RussiansA H3 are sti orphansA he said? %he database of those awaiting adoption ists about :9HA999 chi drenA according to an officia 6ducation 7inistry website? International .tomic Energy .gency ins0ectors "isit .ra4 n%clear site in Iran'

7-#C-IA !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < 61perts from the ), nuc ear watchdog have started inspections at Iran.s heavy(water reactor under construction at Ara0A the I#,A news agency reported #unday? Iran has invited the Internationa Atomic 6nergy Agency (IA6AD to visit the p ant as part of ast months agreement on a wider inspection of the countrys nuc ear sites to remove ambiguity over its disputed nuc ear program? A team of inspectors arrived to visit the nuc ear faci ityA southwest of %ehranA on #aturday? %his wi be the third visit to site by the IA6A inspectorsA spo0esman of the Atomic 6nergy -rgani/ation of Iran (A6-ID to d the "ars news agency? Ana ysts be ieve the Ara0 p ant may provide Iran with weapons(grade p utoniumA an a ternative ingredient for a nuc ear bomb? %ehran says Ara0 was designed to produce isotopes for medica and agricu tura useA and that it has no intention to reprocess spent fue from the reactor into p utonium for weapons? %ehran has agreed to temporary free/e its nuc ear research in e1change for ifting of some of the cripp ing internationa sanctions? "7 +avrovA Israe i "oreign 7inister to discuss regiona A g oba issues? 7-#C-IA !ecember H (Itar(%assD ( Russian "oreign 7inister #ergei +avrov said he was hopefu to discuss with Israe i counterpart Avigdor +ieberman 0ey regiona and internationa issues? FIm very g ad to we come the Israe i vice(premier and "oreign 7inister who has arrived in 7oscow to ta0e part in the intergovernmenta commission on trade and economic cooperationA +avrov said? FIe used an opportunity to discuss regiona and internationa issuesA the Russian minister added? +ieberman said he was p eased to arrive in 7oscowA particu ar y in the winter? FIm hoping that we serious y discuss regiona prob ems? %here are enough prob ems? %husA the brea0fast wi be intensiveA the Israe i minister said?

%hen the meeting continued behind c osed doors? Ea0an scrambles fig$ter 2ets to trac4 &%ssian bombers' %-=Q-A !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < ;apan p aced its air force on a ert on "riday after two Russian %upo ev %u(H3 $ear strategic bombers f ew near its airspaceA the ;apanese mi itary said? %he two Russian bombers reported y f ew near ;apans northernmost Ho00aido is and and f ew above the #ea of ;apan past the Honshu is and? %he Russian aircraft did not vio ate the countrys airspaceA but ;apanese fighter 2ets were put on a ertA the ;apan #e f(!efense "orces said? %wo simi ar incidentsA invo ving Russias %u(H3 and %upo ev %u(:48 reconnaissance p anesA were reported in ,ovember? %he ;apan Air #e f(!efense "orce was put on a ert :93 times between ;u y and #eptember because of f ybys by Russian aircraftA according to mi itary authorities? ;apan remains very sensitive to the Russian mi itary activity near its borders as bi atera re ations have ong been overshadowed by a territoria dispute over the =uri Is ands in the north *acific? %he four disputed is ands < IturupA =unashirA #hi0otan and Habomai < were occupied by #oviet forces at the end of Ior d Iar II and are sti c aimed by ;apan? %he two states never signed a permanent peace treaty fo owing the end of Ior d Iar II because of the row over the is andsA which Russia ca s the #outhern =uri s and ;apan ca s the ,orthern %erritories? 2' &%ssia(Internal .mnesty s$o%ldn@t 2%st be for famo%s 0risoners &%ssian PM' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD T *rime 7inister !mitry 7edvedev said "riday that a mass amnesty proposed by the Russian government shou d not be imited to high(profi e prisoners?

Ihen as0ed whether the amnesty proposed to mar0 the 89th anniversary of the constitution shou d inc ude famed inmates such as tycoon 7i0hai =hodor0ovs0y and members of the feminist pun0 group *ussy RiotA 7edvedev said there were many more prisoners who cou d be freed and that the criterion for amnesty shou d be the nature of their crime and not their name? F-ne shou d not forget about the G99A999 peop e current y incarcerated in prison faci itiesA 7edvedev said during an interview with prominent %V anchors? He suggested that the amnesty shou d inc ude minorsA pregnant women and pensioners? "Ihy do we on y ever thin0 about those who are uc0y enough to be in the spot ightA who are at the center of an internationa disputeU" 7edvedev said? According to a report in =ommersant dai y pub ished "ridayA more than @9A999 peop e cou d be amnestied under the proposa to mar0 the 89th anniversary ater this month of the adoption of Russias constitution? %he report said about :A@99 peop e current y serving prison sentences cou d be re easedA whi e the rest wou d be peop e serving suspended sentences or sti on tria ? Human rights activists have ca ed for the re ease of prisoners whose cases have been c assified by rights groups as po itica y motivatedA inc uding some of the protesters arrested for a eged non(vio ent crimes after the 7ay 89:8 anti(=rem in ra y? -n IednesdayA *resident V adimir *utin e1pressed his support for the amnesty but didnt indicate who wou d be re eased? =ommersant said there wou d be no amnesty for peop e who had committed crimes against representatives of the stateA primari y aw enforcement officers? &%ssian ;ormer Defense Minister c$arged wit$ negligence' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < A former Russian defense minister was forma y charged on "riday with neg igence that a eged y caused 3> mi ion rub es (B:?G mi ionD worth of damage to the state? %he chargesA fi ed against Anato y #erdyu0ov over c aims that he ordered

so diers to bui d a road eading to an e ite ho iday resortA do not entai a prison term and are punishab e by either a fine or community service? F%hose are 2ust initia charges that investigators are ob iged to fi e within :9 days after terms of pretria detention are chosen for a suspectA Investigative Committee spo0esman V adimir 7ar0in said? He said the investigation wou d continue and different charges might be fi ed ater? #erdyu0ov reiterated on "riday that he was not invo ved in the a eged crime and avai ed himse f of his constitutiona right to dec ine to give evidenceA a though his awyer said the e1(minister was Fwi ing to testify? He was not p aced in custody and wa 0ed free after promising not to eave his p ace of residence? Investigators say #erdyu0ov gave verba commands to his subordinates to compe so diers to bui d a private road to the Rhitnoye resort comp e1 near the Caspian #eaA as we as perform construction 2obs at the resort itse f? %he Rhitnoye resortA reported y worth about B4?3 mi ionA was owned by #erdyu0ovs brother(in( aw at the time the so diers were a eged y invo ved in construction wor0 at the site? ?"er t$ree million illegal migrants stay in &%ssia ( federal migration ser"ice' 7-#C-IA !ecember H (Itar(%assD ( About @?3(@?> i ega migrants are staying in Russia nowA head of the federa migration service =onstantin Romadanovs0y said on 7onday? FAbout L?3 mi ion peop e en2oying visa(free regimes are in the Russian territory now? I ega migrantsA coming most y from the CI# countriesA have entered Russia ega y but vio ated the term of the visit? Ie estimateA in the Russian territory there are @?3(@?> mi ion foreign citi/ens ( those who have e1ceeded the ega term for staying in the country? FMuite oftenA migrants vio ate the conditions on intention as they rea ise the ac0 of economic future in their countries?

Romadanovs0y said F3: percent of the peop e for who entrance to the Russian "ederation in c osed are young peop e between :G and 8H? 6very dayA the automatic system c oses entrance for about @A999 i ega migrants? *resent yA 4:9A999 peop e do not have a right to enter Russia? &%ssia la%nc$es 1ritis$ satellite' 7-#C-IA !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < A Russian *roton(7 carrier roc0et with a $ritish te ecoms sate ite b asted off from the $ai0onur space center in =a/a0hstan on #undayA the Russian space agency Roscosmos said? %he aunch occurred at :>&:8 7oscow %ime V:8&:8 '7%WA as p anned? %he orbita unit (the $ree/e 7 upper stage and the sate iteD has separated from the roc0etA a Roscosmos spo0esman to d RIA ,ovosti? %he Inmarsat(3 ": sate ites separation is due in some :3 hoursA on 7onday? %he sate iteA bui t by $oeing #ate ite #ystemsA provides a wide range of voice and data services through an estab ished g oba networ0 of distributors and service providers? Its e1pected service ife is :3 years in geostationary orbit? %his was the third sate ite of the Inmarsat series aunched with the he p of a *roton(7 carrier roc0et? According to ,A#AA the sate ite is one of three =a(band Inmarsat(3 sate ites ordered from $oeing by )=(based sate ite operator Inmarsat at a price of some B: bi ion? 6ach Inmarsat(3 sate ite wi carry LH =a(band beams that wi operate in geosynchronous orbit providing f e1ib e g oba coverage? Ihen operationa A the Inmarsat(3 group wi provide the operator with a comprehensive range of g oba mobi e sate ite servicesA inc uding in(f ight connectivity for air ine passengersA mobi e broadband communications for deep(sea vesse sA and streaming high(reso ution videoA voice and data? Man w$o attem0ted to dri"e car into 3remlin sent to mental $os0ital' 7-#C-IA !ecember G (RIA ,ovostiD < A man who attempted to drive his

car into the =rem in on "riday has been hospita i/ed to undergo a psychiatric treatmentA 7oscow po ice said on #aturday? %he driver of Vo 0swagenA whose name was not disc osed by the officia sA was detained "riday after he tried to get through one of the =rem ins gates c osed for traffic and co ided with a po ice car? A video posted on the Russian tab oid website +ife,ews showed the car being rammed ight y by a po ice car before driving around in s owA erratic circ es on the street outside the gate? *o ice chased the car on foot and then in patro cars during the H9(second video before successfu y stopping the driver? It was not c ear what prompted his actions? -n #aturdayA the po ice said that the man was identified a !agestan(born genera director of an unnamed firm? He was ta0en to the po ice station and ater hospita i/ed to a psychiatric institution? ;o%r s%s0ected militants 4illed in ,ort$ !a%cas%s' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < "our suspected mi itants were 0i ed in a specia operation on "riday in Russias ,orth Caucasus Repub ic of =abardino($a 0ariaA Russias anti(terrorism body said? -ne of those 0i ed was identified as a mi itant eaderA who was put on the federa wanted ist in 89::? F%he mi itant group is responsib e for e1p osionsA attac0s on aw(enforcers and e1tortion of arge sums of money from entrepreneursA the ,ationa Anti(%errorism Committee said in a statement? *o ice a so detained a suspected accomp iceA who provided she ter and transport to the group? ' Economy Inflation in &%ssia may be close to A'C 0ercent ( &%ssia#s Minister of Economic De"elo0ment >l%4aye"' 7-#C-IA !ecember H (Itar(%assD ( Russias 7inister of 6conomic

!eve opment A e1ei ) u0ayev did not ru e out in 89:@ the inf ation wou d be c ose to >?3 percent? At the same timeA he saidA the ministry of economic deve opment did not see reasons to change the officia forecast on consumer prices for the going year? F%he situation is not stab eA as it depends of a mass of immediate factors? !ecember may demonstrate a growth of either 9?4 percentA or 9?L percent? %husA in my opinionA we have about eEua chances the annua inf ation wi ma0e >?8 percentA as we as >?3 percentA the minister said? &%ssia#s !entral 1an4 not to warn ban4s of license re"ocation' V+A!IV-#%-=A !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < Russias Centra $an0 said #unday it cannot warn ban0s of a possib e icense revocation beforehand because there is a ris0 that some ban0s wou d try to move out their assets? %he statement came wee0s after the operating icense of a ma2or 7oscow ban0 was revo0ed? F,o one 0nows who is ne1t? Ie cannot warn anyoneA it wou d even be wrongN I do not 0now any country in the wor d whose Centra $an0 wou d warn Vban0sW of icense revocationA Centra $an0 head 6 vira ,abiu ina to d Russias Channe -ne in an interview? FIt is i0e y that when the ban0 is warned of icense revocationA an unfair owner or managers wi start moving out assets paying their c ose c ients whi e ordinary depositors wi get much essA ,abiu ina said? #he cited the e1amp e of 7aster $an0A whose icense was recent y revo0ed by the Centra $an0 in its drive against shadow ban0ingA saying the decision to revo0e the icense Fmade it possib e to 0eep :: bi ion rub es on the ban0s accounts? PM Med"ede" defends &%ssia@s @reliable@ ban4ing system' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < *rime 7inister !mitry 7edvedev said "riday that Russias ban0ing system was re iab e when cha enged during a te evision interview about a spate of ban0s that have had their icenses revo0ed? FIe have a system that is modern and re iab eA 7edvedev said during an annua meeting with prominent Russian te evision anchors broadcast ive?

FIe are 2ust adapting it to a new rea ity? Russias centra ban0 has revo0ed the icenses of more than 89 sma and mid(si/ed ban0s this year as it crac0s down on shadowy ban0ing activity in the country? 7edvedev said that one of the reasons for the changes current y underway is Russias ob igation to conform to internationa financia agreementsA inc uding the $ase III g oba ban0ing accords? A though Russia has about H99 ban0sA the ban0ing mar0et is dominated by a few giant enders owned by the state? &%ssia to 0%m0 o"er C20 million tonnes of oil in 201 Minister' IA#HI,'%-,A !ecember G (RIA ,ovostiD < 6nergy 7inister A e1ander ,ova0 said #aturday that Russia wi pump more than 389 mi ion tonnes of crude oi in 89:@A a post(#oviet record? A ready the wor ds biggest producerA Russia has boosted oi production this year on the bac0 of high prices? F%his year we e1pect oi VoutputW to be about 389 mi ion tonnesA despite setting a goa of pumping between 393 to 3:9 mi ion tonnesA ,ova0 to d reporters during a trip to the )nited #tates for meetings with his )# counterpart? In 89:8 Russia produced 3:L mi ion tonnes of oi A up from 3::?4 mi ion tonnes in 89::? *' !I+ & ,eig$bo%r$ood &%ssian and >4rainian Presidents meet in +oc$i' 7-#C-IX=I6VA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < Russian *resident V adimir *utin met brief y with his )0rainian counterpart Vi0tor Qanu0ovych in Russias $ ac0 #ea resort city of #ochi on "ridayA the =rem in spo0esman said? F%he )0rainian *resident made a stop in #ochi on his way home from ChinaA !mitry *es0ov said?

%he =rem in said in a statement that the two *residents discussed Fcurrent bi atera re ations and preparations for the upcoming meeting of the Russian( )0rainian Interstate Commission in 7oscow? %he )0rainian *residents press service said Qanu0ovych and *utin a so addressed trade and economic cooperationA and a draft Russian()0rainian strategic partnership treaty? %he meeting too0 p ace against a bac0drop of massive protests in )0raines capita =ievA spar0ed ate ast month by Qanu0ovychs announcement that it wou d re2ect an Association Agreement strengthening po itica and trade ties with the 6uropean )nion and estab ish stronger in0s with Russia instead? -pposition eaders in =iev have accused Russia of pressuring Qanu0ovych to re2ect the dea with the 6)A a charge denied by 7oscow? PM Med"ede" denies &%ssia 0ress%red >4raine to abandon E> deal' 7-#C-IA !ecember > (RIA ,ovostiD < )0raine decided independent y to abandon a ong(anticipated trade dea with the 6uropean )nionA *rime 7inister !mitry 7edvedev said "ridayA denying that 7oscow pressured its neighbor into changing direction? F%hey rea i/ed that at the momentA theyre not ready for thisA he said in a te evised interview on Russias state %V channe Rossiya :? FIn a probabi ityA they decided at east to postpone the signing? Ie VRussiaW 2ust focused on the prob ems Vof the dea WA te ing them V)0raineW what they might be? 7assive anti(government protests began in =iev ast month after )0rainian *resident Vi0tor Qanu0ovich bac0ed down from signing the ong(e1pected andmar0 dea s with the 6) and p edged instead to focus on strengthening ties with 7oscow? %he move came 2ust after he had f own to Russia for a secret meeting with Russia.s *resident V adimir *utin? 7edvedev said )0raine a one shou d decide its ne1t movesA and spo0e out against the invo vement of foreignersA inc uding RussiansA in what he ca ed the country.s interna affairs? In the runup toward the proposed signing of the 6) agreementA Russia warned )0raine about the conseEuences of the dea for its re ations with

7oscowA imposed trade sanctions on some )0rainian goods and repeated ear ier demands for it to pay its massive gas bi s? %he Russian *rime 7inister e1pressed a sense of 0inship with )0raineA howeverA saying Russia is paying attention to its southern neighbor.s situation? FIe are not indifferent to what is happening thereA 7edvedev said? FIts a country thats very c ose to usA peop e iving there are very c ose to usA and in additionA )0raine is for us a very important trade and economic partnerA i0e we are for VthemW? >4rainian +ec%rity +er"ices o0en co%0 attem0t in"estigation' =I6VA !ecember H (RIA ,ovostiD < )0raine said ate #unday that its security services are investigating a forcib e attempt to sei/e power in the former #oviet nation that has been convu sed by anti(government protests? FIe are investigating the fact of i ega actions? !uring the course of the investigation we wi c arify the circumstances and gather additiona informationA )0rainian security services spo0esman V ad #afonov said? Hundreds of thousands of peop e f ooded centra =iev on #unday for the second consecutive wee0end to ca for snap e ections and the resignation of *resident Vi0tor Qanu0ovychA the atest huge gathering in a wave of demonstrations spar0ed by a government decision ast month to bac0 off from c oser 6uropean integration? *rotestors in =iev have bui t a permanent tent camp in =ievs centra Independence #EuareA and barricaded pub ic bui dings in recent wee0s in an attempt to free/e the wor0 of the government? ,ew barricades were being erected in =iev ate #unday and ear y 7onday morning with materia s ta0en from a construction shopA according to a RIA ,ovosti reporter in =iev? -pposition eader Vita y = ych0o said that the authorities. atest move showed panic in officia circ es? F%he government is intimidated itse f and does everything in order to scare peop eA he said in a statement? At east :9 peop e have been arrested in connection with vio ent c ashes in

=iev on !ecember : that bro0e out when a mob attempted to brea0 through ines of riot po ice guarding the *residentia administration? )0rainian po ice have a so opened a case under Fmass unrest artic es of the crimina code after the topp ing of a statue of #oviet state founder V adimir +eninA reported y by )0rainian nationa istsA in =iev on #unday? *o ice denied reports from an opposition deputy 7onday that arrests had been carried out in connection with the incident? -fficia s have repeated y condemned protestor tacticsA and *rime 7inister 7y0o a A/arov said ast wee0 that some actions by demonstrators bore a the ha mar0s of a coup? .s >4raine o00osition rallies intensify, /enin stat%e falls' =I6VA !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < #evera hundred thousand peop e gathered in the )0rainian capita #unday for one of the argest protest ra ies in the former #oviet nations historyA throwing down the gaunt et to a government that has resisted ca s for negotiation with the opposition? In an incident that may have spar0 crimina investigations and cast a shadow over the genera y pacific eventsA howeverA a group of nationa ists ripped down a statue of #oviet revo utionary eader V adimir +enin? %he mass assemb y in =iev was the biggest to date since the government ast month pu ed out of preparations to sign andmar0 po itica and trade dea s with the 6)A spar0ing widespread indignation across )0raine? In an indication that the standoff has provo0ed internationa concernA the 6uropean Commission announced #unday that 6) foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton wi trave to =iev ne1t wee0 to assist in see0ing a way out of the po itica impasse? Authorities have so far disp ayed itt e desire to compromise with the oppositionA and have instead imited themse ves to issuing ominous warnings that demonstrations cou d tip over into unrest? !espite thatA #undays events had passed arge y without incident unti the ate afternoonA as dar0ness began to descend? Ihi e nationwide discontent was initia y focused on the reversa of course

over the 6)< a move authorities 2ustified by stating it was preferab e to boost economic ties with neighboring Russia < it has with time ta0en on a more genera i/ed anti(government f avor? )0raines wea0 economyA much of which is re iant on outdated heavy industryA has strugg ed to recover from the devastating impact of the recent g oba financia crisis? Rampant unemp oyment has driven arge numbers of )0rainians abroad for wor0 and many brist e at perceived high( eve corruption? #hort y after ight bro0e #undayA )0rainian -rthodo1 Church priests ed open(air prayers from the stage as hundreds of those camped in overnight began awa0ing and co ecting rations of tea and brea0fast? %oward mid(morningA the crowd on Independence #Euare had a ready swe ed to a few thousand peop eA many of them waving an array of f agsA from those of )0raine to the standards of eading opposition parties and the 6uropean )nion? As the assigned time for the midday start to the assemb y approachedA a crowd of a ages grew fast and fi ed the sEuare and streets eading off it? 'roups affi iated with po itica parties marched in fi e to and from the sEuareA reciting po itica chants and singing patriotic songs on the way? =iev po ice estimated the turnout at :99A999A but birds eye video footage of Independence #Euare and the sheer number of peop e fi ing side streets suggested a vast y superior figure? -ne of the first to ta 0 from the stageA which bore the s ogan F"or a 6uropean )0raine behind itA was Qevgeniya %ymoshen0oA reading out a defiant and be icose speech from her motherA 2ai ed former *rime 7inister Qu ia %ymoshen0o? F!o not give upA dont ta0e one step bac0? !o not sit at the negotiating tab e with the authoritiesA the younger %ymoshen0o saidA reading out her mothers message? F-ur aim is for the ear yA Euic0 remova of (Vi0tor Qanu0ovychD as *resident of )0raine? %hat drew an indignant response from ru ing *arty of Regions deputy Vita y 'rushevs0yA who described %ymoshen0os statement as an incitement to "hatredA disorder and chaos?"

"%ymoshen0o.s appea is nothing more or ess than a ca 'rushevs0y said?

for a coupA"

In what has become a verba eitmotif of opposition meetingsA speeches on Independence #Euare opened or c osed with the s ogan F' ory to )0raineA to which the crowd rep ied& F' ory to the heroes? It is unc ear to what e1tent the opposition parties most active y engaged in the protest <%ymoshen0os $at0ivshchyna ("ather andDA the )dar (*unchD party of heavyweight bo1er Vita y = itsch0oA and #voboda ("reedomD < have contro over the wave of discontent and eaders have often acted uncertain y in conveying their po itica demands? %hat did not appear to be the case #undayA howeverA as various party eaders stated their case? Arseny Qatsenyu0A head of the $at0ivshchyna faction in par iamentA demanded the resignation of *rime 7inister 7y0o a A/arov and announced that the scope of protests wou d be broadened? = itsch0o to d the crowd that a decisive moment had arrived for )0raine and urged a tota revision of Fthe structures of power through ear y par iamentary and *residentia e ections? %he protest movement had appeared to be osing momentum unti ,ovember @9A when po ice aggressive y c eared Independence #EuareA spar0ing outrage and prompting hundreds of thousands to ra y on the spot the fo owing day? %he sEuareA which served as the foca point of )0raines -range Revo ution of 8994(8993A has been occupied and c osed off to authorities ever since? %housands are occupying the space on a round(the(c oc0 basisA hudd ing around wood(fue ed fires in stee barre s to 0eep warm as temperatures hover around free/ing point? #peeches to the assemb ed have a ternated with musica actsA creating a festive mood among the determined y peacefu crowd? *o ice presence has been virtua y neg igib e around the sEuareA but security is tight at the nearby *residentia administration and par iament bui dingsA which have both been targeted by ra ies? -n Independence #EuareA vo unteers c ad in protective gear stood sentry at

gaps in the barricades to chec0 for suspicious e ements among the many thousands constant y pouring in and out of the area? !o/ens of tentsA many of them eEuipped with heating stovesA have been insta ed as s eeping Euarters and feeding points? 'raffitiA bannersA f iers and stic0ers dotted around the area decryA in freEuent y bawdy anguageA eading figures in the ru ing e ite? %hose that have turned out in the sEuare have ra ied around numerousA often apparent y disparateA causes? %hese have ranged from ca s for deep governmenta reform < typica y e1pressed as an aspiration to emu ate Iestern 6uropean standards < to demands that conditions be improved for sma and medium business to f ourish? -utside par iamentA sited a itt e more than a 0i ometer away from Independence #EuareA severa thousand government supporters he d their own meeting #undayA as they have done in recent days? %he number of attendees of that meeting was vast y inferior to that of the opposition < the figure c aimed by organi/ers was around :3A999? *ro(government gatherings have typica y been more subdued? -n #aturday eveningA young men guarding entry points were turning peop e awayA 2ust as a raucous musica act was getting into its stride at Independence #Euare? -n #undayA spea0ers ca ed on the pro(government crowd to give their bac0ing to *resident Qanu0ovychA who has been target of much vitrio ic rhetoric on Independence #Euare? In a te ing detai A one speech after another was in RussianA in contrast with the )0rainian favored at the opposition ra y < a fact that under ines the regiona aspect of the po itica divide? Ihi e Qanu0ovych en2oys the bu 0 of his support in the arge y ethnic Russian eastA the more 6uropean(inc inedA )0rainian(spea0ing popu ation preva ent y hai s from the west? Addressing the crowd in Russian and a smattering of )0rainianA ru ing *arty of Regions deputy ,estor #hufrych urged supporter to give their bac0ing to Qanu0ovych and condemned government opponents as a divisive force in the country? F!ont et them te you that ha f the peop e of this country shou d not be a owed to thin0 in RussianA the anguage of *ush0inA the anguage of

+ermontovA he saidA in a reference to two c assic :Hth century Russian poets? As sundown approachedA groups of peop e in the opposition marched up the hi from Independence #Euare and erected tents at a crossroad one b oc0 away from a spot where the pro(government *arty of Regions was ho ding its gathering? At one stageA on y a few rows of po ice officers separated the two crowds? -pposition representatives used a pub ic address system mounted on a van to address peop e on both sides of the po ice ines? In another part of the cityA a group of mas0ed youths apparent y be onging to the #voboda nationa ist party used a stee cab e to rip down a +enin statue? %he head and arms of the monument bro0e away as it hit the groundA after which peop e in the crowd too0 turns at smashing off fragments with a s edgehammer? A e1ey Qaroshevs0yA a reporter for news broadcaster R%A posted a picture on his %witter account of a priest 2oining in with the process of destroying the statue? %he +enin statue had been the target of a simi ar topp ing attempt on !ecember :A but that effort was thwarted by security forces? >4raine o00osition fears 0ro"ocation to 2%stify crac4down' =I6VA !ecember L (RIA ,ovostiD < A )0rainian opposition party said ate #aturday that it fears the authorities may dep oy provocateurs in order to precipitate vio ence at a ma2or ongoing anti(government protest ra y in the capita and 2ustify a robust crac0down? %he warning comes as opposition forces have ca ed for one mi ion peop e to come onto =ievs streets #unday in a show of defiance aimed at forcing the government to yie d to demands to resign? Conditions for defusing the current crisis out ined by a coa ition of opposition po iticians #aturday inc ude the formation of a technica government? $at0ivshchyna ("ather andDA ed in par iament by Arseny Qatsenyu0A said in a statement that it be ieves around :A999 peop e have been en isted to provo0e c ashes on Independence #EuareA which is current y cordoned off

and occupied by pro(6) demonstrators? FIe warn the government that we 0now about these p ans? Ie appea to peop e on Independence #Euare to be vigi antA the statement said? FIe urge aw enforcement officers to prevent c ashes and not be comp icit in acts of provocation?" %he protest movement appeared to be osing momentum unti ,ovember @9A when po ice aggressive y c eared the sEuareA spar0ing outrage and prompting hundreds of thousands to ra y on the spot the fo owing day? %he sEuare has been occupied and c osed off to authorities ever since? It is unc ear to what e1tent the opposition parties most active y engaged in the protest < $at0ivshchynaA the )dar (*unchD party of heavyweight bo1er Vita y = itsch0oA and #voboda ("reedomD < have contro over this wave of discontentA but they have served as its pub ic face? %housands are occupying the sEuare on a round(the(c oc0 basisA hudd ing around wood(fue ed fires in meta barre s to 0eep warm as temperatures hover around free/ing point? #peeches to the assemb ed have a ternated with musica actsA creating a festive mood among the determined y peacefu crowd? *o ice presence has been virtua y neg igib e around the areaA but security is tight near the *residentia administration and the par iamentA which have both a so been targeted by ra ies? -n Independence #EuareA vo unteers c ad in protective gear stand sentry at gaps in the cordon to chec0 for suspicious e ements among the many thousands constant y pouring in and out of the area? !o/ens of tentsA many of them eEuipped with heating stovesA have been insta ed as s eeping Euarters and feeding points? +ast #undayA groups of mas0ed men faced off in vio ent c ashes with riot po ice as they sought to occupy the *residentia administration bui ding in a confrontation that authorities sei/ed upon as evidence of the protests potentia for vio ence? -pposition forces decried the vio ence and accused those responsib e of mounting a provocation to smear the broader pro( 6uropean integration movement? %he ra ies in =iev and in other cities across )0raine erupted ate ast month

in reaction to the governments decision to bac0 away from a dea to sign association agreement and free trade dea s with the 6)? Protests reac$ cr%nc$ stage in >4raine as &%ssia deal looms' =I6VA !ecember G (RIA ,ovostiD < *rotests entering their third wee0 in the )0rainian capita oo0ed set to gain new momentum #aturday as *resident Vi0tor Qanu0ovych committed his former #oviet nation to greater economic ties with Russia? %housands of peop eA many of them waving f ags of )0raine and opposition po itica partiesA assemb ed in Independence #Euare to isten to speeches throughout the day ca ing for the governments ouster and condemning ast wee0s heavy(handed treatment by po ice of demonstrators camped in the sEuare? Ra ies in =iev and in other cities across )0raine erupted ate ast month in reaction to the governments decision to bac0 away from a dea to sign association agreement and free trade dea s with the 6)? It is unc ear to what e1tent the three opposition parties most active y engaged in the protest < $at0ivshchyna ("ather andDA )dar (*unchD and #voboda ("reedomD < are in fact in contro of this wave of discontentA but they have served as its pub ic face and have aid out conditions for negotiations with the authorities? %he protest movement appeared to be osing momentum unti ,ovember @9A when po ice aggressive y c eared Independence #EuareA spar0ing outrage and prompting hundreds of thousands to ra y on the spot the fo owing day? %a 0ing to reporters at the united opposition movements headEuartersA )dar eader and heavyweight bo1er Vita y = itsch0o demanded punishment for those invo ved in the raid on the sEuare and the resignation of the Cabinet as a precondition for ta 0s to create a technica government? Arseny Qatsenyu0A who eads the $at0ivshchina faction in par iamentA said the technica government cou d underta0e the tas0 of signing the 6) pacts abandoned by Qanu0ovych? Another ma2or ra yA which organi/ers hope wi attract a crowd of up to one mi ion peop eA has been organi/ed for #unday?

Independence #EuareA an area in downtown =iev that served as the foca point of the -ctober Revo ution of 8994(8993A has for the ast wee0 been cordoned off by protestersA who erected tents eEuipped with heating stovesA food distribution points and a stage from which activists address the crowd? 7any are occupying the sEuare on a round(the(c oc0 basisA hudd ing around wood(fue ed fires in meta barre s to 0eep warm as temperatures hover around free/ing point? #peeches to the assemb ed have a ternated with musica actsA creating a festive mood among the determined y peacefu crowd? In what has become a verba motif of the protestsA speeches conc ude with the recurring s ogan F' ory to )0raineA to which the crowd rep ies in chorus& F' ory to the Heroes? " ags being waved inc ude main y that of )0raineA but a so those of the 6) and the )dar and $at0ivshchina and #voboda parties? %he un i0e y trio under ines the varied spectrum of the coa itionA which ranges from moderni/ing ibera s to hidebound )0rainian nationa istsA such as those in the ran0s of #vobodaA which has in the past come under fire for ta0ing radica far(right positions? %he protest movementA dubbed 6uromaidanA a portmanteau word from the )0rainian for 6urope and sEuareA has a so drawn po itica support from abroad? #evera internationa po iticiansA inc uding 6uropean *ar iament deputies and 'eorgias former *resident 7i0hai #aa0ashvi iA trave ed to =iev over the wee0end in a show of support for the pro(6uropean protests and condemned what they ca ed Russias pressure on )0raine? F%he aim of our visit is to show our so idarity with )0raines 6uropean choiceA #aa0ashvi i said? F6uropean )nion is the on y feasib e a ternative for this greatA ama/ing nation? Indignation at Russia s perceived ro e in )0raines decision to bac0 off from c oser integration with the 6) was ref ected in speeches on Independence #Euare pouring scorn on Qanu0ovychs visit on "riday to RussiaA where he met with *resident V adimir *utin? )0rainian *rime 7inister 7y0o a A/arov announced ate "riday that a

ma2or economic dea with Russia was imminent? -fficia s from both countries are set for a high( eve meeting in 7oscow on !ecember :G? FIe are ta 0ing about preparations for a big agreement about strategic partnership with the Russian "ederationA A/arov said? Ihi e no specific detai s have yet been made pub icA A/arov said that the eaders of )0raine and Russia discussed a road map for the e imination of trade conf ictsA in particu ar disagreements over gas supp ies? %he encounter between Qanu0ovych and *utin has spar0ed widespread specu ation that Russia is offering )0raine bi ions of do ars of support and a discount on natura gas de iveries in return for =iev committing to enter the 7oscow( ed Customs )nion trade b oc? $ut =rem in spo0esman !mitry *es0ov said no agreements on an energy dea had been reached and that )0raines accession to the Customs )nion was not discussed? %he po itica impasse created by =ievs reversa of course on the 6) dea s fo ows months of testy confrontations between )0raine and Russia? Russia has open y obbied for economica y strugg ing former #oviet nationsA such as )0raineA Armenia and =yrgy/stanA to 2oin the Customs )nionA which some view as an e1ercise by 7oscow to reassert regiona inf uence? )0raine has tended to p ay it coo over such initiatives? It has had to contendA howeverA with the rea ities of economic dependence on Russia? 7oscow(initiated embargoes in recent months have bad y hurt )0raines economyA and the =rem in has ominous y warned of an intensification of such measures were =iev to sign up to c oser integration with the 6)A which Russia be ieves wou d damage its own economy? 6ar ier this yearA Russia cited hygiene concerns when it s apped an import ban on the products of a ma2or )0rainian ma2or candy ma0er that provides wor0 for thousands of peop e? %he owner of the candy ma0erA *etro *oroshen0oA has p ayed a high y visib e ro e in the evo ving protest movement?

Russias state(owned 'a/prom charges )0raine high prices for its natura gas supp ies and is current y demanding the sett ement of around B8 bi ion of unpaid bi s? #pea0ing in =ievA #aa0ashvi i condemned Russias stance? F*utins Russia says& PIe can do bad things to youA we can cause you a ot of pain? If you dont agree to our termsA we wi hurt you? %his is the ogic of a bandit and rac0eteer? It is not the ogic of a civi i/ed countryA he said? >4rainian Premier $ails imminent &%ssian deal as 0rotests contin%e' =I6VA !ecember G (RIA ,ovostiD < )0rainian *rime 7inister 7y0o a A/arov said ate "riday that a ma2or economic dea with Russia was imminent as protestors in =iev geared up for another wee0end of protests amid the ongoing po itica stand(off in the former #oviet nation? FIe are ta 0ing about preparations for a big agreement about strategic partnership with the Russian "ederationA A/arov to d 2ourna istsA according to a government statement? #treet demonstrations erupted across )0raine ast month after the Cabinet bac0ed off from signing andmar0 association agreements with the 6uropean )nion in favor of c oser ties with Russia? %he =rem in has been pushing )0raine to abandon 6uropean integration and 2oin a 7oscow( ed Customs )nion? )0rainian *resident Vi0tor Qanu0ovych met his Russian counterpart V adimir *utin on "riday in the Russian city of #ochi on the way bac0 from a visit to China? ,o detai s of the meeting were re easedA but A/arov said that the two *residents discussed a road map for the e imination of trade conf ictsA in particu ar disagreements over gas supp ies? Russia has accused )0raine of owing bi ions of do ars in unpaid natura gas bi sA whi e )0raine maintains that it is ob iged to pay a higher price for the fue than other 6uropean countries? -pposition eaders in )0raine have warned that a dea with Russia cou d give impetus to demonstrations?

"If Qanu0ovich tries to sign anything with Russia about the customs union it wi ead to a bigger wave of protestsA" opposition eader Arseny Qatsenyu0 to d 2ourna ists "ridayA Reuters reported? %here were severa hundred protesters present at a tented camp on =ievs Independence #Euare ear y #aturday morningA a wee0 after riot po ice used vio ence to temporari y c ear the area? A foca point of the -range Revo ution of 8994(8993A the sEuare has been occupied a most continuous y by protesters in recent wee0s? A/arov said "riday that there were a " arge Euantity of radica s" on the sEuareA and warned protesters to desist in i ega attempts to obstruct the government.s wor0? -pposition eader and heavyweight bo1er Vita y = ich0o said in a statement ear ier in the day that if the government used force to c ear Independence #EuareA "the who e country wi rise?" *rotestors in =iev have ca ed for a arge demonstration on #undayA dubbed Fthe 7arch of a 7i ion? +ast #unday hundreds of thousands of peop e f ooded centra =iev to ca for the resignation of the governmentA but the day ended in vio ent c ashes with riot po ice as a mob attempted to storm the *residentia administration? 3yrgyBstan wants !anadian gold firm to 0ay F 00 million for en"ironment damage' $I#H=6=A !ecember G (RIA ,ovostiD ( =yrgy/stan.s state environmenta watchdog has sued Canada.s Centerra 'o dA the operator of the =umtor mineA for B@99 mi ion over eco ogica damage a eged y caused during its mine operation? %he state environmenta protection and forestry agencys spo0esperson said #aturday that it had fi ed the awsuit at an economic court in former #oviet repub ics capita of $ish0e0 demanding the company to pay the compensation for Fpo uting the environment? According to the agencyA the damage was caused over the period between :HH> and 89::?

%he =yrgy/ officia s say that they had to fi e that awsuit after the Canada( based company had ignored ear ier reEuest for vo untary compensation? %he state agency c aims that the companys subsidiaryA =umtor -perating CompanyA has not paid a fi1ed fee the government charges for damage inf icted to the environment in process of mining? %he =umtor mineA which ho ds estimated deposits of at east G99 tons of go dA has for the past year been sub2ect of a tuss e between %oronto( isted Centerra 'o d and =yrgy/stanA which wants to increase its @@(percent sta0e in the pro2ect? %he company a most c osed negotiated with the =yrgy/ government to create a 2oint venture between the parties to run the mine? $ut it was re2ected by the par iament which see0s the state to ho d >G percent in the proposed 2oint venture? CCCCC

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