Tales of Symphonia Script

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TALES OF SYMPHONIA Game Script Written by mn334 E-mail address: Killbill@wii.

com ----------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents 1: DISC 1 Game Script 2: DISC 2 Game Script

----------------------------------------------------------------------1: DISC 1 Game Script We begin this game by watching a movie of the high view of the world. Narrator: Once upon a time, there existed a giant tree that was the source of mana. A war, however, caused this tree to wither away, and a hero s life was sacrificed in order to take its place. Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens. The goddess left the angels with this edict: You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed. The angels bore the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world. The camera fades to a black screen. Woman s Voice: Lloyd Irving, wake up! Lloyd! The camera shows Lloyd who is sleeping while standing. A chalkboard eraser was thrown into Lloyd s face. Lloyd: Gahh! The woman approaches Lloyd. Woman: How do you manage to sleep standing? Lloyd: (woke up) Oh. Professor Raine. Eh is class over?

The woman will be known as Raine from this point on. Raine walked back to the teacher s desk. Raine: (Sigh) Never mind. Let s have someone else answer the question. Genis, how about you? Genis: Yes, Raine. The camera switches the Raine returning to the teacher s desk. Genis: Mithos, the hero, brought about the end of the Ancient War in the Holy Ground of Kharlan. Raine: Correct. Afterwards, Mithos, the hero, formed a pact with the Goddess Martel to seal away the Desians whom caused the war. Lloyd: But the Desians came back and are now causing everyone to suffer!

Raine: We covered that in class last time, remember? When the Seal weakens the Desians reappear. Just like they have now. Lloyd: I I knew that. I I just forgot Raine: Today is the Day of Prophecy. It is a very important day, which the Chosen of Mana will receive an oracle from the Goddess Martel. Now, Chosen One Colette. Colette: (stands up from her seat) Yes, ma am. Raine: Tell us about the journey of world regeneration. Colette: It is a journey to seal the Desians. Upon passing the trials of the Goddess Martel, the Summon Spirits that protect the world awaken, and mana is restored. The camera switches to Lloyd who slept again while standing. Raine: Correct. I suppose we should expect the Chosen herself to know the answer to that one. Mana depletion is the cause of the current food shortages and droughts. It is said that this occurs because the Desians consume vast amounts of mana in their human ranches. Lloyd woke up again and Colette looked back at Lloyd for a brief moment and turns around. Raine: The Chosen s journey has two purposes to revive mana as well as defeat the Desians. Now, for the next question Suddenly, a light appeared on the camera. Lloyd: Wh what was that?! Colette: That s Raine: Settle down. It would seem that the time for the oracle has come. I will go and check on the chapel. Everyone, stay here and study on your own. Understood? As Raine runs off Colette: Professor! I ll go with you! Raine: No, Colette. If it is the oracle, the priests will come here for you. Wait here with everyone else. Raine left the scene. Colette: Yes, ma am. As Lloyd tries to leave the classroom Genis: Lloyd! Where are you going? Don t tell me you re sneaking out! Raine will get mad! Lloyd: I m really curious to find out what really happens to Colette when she receives the oracle. They always talk about the Chosen of Regeneration and the Day of Prophecy, but no one tells us what really happens.

Genis: But my sister said to stay and study by ourselves. IF YOU CHOOSE IT S RESEARCH. Lloyd: It s research. Genis: That s just an excuse! Lloyd: So? An excuse is an excuse, right? Don t be so stuffy. You re coming too, right? We re best friends, after all! Colette, want to come along, too? Colette: Huh? Um, okay.

Colette gets up from her seat and approaches Lloyd and Genis. Colette: So where to? Lloyd: Where else?! That light! You re directly involved in all of this. Aren t you curious? Colette: Hmm Are you curious about it? Lloyd: Of course! Colette: Okay, then I ll be curious about it, too. Lloyd: (to Genis) See? Dwarven Vow #4: Don t depend on others. Walk on your own two legs. Okay then! Let s go to the temple! Genis: Not the Dwarven Vows again. You always use those when you need an excuse IF YOU CHOOSE OKAY, FINE. Lloyd: Okay, fine. Sheesh Genis: Honestly, Lloyd. It s not pretty when Raine gets mad. Lloyd: Man I was really looking forward to seeing what happens with the oracle. The camera shows the pastor coming in clenching his body. Pastor: Chosen One! The pastor approaches Colette and then falls to the floor. Colette: Pastor?! Lloyd: Hey! Are you all right?! Pastor: The Desians attacked the temple Genis: Wait, Iselia has a non-aggression treaty with the Desians. Lloyd: You mean that agreement where they don t attack the village as long as we leave the human ranch alone? Colette: Yes Grandmother said it was to protect me Pastor: I don t know why, but they have broken the treaty Chosen

One hurry receive the oracle Colette: I will. Pastor: (dying) Please be careful to pro tect the Cho Colette: Pastor, hang on! The pastor died at the scene. Lloyd: It s no good. He s gone Genis: No! Genis and Colette covers their faces in grieve. Later Colette: I m going. I regret that I was unable

Genis: Colette, there are Desians outside! Colette: Yes but I have to go. I am the Chosen. My job is to accept the oracle on the Day of Prophecy. Everyone, wait here, all right? Genis: Lloyd, are you going to let Colette go by herself?! IF YOU CHOOSE I M GOING, TOO. Lloyd: I m going, too. I can t let you go by yourself. Colette: Are you sure? It s dangerous. Lloyd: Dwarven Vow #1: Let s all work together for a peaceful world. Let s go. Genis: Wait, I m going, too. I m worried about Raine. Colette: Thanks, both of you. IF YOU CHOOSE I LL WAIT FOR YOU. Lloyd: I ll wait for you. Colette says she ll be fine by herself. Genis: I can t believe you Lloyd! I m going with Colette! Lloyd: Okay, fine, I ll go. Besides, I m worried about the Professor, too. Colette: Thanks, both of you. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group exits the classroom. Outside of the classroom of Iselia IF YOU CHOOSE IT S RESEARCH. DURING THE EVENT IN THE CLASSROOM

Lloyd: What s going on? It s awfully quiet. Genis: Where did everybody go? Frank: Colette!

Frank appeared at the scene. Colette: Father! Genis: Frank! Frank: Thank goodness you re safe. Genis: Frank, what happened to everyone in the village? Frank: They re all hiding. The Desians invaded the village just a short while ago. Thankfully, no one was hurt. They passed through the village and headed for the temple. Genis: Why?! Iselia has a non-aggression treaty with the Desians! Lloyd: You mean that agreement where they don t attack the village as long as we leave the human ranch alone? Colette: Yes Grandmother said it s to protect me IF YOU CHOOSE OKAY, FINE. Colette: There s no one here Genis: They re scared and are hiding from the Desians! Frank: Colette! Frank appeared at the scene. Colette: Father! Genis: Frank! Frank! Is it true that the Desians attacked?! Frank: Yes, it s true. Thankfully, no one was hurt. They passed through the village and headed for the temple. Colette: Father, where is Grandmother? CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Frank: Phaidra is in the temple preparing for the ritual. Lloyd: Phaidra s in the temple? But that s where the Desians Frank: The priests are there with her. There s no need to worry. Now, Colette Colette: I know. I promise to fulfill my duty as the Chosen. Frank: Good luck, Colette. (to Lloyd and Genis) Lloyd, Genis. You two should go on home. Lloyd: I m worried about letting Colette go by herself. I ll go with her to the temple. Genis: Me, too. Frank: But all right. Thank you. I ll wait at the house. Come back immediately if anything happens. Oh! Where s Grandmother?


Lloyd s group proceeds towards the exit. However, a monster blocked the exit. Lloyd: Whoa, it s a monster! Genis: I though the northern region where the temple is located was a sanctuary! Why are there Colette: It must be part of the trial. Martel s trial involves battling monsters. Lloyd: We don t have time to talk! Let s get this thing! Genis: Roger! Lloyd s group fights the first set of monsters. After Lloyd s group defeats the first set of monsters Lloyd: That was easy! Colette: Lloyd, you re amazing! Lloyd: Ah, well I owe it to this thing, though. Genis: Ah, that s right, the Exsphere. Lloyd: Yeah. It s designed for combat and brings out my maximum strength. Without this thing, I d be nothing Colette: But you re still strong, Lloyd! Genis: Yeah, at least his sword skills are good. Lloyd: (to Genis) What do you mean, at least ?!

Suddenly, another monster appeared at the scene. Lloyd: There s another one! Let s go, you two! Colette: Wait, Lloyd! The Professor said magic is more effective than physical attacks against non-physical and spiritual monsters. Lloyd: Really? Genis: Yes! Lloyd: Okay, then, I ll leave the Ghost to Genis. I ll go for the Zombie! Okay! Here we go! Genis: Yeah! Colette: Okay! Lloyd s group fights the second set of monsters. After Lloyd s group defeats the second set of monsters Lloyd: It s important to choose the target wisely when there s a lot of monsters, or if we re up against a dangerous one. Colette: It s especially important when saving an ally that s in trouble.

Genis: We have to be careful. Lloyd: (to Colette) Let s go to the temple! Genis: Okay! Colette: Yeah. Lloyd s group proceeds to Martel Temple. Upon arrival, the camera views the outside of Martel Temple with light coming out of the roof dome. Lloyd: Whoa, that light really is coming form the temple! Genis: Then an oracle is going to be conveyed. Colette s going to be the Chosen of Regeneration. Colette: It s really, really bright! Lloyd: Say, Colette when the oracle is conveyed, you ll become the Chosen who will save the world, right? You re going to be like the hero, Mithos! So maybe you should act a little more you know, Chosen-like Colette: Yeah! No problem. No problem. Genis: (notices something nearby) Hey, there s a lot of commotion at the temple. Lloyd: You re right! IF THE PASTOR DID SHOW UP IN THE CLASSROOM The camera shows the entrance of the temple where fighting can be heard. Lloyd approaches the stairs. Lloyd: Okay! Let s go, you two! Genis: Okay! Colette: Yeah! Colette tripped and fell to the floor. Colette: Oww Lloyd rushes back to Colette. Lloyd: Are you all right? Colette: I m fine. Sorry about that. IF THE PASTOR DID NOT SHOW UP IN THE CLASSROOM The camera shows the pastor who is badly wounded and walking very oddly. Pastor: Chosen One! As the pastor approaches Lloyd s group, he fell to the floor and the camera blacks out. Colette: Pastor?!

Lloyd: Hey, are you all right?! Later Pastor: The Desians broke the non-aggression treaty and attacked the temple Chosen One quickly the oracle Colette: I know. Pastor: (dying) Please be careful pro tect the Cho sen. The pastor died at the scene. Colette: Pastor, hang on! Lloyd: It s no good. He s gone. Genis: No! Genis and Colette covers their faces in grieve. Later Colette: I m going. I regret that I will not be able to

Colette moves on. Genis: Colette! There are Desians in there! Colette stops. Colette: Yes but I have to go. I m the Chosen. My job is to accept the oracle on the Day of Prophecy. The two of you, wait here, okay? Genis: Lloyd, are you going to let Colette go by herself?! IF YOU CHOOSE I M GOING, TOO. Lloyd: I m going, too. I can t let you go by yourself. Colette: Are you sure? It s dangerous. Lloyd: Dwarven Vow #1: Let s all work together for a peaceful world. Let s go. Genis: Wait, I m going, too. I m worried about Raine. Colette: Thanks, both of you. IF YOU CHOOSE I LL WAIT FOR YOU. Lloyd: I ll wait for you. Colette says she ll be fine by herself. Genis: I can t believe you, Lloyd. Well, I m following Colette! Genis approaches Colette. Lloyd: Okay, fine. I ll go, all right? Besides, I m worried about the Professor, too. Colette: Thanks, both of you.

Lloyd: Let s go, you two! Colette: Okay! Genis: Yeah! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group proceeds towards the entrance to Martel Temple. The camera switches to an old woman who is guarding the entrance and a man with a group of soldiers approaches her. Man: Where is the Chosen? The old woman stepped back a little and then, Lloyd s group arrived at the scene. Phaidra: Run, Colette! The old woman will be known as Phaidra from this point on. The soldiers faces Lloyd s group. Desian Soldier 1: Lord Botta! There she is! The man will be known as Botta from this point on. Botta faces Colette. Botta: Chosen One, your life is mine! Lloyd draws his sword. Lloyd: I won t let you Desians get away with anything! Desian Soldier 1: Desians? Hahaha! Genis: What s so funny?! Desian Soldier 2: Well then, die at the hands of the Desians you so hate. Get them! Lloyd s group fights the Desian Soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian Soldiers, they retreat and then Vidarr appeared at the scene with an iron spike ball and chain. Vidarr: Do not get in our way! Lloyd s group fights Vidarr. Vidarr then executes his ball and chain attack on Lloyd s group and they got wounded. Genis: This guy s strong! Lloyd: Man, this guy is really tough! Just as Vidarr s ball and chain was about to strike Lloyd, another mysterious man appeared at the scene and prevented the attack. Lloyd: Who are you? Mysterious Man: Get out of the way.

Lloyd s group with the mysterious man fights Vidarr. After Lloyd s group defeats Vidarr Botta: I never thought you d show up. Damn Retreat for now!

Botta and the soldiers retreated from the scene. Later Colette: Amazing! Genis: This guy s incredibly strong! Lloyd: Y yeah. I I suppose so Mysterious Man: Is everyone all right? Hmm no one seems to be hurt.

The mysterious man s Exsphere on his left hand glowed. Lloyd: Is that an Exsphere? Phaidra approaches Lloyd s group. Phaidra: How can I ever thank you for saving the Chosen? Mysterious Man: I see. So this girl is the next Chosen. Colette: That s right! I have to go accept the oracle! Grandmother, I m going to undergo the trial now. Colette approaches towards the entrance. The camera views the entrance of the temple. Lloyd: What trial? Mysterious Man: The monsters, I assume. An evil presence radiates from inside this chapel. Phaidra: Yes, that is correct. The Chosen is to receive judgment from heaven. But the priests that were to accompany her fell at the hands of the Desians. Lloyd: Then I ll take on the job of protecting Colette. Phaidra: Lloyd? I would be uneasy with just you.

Mysterious Man: Your name is Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah, but who are you to ask for my name? Kratos: I am Kratos, a mercenary. As long as you can pay me, I ll accept the job of guarding the Chosen. The mysterious man will be known as Kratos from this point on. Phaidra: Under the circumstances, I have little choice. Please be of service. Kratos: It s a deal, then. Lloyd: W wait! I m going, too! Kratos: Lloyd, you ll only get in the way. Be a good boy and wait here.

IF YOU CHOOSE WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Lloyd: What did you say?! Kratos: Did I not make myself clear? You re a burden. Go home. Colette: Um Mr. Kratos, would it be okay to take Lloyd along, too? Kratos: But Colette: Please. I get nervous when Lloyd s not around. Kratos: (had enough) Do as you wish. Colette and Kratos move on. Lloyd: Let s go, Genis! Genis: What?! I m going, too?! Lloyd: Of course! Kratos: This isn t a field trip, you know. Lloyd and Colette enter the temple. Lloyd: Thanks, Colette Colette: It s the truth! Genis follows Lloyd s group. IF YOU CHOOSE Lloyd: GOTCHA.

Gotcha. Then I m just going to follow you on my own.

Kratos: You re a stubborn kid. Fine, do as you wish. Lloyd: I ll just do that. (to Genis) Let s go, Genis! Genis: Lloyd, I figured you were going to say that. Lloyd: Of course! Kratos: This isn t a field trip, you know. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group proceeds inside the temple. In the lobby Lloyd: So this is what the inside of the temple is like. Genis: (to Colette) Colette, you ve been in here many times, right? Colette: Yeah, but it seems different than usual. Kratos: I sense the presence of monsters. Don t let your guard down. Lloyd: We can handle a few measly monsters. Let s go.

Kratos: Wait. Lloyd are your sword techniques self-taught? Lloyd: Yeah. That s right. Kratos approaches Lloyd and gives him a Training Manual. Lloyd: What is this thing? Kratos: If you are going to use a sword, then at least learn the basics. You want to protect the Chosen, don t you? Lloyd: Humph! You think you know so much! Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the area with a glowing stone on the pedestal from far away Genis: Look, look! There s something glowing. Lloyd: Wow! Let s go see it! Colette: Look, there s something here. Lloyd s group turns around and saw a Golem. Lloyd s group fights Golem. After Lloyd s group defeats Golem, it turned into a block. Colette: Wow! It turned into a rock! Lloyd: Well, it was kind of a rock to begin with. Colette: Oops! Colette lost her balance and fell towards the block and to the floor. The block falls into a hole. Lloyd: Uh The block created one of the paths to the glowing item. Colette: Oh, no! Genis: I get it. Kratos: I see. Lloyd: What are you two talking about? Genis: In just a moment, it ll probably See, there it is.

Suddenly, another Golem appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Whoa, there s another one! Genis: Now, let s take care of it and drop it down below! Lloyd looks confused for a bit. After that, Lloyd s group solved the puzzle of creating a path to the glowing item by defeating Golems and dropping blocks. Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with the glowing item. Genis: Is this the Sorcerer s Ring? I ve heard about it before. It s a holy artifact of the Church of Martel!

Kratos: With this, we should be able to deal with most traps and obstacles. Lloyd: Wow! Let me try it! Colette: Okay, Lloyd. Genis: You re like a little kid.

Lloyd s group received the Sorcerer s Ring. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds back to the lobby of the temple and approaches the sealed door. Kratos: It s sealed. Colette: The Sorcerer s Ring can probably open it. Lloyd: Okay! Leave it to me! Lloyd uses the Sorcerer s Ring on the sealed door and it opened. Lloyd: Oh. Is this all the Sorcerer s Ring does? Genis: You get bored so easily. Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the chamber of the Chosen. Inside Kratos: This appears to be the top floor. Colette: Yes. That s the altar. Lloyd: Then that shining thing there must be the Cruxis Crystal. Colette: That s right. They say I was born with that in my hand. Genis: Look at that light! Suddenly, a winged priest appeared from above the scene. Lloyd: Wh what is that? Kratos: An angel, I would assume. Genis: So is that Colette s real father? Remiel: I am Remiel. I am an angel of judgment. I am here to guide Colette, daughter of the mana lineage, on her journey to heaven as the seventh Chosen. Remiel descends a little. Remiel: The time has come to awaken the Goddess Martel, who sleeps at the center of the world. Genis: Awaken the Goddess Martel It s just like the legend Raine told us about.

Remiel gives the glowing item to Colette. Remiel: From this moment, Colette becomes the Chosen of Regeneration. We of Cruxis bless this event, and hereby bestow the Tower of Salvation upon Sylvarant.

We watch a movie of the view of the Tower of Salvation. After that Lloyd: So that s the Tower of Salvation! Genis: Now the world will be saved! Remiel: Colette, the Chosen of Regeneration. Unlock the seals that guard the Tower of Salvation and climb its stairs to heaven in distant lands. Colette: I humbly accept this task. Remiel: Very good. We of Cruxis shall grant you the power of the angels with each seal you unlock. Once you are reborn as an angel, this eroded world shall be regenerated. Colette: Thank you. I swear on my life I will regenerate the world. Remiel: First head south, to the Seal of Fire. Offer your prayers in that distant land. Colette: Yes, Lord Remiel. Just as Remiel ascends away from the scene Colette: Uh, wait! Please wait! I have a question I wish to ask of you. Are you really my fa Remiel: First head to the Seal of Fire. Understood? My beloved daughter, Colette. Colette: F father! So you really are my true father. Remiel: We shall meet again at the next seal, my daughter. Remiel ascends away from the scene. Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: So that was the oracle. I wish Raine could have seen him. Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: I can t believe Remiel is my father little surprised. That s all. Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: Colette must now go on a long journey to search for those seals. Later Kratos: (to Colette) You ve received the oracle. Then let us leave now, Chosen. Colette: Oh, yes. Kratos: We re going on ahead. Kratos takes the teleporter to the lobby of the temple. Colette: Uh thank you, both of you. Please stop by my house later. Colette takes the teleporter to the lobby of the temple. I m all right. I was just a

Lloyd: She left Genis: The rumor was true. Lloyd: What rumor? Genis: That Colette is the daughter of an angel and is not really related to her current father. Lloyd: Even if you re not related by blood, family is family what I think. Genis: I I m sorry. Lloyd: Hey, don t worry about it. Lloyd and Genis takes the teleporter to the lobby of the temple. In the lobby, Lloyd and Genis saw Raine who is doing researching. Raine: MARVELOUS! Lloyd: Professor? Raine turned and faces Lloyd and Genis. Raine: What? What are you two doing here?! You re supposed to be studying in class! Lloyd: Uh! Uh-oh Raine angrily approaches Genis. Genis: Raine! I I m sorry! The camera briefly blacks out and shows Lloyd who closes his eyes. Raine grabbed Genis and spanked his butt. After that Raine: You re next, Lloyd. Are you ready? At least, that s

Lloyd opens his eye. Lloyd: Whoa, no, hey, stop! Raine kicks Lloyd with a bright flash on the camera. Lloyd: Oww! Lloyd got knocked to the wall. Afterwards Raine: Now, you two, if you ve learned your lesson, go back home. There will be no class for the rest of the day. Genis: What about you? Raine: I ve received permission from Phaidra to study this temple a little while longer. It s not often that ordinary citizens have the opportunity to enter this place. Raine left the scene. As Lloyd and Genis approaches the exit

Unknown Voice: MUHAHAHAHAHA! Lloyd: What was that? There was a brief pause. Genis: You re better off knowing.

Lloyd and Genis exit Martel Temple and proceed back to Iselia. In Iselia, Lloyd and Genis enter Colette s house. Inside, the mayor sits down with Kratos, Colette and her family at a table. Mayor: Then, we shall entrust the protection of the Chosen to Kratos and Raine. Kratos: I have no objections. Colette: Thank you so much for your help earlier! Lloyd and Genis arrived at the scene. Phaidra: Ohh, you re back! Thank you for your assistance earlier! Please accept this small thanks. Lloyd and Genis received the Collector s Book. Genis: Thank you. Lloyd: Thanks, Phaidra. Say, were you talking about the world regeneration journey just now? Phaidra: Yes. Lloyd: Wow! I want to go, too! I wanna see Colette regenerate the world! Genis: If Raine is going, I want to go, too. Kratos: No. You ll get in the way. Lloyd: Wh what?! Kratos: The battles at the chapel were nothing compared to the journey that awaits us. Children need to stay home. Mayor: Kratos is absolutely right. Now then, we still have things to discuss. You two should go on home. Outside, as Lloyd and Genis walks away from the scene, Colette opened the door and came out. Colette: Please, wait! Colette approaches Lloyd and Genis and then she lost her balance and fell to the floor. Colette gets up after that. Colette: I m sorry. Lloyd: It s not like it s your fault. Colette: Oh yeah I m sorry.

Lloyd: Listen! Ah, never mind. Genis: Oh yeah, happy birthday, Colette! Lloyd looked puzzled. Genis: I baked you some cookies. If I knew you d be leaving tomorrow, I would ve made something a little more special, but Colette: No, no, I love your cookies! Thank you very much! Genis: (to Lloyd) So what about you, Lloyd? You promised to make her a necklace, right? Lloyd: Genis: Uhhh heh Don t tell me you forgot.

Lloyd: Uh, it s it s almost done. Uh, I ll give it to you tomorrow, before you leave. I swear! Colette: Really? I m so happy! As soon as I find out when we re leaving, I ll go to your house to let you know. Lloyd: Isn t it going to be dangerous? Colette: I m the Chosen, remember? I ll be fine. See you later, then. Colette went back to her house and closed the door. Genis: Liar. Lloyd: If I start on it now, I ll finish it in time. Genis: Oh, really? Well, whatever. By the way, you re going home now, right? Can I go part of the way with you? Lloyd: Sure, but where are you going to go? Genis: I m going to see a friend. Lloyd: Huh? I didn t know you had friends outside the village besides me. Genis: Does it matter? Anyway, can we swing by my house so I can get my stuff? Before Lloyd and Genis goes to Genis talk to Raine. Genis: Hey, it s Raine. Lloyd: Professor. Lloyd and Genis approaches Raine. Raine turns around and faces Lloyd and Genis. Raine: Oh, Lloyd, Genis. Class is over for today. Lloyd: We know that. I heard that you re going with Colette on the journey? Raine: Yes, that s right. It s too dangerous a journey to send Colette alone. house, they stop by in the classroom and

Lloyd: But then, what s Genis going to do? Raine: I asked Frank and Phaidra to take care of him. Genis: Raine I Raine: Genis I promise I ll come back, so please, don t look like that. (to Lloyd) Lloyd, please look after Genis for me. Lloyd: Yeah Genis: Please be careful, Raine. Don t do anything dangerous and don t go near any ruins. Raine: I ll be fine. Genis: Promise me you ll come back! Lloyd and Genis proceeds to Genis Genis: Let s see house and inside

There should be some ingredients for sandwiches in here

Lloyd: When you said you wanted to get ready, you meant picking up ingredients? Why are you bothering with that? Genis: You shouldn t make fun of cooking, Lloyd. We can t use healing arts, so we need to use food to keep up our strength. Lloyd: Yeah, I guess you re right. Apple Gels aren t cheap, after all. Genis: Exactly. Cooking is important. Lloyd and Genis received some ingredients for Sandwiches. After that, Lloyd and Genis approach the other exit. Near the exit Guard 1: Lloyd! Do something about this thing! Lloyd: What? Guard 2: Your pet! This creature! Lloyd: Noishe! Lloyd approaches his pet dog, Noishe. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: Hey! How many times have I told you not to enter the village?! Genis: Hey, you always have him bring you to the village! Don t talk to him that way! Guard 2: Oh, that reminds me. Lloyd, the Mayor wanted me to ask you a question. Lloyd: From the Mayor? What is it? Guard 2: It s about the northwest forest that you go through. You know there s a human ranch on the way through, right? You haven t been playing near the ranch, have you?

Lloyd: Oh course not! Right, Genis? Genis: Y yeah. Of course not. Guard 2: Really? If so, that s fine, but that weird animal Lloyd: How many times do I have to tell you that Noishe is a dog?! Guard 2: Ah, sorry. He just doesn t look like a dog doesn t go near the ranch, either. Genis: W we can go now, right? Let s go, Lloyd. Guard 1: Be careful, you two. Lloyd: We will. See you tomorrow. (to Noishe) Time to go, Noishe. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: By the way, Noishe, why were you trying to go into the village? Noishe: (Whine) Genis: He was probably looking for you. Lloyd: You think so? Lloyd and Genis proceed to Iselia Forest. In there Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd and Genis looked puzzled. Genis: Ah, that s right. Noishe doesn t like this place. Lloyd: He ll never go near places like this that have lots of monsters. Even though you hardly ever see monsters bigger than him. Noishe: (Whine) Noishe ran off from the scene. Lloyd: Ah, he ran off again! Fine, do whatever you want, Noishe. Genis: I keep thinking, if he s going to run away, he should at least take us with him. Lloyd and Genis move on. In the area near the human ranch Genis: Here s my stop. Lloyd: At the Desian human ranch? Doesn t going there violate the non-aggression treaty? Genis: The Desians already attacked the temple! Lloyd: Hmm, well, yeah, I guess that s true, but Genis: I know I m not supposed to But there s someone I just have to tell Anyway, make sure he

about the oracle. Lloyd: All right. But I m worried about you going alone, so I m going with you. Lloyd and Genis approaches the Desian human ranch. In the Desian human ranch, the human slaves were pushing heavy blocks to the designated area. One of the female slave tried to push the block as hard as she could. One of the Desian soldier cracked his whip on the female slave. Desian Soldier: Hey! Stop slacking off, swine! Lloyd and Genis approaches to the left of the entrance to a wired fence. The camera shows an old female slave seeing the other slaves pushing blocks and she tries to hide to another area. Genis: Marble. The old female slave will be known as Marble from this point on. Marble: Genis! Is that your friend? Lloyd: Yeah, I m Lloyd. Marble: I m pleased to meet you. Genis: Marble, did you see it? There was an oracle! Marble: Yes I did. I saw the Tower of Salvation. Now, the Chosen s journey of regeneration can finally begin. I hope it is successful this time Lloyd: The last Chosen failed, right? Marble: Yes. I heard the Chosen was killed by Desians during the journey. Genis: I wonder if Colette will be all right? Marble: Let us pray to Martel. May she guide the Chosen on a safe journey. Lloyd: Hey grams

Genis: Her name s marble! Suddenly, Marble s right hand made a brief glow. Lloyd: Marble. Isn t that an Exsphere? Marble: Oh, is that what this is called? They placed it on me shortly after I came here. Lloyd: Yeah, that s definitely an Exsphere. But there s no Key Crest on it. An Exsphere without a Key Crest is dangerous. Genis: What s a Key Crest? And how is it dangerous? Lloyd: Attaching an Exsphere directly to your skin supposedly makes you sick. But ironically, it s useless unless you attach it directly onto the skin. So in order to prevent it from making you sick, you carve a spell into a special ore and use that as a mount for the Exsphere. That s the Key Crest. Marble: You re very knowledgeable.

Genis: But it looks like Marble s Exsphere doesn t have a mount at all. Lloyd: Nope, doesn t look like it. If the charm was the only thing needed, I could carve one myself, but there s nothing I can do without the inhibitor ore that acts as the mount. Genis: There has to be something you can do, Lloyd! Lloyd: It s not as easy as you think. Key Crests are dwarven technology. Genis: Your dad s a dwarf! Please ask him for help, Lloyd! IF YOU CHOOSE FINE. Lloyd: Fine, fine. I ll ask him. Genis: All right! That s why I like you, Lloyd. IF YOU CHOOSE BUT Lloyd: But I don t know what he s gonna say about this. Genis: All right! That s why I like you, Lloyd. Marble: Oh, come on! You re the one that brought up the Key Crest in the first place! Lloyd: Okay, okay, I ll ask him. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Marble: Please don t trouble yourself. Voice of Desian Soldier 1: Hey, old hag! What the hell you doin over there?

Marble: (glances back) Oh, no! The Desians! Run away, you two! Hurry! IF YOU CHOOSE Lloyd: OKAY.

Okay. I m sorry!

Marble: Don t worry just go! Genis: I m sorry Marble! IF YOU CHOOSE BUT Lloyd: But who knows what they may do to her. Genis: I know that, but what can we do? If the Desians find out we re here, just think about what they ll do to Marble and the people of the village! Marble: That s right. You must go. Lloyd: I m sorry, grams! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd and Genis fled the scene. The camera shows three Desian soldiers facing

towards Marble. Desian Soldier 1: What are you doing over here?! Who said you could slack off?! Get back to work! Marble: I m sorry.

Desian Soldier 2: What s with that look, huh? Desian Soldier 3: Looks like someone s got an attitude problem! Marble: No, of course not, I Desian Soldier 1: Shaddup! You two, take her to the back! We re gonna give her a little lesson on respect! Desian Soldier 2: Yeah! Desian Soldier 3: Yeah! The Desian soldiers take Marble to the back. The camera shows Lloyd and Genis hiding in the bushes. Lloyd: Oh, this doesn t look good. They re taking her to the back. Genis: But what can we do? Lloyd: There s gotta be something we can do. Let s find higher ground where we can see what s going on in there. Lloyd and Genis find the cliff and approach them. Lloyd: It looks like we can go up from here. Lloyd and Genis manage to climb to the higher level of the cliff. The camera then shows the Desian soldiers continuously cracking their whips on Marble. The camera then views Lloyd and Genis. Genis: She s Lloyd: We ve gotta save her!

Genis: But how?! Lloyd: You attack the Desians from here with magic. Genis: What?! Aren t we gonna get in trouble?! Lloyd: We don t have a choice! Afterwards, hide among the bushes and make your way back to the village. I ll act as a decoy. Genis: But that ll put you in danger! Lloyd: Don t worry. I ll head down the cliff so they don t see my face, then I ll run in the opposite direction from the village. Genis thinks for a brief moment. Genis: Okay! You should replenish your energy before we do this. I ve got some leftover cookies from the ones I gave to Colette. Here, have some.

Lloyd ate the cookies that Genis gave him and Lloyd is fully healed. Genis uses his Kendama to launch fireballs at the 3 Desian soldiers. The fireball struck the soldiers. Desian Soldier 3: What the?! Lloyd makes his move and jumps to the main ground near the ranch. Desian Soldier 1: There he is! Stop him! Desian Soldier 3: Open the main gate! The main gate opens and the Desian soldiers searches for Lloyd. The camera shows the slaves who are checking on Marble. Slave 1: Are you all right, Marble? Slave 2: Quickly, come this way! Marble: (to herself) Genis, Lloyd thank you. The camera shows Lloyd who is being chased by the Desian soldiers. Genis gets off the cliff and as he tries to meet up with Lloyd, he lost his balance and fell to the floor. Genis: Owww Desian Soldier 2: What was that? Lloyd: Uh-oh! Lloyd goes back and faces the soldiers. Lloyd draws his sword. Design Soldier 3: You little brat! Lloyd fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd defeats the Desian soldiers, more Desian soldiers came out. Lloyd jumps off the cliff. The camera switches to Genis who got away from the human ranch. Then, the camera shows Lloyd landing from the cliff jump and met up with Genis. Genis: Lloyd, they saw your face! I m sorry! It s all my fault Lloyd: Don t worry about it. Genis: But Lloyd: I took out the ones that saw my face, and the rest of them are still back up on the cliff. As long as we hurry up and get out of here, they ll never know. Genis: O okay. Lloyd: Just do my homework for me, okay? Genis: Okay. Lloyd: All right then, I m gonna head on home. You should head back to the village.

Genis: Lloyd, thanks for helping Marble. Lloyd: Hey, that s what friends are for, right? Genis left the scene. The camera shows the ranch with a mysterious man with a board shaped left arm. Man with a Board-Shaped Arm: Analyze the data from the gate surveillance system! Desian Soldier: Yes, sir! The Desian soldiers left the scene. Man with a Board-Shaped Arm: how did a mere human make that kind of jump? The camera switches to Lloyd who moves on to the next area. Lloyd exits the forest and proceeds to Dirk s House. Near Dirk s House, the camera shows Noishe approaching Dirk s House and then the camera shows the gravestone. Lloyd: (to himself) I m home, Mom Lloyd enters Dirk s House. Inside Dirk: Welcome back. Lloyd: Hi, Dad. Say, is there any chance you could make me a Key Crest? Dirk: Why do you need a Key Crest all of a sudden? Lloyd: I met someone today who has an Exsphere without a Key Crest. An Exsphere without a Key Crest is bad for you, right? Or, wait, don t tell me that it s too late once you ve attached an Exsphere without a Key Crest to your body. Dirk: Nah, not at all. But even removing an Exsphere that lacks a Key Crest is dangerous. So the only thing to do is make an accessory out of inhibitor ore and carve the charm into that, making it into the Key Crest instead. Lloyd: Hmmm. And then it ll be okay, huh? Then, could you make me a bracelet as soon as possible? Dirk: Just a minute. The Exsphere with no Key Crest that you re talking about who has it? Lloyd: Huh? Ah uhh a traveler. A traveling mercenary. Dirk: Baloney. Exspheres are basically only used by Desians. If he took one from a Desian, it should already have a Key Crest on it. Lloyd: Uhh, well Dirk: Dwarven Vow #11: Lying is the first step to the path of thievery! Tell me the truth. Why do you need a Key Crest? Lloyd: I met someone at the ranch today who had an Exsphere equipped without a Key Crest. Dirk: You went to the ranch?! Lloyd: I I m sorry. A bunch of stuff happened, and

Dirk: You didn t let the Desians see your Exsphere, did you? Lloyd: No, don t worry, I made sure. But why is it so important to hide this thing? The mercenary that came to the village today wore his right out in the open. Dirk: Your Exsphere is special. Lloyd: Special? Is it different from the ones the Desians have equipped? Dirk: That Exsphere is your mother s keepsake. The Desians killed your mother in order to take it from her. Lloyd: They did? Dirk: I told you about how I found you at the cliff near the ranch, right? Your mother was still conscious at that time, so she explained everything. There s no doubt about it. Lloyd: (getting angry) Why didn t you ever tell me?! Dirk: If I had, you d have run out and tried to take revenge on the Desians. The Tower of Salvation appeared today. Just leave the rest to Colette. That ll take care of the Desians, too. Lloyd: But still Dirk approaches Lloyd. Dirk: Don t get involved with the Desians. Your mother protected you and that Exsphere with her life. Don t go throwing either away. Lloyd: So will you make me the Key Crest? Dirk: Lloyd! Have you been listening at all? Lloyd: Yeah, I heard you! (mad) But you can t expect me not to do anything now that I know! Dirk threw a punch at Lloyd and Lloyd quickly evaded the punch and jumped back. Lloyd: Ugh! You don t have to hit me! Lloyd got angry and left Dirk s House. Outside, Lloyd saw his group at the scene during the night. Lloyd: Oh let me guess you heard that just now? Genis: I m sorry, because of me, you Lloyd: It s okay, it s not your fault. Raine: Lloyd, you should go speak to Colette. We ll wait here. Lloyd: Okay. Colette: Lloyd, let s go up to the terrace. IF YOU CHOOSE SURE.

Lloyd: Sure. IF YOU CHOOSE JUST A MINUTE. Lloyd: Just a minute. Colette: Okay, I ll be waiting on the bench. Later, Lloyd talks to Raine. Lloyd: You re going to leave tomorrow, too Raine: Why? Are you going to miss me? Lloyd: Of course! Raine: Hehe, thank you. By the way, did you finish Colette s present? Lloyd: It s it s almost done. Raine: Oh? Well, I m sure it ll be fine. You re at least good at craftwork. Lloyd: Do both of you have to talk like that? Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: Whose gravestone is this? Lloyd: Ah, you heard, right? It s my mom s. Kratos: Anna hmm Is your father alive?

Lloyd: I don t know. But Dirk is my dad. Kratos: Yes. That was a careless thing to ask. I m sorry.

Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: The Desians are half-elves, right? So does that mean half-elves are responsible for your mother s death? Lloyd: Well, not all half-elves are Desians, right? I don t care if they re half-elves or not. Genis: Y yeah Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: Are you done? Lloyd: Yeah. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Later, up at the terrace Lloyd: I m sorry for not finishing your birthday present in time. Colette: It s okay, don t worry about that.

Lloyd: But this sort of thing is special because you get it on your birthday, you know? Colette: Well then, will you just wish me a happy birthday?

Lloyd: Of course. Happy birthday. Colette: Hehe thanks. I m glad I was able to live to this day. Lloyd: What are you talking about? You re going to keep on living and regenerate the world. Colette: Yeah.

Lloyd: So about tomorrow I can t come along with you, can I? Colette: Well, it s just that the Desians will be after us and it s going to be a dangerous journey. Lloyd: Desians up till now. I always thought my mom died in an accident. But she was murdered by Desians! Now that I know the truth, there s no way that I could keep living in a village that has a treaty with them. Colette: I understand. There was a brief pause. Colette: We re leaving tomorrow at noon. So would you come to the village around then? Lloyd: Okay! You got it. Now I ll be able to see you become an angel with my own eyes. The camera moves up a little showing the moon. Colette: Hehe, yeah. So Lord Remiel really is my father. I m the child of an angel. Lloyd: Does it matter? Regardless of who your real father is, you re still you. Nothing s changed. You just have two fathers. Just think of yourself as being lucky for having more than most people do. Colette: I suppose you re right. Lloyd: World regeneration, huh. It s kind of exciting. Colette: Yeah releasing the seals, becoming an angel, then finally Lloyd: Finally? Colette: Um, nothing. Anyway, if we go to the Seal of Fire, I ll get to see my father again. I m going to do my best. Lloyd: Yeah, me too. Suddenly, the door to the terrace opened and Raine and Genis appeared at the scene. Raine: (to Colette) Are you ready to go?

Colette: Ah, yes. I m coming. See you later, Lloyd. Lloyd: Yeah, see you tomorrow. Colette: Yeah goodbye Lloyd: All right, time to make that present! The camera zooms out and shows Lloyd s other group waving at him and Lloyd waves back at them. The next morning Lloyd: It s finished! Okay, I d better have a talk with Dad. Lloyd goes downstairs and then out to his mom s gravestone. Lloyd talks to Dirk. Lloyd: Dad about yesterday. I just Dirk: Here that s the Key Crest you wanted. You can use it however you like. Just remember, I did try to stop you. Lloyd: Dad! Thanks! Dirk: Dwarven Vow #2: Never abandon someone in need. I m just going along with the teachings. Lloyd: Dad, I m going on a journey. I m going to help Colette regenerate the world so that I can avenge my mom. Dirk: Yeah. I figured you were going to say that. Take this with you. I ve put together some things you ll need for your trip. Lloyd received some items, Gald and the Sylvarant Map. After that Lloyd: So you re forgiving me? Dirk: Yeah. But remember, this is your home. You re still my son, regardless of blood. Come back here any time you re tired. Lloyd: I will. Wish me luck! Dirk: Lloyd! Don t ever forget Dwarven Vow #7! Lloyd: Goodness and love will always win right? Man, that s such a cheesy line for anyone to be saying these days. Don t worry, I won t forget it. (to Noishe) Let s go, Noishe! It s time to regenerate the world! Noishe approaches Lloyd and then Genis appeared at the scene. Lloyd: (to Genis) Huh? What are you doing here? Genis: Lloyd! You re still here?! Lloyd: Genis! Good timing. I got my dad to make Marble s Key Crest! Genis: Th that s great and all, but what about seeing Colette off?! Lloyd: Oh, yeah, about that, I ve decided to join her. Genis: Are you stupid or something?! Colette and the others left a long time ago!

Lloyd: Wha? Genis: I came looking for you because you never showed up! Lloyd: You ve got to be kidding me! Dirk: Lloyd! Go to the village, now! Genis: Yeah! Come on, come on! Later, in Iselia, Lloyd and Genis arrived at the scene. Guard 1: Lloyd, Phaidra was looking for you. Lloyd: Phaidra? Okay. Lloyd and Genis proceed to Colette s house. Inside Phaidra: Oh, hello, Lloyd. Lloyd: Phaidra! Is it true that Colette already left? Phaidra: Indeed. Lloyd: Did she tell me the wrong time? Frank: Colette asked me to give you this letter.

Lloyd picks up Colette s letter and read it as we hear Colette s voice with the following message: Dear Lloyd, By the time you read this, I will have already left on my journey. I m sorry for lying to you. The world regeneration journey is full of peril many Chosens have failed. I care about you too deeply to let you get involved. I m going to do my best to stop the monsters and the Desians, so I want you to live a happy and peaceful life in the regenerated world. Thank you so much for your friendship and kindness all these years. I m really lucky to have met you. Farewell, Colette Lloyd finishes reading the letter. Lloyd: What is this? This almost sounds like a will.

Frank: Yes you could call it that. Genis: What do you mean? Frank: Lloyd, Genis. There is something we hid from you and everyone in the village. Colette no, the Chosen is already Genis: Whoa! Suddenly, a violent noise can be heard from outside.

Lloyd: What was that?! Lloyd and Genis go outside. However, The Village of Oracles, Iselia is in flames. Houses were burnt down and the camera shows the Desian soldiers at the scene with the man with a board-shaped left arm. The camera switches back to Lloyd and Genis and saw 2 Desian soldiers facing a burned down house. Desian Soldier 1: Hahahaha! Burn! Burn! Desian Soldier 2: Look! More survivors! Lloyd and Genis approach the soldiers. Desian Soldier 1: Kill them! Kill all the miserable worms! Lloyd: You ll pay for this! Lloyd and Genis fight the 2 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd and Genis defeat the 2 Desian soldiers, Lloyd and Genis checks for any survivors. In the area outside of the classroom, 2 Desian soldiers surround a man. Man: G get back! The 2 Desian soldiers approach the man and are about to kill him. Genis: Lloyd, we have to save him! Lloyd and Genis approach the soldiers. Lloyd: Stop! Lloyd and Genis fight the 2 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd and Genis defeats the 2 Desian soldiers Man: Thank you, you saved me. I couldn t protect this place by myself. Lloyd: Is everyone inside the school? Man: No, there should still be some people in the village plaza. Genis: Lloyd, let s go save them! Lloyd: Yeah! Man: Wait. This is my thanks for saving me. Please take them. Lloyd received Apple Gel and Orange Gel. Lloyd: Thank you! Man: Please help them. After that, Lloyd and Genis saw and approaches Raine and Genis s house now in flames. Genis: Our our house! Lloyd: Damn those Desians!

Genis: This is horrible What am I going to tell Raine when she gets back? And this village looked like it might finally be a place we could have called home Lloyd: Huh? What did you say? Genis: N nothing! Let s hurry up and get rid of the Desians. Lloyd: Yeah! We re not going to let them do any more damage! Lloyd and Genis proceed to the area with a bunch of Desian soldiers. The villagers were surrounded. Desian Captain: Lloyd Irving! Come forth! Lloyd and Genis arrived at the scene. Lloyd: You ve come to attack the village again?! I ve had enough of this! Desian Soldier: What are you talking about? Voice of Man with a Board-Shaped Arm: He speaks nonsense. Ignore him. The man with the board-shaped left arm appeared at the scene. Forcystus: Listen up, inferior beings! I am Forcystus, one of the Five Desian Grand Cardinals. I am a superior half-elf who rules over the farm where we cultivate you pathetic humans. Genis: Half-elf

The man with the board-shaped left arm will be known as Forcystus from this point on. Forcystus: Lloyd! You, a human, have been found guilty for the crime of violating the non-aggression treaty. Therefore, I bring judgment upon you and this village! Genis: You violated the treaty, too! You tried to murder the Chosen! Forcystus and the Desian captain briefly glanced at each other as if confused. Desian Captain: Us, kill the Chosen? Hahaha! I see now. They must be after the Chosen. Lloyd: They? Are you saying you aren t the ones that attacked Colette? Forcystus: I have no need to explain myself to the likes of you. The only thing that matters is that you, Lloyd Irving, have been in contact with host body F192 and attacked our guards. The mayor approaches Lloyd. Mayor: What have you done?! How many times have we told you to stay away from the ranch?! Lloyd: (repenting) I m sorry. Forcystus: We ve prepared an appropriate opponent for your crime! Suddenly, Exbelua appeared at the scene.


What is that thing?!

Forcystus: Now, receive your punishment! Lloyd starts blocking and Exbelua attacks and the mayor got knocked to the floor. Lloyd: Damn! Genis: Lloyd, I ll help, too! Lloyd and Genis fight Exbelua. After Lloyd and Genis defeat Exbelua, Exbelua falls to the floor. Desian Captain: Lord Forcystus! Just as you thought, that boy has an Exsphere! Forcystus: It must be the one from the Angelus Project that we ve been searching for! (to Lloyd) Give it to me! Lloyd: No! This is a memento of my mom s, who you Desians murdered! Forcystus: What are you talking about? Your mother was Exbelua gets up and restrains Forcystus. Voice of Marble: Run away Genis, Lloyd Genis: (puzzled) Wh what was that voice? It sounded like Marble? Lloyd: It can t be! Get away hurry! Genis you were like a grandson to

Voice of Marble: Uh ugh guh me. Thank you. Goodbye

Exbelua self-destructs on Forcystus. Exbelua is gone from the scene and the Exsphere dropped towards Genis s feet. Genis picks it up. Forcystus: Ugh! No! Protect Lord Forcystus!

Desian Soldier:

The Desian soldiers approach Forcystus who is wounded. Forcystus: Lloyd. We will always come after you as long as you possess that Expshere. Always! Genis: (looking at Marble s Exsphere) M Marble! Marble!! No! The Desian soldiers and Forcystus retreated from the scene. A little later Mayor: What have you done?! Look! Look what happened to our village! It s all your fault! The camera views some burning houses. Lloyd: I m sorry Mayor: You think you can fix this by apologizing?! The Desians marked you as their enemy! As long as you are here, this village will never be at peace. Do

you understand? Genis rushes in front of Lloyd and spreads out his arms. Genis: Wait a minute! You re going to exile him? Mayor: Yes. Genis: That s not fair! Lloyd didn t do anything wrong! He just saved Marble Mayor: Any involvement with the ranch is forbidden. There are no exceptions. Genis: So it s okay to let people die at the human ranch as long as the village is safe?! Female Villager 1: The people at the ranch are just going to rot there, anyway. Mayor: Yes. Had you not done something so stupid, they d have been the only ones that died. Genis: You humans are all the same Lloyd: That s enough, Genis. This was my fault. Lloyd approaches the mayor. Lloyd: I ll leave. Female Villager 2: Mayor, surely you don t have to be so strict on a child Male Villager: What are you saying? Do you realize how many people died here because of him?! Genis approaches the mayor. Genis: It s not Lloyd s fault! I m the one that took him to the ranch. So it s my fault! Mayor: But it s Lloyd the Desians are after. And besides, Lloyd isn t from this village to begin with. He s an outsider, raised by a dwarf. Genis: Then I m leaving, too. I m just as guilty as he is! Lloyd: Genis The camera views the mayor who is preparing his announcement. Mayor: Fine then. By the rights vested in me as mayor, I hereby announce the banishment of Lloyd and Genis from the village of Iselia. (silent shout) Get out! Later, the villagers went away from the scene. Lloyd: (repenting) I m sorry for causing you trouble. Phaidra: If you feel that way, please catch up to the Chosen and protect her. If in doing so, the world is saved, surely everyone will change their minds about you. Frank: For I m sure Colette would want that as well.

Lloyd: Yes. I will atone for what I ve done. I swear to protect Colette for the sake of those who have died because of me. Genis: I ll follow you, Lloyd. It s my fault that you were banished. So I promise to stick by you, always. Lloyd: Say, Genis. Why don t you use that Exsphere? That s Marble s memento. Genis looks at the Exsphere. Genis: Okay. Lloyd: I ll explain to you on how to use the Key Crest later. After all, it looks like it s going to be a long journey. Genis: Yeah Lloyd and Genis head towards the exit. Near the exit, Noishe appeared at the scene. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: Let s go, Noishe Phaidra: Don t throw your lives away. Frank: May the Goddess Martel protect you. Lloyd and Genis exits Iselia. Lloyd and Genis moves on. Then Noishe: (Howl) Lloyd and Genis were surprised by Noishe s howl. Lloyd: Hmm? What is it? What s that in your mouth? Genis: Look, your bag s open. You probably dropped it yourself. Lloyd: Oh. Thanks, Noishe. Let s see Lloyd examines the item he dropped. Lloyd: It s a letter from Dad. Genis: From Dirk? Lloyd: Yeah. I wonder what s written in it. Lloyd reads the letter as follows: Dear Lloyd, Did you read the Traveler s Guide? It has the seven most well-known Dwarven Vows as well as knowledge necessary for your journey written in it. Make use of this information and be sure to protect Colette. 14 years have passed since I found you and started raising you. You were still barely able to walk. I remember how you were scared of me and always crying. And now, you ve grown into a strong swordsman. I m grateful for you calling me, a non-human, your father. Someday, when you are a full-grown man, I ll have a gift for you. Keep

that in mind as something to look forward to as you go out there and fight. Lloyd: Dad.

Lloyd continues reading the letter: P.S. It s not written in the Traveler s Guide, so I ll write here about how to use EX Gems. Read it carefully and reference it as needed. Lloyd and Genis reads the documents on using EX Gems. After that, Lloyd and Genis proceed to The Desert Oasis, Triet. In Triet, Lloyd, Genis and Noishe suddenly saw the 4 Desian soldiers talking to each other. Lloyd, Genis and Noishe hides. Desian Soldier 1: This is an order from Lord Forcystus! A human named Lloyd is on the run with an Exsphere. His identification code is unknown. Form a cordon in all areas immediately. Desian Soldier 2: What does this Lloyd look like? Desian Soldier 1: His likeness and description are on the wanted posters. We re counting on you. Desian Soldier 2: Yes, sir! The Desian soldiers split up and one of them posted the most wanted poster where Lloyd s ugly mug drawing is shown. Lloyd: Man wanted posters and search parties. They re really serious. Genis: We need to hurry and find Colette. Lloyd: Hey, I though we were looking for Colette to protect her like we re looking for her to get help. This is more

Genis: Does it really matter why we re looking for her? You think too much when you don t have to! Lloyd and Genis examine the wanted poster. Genis: Is this the wanted poster? Lloyd: Am I this ugly? Genis: It s good. They ll never find you with this I think. Lloyd and Genis proceed to the tent of the fortuneteller. Fortuneteller: Welcome to the House of Fortune. What would you like me to divine for you? Lloyd: Well, I d like to know where Colette where the Chosen is now. The fortuneteller thinks for a brief moment. Fortuneteller: Understood. That will be 100 Gald. Lloyd: That s expensive! Fortuneteller: Did you say something?

Lloyd: Ah, n no, I Lloyd pays up 100 Gald. Fortuneteller: Mmm I can see her! The Chosen is heading for the oasis that is said to have been destroyed when Efreet went out of control. Genis: Is that true?

Fortuneteller: The Chosen s companion said so, so there s no doubt. Lloyd and Genis exit the tent of the fortuneteller. Just as Lloyd and Genis were going to exit Triet Voice of Desian Soldier: Wait! Suddenly, 3 Desian soldiers appeared at the scene. Desian Soldier 1: Doesn t he look like the guy in the wanted poster? Desian Soldier 2: Let s see Yeah, he looks just like it!

The camera views the wanted poster. Genis: Good for you, Lloyd. They say you re good looking. Lloyd: Do I really look that bad? The camera switches to Lloyd, Genis and the Desian soldiers. Desian Soldier 1: You must be Lloyd! Lloyd: Yeah, that s right. Genis: Hey, what about your usual Lloyd: I m not gonna even bother. Desian Soldier 2: Heheh I guess you can t run away with a poster of your face everywhere! Lloyd faces the soldier. Lloyd: You re really starting to piss me off! Desian Soldier 1: Get him! Lloyd and Genis fight 3 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd and Genis defeats 3 Desian soldiers Lloyd: Heh. All talk. Genis: Lloyd, don t let your guard down, or you ll regret it. Lloyd: I m not letting my guard down. It s just that they were so pitiful Suddenly, a thunder ball from the back of Lloyd struck him. Lloyd: Whoa! Who are you to ask for my name thing?

Lloyd got shocked and then got knocked out. Genis: Lloyd! Lloyd is out cold and the 2 Desian soldiers appeared at the scene. Genis: I m scared! Please don t hurt me I ll be good. The soldiers took Lloyd and Genis follows them. The camera then shows Noishe who follows from far away. Near Sylvarant Base Desian Soldier 1: I ve brought Lloyd. Desian Soldier 2: Who is that child? Desian Soldier 1: His friend apparently. What should we do with him? Desian Soldier 3: The leader only wants Lloyd. I don t see any need to bring this one along. Desian Soldier 1: Understood. The Desian soldiers take Lloyd inside the base. Later Genis: What s going to happen to me? Lloyd force me to come here. I didn t want to. (Sniff) (Sob) Waaaaaaah! Desian Soldier 1: (can t take it anymore) All right, all right! As a fellow kinsman, we ll let you go. Now get out of here! Genis stops crying. Desian Soldier 2: Are you sure that s all right? Desian Soldier 1: What can a kid do? Just as Genis is about to flee Genis: Thank you for freeing me! I ll never forget this. Goodbye, mister. Desian Soldier 2: Just get out of here! As Genis flees from the scene, Noishe appeared at the scene. Genis: Noishe! You followed us! Okay, let s save Lloyd together! Noishe: (Howl) Meanwhile, Lloyd finds himself confined in the cell of Sylvarant Base. Lloyd: Uh ow! Where am I? The camera shows 2 Desian soldiers talking to each other. Desian Soldier 1: If so, I feel sorry for that Lloyd kid.

Desian Soldier 2: Yeah. He can t possibly escape execution. Lloyd: (to himself) Execution?! What the hell?!

The camera shows another Desian soldier appearing at the scene. Desian Soldier 3: (to the other soldiers) Hey, Lord Botta s calling you. Desian Soldier 2: Gotcha. 2 Desian soldiers left the scene and one of the other paces back and forth across the cells. Lloyd: Dammit. They took my equipment, and I can t open the door with the guard there. The only thing I have on me is the Sorcerer s Ring If I can hit the guard with this Lloyd uses his Sorcerer s Ring and with the right timing, he hit the Desian soldier with the fireball from the Sorcerer s Ring. The Desian soldier ran away from the scene and the cell door with Lloyd opened. Lloyd then was able to find his equipment and as he tries to escape Desian Soldier 1: Who the hell are you? Lloyd: Uh-oh. Desian Soldier 2: P prison break! Lloyd fights 2 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd defeats 2 Desian soldiers, the area is placed on high security alert. Lloyd moves on to the next area. In the next area, Lloyd witnesses a cauldron-object. Lloyd: Hmm? What s this? Let s see Suddenly, Lloyd heard someone coming and he takes his hiding place. 2 Desian soldiers appeared at the scene. Desian Soldier 1: Where is he?! That kid in red disappeared! The soldiers check everywhere for Lloyd. Desian Soldier 2: He wasn t over there either. Desian Soldier 1: That s strange. How could we miss him when there s only one message? Desian Soldier 2: Let s head back. Just as the 2 Desian soldiers try to open the door Desian Soldier 1: Oh, yeah. This room has a special mechanism. The camera shows the 2 Raybits electrocuted on two panels. The door opened. Desian Soldier 2: It s annoying to go through all the trouble of electrifying them and moving them over the panels just to open the door. Desian Soldier 1: Lord Botta sure likes to do things the hard way Desian Soldier 2: All right, let s go look for that kid in red. The 2 Desian soldiers left the scene. The door closes.

Lloyd: Red, red, red. Does my outfit stand out that much? Sheesh. (thinks briefly) Now, let s see I should take a closer look at that thing. Lloyd checks the cauldron-object and the effects of the Sorcerer s Ring changed. Lloyd: The Sorcerer s Ring is acting strange The fire changed into a ball of electricity. Maybe I can stop those weird machines with this. I guess I should check out any weird devices like this. Lloyd manages to use the Sorcerer s Ring on the 2 Raybits at the correct timing and the 2 Raybits who are elecrocuted made the door open. Lloyd: All right! It opened! Lloyd moves on to the next area. In the area with the GameCube in the center Lloyd: Doors in this room are locked too. I guess I ll go look around. Lloyd manages to solve the puzzle of the GameCube room by using the Sorcerer s Ring on the columns and rotate the area to the control room. Lloyd proceeds to the control room. In the hallway to the control room, Lloyd spotted a Desian soldier. Lloyd: Whoa?! Desian Soldier: Hey, you! What are you doing here?! Lloyd: Uh-oh! Lloyd ran into one of the rooms. In the room with lots of fancy furniture Lloyd: Phew. That was close. The camera views the blue-haired man with a cape. Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: And just who the hell are you? The blue-haired man with a cape uses his right hand and prepares to cast a spell towards Lloyd. Lloyd: Give me your name, and I shall give you mine! Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: Hahaha! You certainly have guts. But I m afraid I don t see the need to introduce myself to a miserable little creature like you. Lloyd: What a coincidence, cause I don t see a need to introduce myself either to a moron who doesn t realize how pathetic he is. Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: Why you little! Lloyd puts up his defensive stance and the blue-haired man with a cape notices an Exsphere on Lloyd s left hand. Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: An Exsphere! You re Lloyd?! Lloyd: And if I am? The blue-haired man with a cape approaches Lloyd. Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: Hmm, I see the resemblance.

Lloyd draws his sword and just as he is about to attack the blue-haired man with a cape, the area was on high security alert. Then, Botta and 2 Desian soldiers came in at the scene. Botta: Sir! We ve received reports that the Chosen s group has infiltrated the facility! Lloyd: You you re the Desian that attacked Iselia! Botta: So you re Lloyd! Now this is amusing! Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: Botta! I m leaving for now. Our plans will be ruined if he sees me. Botta: What of the Chosen? Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: I ll leave that to you. Botta: Understood. Blue-Haired Man with a Cape: (to Lloyd) Lloyd. The next time we meet, you re mine. Just you wait. The blue-haired man with a cape left the scene. Botta and the 2 Desian soldiers surround Lloyd. Then, Lloyd s other group arrived at the scene from behind Botta and the 2 Desian soldiers. Genis: Lloyd! Are you okay? Colette: Are you all right? Are you hurt? Kratos: He looks fine. Lloyd: You guys all came for me? Botta: Perfect timing. I ll take care of everyone at once! Kratos: Get ready. Lloyd s group fights Botta and the 2 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats Botta and the 2 Desian soldiers, Kratos swipes his sword at Botta s weapon and Botta s weapon breaks. Botta: Ugh I underestimated your abilities. Botta dropped the destroyed weapon and left the scene. Raine appeared at the scene and examines the destroyed weapon. Raine: Isn t this a Lloyd: Professor! Raine: Ah, Lloyd. Genis told me what happened. (glancing at Genis) I apologize for the trouble he s caused you. Lloyd: No. I m the one that dragged Genis into it. I m sorry. Kratos: Save the chitchat for later. We shouldn t stay here long.

Raine: You re right. I opened the escape route just now. Let s go. Lloyd s group escapes from Sylvarant Base. Outside, Lloyd s group saw Noishe. Lloyd: Noishe! You came, too? Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: I have a question. This crystalline object attached to this weapon this one of the Exspheres that Genis spoke of? Kratos: It would seem so. Lloyd: Oh yeah, you use an Exsphere, too. Kratos: So you noticed. Is

Lloyd: Well, duh. Raine: What are they, exactly? Kratos: It will take a while to explain. We can talk about it when we reach Triet. Lloyd: Yeah. Okay, Noishe! Let s go back now! Noishe: (Howl) Lloyd s group proceeds to Triet. In Triet Genis: I m so beat. I want to rest. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s head to the inn and then talk. During the night at the inn Raine: In other words, these Exspheres are amplifiers that awaken our dormant capabilities. Raine shows some love about this. Raine: I wonder if I could use one, too?! ? Kratos: That would be difficult. Exspheres are harmful to the body without a Key Crest. The camera views Lloyd, Colette and Genis who are sitting on the beds. Colette: Um can t we make a Key Crest? Kratos: As I told you before, a Key Crest is made by processing inhibitor ore, then engraving it with a crest to control the Exsphere attached to its surface. It is said to be a secret art known only to the dwarves. Lloyd: Yeah. I can engrave that charm er, crest, but only my dad can process the ore. Raine: Well, is there any inhibitor ore among these materials? Lloyd s group were puzzled from Raine s words. Later, the camera shows Raine

who took out the items that she acquired on her way. Genis: Raine! Did you bring these from our house?! Raine: Of course. They re valuable research materials. This is a holy vase from the Balacruf Mausoleum. This is a jeweled sword from the Martel Temple. This is a priest s crown from the Asgard ruins. This is yellow ore from the Hima mines Lloyd: What the? It s all junk!

Raine got up and angrily approaches Lloyd. Raine: (angry) What did you just say?! With Lloyd frightened by Raine s anger, Kratos picks up a glowing stone. Kratos: Hmm? This is Raine turned towards the stone that Kratos is holding. Raine: Ah, I picked that up in front of the human ranch. It was engraved with angelic language, so I took it home. Lloyd: Professor! This is a Key Crest! Kratos: The crest is half worn off. It s unusable like this. Lloyd takes the Key Crest from Kratos. Lloyd: I can fix that. Don t worry, Professor, you ll be able to equip that Exsphere tomorrow. Raine: Really?! Thank you, Lloyd! I m sorry to make you go through the trouble, but I appreciate it. A little later, Lloyd with Kratos in his room, finishes fixing the Key Crest. Lloyd: Okay, it s done. I ll go give it to the Professor.

Lloyd leaves his room and proceeds to the door of Colette s room. Lloyd: This is Colette s room. Lloyd goes inside where he saw Colette sleeping. Lloyd: Are you asleep? Just as Lloyd was about to exit Colette s room Colette: Lloyd Lloyd: Huh? Colette awoke. Colette: I m sorry that Father, Grandmother, and I couldn t prevent your exile.

Lloyd: You dork. It s not your fault, so you don t need to worry about it. And besides, I m the reason why the village was devastated.

Colette gets up from her bed and faces Lloyd. Colette: For Marble s sake, and for the sake of the villagers that were killed, I m going to do my best to regenerate the world. Lloyd: Yeah I m sorry I woke you. Colette: No, it s okay. Good night. Lloyd steps up a little. Lloyd: Thanks. Lloyd left Colette s room. Colette: (to herself) I m going to do my best for you, too, Lloyd. room.

Lloyd proceeds towards the other door to Raine and Genis Lloyd: This is Raine and Genis room.

Lloyd enters Raine and Genis room. Inside, Raine is sitting near a desk while Genis is fast asleep. Lloyd talks to Raine. Lloyd: Professor, you re still awake. Raine: Yes, I ve been organizing the data we ve collected about monsters. And what are you doing up at this hour? Lloyd: I was fixing your Key Crest. Raine: Thank you, but you mustn t overexert yourself. It s going to be a long journey after all. I don t mind if it takes a while to fix. Lloyd: So are you saying that it s okay for Genis and me to come along on this journey? Raine: Wasn t that your intent from the beginning? Stop pretending. Lloyd: Hehehe Oh yeah, I fixed the Key Crest, so here, take it. Lloyd gave Raine the Key Crest. Raine: You fixed it already? Thank you, Lloyd! So this is an Exsphere! Lloyd: Ask Genis to show you how to use it. Lloyd talks to Genis who is sleeping. Genis: Zzzzzzz Lloyd: That s some impressive snoring. IF YOU CHOOSE PINCH HIS NOSE! Lloyd pinches Genis Genis: Zzz nnguh! Genis shakes his head as he sleeps. nose.

Lloyd: Whoa! Raine: Silly boys IF YOU CHOOSE LET S LEAVE HIM ALONE. Lloyd: That s some impressive snoring. Genis: (sleeping) Lloyd Lloyd: Hmm? Is he talking in his sleep? Genis: Best friends forever Raine: He is really attached to you. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd talks to Raine once more. Lloyd: Professor, I m sorry. Raine: About what? Lloyd: I dragged Genis into this. Raine: Oh that. Lloyd: Things wound up like this because I tried to save someone from the ranch without thinking things through. Raine: Do you regret what you ve done? Lloyd: I don t know. I just couldn t ignore someone suffering right before my eyes Raine; What you did was morally correct, but was against the law. You can t change what s really happened. But you can change what s going to happen change yourself as well as the world around you. Lloyd approaches the exit. Lloyd: Well, I m gonna go now. Good night, Professor. Raine: Thank you, Lloyd. Sleep well. Lloyd left Raine and Genis room.

Raine: Heheheheheh! So this is an Exsphere! MARVELOUS!! Outside of Raine and Genis room, Lloyd heard a noise of a closed door and Kratos went out of the inn. Lloyd: Where s he going at this hour? Let s follow him. Lloyd exits the inn. Outside the inn, Lloyd saw Kratos who is staring at Noishe s stable. As Lloyd walks towards Kratos, Kratos draws his sword and the blade almost touches Lloyd s throat.

Lloyd: Whoa!! The camera shows Kratos who stopped himself from making a false move. Kratos: Lloyd Kratos puts his sword away. Kratos: I m sorry to have startled you. Lloyd: Startled isn t the word for it! Kratos: You d best not stand behind me. Lloyd: I won t Lloyd approaches Noishe s stable. Lloyd: Do you like animals? Kratos: No, not particularly Lloyd: Well, Noishe seems to be quite comfortable with you. He usually doesn t like strangers. Kratos: I once had a pet, long ago. Lloyd: Really? Kratos: Lloyd? Lloyd: Wh what? What are you staring at me like that for? Kratos: Your swordsmanship is unrefined. You should focus a little more on eliminating your vulnerabilities. Just as Kratos was about to leave the scene Kratos: If you care about your life. Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: (frustrated) Grrrr! Just because he s a little better than me, he has to talk like he knows everything! Well a lot better than me. Damn! The next morning, Lloyd heads out of the inn and met up with his group. Kratos: We can finally head out to release the seal. Colette: Yes. I ll do my best! Raine: The seal Remiel spoke of is in the Triet Ruins southwest of here. Lloyd: Cool! Let s go check out that seal! Genis: We ll see if that enthusiasm lasts Lloyd: I ll be fine! Just you watch! Raine: Oh, I just remembered. Let me give you this.

Raine gave Lloyd the Monster List. Raine; Gathering data on your enemies is useful for protecting the Chosen. Lloyd: I I m going to do it? Raine: I ll help, too. Just think of it as homework. Lloyd: Ewww Kratos: We should get going. Raine joins Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group proceeds to Triet Ruins. Upon arrival Lloyd: Ah, so hot man, I m beat. Genis: See? You re already worn out. Lloyd: I m sick of this desert. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: What s wrong, Noishe? Kratos: Be on your guard, there are enemies about! Lloyd s group fights the incoming monsters. After Lloyd s group defeats the monsters Kratos: This is going to be a nuisance. Lloyd: What is? Kratos: Ah, nothing. Anyway, it would be a good idea for you to learn techniques to protect yourself. Colette: Are you talking about self-defense training? Kratos: Something like that. Techniques to raise your defense during battles. I ll show you how it s done. Once you grasp the theory, the rest should be easy. Lloyd learned the Guardian skill. Colette learned the Damage Guard skill. Raine and Genis learned the Force Field skill. Afterwards Lloyd: Okay! I don t really get it, but I already feel stronger! I can t wait to try it out! Genis: I think you re just imagining things Raine: Hmm, what happened to Noishe? Lloyd looked surprised. Lloyd: You re right. He s gone. Ah, man, he s run off again. Kratos: He s probably nervous about the monsters. I think it would be best not to count on Noishe in places with monsters around. After that, Lloyd s group approaches the altar. Colette examines the pedestal.

Colette: Say, is this the seal? It has my family s crest on it Raine: (felt romantic) Fantastic!! Lloyd s group glances at Raine who is romantically looking at the slab. Raine: Look at this slab covering the entrance!! It s clearly of a different composition than the surrounding stone! Raine continues to look at the slab. Raine: Hahahaha! It s just as I thought! Raine crouches and feels the slab. Raine: This is polycarbonate, developed during the Ancient War to defend against magic! Oh, feel the smooth surface! It s wondrous! ? Kratos: Is she always like this?

While Raine is examining the slab and the pedestal Lloyd: Is she?

Genis: (Sigh) I ve been trying so hard to hide it, too. Raine reads the pedestal. Raine: Hmm? This depression it reads, oracle stone. (to Colette) Colette, place your hand here. That should reveal the entrance. Lloyd: Really? Raine: This stone is enchanted with magic designed to identify the Chosen. There s no question about it. Colette placed her right hand on the pedestal and the secret door opened. Colette: It opened! Wow! I guess I m really the Chosen after all! Genis: Yes, I think we all know that already. Lloyd: Okay! Not it s getting exciting! Let s hurry up and go inside! Kratos: I hope you ll be able to maintain that enthusiasm.

Lloyd s group proceeds towards the dungeon of Triet Ruins. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzles to get through the obstacles and then, they eventually reached the seal of fire. In there Raine: This place is also built with magitechnology! Absolutely fantastic! As Lloyd s group approaches the seal, the seal reacted. Genis: Ahh! What the? Lloyd s group fights Ktugach and 2 Ktugachlings. After Lloyd s group defeats Ktugach and 2 Ktugachlings, the seal opened and a red glowing energy appeared.

Voice of Remiel: You, the Chosen of Regeneration. Offer your prayers at the altar. Colette: Yes, my lord.

Colette approaches the seal and begins praying. Colette: Oh Goddess Martel, great protector and nurturer of the earth, grant me thy strength! The seal breaks and a light from above appears and reveals Remiel. Remiel: Colette, my dear daughter, you have done well. Colette: Thank you Fa ther. Remiel: The guardian of the seal has fallen, and the first seal has been released. Efreet will surely awaken soon. In the name of Cruxis, I shall grant you the power of the angels. Colette: Thank you, my lord. Remiel gives Colette the power of the angels. Colette s back then reveals angel wings and she ascend in midair. Remiel: The angel transformation will not be without pain. Yet, it is but for one night. Be strong and endure. Colette: I humbly accept this trial. Remiel: The next seal lies far to the east, across the sea. Offer your prayers at that altar. Colette: Yes, Lord Remiel. Remiel vanishes from the scene. Voice of Remiel: I shall await you at the next seal, the Chosen of Regeneration, my beloved daughter, Colette. Colette descends to the floor and stands on a surface. Lloyd: Colette has wings! Colette: Uh-huh, and look, I can put them away, too. Colette puts her angel wings away. Genis: Oh, wow! That s so cool! Colette: Here, look, look! Colette continuously flaps her angel wings as Genis enjoys it. Lloyd: (to Raine and Kratos) he said the next place is across the sea! That means we get to sail on a ship! Haha! I can t wait! Raine: A ship hmm. I wonder if there are any ships sailing with the way things are right now.

Kratos: We should head to the coast to see what we can find. Lloyd glances at Colette and Genis who are still playing around. Lloyd: Okay you two, we get it already. That s enough. Colette and Genis stops goofing around. Genis: Okay. Colette: Okay. Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit of Triet Ruins. Outside, Colette suddenly doesn t feel well and kneels to the floor. Lloyd: Colette! Are you okay? Colette: I m fine Genis: You don t look fine at all! Your face is completely white! It s all my fault. I got carried away and kept making her pull her wings in and out. Lloyd: I don t think that has anything to do with it Raine: Now s not the time for that! Her lips are turning purple. We must get her to a doctor in the city immediately. Kratos: Wait. It s best not to move her. Lloyd: Why? Kratos: Remember the angel s words. The angel transformation process requires her to overcome a trial. Rather than taking her to a doctor, it would be best to let her rest here. Colette: I m okay. I ll be fine after a little rest. I m sorry to cause so much trouble Lloyd: Stop apologizing all the time, you dork! It s not as if you can help it. You were suddenly turned into an angel. Colette: (Sigh) You re right I m sorry. Lloyd: (Sigh) Well, anyway let s set up camp before it gets dark. Later, during the camping at night, Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: Your Exsphere has an unusual color. Lloyd: It does seem to be a little different from yours and the others. By the way, why do you have an Exsphere? Kratos: I took one from a Desian. I heard that the Desians force the humans at the ranch to make them. Lloyd: So that s why Marble had an Exsphere, too Kratos: Is it all right if I ask you something as well? Lloyd: Oh okay. Sure.

Kratos: Why were you raised by a dwarf? Lloyd: Dad found me collapsed in the forest along with Mom and Noishe. Although, what really happened was that we were attacked by Desians. Kratos: I see. From the sound of that, your father is probably not alive either. Lloyd: Probably not. Kratos: So the Desians are responsible for the deaths of your parents life has been completely torn apart by them. Lloyd: Huh? Kratos: Your mother was killed and then you were chased out of your village. Lloyd: Yeah, I guess you re right. Kratos: People are hopelessly powerless. Lloyd: Yes, they are. But you can t blame others for that weakness. That s why I m going to grow stronger. I m going to become powerful and defeat the Desians. Kratos: I see. Then, no matter what awaits ahead, you must not forget that determination. Lloyd: (briefly thinks) Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: Hey, how was the tofu curry? Lloyd: It was missing something. Genis: (surprised) Wow, I m surprised you noticed. But yeah, I didn t have all the ingredients. Lloyd: What do you mean, surprised ? Genis: Ah, sorry. I mean, I didn t expect to hear you say that. Lloyd: That s the same thing! Genis: It would have been perfect if I had some Kirima fruit. Lloyd: Oh? You re the one that made this? Genis: Of course. Lloyd: I thought it was the Professor. Raine faces Lloyd. Raine: Oh, will you try my cooking next time, Lloyd? Genis: If you want to live, you d better not. There was a brief pause. Why am I talking to you about this, anyway? Your

Genis: But it s true Raine: It seems Colette s felling better now. Lloyd: Yeah. It looks like becoming an angel is pretty rough. Raine: Yes. I wonder if her biological structure is changing. Lloyd: Bio what? Raine: Ah in other words, I wonder if she s becoming a different kind of life form. Lloyd: Colette is Colette. Raine: Yes, you re right. You always point out the truth. Lloyd: Ah, well Genis: It s because he lives only by instinct. Lloyd talks to Colette. Lloyd: Oh yeah. I know it s kind of late now, but here s your birthday present Lloyd gives the necklace to Colette. Colette: Oh no, it s broken.

Lloyd looked puzzled. Lloyd: I wonder when it broke? I m sorry, I ll make you a new one. Colette: Thanks and I m sorry that I keep causing trouble for you. Lloyd: Don t worry about it. By the way, you haven t been eating at all. Are you still feeling sick? Colette: No, I m fine. I just don t seem to have much of an appetite. Lloyd: You won t be able to keep up your strength if you don t eat. Colette: I know, you re right. (Cough) (Cough) Raine: Lloyd, don t push her. Genis: Colette is delicate, unlike you. Lloyd who is offended faces Genis. Lloyd: Shut it! (to Colette) I m sorry, Colette. Colette: No, no, I m okay I m really sorry for worrying you.

Lloyd talks to Colette again. Colette: I m going to go for a little walk. Lloyd: Want me to come?

Colette: Thanks, but I ll be fine by myself. Colette left the scene. Later Genis: (nah-nah nah-nah nah nah teasing vocal) Ha-ha, you got re-ject-ed. Lloyd got angry. Lloyd: Hey, shut up, Genis! The camera views Colette standing near the beach. Colette: Ugh. (Cough) What s happening to me?

The next morning, Lloyd s group proceeds to Ossa Trail. On their way Voice of Female Assassin: Stop! The female assassin appeared at the scene. Lloyd: What? Colette: Is she a friend of yours, Lloyd? Lloyd: Not that I m aware of. Female Assassin: Is the Chosen of Mana among you? Colette: Oh, that s me. Female Assassin: Prepare to die! Just as the female assassin charges towards, Colette lost her balance and fell to the floor pulling the lever in the process. The secret floor trap opened and the female assassin fell into the hole. Lloyd: Uh-oh. Raine: Uh-oh. Genis: Uh-oh. Colette: Uh-oh. Kratos: A crash can be heard from the hole. Colette gets up. Colette: Oh, no! What should I do? I did it again Raine: You don t need to worry about it. If she had not fallen in, you might have been killed. Colette: But IF YOU CHOOSE LEAVE HER ALONE. SHE S AN ENEMY. Lloyd: Don t worry about it. It looks like she s an enemy.

IF YOU CHOOSE WELL I DO FEEL A BIT SORRY FOR HER. Lloyd: Well I guess I do feel a bit sorry for her. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Colette: I hope she s okay. Genis: Even assuming her weight to be 45kg, and this hole to be 10m deep, and calculating the gravity constant at 9.8, the impact shouldn t have been fatal. Lloyd: ??? Gravity constant? I don t understand what you just said, but she s alive, right? Genis: Probably. Lloyd examines the hole. Lloyd: Still, man, she s got some bad luck. Standing right on top of a trapdoor and all. Raine approaches the hole. Raine: It s not a trap. It s a hidden maintenance passage for the mountain path. Kratos: We should get moving.

Lloyd: Hey! Shouldn t we try to find out who that woman was? Kratos: She ll come after us again on her own. This area is too confined and the footing is poor. It would be wise not to linger. Lloyd s group moves on. In the next area, a wooden blockade to the mines has been knocked down and the female assassin appeared at the scene. Female Assassin: W wait!

Lloyd: Wow, she caught up with us. Colette: Oh, thank goodness! Female Assassin: D don t move! Raine: A wise decision. Female Assassin: I won t be caught off guard this time! Prepare to die!

Lloyd s group fights the female assassin as the Clumsy Assassin and Guardian-Wind. After Lloyd s group defeats the Clumsy Assassin and Guardian-Wind Female Assassin: Ugh Just you wait! I swear I will kill you all next time! The female assassin vanishes at the scene. Lloyd: Wait! There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Why are people trying to kill us?


There are always those that reject salvation.

Genis: Maybe she s a Desian. Kratos: Who knows? At any rate, we are in constant danger. That s all we have to know. Raine: Those clothes Lloyd: Professor, something wrong? Raine: No. It s nothing. Let s go.

Lloyd: Yeah. Anyway, let s go look for a place where we can get a ship. Lloyd s group proceeds to Izoold. In there, Lloyd s group speaks to a man. Man: There aren t any passenger ships running. It s too dangerous. I got here only by getting a ride on a boat from a guy named Aifread. Aifread? No, he s not here anymore. He said he was going back to his hometown. Lloyd s group goes into one of the houses and speaks to Lyla. Lyla: (to herself) How can I quell these feelings I have? Aifread Genis approaches Lyla. Genis: If you re looking for Aifread, we heard he went back to his hometown. Lyla: What did you say?! Is that true?! Genis: Ah yeah. Isn t it, Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah. So it seems, anyway Lyla: This is my chance! Lyla left the house and Lloyd s group proceeds to the dock where Lyla is at. Lloyd s group watches Lyla talking to Max. Lyla: What s the matter with you?! You re going to refuse my request? He s returned to his hometown of Luin! Max: It s not like that. There are giant monsters at sea now. It s dangerous, and I care about you too much to let you come aboard. That s all. Lyla: Fine. Then you go deliver the letter for me. Max: No! Why should I have to act as a go-between for my rival in love! Lyla: Oh, please, stop whining! Fine! (to Lloyd s group) You there, excuse me. Colette: Us? Lyla: Do you see anyone else here? I d like you to deliver this letter for me to Aifread in Luin. Lloyd s group approaches Lyla.

Lloyd: We can t deliver it if we can t cross the ocean. Lyla: If you ll deliver it, I ll have Max take you on his boat. Max: You can t be serious! Lloyd: Okay. Lyla: Then it s settled. All right, Max? Max: I I m not going to do it. Lyla: You re kidding me! Are you saying it s all right if my letter doesn t make it to Aifread? Max: L Lyla! No, I mean, it s not I don t mean that Lyla: Then, what do you mean?! If you keep making a fuss about this, I ll just do this on my own! Max: Okay, okay. I ll go, I ll go. Dammit

Lyla: You should ve just said that from the start. Lyla approaches Lloyd. Lyla: Then, it s in your hands now. Make sure it gets to him. Lyla gives Lloyd Lyla s Letter. After that, Lyla left the scene. Lloyd: She s really pushy Lloyd s group glances at Max. Max: Let me know when you re ready to leave. Lloyd s group talks to Max. Max: Are you ready? Lloyd: Yes. Max: Okay, then let s set sail. Don t blame me if we run into any monsters.

Later as Lloyd s group steps aboard the ship. Lloyd: Now we can finally go to the next seal. Colette: Yeah! Raine: I was afraid this journey would force me on a boat sooner or later Later, the ship set sails to Palmacosta. Genis: We re at sea! We re at sea! Lloyd: Settle down, this thing s tiny. Do you want to fall out? Max: (insulted) Gee, I m so sorry my ship is too tiny for you!

Colette: I m gonna fall! Later, the ship arrived at Palmacosta. Lloyd s group gets off the ship. Max: We re here. Lloyd: Thanks, Max. What are you going to do now? Max: I ll request escort from a Palmacosta warship or something Well, take care. Lloyd: Sorry for making you take us all the way out here. Be careful on your way back. Max: You, too. Lloyd: (to himself) Okay, Let s go look for clues about the next seal. Lloyd s group moves on. In the next area, as Lloyd s group walks towards a T-road, Colette accidentally walked into a woman and they both lost their balance and fell to the floor. The potion that the woman was carrying was broken. Genis: There she goes again.

Woman 1: Owww! What did you do that for?! Colette and the woman stand up. Colette: Oh, I m sorry. Woman: Ahh! The Palma Potion that we just received! The camera zooms in to the leaked broken Palma Potion. Man: Hey lady, that was a very valuable potion! How are you planning on making up for this? Colette: I ll buy a replacement potion right away. Man: Replacement potion?! Do you seriously think that s going to be enough to appease my anger?! Lloyd: Oh, come on, now you just sound like an idiot. Man: What-did-you-say?! Do you know who we are?! Lloyd: And I should care because? Man: Why, you little Woman 2: Stop. I d like to leave here as soon as we can. Don t start any unnecessary trouble. Woman 1: I agree. Let s just have them replace the potion. Man: Bah. You got off lucky this time, kid. Hurry up and go buy that potion. Lloyd: There s no need to bother, Colette! Colette: No, I ran into them, so I have to pay for it


Fine, all right.

Lloyd s group enters Marble s tool shop. Inside Chocolat: Oh, please! There s no way anyone would sell those to you at a price that low! Desian Soldier 1: You should be thankful that we re even willing to spend money for goods from a rundown shack like this. Chocolat: I don t need to hear that from a bunch of filthy Desians! I m not going to sell one single gel to the likes of you. Cacao: Chocolat, stop! Chocolat: But Mom, these are the same monsters that took Grandma away! Desian Soldier 1: You ve got some nerve talking to us like that, little girl! You keep that up, and we can t guarantee what ll happen to you or this city. Chocolat: (getting smart) Just try it! As long as Governor-General Dorr is around, we ll never submit to the like of you! Desian Soldier 1: You little Desian Soldier 2: Stop! We ll exceed our quota for this year. We need permission from Lord Magnius to go any further. Desian Soldier 1: Humph. Desian Soldier 2: (to Chocolat) Depending on Lord Magnius might not get to keep that pretty little head of yours! The Desian soldiers left the scene. Chocolat: Well then, I m of to work now, Mom. Cacao: Take care. Chocolat left the scene. Cacao: I apologize for what happened. I m sure you were startled. Please, relax and take a look around. Lloyd s group uses Galds to purchase some Palma Potion. After that, Lloyd s group approaches the group with battle outfits. Lloyd: Here. Lloyd gave the Palma Potion to the man. Man 1: All right then. Looks like you re good little boys and girls after all. Just make sure you learn your lesson and don t mess with us again. Colette: Yes. I ll be careful. Woman 2: Come on, we re leaving! Woman 1: I have to say, that Governor-General Dorr sure was trusting. It s hard mood, you might or

to believe he just gave us his family treasure like that. Man 2: So what are we going to do with that, anyway? Man 1: You re an idiot. We don t have any use for that thing. We re just going to sell it to that geezer on Hakonesia Peak who collects old junk. Woman 1: Now, let s go! The group with battle outfits left the scene. Colette: Hehe, sorry for getting us in trouble. Lloyd: Those guys kinda piss me off. Lloyd s group proceeds to the other area of Palmacosta. In the next area, the camera shows a man with two kids at the scene. Boy: Governor-General Dorr! Dad was taken away to the ranch and hasn t come back. Even though I ve been a good boy! Dorr: Hang on just a little longer. I promised, remember? I ll save everyone who s been taken away to the ranch. Boy: But I m lonely Girl: Don t worry. Father is a friend of everyone in this city. My mother died of an illness, but your father should still be alive. I m sure he ll come back. Boy: Really? Dorr: Yes. They were all taken away because they fought back against the Desians. I swear I ll rescue them. Boy: Okay. I ll wait for Dad to come back.

Dorr: Good boy. Let s go Kilia. Kilia: Yes, Father. The girl will be known as Kilia from this point on. Dorr and Kilia left the scene and the camera switches to Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Who was that? The old man turned around. Old Man: Governor-General Dorr. He s recruiting soldiers and resisting the Desians. He s a wonderful man. Middle-Aged Woman: After losing his wife to an illness, he s raised his daughter Kilia all by himself Old Man: As long as Governor-General Dorr is here, we won t submit to the Desians. Even if we re carried off to the ranch, Dorr will come and save us. We believe in him. Colette: The people of this city are all so strong. Lloyd: That Dorr person must be a great man.

Lloyd s group enters the Governor-General s office. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Dorr. Dorr: Greetings, travelers! We welcome travelers, as per the teachings of Martel. May the blessing of Martel be upon those who journey. By the way, may I ask where you have come from? Are you on a pilgrimage for Martel? Lloyd: Ah, we came from Iselia. We re on the journey for world regeneration. Dorr: World regeneration? Genis: Colette here is the Chosen of Mana. The Tower of Salvation appeared, right? Dorr: Are you saying that you are the Chosen? Colette: Ah, um, yes. It seems that way, anyway. Neil: (suspiciously surprised) Governor-General Dorr.

Dorr: Yes The Chosen was just here moments ago! How dare you defile that name! These despicable criminals must be arrested and turned over to the church at once! Just as things went AWOL for Lloyd, Colette lost her balance and fell to the floor and her wings appeared. Colette gets up and the camera shows the armored guards blocking Lloyd s group s way. Kilia: Wow! Father, did you see?! She has wings! She s like an angel! They re beautiful! Neil: (to the armored guards) W wait! Everyone, lower your weapons! This person before us is without a doubt the Chosen of Mana! The armored guards left the scene. Neil: There is no mistaking the angel wings that are on your back! Please forgive our insolence, Chosen One. Colette: Ah, um, please, it s okay. Um, um it s all right, really. Everyone tells me I m not very Chosen-like at all. Dorr: But this means imposter?! The Chosen we gave the Book of Regeneration to was an

Lloyd: Wait a minute. You said something about the Chosen coming here already. What is the Book of Regeneration? What s going on? Neil: The Book of Regeneration is a record of Spiritua s journey. It is the only document containing detailed records of the world regeneration, and it is a precious heirloom passed down through the generations of Governor-Generals of Palmacosta. Genis: That s it! With that, we won t have any trouble finding the seals! Raine: And you say you handed over this invaluable book to a random person claiming to The Chosen ? Unbelievable. Lloyd: Of course! It must be those guys that were giving us trouble earlier!

Neil: We had received information that the Chosen s group was headed this way, so we naturally thought that they were them Genis: (getting snappy) Are you stupid or something?! Now what are we supposed to do?! Neil: I am terribly sorry Genis: I can t believe this! Do you use your eyes at all or are they just there for decoration? You humans are Raine slapped Genis in the face. Genis: Ow! Raine: Genis, that s enough! Lloyd: (to Dorr) You don t happen to remember the contents of that whatever-it s-called book, do you? Dorr: I m afraid not It is, after all, written in the language of the angels, so only members of the church can read it. Colette: Oh, I know! Let s try asking at the church. Maybe the priests know something. Raine: That s a good idea. Let s give it a try. Any objections? Neil: You have my deepest apologies, Chosen One. Dorr: Lloyd s group proceeds to the church. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Pastor Marche. Pastor Marche: Oh, Chosen One! Do you remember me? I m Marche. I trained as a priest at the Martel Temple. Colette: Of course I remember you. It s so nice to see you again. So you ve become a pastor now. Pastor: Yes. Ever since the Tower of Salvation appeared, I have eagerly awaited the arrival of the Chosen. The legend of Spiritua will surely be of use to you. Colette: Spiritua gave her first sermon here, right? Pastor Marche: Yes, that is correct. The legend of the world regeneration from that time was written down in the Book of Regeneration and was given to the royal family. It contains a record of the location of every seal. Raine: Do you keep a record of its contents here by any chance? Pastor Marche: No, it was not complied by the church. Would you like me to request Governor-General Dorr to show it to you? Colette: That won t help. It seems he gave the book to a group of imposters pretending to be us. Pastor Marche: That s terrible! Unfortunately, the Book of Regeneration is the

only record of Spiritua s footsteps. I am sorry I could not be of help. Lloyd s group talks to Chocolat. Chocolat: Oh, you re the ones that came to our item shop earlier, aren t you? I m sorry about what you saw earlier. I work here as a pilgrim tour guide. Lloyd: Ah, don t worry about it But are you going to be okay? Those guys might not hesitate to destroy this entire city Chocolat: You don t know anything, do you? This area is under the control of Magnius from the eastern ranch, but just last month they reached the designated death count limit. We re safe until next year. Raine: So this city hasn t signed a non-aggression treaty. Chocolat: Iselia s the only place with a treaty like that. Although there are many who envy it. I don t want any part of a treaty that panders to the Desians. Kratos: But that means you must spend every day in fear of the Desians. And besides, Governor-General Dorr is building a resistance force to fight the Desians. He ll be getting rid of them soon. And on top of that, I ve heard that the Chosen of Mana has already begun her journey of world regeneration! Colette: Oh, yes. Chocolat: Just hang in there until the Chosen saves us, okay? Colette: O okay! I will! Lloyd: Colette, she doesn t realize you re the Chosen. Chocolat: So while we re waiting for the regeneration, I recommend that you follow Martel s teachings and go on a journey. The current tour is already full, so would you like to sign up for the next one? You re nice, so I ll let you in on the tour at a reduced rate. ? After that, Lloyd s group goes outside. Colette: What should we do? Shall we just go looking for the seals using Remiel s words as clues? Raine: I think we would be better off getting hold of the Book of Regeneration. Genis: Raine, you know you re more interested in that look itself than in the location of the seals. Lloyd: Damn it looks like we don t have any choice but to chase after the imposters. Colette: But how? Lloyd: Remember what they said? They re planning on selling off the Book of Regeneration. Raine: Off to Hakonesia Peak, then. Colette: Wow! Lloyd, you re amazing! Genis: It s only at times like this that he has a good memory.

Lloyd: Shut up Genis! Now, let s get going. Kratos: Well then, let s get going. Lloyd s group moves on. They stop by at Nova s Caravan. Alduin: Who are you? May: Who are you? Nova: Oh, my, we don t get visitors very often. May I help you? Lloyd: Ah, no, we were just passing by. Are you in the middle of a pilgrimage? Nova: We are traveling while studying the animals of the world. I m a zoologist. Lloyd: Really? That s a weird thing to do in these dangerous times Raine slapped Lloyd in the face. Lloyd: Ow! Raine: Traveling the world in pursuit of knowledge that s wonderful! Nova: Hah hah hah. I just like seeing all sorts of rare animals. May: We even saw a giant glowing bird! Lloyd: Glowing bird? Raine: That may have been Aska, the Summon Spirit of Light. Nova: Really? That bird is a Summon Spirit? I see That would explain why it s a species I ve never seen before. Lloyd: Say, tell us about the time you saw it. Genis: The information might come in handy, and besides, I want to hear the story. Nova: In that case, I think it would be better to ask my children. I actually didn t get a good look at the bird. Lloyd: Okay, I ll try asking them. Lloyd talks to Alduin. Lloyd: Say, tell us in detail about the time you saw the glowing bird. Alduin: Ah, it was on the Ossa Trail. We were camping out near the peak and that glowing bird appeared. Lloyd: Ossa Trail hmm Alduin: Also, the wind was strong that day. A tree nearby played a mysterious melody as its nuts shook in the wind. It was like a beautiful song. Lloyd: Tree nuts playing a mysterious melody? What the heck is that?

Raine: That s probably the Linkite. Tree that is said to grow in high places. It is said that when the nuts shake in the wind, they make a beautiful sound, like bells. Lloyd: Hmm. I didn t know there was a tree like that. But doesn t that mean we can meet Aska if we just go to the Ossa Trail? Alduin: No, the tree isn t there anymore. Either someone cut it down and took it away, or it was carried away in a landslide or something Lloyd: Yeah, we didn t see any tree like that when we went there before Raine: That stump we saw near the peak might have been it Alduin: We ve traveled all over the world, but we ve yet to see that tree again. Raine: That tree is thought to be extinct from over-harvesting and natural disasters. I don t think it will be easy to find Lloyd: Hmmm Lloyd s group talks to May. May: You know, on that day, I picked nuts from the tree. And um it makes a pretty sound. Lloyd: That s Could we see it?

Colette: So this is a Linkite Nut Lloyd: It really does make a pretty sound. May: I ll give that one to you! I have some more! Lloyd: Thank you very much. Lloyd s group talks to Sarah. Sarah: Oh, you re Lloyd: Sarah, thanks again. Raine: Lloyd, do you know her? Genis: She helped us out when it was just the two of us. Raine: Oh, my Thank you so much for looking after these children.

Sarah: It was my pleasure. Lloyd: Sarah, there s something we d lie to ask you. If you know anything about the glowing bird, we d like you to tell us. Sarah: I imagine that bird can only be found among steep, impregnable mountains. Ones you could never reach by foot Lloyd: Why do you think that? Sarah: Because we ve been everywhere that one can walk to. If you could find it in one of those places, I think we would already have encountered it.

Lloyd: I see Afterwards Raine: I ll sum up the situation in which they encountered the glowing bird. First, they encountered it on the Ossa Trail. This indicates that the glowing bird only appears in high places. Next, a Linkite Tree made a beautiful sound, as if the nuts were producing a melody. Finally, on that day there was a strong wind, and the sound of the Linkite Nuts was carried a long distance by the wind. I think that about sums it up. Genis: They said that, after traveling around the world, they went back to the Ossa Trail again, but the Linkite Tree was already gone. Lloyd: And, they ve yet to find another Linkite Tree on any of their journeys. At least, there weren t any they could get to by foot. Raine: Which means in order to meet Aska, we need to search for a Linkite Tree in a place you can t get to on foot. Lloyd: That sounds impossible Raine: Yes well, we don t need to accomplish it immediately And even if we did find a Linkite Tree, it wouldn t do us any good if it was dead. Genis: The sound has to be carried on the wind and playing a melody sounds difficult, too. Lloyd: Couldn t you do something about a dead tree with your healing arts? Raine: My power alone wouldn t be enough In order to heal something that s already dead, I d need something that could strengthen my skills Something that could call forth the Linkite Tree s will to live. Something like an Exsphere or even just a small fragment of one Also if it s dead, that means the ground there is weak. We d need to replenish the earth and make it nourishing again. Lloyd: Dad s the only one I can think of who might have a spare Exsphere Genis: Although, if there are any other dwarves around, they might have one, too. Raine: There s nothing we can do. Let s give up on Aska. Nova: Fascinating Lloyd: Whoa! Nova: I see now works. That s impressive the way you ve found the rules of how it

Lloyd: But all we ve learned is that meeting Aska is hard. Nova: Well, I suppose so I ve gone ahead and made note of the information you ve assembled. Feel free to talk to me anytime you want to hear it. Lloyd: Okay. Lloyd s group talks to Nova again.

Nova: Hmm? What is it? Lloyd: Show us the memo about the glowing bird. Nova: Certainly. The memo reads as follows: To find the Linkite Tree. The Linkite Tree is thought to be somewhere that cannot be reached by foot. If the Linkite Tree is dead, we must stengthen the healing arts, call forth the tree s will to live, and nourish the ground. Lloyd: Thank you. Nova: Don t mention it. Lloyd s group then stops by at the House of Salvation. Inside, Lloyd s group saw the female assassin from earlier. Female Assassin: lla will suffer. Please, help me save everyone. IF YOU CHOOSE CALL OUT TO HER. Lloyd: Hey, what are you praying for? Female Assassin: So I can save everyone. The female assassin felt surprised and turns around facing Lloyd s group. Female Assassin: Uh! Lloyd: Well, there s a nice thought. Female Assassin: Sh shut up! IF YOU CHOOSE LEAVE HER ALONE. Lloyd: Let s go Suddenly, the female assassin turns around and faces Lloyd s group. Female Assassin: Wait! This meeting shall be your end! I shall defeat you right here, and now! Lloyd: This is a place of prayer. Let s not start that here. Female Assassin: O okay CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: My name s Lloyd! What s yours? Female Assassin: What? Genis: Lloyd? Colette: Ah, I m Colette. I m still inexperienced as a Chosen, but I promise I ll do my best and regenerate the world.

Female Assassin: I never asked you your names! Colette: Oh, you re right. I m sorry. Female Assassin: I I m trying to kill you! Colette: I know. But if we just talk, I m sure we can come to an understanding. Female Assassin: Are you listening to me?! Colette: I m listening. But um Ms. Assassin

Sheena: It s Sheena! Sheena Fujibayashi! Colette: Sheena. You were praying. Praying makes one s heart grow. I pray, too. So I m sure we can understand each other. Sheena: I I was praying that I d be able to kill you concentration! You d better be ready next time! Forget it! I lost my

Sheena vanishes from the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to Hakonesia Peak. In there, Lloyd s group attempts to approach the guards. Guard 1: You cannot pass through these gates unless you have a road pass. Guard 2: Road passes are available for sale in that small shop. You must purchase one if you wish to pass here. Lloyd s group enters a small house. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Koton. Koton: If you re looking for road passes, it s 100,000,000 Gald per person. Lloyd: Wha?! What kind of prices is that>! That s robbery! Koton: Silence, boy! I ll have you know, I hate men! Raine: That means even those on pilgrimages with the Church of Martal can t make it past here. Koton: Oh, my, you re quite the beauty! If you re on a pilgrimage, you should join in the Asgard ruin tour at the Palmacosta travel agency. Genis: Hey! You re in cahoots with the travel agency! Koton: Oh, shut up! If you don t have any money, then get out of here! Colette: Hmm? That s a very old scripture Colette approaches the item she saw. Koton: Oh, my beautiful maiden! You have good eye! This here is something I purchased from the Chosen of Mana. It s a very rare scripture record that contains the Legend of Spiritua! Lloyd s group was surprised. Koton: I ve been wanting to get my hands on this for ages! I d just about given up on Dorr ever letting go of it. It was very fortunate that the Chosen herself was willing to part with it!

Lloyd: Let us have that! At least just let us look at it for a bit. Koton: You ve got to be kidding! Why should I have to show it to you people?! Genis: Oh, come on! Colette is the Cho Raine slaps Genis in the face. Raine; Stop. We ll be the ones treated as imposters. Koton: The Cho? Raine; The Chosen of Mana s devout follower. She wishes to view articles that the Chosen has posessed. Colette is a faithful believer and is versed in the language of the angels. Colette: Ah, yes, that s right. I ve studied it since I was a child. Koton: Well, if it s that important to you, the maiden and beauty can have a look at it. More than anything, I want the Spiritua Statue that is displayed in the House of Salvation. If you bring me that, I ll consider showing you the book. Genis: You re so stingy! Like it costs you anything to just let us look at it. Koton: Shaddup! Get the heck outta here if you don t have money and don t have the statue! Lloyd s group exits the house. Outside, citizens of Palmacosta appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Hmm? What s wrong?

Woman 1: Oh, you don t know? Man: You all would be better off waiting here for a while. No matter what, you should stay away from Palmacosta. Lloyd: Did something happen in Palmacosta? Woman 2: It seems the Desians are headed for Palmacosta! Lloyd: What?! Man: Plus, they say the leader of the nearby human ranch, Magnius, is with them. Lloyd: Magnius Man: I m going to wait here until things cool down. You should hold off on going anywhere for a while, too. Lloyd s group proceeds to Palmacosta. In there, Lloyd s group approaches the area near Dorr s office where the execution site is taking place. The camera shows Cacao who has a rope around her neck hanging from the hangman. Guard 1: Out of the way! Lord Magnius approaches! Magnius appeared at the scene. Man: It s Magnius from the eastern ranch

Magnius: That s LORD Magnius, vermin! Magnius grabs the man s neck and breaks it, killing the man instantly. Magnius approaches Cacao. Guard 1: This woman defied the wishes of the great Lord Magnius and refused to provide us with supplies. Guard 2: Therefore, while the designated death count has been exceeded, we have been granted orders to carry out this woman s execution! The camera shows Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Dammit! Why isn t the city militia doing anything to stop this? Man: Most of them are out on training exercises right now. Genis: The Desians must have waited for this opportunity. Slimy jerks! Voice of Chocolat: Mom!! Chocolat appeared at the scene. As Chocolat was about to approach the execution site Desian Soldier: Stop right there, woman! Guard 2: If you interfere, we ll make you suffer in ways that will leave you begging for death! Chocolat: You think Governor-General Dorr will let you get away with this? Magnius: Dorr? Hahahaha! Don t get your hopes up, woman! Chocolat: No!! Suddenly, a stone was thrown at Magnius and the camera views the kid throwing stones at Magnius. Magnius: You disgusting little vermin! Just as Magnius was about to approach and kill the kid Lloyd: Stop right there! Lloyd performed Demon Fang at Magnius and Magnius is hit. Magnius: Ugh! The camera shows Raine approaching to the scene. Raine: Lloyd, stop! Do you want to turn this city into the next Iselia? Lloyd: It s not the same! This city doesn t have a non-aggression treaty with the Desians! Hwo can we go on a quest to regenerate the world if we can t even save the people standing right in front of us?! Colette: Lloyd s right! I won t just stand here and let this happen! Desian Soldier: You! You re wanted criminal #0074 Lloyd Irving!

Magnius: Well, now! So you re that boy with the Exsphere! Hahahaha! This is perfect! After I take that Exsphere from you, they ll make me the leader of the Five Grand Cardinals! Get them! Just as the guard cast and releases the spell towards Lloyd s group, Genis appeared at the scene and performs his Force Field, stopping the magic attack from the guard. Genis: Amateurs Genis left the scene. Magnius: Dammit! You worthless idiots! Enough of this! I ll take care of this woman first! The guard approaches the floor trap of the hangman under Cacao s feet. Colette: No! Colette immediately threw her Chakram at the rope around Cacaos snapped and Cacao fell to the floor. Magnius: What the?! Kratos approaches Magnius and strikes Magnius with his sword. Magnius got wounded. Magnius: Ugh! Kratos: Let us respect the wishes of the Chosen. neck. The rope

The citizens were surprised. Man 1: The Chosen? Man 2: She is the Chosen?! Man 3: The Chosen herself has come to save us?! Raine: (to Lloyd) Do you all realize what you re doing? If you defy the Desians, this city may be attacked just like Iselia. Lloyd: That s right! And I know full well what I m doing! I won t repeat the same mistake again. I ll destroy them all, the entire ranch! Raine: Lloyd, that s insanity. Lloyd: They re only after Colette and me anyway. And besides, we have the Chosen on our side! The savior who will regenerate the world! Right, Colette? Colette steps up a little. Colette: Yup! I m going to fight for everyone s sake. Man 4: Oh! Lady Colette! The great Chosen of Mana! Raine: I give up. You re all hopeless about you otherwise. But I ll help, since I d be worried

Lloyd: Professor Sage! Thanks! Magnius: Damned little enough of this crap! I m leaving them to you. Get rid of them! Magnius vanishes from the scene. Desian Soldier: How dare you lay a hand on Lord Magnius! You re all dead! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian soldiers, the camera switches to Lloyd s group in Cacao and Chocolat s room. Cacao: Thank you. Chocolat: Thank you so much for saving my mom! I don t know what I would have done if they d murdered my mom as well Genis: As well? Cacao: My husband volunteered in Governor-General Dorr s army and was killed in a battle against the Desians. And my mother was taken to the ranch. Chocolat: It was Grandma that originally founded our shop. We have to protect it, not just for ourselves, but also for Grandma s sake, for when she returns. I m sorry, but I d better get going soon. It s almost time for the next Asgard pilgrimage. Lloyd: Asgard pilgrimage? Chocolat: I work at the Church of Martel Travel Agency. But it s not like I believe in Martel or anything. Cacao: Chocolat! How can you say such a thing! Chocolat: I know, I know. I m grateful for the Chosen. But Martel didn t protect Dad or Grandma. Even this time, it wasn t Martel, but the Chosen and her companions that saved Mom. How can anyone believe in a goddess that sleeps while we suffer? Colette: I understand. But I still think Martel exists. Chocolat: You think? Colette: I m sure of it. She exists inside you and me. Chocolat: Well, if the Chosen says so then I ll at least try to believe. Lloyd: Are there really people that want to go on a trip right after what just happened here? Kratos: It s after events like this that both those with and without faith feel the need to go on a journey in search of salvation. Chocolat: That pretty much sums it up. Well then, thank you all very much! Lloyd s group exits Marble s tool shop. Lloyd talks to a priest standing near the exit of Palmacosta. Priest: Do you know Hakonesia Peak? You know about it, right? I m sure you do,

I can tell. Is there any chance I could talk you into escorting me to Hakonesia Peak? Lloyd: Sure. Priest: Thanks! I appreciate it! A while later, Lloyd s group escorted the priest to Hakonesia Peak. Priest: Thank you! I m in your debt! I ll be happy to return the favor any time! After that, a soldier appeared at the scene. Soldier: Chosen One! Everyone! Colette: What is it? Solider: I have a message from Dorr. He would like you to temporarily postpone the journey of regeneration. Kratos: What is this about? Soldier: A Church of Martel pilgrimage tour guide has been kidnapped by the Desians. In light of this, Dorr has decided that this is the time to gather Palmacosta s forces and launch an attack on the human ranch controlled by Magnius. Genis: How is that related? Soldier: We would like you to rescue the kidnapped tour guide in concert with our attack. Colette: Who is this kidnapped tour guide? Soldier: Her name is Chocolat. Lloyd: Chocolat?! Raine: Oh no.

Soldier: Chosen One, please help us. Colette: Lloyd, let s help them. IF YOU CHOOSE YEAH, OKAY. Lloyd: Yeah, okay. Raine: Somehow, I thought you were going to say that.

Lloyd: Of course! We can t just leave her. IF YOU CHOOSE RELEASING THE SEALS COMES FIRST. Lloyd: Releasing the seals comes first. Kratos: That s not the answer I would have expected from you.

Genis: I can t believe you, Lloyd! What about the Dwarven Vow?


You re an elf, remember? Oh well, fine. We ll do it.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Soldier: Thank you! Neil will inform you of the details once you reach the ranch. Thank you so much for your help. The soldier left the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to the House of Salvation. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the grand priest. Grand Priest: You say you want the Spiritua Statue? Lloyd: I know it s a brazen request. But it s for the world regeneration. Colette: Please, Father. Grand Priest: If the Chosen asks, we will of course not hesitate to lend our aid. (to the priest) Bring the statue here. Priest: M my most humble apologies! Lloyd s group looked puzzled. Priest: This Spiritua Statue is actually a fake I had placed here. Grand Priest: What? What are you talking about? Priest: I lost the real Spiritua Statue during the pilgrimage a year ago. Lloyd: The pilgrimage is the Church of Martel s spiritual training journey, right? Why would you take the statue along with you? Grand Priest: The halo on the head of the Spiritua Statue is made of diamond. We always take it with us when we go out on pilgrimages in order to protect it from thieves. Priest: On the trip last year, I followed that custom as usual and brought the Spiritua Statue with me to Thoda Island. But there, I accidentally dropped it into the geyser. Lloyd: Why did you have to take it to a place like that?! Priest: I am terribly sorry. I was so moved upon seeing the geyser for the first time By the time I realized it, the statue had fallen onto the rocks on the other side of the geyser. Desperate, I paid a visit to a dwarf who lives in Iselia and had him make something just like it. Genis: Oh, that d be Dirk. Raine: It s very good work. Just what I d expect from Dirk. Lloyd: (to himself) Dad. Just what kind of jobs are you doing?

Kratos: Well then, what shall we do now? Do you think the fake will fool that old man? There was a brief pause. Raine: That doesn t seem likely. It s well-built, but it s still a fake, as is the diamond.

Colette: Um um How about if we go get the real one? Raine got surprised. Raine: Y you want to go all the way to Thoda Island? And on top of that, the rocky area is on the other side of the geyser, correct? Priest: Y yes. Lloyd: The problem is the geyser. Even I ll pass on getting hit with boiling water. Raine: Oh, my, Lloyd. You remembered that a geyser erupts with boiling water. I m so proud! Colette: Lloyd, you re amazing! Lloyd: Oh course. Everyone knows that. Genis: I bet you just guessed Lloyd: Sh shut up Kratos: Humph.

Colette: If only we could stop the geyser. Kratos: I ve heard that the eruption cycle of the Thoda Island geyser is quite short. Raine: I wonder if we can seal it with something. Lloyd thought of something. Lloyd: That s it! We ll just have Genis seal it with magic. Genis: Magic? How? Lloyd: Like cover it with ice or something. Genis: Okay! I ll give it a try. You d better be grateful! Lloyd: Dwarven Vow #1: Let s all work together for a peaceful world. We re counting on you, Mr. Genius Magician. Lloyd s group first proceeds to Palmacosta Human Ranch. In the ranch, the camera shows the Desian soldiers patrolling and guarding Palmacosta Human Ranch. Lloyd s group approaches the ranch until Neil appeared at the scene. Neil: Chosen One, please wait. Lloyd: Neil! We heard Chocolat s been kidnapped! Neil: Yes. I wish to speak with you regarding that. Please, come this way Raine: It doesn t sound like you have very good news for us.

The camera switches to a closer view of Lloyd s group and Neil.

Neil: I would like you all to just go ahead and leave the Palmacosta region. Colette: But if we do that, what will happen to Chocolat? Genis: Yeah! We re supposed to work in conjunction with the Palmacosta army to save Chocolat, right? Neil: No, that s Kratos: So it is a trap. Neil felt surprised. Raine: Of the several possibilities, it looks like the worst one came true.

Lloyd: Kratos and Professor! What are you talking about? Kratos: It was a mystery that the Desians would simply leave a city with an army alone. Raine: Yes, exactly. Choosing not to crush the seeds of rebellion must mean they are not a threat They are left alone simply because they have no real power, or perhaps, because they are in fact beneficial Neil: It is as you say. Dorr is working with the Desians to lead the Chosen into a trap. Genis: Why would he do such a thing? Neil: He didn t used to be like this He always thought of the well-being of the people of the city. Even five years ago, when he lost his wife, Clara, he swore to fight against the Desians. Colette: Then why Neil: I don t know. At any rate, entering the ranch now will put the Chosen in danger. Leave Chocolat to me and please, go on your way. Please regenerate the world as soon as possible. Kratos: Indeed. It would be best to abandon the situation here for world regeneration. Colette: No! I can t just ignore this! Genis: Colette s right. If we leave things as they are now, Palmacosta may be destroyed just like Iselia. You think so, too, don t you, Lloyd?! Raine: Yes, what you say is true. But I still wish to side with Kratos. If you don t want to see cities destroyed, you should avoid contact with the Desians. Colette: No, that s not right. Regenerating the world and saving the people in front of us are not exclusive of each other. That s what I think. Raine: If that is how you feel, Colette, then we do not have any right to stop you. The only one who has the right to make decisions on this journey is you, the Chosen One. Is that all right with you, Lloyd? Lloyd: That was my intention from the beginning. Remember what I said? I m going to destroy them all.

Neil: Still Genis: It s all right. Colette is saying this is what she wants. Raine: Now, then, we have two courses we can take. The first one is to go on ahead and infiltrate the ranch and rescue Chocolat and the other captives. Now that things have come to this, if we leave the ranch alone, it will surely result in a second Iselia. Our second option is to confirm Door s true motives. If he has planned a trap, then he knows the layout of the ranch well. Let s let him talk for a bit. Neil: What are you going to do to Dorr? Genis: You d better not ask that. Raine s punishment is painful.

Raine slapped Genis in the face. Kratos: Thinking logically, dealing with Dorr first is the correct choice. Colette: What do you think, Lloyd? IF YOU CHOOSE LET S GO ATTACK! Lloyd: Let s go attack! Who cares about their trap?! We re going to save Chocolat, now! Genis: You got it! Count me in! Colette: Me, too. I m sure Chocolat is scared and lonely by herself. Raine: I don t want to agree to this, but it looks like I don t have a choice Kratos: If that is your wish. Let s go.

As Lloyd s group were about to take off Neil: Wait, please! Please, take me with you! Lloyd s group glances at Neil. Neil: Please allow me to aid you. Lloyd: Okay. Let s go. Genis: Are you sure? It s dangerous. Lloyd: Yes, I remember what it felt like back in Iselia when I was told not to follow Colette on her journey. Neil: Thank you! I promise I won t get in the way. Also, be aware that once you ve gone inside, you won t be able to leave until we re done. Raine: We ll be barging in from the front door, so we better make sure we re prepared. Colette: Let s do our best, Neil! Neil: Right! Lloyd s group proceeds inside Palmacosta Human Ranch. Inside, Lloyd s group

changes the function of the Sorcerer s Ring and it s function turns the whole area green with the teleporter activated from that state. Lloyd: It looks like the surrounding area changed somehow. Raine: It s something like a radar. Lloyd: Ray dar? Raine: To put it simply, you can see things you couldn t see before. Lloyd: Hmm Lloyd s group proceeds to the next area. In the area with the prisoners of Palmacosta Genis: It s the captives Colette: Please, let s save them. Raine: Yes, when you consider what ll happen, we can t just leave them here like this. Lloyd: Shall we split into two groups, then? Neil appeared at the scene. Neil: No, please leave this to me. Members of the Palmacosta army will be coming in soon. I ll remain here, join up with them, and free those people. Please, take care of Chocolat. Lloyd: Okay, we ll leave it to you, then. After Lloyd s group and Neil released the prisoners, one of the prison kid stands next to Lloyd. Lloyd: Hmm? What s wrong? You re not going to run away? Kid: Thank you for saving me, Here, take this. The kid gave Lloyd something. Lloyd: What s this? Kid: I picked it up over there. I saw a Desian treating that card as if it was really important. Lloyd: Thanks. Kid: Heehee. Lloyd group Lloyd area, s group manages s group Lloyd s receives the Blue Card and proceeds to the other area. Lloyd s to defeat some Desian soldiers and they drop a Purple Card. picks up the card and moves on to the next area. In the other group spotted an out of reach device.

Colette: Something sparkled. Lloyd: It s too high up to see.

Colette: Wait here, I ll check it out. Colette reveals her angel wings and flies up to the device. Colette: Let s see, it was around here Colette found Red Card. After that, Lloyd s group uses the three colored cards to activate the teleporter to the warp labyrinth area. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by finding the correct teleporters to the next area. In the next area, the camera shows Chocolat surrounded by 2 Desian soldiers. Genis: Lloyd! Look! Lloyd: Stop! Let her go! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeated the Desian soldiers Chocolat: You came to rescue me? Colette: Yup! Did they hurt you? Are you okay? Chocolat: Yes, I m fine, Chosen One, everybody, thank you all so much. Lloyd: Ah, don t mention it Kratos: There is no time to be celebrating. We still need to take care of Magnius. There was a brief pause. Raine: Assistant Governor-General Neil is taking the people imprisoned here to safety. Our job is to secure the control room and assure a safe escape. Chocolat: Dorr finally mobilized his plans, didn t he? Lloyd: Um uh, yeah. Chocolat: I m not sure if it s in the control room or not, but in the back is a platform that leads to a room filled with sparkling lights and other magical looking things. I ll show you the way. Raine: Hmm, it may be a bit dangerous, but we d appreciate your help. Chocolat: Of course. Follow me! Lloyd s group follows Chocolat to the teleporter to the control room. Lloyd s group and Chocolat arrived at the control room. Lloyd: So this is the control room Voice of Magnius: So the forsaken Chosen and her entourage of vermin have finally arrived. Kratos: For saken? Magnius appeared at the scene from an elevating platform seat. Lloyd: You got it all mixed up Magnius, you re the one that s forsaken. Your time here is up.

Suddenly, 4 Desian soldiers appeared and surrounded Lloyd s group. Colette: We re surrounded! Magnius: Hahaha! Just like a bunch of stupid vermin! I know your every move. And I know about those inferior beings trying to escape, too. The camera shows the projector where Neil and the prisoners he rescued are trapped from the doors closing. Colette: How did Neil get in there? Kratos: That s a projector. A product of magitechnology. Raine: It s a device that displays images of people and things that are far away. We were displayed on here as well. The projector shows all the doors closes on Neil and the prisoners. Genis: Oh no! They re trapped! The camera switches to Magnius. Magnius: Hahaha! A wasted effort! Everything you ve done is meaningless! Lloyd: How so?! We can rescue everyone after we take care of you! Magnius: Big words from someone whose futile actions caused the disaster at Iselia! Lloyd: Th that was Magnius: I know, how about I recreate that incident using the vermin on the projector? Watch. I ll unleash their Exspheres and turn them into monsters! Lloyd: No! Stop! Magnius: Come on now. I ll be more than happy to turn them into monsters, just like that old lady you killed Just like Marble! Hahahaha! Chocolat was shocked. Chocolat: Marble? You don t mean Magnius: Oh, but I do, my little Chocolat. Dear old granny Marble was sent to the Iselia ranch, where she was killed by Lloyd. I heard she met a pitiful end! Genis faces Chocolat. Genis: Wait, it wasn t like that! Lloyd tried to save her! But the Desians turned her into a monster and Magnius: Lloyd killed her. Chocolat: No Chocolat backs up and the Desian soldiers have Chocolat. Colette: Chocolat!

Lloyd: Dammit! Let her go! Chocolat: (betrayed and upset) Leave me alone! I refuse to be saved by Grandma s murderer! I d rather die! Colette: You mustn t say things like that! Don t throw your life away! Chocolat: (betrayed and upset) Dorr will save me. Leave me alone!

Magnius: Hahahaha! Right, Dorr, huh. Well, whatever. Take her away! 2 Desian soldiers and Chocolat left took the teleporter and left the scene. Lloyd: Stop! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian soldiers Magnius: (to the Desian soldiers) Dammit, how could you idiots allow these inferior beings to defeat you! Magnius seat platform lowers to the floor and he gets up. Magnius: Fine, I ll take care of you myself! I ll put an end to the Chosen, right along with you fools who can t let go of your elven blood! Lloyd s group fights Magnius. After Lloyd s group defeats Magnius Magnius: (kneeling) Ugh How?! How could a superior half-elf like me Kratos: It s because you are a fool, Magnius. Cruxis has accepted Colette as the Chosen. Magnius: What?

Lloyd: That s right! Colette is going to regenerate the world! We re not going to lose to someone like you! Magnius: So you re Then I was deceived Magnius collapsed to the floor. Later, Raine activates the console turning on another projector. Genis: Lloyd! Lloyd and Genis looks at the projector where Chocolat is taken away by 2 Desian soldiers. Lloyd: Dammit!

One of the Desian soldiers cracked a whip at Chocolat and made her move faster. The camera switches to Raine, who activates the console again. Raine: This should allow the people imprisoned in the ranch to escape. Kratos: What about the Exspheres implanted in them? Without Key Crests, it s only a matter of time before they go out of control. Genis: Can t we just take the Exspheres off of them?

Kratos: It s dangerous to attempt to remove an Expshere lacking a Key Crest. I would imagine only a dwarf could handle it. Colette: Then we can ask Dirk to do it. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s contact my dad. Raine: We can work out the details later. Right now, I m going to program this place to self-destruct. Ready? Lloyd, Genis and Colette looked surprised. Lloyd: Are you serious?! Genis: Raine, if you do that Raine: At the very least, we ll deal a major blow to the Desian stranglehold over this region. If we re going to strike them, it should be thorough and decisive. Genis: Raine Raine: Remember, Genis. We re not like them. We re different. Raine activates the console and sets the ranch to self-destruction mode. Raine: I ve set the self-destruct timer for ten minutes. Let s hurry and evacuate. Lloyd s group evacuates from the scene. The camera shows Magnius who is near death. Magnius: I must inform Forcystus while I can The projector revealed a mad genius man. Mad Genius Man: I have a sight problem with you contacting Lord Forcystus. He d realize what I m trying to do. Magnius: Rodyle! You you deceived me! There was no order to eliminate the Chosen, was there!? Rodyle: Hehehehe. Collecting Gald for me, attempting to eliminate the Chosen for me you ve been quite useful, Magnius. Farewell! I hope you enjoy the afterlife! The projector shuts off. The mad genius man will be known as Rodyle from this point on. Magnius: (to his last breath) Dammit Lord Yggdrasill, glory to the coming Age of Half-elves! Magnius died at the scene. The camera switches to Lloyd s group who has successfully evacuated meets up with Neil. Lloyd: (to Neil) What happened to the captives? Neil: We ve moved them all to Palmacosta.

Genis: Then, Neil, please get out of here, too! Hurry! Lloyd s group ran away from the scene. Neil glances at Colette. Neil: What? Colette: It s going to explode! The camera shows Palmacosta Human Ranch blown up and went in shambles. After that Lloyd: I thought I was going to die Colette: I m glad everyone s all right. Neil: Ah what about Chocolat? Raine: I think she was taken to another location. Neil: I see Kratos: If she s all right, she can still be rescued. Neil: Yes, you re right. Genis: Also, the captives have something called an Exsphere embedded in them. Lloyd: It s dangerous to leave them as they are now. You need to send a letter in my name to a dwarf named Dirk who lives in Iselia. I m sure he ll help you get them removed. Kratos: I think it is time we had a talk with a mastermind behind all this.

There was a brief pause. Neil: You re going to see Dorr, aren t you? Please please, take me with you! Lloyd: It may turn into a fight. Are you sure?

Neil: I want to know the Governor-General s true motives. Please! Lloyd: All right. Lloyd s group proceeds to Palmcosta. In there, Lloyd s group enters Marble s tool shop and talks to Cacao. Cacao: Chosen One everyone! Please, tell me what has happened to Chocolat.

Lloyd: I m sorry. It s my fault. Because of me, Chocolat is Cacao: What do you mean? Lloyd: I Marble was Genis: Lloyd saved Marble when she was assaulted at the Iselia ranch. But Later, after Genis explained everything about what happened to Marble Cacao: I see I didn t know such a thing happened to my mother

Lloyd: I m sorry. I Cacao: I was prepared for something like this from the moment she was taken away to the ranch, but Chocolat was very close to her Lloyd: Cacao: What has become of Chocolat? Raine: She s alive. She was taken away to a different ranch, however. Lloyd: I promise I ll rescue Chocolat. I won t let her become like Marble. I swear it. Cacao: I will continue to keep this store going, for her sake as well. Please save my daughter. Lloyd s group exits Marble s tool shop. Lloyd s group enters the Governor-General s office. Inside Lloyd: There s no one here. Colette: (heard something) I think I hear voices from below. Lloyd: Really? I don t hear anything. Kratos: There s no one here. We should head down to the basement. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group proceeds to the basement. Down the basement, the camera shows a Desian soldier talking to Dorr. Dorr: When will my wife when will Clara return to her original form? Desian Soldier: Not yet. You still haven t paid us enough Gald. You ve been paying us less and less. Dorr: This is the best I can do! The tolls, the municipal taxes, the offerings to the Church of Martel there s nowhere left to squeeze more money from! Desian Soldier: Well, I suppose this will do for today. I m sure Lord Magnius will remove the demon seed depending on your next contribution. The Desian soldier left the scene and Lloyd s group appeared at the scene. Lloyd: What s the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost. Genis: Um, Lloyd, that s a really clichd line. Lloyd: Shut up, Genis! Dorr: What are you doing here?! Neil! Where s Neil?! Neil: Governor-General I can t believe you ve been working together with the Desians. Dorr: So that s it You betrayed me!

Neil: Governor-General! The Chosen destroyed the ranch for us. Please, stop this foolishness Kilia: ! Dorr: What? What have you done?! You destroyed Clara s hopes of living! Lloyd: I don t know who that is, but we saved everyone at the ranch. Except for Chocolat. Dorr: Saved?! Th that s funny! All right, then! Just try saving Clara! Dorr takes the door sheet cover off of the cell he is standing near. Dorr: Save my wife! The camera shows a horribly mutated creature. Kratos: !! Genis: (frightened) Ahh! Wh what s that monster? Colette: She s crying she s crying out in pain You mustn t call her a monster Lloyd: You don t mean Dorr: That s right. This is what s become of my wife, Clara! Raine: So that s why you told everyone she passed away. Dorr: My father, the previous Governor-General, was a fool. Because of his defiant stance against the Desians, they killed him, then planted the demon seed in my wife as a warning. If I cooperate with them, they will give me the medicine to save her. Genis: But that means you re betraying the people in this city! Dorr: Who cares! It was the only way to save Clara! But it s all been for nothing I ve lost the only chance I had to save her. All because of you! Lloyd: Stop talking like you re the only victim! I m sorry about your wife. But think of all those people who believed in you, only to be sent off to the ranch! Any of them may have wound up just like your wife! Dorr: Silence boy! Stop acting like your justice is absolute! Lloyd: (about to get angry) Where do you get off? Don t even start spewing the word, justice ! I hate that word! If you wanted to save your wife, you should have resigned your position as Governor-General and searched for a cure, or help, or whatever! You re a worthless jerk who couldn t give up his social status even for his own wife! Colette: Lloyd, please stop! Not everyone s strong enough to stand up against the Desians. Please, stop this! Lloyd: Colette Colette: I ll find it for you! If there s a medicine that can save your wife, I promise to find it! So please

Kilia: There s no use. There no way to remove a demon seed once it has sprouted. Kilia approaches Dorr from behind and stabs Dorr in the back. Dorr falls to the floor. Dorr: Kilia what are you Lloyd: What are you doing?! Genis: How could you do that to your own father?! Kilia: That s a laugh. Kilia transformed into her true demon form. Kilia: I am a servant of Pronyma, leader of the Five Grand Cardinals who rule over the Desians. I was merely assigned to observe the new human cultivation technique, developed by Magnius. There s no way that a superior half-elf such as I, could have a fool of a father like this! Colette: A fool of a father? Kilia: Just look at him! He didn t even notice that his own daughter was dead because he was too busy chasing after medicine that doesn t exist in order to save his monster wife! Hahahaha! Lloyd: You! Colette: How could you! Lloyd s group fights Kilia. After Lloyd s group defeats Kilia, she fell to the floor. Kilia: This can t be Fine then, I ll set this monster free and let it kill you!

With Kilia down to her last breath, she unlocks the cell of the mutated creature. Kilia then died at the scene. The mutated creature came out. Lloyd: No, not again ! Do I have to kill another innocent victim? Just as the mutated creature was about to attack Lloyd s group Colette: Stop!! The mutated creature resisted attacking Lloyd s group and left the scene. Genis: W wait! Dorr: Is Kilia really dead? Genis: Kilia is Lloyd: Don t worry. It seems your real daughter is fine. Genis: Lloyd Dorr: (dying) I see. You your name s Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah

Colette: Professor Sage, please, help him! Raine attempts to heal Dorr, but it had no effect as Dorr is fatally wounded. Dorr: (dying) Please please save Chocolat. And if you somehow find a way to save my wife please, help her return to her human form. When my daughter comes back, I don t want her to be all alone IF YOU CHOOSE OKAY. Lloyd: Okay. I promise. Dorr: (dying) Thank you IF YOU CHOOSE THAT I CAN T DO. Lloyd: That I can t do. You betrayed countless numbers of people. And you re turning around and asking for others to help you? If you ve got the guts to do that, have the guts to live and go out and save her yourself! Dorr: Yes, I wish I could do that CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Dorr died at the scene and Lloyd s group received a Pass. Neil: Governor-General Dorr! Later, in the main floor of the Governor-General office Neil: I m sorry for everything that s happened. Thank you for all your help. Raine: What are you going to do now? Neil: I think the first step is to get together with those who hold power in the city and reorganize the government. Lloyd: Good luck. As for us, we re going to find Chocolat, no matter what. Genis: That s right, because we promised. Kratos: Indeed. Neil: Thank you. Colette: I guess it s time to go, then. Lloyd: Yeah. Neil: Please be careful. And please come visit the city again! We ll be waiting for you. Raine: (to herself) My healing arts cannot even save one single life?

Colette: Professor Sage? Did you say something? Raine: No it s nothing. IF YOU CHOOSE LET S RETURN TO PALMACOSTA.

Lloyd: Let s return to Palmacosta. We ll hear what Dorr has to say first. Genis: Yeah. Colette: But let s save Chocolat as soon as we can. I m sure she s scared and lonely by herself. Raine: My, even Lloyd makes rational decisions sometimes. Kratos: So it seems. Well then let s go. Neil: What should I Lloyd: Stay here. We re going to put the squeeze on your commander. better if you don t see it. Colette: Please watch over the status of the ranch from here. Neil: All right. Lloyd s group returns to Palmacosta. Upon returning, Lloyd s group enters the Governor-General s Office. Inside Lloyd: There s no one here. Colette: (heard something) I think I hear voices from below. Lloyd: Really? I don t hear anything. Kratos: There s no one here. We should head down to the basement. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group proceeds to the basement. Down the basement, the camera shows a Desian soldier talking to Dorr. Dorr: When will my wife when will Clara return to her original form? Desian Soldier: Not yet. You still haven t paid us enough Gald. You ve been paying us less and less. Dorr: This is the best I can do! The tolls, the municipal taxes, the offerings to the Church of Martel there s nowhere left to squeeze more money from! Desian Soldier: Well, I suppose this will do for today. I m sure Lord Magnius will remove the demon seed depending on your next contribution. The Desian soldier left the scene. Kilia: Father Dorr: Just a little while longer. Just a little more an and Clara will be back to normal. I ll raise the fees on the pilgrimages and Lloyd: What s the meaning of this?! Dorr and Kilia faces Lloyd s group. Lloyd: What s the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost. It s

Genis: Um, Lloyd, that s a really clichd line. Lloyd: Shut up, Genis! Dorr: What are you doing here?! Neil! Where s Neil?! Raine: I m afraid Neil s not here. Dorr: So Neil betrayed me! Lloyd: What s wrong with your wife? Has she been taken hostage or something? Dorr: Hostage? Don t make me laugh. If you want to see my wife Dorr: She s right here! Dorr takes the door sheet cover off of the cell he is standing near. The camera shows a horribly mutated creature. Kratos: !! Genis: (frightened) Ahh! Wh what s that monster? Colette: She s crying she s crying out in pain You mustn t call her a monster Lloyd: You don t mean Dorr: That s right. This is what s become of my wife, Clara! Raine: So that s why you told everyone she passed away. Dorr: My father, the previous Governor-General, was a fool. Because of his defiant stance against the Desians, they killed him, then planted the demon seed in my wife as a warning. If I cooperate with them, they will give me the medicine to save her. Genis: But that means you re betraying the people in this city! Dorr: What do I care? We ll never escape the rule of the Desians anyway. Lloyd: Colette will the Chosen will save the world! Dorr: The Chosen s journey of world regeneration is not absolute. Don t forget that the last one ended in failure! Besides, the people of this city are satisfied with my way. They just don t know I m working for the Desians. Lloyd: Shut up! What do you mean, your way ?! I m sorry about your wife. But think of all those people who believed in you, only to be sent off to the ranch! Any of them may have wound up just like your wife! Dorr: Silence boy! Stop acting like your justice is absolute! Lloyd: (about to get angry) Where do you get off? Don t even start spewing the word, justice ! I hate that word! If you wanted to save your wife, you should have resigned your position as Governor-General and searched for a cure, or help, or whatever! You re a worthless jerk who couldn t give up his social status even for his own wife! Colette: Lloyd, please stop! Not everyone s strong enough to stand up against

the Desians. Please, stop this! Lloyd: Colette Colette: What if we go and get the medicine you mentioned? Then you wouldn t have to side with the Desians anymore. Dorr: You forgive me for what I ve done? Colette: It s not our place to forgive you. That s up to the people of this city. But I know Martel will forgive you. The Goddess Martel is always within you, awaiting your own, personal regeneration. Dorr: Within me? Kilia: Absurd! Kilia approaches Dorr from behind and stabs Dorr in the back. Dorr falls to the floor. Kilia: The Goddess Martel would never lend her aid to an inferior human being! Lloyd: What are you doing?! Genis: How could you do that to your own father?! Kilia: That s a laugh. Kilia transformed into her true demon form. Kilia: I am a servant of Pronyma, leader of the Five Grand Cardinals who rule over the Desians. I was merely assigned to observe the new human cultivation technique, developed by Magnius. There s no way that a superior half-elf such as I, could have a fool of a father like this! Colette: A fool of a father? Kilia: Just look at him! He didn t even notice that his own daughter was dead because he was too busy chasing after medicine that doesn t exist in order to save his monster wife! Hahahaha! Lloyd: You! Colette: How could you! Lloyd s group fights Kilia. After Lloyd s group defeats Kilia, she fell to the floor. Kilia: This can t be Fine then, I ll set this monster free and let it kill you!

With Kilia down to her last breath, she unlocks the cell of the mutated creature. Kilia then died at the scene. The mutated creature came out. Lloyd: No, not again ! Do I have to kill another innocent victim? Just as the mutated creature was about to attack Lloyd s group Colette: Stop!! The mutated creature resisted attacking Lloyd s group and left the scene.

Genis: W wait! Dorr: Is Kilia safe? Genis: Kilia is Lloyd: Don t worry. It seems your real daughter is fine. Genis: Lloyd Dorr: (dying) I see. You your name s Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah Colette: Professor Sage, please, help him! Raine attempts to heal Dorr, but it had no effect as Dorr is fatally wounded. Dorr: (dying) Please please save Chocolat. That poor girl she was just used as a tool to lure you out. Dorr gave Lloyd a Card Key. Dorr: The passcode is 3341. Lloyd: Got it. Dorr: And I know this is a selfish request, but if you somehow find a way to save my wife, please, help her return to her human form. When my daughter comes back, I don t want her to be all alone IF YOU CHOOSE OKAY. Lloyd: Okay. I promise. Dorr: (dying) Thank you IF YOU CHOOSE THAT I CAN T DO. Lloyd: That I can t do. You betrayed countless numbers of people. And you re turning around and asking for others to help you? If you ve got the guts to do that, have the guts to live and go out and save her yourself! Dorr: Yes, I wish I could do that CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Dorr died at the scene. Kratos: Let s get going.

Lloyd: Kratos! How can you just say that?! Kratos: Settle down, Lloyd. What is it that we must do now? Raine: Rescue Chocolat, then defeat Magnius, the leader of this region. Kratos: Exactly.


Yeah, I know. You re right. I m sorry.

Genis: Let s go, Lloyd. Let s defeat the Desians. Raine: (to herself) My healing arts cannot even save one single life?

Colette: Professor Sage? Did you say something? Raine: No it s nothing. Lloyd s group returns to Palmacosta Human Ranch. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to Neil. Neil: No. Don t say anything. From the looks on your faces, I can imagine what has happened to Dorr. Colette: But Dorr did say this: He wants us to save Chocolat. Neil: Governor-General I understand. Please take me along to carry out the Governor-General s last wish. Lloyd: All right. Raine: At any rate, let s see if we can find a place to use that key we received from Dorr. Genis: But you know even assuming we can open the door and get in, I don t think we re going to be able to just go in and out as we please. Kratos: We need to be properly prepared before taking action. Lloyd s group enters the passcode on the computer console and the lock was disengaged and enters the human ranch. Inside, Lloyd s group changes the function of the Sorcerer s Ring and it s function turns the whole area green with the teleporter activated from that state. Lloyd: It looks like the surrounding area changed somehow. Raine: It s something like a radar. Lloyd: Ray dar? Raine: To put it simply, you can see things you couldn t see before. Lloyd: Hmm Lloyd s group proceeds to the next area. In the area with the prisoners of Palmacosta Genis: It s the captives Colette: Please, let s save them. Raine: Yes, when you consider what ll happen, we can t just leave them here like this. Lloyd: Shall we split into two groups, then? Neil appeared at the scene.

Neil: No, please leave this to me. Members of the Palmacosta army will be coming in soon. I ll remain here, join up with them, and free those people. Please, take care of Chocolat. Lloyd: Okay, we ll leave it to you, then. After Lloyd s group and Neil released the prisoners, one of the prison kid stands next to Lloyd. Lloyd: Hmm? What s wrong? You re not going to run away? Kid: Thank you for saving me, Here, take this. The kid gave Lloyd something. Lloyd: What s this? Kid: I picked it up over there. I saw a Desian treating that card as if it was really important. Lloyd: Thanks. Kid: Heehee. Lloyd group Lloyd area, s group manages s group Lloyd s receives the Blue Card and proceeds to the other area. Lloyd s to defeat some Desian soldiers and they drop a Purple Card. picks up the card and moves on to the next area. In the other group spotted an out of reach device.

Colette: Something sparkled. Lloyd: It s too high up to see. Colette: Wait here, I ll check it out. Colette reveals her angel wings and flies up to the device. Colette: Let s see, it was around here Colette found Red Card. After that, Lloyd s group uses the three colored cards to activate the teleporter to the warp labyrinth area. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by finding the correct teleporters to the next area. In the next area, the camera shows Chocolat surrounded by 2 Desian soldiers. Genis: Lloyd! Look! Lloyd: Stop! Let her go! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeated the Desian soldiers Chocolat: You came to rescue me? Colette: Yup! Did they hurt you? Are you okay? Chocolat: Yes, I m fine, Chosen One, everybody, thank you all so much. Lloyd: Ah, don t mention it Kratos: There is no time to be celebrating. We still need to take care of

Magnius. There was a brief pause. Raine: Assistant Governor-General Neil is taking the people imprisoned here to safety. Our job is to secure the control room and assure a safe escape. Chocolat: Dorr finally mobilized his plans, didn t he? Lloyd: Um uh, yeah. Chocolat: I m not sure if it s in the control room or not, but in the back is a platform that leads to a room filled with sparkling lights and other magical looking things. I ll show you the way. Raine: Hmm, it may be a bit dangerous, but we d appreciate your help. Chocolat: Of course. Follow me! Lloyd s group follows Chocolat to the teleporter to the control room. Lloyd s group and Chocolat arrived at the control room. Lloyd: So this is the control room Voice of Magnius: So the forsaken Chosen and her entourage of vermin have finally arrived. Kratos: For saken? Magnius appeared at the scene from an elevating platform seat. Lloyd: You got it all mixed up Magnius, you re the one that s forsaken. Your time here is up. Suddenly, 4 Desian soldiers appeared and surrounded Lloyd s group. Colette: We re surrounded! Magnius: Hahaha! Just like a bunch of stupid vermin! I know your every move. And I know about those inferior beings trying to escape, too. The camera shows the projector where Neil and the prisoners he rescued are trapped from the doors closing. Colette: How did Neil get in there? Kratos: That s a projector. A product of magitechnology. Raine: It s a device that displays images of people and things that are far away. We were displayed on here as well. The projector shows all the doors closes on Neil and the prisoners. Genis: Oh no! They re trapped! The camera switches to Magnius. Magnius: Hahaha! A wasted effort! Everything you ve done is meaningless! Lloyd: How so?! We can rescue everyone after we take care of you!

Magnius: Big words from someone whose futile actions caused the disaster at Iselia! Lloyd: Th that was Magnius: I know, how about I recreate that incident using the vermin on the projector? Watch. I ll unleash their Exspheres and turn them into monsters! Lloyd: No! Stop! Magnius: Come on now. I ll be more than happy to turn them into monsters, just like that old lady you killed Just like Marble! Hahahaha! Chocolat was shocked. Chocolat: Marble? You don t mean Magnius: Oh, but I do, my little Chocolat. Dear old granny Marble was sent to the Iselia ranch, where she was killed by Lloyd. I heard she met a pitiful end! Genis faces Chocolat. Genis: Wait, it wasn t like that! Lloyd tried to save her! But the Desians turned her into a monster and Magnius: Lloyd killed her. Chocolat: No Chocolat backs up and the Desian soldiers have Chocolat. Colette: Chocolat! Lloyd: Dammit! Let her go! Chocolat: (betrayed and upset) Leave me alone! I refuse to be saved by Grandma s murderer! I d rather die! Colette: You mustn t say things like that! Don t throw your life away! Chocolat: (betrayed and upset) Dorr will save me. Leave me alone!

Magnius: Hahahaha! Right, Dorr, huh. Well, whatever. Take her away! 2 Desian soldiers and Chocolat left took the teleporter and left the scene. Lloyd: Stop! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian soldiers, Lloyd s group received the Pass. Magnius: (to the Desian soldiers) Dammit, how could you idiots allow these inferior beings to defeat you! Magnius seat platform lowers to the floor and he gets up. Magnius: Fine, I ll take care of you myself! I ll put an end to the Chosen, right along with you fools who can t let go of your elven blood!

Lloyd s group fights Magnius. After Lloyd s group defeats Magnius Magnius: (kneeling) Ugh How?! How could a superior half-elf like me Kratos: It s because you are a fool, Magnius. Cruxis has accepted Colette as the Chosen. Magnius: What?

Lloyd: That s right! Colette is going to regenerate the world! We re not going to lose to someone like you! Magnius: So you re Then I was deceived Magnius collapsed to the floor. Later, Raine activates the console turning on another projector. Genis: Lloyd! Lloyd and Genis looks at the projector where Chocolat is taken away by 2 Desian soldiers. Lloyd: Dammit!

One of the Desian soldiers cracked a whip at Chocolat and made her move faster. The camera switches to Raine, who activates the console again. Raine: This should allow the people imprisoned in the ranch to escape. Kratos: What about the Exspheres implanted in them? Without Key Crests, it s only a matter of time before they go out of control. Genis: Can t we just take the Exspheres off of them? Kratos: It s dangerous to attempt to remove an Expshere lacking a Key Crest. I would imagine only a dwarf could handle it. Colette: Then we can ask Dirk to do it. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s contact my dad. Raine: We can work out the details later. Right now, I m going to program this place to self-destruct. Ready? Lloyd, Genis and Colette looked surprised. Lloyd: Are you serious?! Genis: Raine, if you do that Raine: At the very least, we ll deal a major blow to the Desian stranglehold over this region. If we re going to strike them, it should be thorough and decisive. Genis: Raine Raine: Remember, Genis. We re not like them. We re different. Raine activates the console and sets the ranch to self-destruction mode.

Raine: I ve set the self-destruct timer for ten minutes. Let s hurry and evacuate. Lloyd s group evacuates from the scene. The camera shows Magnius who is near death. Magnius: I must inform Forcystus while I can The projector revealed a mad genius man. Mad Genius Man: I have a sight problem with you contacting Lord Forcystus. He d realize what I m trying to do. Magnius: Rodyle! You you deceived me! There was no order to eliminate the Chosen, was there!? Rodyle: Hehehehe. Collecting Gald for me, attempting to eliminate the Chosen for me you ve been quite useful, Magnius. Farewell! I hope you enjoy the afterlife! The projector shuts off. The mad genius man will be known as Rodyle from this point on. Magnius: (to his last breath) Dammit Lord Yggdrasill, glory to the coming Age of Half-elves! Magnius died at the scene. The camera switches to Lloyd s group who has successfully evacuated meets up with Neil. Lloyd: (to Neil) What happened to the captives? Neil: We ve moved them all to Palmacosta. Genis: Then, Neil, please get out of here, too! Hurry! Lloyd s group ran away from the scene. Neil glances at Colette. Neil: What? Colette: It s going to explode! The camera shows Palmacosta Human Ranch blown up and went in shambles. After that Lloyd: I thought I was going to die Colette: I m glad everyone s all right. Neil: Ah what about Chocolat? Raine: I think she was taken to another location. Neil: I see Kratos: If she s all right, she can still be rescued. Neil: Yes. If you learn Chocolat s location, please let us know immediately. Even Dorr really wanted to save her. Lloyd: Right. I swear we ll find her.

Genis: Also, the captives have something called an Exsphere embedded in them. Lloyd: It s dangerous to leave them as they are now. You need to send a letter in my name to a dwarf named Dirk who lives in Iselia. I m sure he ll help you get them removed. Neil: Dirk, in Iselia. I understand. Then, I shall go back to the city. Please stop by Palmacosta and visit us again anytime. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group proceeds to Thoda Island Sightseeing Boat Dock. In the house, Lloyd s group talks to Candy. Candy: Hi! Welcome to the Thoda Island Sightseeing Boat Dock! This is the most convenient well, the only way to view the Thoda Geyser. There was a brief pause. Candy: It will be 200 Gald for a round trip. Would you like to use the boat? Lloyd: Sure. Candy: Thank you very much. Lloyd s group exits the house and approaches the washtubs. Lloyd: It s a washtub? Genis: Yep, it s a washtub Kratos: Washtubs, hmm Colette: Wow! This looks like it ll be fun! Raine: I I m going to wait here. Go on ahead without me. Lloyd: What s wrong, Professor Sage? Raine: N nothing. I m not getting in that thing. Colette: It looks fun! Come on, let s get in! Genis approaches Raine. Genis: (grabs Raine s left hand) Yeah, Raine! Raine: Ahh! Lloyd s group looked surprised from Raine s reaction. Lloyd: Ahh? Professor Sage are you afraid of water or something? Raine: I I was just starting to say, Ahh, this should be fun! Raine enters one of the washtubs. Lloyd: Um sure.



Lloyd s group enters their washtubs and they ride to the Thoda Island Geyser area. Raine: We ve finally arrived Colette: That was fun, wasn t it, Lloyd?! Genis: Sea water came in and I thought it was going to sink! Lloyd: Here, Professor. Raine: Ah, right. Thank you. Lloyd helps Raine up from the washtub. Kratos: That was a rare experience.

Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the area with the geyser Lloyd: Wow! Genis: Lloyd, a geyser is a type of hot spring that periodically erupts with boiling water and water vapor. Lloyd: Y yeah. I knew that. Colette: Hmm Kratos: What is it, Chosen? Colette: That sign over on that lookout platform The camera shows the sign from Lloyd s group s distance. Kratos: What about the sign? Colette: It looks kind of familiar Maybe it s just my imagination. Lloyd s group approaches the opening near the geyser. Genis: All I have to do is to stop it with my magic, right? Lloyd: Yeah. While it s stopped, I ll go down there along the rocky parts and get the statue. The camera zooms towards the Spiritua Statue that of out of Lloyd s group s reach. Genis: The ice I can make will well, it s just an estimate, but I don t think it ll last more than about 30 seconds. Lloyd: Gotcha. Colette: Lloyd, be careful. Don t do anything dangerous. Raine: Even my healing arts have their limits. Kratos: You have a bad habit of getting cocky. Be careful.

Genis: Icicle! Genis casts Icicle at the geysers and they form narrow ice platforms. Genis: Move in the direction I indicate. If you messed up three times, the ice will melt, so don t make any mistakes, okay? Good luck, Lloyd! Lloyd: So all I have to do is not mess up, right? Leave it to me! Lloyd leaps to the first icy platform. Lloyd: Okay then, here I go! With Genis guidance, Lloyd cautiously and successfully retrieved the Spiritua Statue. After that, Lloyd quickly leaps back to his group. Colette: You re amazing, Lloyd! I knew we could count on you! There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Okay then, let s go back to that old man. Lloyd s group approaches the oracle stone. Lloyd: Hey, isn t this a whatchamcallit stone? Kratos: An oracle stone. There was a brief pause. Colette: That must be why it looked familiar! Raine: So this is the Seal of Water! Lloyd: Aww that sucks. I didn t even need to get that Spiritua Statue! Colette: Cheer up, Lloyd. Just think of it as giving you the opportunity to have fun riding in the washtubs. Lloyd: Yeah, I guess, but Genis: Lloyd! Let s hurry on inside! Come on, Colette! Colette: Okay then, I ll try putting my hand on the stone. Here we go! Colette places her hand on the oracle stone and some stone came off the stone wall, revealing a secret entrance. A shiny bridge was formed. The camera shows Sheena who saw the secret entrance tries to approach Lloyd s group, but Noishe appeared at the scene and blocked her way. Raine: Excellent Now, let us begin the excavation at once! Lloyd: We re not here to excavate anything Lloyd s group enters the secret entrance. The camera switches to Sheena who is distracted by Noishe. Sheena: Corrine!

Corrine appeared at the scene and Noishe somehow continues to distract Sheena. Sheena: Grr! I ll get you next time for sure! Noishe: (Howl) Corrine: Why does this weird animal block the way?! Sheena: Grrr! Later, inside the Temple of Water Lloyd: What s wrong? Kratos: It looks like that girl didn t make it inside.

Lloyd: What girl? Kratos: That assassin. The one after the Chosen. Lloyd: She followed us?! There was a brief pause. Kratos: You didn t notice? Lloyd: I I was busy thinking and stuff. Kratos: Never let your guard down, ever. Assuming you want to survive. Lloyd: Oh, yes, of course, you re 5000 perfect. You d never screw up. Kratos: Even I make mistakes. I made a terrible one Lloyd: (puzzled) What? Kratos: Nothing. I shouldn t have said that. Forgive me.

Kratos moves on. Lloyd: Forgive you? What? You don t make any sense sometimes. Lloyd s group moves on. In the next area, they examine the Sorcerer s Ring changing device and used it. Lloyd: Water came out of the Sorcerer s Ring! Genis: The Thoda Geyser is a plentiful source of water, so maybe it reacted to that. Raine: With this power, we can supply water even to distant areas. Lloyd: But if all it does is squirt water, that sure seems kind of weak. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzles to get to the next area by using the Sorcerer s Ring to correctly adjust the balance of the scales. After that, Lloyd s group arrived at the seal of water. In there Lloyd: This place is all dark and humid. Let s hurry up and get out of here.


We must release the seal first.

Kratos approaches Lloyd s group. Lloyd: I know that. Lloyd s group approaches the seal. Genis: I feel mana welling up It s the same as the Seal of Fire.

The seal reacted and Lloyd s group fights Adulocia and 2 Amphitras. After Lloyd s group defeats Adulocia and 2 Amphitras, the seal breaks and a glowing blue energy appeared. Voice of Remiel: Chosen of Regeneration You have done well in reaching this far. Now, offer your prayers at the altar. Colette: Yes! Colette approaches closer. Colette: Oh Goddess Martel, great protector and nurturer of the earth, grant my thy strength! Colette reveals her angel wings and flies up. A light from above Colette, Remiel descended down at the scene. Remiel: You have done well, Chosen One, Colette. The second seal is now released. Colette: Thank you, Father. Remiel: Accept this blessing from Cruxis. I hereby grant you additional angelic power. Colette: Ah Father? Colette received additional angelic powers. Remiel: The next seal lies far north, in a place that gazes upon the end. Offer your prayers at the altar in the distant land. Colette: Father, have I done something to displease you? Remiel: It matters not. All that is needed is for you to become an angel. I will be waiting for you at the next seal. Colette my daughter. Hurry and become a true angel. Do not disappoint me Remiel vanishes from the scene. Genis: What s up with him? He always talks like he s so important. Colette approaches Lloyd s group. Raine: (angry at Genis) Apologize to Colette! Raine slapped Genis in the face. Colette: It s all right. Father Remiel really does sound like that.

Lloyd: Well, shall we get going to the next seal? as usual. Kratos: Stop complaining. Let s get moving.

Although, he was confusing

Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Water. Outside, Colette suddenly collapsed. Lloyd: Professor Sage! Colette s sick again! Lloyd s group approaches Colette. Raine: Oh no! We must let her rest immediately. Kratos: Time to set up camp, then. Raine: Yes but if this is going to happen every time she releases a seal, Colette is going to have a difficult journey ahead of her. For the time being, I m going to call the phenomenon Angel Toxicosis. Colette slightly wakes up. Genis: Colette, are you okay? Does it hurt? Colette: I m fine. It ll go away soon I m sorry for worrying everyone. Lloyd: Okay, that s enough. You re not allowed to apologize any more, okay? Colette: Hehehe I m sorry. Later during the night, Lloyd s other group sleep and Lloyd woke up and notice that Colette is still up. Lloyd: Colette, you re still up? Colette faces Lloyd. Colette: Hehe I couldn t sleep. Lloyd: You may feel better now, but you still need to rest. Colette: I know. I ll go to sleep in a little bit. Don t worry. Lloyd: But still The camera views Kratos who is night watching. Colette: Kratos is still awake, too. See? Lloyd: That s because he volunteered to be the night watch. You need to rest. Colette: Okay. Lloyd: Okay. Good night. Lloyd left the scene. Colette: Good night The camera blacks out and Colette s voice can he heard.

Colette: Please, dream some good dreams for me, Lloyd. The next morning, Lloyd s group proceeds to Hakonesia Peak. In there, Lloyd s group enters the house and talks to Koton. Koton: Oh! This is indeed the Spiritua Statue! Give it to me! Lloyd: In exchange for the Book of Regeneration. Koton: I know, I know. Just be sure you remember, I m only letting you look at it. Lloyd gave Koton the Spiritua Statue. Koton: Ah, wonderful! Now, you may look at the Book of Regeneration as much as you like. Genis: All right! Raine: Let s start reading it right away. Lloyd s group faces the Book of Regeneration and activates it. Raine: Hmm. It s written in a very old style. Lloyd: What does it say? Raine: There s quite a lot of text. Colette, please read aloud just the parts that concern the seals. Colette: Okay, I ll skip over the torn parts. Colette reads the non-torn parts of the Book of Regeneration. Colette: Raging flames in an ancient city deep within clouds of sand overlook the city, lighting the darkness. Pure, flowing water floating, overflowing, in an isolated land becomes a giant pillar and rains down from the sky. Sublime wind, ancient city, the world s Enshrined in the center of a giant stone seal lurks evil, impersonating a holy force. Shining gazing up at the summit of the gods, giving praise to the pillar of the world from the top of the tower of ancient gods. Two giant The rest is too damaged. I can t read it Genis: Then we don t even know how many seals are left. Kratos: Indeed Lloyd: The raging flames part at the beginning must be the Seal of Fire, right? What do the other parts mean? Raine: The Seal of Wind must be the Asgard Ruin. If we travel to Asgard, we should be able to find some clues. Genis: What about gazing up at the summit of the gods ? Colette: I think that s probably the Tower of Mana. From there, you can see the mountains around the Tower of Salvation, so that s probably the summit of the gods. Lloyd: But what seal is that?


Uh hmm I don t know.

Lloyd: Oh, well. At any rate, we know where the seals are now. Let s get going. (to Koton) Thanks, Gramps. Colette: Thank you so much. Koton: Come back whenever you like if you want to look at it again. Lloyd s group approaches the guarded exit. Guard 1: You have a road pass, correct? Guard 2: Good journey to you! Lloyd s group proceeds to The City of Ruins, Asgard. In there, Lloyd s group proceeds past the archway and into the area with the large tablet. Raine: Oh! It s the Asgard Ruins! Later Raine: Lloyd, state the historical background of this ruin. Lloyd: Ah, um, well, let s see Genis: It s the temple where Cleo III held a ritual to offer a sacrifice to the Summon Spirit of Wind in order to quell a storm that had raged for a week. Lloyd: That s it. Raine: Gah! Have you learned anything at all these past five years?! Lloyd: PE and Art and Raine: Never mind! Raine examines the stone dais. Raine: What perfect form! This delicate curve is said to express the flight of the Summon Spirit of Wind through the sky. In addition, it is said that this stone is infused with a large volume of mana, and at night Getting impatient while Raine continues her lecture, Lloyd wanders to the other side of the stone dais and saw two man with a bomb next to the stone dais. Harley: Listen, Linar! This is my invention, the breaker. Then you may proceed.

The camera switches to the closer view of Harley and Linar. Harley: If we use this bomb, we can easily destroy this confounded dais. Linar: B but, Harley This is a rare and valuable remnant of the Balacruf Dynasty. We can t destroy it Harley: What are you talking about? As things stand now, Aisha may be killed! Lloyd: What are you doing? Lloyd appeared at the scene.

Harley: Wha who are you? Linar: It s not what you think! We weren t trying to destroy the ruin at all! Raine heard what Linar said from distance and quickly approaches the scene. Raine: What did you just say?! Linar and Harley faces Raine. Lloyd: Professor, these guys said they re planning to destroy this stage. Raine steps down to the scene from the tablet. Raine: And you call yourselves human beings?! Raine kicks Harley and Linar down to the floor. Linar and Harley then got up. Harley: I am a half-elf. Raine approaches Harley. Raine: What has that got to do with anything?

Raine moves towards the bomb. Raine: You have no idea of the importance of this ruin! Without notice, Raine flicked the bomb switch. Linar: Uh-oh. Lloyd: Uh-oh. Harley: Uh-oh.

Raine: You say you re going to destroy this fabulous ruin? Now listen. During the final era of the Balacruf Dynasty, this ruin was Lloyd: Professor

Raine: What? If you have any questions, I ll take them after the lecture. Lloyd: The bomb turned on. Raine: I said, if you have questions, I ll take them la Raine quickly glances at the bomb and was surprised. Raine: What?

Harley: Woman! You flipped the switch! Raine quickly turns around and kicks Harley down to the floor. Raine: Don t try to put the blame on someone else! Lloyd: That doesn t matter now! Is there a disarm switch?

Harley gets up. Harley: Of course not! Raine kicks Harley down to the floor again. Raine: Don t act like you re proud of it! There was a brief pause. Lloyd: I guess I ll just have to disarm it myself. Lloyd manages to disarm the bomb. After that Harley: Hey, you re pretty good to be able to stop the uncontrollable breaker Lloyd looks mad. Lloyd: Don t go around building stuff you can t control! Raine: The ruin seems to be unharmed. Suddenly, the camera shows the mayor with two people appearing at the scene. Mayor: You there! Trespassing in this area is forbidden! Lloyd s group, Harley and Linar were all surprised. Linar: Oh, no, it s the Mayor! Harley: Uh-oh. Run! Harley and Linar fled the scene. Lloyd: Professor! This looks like trouble! Let s just get out of here! Raine: But I haven t had time to study the structure of the Lloyd: Just come on! Hurry, everybody! Lloyd s other group fled and Lloyd ran off as well. Raine: (Sigh) I wanted to study it more Raine catches up with Lloyd and both Lloyd and Raine successfully fled from the scene. Lloyd and Raine catch up with the other group. Lloyd: Who were those two? Colette: I wonder why they wanted to destroy the ruin? Raine: Yes, the ruin! We have to stop them from engaging in such foolish acts like trying to destroy a ruin. Let s go, Lloyd. Lloyd s group proceeds to Linar s house. Inside Harley: You re those tourists from earlier! Raine: I am a scholar.

Harley: Whatever. Get out! Aisha: Harley, stop it. This is my house. I understand that you were the ones that stopped Harley and my brother. Thank you. Kratos: I m not sure stopped is the best way to put it.

Harley: They got in our way. Aisha: It doesn t matter what you call it! The point is, the people of this city are the ones that would suffer if that ruin was destroyed. Harley: But as things are now, you re going to be sacrificed! Lloyd: Sacrificed? Linar: It s a ritual in honor of the Summon Spirit of Wind. Aisha was chosen for it. Originally, the ritual consisted of just dancing on the stone platform, but Harley: This idiot started meddling with the stone dais as part of his research and opened the seal. Because of that, that Summon Spirit of Wind-thing awoke and is demanding sacrifices. Raine: The seal? Do you mean Colette: What?! The seal? Linar: Yes! If you, too, are researching the Balacruf ruins, then you must be aware of the altar erected in praise of the Summon Spirit of Wind. The seal really existed, just as the legend said! Raine: Are you saying that the Balacruf Pillar hieroglyphics are not just a myth?! Colette: ? Lloyd: It sounds like this isn t the seal we re looking for. Genis: Raine Aren t you forgetting why we re on this journey? Kratos: Well, it s all right It s not as if it s completely out of our way. Linar: Yes! In the back of the of the platform there is a small indentation, and Harley: That s enough! Aisha s about to be sacrificed to the Summon Spirit tonight! Now get out of here! Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with the stone dais. Lloyd s group saw the mayor and talks to him. Mayor: You re the ones that went up on the dais. Raine: I am a scholar. May I please have your permission to study this ruin? Mayor: There s an idiot just like you in this city already. Thanks to him, the city s tourism industry is on the verge of collapse. I refuse. Raine: What are you talking about?

Mayor: If you want to know, try asking Linar. Raine: If you re talking about the sacrifice, we ve already heard about it. Mayor: Then you should understand. We can t allow anyone to disturb the dais any further and risk bringing down the wrath of the Summon Spirit of Wind. The only one who may step up upon this stage is the Summon Spirit dancer. Raine: Then I shall become the dancer. Then it would be fine for me to go up onto the stage, yes? Lloyd: Professor! Raine: (to Lloyd) According to the Book of Regeneration, this should be the next seal. If we can meet the Summon Spirit, we should be able to tell. The sacrifice that the Summon Spirit seeks might even be the Chosen of Mana. Colette: I see! That s our Professor! Lloyd: You just want to study the ruin firsthand. Raine slapped Lloyd in the face. Genis: You should learn to keep your mouth shut, Lloyd. Raine: (to the mayor) Please, Mayor. Mayor: Do as you wish. I won t be held responsible if it costs you your life. Later, the camera shows Lloyd s group in Linar and Aisha s house. Aisha: It s not right for you to have to take my place Raine: There s nothing to worry about. Genis: Raine, are you sure you re going to be okay? Raine: Well, let me choose a few bodyguards just in case. After Lloyd s group reorganize battle participants Raine: Well then, I should change clothes now. Would you mind? Later, the camera switches to Lloyd s group and the rest of the other people watching Raine in her Maiden outfit as she begins the Summon Spirit dancing using the staff. After that, the stone dais large symbol emanates and a monster appeared at the scene. Windmaster: I have come for the girl. Colette: It s not No, Professor! That is an evil creature. It s not the guardian of the seal! Lloyd s group fights Windmaster. After Lloyd s group defeats Windmaster, it disappeared from the scene. Later Linar: Fantastic! You re fantastic, Raine! Raine: Hah. It was hardly a challenging opponent. Now, more importantly, about

that stone tablet you acquired Raine pulls out the Map of Balacruf. Raine: This stone tablet has ancient Balacruf writing inscribed on it. Linar: Let s decipher it right away! I have the necessary materials assembled in my house. Raine: Yes, let s go! Raine and Linar left the scene. Aisha: (to Lloyd s group) Um Thank you very much. Harley: That thing wasn t the Summon Spirit of Wind after all, was it? Genis: I bet Raine and Linar will investigate what it really was. Harley: Yeah, that Raine is a half-elf after all. You can count on her wisdom. Genis faces Harley. Genis: N no, you re wrong! Raine is an elf. I m an elf, too! Harley: What? Surely you don t think I d mistake my own Genis feelings are hurt. He looks down.

Harley: Ah, actually, I guess I was wrong. It seems you two are pureblooded elves. I must not have been paying careful attention. Lloyd approaches Genis. Lloyd then places his right hand on Genis shoulder. Lloyd: We should get some rest, too. I m exhausted. Lloyd s group gets some rest. The next morning Colette: It looks like the Professor hasn t come back yet. Lloyd: Are you serious? Genis: She s conducting research with Linar. Let s go get her. Lloyd: All right. Lloyd s group proceeds to Linar and Aisha s house. Inside Raine: Good timing. I just finished deciphering it. Linar: The Professor is amazing! She deciphered the complex Balacruf writing in no time at all! Genis: Heh. Raine just gained another fan. left

Lloyd: She s quite the catch, huh? Genis: Uh-huh!

Raine turns around and slapped Genis in the face. Raine turns around again facing Linar. Raine: It would appear that the monster was the cause of the calamity that afflicted the ancient Balacruf Empire. Linar: It seems that the summoner at the time used Sylph, the Summon Spirit of Wind, to seal it away, then built this stone dais to suppress the calamity. Raine: In preparation for the day when this calamity might reawaken, he left this map in order for people to be able to locate the Summon Spirit of the Wind. Linar: After a great many years, people eventually confused the calamity with the Summon Spirit of Wind Genis: So now you know where the Summon Spirit of Wind is located? Raine: Of course. The location of the Summon Spirit is the location of the next seal. Lloyd: Wow! I wonder what the Summon Spirit of Wind is like! I can t wait to see it! Colette: Now we can finally regenerate the world! Aisha: Regenerate the world? Now that I think about it, what was your purpose for coming to this city? You don t look like ordinary travelers or tourists Kratos: Well then, if you know our next destination, we should be on our way at once. Raine: Yes. It s likely that the seal is inside the Balacruf Mausoleum. Lloyd: Okay. Let s get going. Aisha: Ah, um Colette: Well, please take care. Lloyd s group exits Asgard. Lloyd s group proceeds to the House of Salvation and talks to a man in the house. Man: Legend has it that a unicorn lives in this area. It seems the unicorn will appear before a pure maiden. They say that sometimes, the visage of the unicorn appears on the surface of Lake Umacy. Lloyd s group proceeds to Lake Umacy. In there, Lloyd s group saw a unicorn under the frozen lake. Lloyd: Look at that! The camera switches to a closer look at the unicorn. Colette: It s beautiful Genis: It s a unicorn! Raine, it s a unicorn! Raine: Yes. But why is it The camera shows the unicorn from the top view.

Kratos: It s like a prison of water. There s nothing we can do about it. Colette: Then, we can t go see him Lloyd: Can t you do something with your magic, Genis? Genis: Do what? We could probably do something if we somehow borrowed the power of a Summon Spirit, but I m not a summoner. Raine: The art of summoning was lost long ago. There s no way we ll be able to do that Lloyd s group proceeds to The City of Hope, Luin. In Luin, Lloyd s group distantly saw Sheena with the kids surrounding her. Sheena: Okay, okay, fine. Then, I ll be it this time. Kid: Hehe, yay! Everybody hide! The kids left the scene. Then, Lloyd s group appeared at the scene. Sheena: Wh what are you looking at?! IF YOU CHOOSE YOU RE ACTUALLY PRETTY NICE.

Lloyd: You re actually a nice person after all. Sheena: Wh what are you saying?! IF YOU CHOOSE YOU RE KIND OF CUTE.

Lloyd: I was just thinking how cute you look. Sheena: You ve got to be kidding me! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Sheena: Don t think saying stuff like this is going to change anything! You re still my enemy! Sheena ran away from the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to Balacruf Mausoleum. In there Raine: Climb the central stairway and offer the map at the altar. Colette: Yes, Professor. Lloyd s group approaches the altar. The altar opens the insertion slot. Raine: It seems to be responding to the Map of Balacruf. Colette places the Map of Balacruf on the altar and the oracle stone appeared. Genis: It s an oracle stone! Lloyd: Just like we thought. This is a seal. Colette: Okay then, I m going to put my hand on it

Colette places her hand on the altar and the sealed door opened. Lloyd: Let s hurry up and get this over with. Inside Lloyd: Oh! This is pretty cool! I feel like an explorer! Kratos: You always start out enthusiastic.

Colette: I can hear the sound of wind Lloyd s group found the Sorcerer s Ring changing device and the power has changed. Lloyd: Hmm? The Sorcerer s Ring is acting weird. Genis: I guess it makes wind. Colette: I wonder what you use it for? Lloyd s group proceeds to the pinwheel room. The camera switches to the outside of Balacruf Mausoleum where Noishe is standing there. Sheena appeared at the scene. Noishe: (Growl) Sheena: Corrine! Corrine appeared at the scene and faces Noishe. Sheena then goes inside Balacruf Mausoleum. Later, Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle of the pinwheel room by winding up the pinwheels in the correct sequence. The sealed door opened and Lloyd s group proceeds to the seal of wind. In the seal of wind Lloyd: We re finally at the altar Kratos: You have no patience. Suddenly, the seal reacted. Genis: Wait. I sense incredible mana. Lloyd s group fights Iapyx. After Lloyd s group defeats Iapyx, the seal was broken and a green ball of energy appeared. Voice of Remiel: Chosen of Regeneration You have done well in reaching this far. Now, offer your prayers at the altar. Colette: Yes! Colette approaches the seal. Colette: Oh Goddess Martel, great protector and nurturer of the earth, grant my thy strength! Colette s angel wings were revealed and she flies up to midair. The light from above came from the sky and Remiel appeared at the scene. Remiel: This is the third seal. You have done well reaching this far, Chosen One Colette! I m sick of dungeons.


Thank you.

Remiel: Receive this blessing, the gift of angelic power from Cruxis. Colette: Y-yes, Father. Thank you. Colette received additional angelic powers. Remiel: The next seal lies far northwest, in a place that gazes upon the center of the world. Offer your prayers at the altar in that distant land. Colette: I shall do as you say. Lord Remiel.

Remiel: I will be waiting for you at the next seal, Colette my daughter. Remiel vanishes from the scene. Remiel: The end of your journey is close. Hurry and become a true angel. Do not disappoint me Colette descended to the floor and puts her angel wings away. Colette: A true angel Lloyd: What is it? Colette: Ah nothing. I was just thinking when I become a true angel, it ll be amazing! Genis: I wonder how many more seals there are? Raine: That, we don t know Kratos: At any rate, all we can do is keep going. Colette learned Holy Song. Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit. However Sheena: Stop! The camera switches to the closer view of Lloyd s group. Lloyd: That voice Genis: Oh, no Sheena appeared at the scene. Sheena: This day has finally come. This ancient ruin shall be your graveyard Colette approaches Sheena. Colette: Oh, you re here, too! Sheena: S stay back! Don t move! Don t touch anything! Colette: Now that we ve finally become friends, why do we have to fight? Sheena: Since when are we? (Cough!) I have no intention of befriending you! Prepare yourselves!

Kratos: Get ready. Lloyd s group fights Sheena as the Resolute Assassin and Guardian-Lightning. After Lloyd s group defeats Sheena and Guardian-Lightning Sheena: Arrgh! Why why can t I win?

Genis: Goodness and love will always win! Lloyd: Genis, please don t bring up that stupid Dwarven Vow! Sheena: Goodness ?! What do you mean, well! goodness ?! If you re good, I m good as

Lloyd: Not you, too! Everyone, stop saying corny things! Sheena: What do you know?! When you regenerate the world, my country will be destroyed! I won t let that happen I swear! Colette: Wait. What are you talking about? If I regenerate the world, everyone will be saved right? Sheena: This world will be saved!

Sheena fled the scene. Raine: Stop! Who are you?! So you re not alone?! Lloyd: This world? What did she mean? Kratos looked puzzled. Kratos: That girl is she Genis: Do you know her? Kratos: No. Let s get out of here.

Lloyd s group exits Balacruf Mausoleum. Outside, Colette started to collapse. Lloyd: (holds Colette) Colette! Raine: It s the Angel Toxicosis again. Let s hurry and let her rest. Lloyd: Are you okay? Colette: (Sigh) I m sorry to trouble everybody again Lloyd: Don t worry about that, but Lloyd lets go of Colette and Colette fell to the floor and Lloyd fell as well. Lloyd: Owww Genis: What are you doing, Lloyd? Are you okay, Colette? Colette: (puzzled) Genis: Colette? Wh what s wrong? Did it hurt? Did you hurt yourself?

Colette: N no. I m fine. Hehe I just blanked out for a moment. The camera zooms into Lloyd. Lloyd: Later, during the night of campfire Lloyd: Colette. Let me see your hand. Colette: Huh? Why? Lloyd: Just show me! Lloyd looks at Colette s wounded hand. Lloyd: You re hurt! It must have happened when you fell. Look how much you re bleeding! Colette slightly steps away. Colette: But it doesn t hurt. Lloyd: What? Colette: Uh, I mean, it doesn t hurt that much. Lloyd slightly steps away. Lloyd: Colette, can I talk to you for a sec? A little later, Lloyd brought some cup of coffee and approaches Colette. Colette: What is it, Lloyd? Lloyd: I thought it d be nice for us to talk just by ourselves. Colette: Sure. Lloyd: Here, it s hot coffee. Colette: Thanks. Lloyd gives Colette a cup of coffee. Lloyd: Hot, isn t it? Colette: Yeah. Really hot. Lloyd: It s actually iced coffee. Colette: (puzzled) What?

Lloyd: I had Genis make it cold. Colette: Oh, hehe, yeah, of course it s cold. Lloyd: I lied. It s actually hot.

Colette dropped the cup of coffee without notice. Lloyd: (feeling suspicious) I knew it. How long have you been like this?! You can t feel anything at all, can you?! Colette: Th that s not true. Lloyd: You re lying! When you fell earlier, you already couldn t feel anything, could you?! Colette: W well, uh but uh Lloyd: You were bleeding like crazy, but you didn t even flinch when I squeezed your hand! Colette: I guess the secret s out. Lloyd: You haven t been eating lately either. Colette: I eat! Hehe Lloyd: Barely. You even started eating things you don t like. And that s not all. Have you been sleeping? Colette: Of course. Hehe see. My eyes aren t red or anything. Lloyd: Stop lying to me! You always do that fake giggle when you lie. Colette: Th that s not true Lloyd: Is it that hard for you to trust me? Colette: (feeling hopeless) No! It s not like that! I just (Sigh) I just didn t want anyone to worry. Lloyd: What s happening to you? Colette: I don t know. I don t know, but things first got strange when I released the Fire Seal. I suddenly didn t want to eat anything anymore. Even when I did, it didn t have any taste. Lloyd: No taste? Colette: I can t hold anything down when I force myself so, I haven t been eating. I never get hungry. Lloyd: That s that s Colette: Then when I released the next seal, I stopped getting sleepy. I close my eyes, but I just can t sleep. I haven t slept at all since then. Then with this seal, I stopped feeling anything. Lloyd: Why why didn t you say anything?! Colette: Well, I figured, this is just what it means to become an angel. So I shouldn t let it get to me. Lloyd: This is what it means to become an angel?! Not eating anymore, not sleeping anymore, not feeling anything anymore?!

Colette: But my eyes have actually gotten better. I can see really far away now. And my hearing, too. I can hear even the faintest sounds really well. I can hear them so well that it s kind of painful sometimes. Lloyd approaches Colette and embraces her. Lloyd: I m sorry. I didn t realize what was going on at all. I m sorry. Colette: Please don t tell the others. Lloyd: Why?! Colette: Well, I mean, we re all on this trip together and I want it to be fun. So, I don t want you to worry about it either, okay? Lloyd: (embraces Colette) You re so stupid! Colette: I m sorry, Lloyd. Even though you re crying for me, and I m happy, so happy I want to cry but I can t anymore. I m sorry! The next morning, Lloyd s group proceeds to Luin. In there, the city was devastated. Lloyd: This is Colette: Horrible Lloyd s group arrived at the fountain area where Sheena is kneeling and badly wounded. Genis: You! Now you re even over here?! Lloyd approaches Sheena. Lloyd: What happened? You re badly wounded. Sheena: Oh, it s you guys. If you want to finish me off, now s your chance. I don t have any strength left to fight. Colette: You re hurt badly, Professor! Please heal her. Raine: I will, but first, I want you to tell me what happened here. It seems she has companions, and this may just be a trap to catch us off guard. Colette: Professor! Sheena: Hah! You re as devious as you look. Raine: Call me what you like. The camera views the devastated fountain. Sheena: Take a look at this city. Everything s in ruin. The Desians invaded. Lloyd: What?! Sheena: Do you know about the human ranch northeast of here? The people of this city had been hiding some folks who escaped from the ranch. The Desians found out about it, and not only was the entire population forced to go to the ranch, but the city was destroyed.

Colette: So, how were you injured? Sheena: It s nothing. I was just a little clumsy. Later Voice of Pastor: Ahh! Help me, please! Lloyd: Th that s! The pastor appeared and was pursuit by the mutated Clara. Raine: It s Clara! She managed to get all the way here! Sheena approaches Clara and readies her cards. Sheena: Stay back, you monster! Clara attacks Sheena and Sheena is even badly wounded. Sheena: Ahhh! Lloyd: Dammit! Colette approaches Clara with her angel wings. Colette: Clara, please calm down! Clara attacks Colette and Clara disappeared from the scene. Colette wings disappeared and lost her balance and falls to the floor. Genis: Colette, are you okay? Lloyd s group approaches Colette. Colette: Y yes. Colette got up. Later Kratos: She s lost a lot of blood. Lloyd: You re right. Professor, please heal her. Colette: Professor, please! Raine: (can t take it anymore) softhearted for your own good. Fine. But I swear, you re all way too angel

Raine approaches Sheena and casts her healing spell on Sheena. Sheena is healed and stands up. Sheena: Why why did you save me?

Lloyd: Probably for the same reason you saved that man. Sheena: Thanks. IF SHEENA DECIDES TO JOIN LLOYD S GROUP NOW

Sheena: I know it s selfish, unreasonable thing to say at this point, but um I have a favor to ask of you. Lloyd: A favor? Sheena: I owe the people of this city for food and lodging. Please. Help me save these people. If you agree, I ll declare a truce with you and help in any way I can. IF YOU CHOOSE OKAY. Lloyd: All right. Raine: Lloyd, are you serious? Colette: I agree with Lloyd. Raine: Colette, not you, too! Lloyd: (to Kratos) What about you? Kratos: I see no problem with it. Genis: Ah um I m sorry, Raine! Raine: Fine! Do as you wish. I suppose if we look at it another way, it does mean we can keep a close eye on her. Sheena: Heh. You d better watch out so you don t lose your head while you sleep. IF YOU CHOOSE NO. Sheena: No deal. You re after Colette s life. It s one thing to help rescue the people of this city, but I have no intention of cooperating with you. Colette: Lloyd! She said she d declare a truce! Let s trust her! Kratos: I, too, think it would do no harm to trust her. Genis: Ah hmm well, I Raine: I agree with Lloyd. Of course, since Colette has already given her consent, there s no point in me opposing her wishes. Sheena: Okay. Then let s call a truce until we save the people of this city. Sheena joined Lloyd s group. IF SHEENA DECIDES TO JOIN LLOYD S GROUP LATER Sheena: I swear to repay this debt. Farewell Colette: Are you leaving? Sheena: Of course! I m trying to kill you! Do you think I m going to stay and play nice with you in a place like this? Colette: Oh. That s true. But please be careful. Sheena: (frustrated) You re not supposed to care about your enemy!

Sheena left the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group proceeds to Asgard Human Ranch. In there, the camera views the human ranch heavily guarded by the Desian soldiers. The camera switches to Lloyd s group. Genis: The security is intense. It s completely different from last time. Lloyd: Yea. Even if we get inside Raine: Hmm there is a way though Lloyd: Professor, I bet you re thinking the same thing I m thinking. Colette: What? What are we going to do? Lloyd: We ll disguise ourselves as Desians and sneak in. Raine: I see the gears in your head move quickly only at times like this. Lloyd: What s that supposed to mean? Colette: Oh, I see! If we look like Desians, we won t get caught! IF SHEENA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Sheena: Well, well. That s quite a daring plan, Raine. CONTNUE WITH THE SCRIPT Raine: I don t think this is the best plan either, but do we have any other choice? Kratos: The Desians patrol is here. What shall we do? IF SHEENA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Sheena: Let s do it! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Colette: Yeah! Lloyd: Okay, let s hide behind those trees and ambush them. While Lloyd s group hides, 3 Desian soldiers approaches and Lloyd s group gets out of their hidings. Lloyd: Let s hurry up and take care of this! Lloyd s group fights 3 Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats 3 Desian soldiers Raine: Let s return to Luin first. We don t know when the enemy may spot us. Lloyd: Yeah, you re right.

Later, Lloyd s group heads back to Luin and are at the campfire site. Genis: We re finally going to infiltrate the ranch. Raine: Wait. We have to decide who will be the Desian. Lloyd: What do you mean, Professor? Raine: Only one of the Desian uniforms we just obtained looks like it can be used. So everyone else is going to have to be prisoners. Lloyd: (greedy) Me! Me! I ll be the Desian! Kratos: This is not a game.

Later, Raine wore the Desian uniform. Lloyd: Hey, that s not fair, Professor! Raine: It s not about fairness. This will look the most natural. Besides, this is a uniform for females. You won t be able to wear it. IF SHEENA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Lloyd: And why do you have Desian clothes, too? Sheena: I was going to infiltrate the base on my own. Raine: Anyway, let s go. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Genis: Yeah. The next morning, Lloyd s group proceeds to Asgard Human Ranch with Raine and/or Sheena in the Desian uniform. Lloyd s group approaches the Desian guards with Lloyd, Colette, Genis and Kratos portraying as captives. Desian Guard: Stop! Raine: We ve done it! Desian Guard: Done what? Raine: We ve found the wanted criminal, Lloyd Irving! Desian Guard: What?! Good work! And you ve even caught him alive! Raine: I want to turn him over to the Five Grand Cardinals immediately. Let me through. Desian Guard: Understood. Go on in! Lloyd s group manages to make their way into the human ranch and into the control room. In the control room, Lloyd s group with Raine already ditched the uniform approaches the window and looks through to see something. Raine: It looks like this is an Exsphere manufacturing plant. Kratos: So it would seem.

Lloyd: These are all Exspheres? Incredible The camera shows the manufacturing planets with conveyor belts moving the manufactured Exspheres and Desians soldiers guarding the area. Raine and Kratos go to the other side as Lloyd, Colette and Genis continues to look through the window. Colette: Shh. I hear voices coming from the next room.

Genis: I don t hear anything Lloyd: Be careful anyway. Lloyd, Colette and Genis catch up with Raine and Kratos. The door opened and Botta with 2 Desian soldiers appeared at the scene. Botta: Hmm?! You! Lloyd: Uh-oh, these are the Desians we ran into in the Triet Desert! Desian Soldier 1: They still think we re Desians. Desian Soldier 2: Sir, this is the perfect chance! Kratos: Are you looking for a fight?

Botta: (to the Desian soldiers) Wait. Kratos is with them. We ll retreat for now. Lloyd: (to Kratos) You know each other? Kratos: I suppose, if you mean the fact that we ran into them at Iselia and Triet. Botta: I think it would be in both our interests for us not to fight here. Kratos: Do what you will. Botta and the 2 Desian soldier attempts to flee from the scene. Lloyd s group tries to chase after them. Suddenly, the other door opened and 3 Desian soldiers appeared at the scene and casts magic towards Lloyd s group. But before Lloyd s group was about to get attacked by the magic, Kratos performs Guardian and shielded the magic. Lloyd: Colette! Kratos! Botta and the 2 Desian soldiers fled the scene. Colette, who is in her defense stance, turns around facing Lloyd s group. Colette: I m okay. Kratos: No time for that, look behind you! Suddenly, another man appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Huh? Man: Well, this is a surprise. When I heard we had some rats, I assumed it was the Renegade, Botta, but instead I find the wanted inferior beings But I must

say that I m quite impressed that you re still alive after that attack. Lloyd: Who are you?! The man approaches Lloyd. Man: You barge into my ranch and then demand my name? Genis: Wow, Lloyd, isn t this usually the other way around? Lloyd: Genis! This is not the time! Kratos: He s Kvar, one of the Five Desian Grand Cardinals. Kvar: Hahaha ah. I see that some of you know me. It s just as Forcystus said. The camera shows Lloyd who is getting mad. Kvar: That Exsphere is without a doubt the product of my Angelus Project! Desian soldiers appeared at the scene. Colette throws her chakram at Kvar, but he evaded. Lloyd: Good job, Colette! Let s go, everyone! The man will be known as Kvar from this point on. Lloyd s group enters the manufacturing plant. Upon arriving at the dead end with a window showing humans in conveyor belts Lloyd: Wh what is this?! The camera shows the humans being taken by conveyor belts to containers. Kvar appeared at the scene with the Desian soldiers. Kvar: This is where the Expsheres are removed from the host bodies. Lloyd s group turns around. Raine: Do you mean that Exspheres are made from human bodies? Kvar: Not exactly. Exspheres are dormant at first. They extract nourishment from humans to grow and awaken. Human ranches are Exsphere manufacturing plants. Why else would we spend our time raising and taking care of these inferior beings? Genis: That s terrible! Kvar: Terrible? Terrible is what you ve done. Stealing and using Exspheres that we ve invested so much time and care in creating. You deserve to be punished. The Desian soldiers surrounded Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Damn! We re surrounded Kvar: Lloyd, your Exsphere was to be an offering to Lord Yggdrasill. It s time you gave it back. Raine: Yggdrasill I suppose that s the name of your leader. Kvar: Yes. Now, for the sake of our great leader, Lord Yggdrasill, and for the

sake of my own success, I need that Exsphere! Lloyd: Again?! What s so special about my Exsphere? Kvar: That is the result of years of time-consuming research. I can finally reclaim what was stolen by that filthy female host body. Lloyd: What are you talking about? The female host body? You re not talking about Kvar: Hmm, you don t know anything, do you? That Expshere was cultured on host body A012, human name, Anna your mother. She took it and escaped from the facility. Of course, she paid for her crime with her life. Lloyd: (angry) You killed my Kvar: Now, now, don t blame me. I m not the one that killed Anna. Your father did. Lloyd: (angry) Liar! Kvar: Please. When her Key Crest-less Expshere was removed, Anna turned into a monster and your father killed her. Pathetic, don t you think? Kratos: Do not speak ill of the dead.

Kvar: Hahaha! Who cares? They were both just a couple of filthy humans worthless maggots. Lloyd: Don t you ever talk about my parents like that!

The Desian soldiers approach Lloyd s group. Just as things are going bad for Lloyd s group IF YOU DON T HAVE SHEENA IN LLOYD S GROUP YET, READ THIS Sheena appeared at the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Sheena: I ll handle this! Sheena looks at the card she is holding. Sheena: I m gonna use the last one, Grandpa.

Sheena used the card and summoned a Guardian. The Guardian made Lloyd s group disappear from the scene. Desian Soldier: They disappeared! (to Kvar) Your orders, sir? Kvar: Let them go. We can find them any time by following the Chosen s signature trail. Right now, the more pertinent task is retrieving the Exspheres. Find the Renegades. Later, outside of the Asgard Human Ranch, Lloyd s group appeared near the entrance of the human ranch. Colette: Thank you, Sheena!

Sheena: Don t mention it. But what are you going to do now? Raine: Let s return to Luin first. Kratos: I concur. Genis: Okay. Lloyd s group proceeds to Luin. During the campfire at night, Lloyd, Raine, Genis and Sheena are looking at their Exspheres. Sheena: I can t believe Exspheres are made from human lives.

Genis: This is Marble s life Lloyd s Exsphere shines. Lloyd: Arrgh! This thing! Colette approaches Lloyd. Colette: Lloyd, wait. What will you accomplish by taking that off? It s not just an Exsphere, it s also your mother s life, remember? Lloyd: But these things make a mockery of human life. Kratos: But we would have lost long ago had we not had them. Lloyd: Don t you think I know that?! Kratos: Do you really? If you throw away that Exsphere now, do you think you can finish this journey? Lloyd: (looking at his Expshere) Yeah. I know. Without these things, we re just a bunch of weak humans. We can fight because we have these. I know that. But Exspheres exist as a result of taking someone s life! Kratos: And? Those people didn t become victims because they wanted to, but I doubt they would want to be thrown away after being turned into Exspheres. Colette: My opinion may not matter much because I don t use an Exsphere, but I believe the Desians will defeat us if we throw away our Exspheres now. And if that happens, more people will lose their lives to these stones. I don t want that to happen. I don t want this journey to be meaningless. Kratos: Colette s right. We can throw away the Expsheres at any time. But right now, we must carry the weight of the hopes and dreams of those victims and fight for their sake, as well as ours. Didn t you say you weren t going to hesitate anymore? IF YOU CHOOSE ALL RIGHT. Lloyd: Yeah. I hate to say it, but you re right. Mom s regrets and wishes dwell in this thing. To prevent creating more victims like Marble and my mom, I m going to help Colette. I will fight for both myself and my mom who lives on within me. Genis: Yeah. Me too. I m going to fight on Marble s behalf as well. Colette: Me too. I m going to regenerate the world as quickly as I can.

Raine: People are sinful creatures. Life survives at the cost of another. Then we must continue to bear the burden of our sins for as long as we continue to live. Sheena: Life survives at the cost of another I don t know how to say this, but I don t think there s a way to justify the lives sacrificed to make Exspheres. They have to be stopped at all cost! IF YOU CHOOSE NO! Lloyd: I just can t! I know you re right, but but right now myself for a while, okay? Later, with Lloyd by himself Lloyd: (to himself) Mom did you suffer when this thing took your life? Will you forgive me for using this? Kratos: How would you feel? Kratos appeared at the scene. Lloyd: What? Let me think by

Kratos: If you lost your life to an Exsphere, what would you want done with yourself? Lloyd: I Kratos: If it were me, I d want to be useful to someone with the will to break this tragic cycle. Then perhaps I could atone for some of my sins. Lloyd: Your sins? Like what? Kratos: That s not important. What is important is your decision about the Exspheres. Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: Exspheres The next morning Kratos: Well, what now? Lloyd: There is one thing I realized. I m certain that my mother must have wanted to live longer than she did. Therefore, I m going to live for myself, and for my mom, too. Kratos: In other words, you re going to fight. Lloyd: Yeah. And I m going to break this cycle. For the sake of preventing anymore victims like Marble and my mom. I m going to help Colette on her journey to regenerate the world. Genis: Yeah. Me too. I m going to fight on Marble s behalf as well. Colette: Me too. I m going to regenerate the world as quickly as I can.

Raine: I think you ve made a wise decision, Lloyd. People are sinful beings. That s why we must continue to bear the burden of our sins for as long as we continue to live. Sheena: Life survives at the cost of another? I don t really know how to say this, but I don t think there s a way to justify the lives sacrificed to make Exspheres. They have to be stopped at all cost! IF YOU DON T HAVE SHEENA IN LLOYD S GROUP YET Sheena: Will you take me along with you? Now that I know, I I can t pretend like nothing happened. This is too cruel! Kratos: Well? What do you want to do? Colette: Of course you re welcome to join us! Lloyd s group faces Sheena. Lloyd: Yeah. You saved us and all. Genis: Yeah! Let s fight the Desians together! Raine: Do as you wish. I ll trust you for now. Sheena: Thanks. I ve used up all of my Guardians, but I m sure I can still be of use. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The next morning, Lloyd s group exits Luin. Near the exit Lloyd: But what are we going to do now? Kratos: Kvar will undoubtedly increase the security now. We won t be able to get in easily. Raine: There was someone who escaped from the ranch. He may know another way in. Sheena: I know him. His name is Pietro. He should still be in Hima. Lloyd: Why do you know him? Sheena: I it doesn t matter, does it?! I have my reasons.

Lloyd: Hmmmm. Well, whatever. Okay, let s go to Hima. Lloyd s group proceeds to Hima. In Hima, Lloyd s group enters the inn and talks to Sophia. Sophia: Sheena! Sheena: How s Pietro? Sophia: He passed away.

Lloyd s group was shocked. Genis: Did he say anything? Something about the human ranch perhaps?

Sophia: I I don t know I don t even know if he really escaped from there. Raine: What about his belongings? Sophia: He didn t have any. Raine: Where is his grave? Sophia: At the back of the adventurers graveyard. digging up his grave, please. Ah, don t think about

Lloyd s group exits the inn and approaches Pietro s gravestone. Raine: I suppose digging up the grave is out of the question Colette: Anyway, let s pray. Lloyd s group begins praying. After that Colette: Hmm? Suddenly, Pietro appeared at the scene. He approaches Colette in an abnormal act. Pietro: Chosen mana d die. Genis: W what s he saying? Sheena: Pietro! I heard you were dead Lloyd s group was shocked. Sophia then appeared at the scene approaching Pietro. Sophia: Here you are. Pietro: Chosen die angel die Human ranch underground

Sophia: You mustn t come out here. Let s go. As Sophia and Pietro are about to leave Raine: You lied to us. He s the one that escaped from the ranch! Lloyd s group slightly approaches Sophia. Lloyd: Really?! Please tell me, how did you get away from the human ranch? Pietro: Boulder big underground jewel boulder move Chosen Genis: What are you saying? Kratos: Is that the escape route? Sophia: Please, let him be!

Sheena: Now listen! You may be happy just protecting Pietro, but because of this guy, countless people from Luin are dead! How about helping us just a little! Sophia: I m sure Pietro has many things he wants to say, as well, but because of the curse, he s been turned into this

Lloyd: But he s still alive. The dead can t even tell us that they were scared. Please. Help us. Colette: We want to go to the ranch. If it s possible to get out, it s possible to get back in, right? Please. Sophia: I m willing to help you. But in exchange, lift his curse. The healing technique left behind by Boltzman is in the Tower of Mana. That may be able to cure his curse. Raine: All right. But infiltrating the ranch comes first. That I won t relinquish. Sophia: When he escaped from the ranch, he said he came out through the front yard and he blocked the exit with a boulder. His things are in the grave Take them with you. Colette: Thank you. We ll come back when we ve acquired the healing technique. Sophia: (to Pietro) Come let s go. Genis: Was there a boulder there? Kratos: I do recall something that seemed unnatural. Colette: Yes. Let s go check it out. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group proceeds to Asgard Human Ranch. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group examines the boulder. Lloyd: This is it, the one Pietro was talking about. Raine: So it would seem. Let s try moving it. Lloyd attempts to push the boulder. Lloyd: It s no good. It won t budge. Raine: Then let s try using the Desian Orb we received from Pietro. Raine inserts the Desian Orb on the boulder and the boulder automatically moved to the side, revealing a secret entrance. Lloyd: But when I pushed it, it didn t even budge Raine: (ignores Lloyd s comments) Let s go, Lloyd. Lloyd: Yeah Lloyd s group entered the human ranch. Inside, Lloyd s group spotted 2 Desian soldiers. Desian Soldier: Who the hell are you?! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian soldiers, Raine examines a device.

Raine: Let s bring up the ranch-wide map. Raine activates the device and it revealed the ranch-wide map. Lloyd: Professor, you re fantastic! Sheena: Hmm, so there are people on this side who can operate machines, too Genis: On this side? Sheena: Ah, um, nothing. Just talking to myself. The camera views the device map. Raine: This is where we are now. Raine checks Kvar s location. Raine: And this is where Kvar should be. Raine checks the other area of the map. Raine: It appears that in order to get to the floor that Kvar is on, we ll have to deactivate the guard system. Colette: Guard system? Raine: Here. Raine checks the other part of the map. Raine: If we don t deactivate this guard system, we can t get to Kvar. Lloyd: What are we supposed to do, then? Kratos: Calm down. There should be a switch somewhere to deactivate the system. Raine activates the device again. Raine: Here it is. The camera views the device map s area with two switches on each far side. Raine: See the two switches at the ends of this left-right passageway? Those are the deactivation switches. Lloyd: Okay, then, let s go deactivate it. Raine: Wait a minute. I ll bring up the route leading to Kvar s room. Raine thinks for a brief moment. Raine: It looks like the conveyor belt prevents passage through there. In order to stop that, we ll need to stop the conveyor belt control mechanism, but Raine thinks a little more. Raine: it seems it s constructed in such a way that you can t get close to the control mechanism while containers are on the conveyor Let s see, in order to adjust the container dispatch control system

Suddenly, an alarm was triggered for a brief moment. Raine: Dammit. They ve detected my access of the main computer. Genis: Lloyd, what do we do?! The Desians will be here any minute! Lloyd: Dammit Raine faces Lloyd. Raine: It looks like we don t have any choice. Let s split into two teams to deactivate the system and to infiltrate Kvar s room. Genis: What?! We re going to split up? Kratos: There seems to be no other way. I would like to be in the group that goes after Kvar. Genis: Me, too! Sheena: And me. Raine: Colette, please choose for us. Colette: Ah, um, well, then Colette glances at Lloyd. Colette: I ll leave it to Lloyd. Lloyd looked surprised. Lloyd: What? Me?! Colette: I know you ll do a good job of splitting us up. Genis: He lives only by intuition and instinct. Lloyd: What s that supposed to mean? Anyway, I m the one that s gonna pick? I m going to Kvar. I want to avenge Mom. PICK 2 MEMBERS TO JOIN LLOYD IF YOU CHOOSE COLETTE TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: I want to go with Lloyd Lloyd: be part of the infiltration team.

Colette: Okay! I ll do my best! IF YOU CHOOSE GENIS TO JOIN LLOYD Genis: You are going to take me along, right? Lloyd: be part of the infiltration team.

Genis: That s what I wanted to hear! IF YOU CHOOSE RAINE TO JOIN LLOYD Raine: You ll need me to deal with the ranch s mechanism. Lloyd: be part of the infiltration team. Raine: I understand. IF YOU CHOOSE KRATOS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: I desire to fight Kvar. Please, Lloyd. Take me with you. Lloyd: be part of the infiltration team. Kratos: Thank you.

IF YOU CHOOSE SHEENA TO JOIN LLOYD Sheena: I m going with you. Lloyd: be part of the infiltration team. Sheena: Okay, leave it to me! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT After that IF YOU CHOSE COLETTE FOR INFILTRATING Colette: Heheh! Let s do our best together. IF YOU CHOSE GENIS FOR INFILTRATING Genis: I ll reduce Kvar to cinders with my magic. IF YOU CHOSE RAINE FOR INFILTRATING Raine: Let us get going, then. IF YOU CHOSE KRATOS FOR INFILTRATING Kratos: Lloyd let s defeat Kvar together. IF YOU CHOSE SHEENA FOR INFILTRATING Sheena: Okay, Kvar, you better get ready. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT IF YOU CHOSE COLETTE FOR DEACTIVATING Colette: It s too bad I can t go with you. IF YOU CHOSE GENIS FOR DEACTIVATING

Genis: (Sigh) So I m going to be on the other team. That s disappointing. IF YOU CHOSE RAINE FOR DEACTIVATING Raine: I understand. Leave the other team to me. IF YOU CHOSE KRATOS FOR DEACTIVATING Kratos: I see. Then I leave Kvar to you. IF YOU CHOSE SHEENA FOR DEACTIVATING Sheena: Well, I guess you trust me if you re gonna put me on the other team. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Let s meet in Kvar s control room. Lloyd s group splits into two three people group where Lloyd s group begins the infiltration of Kvar while Raine s group begins the deactivating of the guard system. Lloyd s group proceeds to the manufacturing plant and changed the Sorcerer s Ring s power. Lloyd: It looks like the fire from the Sorcerer s Ring increased. Now it should be able to reach places it couldn t before. Lloyd s group then enters the container delivery control room. Lloyd s group examines the control. Lloyd: If we stop this, we can prevent the captives from turning into monsters. Lloyd activates the control. Computer: Shutdown in progress. Shutdown complete.

The machine that delivers the Exsphere containers to the conveyor belt was shutdown. Lloyd s group heads back to the manufacturing plant and used the Sorcerer s Ring to destroy all of the six containers. After that, the conveyor belts stopped moving. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. Lloyd s group steps on to the teleporter. Lloyd: Prepare yourself, Kvar! The teleporter didn t react. Lloyd: It won t move We ll have to wait for the others to deactivate the guard system. IF COLETTE IS LEADING THE DEAVTIVATION TEAM The camera switches to Colette s group. Colette: We ve got to do our part, too. Colette s group proceeds to the area where the other Desian soldier is guarding the door. Colette: Uh-oh Desian Soldier: Human! What are you doing here?!

Colette s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Colette s group defeats the Desian soldiers, they move on to the next area. In the prison area, Colette s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Colette s group defeats the Desian soldiers, the prison doors opened and the prisoners came out and approach Colette s group. Colette: Um is everyone okay? Man 1: Who are you? Colette: I m the Chosen. This will become a dangerous place, so we d better get out. Man 1: Everyone! The Chosen has come to rescue us! Colette: By the way, is there anyone here from Palmacosta? Man 2: I am. Colette: Have you by any chance seen Chocolat? Man 2: Ah, yes, she underwent host body testing here. The test decides which ranch she will be taken to. I believe they said she was being taken to Iselia. Genis: I see, Iselia Thank you very much. Now, let s hurry and leave this place. Everyone, please follow me. IF GENIS IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM The camera switches to Genis Genis: Let s do our best. Genis group proceeds to the area where the other Desian soldier is guarding the door. Genis: They found us again Desian Soldier: You, brat! What are you doing here?! Genis group fights the Desian soldiers. After Genis group defeats the Desian soldiers, they move on to the next area. In the prison area, Genis group fights the Desian soldiers. After Genis group defeats the Desian soldiers, the prison doors opened and the prisoners came out and approach Genis group. Genis: Is everyone okay? Man 1: Who are you? Genis: We re companions of the Chosen One. The Chosen has come to rescue you. Don t worry, we ll get you out. By the way, is there anyone here from Palmacosta? Man 2: I am. Genis: Did you see a girl named Chocolat? Man 2: Ah, yes, she underwent host body testing here. The test decides which ranch she will be taken to. I believe they said she was being taken to Iselia. group.

Genis: Iselia I see. Thanks! Now, let s get out of here. Everyone, follow me! IF RAINE IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM The camera switches to Raine s group. Raine: Let s get started. Raine s group proceeds to the area where the other Desian soldier is guarding the door. Raine: We don t have time for this Desian Soldier: Woman! What are you doing here?! Raine s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Raine s group defeats the Desian soldiers, they move on to the next area. In the prison area, Raine s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Raine s group defeats the Desian soldiers, the prison doors opened and the prisoners came out and approach Raine s group. Raine: Is everyone all right? Man 1: Who are you? Raine: Guardians of the Chosen One. The Chosen has come to rescue you. Now pull yourselves together. By the way, is there anyone here from Palmacosta? Man 2: I am. Raine: Do you know a girl named Chocolat? Man 2: Ah, yes, she underwent host body testing here. The test decides which ranch she will be taken to. I believe they said she was being taken to Iselia. Raine: Iselia I see. Thank you. Now then, let s get out of here. Everyone, follow me. Understood? IF SHEENA IS WITH THE DEACTIVATION TEAM Man 1: (to Sheena) Excuse me! You re Sheena, right? You came to help us, too? Sheena: Uh, yeah Woman: Thanks! Sheena: Heh, uh don t mention it. It was nothing. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT IF COLETTE IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM With the prisoners saved, Colette s group proceeds to the area with two far-side switches. Colette s group saw the Raybit on a switch. Colette s group fights the Raybit. After Colette s group defeats the Raybit, Colette s group steps on the switch and it lit up. Colette s group approaches the other switch where another Raybit is on. Colette s group fights the Raybit. After Colette s group defeats the Raybit, they step on the switch.

Colette: Now we need to hurry on to Kvar s room, too. IF GENIS IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM With the prisoners saved, Genis group proceeds to the area with two far-side switches. Genis group saw the Raybit on a switch. Genis group fights the Raybit. After Genis group defeats the Raybit, they step on the switch and it lit up. Genis group approaches the other switch where another Raybit is on. Genis group fights the Raybit. After Genis group defeats the Raybit, they step on the switch. Genis: Now we need to hurry and meet up in Kvar s room. IF RAINE IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM With the prisoners saved, Raine s group proceeds to the area with two far-side switches. Raine s group saw the Raybit on a switch. Raine s group fights the Raybit. After Raine s group defeats the Raybit, they step on the switch and it lit up. Raine s group approaches the other switch where another Raybit is on. Raine s group fights the Raybit. After Raine s group defeats the Raybit, they step on the switch. Raine: Now, we need to hurry and head for Kvar s room. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The camera switches to Lloyd s group who takes the teleporter to Kvar s room. In Kvar s room, Kvar communicates with a woman in the projector communicator. Lloyd: I ve found you, Kvar! Lloyd s group approaches Kvar. Woman: So, this is Lloyd. I see, he does bear a resemblance. Lloyd looks puzzled. Kvar: So, you ve come. I d appreciate it if you wouldn t change the subject, Pronyma! It s clear you ve been stealing research data from my Angelus Project. Pronyma: I grow tired of you accusations, Kvar. As I have told you, I know nothing of it. Kvar: Stubborn woman. I suppose I should expect no less from one who usurped the leadership of the Five Grand Cardinals. Take heed, Pronyma. Once I retrieve the Exsphere from this inferior being, I will become the leader of the Five Grand Cardinals. When that happens, you ll be begging for my forgiveness. Pronyma: You speak nonsense, Kvar. I ve also heard that Rodyle has talked you into joining him in one of his schemes. The camera shows LLoyd s other group who appeared at the scene. Pronyma: But it would be best not to believe that you can deceive Lord Yggdrasill for long. The projector communicator ended. The woman will be known as Pronyma from this point on. Kvar: So the Mana Cannon is no longer a secret. Well, it doesn t matter.

Kvar faces Lloyd s group. Kvar: Once I succeed in retrieving that Exsphere, any suspicions I might have been under will be but a distant memory. IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: Get ready! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: (angry) You re not gonna take this from me! Lloyd s group fights Kvar and 2 Energy Stones. After Lloyd s group defeats Kvar and the 2 Energy Stones, Kvar falls to the floor. Lloyd: I did it, Mom. You ve been avenged!

IF COLETTE IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM Colette s group approaches Lloyd s group. Colette: We found out where Chocolat was taken. IF GENIS IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM Genis group approaches Lloyd s group. Genis: We found out where they took Chocolat. IF RAINE IS LEADING THE DEACTIVATION TEAM Raine s group approaches Lloyd s group. Raine: We ve learned of Chocolat s location. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Really?! Colette notices something behind Lloyd s back. Colette: Look out! Kratos turns and Kvar is about to attack Lloyd. Lloyd immediately turns around and just as he was going to get attacked, Colette shielded Lloyd and Kvar strikes Colette with his staff. Lloyd: Colette?! Lloyd holds Colette who is about to fall on him. Colette: Lloyd are you okay? Lloyd: Yeah. But you re Colette: I m fine, really. Just as Kvar was about to walk away from the scene, Sheena appeared at the

scene and blocks his way. Lloyd furiously draws his sword. Lloyd: You bastard!

Lloyd plunges his sword at Kvar. Kratos also plunges his sword at Kvar as well. Kvar: Kratos you pathetic, inferior being! Kratos: Feel the pain Kratos swipes his sword at Kvar. Kratos: of those inferior beings

Kratos slashes his sword on Kvar and he falls to the floor. Kratos: as you burn in hell!

Kvar died at the scene. Later, Colette is grasping her wounds. Raine: Colette! That wound Genis: Colette, hang on! Lloyd: Colette! Your wound Colette: Thanks for worrying about me, but I m really okay. For some reason, it doesn t hurt. Hehe, strange, huh? Sheena: You certainly are not okay! Raine, you can use healing arts, right?! Raine: Yes, but! Lloyd: Colette. I can t keep it a secret any longer! Everyone, listen to what I have to say! Colette can no longer feel anything. Genis: What? What do you mean? Colette: Colette is growing closer to becoming an angel. Now, she can t sleep or feel hot or cold or pain or anything. She can t even cry! Becoming an angel means losing her humanity! Colette: Lloyd, it s okay. I m okay, so Right now, we need to do something about this ranch. Right, Lloyd? Lloyd: (To Raine) Professor, can you destroy it like last time? Raine: I ll give it a try. Sheena: That s kind of extreme, but I supposed it is the best idea. Raine activated the self-destruction of the human ranch and Lloyd s group evacuated from the scene. The camera shows Rodyle in the projector communicator speaking to Kvar who is already dead. Rodyle: Lord Kvar, thanks to you, the Mana Cannon will soon be complete. Do not worry, for I shall carry on the Angelus Project. Oh, I suppose you can t hear me anymore. Hahaha! Well then, I take it that you won t mind me taking the research data from the Angelus Project.

The camera switches to Lloyd s group who has successfully escaped from the human ranch. Genis: Let s go back to town first. We can talk about what to do next time after that. Sheena: Luin is in shambles right now. Are you sure Colette will be able to rest there? Kratos: Perhaps Asgard would be a better choice. Raine: Yes. I think that s a good idea. Lloyd, I trust that s fine with you? Lloyd: Yeah. Colette: I m sorry, everyone. The camera shows the destruction of Asgard Human Ranch. After that, the camera switches to the inn of Asgard. Sheena: So each time Colette releases a seal and takes a step closer to becoming an angel, she loses a part of what makes her human? Genis: Losing her humanity? her in the end? That s terrible! Then, what s going to happen to

Lloyd: What is going to happen to her in the end? Genis: Not only that, but after she regenerates the world, she ll be all alone as the only angel in the world, right? That s too cruel Raine: Ah that s Colette: Professor, it s okay. Colette wakes up from her bed. Raine: But Colette Colette: I m sorry to worry everyone. Right now, things are a little difficult, but once I become a complete angel, it may be a lot easier. So don t worry. It s okay. Sheena: But it is too hard on you! If you re tired, you want to sleep, don t you? Don t you miss the taste of the foods you like? And you can t even feel the warmth of someone when you hold their hand You should just stop this crazy world regeneration! Colette: Thank you, Sheena. But if I quit now, all the people suffering throughout the world won t be saved. I was born for the sake of the world regeneration, so I m going to make sure I do my job. Okay? Kratos: Yes That is the fate of the Chosen. Lloyd: Isn t there anything we can do? Find some way where Colette doesn t have to become an angel? Colette: The world will be regenerated when the Chosen becomes an angel. It s always been like that And it probably always will be. So

Lloyd: So you re really okay with things the way they are now? Colette: Yes. I m going to become an angel. That s what Father wants, too. Lloyd: Which one? Colette: I m sure both of them do. Raine: All right. But Colette, the path you ve chosen is not going to be easy, you know. Colette: Yes, Professor. Lloyd: I won t accept this. There was to be another way. Lloyd s group proceeds to Harley s house. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Harley. Harley: Yo, good timing. Take a look at this. Lloyd: What is it? Harley: What do you think this book and small ball are? I found them at the destroyed Asgard ranch when I was looking for anything useful. Raine: May I see them for a moment? Raine looks at the book. Raine: Their usage is written here. It seems the small ball is called a pellet. Engraving information about an individual into pellets as a pattern will let you see information about that individual at any time. Harley: A pattern hmm Genis: Why don t we ask Dirk about it? Lloyd: Yeah. Dad can probably engrave that pattern. Harley: So it s not something I can do, huh? Oh, well. You can have it. Genis: Are you sure? Harley: I never did anything to thank you guys for saving Aisha. It s fine, take it. In exchange when it s complete, let me see it. Genis: Gotcha. I ll bring it when it s done. Harley: Thanks. Lloyd s group received the Figurine Book. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to Hima. In there Lloyd: What s that? It looks like there s something going on in front of the inn. Lloyd s group approaches in front of the inn and the camera shows some adventurers surrounding Clara. Adventurer: All right, it s weakening! Finish it off!

Lloyd: Stop! Adventurer: Don t interfere! This is our prey! Raine: Clara, stop! We want to save you. Please calm down Clara runs towards Raine and Raine was pushed back. Colette lost her balance and fell to the floor. Colette: Ahh! Clara ran away from the scene. Adventurer: Dammit! After that monster! The adventurers chase after Clara and left the scene. Lloyd: Colette, Professor, are you all right? Raine: Yes Genis picks up an item left behind by Clara. Genis: Clara dropped this. Raine: This is the key to the Tower of Mana. Lloyd: I see. Clara was the one that took the key to the Tower. Raine: I hope she s safe

Lloyd: Yeah. Let s go to the Tower of Mana and get Boltzman s healing technique, for Clara and Pietro. Lloyd s group received the Tower Key. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Tower of Mana. Near the entrance of the Tower of Mana Raine: Marvelous! So this is the Tower of Mana built to gaze upon the Tower of Salvation! Colette: Yes. I think it is. Lloyd: What s that? Genis: Honestly, Lloyd! We studied it in class before! Colette: It s a tower that was used as a temple by the Church of Martel to offer prayers to the tower of Salvation. Although, it was closed a long time ago since monsters started appearing inside. Raine: I simply must go inside Colette: According to the Book of Regeneration, it s very likely that this is a seal. Genis: But there s no oracle stone. Kratos: Hmm. At any rate, let us proceed further. Lloyd s group opens the door to the room of books. The camera views the books.

Genis: Wow, that s a lot of books! Raine: Ohh! Just think of all the knowledge contained within those books! Lloyd approaches the oracle stone. Lloyd: Hey! It s an oracle stone! Raine approaches the oracle stone. Raine: It s just as written in the Book of Regeneration. This is a seal! (to Colette) Colette, if you would, please? Colette: Yes, Professor. Colette places her hand on the oracle stone and lights near magic circle briefly lit up. Lloyd: It didn t open. Kratos: No, look at that magic circle. Raine approaches the magic circle. Raine: Marvelous! This apparatus has awoken due to the oracle stone. Genis: So we just need to do something with that apparatus. Kratos: So it would seem. Raine glances at the blue circles. Raine: This looks interesting Lloyd: What? Uh, okay. Raine: Genis, you go to that one. Genis: Okay. Lloyd, Genis and Raine steps on the blue circles and the door opened. Lloyd: Oh! Genis: Oh! Colette: Wow! Lloyd: Wow! It opened, Professor! Lloyd stepped off the blue circle and the door closes. Lloyd: Huh? What the? Raine steps off the blue circle. Raine: It seems that it won t open without three people on these circles. Kratos: Which means that three of us must remain here. It s dangerous, but we (to Lloyd) Lloyd, stand on that blue circle.

have little choice. Raine: Yes, we wouldn t want the door to be closed when we come back out. Then Lloyd, choose three people other than Colette to remain here. Lloyd: Me? Well, okay. Sheena approaches and talks to Genis. Sheena: Does Raine have a split personality?

Genis: I m sorry. She s a little strange, but she s a good person at heart. The camera switches to Lloyd and Colette. Lloyd: Colette are you all right? Colette: Thanks for worrying about me, but I m fine. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Okay. IF YOU CHOOSE GENIS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: I m going with you, Lloyd. Right? Lloyd lets Genis join him and Colette. Genis: Yeah, you know you need me! Raine, Kratos and Sheena stepped on the blue circles and stays there. IF YOU CHOOSE RAINE TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: The Tower of Mana hmm. I would love to study it. Lloyd lets Raine join him and Colette. Raine: Yes, you ve made the correct choice, Lloyd. Genis, Kratos and Sheena stepped on the blue circles and stays there. IF YOU CHOOSE KRATOS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: As long as it does not interfere with your plans, I would like to accompany you. Lloyd lets Kratos join him and Colette. Kratos: Good Raine, Genis and Sheena stepped on the blue circles and stays there.

IF YOU CHOOSE SHEENA TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Sheena. Sheena: I wanna go with you. Lloyd lets Sheena join him and Colette. Sheena: Thanks! I m so happy you chose me. Raine, Genis and Sheena stepped on the blue circles and stays there. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: It opened. Okay, those staying behind, wait here. Lloyd s group proceeds through a long stairway up and then to an area with an oracle stone and a device. Lloyd: What is this? IF YOU DO NOT HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP The device turned on and a hologram communication with Raine appeared. Raine: Lloyd! Marvelous! It must be linked to an apparatus somewhere. Lloyd, can you see this side? Lloyd: Wow! This machine is cool! Hey there! I can see you, too! Raine: Lloyd! Can you hear me? The door on this side opened. We re going on in as well. Let s meet up and regroup before we release the seal. Lloyd: Okay, gotcha. IF YOU HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP The device turned on and a hologram communication with Genis appeared. Genis: Ah, Lloyd! This machine is amazing! Lloyd, can you see me? Lloyd: Wow! This machine is cool! Hey there! I can see you, too! Genis: Lloyd, the door on this side opened. Is it all right if we go in? Raine: The door opened? I see. Go on in. Let s meet up somewhere before we release the seal. IF YOU DO HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Genis group manages to solve the puzzles by making the light reflect to the open the different paths. Eventually, Genis group made it to the area with a teleporter and the round pedestals. Genis: There are weird machines here, too. Let s try standing on that round pedestal. Lloyd: Whoa, something appeared again! Genis: Can you hear me? We ve made it to the inner area. Let s meet up before

going in further. Come here. Lloyd: Okay. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine s group manages to solve the puzzles by making the light reflect to the open the different paths. Eventually, Raine s group made it to the area with a teleporter and the round pedestals. Raine: There seem to be magitechnology machines here as well. Let s try stepping onto that round pedestal. Raine s group steps on the round pedestal. Hologram of Lloyd s group appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Whoa, something appeared again! Raine: Can you hear me? We ve made it in further. It would be best to regroup before we proceed. Lloyd: Okay. IF YOU DO HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Lloyd s group saw a bridge that appeared and they catch up with Raine s group. Raine: Try standing on that pedestal. If it s the same as the entrance, the next path should open. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Lloyd s group saw a bridge that appeared and they catch up with Genis group.

Genis: Try standing on that pedestal. If it s the same as the entrance, the next path should open. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group steps on the round pedestal along with Raine s group and the teleporter activated. Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the seal chamber. In there Lloyd: Phew, man, I m tired Kratos: That s because you re always overexcited in the beginning. Suddenly, the seal reacted. Genis: It s mana Powerful mana is coming out! Lloyd s group fights Iubaris. After Lloyd s group defeats Iubaris, the seal is broken and a yellow energy appeared. Voice of Remiel: Chosen of Regeneration You have done well in reaching this far. Now, offer your prayers at the altar. Colette: Yes! Colette approaches the seal.

Colette: Oh Goddess Martel, great protector and nurturer of the earth, grant me thy strength! Colette s angel wings appeared and flies up in midair. The yellow energy suddenly reacts and Luna appeared. Luna: Where is Aska? Lloyd: Whoa, it talked! Luna: Without Aska, I cannot do anything I cannot form a pact or a vow Please find Aska in order to restore my power. Luna disappeared. Colette looked puzzled. Then, a light from above was seen and Remiel appeared. Remiel descends towards Colette. Remiel: Your journey has been long. You have done well to reach this far, Colette, the Chosen one! Colette: Thank you Lord Remiel. Remiel: Let us grant you our blessing. Colette: Thank you.

Colette received additional angelic powers. Remiel: You have taken another step closer to becoming an angel, yet you seem anxious. Colette: Ah, no. I m very happy. Remiel: Hmm? Now, Chosen One. Your journey is finally drawing to a close. It is time for you to rejoice. The path to the Tower of Salvation is open! The camera zooms in to Remiel. Remiel: Head to the Tower of Salvation and offer your prayers of regeneration! Then, you will be able to climb the stairway of heaven. Lloyd: The Tower of Salvation?! Genis: The world regeneration is finally going to take place. Sheena: Is regeneration really going to happen? Colette: I shall do as you instruct, Lord Remiel! Remiel vanishes from the scene. Remiel: I shall await you at the final seal. Colette my daughter. There, you will become an angel, like me. Colette descends to the floor and puts her angel wings away. Kratos: The end is finally in sight. Let s head to the Tower of Salvation. Raine: Colette Are you sure?


Yes. I m fine.

Lloyd: Dammit! Colette learned the skill Sacrifice. On their way out, Lloyd s group found Boltzman s Book. Genis: Now we can save Pietro. Raine: No. It will be difficult for me to use this book with my healing arts. If we at least had some sort of tool to amplify the body s life force Genis: What sort of thing do you need? Raine: Hmm. Perhaps, if we had a Unicorn Horn Genis: Lake Umacy, then. Let s go back there and see if there s something we can do. Raine: Yes, let s try. Lloyd s group exits the Tower of Mana. Outside, Colette kneels to the floor. Lloyd: Professor Sage! It s Colette s Angel Toxicosis Raine: I see. Let s rest here for today. Colette: (can t speak) ?

Lloyd: What s wrong, Colette? Kratos: I would assume she s lost her voice.

Lloyd s group was shocked. Genis: What?! Colette: !! Later, during a campfire at night Sheena: Everyone, I have something to say. Lloyd: Huh? Sheena: I want to explain to everyone why I was trying to assassinate the Chosen. Raine: All right. We re listening. Tell us about your homeland. A land that doesn t exist in this world. Sheena: You knew?! Raine: No. But you said it yourself that Sylvarant will be saved. That must mean you aren t from Sylvarant. Sheena: Yeah you know, it s really a shame that your intellect s being wasted here. You re right. My homeland is not here, not in Sylvarant. Genis: What does that mean?

Sheena: My world is called Tethe alla. Genis: Tethe alla? You mean the moon? Sheena: Haha, of course not. My world isn t on the moon. Lloyd looked puzzled. Sheena: Even I really don t understand the specifics, but there is another world that lies entwined with Sylvarant, as shadow is to light. That s Tethe alla my world. Raine: Two entwined worlds? Sheena: The two worlds lie directly adjacent to each other. They just can t see one another. Our scholars say they exist on shifted dimensions. Anyway, the two worlds can t see or touch each other, but they do in fact exist next to and affect each other. Lloyd: What do you mean, affect each other ?

Sheena: They vie for the supply of mana. When one world weakens, the mana from that world flows to the other. As a result, one world is always flourishing, and the other waning. Sort of like an hourglass. Genis stands up. Genis: Wait, so, right now Sylvarant is Sheena: Yeah. Sylvarant s mana is flowing to Tethe alla. Therefore, Sylvarant is in decline. Without mana, crops won t grow and magic becomes unusable. If there is no mana, the Summon Spirits that protect the world alongside the Goddess Martel can t survive in Sylvarant either. As a result, the world slips even further down the path of destruction. Raine: Then the Chosen s world regeneration is actually the process of reversing the mana flow? Sheena: Exactly. When the Chosen breaks the seal, the mana flow reverses, and the Summon Spirit that governs the seal awakens. I was sent to prevent the world regeneration from happening. The camera zooms in to Sheena. Sheena: I broke through the supposedly impassable dimensional fissure for the sake of protecting Tethe alla. Lloyd stands up. Lloyd: In other words, to assure the decline and destruction of Sylvarant? Colette stands up. Sheena: You can say that, but your journey of regeneration is also an attempt to destroy Tethe alla. We re both doing the same thing. Raine: It s hard for me to believe all of this. Sheena: I m the proof. I possess summoning arts that have been lost from this

world. Colette: Sheena: Please don t look at me like that, Colette. I know that wasn t your intention. I don t know what I should do either. I came here to protect Tethe alla, but this world is impoverished and everyone is suffering. But if I allow the world regeneration to occur, then Tethe alla will become just like this. Genis: But right now, you re helping us, right? Sheena: Yes, but that doesn t mean I can just abandon Tethe alla! I I don t know what to do. Isn t there any other way? A way for Sylvarant, Tethe alla, and Colette to all be happy?! Lloyd: I want to know, too! Raine: Have you considered that perhaps nothing that convenient exists in the real world? Kratos: The best thing we can do right now is to save Sylvarant from its current crisis. Lloyd: What if we don t regenerate the world and just defeat the Desians? Kratos: Although we succeeded in destroying a ranch, we cannot possibly eliminate all the Desians. The mana will eventually be exhausted. Lloyd: Is mana really that important? Genis: I suppose only magic users and scholars worry about it. But mana is even more important to life than water. Without it, the land will die. Mana is the source material which composers everything. At least that s what I ve been taught. Raine: Unfortunately, the Giant Tree of ever-flowing mana in fairy tales doesn t exist in the real world. We live by chipping away at the limited amount of available mana. Why do you think the ancient magitechnology was lost? Sheena: Because mana disappeared from the world. Raine: Correct. Magitechnology consumes large amounts of mana. Raine if things continue the way they are now, Sylvarant will eventually lost its mana just as it lost its magitechnology, and be destroyed. Colette approaches Lloyd and uses her finger to write words on Lloyd s hand. Lloyd: Colette? R e m i Ah! You re trying to spell something, right?

Colette continues her finger writing. Lloyd: I ll try asking Remiel if there s a way to save the two worlds. Sheena: If it doesn t work out, I may have to kill you after all. Genis: Sheena! Colette still continues her finger writing.

Lloyd: When that time comes I may fight back because I love Sylvarant too. Sheena: I understand. You intend to become an angel, no matter what, don t you?

Lloyd s group proceeds to Lake Umacy. In there, the camera shows the unicorn still under the frozen lake. Sheena: Wow! So there are still unicorns left on this side! There was a brief pause. Raine: I wonder if we can make contact with it. Kratos: The Unicorn Horn? Raine: Yes. In order to use Master Boltzman s healing technique, we need the Unicorn Horn. Genis: But how can we get over there? Lloyd: Can we just swim to it? Genis: You won t be able to hold your breath that long. Lloyd: Dammit! Isn t there anything we can do?! Sheena: There is a way.

Raine: What? Lloyd s group faces Sheena. Sheena: We could summon Undine, who exists somewhere in this world, to control the water s mana. Lloyd: Undine you mean the Summon Spirit? Genis: We don t have anyone who can summon the Summon Spirits. Sheena: I summon. I haven t formed a pact yet, but if I can form the pact, then I can

Genis: Now that you mention it, you did say you could use summoning techniques. Are you a summoner? Sheena: I m a guardian user! But I can summon, too.

Raine: I d heard that art of summoning was lost a very long time ago Sheena: Well, it still exists. Anyway, if you re not interested, I m not going to force you Lloyd: No, we need the Unicorn Horn. Please do it, Sheena. Sheena: A all right. Then, let s go to the Seal of Water. Undine should be at the seal. Genis: The Thoda Geyser, right? Let s go! Lloyd, Colette, Genis and Sheena left the scene. The camera switches to Kratos

and Raine. Kratos: This is quite a detour. Raine: Yes.

Lloyd s group proceeds to Thoda Island dock. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Candy. Candy: So you were the Chosen s group? You should have told me! I can t take money from the Chosen. Would you like to use the boat? Lloyd: Sure. Candy: Thank you very much. Lloyd s group rides the washtubs to Thoda Island Geyser. Lloyd s group enters the Temple of Water. In there, Lloyd s group proceeds to the seal chamber. Upon arrival Lloyd: Sheena. Please do that pact thing. Kratos: Colette: Sheena: Okay. I ll do my best. Although I m a little scared. Pact hmm

Sheena approaches the seal and suddenly the camera turns bright and Undine appeared at the scene. Undine: You who possess the right of the pact. I am one who is bound to Mithos. What is your name? Lloyd: Mithos? The hero of the Kharlan War? Genis: Not only was Mithos a swordsman, he had the ability to summon as well? Raine: Mithos is a common boy s name. It s not necessarily Mithos the Hero. Sheena: I am Sheena! I seek a pact with Undine! Undine: As things stand now I cannot. Sheena: Wh why?! Undine: I am already bound by a pact. I cannot form two pacts at the same time. Sheena: You mean your pact with that Mithos guy? Sheena faces Lloyd s group. Sheena: What am I supposed to do now?! They never said anything about this at the research institute! Lloyd: Um hmm. Can t you just get her to cancel the old pact? Sheena: How?! We don t even have any idea where this Mithos person is! Kratos: A Summon Spirit pact requires a vow. As long as the pact-maker upholds

that vow, the pact remains valid. Undine: That is correct.

Sheena: I know about that. The Summon Spirit approves the pact-maker s vow and agrees to the pact. Kratos: Exactly. Therefore, all you need to do is follow Lloyd s advice and request the annulment of the previous pact and form a new one. It s possible the previous pact-maker has broken his vow. Or he may have already passed away. Genis: Is it really that simple? Kratos: I suppose you could call it simple, but if the previous pact-maker is still alive and hasn t broken his vow, then there s nothing we can do about it. Sheena: Okay, I ll give it a shot. Sheena faces Undine. Sheena: Undine! I am Sheena! I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Undine: Before I can allow the formation of a new pact, I must test your worthiness as a pact-maker. Draw your weapons. Lloyd: Wha? We have to fight?! Undine: Let it begin! Lloyd s group fights Undine. After Lloyd s group defeats Undine Undine: Splendid. Now, swear your vow. Upon what vow do you form our pact? Sheena: Right now, at this very moment, there are people who are suffering. I vow to save those people. Undine: Understood. I pledge my power to you, Sheena! Undine transformed into a stone crystal and received Aquamarine. Sheena goes back to Lloyd s group. Genis: Sheena, you did it! Colette approaches Sheena and finger writes hand. Sheena: Wow Congratulations Thanks, Colette. Wow. Congratulations. on Sheena s

Lloyd: Okay. Now we can finally meet the unicorn. And maybe we can get Colette healed, too. Genis: Yeah! The camera switches to Raine and Kratos. Raine: Kratos, you have an impressive array of knowledge. Kratos: I had an acquaintance who knew a bit about Summon Spirits, that s all.


I see.

Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Undine, Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Water and boards the washtubs. Upon returning to the dock, Lloyd s group exits the dock and proceeds to Lake Umacy. Upon arrival Lloyd: Okay, go on, Sheena! Ask Undine to take us over there. Kratos: Wait. That s not going to work.

Lloyd, Colette and Genis were puzzled. Genis: Why not? Raine: The unicorn can only be approached by a pure maiden. Kratos: At the very least, Lloyd, Genis, and I are out. Lloyd: Hmmm. So only females can go? Genis: So then, just Raine and Raine: I ll pass. But I don t know what we re going to do. We can t send Colette alone while she s like this Sheena: (getting snappy) Hey! Are you saying that I m not qualified?! Lloyd, Colette and Genis were puzzled. Lloyd: Qualified? Genis: Qualified? Sheena: You don t have to both say it at once! Kratos: Then we shall send Colette and Sheena.

Lloyd: Why can t the Professor go? Raine: Because I m an adult. Lloyd: Hmm? Colette and Genis looked puzzled. Sheena: O okay then, I m going to summon now! Sheena approaches the lake. Sheena: I call upon the Maiden of the Mist. I summon thee Come, Undine!

Sheena summoned Undine and she appeared over the frozen lake. Sheena: Please, Undine. Take us to the unicorn. Undine: As you wish. To the lake The camera shows the unicorn rising from under the lake and up to the top of the lake. Sheena and Colette float towards the unicorn.

Unicorn: Martel? Sheena and Colette looked puzzled. Sheena: Martel? You mean the Goddess Martel? Colette: Unicorn: No? You are Colette, and the one beside you is called Sheena? Sheena: You can hear Colette s voice? Unicorn: Yes but you are not Martel? This presence, this mana and this sickness Even in my blindness it is clear. You are Martel. Colette: Unicorn: I exist to save the awakened Martel from her sickness To cure the sickness you have. Sheena: Then, please, save Colette. The horn of a unicorn has that kind of power, right? Colette: Sheena quickly glances at Colette. Unicorn: You are not for yourself, but to save a human with whom you have made a promise? So that s it, you re the Chosen of Regeneration Take it. The unicorn gave its horn to Colette. Sheena and Colette received the Unicorn Horn. After that, the unicorn begins to disappear. Sheena: What s wrong?! Unicorn: Our horns are our very lives. My destiny is now fulfilled. Do not be troubled. A new life will be born from me. And when that new life ends, yet another will be born. In so doing, we live on forever. The unicorn vanishes from the scene. After that, Sheena and Colette returned to Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Are you two all right? Genis: Sheena, are you crying? Sheena: The unicorn gave us his horn. Kratos: I see. Then the unicorn is dead.

Sheena: You knew?! Raine: When a unicorn loses its horn, it dies. By dying, a new unicorn is born. That s why the unicorn is the symbol of death and rebirth. Lloyd: A new unicorn will be born?

Raine: Yes. I m sure one has been. Lloyd: (to Colette) The unicorn gave us this horn at the cost of his life. We

must make good use of it. Genis: Yeah, Colette! Now we might be able to get you back to normal! Colette lightly shakes his head Lloyd: Why?! Colette approaches Lloyd and finger writes her words on Lloyd s hand. Lloyd: I still haven t finished regenerating the world. ; so please use this for Pietro and Clara ? But Colette Colette saw a slight happiness. Lloyd: All right. If that s what you want. no .

Lloyd approaches Raine. Lloyd: Professor, here Lloyd gave the Unicorn Horn to Raine. Raine learned the Resurrection skill. Raine: It seems I ve acquired some new healing arts thanks to this horn. Lloyd: Now, with this, we can save Clara Raine: Yes, with this Unicorn Horn and Boltzman s Book, I m sure we can save her this time. Sheena: Where is this Clara person? Lloyd: We ll just have to look for her. Kratos: The only thing we can do is analyze her previous actions and search for her. Lloyd: Yeah. Raine: Wait just a little longer, Colette. I promise we ll fulfill your wish. Lloyd s group proceeds to Hima. Upon arrival Colette: Lloyd: We have to save Pietro? Yeah, you re right. We promised. Raine: I should be able to save him now. Let s go. Lloyd s group enters the inn and talks to Sophia. Sophia: Everyone! The healing technique Sheena: We found it. Raine: I m going to try it now, all right? Sophia: Yes! Please! Raine approaches and kneels towards the bed of Pietro.

Raine: Resurrection! Raine cast Resurrection and after that, Pietro wakes up. Pietro: Where am Sophia: He woke up! Thank goodness! Pietro: Sophia! Then I reached Hima?! Sophia: Yes, Pietro! Sheena She saved you. Pietro: Yes, I remember! After leaving Luin, I was attacked by Desians Then she Thank you so much! Sheena: Ah, don t mention it and besides, the reason you regained consciousness is because of Raine here. If you re going to thank someone, thank her. Pietro: Oh, I see Thank you so much. Now I can await the Chosen. Sophia: The Chosen? What do you mean? Pietro: The reason I broke out of the ranch was because I have something I need to tell the Chosen. Genis: If you re looking for the Chosen, she s right here. Sophia: What? Y you re the Chosen?! Pietro: Oh, Goddess Martel! Thank you! Lloyd: Goddess, huh? Man

Pietro: The Desians are trying to revive something called the Angelus Project. They re also developing a weapon called the Mana Cannon. Kratos: Mana Cannon? Do you mean Thor s Hammer, from the Ancient War? Pietro: I don t know the details. They are using things called Exspheres in these sinister experiments. Please, stop this Angelus Project with the power of the Chosen, and save us all! Genis: Relax. We defeated Kvar. And we rescued the people who were held captive. Sheena: It s because of that jewel you had. Pietro: Is that true?! I knew we could count on the Chosen! Raine: But I m concerned about the Mana Cannon. Kratos: Yeah. But we won t get anywhere pondering it here. Genis: Could this technique be used to save Clara as well? Kratos: Yes. I m sure we will be able to save that poor woman when we have the time. After that, Lloyd s group talks to Pietro.

Pietro: Thank you very much. But because of me, Luin is life that you saved to rebuild Luin.

I want to use this

Lloyd s group exits the inn. While Lloyd s group was on there way out Raine: You can get a good view of the Tower of Salvation from the mountain in the back of this village. Let s have a good look at the Tower of Salvation and think about what we re all going to do. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group stops by at Luin. In Luin, Lloyd s group saw and talks to Pietro. Lloyd: Pietro Pietro: I didn t realize it was this bad But I won t give up. I swear I ll rebuild this city for those who were killed, as well. But in order to accomplish that, I need both people and money. Lloyd donates 5,000 Gald to Pietro. Pietro: Th this money is Lloyd: We ll help rebuild the city, too. Pietro: No, I couldn t! I can t take money from you! This money should be used for your journey of world regeneration Lloyd: We can t save the world is we can t even save a town, can we? We want to help everyone in need. Pietro: Lloyd Thank you very much. I will make good use of it. Lloyd s group stops by at Dirk s House. Upon arrival, Lloyd talks to Dirk. Dirk: Oh, it s you, Lloyd! What brings you here? Lloyd: Someone gave this to me, so I d like you to help me. Dirk: All right, tell me about it. Later, after Lloyd explained everything about the Figurine Book Dirk: I know a bit about setting up a Figurine Book. All right. Let s give it a try. Lloyd: Thanks, Dad. Dirk: But I won t make any guarantees about the end results. You understand? I m going to project your thoughts onto these pellets and engrave them. Lloyd: Yeah, that s fine. Dirk: I ll set things up on that stove. If you want me to process some pellets, just call me. I ll write the details down on paper, so read it. All right? Lloyd: Okay. Dirk: Anyway, want to try it?

Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd and Dirk starts the process. After Lloyd decided on the amounts of pellets to be used Lloyd: Dad, I need you to do some pellet processing. Dirk: Sure. Just a minute. After that Dirk: It s done! Some of the Figurines were added to the Figurine Book. Lloyd talks to Dirk one more time. Lloyd: Dad! Dirk: Oh?! Lloyd?! What is it? What s wrong? Lloyd: Ah, I just kind of wanted to see you. Dirk: What, you homesick? Lloyd: It s not like that! Dirk: Mind you, I m happy to see you Lloyd: Dad Dirk: Since you ve come all the way here, take some of these with you. Lloyd received EX Gem Lv3, Metal Sphere, Onion and Exsphere Shard. Lloyd: What s this junk? Dirk: Yeah, there may be some junk mixed in there. Lloyd: Dad. Dirk: What? Lloyd: Your son comes back to visit and you give him junk?! Dirk: Shut up! If you make fun of junk, you ll regret it! There s useful stuff in there! Lloyd: Ow! Sheesh! Dirk: Well, anyway. Rest here for tonight. Lloyd: Dad Yeah, I will. Lloyd s group exits Dirk s House and stops by at Triet Ruins. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group makes their way to the seal chamber. In the seal chamber Sheena: Okay I ll give it a shot. Sheena approaches the seal and then, Efreet appeared at the scene.

Efreet: You who possess the right of the pact. I am one who is bound to Mithos. Lloyd: Mithos Sheena: I am Sheena. I seek a pact with Efreet. I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Efreet: I shall test whether you are worthy of forming a pact. Lloyd s group fights Efreet. After Lloyd s group defeats Efreet Efreet: Your power is admirable. Very well. Speak your vow.

Sheena: Right now, at this very moemnt, there are people who are suffering. I vow to save those people. I ask thou to grant me thy power! Efreet: I bestow upon you my raging inferno. Efreet transformed into a stone crystal and Sheena received Garnet. Lloyd: That was so cool, Sheena! Man, I wish I could conjure Summon Spirits, too! Lloyd does an exciting stance. Lloyd: And say cool things like, Burn to oblivion! Genis: Knowing Lloyd, he s more likely to end up setting one of us on fire. Lloyd faces Genis. Lloyd: What s that supposed to mean? Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Efreet, Lloyd s group exits Triet Ruins. Lloyd s group stops by at Balacruf Mausoleum. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group makes their way to the seal chamber. In the seal chamber Lloyd: Sheena, we re counting on you with Sylph! Sheena: A all right, let s go! Sheena approaches the seal and then Sephie, Yutis and Fairess appeared at the scene. Sephie: You are a summoner are you not? We the Sylph already share a pact with Mithos. Sheena: I am Sheena! I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Yutis: Ah, so the next pact-maker s finally here. Fairess: Okay then, we ll test out your power! Lloyd s group fights Sephie, Yutis and Fairess. After Lloyd s group defeats Sephie, Yutis and Fairess Fairess: Wow! You re strong! Yutis: I m impressed, too.

Sephie: Yes, you shall have what you seek. Now, make your vow. Sheena: Right now, at this very moment, there are people who are suffering. I vow to save those people. Sephie: Understood. But please keep to your vow. We do not wish to be betrayed again. Sephie, Yutis and Fairess transform into a Opal. Now that Sheena acquired the ability Balacruf Mausoleum. Lloyd s group proceeds ascended up the hill and watches the Tower from Lloyd s group. stone crystal and Sheena received to summon Sylph, Lloyd s group exits to Hima. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group of Salvation from distances away

Lloyd: Looking at it like this, it feels really close. Genis: But it s really very far away. And it looks like there s no path leading to it. Man s Voice: You there! The man appeared at the scene. Man: Have you ever wanted to get a closer view of the Tower of Salvation? Lloyd: Wh what did you say?! Man: Oh, I can see from that reaction you are interested! ? Lloyd: Can you really go to the Tower of Salvation? Man: Ahem. Welcome to Dragon Tours. My humble dragons and I shall show you the way to the Tower of Salvation. Genis: Dragon Tours? What kind of shady business is he running? Raine: But it would be possible to reach the Tower of Salvation from the air. Lloyd: Okay! We want to ride the dragons! Man: Great! You have the honor of being the very first customers of the Dragon Tour! Let s see now, six people means three dragons, so Here s a special price available only today! It ll be 6,000 Gald! ? There was a brief pause. Lloyd: That s expensive! Raine: But it can t be helped. We have to get to the Tower of Salvation. Genis: Yeah, it s for the world regeneration. There was a brief pause. Man: Wha what did you say?! Are you the Chosen s group?! Raine: That s right. Man: Oh, my! No, no, no, this won t do at all! I can t possibly take money from

the Chosen! Please put that money away! Genis: We haven t taken it out yet.

Man: In that case, I ll ready three high-class dragons for you by tomorrow morning! Of course, I will not accept any money! However Raine: What is it? Man: I ve heard that the area around the Tower of Salvation is dangerous, so If you could just I mean, my cute little dragons are Raine: Not a problem. When we reach our destination, we ll return the dragons to you. Is that all right with everyone? Kratos: I have no objections. Lloyd: Yeah. We ll figure out how to get back when the time comes. Man: I understand. Well then, I shall await you all here tomorrow morning. There are preparations to make, so I ll take leave. The man left the scene. Later, Lloyd s group gathers together near the inn. Lloyd: We re finally down to the last seal. Raine: Let s split up for tonight. But don t go outside the village. Understood? Genis: Yup. Sheena: Got it.

Kratos: We ll be leaving in the morning. Raine: Goodnight, everyone. Sleep well. Kratos, Genis and Sheena left the scene. Raine: (to Colette) You want to thank me? Don t worry about it. Despite knowing what your future holds, this is all I can do for you. Later as Lloyd s group splits up, Lloyd talks to Sheena. Sheena: Tomorrow, Sylvarant will be saved. Lloyd: What are you gonna do? Sheena: Good question. The only thing I can do is believe in the Chosen. The Chosen from this side seems to be trustworthy and all. Lloyd: What s that mean? Is there a Chosen you can t trust? Sheena: (Sigh) Tethe alla s Chosen. I can t stand that guy. Lloyd: I see. Tethe alla has a Chosen, too Sheena: Two worlds. Two Chosen. (Sigh) If there really is a goddess, why did she make a world like this? Lloyd: Yeah, no kidding. I want to kick her for doing this.

Sheena: Hehe. Seriously, I wish I could do that myself. Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: Your journey is finally coming to an end. Lloyd: This isn t the end I hoped for. Kratos: really? It s the journey you started by clinging to the Chosen. This was to be expected. Lloyd: Clinging to the Chosen?

Kratos: Don t you remember? It was you who said we have the Chosen on our side, the savior who will regenerate the world. Lloyd: Yeah, that s right. I said that. And that s why I have to protect her. Kratos: If relying and depending on the power of the Chosen at the most crucial time is what it means to protect her, then the meaning of the word protect must have changed significantly from my understanding. And now the Chosen is trying to resolve everything by sacrificing herself. Lloyd: What are you trying to say? Kratos: Lloyd. Don t make a mistake. Lloyd: I don t quite get it, but I got it. But hey, if I make a mistake, can t I just do it over again? Kratos: Humph. Do it over. If it s something you can do over again, then feel free. Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: The Tower of Salvation is so close now. We ve come quite a long way. Lloyd: Yeah. Genis: It s at a time like this that I stop and think how stupid I ve been. Lloyd: Why?

Genis: Because I don t even know if the way things have turned out is good or bad. Lloyd: No one knows that. The ones who think they do are the stupid ones. Genis: You think so? Lloyd: Definitely. Genis: I guess you re right. You say some cool things every now and then. Thanks, Lloyd. Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: Go see Colette. This is her last night.

Lloyd: Last night? Raine: It s her last night as a human.

Lloyd: Professor, you re a scholar, right? Can t we do anything? Raine: Don t you understand yet? You re not too bright. It s because I m a scholar that I m fascinated by Colette as she continues to transform into an angel. Lloyd: You can t be serious, Professor. Raine: You think so? Now, go to her. Lloyd talks to Colette. Lloyd: (to himself) Aren t I going to see the others? Lloyd has decided that he has already spoken to his entire group except Colette. Lloyd: No, it s okay, let s talk for a bit. You can write. Later, Lloyd and Colette are on the hill and watch the Tower of Salvation from distances. Lloyd: The world regeneration it s almost time. Colette finger writes her words on Lloyd s hand. Lloyd: I m sorry? Why are you apologizing? (continue to read) end, and yet I can t even speak. I know that s weird? Colette nods. Lloyd: You dork, that doesn t matter. No matter what happens to you, you re still you. Even if you become an angel. Even if you become like Marble. I won t ever think you re weird. Ever. Anyway, I m the one that has to apologize. Colette seemed puzzled. Lloyd: Even though I promised I d make you that gift before our journey ended, I kept thinking we still had a ways to go. I never even got close to finishing it. Colette continues her finger writing. Lloyd: I ll wait forever? Even after I become an angel, I ll keep on waiting. You can give it to me any time. Okay. This time, I m really going to make it. No matter how long it takes. Can I ask you one thing? Colette listens. Lloyd: Are you sure you won t regret this? Are you sure you want to become an angel? Colette continues her finger writing. Lloyd: The truth is, I m a little scared. Yeah I would be, too. But if giving up my life as a human means that Sylvarant will be reborn, then it s almost like my life is spreading out to fill the entire world. When I think about it This is the

like that, I m okay. Colette has a slight happy look on her face. Lloyd: You re strong, Colette. Later Lloyd: The wind s pretty cold. Let s go back to the inn. (forgot about before) Ah sorry. That s right, you can t feel it. Colette smiles and left the scene. Lloyd: (frustrated) Dammit! Isn t there anything we can do?!

The next morning, the camera shows Kratos going out by himself while Lloyd s other group sleep. Lloyd woke up. Lloyd: That was Kratos, wasn t it? Where s he going? As Lloyd goes outside, the camera shows Kratos talking to Noishe. Kratos: You ll have to continue watching over Lloyd for me. Noishe: (Whine) Kratos: I have things I must do. In my place, I need you to Suddenly, the blue-haired man with a cape from earlier appeared at the scene and casts his attacking magic towards Kratos. Lloyd: Kratos! Look out! Lloyd approaches Kratos and before the magic could strike Kratos, Kratos immediately attacked the blue-haired man with a cape with his sword. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: Kratos: Stop! Ugh!

The blue-haired man with a cape dropped a small item and vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Kratos! Are you okay? Kratos: Lloyd, thank you. Lloyd: Ah, it was nothing. But who was that? Kratos: I would imagine it s that assassin. He managed to get away, but I gave him an injury he ll not soon forget. Lloyd: I have a feeling I ve seen him somewhere before. Kratos: Yes, perhaps. Let s get back to the inn. Everyone s probably up.

Lloyd: Yeah. Kratos: Lloyd.

Lloyd: Hmm? What is it? Kratos: Don t die.

Lloyd: Wha? Yeah, okay. What s up all of a sudden? Kratos: Don t worry about it. Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: How can he tell me not to worry after saying something like that?! Lloyd approaches a small item on the ground and picks it up. Lloyd received the Assassin s Ring. Lloyd: What s this? There s some strange letters carved into it. Later, Lloyd s group gathered together outside of the inn. Lloyd: It s finally time. Kratos: We should hurry.

As Lloyd s group approaches the hill Raine: There s no guarantee we ll return safe from the Tower of Salvation. Are you ready? Lloyd: I m ready, Professor. Lloyd s group approaches the hill and saw three dragons with the man. Man: I ve been waiting for you. Please board the dragons in pairs. Kratos: I will ride on the same dragon as the Chosen. Protecting her is my job. Lloyd s group glances at Kratos. Genis: Lloyd, who are you going to ride with? IF YOU CHOOSE TO RIDE WITH GENIS Lloyd: I think Genis. Genis: Roger! Later, Lloyd s group boards the dragons. Lloyd: It s almost time. Genis: Yeah the world will be regenerated soon, right? Lloyd: Yeah soon. Genis: When the world is regenerated, there won t be anymore people suffering like Marble. Lloyd: Yeah. Genis: Are you worried about Colette?

Lloyd: Yes but there isn t any other way is there? Genis: Yeah.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO RIDE WITH RAINE Lloyd: I think the Professor. Raine: I see. All right. Later, Lloyd s group boards the dragons. Lloyd: It s almost time. Raine: Soon the world will be regenerated. Lloyd: We re doing the right thing, aren t we? Raine: Lloyd We can only do what we can. This is the best choice. I think. Lloyd: Raine: Yeah. I m sure it is I m sorry, Lloyd.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO RIDE WITH SHEENA Lloyd: I think Sheena. Sheena: Okay! Later, Lloyd s group boards the dragons. Lloyd: It s almost time. Sheena: Soon the world will be regenerated. And Tethe alla will Lloyd: Please trust Colette. I m sure she ll ask Remiel how we can save both worlds. Sheena: Yes Colette wouldn t abandon Tethe alla. I ll trust her. Lloyd: Colette You can do it!

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The dragons fly Lloyd s group to the Tower of Salvation. Upon arrival, Lloyd and Raine approach the other group. Lloyd: Where are Colette and the others? Raine: Looks like they ve gone in already. Let s hurry up. Lloyd s group enters the Tower of Salvation. Inside, Lloyd s group witnesses a bunch of coffin shaped items circling around the area. Lloyd: What are those? Lloyd examines the coffin shaped items again.

Lloyd: They re bodies?! Raine: Lloyd: Then those must be coffins. Why are all these dead bodies here?! all the Chosen that failed the world regeneration up until

Raine: They may be now.

Lloyd: So if Colette fails, she ll wind up here with them Dammit! Genis: I m worried about Colette. Let s hurry! Lloyd: Yeah! Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the next area. In the next area Lloyd: What?

The camera shows Colette praying and a light from above descends and Remiel appeared at the scene. Remiel: Now, my daughter. Release the final seal! In doing so, you will complete the final sacrifice of your human existence your heart and your memory. By doing so of your own free will, you will become a true angel! Sheena: What?! Lloyd: Sacrifice her heart and memory?! Genis: Colette s going to forget about us?! Raine: Colette s human life will now end, and she will be reborn as an angel. Lloyd: Professor Sage, what is he talking about?! Raine: Lloyd, I m sorry. I promised Colette I wouldn t say anything. Colette will give up her life in order to regenerate the world. Becoming an angel means dying. Remiel: That s not quite correct. The Chosen s heart will die, and her body will be offered to the Goddess Martel. By removing her body, Colette will revive the Goddess. This is the true nature of the world regeneration! The revival of the Goddess Martel is the revival of the world itself! The camera zooms in to Lloyd. Lloyd: That that s Raine: Lord Remiel, we have heard that a world known as Tethe alla lies parallel to Sylvarant. Remiel: That is not for you to know. Raine: You kept it a secret because it is true, correct? Remiel: From whom did you learn of it? Sheena: Can t Cruxis make both worlds peaceful?

Remiel: If that is what the Chosen desires, she can lend her power to Cruxis by becoming an angel. Once the Goddess Martel is revived by the Chosen, the two worlds will surely achieve peace, just as the Chosen wishes. Colette: !! Remiel: Is that true, you ask? You know why you have come here. Colette: The camera switches to Lloyd s group. Sheena: You can t are you really planning to die?! Colette faces Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Colette, stop! If you sacrifice yourself, your friends who love you and your family and and me we ll all be sad. It will be the same as sacrificing all of us! Colette: Just when Lloyd tried to run towards Colette, Genis restrains him. Lloyd: Genis! Let me go! Genis: I don t want anything to happen to her either! But what else are we supposed to do?! The people of Sylvarant are suffering, too! Lloyd: But Remiel: The sacrifice of one single person, the Chosen, will save the world. Are you saying that you would choose the Chosen s soul over the entire world? Now, Colette. Come join your father. Colette approaches Remiel and a glowing magic circle emanates under Colette. Lloyd released himself from Genis and approaches Remiel. Lloyd: Wait! Remiel! Is there really no other way? Colette s your daughter. Surely you don t really want her to die, either! Remiel: My daughter? Don t make me laugh. When I came down to play the role of guardian angel, you inferior beings just started calling me her father on your own. Lloyd: Wh what? Remiel: I merely placed the Cruxis Crystal upon this sacrifice, who was selected to become Martel s vessel. Lloyd approaches Colette. Lloyd: Colette!! Colette faces Lloyd. Voice of Colette: Lloyd, it s okay, I realized what was going on. Every time I met Remiel, I felt that he was not my real father. But still, for some reason, I still feel like I want to cry.

Lloyd: Colette! If you realized what was going on, then why? Voice of Colette: You can hear my voice? I m so happy! I ll be able to say goodbye to you in the end. Lloyd: (upset) Colette I m sorry! I couldn t save you I m so sorry! I promised I wouldn t make another mistake, but it looks like I have again Voice of Colette: No. Thank you, Lloyd. Because of you, I was able to find the courage to protect the world. Because of you, I was able to find the strength to live these sixteen years to the fullest. So please Lloyd: Colette! Voice of Colette: It looks like it s time Goodbye

Colette s angel wings appeared and she flies up with her eyes closed. Colette learned the skill Judgment and then opened her eyes, revealing red pupils. Remiel: Hahahahaha! I ve done it! It s finally complete! Martel s vessel is finally complete! With this, I shall become one of the Four Seraphim! Sheena: Wait just a minute! What are you gonna do with Colette?! Raine: He s going to take her to heaven. Lloyd: You bastard! You ll pay for this! Cruxis, the angels, the Goddess Martel its all a big lie, isn t it?! Let her go, now! Remiel: That, I cannot do, for she is Martel s vessel. This is Martel s new body which took years to complete. I have no use for any of you! Be gone! Lloyd s group fights Remiel. After Lloyd s group defeats Remiel, Remiel falls to the floor. Remiel: Impossible how can an angel, the ultimate being, lose to a group of humans? Lloyd s group glances at Colette. Lloyd: Colette, come back to us! I m going to restore you back to your normal self! I promise! Colette does not respond. Lloyd: Colette have you really forgotten me? Kratos: You re wasting your time. Not only did she lose her memory, but she has lost the soul to listen to your words. Now Colette is merely a puppet standing before death s door. Genis: Kratos! Lloyd: Where have you been?! What are you saying?! Kratos: The Chosen desired the regeneration of the world and chose this path herself. By the summoning of the Chosen to Derris-Kharlan, the seal will be broken and the regeneration will be complete. Lloyd: Kratos? What are you talking about?

Kratos: It is what you wanted as well. We will take the Chosen as the new body for Martel. Lloyd: What are you talking about?! Kratos answer me! Remiel: (dying) Lord Kratos, have pity on me. Please lend me your aid. Lloyd s group looked shocked. Kratos: Have you forgotten, Remiel? I was once of the inferior race a human. Does the ultimate being seek help from that which he despises the most? Remiel: Gugh Remiel died at the scene. Lloyd tries to approach Kratos. Kratos: Move out of the way. Lloyd: Kratos who are you? Kratos body is emanating and reveals his angel wings. Kratos: I am of Cruxis, the organization that guides this world. I am one of the Four Seraphim, sent forth to keep close watch over the Chosen. Genis: Kratos is an angel, too?! Sheena: You deceived us! Kratos: Deceived? If the Chosen merges with Martel, she will awaken, and the world will be saved. Is that not what you wanted? Raine: Once her body is taken by the Goddess of Martel, Colette will truly die. Kratos: No. She will be reborn as Martel. Lloyd: Dammit! You think I m going to let you do that?! Colette is our friend! Lloyd s group fights Kratos. IF YOU DEFEAT KRATOS After Lloyd s group defeats Kratos Kratos: Ugh!

Lloyd: Time to finish this! Before Lloyd could finish Kratos off, a light from above appeared and an angel-winged man appeared at the scene. IF KRATOS DEFEATS LLOYD S GROUP Unfortunately, Lloyd s group were no match for Kratos and Lloyd s group were defeated in the fight. After that Lloyd: D dammit!

Kratos raises his sword and just as he is about to strike Lloyd

Kratos: (stopped himself) Ugh! Suddenly, a light from above appeared and an angel-winged man appeared at the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Angel-Winged Man: I guess not even you could bring yourself to fight against such an opponent Kratos: Lord Yggdrasill. Genis: Who s that? Sheena: Another angel?! The angel-winged man will be known as Yggdrasill from this point on. Yggdrasill: Are you Lloyd? Lloyd: Give me your name, and I ll give you mine! Yggdrasill: Haha people need not introduce themselves to a dog. Lloyd: What did you say?! Yggdrasill: Fine, I shall tell you my name, wretched human. I am Yggdrasill. Leader of Cruxis and the Desians! Lloyd s group fights Yggdrasill. However, Lloyd s group s attack has almost no effect on Yggdrasill and Yggdrasill defeated Lloyd s group. After that, Yggdrasill summons a sword and its power gets released. The camera shows Lloyd getting knocked to a pillar, knocking it off in the process. The camera then shows Lloyd s group who is critically wounded. Yggdrasill: Kratos, I trust you have no objections? Kratos: Yggdrasill: (to Lloyd s group) Farewell. Just as Yggdrasill was about to finish off Lloyd s group, a fire shot was from the entrance of the central room. The fire shot missed Yggdrasill and the camera shows Botta with the soldiers arriving at the scene. Botta: Damn! The Chosen has already become an angel! We have no choice. We re taking her back with us alive! Botta begins his teleportation of Lloyd s group and his soldiers. Yggdrasill released white fireballs at three other soldiers and they died at the scene. Botta with Lloyd s group vanished from the scene. Yggdrasill: Renegades as irritating as ever. Still, it is of little consequence. Kratos, let us leave. Kratos: As you wish Yggdrasill vanishes from the scene.

Kratos: Hmm saved by the Renegades. Don t die, Lloyd. Kratos vanishes from the scene. The camera switches to a bedroom where Lloyd is still unconscious as his other group are watching him. Lloyd then woke up. Genis: Lloyd, you re finally awake! Lloyd: Ugh where are we? Where s Colette?! Lloyd approaches Colette and Colette still standing does not respond at all. Sheena: Lloyd: She doesn t respond to anything we say. Dammit!

Raine: Lloyd, do you remember this place? We re in Triet Desert. Remember? This is the base where you were captured before. Lloyd: The Desian Base?! Sheena: These guys aren t Desians. Lloyd: What? What do you mean? Genis: So many things happened at once I m confused, too. Raine: Then why don t we go over everything we know about the situation as it stands now. First, our current situation. When we were about to be killed in the Tower of Salvation, we were rescued by the organization on this base that resembles the Desians. They call themselves the Renegades. Lloyd: Uh, so what you re saying is that the people here are called Renegades and not Desians? Okay, I really don t get it, but go on. Raine: It seems that the Renegades oppose the Desians. They probably have a reason for intentionally trying to look like Desians. Lloyd: All right, I think I get it now. We were saved by an organization called the Renegades that looks a lot like the Desians. So then who was that angel guy Yggdrasill, or whatever? And what about Kratos? Raine: Do you remember Yggdrasill s words? This is just pure conjecture, but Cruxis, holy beings worshipped by the Church of Martel, and the Desians may in fact be the same organization. Lloyd: Whoa, wait what?! How could that be possible?! Raine: Lloyd, hear me out. If we think of the Desians as a part of Cruxis, or perhaps their pawns, everything makes sense. Genis: I remember one of the Desian Five Grand Cardinals said that their boss was Yggdrasill. Raine: And Yggdrasill said that he was the leader of Cruxis and the Desians when he appeared before us. Lloyd: If the Desians and Cruxis are the same, well then what about Kratos? He obeyed Yggdrasill s orders. That means Sheena: That s right, he s our enemy! He deceived us! He admitted it himself.

He s one of Cruxis Four Seraphim! Raine: Kratos is likely a subordinate of Yggdrasill. He probably joined us to make sure Colette didn t stray from the journey to regenerate the world. Lloyd: So we were deceived from the very beginning. By Remiel, the Cruxis, even Kratos! Suddenly, a Renegade soldier (formerly known as Desian soldier) appeared at the scene. Renegade Soldier: Ah, you re awake. Then please, come with me to the next room. Our leader awaits you. Later, Lloyd s group arrived at the room with Botta and the blue-haired man with a cape. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: You re finally awake. Lloyd: Are you the Renegades? Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: Correct. We re an underground resistance dedicated to fighting the Desians or rather, the Cruxis. Lloyd: So Cruxis and the Desians really are the same organization! Botta: Correct. Cruxis controls the Church of Martel in the open, and operates the Desians from behind the scenes. The Desians are a subordinate organization within Cruxis. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: The Church of Martel is nothing more than an instrument created by Cruxis to rule the world. Those who call themselves angels are half-elves, who ve evolved by using a special type of Exsphere called Cruxis Crystals. They aren t gods or anything of the sort. Of course, the Church of Martel and the Chosen know nothing about that. Sheena: They re half-elves, too?! Botta: Yes. Some of the Desians, as well as Cruxis and ourselves, are half-elves. Lloyd: What is Cruxis trying to do? Are they doing all of this just to rule the world? Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: (annoyed and getting snappy) Do you intend to have us explain everything? How about using your own head a little. Raine: Do they wish to revive the Goddess Martel? They send oracles to those of the mana lineage and control their marriages to create Chosens who become the vessel. It seems meaninglessly drawn out and complicated. Botta: Well, well. I am impressed. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: There is another world beyond Sylvarant that competes for mana. Lloyd: Tethe alla. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: Yes. And the one who created this twisted world was Cruxis leader, Yggdrasill.

Genis: Create a world? That s ridiculous! No one can do that! Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: If that s what you believe, then our conversation ends here. Just as the blue-haired man with a cape walks away from the scene Lloyd: Wait. If Yggdrasill was the one that created the two worlds himself, what can you possibly hope to do against someone like that? And that s not all. You tried to kill Colette and me. You re certainly not on our side. Yet for some reason, you saved us. Why? Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: You re not as stupid as you seem. Lloyd: Excuse me?! Botta: Our goal is to stop Martel s revival. Therefore, the Chosen, who would become her vessel, was an obstacle. There was a brief pause. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: Unfortunately, the Chosen completed the angel transformation. The Chosen is now a lethal weapon whose only goal is self-preservation. We wouldn t dare lay a hand on her. But now we have the key to stop Martel s resurrection. We no longer need the Chosen! Suddenly, Renegade soldiers appeared at the scene and surrounds Lloyd s group. Lloyd: What?! Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: What we need is you, Lloyd Irving! Lloyd: Me?! What s so special about me? Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: That s none of your concern! (to the Renegade soldiers) Get him! Just as the Renegade soldiers and the blue-haired man with a cape approaches Lloyd s group, Lloyd kicks the blue-haired man with a cape and he kneels to the floor. Blue-Haired Man With a Cape: Ugh! Renegade Soldier: Lord Yuan! The soldier and Botta approach the blue-haired man with a cape who will be known as Yuan from this point on. Botta: No! It s his wound from Hima! Yuan: Ugh, Kratos How many times must you get in my way?! Lloyd: Wound from Hima? Are you telling me the one who attacked Kratos was? Lloyd s group flees from the scene. Just as Lloyd was waiting for a reply from Yuan Sheena: Lloyd! What are you doing?!

Lloyd catches up with his group and Sheena summoned Corrine to distract the Renegade soldiers. After that, Lloyd s group attempts to escape Sylvarant Base. After making it to the area where Lloyd was once at before Lloyd: Dammit! What s so special about me?! Those Renegades need to hurry up and make up their freaking minds about whether they re our enemies or not! Genis: Lloyd, what are we going to do now? Lloyd: We ve got to save Colette somehow. She s going to die if she s made into Martel s vessel. Genis: But what can we do? Raine: Sheena, where did you get your Exsphere? Sheena: Huh? Well that came out of nowhere. I got this before I came here. They attached it to me at the Imperial Research Academy. Raine: Is it normal for people to equip Exspheres in Tethe alla? Sheena: No, not at all. The technology was originally brought over by the Renegades. Nowadays Exspheres are mainly attached to machines. Lloyd: Wait a second. So Tethe alla and the Renegades are on the same side? Sheena: I m not sure if you could say that. But the Renegades were the ones that brought us information about the nature of the two worlds. And the plan to assassinate the Chosen was their idea. They talked the King and the Pope into it. If you desire for Tethe alla to prosper, kill the Chosen of Sylvarant. Genis: That s horrible! Raine: Lloyd, I suggest we go to Tethe alla. Genis: Why Tethe alla? Raine: Don t you remember what Yuan said? Angels are half-elves that evolved using special Exspheres called Cruxis Crystals. Lloyd: Oh, I get it! Colette s current condition is caused by the Cruxis Crystal! Raine: Since Tethe alla is studying the Exspheres, they may know something about Cruxis Crystals as well. Sheena: That s a good idea. I m pretty sure that they re studying the Cruxis Crystal that belongs to Tethe alla s Chosen at the Imperial Research Academy. Genis: There s a Chosen in Tethe alla, too? Sheena: Of course. The world regeneration ritual is carried out in Tethe alla as well. The Church of Martel exists, too. Lloyd: But if they ve been carrying out the regeneration that many times, why hasn t Martel s vessel been completed already? Raine: I m curious about that myself. Perhaps those corpses lined up in the Tower of Salvation were No, never mind.

Lloyd: Yeah. There are too many things that we don t know: Cruxis objective, the Renegades, the method to save Colette So let s just start with what we can do now. Sheena: So we re going to Tethe alla? Lloyd: Yeah. That s the only lead we have right now. And this time, I m going to fulfill my role. I m not going to let Colette bear the burden all by herself anymore. Genis: Wait a minute. That s great and all, but how are we going to get to Tethe alla? Raine: I m sure Sheena knows how to get there, correct? Sheena: My understanding is that you can travel to Tethe alla by passing through a distortion in space. As far as I know, crafts called Rheairds are the only things that can do that. Lloyd: Where are they? Sheena: The Renegades should have them. They should be somewhere on this base. Lloyd: Okay then! Let s get going! Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with the Rheairds. Upon arrival, Raine activates the console and the Rheairds appeared from the bottom platform. Lloyd: So these are the Rheairds. Sheena: Hurry! They ll catch up to us! Lloyd s group each board their Rheairds. Lloyd: All right, then! Thethe alla, here we come! Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds and enters through another world in Tethe alla. In Tethe alla, Lloyd s group still rides on their Rheairds. Then suddenly, an empty fuel sound from the Rheairds can be heard. Lloyd: Whoa! Wh what s happening?! Genis: I don t know, it just suddenly Raine: Look! The fuel gauge is empty! Sheena: So that s it! Since you ve the seals in Sylvarant, there s not enough mana in this world! Genis: And that means?! Sheena: We re gonna fall!! Lloyd: Ahhhhhhhhhh! Genis: Ahhhhhhhhhh! Lloyd s group s Rheairds crashes into Fooji Mountains. After the crash, Lloyd s group somehow managed to survive the crash.

Lloyd: (sighs) I think we managed to avoid destroying them completely Genis: But they re useless unless we get some fuel. Lloyd: What s the fuel? Coal? Sheena: Coal?! Oh, geez how do you guys manage to actually live in Sylvarant? Raine: Then magic, I assume. Perhaps the lightning that Volt produces? Genis: Then all we have to do is have Sheena summon Volt, right? Sheena: I haven t made a pact with Volt. Lloyd: Oh. Then I guess we ll just have to leave these here. Genis: (sighs) And here I thought magitechnology was infallible. Lloyd: Hey What s that? Lloyd glances at the Tower of Salvation. Genis: That s the Tower of Salvation! Why is that here? This is Tethe alla, right? Sheena: Of course. The Tower of Salvation appears in the flourishing world. The Tower also appeared on your side after Colette received the oracle, right? Raine: Two worlds. Two towers (to Sheena) What about the Holy Ground? The Church of Martel is also over here, correct? Is the Holy Ground called Kharlan? Sheena: Yes. The place where the Tower of Salvation lies is the Holy Ground of Kharlan. The same as your world. Genis: The Holy Ground of Kharlan is where the peace treaty was signed to end the Ancient War! There can t be two of them! Sheena: Are you sure yours isn t a fake? We have records in our museums depict how the Hero Mithos called the two ancient kings to the Holy Ground of Kharlan in order to forge a peace treaty. Raine: And such records exist on our side as well. Instruments used to sign the treaty can be found in the Palmacosta Academy. Lloyd: So either one side is fake or maybe they re actually both real.

Genis: Lloyd, that s not possible! Lloyd: Don t get mad. I was just kinda saying stuff. Anyway, let s get going.

Sheena: It s true we aren t gonna get anywhere by pondering about it here. Genis: Wow, it s our first adventure in Tethe alla! Raine: Genis, this isn t a field trip. Lloyd s group approaches the exit of Fooji Mountains. In there Lloyd: Hey, by the way, where are we going?

Sheena: What the?! You re the one that said, Let s go! where you were going. Lloyd: How would I know? I m from Sylvarant.

I thought you knew

Sheena: Ah, yes, of course. I m sorry. Meltokio, the Imperial City, the center of Tethe alla. It s the city where the King of Tethe alla resides. Lloyd: Is it far from here? Sheena: It s not that far. Just north of here. Lloyd: Meltokio, huh? Okay, let s hurry up and go there! There was a brief pause. Sheena: Ah right.

Lloyd s group proceeds to The Imperial City, Meltokio. Upon arrival Sheena: Sorry, but I m going to part ways with you here. Lloyd s group turns around and faces Sheena. Genis: What? Why? Sheena: Have you forgotten? I was trying to kill Colette. I have to report my failure to the Chief. Genis: Is this Chief person in this city? Sheena: I m from Mizuho. The people of Mizuho were chased from this land. We all live in hiding. Raine: If you go make that report, are you going to be all right? Sheena: Don t worry about that. Anyway, I d like you to deliver this letter for me. Lloyd approaches Sheena and takes the letter from Sheena. Sheena: Please give it to the King in Castle Tethe alla. Tell him it s from Sheena of Mizuho. He ll grant you an audience right away. Genis: The King wants to kill Colette, right? Are you sure this is going to be all right? Sheena: In order to stop that, I ve written the details of everything that s happened and requested that they help heal Colette. Lloyd: I see Thank you! There was a brief pause. Sheena: Ah, no, y you don t have to thank me. It s nothing. Don t mention it. The Imperial Research Academy is under the control of the royal family. There isn t any other way, that s all! Genis: Are you embarrassed? You re funny, Sheena!

Tehre was a brief pause. Sheena: Sh shut up! I m going now! Lloyd: We ll see you again, right? Sheena: Hmmm. We might meet again, and we might not. Raine: Then, let s not say good-byes yet. Lloyd: Yeah. See you again. Sheena: Yeah. See you again someday! With Sheena s Letter in Lloyd s group s inventory, Lloyd s group moves on. In the other area, the camera shows a dog approaching Colette with angel wings shown. Genis: Whoa, there are dogs on this side, too. When the dog approaches closer to Colette, Colette kicked the dog away from then scene. Lloyd: Colette?! And she used to love dogs Suddenly, Rodyle appeared at the scene. Rodyle: Ahahaha. That s a violent young lady there. That s marvelous. Rodyle left the scene. Raine: Who in the world was that man? Lloyd s group moves on. Later, the camera shows Lloyd s group who was on their way to the castle and a red-haired man with a bunch of women. Colette kept walking and ran into one of the women. Woman 1: H hey, watch it! Woman 2: Watch where you re going! Red-Haired Man: Now, now, settle down, my daring hunnies! ? (to Colette) Hi there, my little cool beauty, are you hurt? Colette does not respond. Woman 1: Well! Master Zelos himself has deigned to speak to this girl, and yet look how she acts! Woman 3: Just look at her! It s not even festival time and yet she s dressed up in an angel costume. How stupid are you? Woman 4: Can you believe the nerve of this hag? Genis: What did you say?!

Lloyd: Genis, let it go. She s obviously never looked in a mirror. Woman 1: WHAT DID YOU SAY?


You re all behaving like children.

Zelos: Now, now, settle down. (to Colette) Are you upset, my little angel? You know, I bet you re as cute as a button when you smile. ? Just as Zelos approaches Colette, Colette throws Zelos in the air. Woman 1: Ahhhhh! Master Zelos!!! Zelos somehow manages to evade the fall and landed on the floor with his feet. Zelos: Whoa! Wow, that was surprise. You sure are strong, my little angel. You certainly startled me! Lloyd: Wh who are you? Zelos approaches Lloyd s group. Zelos: No offense, but I m not interested in talking to guys. Genis: I hate this guy already. Zelos: Ohhh! What s your name, beautiful? Raine: Give me your name, and I ll give you mine. Genis: Hey, you copied Lloyd! Lloyd: Now that I ve heard someone say it, it sounds kind of arrogant. Zelos: Oh, my, you don t know me? Well, well. I guess I still have a ways to go. The women approach Zelos. Women 1: Master Zelos! Let s go! Zelos: Oh, yes, yes, of course. Well then, I ll see you again, my lovely lady, ? my cute little angel, and uh you other people. Zelos and the women left the scene. Lloyd: What was that all about? Genis: (couldn t stand it) What an ass. He was grinning like an idiot the entire time. What s wrong with that guy? Raine: He had an Exsphere on him. Genis: What?! No way! Lloyd: So that s how he reacted so fast Just who is that guy? Lloyd s group proceeds to the castle. Upon arrival at the entrance Guard 1: Who are you people? Lloyd: We want to meet the King. Guard 2: His Majesty is ill and is not granting audiences. Now that you know, please leave.

Lloyd: No! We have to see him! Guard 1: I m sure you do, but until His Majesty is well, there is nothing that can be done. The Church of Martel is preparing a prayer ritual to pray for His Majesty s recovery, so try asking the priests in the church to ensure that he gets well as soon as possible. Then, two other guards appeared at the scene. Guard 3: Your shift s up. Guard 1: All right Lloyd: I guess we ll have to go to the church. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Church of Martel. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to the pastor. Pastor: Welcome to the Church of Martel. The pastor saw someone else from a slight distance. Pastor: Oh, Presea. The prayers are to take place in the royal chambers. Please carry the sacred wood to the castle. The camera shows Presea who appeared at the scene dragging the sacred wood. Presea: Yes.

Presea drags the sacred wood and left the scene. Genis: She s cute. Lloyd: That girl he called Presea has an Exsphere, too. Is that a standard custom over here? Genis: Yeah. She s really cute. Lloyd: You re not listening at all, are you? Raine: (to the pastor) You mentioned prayers. Are you praying for the recovery of the King? Pastor: Yes. The Chosen and the Pope will pray before His Majesty and receive the assistance of Martel. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: You said the prayers will take place in the royal chambers, right? Pastor: Yes, that s correct, but Lloyd: Okay. Thanks! The pastor left the scene. Lloyd: Guys! I ve figured out how we re going to see the King! Genis: What? What are we going to do?

Lloyd: We ll pretend to carry the sacred wood and sneak in. Raine: I thought you d say that. But how are we going to get sacred wood? Lloyd: Let s have that Presea help us. Genis: What?! R really?! I agree! That s a good plan! Let s do that! Raine: Well, all right. Let s try talking to her, at least. Lloyd: Then let s catch up to her. Lloyd s group exits the Church of Martel. Outside Vharley: Well then, I ll let you get to work. The sacred wood goes to Altamira. You can do it after your current job is done. Presea: Understood.

Vharley: The plan is right on schedule. I must report to Lord Rodyle. Vharley left the scene. Just as Presea walks away with the sacred wood Genis: Hey! Hang on a sec! Um Presea!

Lloyd s group approaches Presea. Raine: Could we have a moment of your time? Lloyd: I m Lloyd. This is Colette and Raine and Genis: (flushing) I I m Genis! Lloyd: Hey, Genis, why are you all flushed? Genis: Would you let us help you carry the sacred wood? Presea: Presea starts walking away. Genis: W wait! Raine: I m sorry. I know this is a bit strange, but please hear us out. The truth is, we have a letter we wish to give to the King. Lloyd: Our friend s life depends on it. But we have a problem because the King is sick, and refuses to see anyone. It would really help us out if we could carry it for you. Presea: Lloyd: A are you listening? Presea: Understood. Just as Presea walks away leaving the sacred wood behind Genis: Um, Presea?

Presea: Please carry that. Lloyd: Oh! Okay! Leave it to us! Just when Lloyd and Genis attempts to pick up the sacred wood Lloyd: Oh my g w wait a minute! Arrgh this thing is heavy! Presea comes back and drags the sacred wood by herself. Lloyd: I ve lost all confidence as a man. Genis: Me too Raine: Anyway, let s follow her.

Lloyd s group catches up with Presea who is near the entrance. Lloyd: Sorry to keep you waiting. Guard 1: Wait! Is it not just Presea today? Guard 2: Who are you people? Raine: We are helping her deliver the sacred wood to use in the prayer ceremony. Presea: Today is special Guard 2: All right. You may pass. The guards open the door to the castle. Lloyd: Excuse us. Genis: Coming through. Lloyd s group went into the castle. After that Guard 2: Are lumberjacks all women and children these days? Guard 1: Hmm But that Presea, who hardly ever talks, said so. It must be fine.

Inside the castle Lloyd: Well, we managed to make it inside. Genis: What do we do with the sacred wood? Presea: Leave it here.

Lloyd: Okay, now, let s go look for the royal chambers. Genis: What will you do, Presea? Raine: Yes, sending her back alone would be suspicious. Let s have her come with us. Lloyd: Would you do that for us?

Presea: Presea has joined Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group proceeds to the royal chambers. Upon arrival Guard: Hey, you. Who gave you permission to come here? Lloyd: We brought the sacred wood, but then were asked to aid with preparations for the prayers Raine: It was an order from the Pope. Guard: The Pope? Just a moment. I ll ask. Just as the guard opens the door and enter the royal chambers, Lloyd sneaks behind him and punches him hard in the back. Lloyd: Sorry about this! Later, Lloyd s group arrived in the royal chambers. Inside Pope: What s going on?! Zelos: Huh? It s you people.

Lloyd: Ah! You re the one we met in Pope: Chosen, do you know them? Genis: Chosen?! Zelos: Well, I dunno if I d say I know them. Just what are you people doing here? Raine: So you re Tethe alla s Chosen of Mana Lloyd: What?! Genis: What?! Lloyd: This guy s the Chosen?! Zelos: What do you mean Tethe alla s ?

Pope: Are you from Sylvarant?! Lloyd: Yes, we are. Hilda: These are people from the declining world?! Zelos: Princess, have no fear. (to Lloyd) Um what s your name? Lloyd: Lloyd. Zelos: Lloyd, for what purpose have you come here? Lloyd: We ve come to deliver this letter. It s from Sheena of Mizuho to the King. Zelos: Sheena? What s your relationship with Sheena?

Tethe alla King: Sheena?! Pope: Your Majesty! Please forgive us for causing a disturbance in your presence. Tethe alla King: Lloyd give me the letter. Lloyd approaches the Tethe alla King. Lloyd: Here it is.

Lloyd gave Sheena s Letter to the king. Tethe alla King: People of Sylvarant, wait in the other room for a while. Pope: Pastor, show them to the Crimson Chamber. Guard: Yes, Your Eminence. Later, in the waiting room Lloyd: They re making us wait a long time. Raine: They may be preparing to kill us. TO them, Colette is an obstacle. Genis: If things turn out like that, what will become of Presea? Lloyd: We ll have to find some way to let her escape. Genis: I m sorry for dragging you into this, Presea. Presea: Later, the Pope, 2 guards and Zelos appeared at the scene. Pope: Sorry to keep you waiting, travelers from Sylvarant. Lloyd: So you read the letter. Zelos: You want to use Tethe allan technology to save the Chosen from your side right? Lloyd: Colette has lost her soul. She ll lose her life as a human if she stays this way. Pope: But as long as the Chosen lives, our world teeters on the brink of destruction. The 2 guards approach Colette. Genis: It s just like Raine said Lloyd: Wait, please! Listen to what we Pope: I don t want to hear it! Get them! The 2 guards attempt to seize Colette, but Colette attacked both of the 2 guards.

Pope: Damn! They can t even scratch her! Zelos: See? I told you. They have Exspheres. Of course they re powerful. Genis: Hmmm. You re not as dumb as you look. Zelos: Impudent little brat Raine: What would you say to making a deal? Pope: A deal? Raine: Colette lost her soul because she was being reborn as an angel in order to save Sylvarant. But as long as she does not become an angel, Sylvarant will not be saved. Zelos: I see, so if we save the Chosen, Tethe alla will be saved as well. Pope: That means you ll be abandoning Sylvarant. Raine: I don t care. Lloyd looked puzzled. Lloyd: Professor! What are you saying?! Raine: Our priority right now is to save Colette, is it not? Genis: But abandoning Sylvarant IF YOU CHOOSE ALL RIGHT. THAT S FINE. Lloyd: All right. That s fine. Genis: Is it okay to decide something like that so easily? Lloyd: Right now, the most important thing is to save Colette. That s why we came all the way to Tethe alla, right? IF YOU CHOOSE NO, WE CAN T DO THAT. Lloyd: No, we can t do that. Raine: Then why did you fight Remiel? Why have we came to this unknown world? Zelos: Sheesh, you re indecisive. Ah, well, your decision may destroy the world. I suppose it s only natural to hesitate. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Pope: Is there internal discord? Lloyd: No we ll do as the Professor suggested and make a deal. Please tell us how to save Colette. Zelos: Say, Pope. If these guys don t go back to Sylvarant, then it doesn t matter if they re alive or dead. They can t complete the regeneration ritual. So I ll go along and keep tabs on them. That should be fine. Pope: If you insist, Chosen One.

Genis: Then, you ll save Colette, right? Zelos: Well, we ll do what we can, anyway, I swear on my name as Zelos, the Chosen. Pope: I ll give you permission to travel Tethe alla, but only under the Chosen s observation. Lloyd: I guess we don t have much of a choice. Okay, that s fine.

Zelos: Then it s settled! I m going to go get ready, so can we meet up later? Lloyd: Where do you want to meet? Zelos: Hmmm. How about the Martel Cathedral? Lloyd: All right. Pope: Then, Chosen One, please report this to His Majesty. Zelos: You got it. See you later, my gorgeous lady, cute Chosen, and tiny rosebud, oh, and you servant boys. Zelos, the Pope and the 2 guards left the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Church of Martel. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to Zelos. Zelos: Yo, Lloyd! You re finally here. Lloyd: Ah Zelos, right? Zelos: Yep yep. I am the great Zelos Wilder. But you can just call me Zelos. ? Lloyd s group seemed puzzled. Zelos: We re going to be traveling together for a while, so, um let s be friends, mmmkay? Genis: He sounds like he doesn t take anything seriously. Zelos: Let s see, putting aside the two guys this gorgeous beauty is Raine, right? And then this cool cutie here would be Colette. And then who s this little one? Genis: Presea. She helped us sneak into the castle. Zelos: The little one isn t from Sylvarant? Presea: Ozette.

Zelos: Ozette! That village out in the boondoc-- ah, I mean, out in the forest?! Oh, that s so sad. You re being used by these uncivilized barbarians. Lloyd: Who are you calling uncivilized barbarians?! Zelos: Hey, hey, hey, don t get mad. Especially after all the trouble I went through to contact the Imperial Research Academy for you. Lloyd: Not bad, Zelos.

Zelos: I know. Using the Research Academy requires permission from the King, but when the great Zelos speaks, His Majesty listens. Genis: Since you re going to be keeping tabs on us, I d certainly expect that much. Zelos: You re an obnoxious brat, you know? Raine: Going to the Imperial Research Academy is fine, but can we have you free Presea? Surely you don t need to keep tabs on her as well. Zelos: No. The Imperial Research Academy and Ozette are both on the continent across the sea. So we can just drop her off when we go. Genis: I I agree! That s a great idea!! Lloyd: Is that okay with you, Presea? Presea: Yes.

Lloyd: Okay then, where should we go? Zelos: To Sybak. It s on the other side of the Grand Tethe alla Bridge. It s northeast of here. Lloyd: The Imperial Research Academy it! Let s go, everybody! I m getting excited just thinking about

Zelos joined Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group proceeds to Grand Tethe alla Bridge. Upon arrival Lloyd: Who! That s a huge bridge! Zelos: Listen and be amazed, bumpkins. This is the greatest drawbridge in the world. It connects the continents of Altamira and Fooji. Its control system incorporates 3,000 Exspheres. Genis: Three thousand Lloyd: Three thousand human lives Zelos: Hmm? What? What s wrong? What s with those faces? Raine: I suppose we d better tell you. Later, after Raine explained everything to Zelos Zelos: That s a pretty sobering story. Is that really true?

Lloyd: (getting snappy) Do you think we d make up something like that? Presea: Zelos: Oh, well, even so, it s not like the dead are going to come back to life at this point. It s always best to look on the bright side of things! There was a brief pause. Raine: I can t tell if he s a positive thinker or just doesn t care about anything

Lloyd: Since we re on the subject, you and Presea both have Exspheres, too. Does everyone have Exspheres in this world? It didn t sound like it from the way Sheena talked about them. Zelos: Hmm, nope. I got this from these guys who call themselves the Renegades. They distributed quite a few of them to Sheena and the Papal Knights and such. Genis: And Presea? Zelos: Beats me. (to Presea) Well, little one? Presea: Zelos: She s so talkative. Lloyd s group crossed the bridge to the next area. Lloyd s group proceeds to Sybak. In Sybak Presea: I hate this city Hurry to Ozette

Genis: I I m sorry, Presea. Zelos: Wait just a minute, little one. We ll be done in a jiffy. Right Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah I m sorry. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Imperial Research Academy. Upon arrival, Zelos talks to the researcher. Zelos: Yo! There should be word from Meltokio. Researcher: Ah, Chosen One! We ve been waiting for you. Please come this way. Later, in the researcher s office Researcher: Upon receiving the report of Colette s symptoms, we found our attention on research data regarding the Chosen s Cruxis Crystal. Zelos: Well now. So my crystal was useful. When Colette returns to normal. I ll need to make sure she thanks me generously. ? The researcher activates the hologram globe. Researcher: Cruxis Crystals are thought to be evolved forms of Exspheres. Both Exspheres and Cruxis Crystals are lifeless beings. Raine: What did you say?! Lloyd: Life less? What? Raine: Lifeless beings. How should I put it? though not in the same way we are. Basically, Exspheres are alive,

Researcher: Yes. Both of these crystals are like parasites fusing with other life forms. Lloyd: Parasites hmm That s not a very pleasant thought. Researcher: When this happens, the mana within the body loses balance and goes

out of control without a Key Crest. Genis: So that s why Exspheres without Key Crests turn people into monsters. Researcher: Exactly. In other words, since Cruxis Crystals possess the same qualities as Exspheres, we surmise that Colette is suffering from a parasitical infection by the Cruxis Crystal. Raine: I see. In which case, the ritual of releasing the seals may be promoting the fusion with the Cruxis Crystal. Fascinating Lloyd: Professor, don t talk like that after all the bad things that keep happening to Colette Zelos: Then, if she had a Key Crest, she d return to normal, right? Researcher: Yes, she should be able to freely control the Cruxis Crystal if she had a Key Crest. Lloyd: A Key Crest, huh? I wonder if we can get one somewhere. Lloyd s group proceeds towards the junk collector. Upon arrival Zelos: What s this place? All you re selling is junk. Raine: It s marvelous! This is just marvelous! Ohhh, this is ancient magitechnology carbon! Genis: There she goes again. Lloyd: Argh, come on, please! Look for something that looks like a Key Crest. Lloyd turns around and noticed a shiny object near the junk collector. Lloyd: There! It s a Key Crest! Junk Collector: What? You want this piece of junk? Lloyd: Yeah! How much? Junk Collector: Hmm, let s see. 10,000 Gald. Lloyd: Taking advantage of people in need Junk Collector: This is a business, after all. Zelos: Okay, call the one responsible for this bazaar right now. I ll make sure he can t do business anymore. Junk Collector: Wh who are you? Zelos: You ve got some guts to be ignorant of the great Zelos, the Chosen. Junk Collector: Chosen?! Please, take this junk Uh, I mean, I humbly offer this up to you, so place forgive me! Zelos: Good, good. I like your attitude. I ll remember you. Junk Collector: Hahaha ha.

Lloyd s group received the Key Crest. Later Lloyd: Thanks, Zelos. Zelos: It was nothing. It was for my cute Colette. Lloyd: Okay! I ll borrow a lab at the Academy and fix it. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Imperial Research Academy. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to the researcher. Lloyd: Sorry to bother you, but could I borrow a lab? Zelos: He wants to make a Key Crest. Researcher: O oh, Chosen One! Please, make use of that room you were in earlier. Lloyd s group enters the Imperial Research Academy and enters the room that they had their previous meeting with the researcher. Lloyd: I ll repair the Key Crest, so just wait at the entrance. Zelos: Sure, sure. Zelos, Genis and Raine left the scene. Later, after Lloyd fixes the Key Crest Lloyd: Okay! I think this ll do. Lloyd exits the lab. Lloyd then catches up with his group. Lloyd: I didn t think I d be giving you your birthday present like this. I ve attached a Key Crest to your necklace. It s late, but it s my present for you Lloyd places the Key Crest on Colette s necklace. Lloyd: Colette? Can you hear me? Colette does not respond. Genis: How is it? Lloyd: It doesn t seem to work Raine: How about asking Dirk for help? Genis: But Dirk s in Sylvarant. And the Rheairds are out of fuel Lloyd: Maybe the people here at the Academy might know of a way. Zelos: Hey, hey, hey! Wait just a moment! Aren t you forgetting something? I m here to keep tabs on you! I can t let you go back to Sylvarant! Lloyd: Well then, just come along with us, oh compassionate Chosen One. Zelos: What? Are you serious? Raine: You re kind to girls, right?

Genis: Yeah, it s to save Colette. You ll keep quiet about it for us, right? There was a brief pause. Zelos: Great, how am I supposed to snitch after hearing that?

Lloyd: Okay, then all we need now is fuel. Suddenly, two Papal Knights appeared at the scene. Knight 1: Chosen. We heard what you said just now. We hereby declare you and your companions to be traitors attempting to destroy Tethe alla. Zelos: Humph. Well that was perfect timing, Mr. Papal Knight.

Papal Knight 1: By the Pope s orders. We are to watch you for suspicions of plotting against the throne. Zelos: Heh. Now that s amusing. I m the one who s plotting against the throne? Papal Knight 1: Restrain them and take a sample. Don t touch the angel. If you approach her carelessly, she ll kill you. One of the knights intentionally runs into Lloyd. Lloyd: Ow! What are you doing?! Zelos: Criminals undergo biological tests before the are arrested. It s because of the caste system here. The camera shows two other knights seizing Raine and Genis. Zelos: Some half-elves don t look any different from humans. It s necessary to detect them. Papal Knight 2: S sir! We found a match!

Lloyd: Genis! Professor! Papal Knight 1: So you re half-elves!

Zelos: Half-elves? Is that true? Raine: That s right. Genis: Raine! Raine: There s no point in trying to hide it now Papal Knight 1: These pathetic half-elves have engaged in shameless caste deception. Lloyd: What did you say?! The Professor and Genis are much better people than you! Who cares if they re half-elves?! Zelos: I don t know what it s like in your world, but over here, half-elves are at the bottom of the caste system. Papal Knight 1: Half-elves guilty of crimes are all executed without exception.

Lloyd: That s insane! Knight 1: Take them away. The other two Papal Knights, left the scene with Raine and Genis. Lloyd: Professor! Genis! Papal Knight 1: Change in plans. Half-elves can use magic, so we must keep them under heavy guard Papal Knight 2: We don t have any spare forces. Papal Knight 1: We ll return to the bridge and call for reinforcements. As for the Chosen and the others Just lock them in the basement or something. Later, Lloyd s group were seized and are in another lab. Kate: Who s there?! Papal Knight 1: Don t speak to us, half-elf. Be quiet and continue your work. Researcher: They are criminals. Hold them here until we return for them. Kate: Criminals If you re had the good fortune of being born human, don t throw it away like that. Lloyd: W we haven t done anything! Zelos: Well, you did try to go back to Sylvarant. Lloyd: Sh shut up. Kate slightly approaches Lloyd s group and Presea turns her back towards Kate. Presea: Ah Get away

Kate: Presea? You re Presea! Why are you here?! Lloyd: You know Presea? Kate: Ah I she s Zelos: A half-elf in the Imperial Research Academy is acquainted with a human child? That s strange. Lloyd: Why? Zelos: I told you, half-elves are treated like garbage in this world. The half-elves that work at the Imperial Research Academy never leave their labs ever. Lloyd: That s insane Zelos: Let s put that aside for now. How does a half-elf that can never leave here know Presea? Kate: This child is my team s research sample. Lloyd: Research? What kind of research?

Kate: Research to manufacture Cruxis Crystals inside the human body. Lloyd: You can make Cruxis Crystals? Kate: Yes. Theoretically, they are no different than Exspheres. By allowing them to slowly feed on a human body Lloyd: Wh what?! Kate looked surprised. Lloyd: That s the same way the Desians made Exspheres! Kate: What? What are you talking about? Lloyd: I m saying, how can you treat people that way?! Kate: I could ask you the exact same thing. How can you humans treat half-elves the way you do? Lloyd: I treat them the same as everyone else. There s no difference between the lives of humans and half-elves! Voice of Sheena: He isn t from Tethe alla. Suddenly, Corrine appeared and released the arm bonding from Lloyd s arms. Then, Sheena also appeared at the scene. Sheena: He s a strange one who was raised in Sylvarant with half-elves and a dwarf. Lloyd: Sheena! How did you know me Sheena: I ll explain later. Genis and Raine are being taken to Meltokio. If we go after them now, we should be able to save them! Kate: Are you planning on running away? Sheena: Are you going to try to stop us? Zelos: He s going to save his half-elf best friend. What are you going to do, Miss Half-elf? Kate: I I won t let you trick me. There s no way a human would save a half-elf. Kate s Assistant: But Kate. I did hear they arrested two half-elves up above. Kate: Lloyd: There s no time. If you re going to get in our way, we ll just have to fight you! Kate: Fine. I ll let you go if you promise that once you ve saved your half-elf friends, you will come back here. If what you ve said is true I ll release Presea from her experiment. Lloyd: You promise? Kate: I swear upon the name of the Goddess Martel.



Kate: Then come over here. There s a hidden passage. Kate opens the door to the hidden passage. Kate: You can escape to the surface through the door. Lloyd: Thanks. Sheena: Hurry! We need to head for the bridge. Zelos: By whose order was Presea s experiment carried out? Kate: I can t say. Zelos: The Pope, then. Kate: Lloyd: Zelos! Come on! Zelos: I know, I know! Sheesh Sheena rejoined Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group exits through the secret passage and exits Sybak. Lloyd s group proceeds to Grand Tethe alla Bridge. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group pursuits the Papal Knights who have seized Raine and Genis. In the area with the drawbridge, the knights and Raine and Genis have already crossed it and the drawbridge raises up. Lloyd s group witnesses the drawbridge going up. Lloyd: Damn! They re trying to cut us off! Come on, we ll have to jump it! Zelos approaches Lloyd. Zelos: What! Wait! Time-out! Are you nuts?! We ll die if we fall from here! Lloyd: And if we abandon them, they ll die, too! Lloyd runs off. Presea: Let us continue our pursuit.

Zelos: Man Lloyd s group attempts to make the jump from the separated drawbridge, but Colette with her angel wings flew over it and Lloyd s group falls towards the water. Lloyd: Ahhhhh! Sheena: Undine! Help!! Sheena immediately summons Undine and Undine appeared at the scene and she cast a spell to lift Lloyd s group up to safety in the bridge before they could fall to their death. After that Presea: Safe landing due to an unknown force. No damage detected.

Zelos: Phew I thought I was going to die. Lloyd: (to Sheena) Thanks, Sheena! Sheena: I m sure glad I was able to summon her Presea: Excuse me, but Professor Sage and Genis are Lloyd s group looked puzzled. Lloyd: That s right, we have to save them! Lloyd s group continues the pursuit. Then suddenly, 3 Papal Knights appeared at the scene. Papal Knight 1: Damn, they must have escaped! Lloyd: Give us back our friends! Papal Knight 2: Silence! Lloyd s group fights 3 Papal Knights. After Lloyd s group defeats 3 Papal Knights, Raine and Genis appeared at the scene. Genis: Lloyd! Everyone! Raine: You came to rescue us. Lloyd: Of course! You re our friends! Genis: But we re half-elves. Lloyd: So what s your point? Genis: Lloyd! Raine: What about the Tethe alla half of our group? Do you mind if we join up with you? Sheena: I m from Mizuho We re not exactly mainstream, either. We re not that different. Zelos: To tell you the truth, I can t say I m really kosher with this. Then again, people have always treated me differently, saying that I m a descendent of angels. So in a way we re a lot alike. Presea: I just want to go home. Raine: I see All right, then. Genis: By the way, why is Sheena here? Sheena: I have orders from my chief. I m supposed to observe your activities. Zelos: That s typical of Mizuho. They re trying to decide if they should side with the King or you guys. Genis: So now we have two people keeping tabs on us. Sheena: But I m not trying to do anything or get in your way or anything! So so

Raine: We know that already. You re an honest person perhaps to a fault. Lloyd: At this point, I m okay with anything. Now we just need Sheena to form a pact with Volt and we can get those Rheairds working! Sheena: Volt?! Lloyd s group looked puzzled. Presea: Sheena?

Sheena: Ah nothing. Zelos: Then shouldn t we go get the Rheairds first? Either way, Volt s temple is on the other side of the Grand Tethe alla Bridge. It ll be faster if we pick up the Rheairds, since the bridge is closed off right now. Lloyd: Pick up? How are you planning on moving these things? Zelos: Heheh, just leave that to me! I prepared a secret weapon just in case something like this happened. Genis: What secret weapon? Zelos: It wouldn t be any fun if I spoiled the surprise! Now let s get going! To the Fooji Mountains! Zelos walks away from the scene. Lloyd: I can t believe we re going to have to climb that mountain again Lloyd s group proceeds to Fooji Mountains. Upon arrival Sheena: So monsters really started to appear wasn t complete, so what s going on? But the regeneration ritual

Raine: If it s not caused by a decline in mana, then it may be the work of Cruxis. Lloyd: To try and hurt Colette? Genis: Can they do something like that? Raine: It s just a conjecture. We can t say for certain. Lloyd s group arrived at the highest mountains where the Rheairds are. Lloyd: Hey, Zelos. How are we going to carry these? Zelos: Oh, I ll show ya. Come over here for a sec. Just as Lloyd s group follows Zelos, they walked into a barrier that trapped Lloyd s group. Yuan: You ve walked right into my trap, fools! Lloyd s group looks at Zelos. Lloyd: He just called you a fool.

Presea: Zelos is clumsy. Zelos: Gah I am so sad now Yuan: (to the Renegade soldier) You. Retrieve the Rheairds. Renegade Soldier: Yes, sir! The 2 Renegade soldiers left the scene. Yuan: This time, you re mine, Lloyd. Lloyd: Damn! Suddenly, the camera shows Pronyma who appeared at the scene. Pronyma: Oh? Lord Yuan. What brings you to this place? Genis: I think I ve seen that lady somewhere before Yuan: I should ask you the same, Pronyma! The role of you Desians is to wreak havoc upon the declining world! Pronyma: I have come here on Lord Yggdrasill s order to retrieve Colette. Please turn her over to me. Yuan: Fine. But in exchange for handing over the Chosen, I am taking custody of Lloyd. I trust you have no objections? Pronyma: I have received no orders in regards to him, so, please do as you wish, my lord. Pronyma approaches Colette. Lloyd: Colette! Don t go! Pronyma: Hahaha. A futile effort. Your words cannot reach a Chosen who has lost her soul. What is this? Why is there such a crude Kay Crest upon the Cruxis Crystal? How pathetic. I shall remove this ugly thing at once. Just as Pronyma was about to take the Cruxis Crystal from Colette Colette: N no!! Colette s eyes reverted back to normal blue color. Colette: This is a birthday present that Lloyd gave me! Genis: Colette spoke! Lloyd: Colette! Are you back to normal?! Colette looked puzzled. Colette: What? Why is everyone inside that thing? Yuan: (unexpectedly surprised) Impossible! There s no way that pitiful Key Crest could restrain the Cruxis Crystal!

Zelos: Wow not bad, Lloyd. Pronyma: How could this happen? Still, in the end, it is but a worthless bauble. It shan t last long! Now, come with me! Colette turns around and attacked Pronyma with her chakrams. Colette: Let me go! Colette lost her balance and falls to the floor, destroying the barrier control in the process. The barrier trap was deactivated. Colette: Whoops. Oh oh, no! I broke it!! Zelos: All right! Good job, my little Colette! I think I m falling in love! ? Genis: Hahahahaha! Now that s our Colette! Raine: Some things never change Sheena: That brought back some painful memories Lloyd: Colette! Colette stands up. Colette: Lloyd! Lloyd, thank you for the present! I was so happy happy, but there wasn t anything I could do at the time. Lloyd: It s okay, don t worry about it. Raine: Behind you! Lloyd s group immediately faces Pronyma. Pronyma: You impudent! Prepare to die! Lloyd s group fights Pronyma. After Lloyd s group defeats Pronyma Lloyd: This is the perfect opportunity! Yuan! I m going to settle our score right now! Just as Lloyd makes his attack on Yuan, the camera brightened and a sword clash can be heard. Kratos appeared at the scene and deflected Lloyd s sword attack. Lloyd: Kratos! Yuan: What are you doing here? Kratos: Leave, Yuan. Lord Yggdrasill has summoned you. Yuan: Grr Are you taking the Chosen? Kratos: No we shall leave her for now. It s the toxicosis. Yuan: I see. Lloyd, our battle will have to wait. Yuan with his revealed angel wings flew away from the scene. Sheena: He s an angel, too?! I was really

Lloyd: Dammit, Yuan! Wait! Kratos: What are you doing?

Lloyd: What? Kratos: Why have you come all the way here to Tethe alla? Lloyd: I m here to save Colette Kratos: What good will saving the Chosen do? The relation of the two worlds vying for each other s mana will not change. Their positions have merely been reversed by the regeneration ritual. Sheena: Has Tethe alla begun to decline? Kratos: The Tower of Salvation can still be seen from this world as well. As long as that exists here, it means that this world is still flourishing. Although, in the event that the Chosen becomes Martel s vessel, Tethe alla will surely bid farewell to its era of prosperity. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Dammit, isn t there anything that can be done?! Yggdrasill s the one that built this twisted world! Kratos: Lord Yggdrasill does not consider it twisted. If you want to do something about it, use your own head. I thought you weren t going to make any more mistakes? Lloyd: Yeah, I ll do it! This stupid system of two worlds stealing mana from each other I swear I ll change it! Kratos: Heh well, do your best. Kratos and Pronyma flew away from the scene. Later Genis: I remember! That Pronyma was the one on the projector at the Asgard ranch! Sheena: That means she s a Desian! Genis: Now that Kratos came to interfere and all it looks like the Desians and Cruxis are really the same organization Raine: It would appear that Yuan is connected to Cruxis as well. Lloyd: Gahh, this is all so confusing! In other words, they re all our enemies, right? Raine: Yes. That means we must be careful of everyone, including the Renegades. Genis: Colette, is everything else back to normal? Besides your voice, can you feel things and such? Colette: Yup, I think I m okay. Thanks, everyone. And I m sorry I made all of you worry so much. Hey, you know what? I think I m hungry for the first time in a long while.

Lloyd: That s great! Colette reveals her angel wings. Colette: It looks like I still have wings, though. Lloyd: Oh Zelos: Hmmm. Just like I thought. Colette is definitely cuter when she smiles! ? Colette: Let s see, you re Zelos? Zelos: Ohh! You remembered my name! We Chosen have to stick together, you know what I mean?! Colette: Okay! Raine: Now what shall we do? Since Colette has regained her soul, there s no need for us to head immediately back to Sylvarant, but Lloyd: We know what we have to do! We re going to search for a way to save both worlds in order to prevent any more Chosen like Colette! Colette; I agree with Lloyd. I promised Sheena, too. Sheena: Colette Genis: What about Presea? It s not fair to keep dragging her around like this! Presea: I want to go home. Zelos: Oh yeah, that s right, we need to bring Presea to that Kate chick. Raine: Unfortunately, I doubt we can use the Grand Tethe alla Bridge anymore. Sheena: Hmm I have contacts in Meltokio. Let s ask them for help. Genis: But we re wanted traitors. Can we even get into Meltokio? Zelos: Leave that to me. I know Meltokio like the back of my head. Lloyd: All right. We re counting on you, Zelos. Zelos: You got it! You can always count on me! Now, my hunnies, we re off to Meltokio! ? Lloyd: Colette Colette: What s wrong, Lloyd? Lloyd: Welcome back. Colette: Hehe. I m glad to be back. Lloyd s group proceeds to Meltokio. Upon arrival Guard 1: Chosen One, I m sorry, but I cannot allow you to pass. Guard 2: While it pains me terribly to say this, you and your companions are currently wanted.

Lloyd: What now? You said to leave it to you. Zelos: Now, now, just hang on. I told you, leave it to me. For my cute hunnies, I ll show you a special entrance. Follow me. Lloyd s group follows Zelos to the entrance to the sewers. Genis: Whoa, what is this place? Zelos: The underground sewer. Waste water from the city flows out from here. Lloyd: This is a pretty good way of sneaking in. Zelos: Well, Meltokio s gate closes at night, so I used this a lot to get back home. Colette seemed puzzled. Colette: Why don t you go home until night? Zelos: Hmm, if you like me to show you, I ll be happy to educate you tonight. Sheena looks mad. Zelos: It was just a joke! Don t get jealous now, Sheena. ?

Sheena: You ve got to be kidding me! Colette seemed puzzled. Colette: Why is Sheena upset? Raine: You ll understand when you re older. Presea: Enemy presence detected. There is danger. Lloyd: Yeah, let s be careful as we go. Inside the Meltokio Sewers, Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changed. Lloyd: I wonder it ll do this time. I can t wait to find out! Hi-yah! Lloyd used the Sorcerer s Ring and suddenly, Lloyd s group shrank. Colette: Hmm? It looks like the path got wider. Genis: No, we got smaller! Presea: I guess so.

Colette: Really? You re right! Lloyd: But we can t do anything like this! Zelos: Oh, I see! Now I can do this and that without anyone finding out it s me Sheena: Oh, brother. How can you be thinking about something like that?!

Genis: But how do we get back to normal? Raine: Now that you mention it, this panel Raine stepped on the panel and she turned to the normal size. Raine: I see. It appears that stepping on these panels will restore us to our normal size. Lloyd s group moves on. Upon approaching the locked door Lloyd: Huh? This door is locked. Sheena: Zelos! Didn t you say you knew this route well? Zelos: Huh that s weird. It was never closed when I came through maybe. Presea: Maybe it was closed along with the sealing of the city? Raine: Hmm, someone may have expected us to come this way. Genis: What?! Then we can t go this way? Lloyd: Let s try to think of a way to open this door. Colette: Yeah! I m sure we ll manage something! Lloyd s group proceeds upstairs. Lloyd s group approaches a trash compactor. Lloyd: Huh? What s this? Later Colette: Wow! That s a huge machine. Zelos: Oh, that s a trash compactor. Genis: Trash compactor? Zelos: Meltokio incombustible trash is thrown away through a hole called a dust chute and collected here. The collected trash is compacted by this machine into blocks. After it s converted into blocks for easy transport, they re taken to a large garbage processing facility. Lloyd: Hmm Genis: Hmm Presea: I didn t know that either. Raine: I wonder if we can use it for something. Lloyd s group manages to solves the puzzle to opening the locked door by creating a compacted trash blocks and creating a path to the locked door controls. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. Upon arrival, 3 convicts appeared at the scene. Zelos: What s goin on? Presea: I sense danger.

Convict 1:

We ve been waiting for you, travelers from Sylvarant.

Convict 2: The Pope promised to lighten our sentences if we got rid of you. We ve got nothing personal against you, but we need you to die! Lloyd s group fights 3 Convicts. After Lloyd s group defeats 3 Convicts, another convict appeared at the scene and knocked Zelos down to the floor. Zelos: Ahh! Lloyd s group was surprised. The convict steps on Zelos. Convict: Don t move If you move, the Chosen dies. Understand? Zelos: Whoa whoa whoa! You think you can get away with doing something like this to the Chosen? Convict: One who plots the destruction of the world can no longer be deemed the Chosen. Zelos: Oh hey, Lloyd! If you abandon me here, I swear, I ll come back to haunt you! Lloyd: I just had a sudden, violent urge to abandon you. Presea charges towards the convict and attempts to strike him with her ax. The convict evades the attack and Zelos went back to Lloyd s group. Zelos: (holds Lloyd s shoulder) Phew! Lloyd: The camera shows Presea whose eyes are abnormal and the convict looked puzzled. Convict: You re! Genis uses his Kendama to launch Fireballs at the convict and the convict evaded again and went to the 3 other convicts. Convict: Ugh retreat for now.

Convict 2: Damn, these guys are too strong The convicts fled the scene. Lloyd: Looks like it s over for now. Colette: Thank goodness everyone s okay! Lloyd s group exits the sewers. In the surface of Meltokio Lloyd: We finally made it into the city. Sheena: Yeah. Now we can meet my friends. Colette: Where are your friends? Sheena: At a place called the Elemental Research Laboratory. I learned my summoning arts there. It s also where Corrine was born.

Lloyd: Okay, let s go to that Elemental Research Laboratory place, then. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Elemental Research Laboratory. Upon arrival Red Ninja: Sheena! It s you! Sheena: Kuchinawa! Why are you here? Kuchinawa: I m on a top-secret mission. What about you? Sheena: Ah, I m in a bit of trouble, actually. My friends and I need to get across the bridge. Kuchinawa: Friends? Hmm, they re not from Mizuho. Sheena: They re from Sylvarant. (to Lloyd s group) Lloyd, and everyone! This is a friend from Mizuho. His name s Kuchinawa. Kuchinawa: Sheena and I grew up together. Pleased to meet you. Lloyd: Pleased to meet you. Sheena: I ll go talk to the people in the laboratory. Sheena and the red ninja who will be known as Kuchinawa from this point on goes downstairs. Lloyd: Let s go along and listen, too. Lloyd s group proceeds downstairs. In the laboratory Sheena: That s insane! Lloyd: What s wrong? Sheena: Listen to this! They want us to cross the sea in an Elemental Cargo! Lloyd: An elemen what? Presea: Elemental Cargo, typically called EC. It s a compact transport vehicle controlled by Exspheres. Its maximum load weight is 1400kg and maximum speed is more than three times faster than an upgraded Exsphere-equipped carriage. They are currently used primarily by shipping companies for delivery. Zelos: Hey! What are we, packages?! Male Researcher: The Elemental Cargo absorbs mana from the atmosphere and ejects it into the air, producing a counter-reaction that propels it forward. So if we use Undine for that, we get an EC that can surf. Raine: S surf Lloyd: Isn t there any other way? Male Researcher: The bridge is closed. You don t have the necessary identification to use an ocean liner. And on top of that, there are two half-elves with you. Genis: Not that again.

Male Researcher: That s the kind of world Tethe alla is. get to leave this building. Colette: I wonder why everyone can t get along

We, too, hardly ever

Zelos: Ah, well, there s no point in getting all gloomy. So will you make that modified EC for us? Male Researcher: If you ll wait a day, we ll have it ready. Zelos: Okay. Well, then, let s go rest at my mansion. Sheena: The Pope s minions aren t going to be waiting for us there, right? Lloyd: We re going to have to spend the night in this city. So it doesn t matter where we are, it ll still be dangerous. Sheena: Yeah. I guess you re right. Zelos: My mansion s in the nobles quarter to the right of Castle Tethe alla. It s a conspicuously big building, so you can t miss it. Lloyd s group proceeds to Zelos mansion. Upon arrival

Sebastian: Welcome home, Chosen One. Zelos: Yo, I m back. Anything happen while I was gone? Sebastian: I was instructed by the Pope and an emissary of His Majesty Tethe alla the 18th to report as soon as the Chosen returned. Zelos: You can just ignore that. Sebastian: Yes, sir. Ahh and who is the guest with the two swords? Zelos: My bud. (to Lloyd) Just make yourselves at home. Sebastian: If there is anything you need, Sir Bud, please speak to me. Sebastian left the scene. Lloyd: My name s not Bud ! After that, Lloyd s group are scattered from each other and Lloyd talks to Sheena. Sheena: Mmmm, it smells nice be looking at flowers? Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: He said that this fireplace ignites by Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: Mylene Wilder? It seems this is a portrait of Zelos mother. Lloyd talks to Genis and Presea. one-touch. What s one-touch ? (looking at Lloyd) Wh what? Is it weird for me to

Genis: Presea I I I I I Presea: Genis: You re p p pretty Presea: P p pretty? What is that? Genis: I I I m I m complimenting you! Presea: I see. Then you are p p pretty, too. Lloyd talks to Zelos. Zelos: These presents are tributes from my hunnies. Oh, it s so hard being popular! Lloyd talks to Sebastian. Sebastian: Will you be retiring to bed now? Lloyd s group goes to sleep. The next morning Lloyd: Okay then, let s go to the Elemental Research Laboratory. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Colette, what s wrong? The camera views Colette s head tilting to the right of her shoulder. Colette: Hmm? I think I slept wrong. My shoulder feels stiff. Lloyd: Are you all right? Colette: Heheh, sorry. Lloyd s group exits Zelos mansion. Lloyd s group proceeds to Elemental Research Laboratory. Inside Male Researcher: Welcome back. Everything s ready. Sheena: Where s the EC? Male Researcher: Kuchinawa carried it away already. Sheena: Kuchinawa got it? Male Researcher: What? I thought Kuchinawa had talked to you about it, but I guess he didn t. Go to the artificial beach on the right side of the Grand Tethe alla Bridge. Kuchinawa should be waiting there. Also, take this with you. Lloyd: What s this? Male Researcher: What do you mean, what s this? It s a wing pack. You store the EC in it. Lloyd: In this?! Is the Elemental Cargo that small?! Zelos: Ah, I see. They don t have wing packs in Sylvarant. Man, you guys are a

bunch of country folks! Lloyd turns around and faces Zelos. Lloyd: Gee, sorry! Zelos: Hahah, don t get mad, now. I ll show you how to use it later. Come on, let s get going. Sheena: Wait just a second. Come on out, Corrine! Corrine appeared at the scene. Sheena: We re going to be gone for a while. Say good-bye to everyone. right, they aren t going to do any more weird experiments on you. Male Researcher: Corrine, how have you been? Look after Sheena for us. Corrine: I hate this place! I have Sheena, so I won t be lonely. It s all

Sheena: Corrine! Don t talk like that. Corrine: Good-bye. Corrine vanishes from the scene. Male Researcher: (Sigh) I guess Corrine still hates us Lloyd s group received the Wing Pack. Lloyd s group proceeds to Grand Tethe alla Bridge. Upon arrival Sheena: Kuchinawa should be waiting for us at the bottom of the right staircase. Lloyd: Okay. Then, let s go. Lloyd s group approaches the locked door. Presea: It is locked. Lloyd: Hmm, you re right. I ll take care of it. Lloyd unlocked the door. Lloyd: There we go. Colette: Wow! Lloyd, you re amazing! Genis: At least he s useful for certain things. Zelos: His face loses out to mine, though. Lloyd faces Zelos. Lloyd: What has my face got to do with anything?! Raine: You can see the bridge. The camera shows the device with Exsphere containers. Colette: Oh, you re right. Are those decoration-looking things Exspheres?

Zelos: That s right, Colette> That bridge is operated by Exspheres. Colette: It s a bit gross looking. Zelos: It certainly is grotesque. Although, knowing where Exspheres come from, I m not sure it s appropriate to describe them that way. Colette: You re right. Lloyd s group approaches the area with Kuchinawa. Kuchinawa: It took you long enough. This is the EC. Zelos: Okay, Lloyd. Try using that pack you just got. Lloyd: Let s see like this? Lloyd uses the Wing Pack and the EC disappeared into it. Lloyd: Whoa?! Colette: Wow! That s incredible! Genis: Wow! How does it work?! Raine: Why do I feel like I ve seen this before?

Presea: Professor? Raine: Ah nothing. Zelos: See, it fits inside. Lloyd: It disappeared! It s amazing! This is so cool! Let s try bringing it back out. Lloyd uses the Wing Pack again and the EC reappeared. Lloyd: Wow! It came back out! Colette: Wow! Genis: Wow! Kuchinawa: (getting impatient) That s enough goofing around. How about getting on your way? Lloyd: Yeah. All right. I can t wait to make use of this EC! This is great! Genis: You know you ll just get bored with it in no time Colette: Yay, we get to go out to sea! Raine: We re going to sea, aren t we Presea: We re going to sea.

Sheena: Let s get going, then. Off to Sybak!

Kuchinawa: Sheena, take this with you. Sheena: A protective charm? Kuchinawa: Yes. Be careful! Sheena received Kuchinawa s Charm. After that, Lloyd s group boards the EC. Sheena: Undine! Sheena summoned Undine and she appeared. Undine casts her spell on the EC to activate and Lloyd s group rides the EC to Sybak. Upon arrival Lloyd: Kratos! Are you trying to take Colette away?! Lloyd draws his sword. Kratos: I have no intention of fighting you inside the city.

Kratos strikes Lloyd s sword with his sword and Lloyd falls to the floor. Lloyd: Ahh! Kratos puts away his sword. Kratos: You still lack the skills to defeat me. Lloyd stands up. Lloyd: Don t insult me! Kratos: I merely speak the truth. Just as Kratos is about to leave the scene Kratos: Chosen One. If you wish to live, you must remove that worthless Key Crest. Colette: Kratos: No. I m never taking it off. Lloyd gave this to me. Foolish sentiments.

Kratos left the scene. Genis: He wasn t after Colette? Zelos: Man, what an arrogant SOB. Talking as if he knows everything Sheena: (offended by Zelos words) While we re on the subject of ways of talking, why don tcha do something about the vulgar language? Zelos: Hehehehehe! Raine: Anyway, Lloyd, we must go see this Kate person. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s get going. Lloyd s group proceeds to Imperial Research Academy through the secret entrance. Upon arrival in the lab with Kate

Kate: It s you! Lloyd: We ve saved our friends and came back with Presea just like we promised. The camera shows Kate scanning left to right of Lloyd s group in the front. Kate: Yes, you re right. The strange mana produced by the fusion of elven and human blood You really do have half-elf friends. Raine: I ve heard the story. Presea s creating a Cruxis Crystal inside her body? Kate: Yes, that s correct. We call it the Angelus Project. Lloyd: The Angelus Project! That s the Project my Mom was involved in. Presea seemed upset and walked to the corner from Kate and Lloyd s group. Kate: The Exsphere itself is nothing special. It just has a special Key Crest placed on it. This Key Crest delays the Exsphere s parasitic process, which can take place over a few days or up to several decades. It seems this can cause Exspheres to mutate into Cruxis Crystals. Raine: Is the parasitic infection of the Exsphere the reason why Presea s emotional response is so subdued? Genis: So she s just like Colette. Colette looked surprised. Colette: If we leave Presea like this, what will happen to her? Kate: When the parasitic process is complete she will die. Genis: That s horrible! Please save her! What did she ever do to you?! Kate: Nothing. She hasn t done anything. She just matched in the compatibility test. Lloyd: You promised. You re going to save her, right? Kate: Yes. I know. You didn t discriminate against half-elves I ll keep my promise. Kate s Assistant: Kate! Are you sure?! If you do that, you ll Kate: A promise is a promise. In order to save Presea, speak to a dwarf named Altessa who lives deep in Gaoracchia Forest. Lloyd: There are dwarves in this world, too?! Kate: Yes. He and I participated in this experiment by the order of the Pope. Zelos: Sheesh, not that pathetic old man again. Kate: Don t call him a pathetic old man! Zelos: Oh, my. That s unusual, a half-elf siding with the Pope. Kate: I m not siding with him. Anyway, have Altessa repair Presea s Key Crest.

Colette: Lloyd, can t you fix it? Lloyd: To be honest, I can t even tell the difference between this and a normal Key Crest. It d probably be faster to search for that dwarf, Altessa. Sheena: Then it s settled. Shall we head for Gaoracchia Forest? Lloyd: Yeah though could there be a connection between the Pope and the Desians? Raine: Yes, I m wondering about that, too. Lloyd s group proceeds to Gaoracchia Forest. Upon arrival Lloyd: Whoa This place is creepy. Colette: Wow! It s dark. Zelos: Colette, you re awfully cheery Colette: Heh heh. Sorry. Suddenly, 3 Papal Knights appeared at the scene. Zelos: Whoops It s the Papal Knights. Papal Knight: Zelos, the Chosen. You are in the way of the Pope. Zelos: Heh. I ve known that since I was a kid. Papal Knight: Then that makes things simple. It is time for you to die. Lloyd s group fights 3 Papal knights. After Lloyd s group defeats 3 Papal knights Genis: We won, but what are we going to do now? Lloyd: What else? Before they bring in reinforcements Sheena: We ll get the heck out of here. But to where? Colette: Perhaps Altessa s place? Lloyd: Exactly! Lloyd s group finds a Sorcerer s Ring changing device and uses it. Lloyd tries out the Sorcerer s Ring. Lloyd: Hey! This time it emits light! Genis: It s like a lamp. Colette: What do we use it for? Raine: The forest is dark, so there may be some plants that react strongly to light. As Lloyd s group navigates their way through the forest, Lloyd s group found a strange looking treasure chest. Lloyd: What s this thing? It won t open.

Genis: It s sealed by some type of power. You shouldn t fiddle with it. I don t like the looks of it. As Lloyd s group continues to navigate their way out of the forest, Colette senses something. Colette: I hear something footsteps from far away Zelos: I don t hear anything. Raine: Colette still has her angel senses. Colette: Their definitely footsteps. Also, the sound of clinking armor. There are lots of them. It s coming from that direction. Lloyd: That can t be good. Altessa lives over there. Could it be more of the same guys from earlier? Sheena: I ll send Corrine out to scout. Sheena summons Corrine to scout for any suspicions. Then suddenly, the camera shows the convict from before who appeared at the scene. Lloyd s group was shocked. Genis: That s the guy from the Meltokio sewer! Zelos: Man, it s just one thing after another with the Pope! Am I really that much of a problem to him? Convict: I do not wish to fight you. I just want to speak with that girl. Lloyd: With Presea? Genis: You ve got to be kidding! Or did you forget that you tried to kill us? Convict: I cannot speak for any others, however, I, at least, never intended to take your lives. My orders were to retrieve a girl named Colette. Colette: Me?

Convict: I will do you no harm. Presea is her name, correct? Please let me speak with her. The convict looks at Presea s Exsphere. Convict: An Exsphere?! You are yet another victim?! Just as the convict approaches Presea, Presea attacked him. Genis: Presea s in danger! Lloyd draws his sword. Lloyd: I don t know what the heck is going on, but we have to stop this guy! Lloyd s group fights the Convict. After Lloyd s group defeats the Convict, the Convict was knocked out and fell to the floor. Raine: He sounds like he has reasons for his actions. Perhaps we should take

him prisoner? I m sure he has much to tell us. The camera shows Corrine coming back at the scene. Corrine: Sheena! There were a lot of soldiers and they re all coming this way! Run away, quickly! Sheena: Looks like Colette was right. Colette: The footsteps keep getting louder. Zelos: Uhh shouldn t we get out of here? Lloyd: But the Papal Knights are waiting for us if we go back. Sheena: Mizuho. It looks like we have no choice. I ll take you to the village of

Zelos: Whoa there, Sheena. Isn t Mizuho a hidden village, kept secret from outsiders? Sheena: But we ll be trapped from both sides if we don t do something. There s nothing we can do but take shelter in the village. Lloyd: Okay. Please show us the way, Sheena. Sheena: Hey, Zelos, carry the big guy for us. Zelos attempts to pick up the unconscious convict. Zelos: Me?! You want me to carry this ogre by myself? Are you kidding me? Colette: Here, I ll help. Zelos will have a hard time by himself. Zelos: Aww, you re so nice, Colette! ? We Chosens have to look out for each other, right? Colette: Yeah! Colette approaches the convict and picks him up with one hand. Colette: Oh, he s light then I thought. I can carry him myself. Zelos: Haha I see Raine: Men are so useless these days. There was a brief pause. Sheena: Come on, we need to go! Lloyd s group found the exit of the Gaoracchia Forest. Lloyd s group makes their way to The Mystical Village, Mizuho. Upon arrival Orochi: Sheena! What is the meaning of this? How could you bring outsiders into the village?! Sheena: I m prepared to accept my punishment. Inform the Vice-Chief. I ve brought the travelers from Sylvarant.

Orochi: From Sylvarant? You are from the dying world of Sylvarant? Zelos: Well, except for me. Orochi: I see. Sheena, come with me. The rest of you, wait in front of the Chief s house. Sheena left the scene with Orochi. Later, Lloyd s group places the convict to the floor. The convict woke up. Convict: ? Colette: Oh, he s awake. The convict stands up. Convict: Wh where am I? Lloyd: You re our prisoner. Don t try anything funny. Convict: I like to think that I m smart enough not to start trouble when I don t understand the situation. Lloyd s group approaches the Vice-Chief s hut and talks to Orochi. Orochi: The Vice-Chief is ready to see you. Inside Tiga: Travelers from Sylvarant, you may enter. Lloyd: Thank you. Later, Lloyd s group sits on the floor with Sheena and Tiga. Tiga: Our leader, Chief Igaguri, is ill. I, the Vice-Chief, Tiga, shall speak on his behalf. Because Sheena failed to kill you, we, the people of Mizuho, now faces persecution from the Tethe alla Royal Family and the Church of Martel. Lloyd: Is that true? Tiga: Yes. At least from what I ve heard. Now I have a question. People of Sylvarant, what do you plan to do in Tethe alla, the land of your enemies? Lloyd: I ve been thinking about that for a long time. Someone asked me why I came all the way to Tethe alla what it is that I want to do. I want a world where everyone can have a normal life. I m tired of people having to become sacrifices. I m tired of discrimination. I m tired of people becoming victims. I m tired of it all. Tiga: You are an idealist. The worlds of Tethe alla and Sylvarant flourish only by victimizing the others. So long as that structure remains the same, anything you say is mere sophistry. Lloyd stands up. Lloyd: Then we need to change that structure! This world was made by that Yggdrasill guy, right?! If a human or elf built this, then we should be able to change it as well!

Tiga: Hahahaha! You speak like the hero, Mithos. He was a sublime idealist. He ended the Ancient War by insisting there was a way for the two warring countries to coexist in peace. Are you saying you can become the next Mithos? Lloyd: I m not Mithos. I want to save the two worlds my way, with the help of my friends. Tiga: I see. In other words, you aren t worried about following past methods. Well then, we shall search for a new path as well. Sheena stands up. Sheena: Vice-Chief, do you mean Tiga: Yes. We will use our information network to aid you. In return, when the path of prosperity for both worlds has been found, we wish to move our people to Sylvarant. Lloyd: But I don t have any right to decide something like that. Tiga: All we need is for you to aid us in our move. Lloyd: (to his group) Is everyone okay with us joining forces with the people of Mizuho? Colette: If it will change the relationship of the two worlds. Raine: Well, it doesn t sound like a bad deal. Genis: Let s hurry up and decide, so we can go rescue Presea. Zelos: As long as Tethe alla is safe, I don t care what you guys do. Lloyd: (to Tiga) Okay then, it s settled. We re going to look for a way to change the two worlds. Let s work together. Tiga: Agreed. Then I hereby order Sheena to continue to accompany you. This time, however, not just as an observer, but as a representative. Make us proud. Sheena: Yes, sir! Zelos: But Tiga, you sure you wanna turn the Royals and the Church against you like that? Tiga: How about if I ask you? Given a choice between the forces which wish to sacrifice one of the worlds, and the force that wishes to preserve both worlds, which would you side with? Zelos: I d like to say, the one that s likely to win, but I suppose I d want to help the side that wants to preserve both worlds. Tiga: Exactly. Now, the first thing we shall do is devote all our resources to locating the Rheairds. Fortunately, it appears that Sheena attached a guardian to the Rheairds, so we should be able to locate them shortly. Lloyd: Understood. Than you for your help. While Lloyd s group is leaving the Vice-Chief s hut, Zelos stands and thinks about something.

Zelos: Is he for real? After that, Lloyd s group exits the Vice-Chief s hut and they check on and surround the convict. Lloyd: What s your name? Regal: Regal. Lloyd: Regal, huh? I m sorry, but we re gonna have to keep you prisoner for a bit longer. Zelos: Lloyd. How about lettin pops here fight, too? Genis: Even though he might betray us? Zelos: He has business with Presea, right? Then, he s not going to try anything before he gets a chance to speak with her, you know? Raine: Actually, that s not a bad idea. Genis: Raine! Sheena: I dunno about this, but I won t make a fuss. I also started off as your enemy. Lloyd: Well? Will you fight alongside us for now? Regal: All right. I swear upon my good name, and these shackles that bind me, I shall not betray you. Genis: If you do anything even the slightest bit suspicious, I ll burn you to a crisp, got it? Colette: Well, then, welcome to our group, Regal! Regal joined Lloyd s group. As Lloyd s group exits Mizuho Orochi: It seems the pursuers have left the forest. You should hurry. Lloyd: All right, let s head for Altessa s place right away Presea: I want to go home to my village.

Lloyd: Ah, right Ozette first, then. Raine: Yes, Presea s parents are probably worried about her. We should head to Ozette. Lloyd s group proceeds to The Quiescent Village, Ozette. Upon arrival, Presea ran off from Lloyd s group. Genis: Lloyd! We have to follow her! Lloyd: Huh? Yeah Lloyd s group proceeds to a Presea s house. Meanwhile, outside of Presea s house Rodyle: Thank you. Hmm? Are these guests as well?

Lloyd s group appeared at the scene. Presea: Porters Rodyle: Oh, I see Genis: Presea! We have to make a Key Crest for you! Presea: My job awaits goodbye Presea enters her house. Rodyle: Only Presea can retrieve the sacred wood used in the ritual at the church. I m quite pleased that she has finally returned. Hehehehe. Rodyle left the scene. Raine: That man he s a half-elf. Lloyd: He is? Now that you mention it, didn t we see him in Meltokio, too? Colette: He s creepy Zelos: I agree. But uh I gotta say that I feel sorry for the guy. I mean he has to deal with the fact that there are magnificent specimens of males around like me. Hehe. Genis: I d say you two are on the same level. Zelos: I heard that, you little twerp! Regal: At any rate, we should have a talk with Presea. Lloyd: Yeah. Later, Lloyd s group enters Presea s house where Presea is doing her mysterious job. Lloyd: That smell The camera shows Presea taking something back and forth. Colette: Look! Presea continues to take something from the bed with a covered decayed body. Raine examines the bed. Raine: (horrified) Oh my how horrible.

Zelos: What the this is not cool. Sheena: How could this happen? Lloyd s group all glances at Presea. Raine: Most likely the effect of Exspheres parasitism. Presea has no idea what s become of the person in that bed. Genis: How could that

Regal: Presea. Are you not coming with us? Presea: I must do my job Raine: Let s leave Presea here for now.

Lloyd: Here?! Raine: If we try to move her, she will just fight back. Let s go see Altessa by ourselves to ask him about repairing the Key Crest. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group exits Presea s house. On their way out, Colette accidentally stumbles to the floor. Lloyd: Colette?! Are you all right? Colette: Ahh! Y yeah. I stumbled. Hehe. I m clumsy.

Lloyd: Are you hurt? Colette: No, I m fine. I m fine

Lloyd s group proceeds to Altessa s House. Upon entering Tabatha: WHO IS IT? Lloyd: Ah, excuse us. We ve heard that there is a dwarf living here. Is there any chance we could see him? Tabatha: YOU DESIRE A MEETING WITH MASTER ALTESA. PLEASE COME INSIDE. Lloyd s group follows Tabatha to the workplace with Altessa. Altessa: Who are you people? Lloyd: My name is Lloyd. We ve come in regards to Presea. We heard about you from Kate in Sybak. Altessa: Leave! Lloyd: What? Altessa: I don t want anything more to do with that girl! Get out of here! Later, Lloyd s group got away from Altessa s workplace and Tabatha appeared at the scene. Lloyd: What was that all about?! Tabatha: I APOLOGIZE. THE MASTER DOES NOT WANT TO GET INVOLVED WITH PRESEA. Genis: (getting snappy) Why? He doesn t care if she dies?!

Tabatha: IT IS NOT THAT. IT IS BECAUSE THE MASTER REGRETS WHAT HE HAS DONE. Colette: Then please, save Presea! All she needs is for her Key Crest to be fixed.



Lloyd: Why? How could anything be worse than living in that cruel condition while waiting to die?! Tabatha: IF YOU ARE THAT COMMITTED, THEN YOU SHOULD SEARCH FOR INHIBITOR ORE. Lloyd: Presea s Key Crest isn t made out of inhibitor ore? Tabatha: CORRECT. HER CREST IS Altessa: Tabatha! What are you doing? Get rid of them! Tabatha: I APOLOGIZE, I MUST RETURN. PLEASE COME BACK AGAIN. I WILL ATTEMPT TO PERSUADE HIM. Lloyd s group exits Altessa s House. Outside Colette: Where can we find the inhibitor ore? Regal: I ve heard it s mined in the mountain range that extends between Altamira and the Ymir Forest. I would like to help if you re going to create a Key Crest for Presea. I can lead you to the mine. Lloyd: Just what is your relation to Presea, anyway? Regal: There is none. Raine: Yet you sure seem concerned about her. Lloyd: Well, either way, you haven t done anything suspicious so far. You re welcome to come along with us. Regal: Inhibitor ore is found relatively near the surface of the Exsphere mine. The mine I know of is across the sea from here, on the southern continent. Zelos: You said Altamira, right? That place is awesome! Let s stop by there on the way! Sheena: We don t have time to hang out at that gaudy resort! Raine: The sea? We re going out to sea again? Lloyd: Okay, then. Let s go! Colette: Yeah! Let s hurry. Lloyd s group moves on. Later, the camera shows Zelos and Regal who are preparing to leave. Zelos: (to Regal) By the way, this has been bugging me for a while now. Haven t we met somewhere before? Regal ignores and catches up with Lloyd s group. Zelos: Fine, ignore me. Not very friendly, are ya? Zelos catches up with Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group proceeds through Ozette and then to the dock. Lloyd s group rides the EC to Toize Valley Mine. Upon arrival

Zelos: Wow! So this is that sealed mine! It sure looks like it might house a ghost or two, don t you think? Hmm? Sheena: (can t stand Zelos) Argh! Will you just be quiet for a little while?! Zelos: What s with you? Don t get mad, Sheena. Regal: This isn t good. Lloyd: What s wrong, Regal? Regal: The door s guard system is out of control. Someone must have destroyed it when trying to force their way through. Lloyd: Then let s bust it up even more! Zelos: That s our Lloyd! That s an easy to understand plan! Sheena: Yeah. I m fine with that, too. Colette: Well, if Lloyd says so, it s fine with me. Genis: Are you sure? Don t blame me if it goes wrong. Raine: Honestly! Lloyd s group fights Defense System. After Lloyd s group defeats Defense System, the door opened. Zelos: Okay, good work everyone! Now, let s go get that whatchamacallit. Genis: Inhibitor ore! Zelos: Yeah, that! Come on, let s go! Lloyd s group moves on. Regal: (to himself) They re all so violent.

Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with a carrier. Lloyd s group examines the boulder on the other path. Lloyd: It looks like we could jump over this. Sheena: No, that boulder s in the way. Lloyd s group then found a Sorcerer s Ring device and uses it to change the Sorcerer s Ring s power. Genis: What can it do this time? Lloyd: Let s try it out. Regal: Wait. The Sorcerer s Ring was used here to blast rock. Don t use it carelessly. Genis: Blast? How? Regal: When you use the Sorcerer s Ring, a condensed ball of mana appears.

Three seconds later, the ball of mana explodes. If we re next to it, we ll be caught in the explosion. Lloyd: Gotcha. Let s use it carefully and boldly! Lloyd s group manages to use the Sorcerer s Ring on the boulder and it blew up, creating a opening for Lloyd s group to jump to. Lloyd s group first checks on another door. Zelos: Damn! There s a gate here, too. Regal: Relax. The inhibitor ore is not that way.

Lloyd: How do you know that? Regal: I ve worked in this mine before. Raine: I see. Then let s be on our way. Zelos: Hmm. You worked in a mine? Lloyd, Regal and Raine suspiciously glance at Zelos. Zelos: Yeah, right Lloyd: Zelos? Zelos: Ah, nothing, nothing, just talking to myself. Come on, now, let s go, Lloyd! To help my cute Presea! ? Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. Upon arrival Lloyd: Whoa, there s a boulder here, too. Genis: Let s blow it up just like the last one! Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring to blow up the second boulder. After that, Lloyd s group saw a little person and talks to him. Lloyd: What s this thing? Gnomelette 1: Hey, you losers. Genis: Whoa! It talks! Gnomelette 1: Of course I talk! You d better watch your mouth! Lloyd: He s not very civilized Gnomelette 1: I m on a journey to find and eat some potion. Colette: Eat? Are you sure you re talking about potion? Gnomelette 1: It s something that s only for adults that makes them feel good. Raine: It seems he really does mean potion. Gnomelette 1: Do you losers have any? Lloyd gave the Gnomelette 1 a Mizuho Potion.

Gnomelette 1: Is this it?! Is this the potion? You losers did a good job! The Gnomelette 1 ate the Mizuho Potion. Genis: Whoa, he even ate the bottle. Gnomelette 1: It doesn t taste like anything. Is this what I ve been traveling for all this time? This is lame! Lloyd s group seemed puzzled. Gnomelette 1: I m going home. Later. The Gnomelette 1 left the scene. Lloyd: What the heck was that all about? Lloyd s group moves on. On their way, they stepped on a boulder trap without notice and Lloyd s group jumped to a safe place and the boulder fell into the pit. After that Zelos: Whoa, that was close! What was that? Regal: I m sorry, I had forgotten. That s a trap to stop intruders. Zelos: Pay attention to what you re doing! Regal: There s a switch on the wall ahead. If you press it, the boulders should stop coming out. Lloyd s group turns off the boulder trap and then as they are about to move on Lloyd: Whoa?! What s that spinning thing? The camera views the Bacura. Regal: That s a Naploosa Bacura. Raine: Y you can t mean the great Professor Naploosa s Regal: Yes. It s a device made of concentrated mana in physical form. Normal attacks cannot harm it. Lloyd: Then we can t get past! Regal: I m sorry But if we could strike it with a powerful impact Lloyd: A powerful impact, huh? Hmm Lloyd s group turns on the boulder trap and it activates. Lloyd s group lured the Bacura towards the trap and Lloyd s group activates the trap. The boulder came down and crushes Bacura into pieces. Lloyd s group examines the broken Bacura. Lloyd: It s in pieces now. Raine: Oh, my precious sample Lloyd: Professor, what are you doing picking up the fragments?

Raine: Shut up!


Lloyd: What is it, Professor? Raine: I wonder what this is. Lloyd: It looks like a chakram. Let s go ahead and take it. Lloyd s group received Evil Eye. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with boxes. Upon arrival Regal: This is the inhibitor ore mining area. Lloyd: So which one is inhibitor ore? Regal: Hmm let s search the area. There may be some left over in the wooden boxes. Zelos: Oh, please, I m not going to go through all those boxes! Let s just blow them all up! Lloyd: I agree! Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring to blow up all the boxes. After that, Lloyd s group opened the treasure chest containing the Inhibitor Ore. After they have done this Regal: This is inhibitor ore. Colette: We did it, Lloyd. Now we can save Presea. Lloyd: Yeah. All I need to do now is prepare this. Regal: How long will it take? Lloyd: To be honest, only a dwarf could do it right. But if I carve the charm directly into this, I think it ll serve in place of a Key Crest. If that s all right, I can make it right away. Wait just a little bit. After Lloyd finishes using the Inhibitor Ore in place of a Key Crest Lloyd: I think this will do. Later, once Presea has returned to her normal self, let s have Dad or Altessa make a real one. Regal: I understand. Then, let s return. It is unbearable to leave Presea in that house steeped with the stench of death. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group makes their way out of the mines. Upon approaching the exit Vharley: It s no good, there re no Exspheres around here, either Regal: Vharley!

Vharley turns around and faces Lloyd s group. Vharley: Regal! So you re the one who destroyed the guard system outside.

Lloyd: Who s that? Zelos: That s Vharley, the Exsphere broker. What s he doing here? Regal: Why are you here?! Why has the Pope let you stay free? That s not what I agreed to! Vharley: Hahaha! Did you think the Pope would really keep a promise to a murderer? And you forgotten your promise to bring us Colette! You joined with them instead! Regal: Silence! If the Pope will not fulfill his promise, then I will punish you myself! Vharley: No way! I m getting out of here!

Vharley and the two knights fled the scene. Colette: Regal, who is that man? Genis: He called you a murderer Regal: I am a prisoner serving time for the crime of murder. I won t blame you if you look down on me. Lloyd: What happened? Regal: Explaining would be an excuse. I committed a crime. That s all that needs to be said. Lloyd: My stupid actions have killed many people. I don t know what you did, and your crime won t go away, but when you re suffering, it s all right at least say so. Colette: Um, I don t know how to explain it very well, but I think we have the Goddess inside all our hearts. So I think the Goddess also bears the burden of your sins with you. Um that s all. Regal: Perhaps someday I will have the opportunity to tell the story apologize I

Lloyd s group exits Toize Valley Mine and rides the EC back to Ozette. Upon arrival Man: That s them! The wanted criminals! The 3 Papal Knights appeared at the scenes. Zelos: Ah crap, not the Papal Knights again! Sheena: Why do they always show up where we re going?! Papal Knight: Well, well, if it isn t Master Zelos. I trust you are well. The Papal Knights surrounds Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Dammit! Papal Knight Captain: Remember, capture Colette alive!

Lloyd s group fights the 3 Papal Knights. After Lloyd s group defeats the 3 Papal Knights Lloyd: We managed to win Colette: It s my fault again. I m so sorry, everyone. Lloyd s group faces Colette. Zelos: Don t be silly. They re after my life, too. The Professor and Genis are wanted because they re half-elves. Sheena is from Mizuho, now considered a village of traitors. And Regal is considered a traitor as well. Colette: Thanks. Lloyd: Stop thinking everything s your fault. Colette: I m sorry Lloyd. Lloyd: You don t need to apologize for it Suddenly, Colette kneels to the floor. Colette: Ow! Ugh! Ow! Ow! Lloyd: Colette?! Professor! Colette s! Raine: She s running a fever. But what could be causing this much pain? Presea: Move please leave this to me

Presea appeared at the scene. Raine: Presea? A all right. Lloyd s group steps back. Presea draws her axe and attempts to attack Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group evaded. Presea approaches Colette and strikes her with the wooden handle of the ax. After that, Rodyle appeared at the scene. Rodyle: Good work, Presea. Suddenly, two dragons descended down to the scene. Sheena: Damn! Corrine! Sheena summoned Corrine and Corrine tackled Presea, knocking her out. Rodyle seized Colette and gets on the dragons. Rodyle: I am Rodyle! The most cunning of the Desian Grand Cardinals! I hope you don t mind me taking the Chosen One. Hehehehehe! Lloyd: Desian? Why are the Desians in Tethe alla?! Rodyle, Colette with the two dragons flew away from the scene. Lloyd: Colette! The camera views the dragons flying away to the skies. After that Regal: Lloyd. Will you help Presea?



Lloyd takes out the charm. Lloyd: I ve carved the charm. With us, she should return to her real self. Lloyd places the charm into Presea s Cruxis Crystal. Presea: ? Genis: Presea? Are you okay? Presea: (regained her senses) What? What am I doing? (surprised) Where s my daddy? Later, Lloyd s group enters Presea s house. Presea examines the body in the bed. Presea: (horrified) I what have I been doing? Ahhhhh! Later, Presea buries the dead body into a grave. Presea: Thank you for assisting me with my daddy s burial.

Raine: Have you calmed down a little? Presea nods. Presea: I ve been a great burden on you all. Lloyd: You remember? Presea: Yes mostly Genis: Why did you have an Exsphere like that on you? Presea: I received it from a person named Vharley. Regal: I knew it Vharley! Presea: I wanted to save my sick daddy. I wanted to learn how to wield an ax, so I could work in my daddy s place. So Vharley introduced me to Rodyle, and I was taken to the Research Academy in Sybak. Zelos: The experiments on you were carried out by order of the Pope, right? Lloyd: Which means that Desian is in league with the Pope! Regal: Presea. Do you have an older sister? Presea: No. Raine: Do you have any other family? Presea: I have a younger sister. She left to go into service for a noble and that was the last I saw of her. And my mommy died when I was a child. Zelos: When you were a child? Heh, you re still a child now. Presea: Oh yes, of course. That s right.

Sheena: At any rate, we can t just leave you here in this village by yourself if you have no one to turn to. Raine: Yes, the people of this village seem to avoid her. Presea: I uh I d like to go with all of you if that would be all right. Lloyd: Huh? Why? Presea: It s my fault that Colette was taken away. So please, let me help in her rescue. Regal: Please allow me to come along as well. It seems that my fate is linked to your enemy. IF YOU CHOOSE OF COURSE. Lloyd: Of course you re welcome to join us! Help us save Colette! IF YOU CHOOSE IF THAT S ALL RIGHT WITH PRESEA. Lloyd steps up and faces his group. Lloyd: Is this okay with everyone else? Sheena: We ve come all this way together. Do you even need to ask at this point? Zelos: Exactly. Genis: I m okay with it. Raine: Truthfully, I d like to oppose this, but I already knew it would end up like this. Lloyd: Well, there you go. Lend us your help. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Presea: I will! Regal: Thank you. I m in your debt. I shall not betray your trust. Raine: Now let s hurry and find Colette. Lloyd: All right, they headed east. Kratos: So you ve lost the Chosen.

Kratos appeared at the scene. Lloyd: You again! What have you done with Colette?! Kratos: Rodyle is ignoring our orders and acting on his own. I know nothing of it. Raine: Internal strife? How pathetic. Kratos: Say what you will. Either way, he will have no choice but to abandon the Chosen.

Lloyd: What do you mean? Kratos: The Chosen is useless as she is now. You can let her be. Lloyd: You got to be kidding me! We re going to rescue Colette no matter what! And if you get in our way Lloyd draws his sword and attempts to attack Kratos. Kratos deflected Lloyd s attack with his sword. Kratos: Then, I suggest you seek the Rheairds and head for the eastern skies. I m sure the people of Mizuho have located the Rheairds by now. Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: What s that gut trying to do?

Zelos: Ah, well, who cares? If he s useful, make use of him. Sheena: I agree. Anyway, let s head back to Mizuho for now. Genis: Okay, then, just to make it official, welcome to the group, Presea! Presea: Thank you. Zelos: My cute little Presea, I ll protect you, okay? ? Presea: Thank you, Zelos. Genis: Oh! Oh! I ll I ll Lloyd: Come on, let s go! Lloyd s group is about to take off from the scene. Genis stops and thinks. Genis: I ll protect you too GRRR! Stupid, stupid Lloyd!! Genis catches up with Lloyd s group. Lloyd s group proceeds to Mizuho. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group proceeds to the Vice-Chief s hut. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Tiga. Tiga: Oh, Lloyd, good timing. Lloyd: What is it? Tiga: We ve located the Rheairds. Genis: It s just like Kratos said. Lloyd: Why does he do things like that to help us, if he s our enemy? Presea: But now we can save Colette. Tiga: Sheena, before you recover the Rheairds, I must give you a test. Sheena: A test, Vice-Chief? Tiga: Yes. Even if we recover the Rheairds, if Volt s mana runs out, they will crash again. Thus, before recovering the Rheairds, you are going to form a pact

with Volt. Sheena seemed shocked. Tiga: I know it s hard, but it is a test you must overcome. Sheena: I I can t! Sheena ran away from the scene and Lloyd s group was surprised. Later Tiga: Sheena failed to form a pact with Volt once before. That is the reason why the Chief is in a coma. Later, Lloyd s group are scattered from each other. Lloyd talks to Zelos. Zelos: It s a pretty famous incident. A quarter of Mizuho s population died. She puts on a strong face, but she s really alone in this village. Go cheer her up, man. She seems to have a thing for you. Lloyd talks to Presea. Presea: Sheena looked like she was about to cry. But I believe the deeper the wound, the more important it is to overcome it Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: So that s why Sheena didn t want to form the pacts. Lloyd, let s cheer her up somehow Lloyd talks to Regal. Regal: Sheena is still too young too frail to accept the cruel fate forced upon her. Lend her your strength. Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: You understand the pain of involving others in an incident you caused. Go to her. Lloyd talks to Sheena who is kneeling alongside with Corrine. Corrine: Don t worry! If it comes down to it, I ll save you! Just like you saved me a long time ago. Sheena: I can t Lloyd approaches Sheena. Sheena stands up. Sheena: (to Lloyd) I can t do it. You heard, didn t you? So many people died because I failed to make a pact with Volt. Lloyd: We heard. What about it? Sheena: So I may wind up killing you, too. Lloyd: We won t die. Sheena: Why? Lloyd: Because you re going to succeed.

Sheena: How do you know that? I already failed once. Lloyd: You ll succeed. We ve been helped by your Summon Spirits countless times. Sheena: Lloyd: You are not the old Sheena. You ve already made pacts with other Summon Spirits. It ll be fine. You ll do great. I guarantee it. Corrine: Yeah, Sheena! I ll help, too! Sheena: And if Volt goes berserk again? Lloyd: I ll cut him down myself. And that will be the end of that. Okay? Sheena: All right. I ll try it. Later, Lloyd s group speaks to Tiga. Tiga: As for the whereabouts of the Rheairds, I ll send Orochi to the temple later. Ask him about them. The Temple of Lightning is north of here. Take care. Lloyd s group exits Mizuho and proceeds to the Temple of Lightning. Upon arrival Lloyd: We got in really easy. And I don t see an oracle stone anywhere Raine: This is the flourishing world. It probably isn t functioning as a seal right now. Lloyd s group attempts to move to the next area, but they accidentally stepped on the floor switch triggering a lightning ball trap. Lloyd: Ow, what was that? Sheena: Looks like an electric shock. Raine: It appears when you step on the switch, lightning strikes the rod. Lloyd: Hey, Sheena. You ve been here before, right? What did you do that time? Sheena: I I don t really know anything about the traps in the temple. The others from Mizuho cleared them for me. Lloyd: Then, I guess we ll have to figure it out ourselves. Raine: Lloyd, lightning strikes higher ground. Lloyd: Higher ground? Lloyd s group manages to create the opening to the area with the Sorcerer s Ring device. Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and its power turned to electricity as Lloyd tried it out. Lloyd: Whoa! Looks like it s shooting out electricity. Raine: The electricity is blue.

Lloyd: I wonder if it s useful.

Raine: Hmm Perhaps there is something that can only be destroyed with this electricity. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the next area, Lloyd s group turns on the lightning rod control to reveal a lightning rod. The lightning stopped striking at the lightning rod near the water. Lloyd s group used the second Sorcerer s Ring device and the electricity turns to yellow. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group examines the machine. Lloyd: That s a huge machine! Genis: What is it used for? Lloyd: I don t think it s on. Raine: Yes, the control apparatus may be located somewhere else. Lloyd s group manages to make one of the apparatus lightning rod to reveal and the lightning strikes the apparatus supplying power to the other area. Raine: I guess the apparatus over there is now active because of the lightning strike. Lloyd: I wonder what this thing does? Lloyd s group goes back to the previous are with the apparatus that was not functioning. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by destroying the correct yellow boxes to conduct the electricity to the platform with the boulder. Then, Lloyd s group examines the apparatus. Lloyd: Hey, this machine is on! Raine: It s probably connected to the apparatus that was activated by the lightning strike. Genis: Come on, let s try using it! Lloyd s group turns on the apparatus and the apparatus sends an electricity wave to the platform with the boulder. The boulder drops onto a bridge, destroying the far-left top path, thus creating a path to the bottom. Lloyd s group proceeds to the other area and used the Sorcerer s Ring device and changed the electricity to red. Lloyd s group proceeds to the seal area and manages to destroy the blue, red and yellow boxes near the seal. After that, Lloyd s group activates the lightning rod control. The lightning strikes the lightning rod and Volt appeared at the scene. Lloyd: It s finally time. Sheena: Here I go!

Sheena approaches Volt. Volt: (in another language) Sheena: It s just like before! What the hell is he saying?! I am one who is bound

Raine: Sheena, calm down. I ll translate. (translating) to Mithos. Who are you?

Lloyd: Mithos again? How could he make pacts with Summon Spirits in both Tethe alla and Sylvarant? Genis: Hmm, yeah. Maybe Mithos went back and forth between the worlds with a Rheaird as well. Sheena: I am Sheena! I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos and establish a new pact with me. Volt: Raine: He says that his pact with Mithos is broken. But he no longer desires a pact. Sheena was shocked. Sheena: Volt: Raine: (translating) desire no pact. I will have no more dealings with people, therefore I Why?!

Sheena draws her cards. Sheena: No, we need your help! Lloyd: Sheena! Be careful! Volt begins casting lightning at Lloyd s group and Lloyd s group falls to the first floor. Sheena is about to get up. Sheena: Everyone, watch out! This is just like before! Volt launches a lightning ball at Sheena. Just as Sheena was about to be struck by the lightning ball, Corrine shielded Sheena and Corrine takes the hit from the lightning ball, electrocuting him so bad that he fell to the floor. Sheena immediately checks on Corrine. Sheena: Corrine! Corrine!! Why?! Volt makes his second move by launching lighting at Sheena. Before Sheena could take a hit, Lloyd appeared and used his sword to deflect the lightning. Lloyd: Sheena! Get a hold of yourself! Sheena: But!! Corrine: (dying) Volt s just lost his faith in people. Make your vow and try forming a pact one more time. You can do it, Sheena! Sheena: Corrine! Corrine: I m sorry that I couldn t be of more help. Corrine died at the scene. Sheena: No, Corrine, don t die!! Volt makes another move by launching another lightning at Sheena. Lloyd

immediately used his sword to deflect the lightning. Lloyd: Sheena! Subdue Volt by force! Don t let Corrine s effort go to waste! Otherwise, you ll spend the rest of your life haunted by Volt s shadow! Sheena stands up. Sheena: For the sake of everyone that risked their lives to protect me, Volt! I demand your power! Lloyd s group fights Volt. After Lloyd s group defeats Volt Volt: Raine: Volt says, Make your vow. Sheena: Just like I said, for the sake of everyone that risked their lives to protect me, and for Corrine s sake as well, I want to save both worlds Corrine s ghostly form appeared and then disappeared. Volt: Raine: (translating) pact-maker, Sheena! The vow has been made. I entrust my power to the

Volt transformed into a stone crystal and Sheena received Sardonyx. Sheena: It s over Suddenly, the camera shows a flash. Lloyd: What s happening?

Suddenly, Undine appeared at the scene. Undine: A link between the two worlds has been severed Suddenly, Volt appeared at the scene. Volt: Raine: Wait. I ll translate. The two opposing forces of mana were severed just now? Regal: What does it mean for the mana flow to be severed? Undine: Mana flows from the world in which the Summon Spirits sleep to the world in which the Summon Spirits are awake. This is the first time the Summon Spirits have been awakened in both worlds at the same time. Because of this, the mana connecting the two worlds has been eliminated. Lloyd: Does that mean that Sylvarant and Tethe alla have stopped competing for each other s mana? Volt: Raine: (translating) I do not know. The only thing certain is that the flow of mana between the worlds has been severed.

Undine: Yes. Eventually the worlds shall separate Genis: You mean the two worlds will split apart? Zelos: That s perfect! Then they ll stop competing for each other s mana! Raine: There are five seals in Sylvarant. And since there wasn t a Summon Spirit at the fifth seal, we should be able to sever all of the mana if we awaken the Summon Spirits that correspond to the other four seals. Maybe. Lloyd: So if we awaken Tethe alla s Summon Spirits, we ll save Sylvarant without having Tethe alla go into decline, right? Undine: At the least, the mana connecting the worlds will disappear and the two worlds will separate. Undine and Volt vanishes from the scene. Regal: I see. So the seals serve as a link between the two worlds. Presea: We owe it all to you, Sheena and Corrine as well. Sheena: Huh?

Presea: Because the two of you risked your lives to form the pact with Volt, we now know what the seals do. Lloyd: That s right. It s thanks to both of you. Sheena: (to herself) Corrine thank you Now that Sheena received the ability to summon Volt, Sheena also received Corrine s Bell and Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit of the Temple of Lightning. Upon reaching the exit Orochi: I guess you succeeded in forming the pact with Volt. Congratulations, Sheena. Sheena: Orochi, thank you. the Rheairds. Take a look at this map. (shows s guardian was detected under the sea, area covered in ice is located there. That must base.

Orochi: Now, the whereabouts of the map) The signal from Sheena southeast of here. A fjord-like be the entrance to the Renegade

Raine: (surprised) If it s underwater, does that mean we ll have to dive into the sea? Orochi: Don t worry about that. I ll go on ahead and make preparations. You guys join me later on. Orochi left the scene. Lloyd: Okay, let s get going! Presea: Yes. To rescue Colette as well. Zelos: Yeah. I hope Colette is all right. Presea: Yes.

Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Lightning and rides the EC to Tethe alla Base. Upon arrival Orochi: This way! Lloyd s group approaches Orochi and a soldier. Lloyd: Hey, isn t he a Renegade? Orochi: Relax. He s one of our people who ve infiltrated the Renegades. It s the easiest way to investigate the declining world of Sylvarant. Lloyd: Wow! So you guys even keep tabs on Sylvarant! Soldier: I m the guard on duty at the moment. Please go in through the entrance now. Zelos: Well then, it s time for us to get in there and get those Rheairds. Regal: Aren t we in a hurry, Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah, let s go. Lloyd s group enters Tethe alla Base. Upon entering Lloyd: Hmm? Hey, Zelos is gone. Presea: You re right. I wonder what happened to him. Zelos appeared at the scene. Zelos: Ah, hey, sorry to keep you waiting, my cute hunnies. Were you lonely? Regal: What were you doing? Everyone was worried about you. Zelos: I was just taking a quick look around the area. We wouldn t want to walk into a trap, now, would we? Well, not it s time to start the adventure of the Great Zelos and his cute hunnies! ? Orochi: I ll explain the infiltration procedure. Please come this way. Lloyd s group follows Orochi to the next room. Orochi: There s no time. I m going to make this quick. The Rheaird Hangar is in the deepest part of this facility. There s only one passage to the hangar. Zelos: Sounds like a piece of cake. Orochi: I m not done. Even if you get to the hangar, the door will be shut. Raine: So it s locked. Orochi: Yes. In order to open that lock, you must enter a pass code. Lloyd: Okay, tell us the pass code, then. Orochi: I m sorry. We did our best, but we weren t able to get the pass code. But we did find out that there are three pass codes, and each code is in the possession of a different Desian.

Lloyd: In other words, we need to catch those three and get them to tell us the pass codes? Orochi: Yes. I ll remain here and support you. If you need something, come talk to me. One last thing. Even if you acquire the Rheairds, it s highly unlikely they ll be able to make the transfer to Sylvarant in their current condition. Lloyd: Why? Orochi: The Rheaird dimensional transfer system functions by procuring energy from the Renegade bases in the two worlds. Flying is not a problem as long as you have Volt, but without the energy charge from the base Sheena: Then the reason we were able to go from Sylvarant to Tethe alla was Raine: They must have already been charged with energy. We were lucky. Lloyd: There s no choice. Right now, we need the ability to fly. Regal: Indeed. Let s hurry. Lloyd s group finds and defeats the Renegade soldiers who carry the pass codes. After that, Lloyd s group goes back to the starting room and talks to Orochi. Orochi: The pass codes you ve learned so far are THE LIFE OF MANA IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. The door will open now. Head for the hangar! Orochi heals Lloyd s group. Orochi: Good luck. Lloyd s group proceeds to the hangar. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by creating a path and activating the elevators to the door locked with a pass code. Lloyd enters the pass code. After that, the door opens and Lloyd s group enters. Upon entering, Lloyd s group saw the Rheairds and just as they are going to escape with it Yuan: So you ve come, like moths to the flame! Yuan and Botta surround Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Do you ever say anything original? Zelos: You gotta admit that line is seriously clichd. Yuan: I see your attitudes haven t changed! But your impudence ends here! Prepare to die! Lloyd s group fights Yuan and Botta. After Lloyd s group defeats Yuan and Botta, Yuan kneels to the floor. Botta rushes to Yuan. Yuan: Impossible! How could I lose? Lloyd, your Exsphere to think that it s really evolving Lloyd: My Exsphere? Suddenly, the area is shaking. Yuan: What s this shaking?!

Regal: Lloyd! Now s our chance! Let s take the Rheairds, now! Lloyd: A all right. Lloyd s group boards the Rheairds and takes off from the scene. The camera switches to Yuan and Botta. Botta: Sir! This earthquake! Could a mana link have been broken? Yuan: Possibly. Investigate the cause of this earthquake immediately! The camera shows a Renegade soldier appearing at the scene. Renegade Soldier: What shall we do about the Rheairds? Yuan: It doesn t matter. Let them go. Our little friend can tell us where they are at any time. Lloyd s group takes the Rheairds to the Dragon s Nest. Upon arrival Lloyd: We finally found you! Lloyd s group disembarks the Rheairds and landed on the Dragon s Nest. Lloyd saw Colette who is trapped in a barrier. Lloyd: Colette! Lloyd attempts to approach Colette. Colette: No, Lloyd, stay away! It s a trap!

Lloyd: What? Suddenly, Rodyle appeared at the scene. Presea draws her ax. Presea: You will pay for using me! Let Colette go! Presea attempts to attack Rodyle, but Rodyle disappeared in an illusion. Raine: An illusion? Rodyle reappeared at the scene. Rodyle: Hahahaha! You can have that worthless Chosen! Now I understand why lord Yggdrasill left her alone. Lloyd: Worthless?! Rodyle: Absolutely. A sinful Chosen like that is completely useless for my Mana Cannon. She can t even save the world. She can t merge with Martel. She even puts her friends in danger. What a pathetic Chosen. Presea: Stop blaming Colette for things she did not do! Regal: Indeed. It is enough that I alone bear the weight of sin. You and I are the epitome of sin! I ll drag you down to hell with me! Rodyle: Take me to hell? You inferior beings and your silly jokes.

Lloyd s group attempts to approach Rodyle. Colette: Everyone, please, run! Rodyle: Now, my darling pets! Feed on the flesh of these wretched beings! Dragons appeared at the scene. Colette: Don t try to fight them! Run! Presea: Winged dragon, a subspecies of dragon. Carnivorous. Excels at the pursuit and capture of prey. The probability of successful evasion on this small platform is one percent. Zelos: Give me a break! I ll pass on dying, thanks! Lloyd draws his sword. Lloyd: All we have to do is defeat them before they can kill us! Regal: Indeed. I have no intention of becoming a part of the food chain without a fight. Lloyd s group fights Winged Dragon and 2 Baby Dragons. After Lloyd s group defeats Winged Dragon and 2 Baby Dragons, the barrier from Colette surrounds the area. Colette: No, it s too late! Regal: What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us? Sheena: Arrgh I can t move! Genis: It s Colette! The mana from Colette s body is flowing out towards us! Raine: It s caused by that magic circle beneath her! Lloyd: Colette! Get out of there! Colette: I can t I m chained to it. I I can t move. I m sorry. I m just a Chosen who couldn t even save her friends, much less the world. Maybe I m just like Rodyle said, a pathetic Chosen Presea: No, Colette, don t delude yourself. You haven t done anything wrong. What s wrong is this system that demands the sacrifice of the Chosen! Presea slowly approaches the barrier and strikes it with her ax. Presea: Augh! The barrier s surrounding stuns Presea. Colette was freed from the barrier. Colette: Presea! Thank you Suddenly, the Dragon s Nest is shaking. Zelos: Whoa, what s up with the ground?! Lloyd: We have to get out of here!

Colette: Lloyd, I Lloyd: Colette! You have to live! Colette: I I know.

Lloyd s group boards the Rheairds and evacuated from the scene. The Dragon s Nest crumbles and falls into the water. Later, Lloyd s group managed to get to safety. Lloyd: Is everybody okay? Zelos: I m still alive! Sheena: It looks like everyone s all right. Regal: But for what purpose did that Rodyle character kidnap Colette?

Colette: He said he needed a Cruxis Crystal in order to control the Mana Cannon. But apparently, mine didn t work. Lloyd: Mana Cannon? Raine: Pietro, the man we saved in Hima, also spoke of this Mana Cannon. Genis: Presea s waking up! Presea regained conscious after the Dragon s Nest incident. Presea: Colette are you okay? Colette: Yes, thanks to you. Presea: Presea has a happy look on her face. Lloyd: Presea smiled! Regal: She resembles her, just as I thought.

Zelos: Okay then, now that my cute little Presea smiled, it s a good time to start thinking about the next step. Genis: Yeah. We got Colette back, so what now? Lloyd: What else? We re going to separate the two worlds! Zelos: So we re gonna form pacts with the Summon Spirits of both worlds. Sheena: This is where I come in, right? How about we start with the Summon Spirit, Gnome? He should be near here. Lloyd: All right, that sounds good. Professor? Is that okay with you? Raine: What? Um, y yes sure. That s fine. Lloyd: Professor? Is something wrong?

Raine: It s nothing. Anyway, let s get going.

After Colette rejoined Lloyd s group, they take a rest. The next morning, Lloyd s group proceeds to the Temple of Earth. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changed after using it. Lloyd: What is it this time? Lloyd uses the Sorcerer s Ring and the area shook. Lloyd: Whoa! Genis: That was startling! Colette: That was a big one. Raine: An earthquake this big might be enough to change the shape of the dungeon. Lloyd s group moves on. Near the bridge, Lloyd s group encounters a Gnomelette. Gnomelette 5: Hey, you losers can t just barge in here! Lloyd: What s this thing? Gnomelette 5: Who you callin There was a brief pause. Raine: We have business further on ahead. Will you please let us through? Gnomelette 5: Well, Big Brother came back and all. Yeah, sure, go on. Colette: Thank you! Gnomelette 5: Aww, you don t have to thank me, hunny. You re making me blush. Genis: Hmm, that sounds like someone we know Zelos: What? That s what I m like? Talk about a shock Lloyd: Let s go. Lloyd s group is about to move on. Zelos: H hey, isn t anyone going to say something? Presea: Zelos. I think you and that small child are different. Zelos: Oh, Presea! ? Regal appeared at the scene. Regal: Presea, not all questions require a response. IN this case, it is fine to ignore Zelos. Presea: I see. There was a brief pause. Zelos: You re one to talk a thing?! You wanna fight? Huh?

Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the next area Lloyd: We re not going to be able to get past this. Raine: It looks like we ll have to find another way around. Lloyd s group moves on to the other area. In the other area, Lloyd s group encounters some Gnomelettes. Gnomelette 4: What? You losers got a problem? You wanna fight? Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: Are they all like this? Zelos: They must have had a poor upbringing. Sheena: Just like you. Zelos: Ouch! Sheen! That s harsh! Gnomelette 4: What are you babbling about? What re you here for? Regal: We wish to go further in. Would you mind letting us through? Gnomelette 4: You want me to let you through for free? The world don t work that way, kid. Lloyd: Not again You and your brothers look and act way too much alike So what is it you want? Gnomelette 4: What is spicy spicy to eat! like? Does spicy taste good? Gimme something

Genis: He wants to eat something spicy? Maybe like curry? Gnomelette 4: Oh! Yeah! That s good! Feed me that! Raine; Then, let s take a break here. Regal: Who will cook? Lloyd: Hmm IF YOU CHOOSE COLETTE TO COOK Lloyd: Colette, how about you make it? Colette: Okay, I ll do my best. I hope I can make it taste good Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Colette cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Genis: Please, eat up. ? Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy!

Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Genis: And I tried so hard Lloyd: Hey, Colette, this is great! Colette: Really? Lloyd: Yeah. I ll ask you to make curry next time. Colette: Okay, leave it to me! IF YOU CHOOSE GENIS TO COOK Lloyd: Genis, how about you make some? Genis: Leave it to me then. Cooking is my specialty. Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Genis cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Genis: Give it a try. Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Genis: It s no fun making food for someone like that. Lloyd: Hey, Genis, this is good. Genis: Isn t it? There s plenty more! (to Presea) Ah, Presea, would you like seconds? Presea: Yes, please. Zelos: How about some more for me, too? Genis: Okay. Raine: I shall take more as well. Genis: Have as much as you like. Later, Genis prepared more curries for Lloyd s group and after eating them Lloyd: Hey, Genis there s still a ton left Colette: I m stuffed Genis: I think I made too much.

Raine: Honestly, Genis IF YOU CHOOSE RAINE TO COOK Lloyd: Professor, how about you make some? Raine: What? I m going to make it? Genis: I can t believe you picked Raine Raine approaches Genis. Raine: Oh, I get it! You re going to find out if the Gnomelette can really taste or n-Raine slaps Genis in the face. Raine: And what is that supposed to mean? I d be happy to make it, Lloyd. Lloyd: Thanks. Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Raine cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Raine: What do you think? Give it a try. Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Genis: I guess it s a good thing he can t tell the taste. Raine: I worked really hard on it, you know. Would you like to try some, Lloyd? Lloyd: But this guy s already eaten all of it. Raine: Oh. That s too bad IF YOU CHOOSE SHEENA TO COOK Lloyd: Sheena, how about you make some? Sheena: What? Me? Well, sure, if you want Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Sheena cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Raine: How is it? Pretty good, huh? Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled.

Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Sheena: Oh, well. It s fun to cook every now and then. I wouldn t want to get out of practice. Zelos: Oh, Sheena, what does that mean? You practicing your cooking for when you get married? I didn t expect to hear that from you of all people! Sheena has a humiliating look on her face. Sheena: N no, it s not that! Sheesh! Lloyd: Hey, this is good. This is declicious, Sheena. Sheena: R really? Using pineapple is the trick. Lloyd: What?! You don t usually put pineapple in curry! Sheena: But you just said it was good! Lloyd: Yeah, but that s still not something that goes in curry. You re weird, Sheena. Sheena: It brings out the sourness and makes it taste better! And it does taste good, see?! Presea: Pineapple is not normally used in curry IF YOU CHOOSE ZELOS TO COOK Lloyd: Zelos, how about you make some? Zelos: Okay! I ll show you what I can do! Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Zelos cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Zelos: Well? Well? It s spicy, but good, right? Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Zelos looked startled. Zelos: W well, it s not like I put a lot of effort into it or anything, anyway Presea: Zelos. You were dripping with sweat. Regal: Yes, you appeared to be very serious about making it Lloyd: I just tried some, and it s good. It s a waste to just feed it to that Gnomelette.

Zelos: Bud! ? Lloyd: Hey! Stop that! IF YOU CHOOSE PRESEA TO COOK Lloyd: Presea, how about you make some? Presea: I understand. Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Presea cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Presea: Please enjoy it Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Genis: Well Presea went through all that work to make it, so I ll have some, too! Genis eats his curry. Genis: It s d delicious Presea: Delicious? That s strange I focused on the spiciness, not the flavor. It s not really meant to be eaten by humans. Lloyd, Zelos and Regal seemed puzzled. Lloyd: Genis Zelos: Poor kid. Lloyd: Next time, make something for us too, okay? Presea: I will do my best. IF YOU CHOOSE REGAL TO COOK Lloyd: Regal, how about you make some? Regal: All right. Then I must get my kitchen knife. Genis: Wait. You have your own kitchen knife? Regal: It is a tool filled with the soul of those who cook. I have one at all times and like anything else, if you treat them carefully it will respond likewise. Genis: Ah, yeah. I guess you re right. Zelos: Hmmm That s unusual, coming from you. You rarely speak that much.

Regal: Ah yes. I m sorry. I ll get to work. Later, Lloyd s group takes a rest while Regal cooks and prepares curries. Gnomelette 4: Oh! So this is spicy ! Gnomelette 4 ate the curry. Gnom4lette 4: Oh! Spicy! Spicy! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: He probably doesn t understand what spicy is. Regal: I wanted to ask his opinion for future improvement, but I suppose it s useless. Genis: You know, Regal acts a little different when it comes to cooking. Lloyd: That shows how passionate he is about it. I think that s a good thing. Hey, is it all right if I have some, too? Regal: Of course. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT After that, Gnomelette 4 got out of the way. Lloyd s group approaches Gnomelette 3. Gnomelette 3: What? You losers got a problem? You wanna fight? Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: Their reactions are identical to the point that it s just silly No, we don t have any business with you. Gnomelette 3: Hmm? Your faces says, We want to go further in, but there s a big chasm and we can t go any further. I wonder if there was some other place we haven t been yet? Well, I guess we ll go here. Right? Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: What kind of face is that? Gnomelette 3: You want me to help you? Lloyd s group seemed startled. Lloyd: What?! Genis: What do you want this time?! Gnomelette 3: What? Nothin . Don t need nothin . Presea: This one is nice. Raine: Please help us. Gnomelette 3: Okay then, I ll be waiting at the secret passage ahead, so hurry up.

Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the next area, Lloyd s group encounters Gnomelette 1. Gnomelette 1: Oh, you guys. You re the one that gave me Lloyd: This must be Big Brother. Colette: They all look the same, so it s hard to tell. Gnomelette 1: Do you want to go back up? Then use this hole. It s a secret passage that only Gnomelettes uses. Gnomelette 1 moves out of the way. Lloyd: Thanks, Big Brother. Lloyd s group takes the secret passage to the main area. In the main area, Lloyd s group talks to Gnomelette 3. Gnomelette 3: Oh, there you are. There s a big chasm further in. We have to drop the path above down onto it to get past it. I ll go on over there. Lloyd: What do we do there? Gnomelette 3: I ll tell you when we get there. Lloyd: All right. Gnomelette 3: Okay, I m going now, but do something about those monsters along the way. It s really annoying when one of them touches me. Lloyd: So I need to make sure no enemies touch you, right? Gnomelette 3: Yeah. I ll raise a big fuss if they do. Lloyd s group follows Gnomelette 3 to the next area. In the next area, Lloyd s group talks to Gnomelette 3 again. Gnomelette 3: Oh, you re here! Lloyd: So what do we do now? Gnomelette 3: You and I are going to cause an earthquake at the same time. Then, this path will fall down, okay? Lloyd: I get it. We re going to increase the strength of the shock. Gnomelette 3: I ll say, 1, 2, 3, so match your timing with mine and use the Sorcerer s Ring. If we do it a few times, it ll fall. Lloyd: Gotcha. Gnomelette 3: Want to hear that again? Lloyd: No, thanks. Gnomelette 3: Okay then, here we go. Lloyd and the Gnomelette 3 manages to time the shock on the bridge. After that potion.

Gnomelette 3: Oh! The bridge collapsed and part of the bridge were created a path to fill the gap that Lloyd s group previously witnessed. Lloyd: Hey! You almost got us killed! Gnomelette 3: Oh! I didn t think about what would happen after it fell. Lloyd: If we didn t have these Exspheres, we d be dead. Gnomelette 3: Everybody makes mistakes. Hahahaha. Well, I m going now. Lloyd: Yeah. Thanks. Gnomelette 3 left the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to the seal. Upon arrival, the area was shaking. Then, Gnome popped out from the ground and appeared at the scene. Lloyd: So this is Gnome! Genis: Since Volt was Undine s opposite, Gnome s is Lloyd: Efreet! If we wake up Efreet, that ll sever their mana flow, right? Raine: No, it s Sylph! Honestly, how many times do I have to tell you before you actually remember it? Regal: I see that the level of education in Sylvarant matches the status of the world. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Yeah, I guess you could say that! Presea: Lloyd, that was not a compliment. Sheena: All right, here we go! Sheena approaches Gnome. Gnome: Hmm so, you re a summoner, huh? Well, look, sorry, but I ve already got a pact with Mithos, k? Colette: There s Mithos name again. He must have been amazing!

Sheena: I am Sheena! I seek a pact with Gnome. I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Gnome: Man, you sure use some stuffy language. Bleh. Sheena: (startled) Uh, well I mean, this is how I was taught to do it. Gnome: Really? Oh yeah well, whatever. All right, show me whatcha got. Bring it on! Come on! Heh! Lloyd s group fights Gnome. After Lloyd s group defeats Gnome Gnome: You guys fight dirty, you know that? I mean, what s up with that

four-on-one garbage?! Mithos well, he did it by himself! Lloyd s group seemed startled. Gnome: Oh yeah? Well, whatever. Make your vow already! Sheena: (couldn t stand Gnome) Augh! This guy is hard to deal with For the sake of creating a place in which the two worlds no longer must sacrifice one another, gimme your power! Gnome: Hmm well, all right. I ll go ahead and lend my power to you guys. Then, the three Sylphs Sephie, Yutis and Fairess appeared at the scene. Gnome: Whoa, Sylph! Hehe, it s been, like, what, uh, four thousand years? How s it goin ? Lookin good! Sephie: It has been a long time, hasn t it? It seems that the mana flow between us has been severed. Gnome: Yep, there s gonna be an earthquake here in a bit. After all, we just basically ripped out the mana link. (literal) Hello. Yutis: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Fairess: Take care, everyone! See ya all later! Gnome: Okay, later! The three Sylphs vanish from the scene. Gnome then transformed into a stone crystal and Sheena received Ruby. Lloyd: All right! Just like we planned! Zelos: But you know, I ve been thinking if the worlds are separated from each other, we re not gonna be able to se each other again, are we? Lloyd: Why not? We can just go back and forth with the Rheairds. Raine: Right now, we can move in between the worlds because they re connected by the flow of mana. But if the worlds are split apart, we don t know what will happen. Regal: So the instant the flow of mana is severed, the two worlds may part ways forever. Colette: Will that mean that when we form the pact with the final Summon Spirit, we ll all have to say goodbye? Lloyd: We don t know if that s really the case, so there s no point in worrying about it right now. Zelos: True. Presea: Where shall we go next?

Regal: I ve heard that the Summon Spirit, Celsius, resides near Flanoir. Lloyd: Okay then, let s go have a look.

Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Gnome, Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit of the Temple of Earth. Upon arriving near the exit, the area shook. Lloyd: It s an earthquake! Sheena: It s just like Gnome said. Raine: It s the proof that the flow of mana has been severed. The earthquake at the Renegade base may have been caused by it as well. Regal: Splitting apart worlds is no minor task. One can expect the land to react to these unforeseen events with at least an earthquake or two. Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Earth and rides the Rheairds to Altessa s House. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group saw and talk to Gnomelette 2. Gnomelette 2: Huh? You people? You seen my big brother? Lloyd: What the? What are you talking about? Gnomelette 2: My big brother ain t back, so I m lookin for him. Colette: Actually, your brother has already gone home. Gnomelette 2: Really?! Really?! Presea: Really. Lloyd: Now they re probably looking for you. You should go back home. Gnomelette 2: Really?! I m going home! The Gnomelette 2 left the scene. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Temple of Earth and enters the secret passage where they saw and talk to the Gnomelettes. Gnomelette 1: There s one missing! Gnomelette 2 appeared at the scene. Gnomelette 1: Oh! Everyone s here! Here we go, losers! The Gnomelettes left the scene. Lloyd s group examines the blue treasure chest. Lloyd: What s with this thing? It won t open. Genis: It s sealed by some type of power. You shouldn t fiddle with it. I don t like the looks of it. Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Earth and rides the Rheairds to The Snowy City, Flanoir. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group then saw a man with a backpack and talks to him. Man: Ah, excuse me! Lloyd seemed puzzled. Man: Don you by any chance have any Celsius Lloyd: Celsius Tear? What s that? Tear? Oh?

Man: Celsius Tear is a famous ice flower in Flanoir. It has the mysterious power to freeze anything. Lloyd: Freeze anything I don t know of anything like that. Man: I see If you find any, please let me know. I ll pay whether you ask. Lloyd: Okay. Man: Also, be careful when handling the Celsius Tear. If you touch it directly, you ll be badly burned. Lloyd: Then how do we get it? Man: You ll be fine if you touch it with Penguinist Gloves. Ask the old man at the Snow White accessory shop about it. Lloyd s group talks to the old man in the Snow White accessory shop. Old Man: Hmm? You want to know about the Penguinist Gloves? Penguinist Gloves are nice, warm mittens made from quills of Penguinists, which dwells in the ice caves. Hmm, let me see. If you had three Penguinist Quills, I could make a pair for you. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Temple of Ice. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group manages to fight the Peguinists and defeating them until they received 3 Peguinist Quills. After that, Lloyd s group goes back to Flanoir. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group proceeds to the Snow White accessory shop and talks to the old man. Old Man: Oh! You have three Peguinist Quills! I ll make you a pair of Penguinist Gloves. Give the quills to me. Lloyd gave three Peguinist Quills to the old man. Old Man: Oh! Good, good! This is my first job in a while! Now, just wait there a minute. After the old man finishes creating the Peguinist Gloves Old Man: There, it s done. It s a pair of Penguinist Gloves. Please, take them. Lloyd s group received Penguinist Gloves. After that, Lloyd s group heads back to the Temple of Ice. Upon entering, Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device to change the Sorcerer s Ring s power. Lloyd: Whoa! The ring suddenly got cold! Genis: I bet you can use the ring s cold power to freeze anything. Lloyd: Okay, then let s test it on you. Genis: Lloyd! Lloyd: I m kidding, I m kidding. Lloyd s group moves on. Lloyd s group reaches the area with the Celsius Lloyd: So this is Celsius Tear? Tear.

Genis: It must be. Now we just need to use the Peguinist Gloves. Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group uses the Penguinist Gloves to take the Celsius Tear and Lloyd s group received Celsius Tear. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the main cave area of the Temple of Ice and uses the Sorcerer s Ring to freeze the water drops, creating a block for platform creation. Lloyd s group manages to create a path with the frozen blocks and then arrived in the area with the big lake. Lloyd: If we freeze the lake, it looks like we can walk to the other side. Lloyd pauses for a brief moment. Lloyd: The coldness of Celsius Tear might be able to freeze this lake. Lloyd uses the Celsius Tear on the lake and it froze. Lloyd: Great. It worked just like we thought. Now we can get to the other side. Lloyd s group manages to figure the correct path to walk-slide through the frozen lake and then to the next dry surface. In the next area, Lloyd s group examines the sign next to the locked door and four ice totems. Lloyd: The answer lies in the place with a view? Raine: It must be a clue to opening this door. Lloyd: Where s this place with a view? Lloyd s group manages to figure out and solve the puzzle by rotating the four totems in the correct position as they saw in the frozen lake. After that, the locked door opened. Lloyd s group proceeds to the seal room. Upon arrival, the area shakes as ice approaches the seal. Voice of Celsius: You who posses the right of the pact. I am Celsius, one who is bound to Mithos, the hero. Sheena: I seek a pact with Celsius. I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Voice of Celsius: You seek a pact with me? How amusing. Let s see if you can handle me. Lloyd s group fights Celsius and Fenrir. After Lloyd s group defeats Celsius and Fenrir Celsius: Excellent. It would appear that my freezing chill is but a summer s breeze to you. Now, speak your vow. A vow worthy of my power! Sheena: For the sake of creating a place in which the two worlds no longer must sacrifice one another, I ask that thou grant me thy power! Celsius: Understood. Use my power well. Suddenly, Efreet appeared at the scene. Efreet: Celsius it has been a long time. Celsius: I never thought I d have to see your face again.

Efreet: While we may be opposing forces, must you avoid me so earnestly? Celsius: What choice do we have? We are harmful to one another. Efreet: Then perhaps we should be joyous that our mana has been severed. Celsius: Who knows. What is clear, though, is that this situation will affect the entire world. Efreet: Indeed. Celsius: All we can do now is trust in the pact-maker. Efreet: Yes. We leave everything in your hands. Efreet vanishes from the scene. Celsius transform into a stone crystal and Sheena received Sapphire. Lloyd: Just one more to go Colette: Do you really think Sylvarant and Tethe alla will be cut off from each other forever? Zelos: We re gonna do this regardless, right? Lloyd: Yeah. Genis: But if the Rheairds stop working after we form the last pact, we re going to be stuck in one world or the other. Sheena: The people of Mizuho wish to move to Sylvarant. There has to be something we can do... Raine: Hmm. I suggest we do some investigation on the effects of separating the worlds before we form the pact with the final Summon Spirit. Suddenly, the area shook. Regal: It seems as though the shaking has increased in magnitude. Presea: The time between the severing of the mana flow and the resulting earthquake has decreased as well. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: I guess the worlds are struggling to split apart. Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Celsius, Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit of the Temple of Ice. Upon approaching the exit, the camera switches to the world map where the sky is gray and lightning strikes Ozette. The camera switches back to the Temple of Ice with Lloyd s group horrified from what they saw. Zelos: What s going on?! Presea: That s the direction of Ozette Regal: Yes.

Genis: What could it be? There s a staggering amount of mana flowing from that lightning Raine: I have a bad feeling about this. Lloyd: Let s go! Lloyd s group immediately proceeds to Ozette where it is now in flames. Colette: No! The camera views the houses burning and then a boy who is laying on the floor. Presea: This is horrible.

Lloyd: What happened here?! Colette: Look! Genis: Lloyd! Look! Colette: Look out!! The camera shows the burning logs falling near the unconscious boy. Lloyd approaches the boy. Lloyd: What s wrong, are you okay? Colette, Genis and Presea approach the scene. Lloyd: We have to get out of here! Later, Lloyd s group taking the boy with them, arrived safely near Presea s house. Lloyd: What the hell happened here? Boy: I don t really know. Suddenly, lightning fell from the sky, and angels attacked the village. Raine: Angels? Boy: They had wings. Those with wings are angels right? Lloyd: Dammit, it must have been the Cruxis! Presea: Cruxis so angels destroyed the village Regal: Presea, are you okay? Presea: I m fine. But this unsettling irritation is this anger?

Zelos: I m impressed you survived. Are you the only survivor? What s your name? Mithos: My name is Mithos. I lived by myself on the outskirts of the village, so Lloyd: You have the same name as Mithos, the hero! Genis: Wait, are you a half-elf?

Mithos: I I no. Mithos steps back. Raine: Relax. You can tell, can t you? We have the same blood flowing through our veins as you do. Mithos seemed startled. Mithos: You re half-elves, too?! But you re with humans! Colette: It s okay, we re all friends. Mithos: Humans and half-elves as friends? You re lying!

Genis: No, it s true. My sister and I are part of this group. Raine: Relax. Mithos: Y yeah, but

Regal: Your reaction is understandable. I ve heard that the village of Ozette is particularly known for its contempt for half-elves. If you lived an isolated life in this village, you must have suffered. Suddenly, Altessa and Tabatha appeared at the scene. Altessa: What happened here? Lloyd: You re Altessa, right? What are you doing here? Altessa: I saw the lightning of judgment fall towards this village. But what in the world Presea: It was the work of Cruxis angels Altessa: Presea! You ve regained your true self?! How could they do this? Is this their punishment for failing the experiment? Sheena: What do you mean, punishment? Altessa: Nothing. It s nothing!

Altessa ran away from the scene. Lloyd: Wait! Lloyd attempts to run after Altessa, but Tabatha blocked his way. Tabatha: THE MASTER BELIEVES THAT IT IS HIS FAULT THAT OZETTE WAS DESTROYED. Colette: Altessa is connected to Ozette? Tabatha: YES. EXCUSE ME. I AM WORRIED ABOUT THE MASTER. Tabatha left the scene. Presea: I m going to follow him.

Lloyd: Yeah. (to Mithos) Mithos, you should come with us. Mithos: But I m a half-elf and Lloyd: That doesn t matter. Besides, what are you going to do if you stay here and the angels come back? Genis: Lloyd s right! Let s all go together! Genis slightly approaches Mithos and extends his right hand. Mithos was clueless, but he holds Genis hand as well. Lloyd s group exits Ozette and proceeds to Altessa s House. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to Altessa and Tabatha. Altessa: I was a craftsman who worked for Cruxis. Lloyd: So you re on the side of the angels of Yggdrasill! Altessa: You know Lord Yggdrasill?! Lloyd: Know him?! Because of him, Sylvarant and Tethe alla were twisted into worlds that fight for each other s mana! Altessa glances at Colette. Altessa: That s a Cruxis Crystal I see. You must be the Chosen of the declining world. This may be fate. What happened to Ozette was my fault Presea seemed startled and approaches Altessa. Presea: What do you mean? Altessa: I came to hate the work I did, for it was indirectly taking people s lives. I ran from Cruxis and had myself in Ozette. But I was found by a Desian named Rodyle. He ordered me to create a Cruxis Crystal in exchange for my life. Zelos: So that means that the research on Presea was organized by Rodyle and the Pope, who then had you and Kate carry it out? Altessa: Right. Rodyle, while a Desian in service of Cruxis, was also planning to revolt against Cruxis. Because I supported him it that Lord Yggdrasill grew angry and he He destroyed the town of Ozette, which had protected me! Regal: So this is how Presea this girl who reflects my distant memories is how she was caught up in this This is terrible beyond words. This

Altessa: I m sorry. I can never apologize enough, but apologizing is all I can do now. Presea: My time will not come back. The people of the village and Daddy will not come back. Genis: Presea Altessa: I m sorry Presea turned around. Presea: Don t apologize. Even if you apologize I can t forgive you right now.

Altessa left the scene and went back inside the house. Tabatha: PRESEA I BELIEVE YOUR LOSS HAS BEEN GREAT. BUT PLEASE, DO NOT LOSE YOURSELF AS WELL. Tabatha left the scene and went back inside the house. Mithos: I can understand Presea s feelings a little. Some things never came back Even if he apologizes even if you want to forgive, you can t control those feelings. Regal: Not being forgiven that may be punishment. Lloyd: I don t think that s right. Forgiving or not forgiving isn t a punishment I can t really explain it well, but Zelos: Ah, well, anyway, let s not get into a philosophical discussion right now. Presea doesn t need to force herself to forgive him or anything. Let s just think about what we can do now. Raine: Yes, you re right. As for me, I think we should take this opportunity to ask Altessa all he knows about Cruxis. We currently don t have enough information. Wouldn t you agree? Lloyd: Yeah Presea, would you rather wait here? Presea: No I ll listen as well.

Lloyd s group enters Altessa s House. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Altessa. Altessa: Do you have business with me? Lloyd: Can you tell us about Cruxis? Altessa: It ll be a long story. Colette: That s okay. Later Altessa: Cruxis is an organization made up almost entirely of half-elves. There are a large number of dwarves besides me involved as well. Lloyd: So there are other dwarves besides you and my Dad? Altessa: Their objectives are to begin the Age of Half-elves and the revival of Martel. For that purpose, they make use of the Church of Martel and try to fuse the Chosen with Martel s consciousness. Genis: But if that s true, then why do the Desians try to kill the Chosen? Altessa: Exspheres and Cruxis Crystals awaken when stimulated by people s fear and suffering. Also by their combat instincts. That is why the Desians disrupt the declining world. In order to facilitate the angel transformation, they deliberately put the Chosen in danger. Regal: Rodyle what is he scheming? Altessa: The revival of the Mana Cannon. He obtained the plans to the Mana Cannon somehow and is constructing it in Sylvarant. He s also the master of his

own ranch. It s likely he s using his captives in the construction of the cannon. Once it s complete, he probably intends to build his own empire. Presea: How can he make everyone suffer for such a thing? Sheena: Say, then, is it true that Yggdrasill made the two worlds? Altessa: Well, that s how I heard it. That he anchored the two worlds, which are never to come in contact, via four mana links, and placed the Great Seed in the center between them to guard it. Lloyd: The Great Seed? Where have I heard that before? Mithos: It come sup in the stories of the hero, Mithos. That s what people called the soul of Mithos, who died on the Holy Ground of Kharlan after the close of the Ancient War. Genis: Wait a minute. That s true, but Genis stands up. Genis: Why does the same legend of Mithos from Sylvarant also exist over here? I ve been wondering about this for a while now. There are two Holy Grounds of Kharlan, two Towers of Salvation, and now the legend of Mithos is the same, too? Altessa: It seems it s possible to travel between the two worlds at their poles. I don t know where those poles would be, but perhaps that person we know as Mithos used that to travel between the worlds? Raine: Bipolar yes that s it Zelos: Professor? What is it? Raine: This is my theory. Perhaps the Ancient War was in fact a war between Tethe alla and Sylvarant, and the hero Mithos arranged the truce that ended the war. Lloyd: And so that would be why the legend of Mithos exists in both worlds. Raine: Yes. And if we assume that one of the two poles is the Holy Ground of Kharlan, then we can understand the meaning of the existence of two Holy Grounds. That s the door between the two worlds. Regal: Yes, that makes sense. I ve heard many ideas regarding the bipolar structure of the worlds, but yours works from a logical standpoint. Raine: What other ideas have there been? Regal: There is a legend passed down in Altamira about something called the Otherworldly Gate. Some say that, that is a pole. Raine: The Otherworldly Gate Colette: So what is the Great Seed? Altessa: I don t know that either. But Lord Yggdrasill said that it was more important than his life. Lloyd: I can t wrap my head around all of this stuff at once

Altessa: You all must be tired by now. Why don t you rest here for the night? (to Mithos) Mithos right? If you don t have anywhere else to go, you should stay here at my place for a while. Mithos: Are you sure that s okay? I m a half-elf Altessa: The only ones living here are Tabatha, who I made, and me, a dwarf. Colette: You made Tabatha? Lloyd, Colette and Genis seemed puzzled. Altessa: Yes. Tabatha is an automated doll. So having a half-elf here isn t a problem at all. Colette: Tabatha is a doll Mithos: Okay.

Lloyd: We ll stay here for the night, too. (to Presea) Is that okay with you, Presea? Presea: Please don t worry about me.

Tabatha: THEN I SHALL PREPARE DINNER. Tabatha left the scene to prepare dinner. Mithos: Then tonight, Genis and Raine will be here, too, right? Genis: Yeah! Let s play together! You re the first half-elf friend I ve had! Mithos: You ll be my friend? Genis: Of course! Mithos: Thank you!

The next morning Voice of Colette: up! Wake up! Lloyd! Wake up! The Professor s gone!

Lloyd woke up from his bed. Lloyd: Wh what?! The camera switches to the outside of Altessa s House where Lloyd s group are talking to each other and then, Lloyd and Colette appeared at the scene. Lloyd: What are you talking about? Genis: It seems Raine left a note saying she had something she wanted to investigate and then left. Tabatha: SHORTLY BEFORE DAWN, I SAW A RHEAIRD HEADED SOUTH. PERHAPS THAT WAS RAINE. Regal: South so in the direction of Altamira Zelos: Now that you mention it, Her Highness was acting just a bit strange

yesterday. She was going on and on about the Otherworldly Gate. Presea: What should be do, Lloyd? Genis: I m worried about her being by herself Lloyd: Let s go find her. It s not good for us to be separated right now. Mithos: Ah um will you take me with you? Genis: What are you talking about? It s dangerous. Mithos: I know that, but I m worried about her. There are monsters all over Tethe alla right now. This is the first time I ve met another half-elf besides me, so I want her to be okay. IF YOU CHOOSE ALL RIGHT, COME ON.

Lloyd: All right, come on. IF YOU CHOOSE NO, IT S JUST TOO DANGEROUS. Lloyd: No, it s just too dangerous. Genis: Lloyd! Please! Mithos: I promise I won t get in the way, so Lloyd thinks it over. Lloyd: Fine, fine, all right. Do what you like!

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Mithos: Thank you, Lloyd! Lloyd: Don t worry about it. Any friend of Genis is a friend of mine. Mithos: Okay! Let s do our best, Genis!

Genis: Mithos thank you. Lloyd: Genis, let him ride on your Rheaird. Genis: Okay! Just as Lloyd s group are about to leave the scene Altessa: Wait. This is for Presea Lloyd and Presea turns around and faces Altessa. Lloyd: A Key Crest Altessa: It s hardly enough to call it an apology, but I went ahead and made one. It will be more reliable than that make shift one she has now. Lloyd: (to Presea) Presea. Let s accept it. Presea: O okay.

Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to The Seaside Paradise, Altamira. Upon arrival, Regal doesn t enter Altamira. Regal: I m sorry, but I m going to wait here. Lloyd: What s up? Regal: Zelos: Won t say why, huh? Well, if you don t want to talk about it, that s your business. (to Lloyd) Lloyd, let him do what he wants. Lloyd: All right. We ll catch you on the way out. Lloyd s group talks to the citizens about Raine s whereabouts, but Lloyd s group did not have any luck finding her. Lloyd s group approaches the gravestone where a man is standing next to and talks to him. George: Alicia! Is it really you?

Presea seemed startled. Presea: You know Alicia?! George: What? Wait, then who? Presea: Alicia is my sister. George: Ohh I see. Ah, of course Alicia passed away quite some time ago. She couldn t possibly be standing here, now. Presea: Passed away?!

Lloyd: What happened? George: Alicia came to work in the service of the noble Bryant family, but she was caught up in an unfortunate incident that resulted in her death. Colette: She died? How?! George: I dare not speak of the details. Please forgive me. Alicia s grave lies in the Sky Terrace of the Lezareno Company headquarters. Please stop by there if you have the time. Alicia would surely be pleased to receive a visit from her younger sister. If you show this to the receptionists, they should let you through. George left the scene. Genis: Younger sister? I thought Presea was the older one. Zelos: That s strange. Presea said she had a younger sister Colette: Oh, I know! Maybe there are three sisters in all! Zelos: Oh, come on Lloyd s group received Employee ID and boards the elemental railway to the Lezareno Company HQ. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group was about to enter the elevator. Then

Guard: I m sorry, but may I ask your reason for visiting our company today? Lloyd: We want to go to the Sky Terrace. Guard: This is George s! My deepest apologies. Please, go on inside.

Lloyd s group rides the elevator to the Sky Terrace. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group approaches a gravestone. Presea: Alicia what happened to you? Mithos: What s this?

Lloyd: Hey, there s an Exsphere embedded here! Presea: Why is there an Exsphere? Suddenly, a ghostly form of Alicia appeared at the scene. Voice of Alicia: Presea sis! It s you, isn t it? Presea: Alicia?! Colette: Look! Voice of Alicia: I m so happy I can see you again before I disappear Presea: What s going on? Are you still alive? Voice of Alicia: I I exist only in the Exsphere. Soon, even my consciousness will be gone. The Exsphere killed my body and absorbed my consciousness. Presea: I can t believe you ve become a victim of the Exsphere as well

Voice of Alicia: Presea, please grant me my request. Before I disappear please find my master. Please find Master Bryant! Presea: Bryant? The noble you went to serve? Voice of Alicia: Yes. By killing me, he The ghostly form of Alicia disappeared. Presea: Alicia! He killed you?! Please, tell me what happened! Voice of Alicia: Please Presea

There was a brief pause. Presea: Lloyd, please, help me find Alicia s killer. Lloyd: Of course. We ll beat this Bryant guy to a pulp and drag him back here!

Genis: Yeah! I won t let him get away with killing your sister! Presea: Thank you.

Just as Lloyd s group was about to leave, Mithos stands and glances at Alicia s gravestone.

Genis: What s wrong? Mithos: Exspheres are terrible things, aren t they?

Genis: Yeah Lloyd: Hey, time to go. Mithos: Okay.

Lloyd s group takes the elevator down to the 1st floor. The camera then switches to two men speaking to each other. Man 1: Isn t the Otherworldly Gate going to open tonight? Man 2: Man, I don t like thinking about that. It could suck us over into the hellish land of Sylvarant. Mithos: Lloyd! Did you hear that? Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd approaches the two men. Lloyd: Excuse me. That Otherworldly Gate you were talking about just now, where is it? Man 1: Who the heck are you? Mithos: I apologize. We d like to go see the Otherworldly Gate. Would you be kind enough to tell us where it is? Lloyd s other group approaches the two men. Man 1: Ah, well, if you re looking for the Otherworldly Gate, it s to the east of this city, across the sea. Colette: Um are there any landmarks? Man 2: There are huge rocks all over it. You can t miss it. But tonight s a full moon. If the legend is true, then the gate will open and you ll be sucked into the world of Sylvarant! Mithos: I wonder if Raine is there. Lloyd: I don t know. But it s the only clue we have. Let s at least take a look. Lloyd s group exits Lezareno Company and takes the elemental railway back to Altamira. As Lloyd s group approaches the exit Regal: Are you leaving? Lloyd: Yeah. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Otherworldly Gate. Upon arrival during the night Lloyd: Professor!

Lloyd s group approaches Raine. Raine: Everyone! Why are you all here? Genis: Why do you think we re here? We were worried about you! Mithos: It s dangerous to come here alone. As a fellow half-elf, I can t just leave you here by yourself. Colette: Why did you come to this place? Raine: This is where Genis and I were abandoned.

Lloyd: What are you talking about? You two are from Sylvarant. Raine: No. I happened to catch sight of this place when we rescued Colette and it s been on my mind ever since. Then, when I heard the story about the two poles which connect the two worlds, I became certain. The images in my memory the ruin I ve been searching for all this time is this place. Sheena: So what are you saying? The two of you were born in Tethe alla? Genis: It can t be! All my memories are of Iselia! I don t know this place at all. Raine: We were born and raised in the village of the elves, from which we were eventually ostracized. We were abandoned here because this place was said to be the path to the legendary Sylvarant. Mithos: The village of the elves? The secret village said to be off-limits to anyone except elvenkind? Raine: Yes. I don t know the details of what happened, but I m positive that I was left here along with Genis when he was just a newborn. And we eventually ended up in Sylvarant. Voice of Kuchinawa: Then this time, let me send you to hell instead! The camera shows Kuchinawa who appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Who s there?! Sheena: Kuchinawa! What are you talking about? Kuchinawa: My chance to avenge my parents deaths has finally arrived.

The Papal Knights and Kuchinawa surrounds Lloyd s group. Sheena: Avenge your parents?

Kuchinawa: Correct. You will die for killing my parents along with countless others of our village when you failed to control Volt. Sheena: Wh what?! Lloyd: That was an accident! Why are you doing this now? Kuchinawa: Accident?! I could have accepted things if she just failed to make a pact with a Summon Spirit. But then, she failed to assassinate the Chosen of Sylvarant, thereby placing Mizuho in danger. Yet look at her now. She s made

pacts with Summon Spirits just like that. Colette: You have it all wrong! Kuchinawa: Do I?! I think she wasn t really trying during the first pact-making! Because of that, she killed my parents and our people. Sheena: I did the best I could! I Kuchinawa: Enough excuses! Lloyd s group fights 3 Papal Knights. After Lloyd s group defeats 3 Papal Knights, the other Papal Knights approaches Lloyd s group and Lloyd s group are centered. Lloyd: Damn, there s too many of them! Sheena: Kuchinawa! Please! Don t drag them into this! I m the one you despise right? Then I m the only one you need to kill! Lloyd: Sheena, stop talking like that! Sheena: It s okay. Kuchinawa please! Kuchinawa: Fine. Just as Sheena approaches Kuchinawa, a light from the moon shoots towards the Otherworldly Fate and the gate activated. Zelos: You ve got to be kiddin Zelos grabs Sheena s arm. Sheena: Ahh! Zelos: Lloyd! Come on! Zelos drags Sheena and quickly ran to the gate and teleported to another place. Lloyd: Everybody, into the gate! Lloyd s group ran to the gate and teleported to another place. Kuchinawa: Damn! The guardian signature trail disappeared! They ve escaped into Sylvarant. The camera shows Lloyd s group who is teleporting, enters Sylvarant and lands into the grassy area. Lloyd: Ahh! Regal: Where are we? me! Enough of this, Sheena!

Raine: Probably on the outskirts of Palmacosta. Colette stands up. Colette: We re back in Sylvarant? Lloyd s group stands up.


The mana level seems to have risen, but it s definitely Sylvarant.

Zelos approaches Genis. Zelos: Phew, man, I never thought I d wind up coming over to this side like that. Sheena angrily approaches Zelos. Sheena: Zelos, why did you butt in?! Zelos crosses his arms. Zelos: Excuse me? Don t tell me you actually wanted to die back there. Sheena: Well Zelos: Besides, those guys would have come after us regardless of whether or not you died. Pope s orders and all. Sheena: Are you saying Kuchinawa is working for the Pope? Raine: It s likely. Those assassins he had with him were the Pope s men, aren t they? Regal: I m certain of it. Colette: Sheena, please don t do something like that again. Don t make the same mistakes I did. Nothing good will come of you sacrificing your life. Lloyd: Colette s absolutely right. You should thank Zelos, Sheena. Sheena: Th thanks. Zelos: Come on now, would it hurt you to give me a kiss or two? Presea: Zelos, you re horrible.

Zelos: Oh ouch. Mithos: But what are we gonna do now? Lloyd: Well, since we re back in Sylvarant, why don t we find out what the Desians are up to? Genis: What about Mithos? We can t drag him into this. Colette: Maybe we could ask the Palmacosta government to take care of him for a while. Lloyd: Neil, huh? Hmm I guess that s a good idea. Mithos: I wanna fight, too! Genis: What are you saying? This journey is dangerous even if you had an Exsphere. Raine: He s right, Mithos. We do appreciate your sentiment, though.


I suppose you re right. I understand.

Lloyd s group first stops by at Luin to continue donating Galds to Pietro. After doing this enough times, Lloyd s group comes back to Luin and talks to Pietro. Pietro: Everyone, look! We ve done it! We ve finally rebuilt Luin. Lloyd: This is incredible! Pietro: We owe it to you. Thank you very much. Actually, I ve talked with the people of the city, and we ve made a plan to develop the city further to serve as a sign of resistance. Of course, only if we have the budget for it. Lloyd s group continues to donate more Galds to Pietro. After doing this some more, Lloyd s group comes back to Luin and talks to Pietro. Pietro: Thank you so much, everyone! Thanks to you, Luin has completely changed. And I feel I have been able to repay my debt to this city. Lloyd: Good job, Pietro! Pietro: No, please say that to the people of this city. It was thanks to the strength of these people that we were able to rebuild and expand Luin. As soon as I finish my remaining duties, I intend to go on a journey. I want to save all those that are suffering at the hands of the Desians. Lloyd s group proceeds to Palmacosta and enters the Governor-General s office. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to Neil. Neil: Chosen One! Lloyd! How is the journey to release the seals going? Colette: Ah, well actually Lloyd: Uh, e everything s going well! Anyway, we were wondering if you could take care of him for a while. Neil: Hmm? I certainly don t mind, but who is he? Raine: He s traveling with us for a moment, but we re heading to an area that is too dangerous for him. Neil: Are you heading to the Palmacosta Ranch?! Genis: What are you talking about? That was destroyed. Neil: Oh, you re not? We ve recently received reports that Desians are wandering inside the ruins of the ranch. We ve increased our security. Colette: I wonder if Magnius came back? Neil: I don t know if it s related, but there are also reports that Desians are attacking the sea route between Izoold and Palmacosta. They seem to be constructing some sort of giant infrastructure on the ocean floor. Raine: The Remote Island Human Ranch is located in that region. Lloyd: I wonder what s going on over there? Maybe it s the Mana Cannon that Rodyle is building.

Zelos: Well, if you re worried about it, why don t we go take a look? Sheena: Even if it s not the Mana Cannon, this city will become the next Luin if the Palmacosta ranch is operational again. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s check out the Palmacosta ranch. Raine: Well, it seems our plans are set. We ll come back for Mithos later. Neil: I see. I understand. Mithos: Genis. Be careful. And Raine and Lloyd and everyone else, too. Lloyd: Yeah. Just wait here for a little while. Is that okay, Mithos? Mithos: Sure. (to Genis) Genis. Please take this with you. Genis: What s this? Mithos: It s a memento of my sister who passed away. Genis: I can t take that! Mithos: If you find yourself in danger, play it. I don t know what it can do, but it may just be able to save you. Genis: Okay thank you. I promise I ll come back and return it to you. Lloyd s group received Mithos Panpipe. Lloyd s group proceeds to the ruins of Palmacosta Human Ranch. Upon arrival Lloyd: Renegades! Genis: So that s it. Neil and the others couldn t tell the difference between the Desians and the Renegades. Botta: We ve been waiting for you. Regal: Are you saying you were expecting us to come here? Botta: Does it really matter? We have more important things to discus, such as joining forces. Raine: Unbelievable. You actually expect us to trust you after all you ve done to Lloyd and Colette? Yuan: The circumstances have changed. Sheena: Yuan! Yuan appeared at the scene. Yuan: Do you know of the Giant Kharlan Tree? Zelos: The legendary Giant Tree said to have existed in the Holy Ground of Kharlan, right? It s the tree of life, which produces infinite mana. Colette quickly glances at Zelos and then faces Yuan. Colette: Isn t that just a fairy tale?

Yuan: The Giant Kharlan Tree indeed existed. But the Kharlan War exhausted its mana supply and the tree wilted away. And now all that remains is its seed left in the Holy Ground of Kharlan. Colette: The seed of the Giant Tree is in the final seal? Yuan: It is known as the Great Seed. Genis: Are you talking about the Soul of Mithos? Botta: Now that is a fairy tale. The Great Seed, the source of the world s mana, is the seed of the Giant Tree. Yuan: The Great Seed is absolutely vital in order to reunite the two worlds. Lloyd: Reunite the two worlds?! Yuan: I believe I told you before, Yggdrasill is the creator of the two worlds. Originally, the world was one, but Yggdrasill ripped it asunder. Lloyd: How is it even possible for someone to split the world apart? Yuan: It was possible for Yggdrasill. The two worlds have managed to survive by vying for the small amount of mana seeping from the Great Seed. Colette: So that s why the cycle of flourishing and declining continues, and the Chosen goes on a journey of regeneration Yuan: But if the Great Seed germinates, the Giant Tree will be restored and the cycle will come to an end. Lloyd: How do we resurrect the Giant Tree? Yuan: The Great Seed is nearly dead. We must expose it to a large amount of mana in order to save it. Raine: There s no supply of mana like that to be found anywhere in the world. Yuan: Cruxis base, Derris-Kharlan, is a comet made from a giant mass of mana. It lies suspended in the sky high above this land. All we have to do is use that. Lloyd: If that s true, why doesn t Yggdrasill revive the Giant Tree? Yuan: All of Derris-Kharlan s mana is being given to Martel for the sake of resurrecting her. Colette: What? Yuan: By using the power of a Cruxis Crystal, Martel s soul lives on, existing as a part of the Great Seed. Botta: If Martel awakens, the Great Seed will be absorbed into her and disappear. The reverse also holds true. In order to prevent that from happening, Yggdrasill protects the Great Seed with the seals of the Summon Spirits. Raine: So that s why the Renegades are trying to stop Martel s revival.

Yuan: Yes. We will make the Great Seed germinate. As a result, Martel will be absorbed by the seed, and then Lloyd: The Giant Kharlan Tree will be reborn. Colette: If that happens, will the two worlds become one again? Yuan: That I don t know. The only certainty is that the world will end if the seed is lost. Zelos: So, you re gonna have Miss Martel be a good little girl and disappear. Yuan: Martel is already dead. If it weren t for Derris-Kharlan s mana, her soul would have disappeared a long time ago. Genis: Why is Yggdrasill so obsessed with Martel? Yuan: That doesn t matter. What s important is that we see to it that the Great Seed germinates. Botta: Up till now, the Great Seed has been protected by the Summon Spirits of the declining world. Lloyd: The mana links. Botta: Correct. Now that the links have begun to unravel, the Great Seed s protection has weakened. Presea: Because we have been forming pacts with the Summon Spirits of both worlds. Raine: Now I understand why you want us to join you. It s because we have Sheena, a summoner. Lloyd: Yuan, are you with Cruxis? Or are you with the Renegades? Yuan: I am with Cruxis, and I am also the leader of the Renegades. Regal: A double-agent? Zelos: In other words, a traitor. Yuan: So, what s your decision? Lloyd: Okay.

Raine: Lloyd, you re going to trust him? Lloyd: Yeah. He s revealed the fact that he is a traitor. He s putting himself on the line. That has to mean something. Colette: I ll trust him, too. Yuan: You were headed towards Rodyle s ranch, correct? Zelos: You sure know a lot about what we re doing. Do you have a spy watching us or something? Lloyd: No kidding. But either way, we have to stop that Mana Cannon thing before it s completed.

Presea: We also have a debt to pay back to Rodyle. Yuan: The ranch and Mana Cannon systems should be interlinked. Disabling the control room should be our first priority. Raine: You seem to know quite a lot about them. Botta: We have a reason to infiltrate Rodyle s ranch as well. We can guide you to the entrance, if you d like. Lloyd: We re teaming up, right? Of course, please take us there. Sheena: Why are you going to the ranch? Yuan: We need to make preparations to fire mana at the Great Seed. Oh, by the way, the Rheaird dimensional transfer system will be offline while we make our preparations. You ll have to wait until after we infiltrate the ranch if you want to get back to Tethe alla. Lloyd: Got it. Yuan: Talk to Botta when you re ready. (to Botta) I ll leave the rest to you, Botta. Botta: Understood. Later, Lloyd s group talks to Botta. Botta: Are you ready? Lloyd: Yeah, we re good to go. Botta: Then follow me. Lloyd s group follows Botta to the entrance of the Remote Island Human Ranch. Botta: We have work to do on the mana reactor in here. If you head straight, it should connect to the ranch. Lloyd: Gotcha. Just as Botta with 2 Renegade soldiers leave the scene Botta: Ah, one more thing. It seems you ve destroyed every ranch you ve been to, but we need the mana reactor in order to sprout the Great Seed. Don t destroy this one. Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers left the scene. Later Sheena: Hear that, Raine? Raine: It s not like I destroy them for fun, you know.

Regal: In order to disable the Mana Cannon, we need to go to the control room. Lloyd: My intuition tells me it s probably the room farthest in. So for this place, that would be the top floor. Colette: You re amazing, Lloyd!

Genis: Yeah, we ve been to enough of these places already, so things like that should be pretty obvious. Lloyd: Zelos: Well then, let s get going and look for that control room. Lloyd s group enters the human ranch. Upon entering, Lloyd s group arrived at the elevator with a Sorcerer s Ring device. Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device. Lloyd: There is a strange sound. Raine: The machines in this facility resonate with the sound from the Sorcerer s Ring. Genis: I see. So this sound functions as a key for this place. Lloyd: Yeah, that s what I figured, too. Lloyd s group rides the elevator up. The elevator stopped at the second floor. Lloyd: Can t we go any higher? Raine: Hmm As far as I can tell, this is the only elevator in this ranch. In other words, the Desians use this elevator to go higher than this. Which means the solution is simple. Lloyd: What do we do? Raine: We just have the Desians move it for us. In other words, we create a situation in which they have to move it. Lloyd: Right, so, like I said, what do we do? Raine: Let s create a disturbance. For instance the captives start a revolt. Lloyd: And then we wait for the Desians to move the elevator. Sheena: That s a sinister plan.

Raine: Be quiet. Do you think we re in a position to play fair? Lloyd: I do feel a little bad for them, but let s do it. Lloyd s group proceeds to the cell tower. Lloyd s group pressed all of the buttons and the cell doors opened. The prisoners came out and then, Lloyd and Colette stand over the entrance door while Zelos witnesses the soldiers appearing at the scene. Soldier 1: So you led the escape! Lloyd and Colette jumped on the soldiers and knocked them out. Soldier 1: Augh! Soldier 2: Augh! Colette: It worked, Lloyd! We d better hurry to the top floor with the elevator.

Lloyd s group proceeds to the elevator and goes up. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the higher area and later in a room with warp rings. Lloyd s group managed to solve the puzzle by using the Sorcerer s Ring to change the warp rings color to warp to the correct area. Upon disengaging the locks, Lloyd s group finally made their way to the area with a door leading to the control room. Upon arrival Rodyle: Well, I see the failed Chosen and her traveling band of fools are still alive. You re as stubborn as cockroaches. Presea: You and Vharley deceived me. Rodyle: Presea I d have treated you so much better had you made me a Cruxis Crystal in that little body of yours. Presea: Die! There was a brief pause. Rodyle: Ahahaha! Now, now, settle down. Have a look at the projector. I ve got a special underwater show for you. Lloyd s group watches the projector of the prisoners attempting to escape, but the flood of water rises near the level of where the prisoners are. Genis: H how could you do that?! Colette: They ll all be killed! Regal: Damn you! The camera switches to the control room where Lloyd s group approaches Rodyle. Lloyd: (angry) You bastard! Stop the water, now! Rodyle: It s too late. Lloyd draws his sword and attempts to attack Rodyle, but he quickly evaded. Rodyle: I know why you ve come here. I m sure you intend to shut down my Mana Cannon. But you won t succeed. I ve filled the corridor leading to the Mana Cannon with sea water! Colette: You re going to kill all those people at the ranch just to stop us?! Rodyle: Who cares about the lives of pathetic inferior beings?! The Mana Cannon will be completed once I get the Cruxis Crystal. With Thor s Hammer in my possession, Yggdrasill and Cruxis will beg for my mercy! Even that eye-sore of a tower will fall before my cannon. Lloyd: What do you hope to accomplish by destroying the Tower of Salvation?! Rodyle: Heheheh, that s nothing you lower life forms need to concern yourselves with. The Cruxis Crystal is finally mine! Now, let s see. I think I ll test its power first by equipped it on myself. Rodyle equips the Cruxis Crystal and transform into a grotesque monster. Lloyd s group fights Rodyle. After Lloyd s group defeats Rodyle

Rodyle: Ugh what s happening? My my body my body is disintegrating! Pronyma, you tricked me! Rodyle approaches the control and lays on it. Rodyle: But I won t die alone! I m taking you all with me! Rodyle activated the self-destruct system. Rodyle died at the scene and his body vanishes. Raine: No! He s activated the self-destruct system! Colette: Botta warned us not to destroy this place! Lloyd: Dammit! We have to stop it! Lloyd s group examines the control. Presea: Impossible. The only one among us who can handle this machinery is Raine Zelos: Most Tethe allans don t really study the details of magitechnology very much. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Professor! Raine: I know! But I can t do this by myself! Suddenly, Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers arrived at the scene. Botta: We ll take over from here. The rest of you go and escape through the hatch over there. Lloyd: Botta! You re okay! Botta: There ll be plenty of time for chit-chat later. Leave, now. You ll only get in our way! Lloyd: Okay.

Lloyd s group escapes and the camera shows Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers deactivating the self-destruct system. While this is happening, Lloyd s group successfully escaped from the control room, but the hatch was tightly closed. The camera shows Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers continuing the control usage and then, the flood of water flows in the control room. Lloyd: Oh, no! We ve got to open that door! Lloyd and Genis approach the locked hatch and tries to open it. Genis: It s no use! Arrgh! It won t budge! Regal: Move! Regal approaches the glass window attempts to kick the window, but nothing happened. Raine: Botta did this on purpose. They knew the water was coming and locked it

from the inside. Colette: Why would they do that?! Raine: If the door opens, this area will be flooded as well. And as you can see, the ceiling is covered by a dome. There s nowhere for the water to escape. Presea: They did it to save us? Colette: No! We have to do something! Lloyd: Dammit! Isn t there anything we can do?! Botta: We ve stopped the self-destruct system. Lloyd: Botta! Open the door! If we destroy the dome overhead The camera shows Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers approaching the indestructible window and faces Lloyd's group. Botta: Our goal was to modify each ranch s mana reactor in order to fire mana at the Great Seed. Now that we ve finished reprogramming this control room, our mission is complete. We need you to get the message to Yuan that we have succeeded. Lloyd: Tell him yourself! Open the door, now! Upset about this, Lloyd draws his sword and attempts to strike the indestructible window, but nothing happened as the water is rising in the control room. Botta: We pray for your success in regenerating the world. Please see to it that Martel is finally allowed her eternal sleep, for Yuan s sake as well. The window shutters closes over the window as Botta and the 2 Renegade soldiers bravely drown. Colette: No!! Later Zelos: Man Presea: (saw something) Everyone, behind you! Suddenly, the cages released the Dragons. Lloyd: Wh what are those things?! Raine: They look like transport dragons. Their cages probably opened when the self-destruct system was activated. Regal: Look out! Here they come! Lloyd: Dammit! Lloyd s group fights the Dragons. After Lloyd s group defeats the Dragons, more Dragons appeared and surrounds Lloyd s group. Sheena: There are too many of them!

Lloyd: Damn, they re tough! Colette: If we lose, we ll never be able to pass on Botta s message. Genis: Mithos! Genis pulls out Mithos Panpipe and plays it. After playing Mithos shower beams strikes the Dragons, killing them instantly. Lloyd: Wh what was that?! The camera shows the mysterious golden sparkling bird firing more shower beams at other Dragons, killing them instantly. Genis: Was that a Summon Spirit? Voice of Mithos: Genis! Raine! Everybody! Lloyd s group looks up at the shattered dome. Genis: That s Mithos voice! Panpipe,

Lloyd: What s Mithos doing here? Voice of Mithos: Please, get on these Rheairds! Raine: Let s worry about the how and why later. Lloyd: All right. Lloyd s group boards the Rheairds and takes off with them. The camera shows Lloyd s group piloting their individual Rheairds. While flying Genis: Mithos! It s really you! But what was that attack just now? And how did you get a Rheaird? Mithos: I m sorry. I was worried about all of you, and I just couldn t stay behind. So I asked the Renegades to let me borrow a Rheaird. Colette: But what was that powerful attack? Mithos: That was a actually, I don t know either. When I heard the flute, I tried my best to get inside, so I just started blasting the dome with fireballs. Then all of a sudden, a golden sparkling bird appeared and helped me. Sheena: Golden sparkling bird? Could it be Aska?! Raine: It can t be! Why would a Summon Spirit? Presea: What do you mean? Lloyd: Do you think Genis called Aska when he played the flute? Genis: Mithos flute?

Raine: I wonder We ll need to investigate the flute itself to find out the truth. Mithos: But shouldn t you all rest first? Let s head back to Palmacosta. I must

apologize to Neil I left without telling him. Lloyd: All right it s not like we ll figure anything out by dwelling about it here. Let s head back. Zelos: Yeah Genis: Thank you, Mithos! We owe you our lives. I didn t realize how amazing you are! Mithos: N not not at all. Genis: I m so happy we re friends! Mithos: Yes, me too.

Later, Lloyd s group arrived in Palmacosta and talks to Neil in the Governor-General s office. Neil: Everyone! You re back! Lloyd: Yeah, but barely. Mithos: Neil, I m sorry for leaving without telling you Neil: I m so relieved you re safe! I was so worried about you. As long as you re safe, that s all that matters. Raine: You can relax, the Palmacosta ranch is not operational. Neil: I see! That s good to hear. So what are you going to do now? Lloyd: Well, we need to continue the world regeneration journey right, Colette? Colette: Ah, y yes. We re uh working hard on it. Neil: I m sure you are! We re all counting on you, Chosen One! Genis: Oh yeah. I need to give Mithos back his flute Oh no! Mithos: It s broken. Genis: I I m so sorry! I know how important it was! Mithos: No, it s all right. The flute may be broken, but my memories of my sister are still intact. Lloyd: Mithos, I m sorry. If I can fix it Mithos: It s all right. It was very old. But thank you. Raine: Mithos. Does this flute have some kind of special power? Mithos: I I don t know. But my sister said that it was made from the nut of a tree that become extinct long ago. Lloyd: Hmm. The nut of an extinct tree Raine: That knowledge may be useful later on. Let s keep it in mind.

Zelos: So then, what now? Colette: We have to tell Yuan about Botta. Mithos: Lloyd: Yeah. We also need to find out if we can use the Rheairds so Mithos can return to Tethe'alla. Regal: Shall we pay a visit to the Renegades, then? Mithos: Ah yes, of course.

Lloyd s group approaches the exit of Palmacosta. Lloyd: We have to go to the Sylvarant Base. (thinks it over) Okay, let s go. Later, Lloyd s group arrived at Sylvarant Base. Mithos: I ll wait here. I want to be alone for a while. Genis: Mithos Mithos: Ah, no, it s not about the flute. I m sorry. Lloyd: All right. It s dangerous, so don t leave this area. Mithos: I won t. Raine: Then while we re at it, let s return the Rheaird that Mithos borrowed. Mithos: What? Oh, yes. Please do.

Lloyd s group enters Sylvarant Base and proceeds to Yuan s office. Upon arrival Yuan: You re back. Colette: Yuan Botta is Yuan: He died. Lloyd: Yes He asked us to tell you that he completed his mission. Yuan: I see Then we ll activate the dimensional transfer system. You may go between the worlds as you like. Lloyd: Is that all you have to say?! Botta gave his life for the Renegades and Regal: Lloyd! It is not our place to speak. Zelos: This guy has been with that Botta for a long time. Nothing we say will make a difference. Lloyd: Fine. Raine: (to Yuan) Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Our companion borrowed a Rheaird from you, so we'll return it to you now. Yuan: Borrowed one of our Rheairds? We haven t

Yuan seem puzzled. Presea: What s wrong? Yuan: No, it s nothing. We ll take care of it. Ask the control room staff about procuring energy for the dimensional transfer system. Yuan gave something to Raine. Lloyd: Yuan. I m sorry. Lloyd s group left the scene. Yuan: (to himself) All of our Rheairds are still in our hangar. on? What is going

After Lloyd s group procured the energy for the dimensional transfer system, Lloyd s group met up with Mithos outside of Sylvarant Base. Mithos: Welcome back. You re going back now, right? Lloyd: Yeah. We ll take you to Altessa s place. Mithos: Thanks. Later, Lloyd s group arrived in Altessa s House. Lloyd: Well, Mithos, have a good time with Altessa. Mithos: You ll come and visit me, right? Genis: Of course. Lloyd: Take care. Mithos: I ll be praying for your success in avenging your sister. Presea: Thank you.

Regal: Avenging Presea s sister? What are you talking about? Lloyd: Oh, that s right. We haven t told Regal about it. Zelos: Ahh! Um hey, you know, that s not a topic we really need to drag out now, right? Genis: What are you talking about, Zelos?! This is important! Presea s sister was killed! Regal: Killed? Colette: Yes. It seems Presea s younger sister served under a noble named Bryant. But then, her master Bryant Regal seemed startled. Sheena: He s a monster! How can he kill a child like that?! Regal: Sister?! It can t be! Presea, what was your sister s name?

Presea: Regal:

Alicia I see.

Lloyd: Do you know something about this? Regal: I may know who that murderer might be. Presea: Really?!

Regal: Take me to Altamira. Lloyd s group first stops by at Izoold. Upon arrival Adventurer: This time we re not gonna let you get away! Lloyd: Stop! Lloyd s group approaches the 3 adventurers. Adventurer: Not you again! If you interfere, we ll take you out, too! Lloyd: No, it s not what you think! Professor, please! Raine: I know. Raine uses the medicine on Clara and she is finally restored to her human form. Lloyd: Are you all right? Raine: Clara, right? Can you hear me? Clara: Yes yes! Thank you so much! I ve finally returned to my original form! Colette: Thank goodness! Oh, I m so glad! Adventurer: Wh wh what? Why did the monster turn into a human? Genis: Are you stupid? She was a human to begin with, but she was turned into a monster by the Desians. Clara: How can I possibly thank you? I have only a vague memory of when I was a monster, but I still remember that you saved Palmacosta. Colette: Please show the people of Palmacosta that you are well as soon as possible. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds and travels to Tethe alla. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Altamira. Upon arrival Regal: Where did you hear about Alicia?

Lloyd: At Alicia s grave, in the Sky Terrace of a company called Lezareno. Regal: I see. Let s go there, then. Lloyd s group proceeds to Lezareno Company HQ. Upon arrival Lloyd: Wh whoa?! What happened?

Regal: What s going on? Regal approaches the dying guard. Guard: The Exsphere Broker, Vharley went inside The guard died at the scene. Presea: Vharley! Regal: Ugh! He must pay

Colette: Let s go on in. Lloyd s group rides the elevator to the Sky Terrace. Meanwhile, Vharley approaches George. Vharley: Tell me the password to the inner area of the Toize Valley Mine! Now! George: I don t know anything about it.

Vharley: Wrong answer! Regal: How about I tell you instead.

Lloyd s group appeared at the scene. Regal approaches George and Vharley. George: Master Regal! What are you doing here? Vharley: So the president himself decided to pay a visit. Perfect.

Lloyd: President? Regal: The route to the Toize Valley Mine opens by my voice print and cornea scan. Forcing it open would undoubtedly cause the Exsphere mine area to collapse. Vharley: Is that so? In that case, Regal, you re just going to have to come open it for us! I m gonna be out of business if I don t get my hands on some more Exspheres. Regal: I think not. Besides, Rodyle is dead. You don t have anyone to unload huge numbers of Exspheres on. Vharley: Are you stupid? I don t need Rodyle. I ve got the Pope himself on my side! And there s plenty of people around who d love to get their hands on some Exspheres! Presea: That s enough. I cannot forgive you for killing an innocent person. Suddenly, Kuchinawa appeared at the scene. Sheena: Kuchinawa! You re working with this guy?! Vharley: Soon, the King will die and the Pope will take over. And when that happens, I m going to grind your pathetic Lezareno Company into the ground! Kuchinawa approaches Vharley and they both vanished from the scene. Regal approaches George.

Regal: Are you all right, George? George: Yes, Master Regal. Thank you. Regal: (to Lloyd s group) My name is Regal Bryant. I was granted the title of Duke by His Highness, and also the president of Lezareno Company. Although, it would seem that the Chosen already knows me. Zelos: I saw you at one of the Princess birthday parties. Sheena: Oh, yeah I d forgotten that this guy s actually a member of high society, too. Zelos: Heheheh. Raine: Then, Alicia s killer, Bryant, is Colette: W wait, it can t be Regal Later, Regal faces Alicia s gravestone. Regal: Alicia! The ghostly form of Alicia appeared at the scene. Voice of Alicia: Master, I m so happy to see you again before I disappear Regal: (remorseful) I m sorry. Even after death, you still suffer Voice of Alicia: It s all right. It s not your fault. Presea: Alicia what do you mean? Regal: Alicia and I were in love. George: Then I, his servant, interfered and forced them apart. Regal: Alicia was handed over to Vharley. He wanted to use her in an Exsphere experiment. Colette: Was he trying to create Cruxis Crystals? Regal: It seems so. But the experiment failed. In Regal s memory Regal: I ve fulfilled my promise. The mine is yours. Now, please, return Alicia to me! Vharley: Sure thing, bub. You can have her. I don t have any use for a failed piece of work like that, anyway. The mutated form of Alicia appeared at the scene. Regal: Wh what? Vharley: This is Alicia! She wasn t compatible with the Exsphere experiment. It worked just fine on another from her family. Voice of Alicia: Master Regal please kill me!

Alicia uncontrollably attacked Regal. Regal: I I can t. I could never kill you with my own hands! Voice of Alicia: (losing herself) It s because I love you that I want you to do it! With no choice, Regal killed Alicia with his hands. The memory ended. Voice of Alicia: Master Regal killed me in order to save me. It was the only way. Genis: Just like Marble Voice of Alicia: I m so glad I got to see you again in the end. I have no regrets, now. So please, Regal, stop punishing yourself. Regal: Alicia but with my own hands, I Voice of Alicia: I will disappear very soon. So please, don t leave me anything to worry about. You don t need those shackles. You ve suffered enough. Regal: (remorseful) I took the life of the one I love. These are the symbol of my crime, as well as my punishment. Voice of Alicia: You don t need that punishment anymore. Please, Regal Regal: Lloyd: Genis and I once experienced the same thing you did. And I also imagined what it must have been like for my dad. When my mom turned into a monster, and he struck her down, he must have suffered as well. Regal: Your father did the same thing? Lloyd: That s what I heard. I don t know if the decisions you or my dad made were correct, but I don t think my mom would have wanted my dad to punish himself and live the way you have. Regal: Is that true? Voice of Alicia: like that. Yes. It s just as he says. At least, I don t want you to live

Regal: All right. But I will never use these hands as tools of death. I swear that to you. To you and to Lloyd. And once we have defeated those who use Exspheres to toy with people s lives, I shall remove these bonds. Voice of Alicia: Thank you, Master. Presea I think I can finally rest in peace. Please destroy the crystal before I am totally absorbed into the Exsphere. Presea: Why? Can t you stay like you are now? Voice of Alicia: If I stay like this, I will live on forever. An isolated consciousness, unable to even speak, existing for eternity It would be true hell Lloyd: Presea, Regal, what do we do?

Regal: Please, set her free. Presea: Yes. Goodbye, Alicia.

Voice of Alicia: Thank you. Presea, please forgive Master Regal. Please. The ghostly form of Alicia vanishes and Lloyd draws his sword and destroyed the Exsphere crystal embedded on Alicia s gravestone. After that Regal: I m sorry I never said anything about this until now. I m a criminal. George: Master Regal confessed to killing Alicia and went to prison on his own will. Regal: While I was in prison, the Pope promised to arrest Vharley in exchange for kidnapping Colette. I believed him and agreed to do it. Colette: So that s why you were after us. Regal: Yes Please, I ask you to postpone my final judgment until we defeat Cruxis and stop them from using Exspheres to toy with people s lives. IF YOU CHOOSE OF COURSE. Lloyd: Of course! We ll work together to defeat them and restore the Giant Tree! Genis: Are you okay with that, Presea? IF YOU CHOOSE IF THAT S ALL RIGHT WITH PRESEA. Lloyd: As long as it s okay with Presea. Anyway, we d already thought of Regal as a friend. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Presea: Vharley was responsible for Alicia s death as well. Okay. I ll try not to think of you as my enemy. I m not sure I can change right away, but Regal: I m sorry.

Presea: It was Alicia s last request, so I won t say a word about it anymore. Lloyd s group exits Altamira and flies their Rheairds to the Temple of Darkness. Upon arrival Colette: Wow It s pitch black Raine: It seems that the power of the Summon Spirit of Darkness has a strong effect on this area. Lloyd: Man, it s so dark. Whoa! Lloyd stumbled. Zelos: Owww! My precious foot! Raine: We can t proceed like this. Sheena: Let s try the Elemental Research Laboratory. They ve supposedly done

research here before, so they should know a way to light this darkness. Raine: Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Come on, everyone. Let s go back outside. Colette: Okay! Zelos: M my foot Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Darkness. Lloyd s group flies their Rheairds to Meltokio. Upon arrival Lloyd: Let s go to the Elemental Research Laboratory. Raine: Lloyd, you mustn t forget that we re wanted as criminals. Don t approach areas that are under heavy guard. Do you understand? Lloyd: I know. While on their way to the Elemental Research Laboratory, Lloyd s group encounters Kratos. Lloyd: Kratos! Kratos: (to Presea) I heard that sacred wood only grows in the area near Ozette. Is that correct? Presea: Y yes Kratos: Then, does that mean that sacred wood no longer exists? Presea: The wood I cut is stored in the church.

Kratos: So that really is all that is left It seems I have no choice. Just as Kratos was about to leave the scene Lloyd: Wait! Why is Cruxis worried about sacred wood? Kratos: Because it is necessary. Lloyd: Necessary for what?! Kratos: I do not feel the need to tell you that now. By the way, Lloyd. The Summon Spirit pacts you are currently forming you must stop. Lloyd: Do you think we ll stop because you said so?! Kratos: It is dangerous to engage in activities in which you cannot predict the outcome. It may result in something that you cannot undo. Lloyd: But if there is no other way to save both worlds, then we have to do it! Kratos: Be patient, Lloyd. What other reason could there be?

Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: What does that mean? Lloyd s group enters the Elemental Research Laboratory. Inside, Lloyd s group

talks to a scientist. Scientist 1: Sheena! And everyone Sheena: We have a bit of a favor to ask you all, it it s all right. You see, Shadow s dungeon After Sheena explained everything to the scientists Scientist 1: Ah, I see. In that case, the blue candle should be of use to you. Lloyd: Blue candle? Raine: It s a holy candlestick that negates the power of darkness. You have that here? Scientist 1: Yes. Relying on ancient documents, we succeeded in creating it here in our lab. Lloyd: Then, could we borrow one? Scientist 1: Of course, we d be Scientist 2: (startled) Hey! It s these guys can t help them! Scientist 1: But they re Sheena s friends. Lloyd: Kate? What about Kate? Scientist 1: Kate is going to be executed for harboring criminals and helping them escape. Lloyd: Because of us Dammit! Colette: Lloyd! Please, let s save Kate! Presea: Lloyd I I want to save her, as well. Lloyd: Yeah, but how? Regal: How about participating in the matches being held at the Coliseum? Zelos: The Coliseum? What for? Regal: It was originally constructed to watch fights between prisoners and wild beasts. There is a passage inside the prison which allows prisoners to be taken into the Coliseum. Zelos: Oh, that s right. You were in there before fault that Kate was arrested! We

Scientist 2: Then, let s hurry up and rescue her Lloyd: Okay, gotcha. Everyone, let s hurry to the arena. Lloyd s group proceeds to Meltokio s Coliseum. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to the receptionist. Receptionist: Who is going to enter?

IF YOU CHOOSE LLOYD Lloyd: I ll go. Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist. Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted

Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Lloyd enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Lloyd fights the enemies. After Lloyd defeats the enemies, he enters the prison area. Lloyd manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Lloyd: It s our fault you got arrested, so we ve come to save you. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Lloyd: It s not all right. If something s up, we can talk about it after we get out of here. Now let s hurry. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE COLETTE Colette: I m going to go? Zelos: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you re making a girl do it? Colette: It s fine. Don t worry. I ll try real hard. Sheena: Well, you certainly do have the devil s luck Lloyd: I m sorry, Colette. But I m counting on you. Colette: Sure. I ll give it a try. I m the one entering! Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted-Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist.

Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Colette enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Colette fights the enemies. After Colette defeats the enemies, she enters the prison area. Colette manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Colette: It s our fault you got arrested, so we ve come to rescue you. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Colette: Even if there is a reason, you mustn t sacrifice yourself. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE GENIS Genis: What?! Why me?! Lloyd: We re counting on you, Mr. Genius Magician from Iselia! Genis: Why don t you do it?! Presea: You can do it, Genis. Genis: Well, I guess if you insist.

Lloyd: That was a quick change of mind. Genis: I m the one entering. Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted-Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist. Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted

Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah

Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Genis enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Genis fights the enemies. After Genis defeats the enemies, he enters the prison area. Genis manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Genis: It s our fault you got arrested, so we ve come to save you. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Genis: No, it s not. We can t abandon our friends. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE RAINE Raine: Honestly fine, I ll do it. Lloyd: We re counting on you, Professor! Colette: Good luck! Genis: You can do it, Raine! Raine: Yes, yes. I swear, you children (to the receptionist) I m entering. Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted-Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist. Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted

Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Raine enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Raine fights the enemies. After Raine defeats the enemies, she enters the prison area. Raine manages to find Kate locked in her cell.

Kate: Why are you here? Raine: It s our fault you got arrested, so we ve come to save you. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Raine: You don t have a choice. Let s go. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE SHEENA Sheena: Me? Sure thing. Leave it to me. Lloyd: Yeah. I know you ll do that. Zelos: Hit them with a body slam from the voluptuous body of yours. ? Sheena: (angry) Listen, you! You d better stop talking like some dirty old man! Presea: Zelos, you re awful. Zelos: Heheheheh. Sorry, sorry. Sheena: (Sigh) (to the receptionist) I m entering. Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted-Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist. Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted

Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Sheena enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Sheena fights the enemies. After Sheena defeats the enemies, she enters the prison area. Sheena manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Sheena: You re here because you let us go. We can t just ignore that. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Sheena: I can t let you stay here. This is a mission that Sheena of Mizuho has

accepted from Lloyd. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE ZELOS Zelos: What? M me?! Me?! Why? Why me?! You should go, Lloyd! Lloyd: Do some work every now and then. Zelos: I m always working. Colette: You can do it, Zelos! Sheena: Yeah, get out there and fight! Raine: I know you ll do well. ? Presea: Please do your best Zelos: Ah hahaha well, if you insist. The great and beautiful Zelos shall enter the ring! Lloyd: You re easy to manipulate, you know that? Regal: However, it would be a bad idea for the Chosen to participate using his real name. Genis: Yeah. People know your face, too. Raine: Yes. Perhaps we should have him become a masked knight. Later, Zelos comes back with a masked face and hat. Zelos: Well? Well? Looks good, eh? Genis: Hurry up and register. We re here to rescue Kate. Zelos: Okay, okay. Later Zelos: Put me down as the Handsome Swordsman. Receptionist: Chosen One! Lloyd: No, no, there s no way this idiot could be the Chosen, right? Zelos: Shut up. (to the receptionist) Say, would you mind pretending you didn t see me? Receptionist: Ah all right. Sheena: Well, it s obvious from how he acts everyday. Zelos in his mask enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Zelos fights the enemies. After Zelos defeats the enemies, he enters the prison area. Zelos manages to find Kate locked in her cell and ditched the mask. Kate: Why are you here?

Zelos: I m the champion of all women! Let s hurry up and get out of here. Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Zelos: In that case, I ll just have to kidnap the fair captured princess myself. ? Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE REGAL Regal: Very well.

Lloyd: We re counting on you. Regal: Heh. Presea: Regal: Please do your best Presea.

Zelos: Talk about an Genis: awkward silence.

Lloyd: Ah Please register. Regal: I will enter. Receptionist: Oh, but you re the wanted--

Lloyd: Don t worry about little details about that. Raine approaches the receptionist. Raine: The registration fee is 5,000 Gald, correct? Receptionist: Yes, that s correct, but you re the wanted

Raine: And also here s a small token of our appreciation. 10,000 Gald. Take it. Receptionist: Ah Raine handed 10,000 Gald to the receptionist. Raine: Use the change how you like. Now then, shall we get going? Presea: So this is how money is used Genis: N no it s not not really. Regal enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Regal fights the enemies. After Regal defeats the enemies, he enters the prison area. Regal manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Regal: I ve come to rescue you. Lloyd is waiting. Now, give me your hand

Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Regal: I can t allow that. It is my duty to bring you back. Kate: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE PRESEA Presea: Me?

Genis: Do you want me to take your place? Regal: I don t mind taking your place. Presea: No. It s all right. I ll go. Lloyd: Good luck. Presea. Presea: Thank you Presea approaches the receptionist. Presea: I will enter. Receptionist: Okay. The registration fee is 5,000 Gald. Presea gave 5,000 Gald to the receptionist. Genis: You can do it! Regal: Be careful. Presea: Thank you. Well, here I go. Lloyd: Be careful! Presea enters the contestant s area and enters the battle arena. Presea fights the enemies. After Presea defeats the enemies, she enters the prison area. Presea manages to find Kate locked in her cell. Kate: Why are you here? Presea: I ve come to rescue you. Let s go. I experimented on you.

Kate: Thank you, but it s all right. Presea:

No that is not all right. You are here because of unjust reason.

Kate: All right. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT After rescuing Kate, Lloyd s group regroups outside of the Meltokio s Coliseum. Kate: Thank you Regal: Now that we ve rescued her, what is he going to do? Lloyd: Do you have any family?

Kate: My mother passed away. My father is no. Genis: No? What do you mean? Kate: I have a favor to ask you. Please take me to Ozette. Lloyd: Ozette? It s in ruins now. Are you sure? Kate: Yes please. That s where I was born. Lloyd: All right. Later, Lloyd s group escorted Kate to Ozette. Kate: Thank you for saving me even though I was the one that experimented on Presea Lloyd: We re here because you helped us escape and you were about to be executed because of that, so we had to save you. Kate: Even if you know who I really am? Colette: Who you really are? Kate: My mother was an elf. My father is human, and is currently the Pope of the Church of Martel. Sheena: Your father is the Pope? Zelos: You re lucky you took after your mother. Genis: (angry) I is that all you can say?! He tried to have his own daughter executed! That s awful! Zelos: But it was the Pope who ruled that all half-elves who commit crimes are to be punished by death. Genis: (angry) What?! Why did he do something like that when his own daughter is a half-elf?! Zelos: Hey, hey, don t get angry with me. Genis: (angry) I swear he ll pay for this. Kate: W wait Don t do anything bad to my father. Genis: Why?! He s done bad things to you! Kate: But he s still my father When my father ordered me to perform experiments to turn Exspheres into Cruxis Crystals. I was very happy. My father finally needed me Genis: I don t understand! I can t understand that! Raine: Genis, calm down. Genis: But! Colette: I think I understand a little.

Lloyd: Colette. Colette: When I thought that Remiel might be my father, I was happy that my father had finally come to see me, even though I knew that the journey would end in death. Kate: I m going to think by myself for a while about my father and half-elves Thank you so much for saving me. And Presea Presea: Yes?

Kate: I m sorry. Kate left the scene. Colette: This is sad. Why do things wind up like this? Regal: Two forces will always oppose each other. Sylvarant and Tethe alla, elves and humans, heaven and earth Raine: And those in the middle are sacrificed. Half-elves, the Great Seed, and the Chosen as well. Lloyd: Its wrong to say that someone can be sacrificed. Zelos: But anytime there are two people one will be sacrificed by the establishment of superiority. It s the same way with countries and worlds. Equality is an illusion. Sheena: Birth, status, appearance, race you re engulfed by these things. Lloyd: But everyone has the same heart. Everyone hurts when they re rejected. But people forget that. Genis: The same heart Colette: Yes. If only everyone could live thinking about each other like that Presea: Little by little people can change. Lloyd: The only thing we can do is to believe in that and start doing what we can. Raine: Yes. What we can do right now is to release the Summon Spirits links. mana

Lloyd: Yeah. Let s get the blue candle from the Elemental Research Laboratory so we can form a pact with Shadow. Lloyd s group heads back to Meltokio and inside Elemental Research Laboratory Scientist 1: Welcome back, everyone! Raine: We escorted Kate to Ozette at her request. Scientist 1: I see. There s been a terrible commotion here as well. Because of Kate s escape, the Pope suffered a great loss of face. We ve all been incredibly worried about being arrested. Lloyd: I see. We were already gone from here when that was going on.

Scientist 2: Here s the blue candle. Lloyd takes the Blue Candle. Lloyd: No, thank you. Regal: Now we can go to Shadow.

Thank you.

Sheena: Yeah. Thanks. We ll make good use of it. Scientist 1: Good luck, Sheena. With the Blue Candle, Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Temple of Shadow. Upon arrival Lloyd: All right, let s use that Blue Candle. Lloyd uses the Blue Candle and the area brightens enough for Lloyd s group to see. Lloyd: This should do. Now we can explore this place. Sheena: But it s kind of Genis: Yeah, the feeling of the mana here The power feels unstable compared to the previous seals. Lloyd: We ll find out what s going on once we get further inside. Lloyd s group moves on. In the next area Lloyd: Wh what the? Lloyd s group witnesses a shadow figure that is stationary. Lloyd: Is this a monster? Sheena: No this is a Summon Spirit! Colette: This is the Summon Spirit of Darkness, Shadow? Genis: It feels weaker than all the previous Summon Spirits. About one-fifth the power. And the mana feels even more unstable than it did outside. Raine approaches the shadow figure and tries to touch it. Raine: My hand goes right through it Could it be that the power of the Summon Spirit has leaked out from the seal and taken on this physical form? Does this mean that if we don t bring this fragment of Shadow to the seal, we won t be able to form a pact with Shadow? Raine notices a crystal stand next to Lloyd s group. Raine: Look at this wondrous crystal! How does it function? Is it magitechnology? Is it the Summon Spirit s power? Genis: Sis Colette: Lloyd, look. It looks like this little fellow can t go into the light.

Lloyd: Ah-hah! It s the Summon Spirit of Darkness, so it doesn t like light! Genis: Then we have to search for a way to put out that light and lead the Summon Spirit into the core. Colette: Maybe if we corral all five of them into that wide open area below this floor, we can take them from there down to the seal without them getting separated. Lloyd: Okay, then. Let s get started and see what we can do. Professor! We re going now! Raine: But I m not done studying it! Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the next area, Lloyd s group witnesses a visible doorway to the side. Lloyd: It looks like I can go in through there. I ll go take a look. Colette: Are you going by yourself? Are you going to be okay? Lloyd: Haha, don t worry. I ll be right back. Wait here. Lloyd enters the doorway and uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changes. Lloyd: I wonder what it does. I ll try it first! Lloyd tries out the Sorcerer s Ring. Lloyd: Ha! Lloyd uses the Sorcerer s Ring. Lloyd: Did anything change? Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by creating paths for the five shadow figures to come to the designated area. After that Lloyd: Phew. We finally got them all here. Now, all we have to do is to lead these guys down to the seal in the bottom level. Lloyd s group leads the five shadow figures to the seal. Upon arrival at the seal, the five shadow figures form into one. Lloyd: Since Shadow s the Summon Spirit of Darkness, the opposite of that would be the Summon Spirit of Light, right? Colette: Yeah. But why do you ask? Lloyd: Well, Luna was saying she wanted us to bring Aska, so Raine: Yes considering the time we ll need to spend to find Aska, we should save the Summon Spirit of Light for last. Genis: I wonder why Aska left the Guardian Tower of Mana? Zelos: He probably just ran away to find some chicks.

Sheena: You re confusing him with yourself, Zelos. Anyway, here we go. The shadow figure approaches the seal and then, Shadow appeared at the scene. Shadow: Mithos and I pact We re doing the same thing that the legendary hero once did

Lloyd: Mithos

Sheena: I am Sheena! I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos, and establish a new pact with me. Shadow: Fight.

Presea: He s coming! Lloyd s group fights Shadow. After Lloyd s group defeats Shadow Shadow: Vow Sheena: You don t waste any words, do you? Umm for the sake of creating a place in which the two worlds must no longer sacrifice one another, I ask that you lend me your power. Shadow: Agreed.

Shadow transforms into a stone crystal and Sheena received Amethyst. Lloyd: Now all we need to do is form the pact with the Summon Spirit of Light, and we can sever another mana link. All right, we re counting on you for the next one too, Sheena! Sheena: You got it! Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Shadow, Lloyd s group exits the Temple of Shadow. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds and travels to Sylvarant. Lloyd rides the Rheairds to the Linkite Tree. Upon arrival Raine: It seems this is the Linkite Tree that Professor Nova s family talked about. Lloyd: It s dead. Raine: Lloyd. Let s go back to Professor Nova and confirm the information we have. Lloyd: Yeah, we ve forgotten a lot of it already. I wonder where he is right now? Raine: All we can do is gather information in the cities and search for him. Lloyd: Okay. Let s go. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Nova s Caravan. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to Nova. Nova: Hmm? What is it? Lloyd: We ve found the Linkite Tree, but we d like to reconfirm the information we heard before.

Nova: I see. Then take a look at the memo. Lloyd reads the memo. The memo says as follows: To find the Linkite Tree. The Linkite Tree is thought to be somewhere that cannot be reached by foot. If the Linkite Tree is dead, we must strengthen the healing arts, call forth the tree s will to live, and nourish the ground. After Lloyd s group finishes reading the memo, Lloyd s group begins group discussions. Raine: Just as we remembered it. Then, to sum it all up, looking at our current status Lloyd: We need to revive the Linkite Tree and carry the sound on the wind! As for the wind to carry the sound Sheena: Leave it to me! We have Sylph, the Summon Spirit of Wind, on our side! Genis: How are we going to revive the Linkite Tree? Raine: We have the Linkite Nut we received from that its growth with an Exsphere and strengthen my healing Horn, then maybe we can manage something We may need Spirit of Earth as well, since we need to nourish the child. If we accelerate arts with the Unicorn the power of the Summon ground.

Sheena: The Summon Spirit of Earth is my job! Just leave it to me! What about the Exsphere? Lloyd: No problem! We ve got one! Genis: Then the only thing left is the melody. I wonder if it will make a pretty sound Raine: That s the one thing we don t know Lloyd: No problem! I can t do anything with this little nut, but as long as the revived Linkite Tree has big nuts on it, I can make a flute. We just need one like the one Mithos had, right? Genis: Lloyd! You can make that? Lloyd: I ll show you the skills my dad taught me! And we have Presea, too! Presea: Yes. I will help. Lloyd: Okay, then let s go find a Linkite Tree! Nova: Fascinating Lloyd: Whoa! Nova: I see now That s impressive the way you ve found the rules of how it works. Would you mind taking us with you when you called forth Aska? Lloyd: But you won t all fit on the Rheairds Sheena: Ah, don t worry about that. If that glowing bird is Aska and I make a pact with him, then I can call him forth anytime. I ll show Aska to you myself.

Nova: I see! Haha! That would be great. Please, show him to me sometime. I ve made note of the information you ve assembled. If you want to hear it, come talk to me anytime. Lloyd: Okay, let s go! Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds back to the Linkite Tree. Upon arrival Lloyd: Professor, Sheena, are you ready? Raine: Yes, I m ready. Sheena: Yeah, anytime. Lloyd placed the Linkite Nut near the dead Linkite Tree. Lloyd: Okay, Professor, Sheena! Go for it! Raine: Right. Stand back. Lloyd steps back and Raine and Sheena takes their positions. Sheena approaches the Linkite Tree. Sheena: Here I go! I call upon the servant of Mother Earth! Sheena summons Gnome and he appeared at the scene. Gnome: What is it? Sheena: Gnome! Please make this ground healthy again! Gnome: Hmmm okay. Gnome casts an Earth element and it come down to the floor. Sheena: Okay, Raine. Raine: Right. Sheena steps back and Raine approaches the Linkite Tree. Raine pulls out her staff. Raine: Unicorn Horn lend me your power! Resurrection! Raine casts Resurrection. Then, the whole area grew some green grasses and the Linkite Tree was revived. Colette: Wow! ? The Linkite Tree recovered! Zelos: Whoa! Raine, you re fantastic! Raine: Lloyd, Presea, the rest is up to you. Presea: I understand. Lloyd Lloyd approaches the Linkite Tree. Lloyd: Yeah how about these? (to his group) It ll take about one night, so just wait for a little bit.

Raine: Right. The next day Presea: Genis. Here Presea gave Genis the Linkite Ocarina. Presea: Lloyd, Presea, it s perfect! Lloyd: Time for the last step! Genis! Sheena! Genis: Yeah! Sheena: You got it! Lloyd steps back and Genis and Sheena takes their position. Genis plays the Linkite Ocarina and Sheena uses the Exsphere. Regal: Look! Suddenly, the golden sparkling bird that will be known as Aska from this point on appeared at the scene. Colette: So this is Aska Aska: Who calls me? Sheena: Aska! We need your power! Please form a pact with me! Aska: Pact Where is Luna? Zelos: We haven t made a pact with Luna yet, but we need you. Aska: I do not want to form a pact unless Luna is with me. Sheena: Then, let s form a pact with Luna. Aska: Then I shall go to Luna. Farewell Sheena: Yeah! That s fine. Thanks, Aska. Aska: Then until that time Aska vanished from the scene. Lloyd: Sheena, was that okay? Sheena: He said he ll make a pact. There s no reason to do it right now, right? Regal: Indeed. Luna and Aska are both Summon Spirits of Light. If Luna is performing the role as the mana link, then there is no need to attempt to force a pact with Aska here. Colette: The only thing left is to go to Luna and officially make the pact. Raine: We ll be tested by both of them at the same time unavoidable Zelos: Well, whatever will be, will be. I guess it s

Lloyd: Okay, let s go! Lloyd s group first travels to Tethe alla and stops by at Altessa s House. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group examines an Exsphere. Presea seemed puzzled. Tabatha: WHAT IS IT, PRESEA? Presea: This Exsphere is Tabatha: YES. THIS CHILD IS SICK. Presea: Sick? The Exsphere?


Tabatha: YES THE POOR THINGS Lloyd: I see. Yeah, they re alive, too, after all. Presea: Poor things? It is because of these small stones that everyone is suffering. Countless lives have been lost in order to wake them. Yet you still feel Lloyd: Well

Tabatha: PRESEA WOULD YOU COME WITH ME TO THE TOIZE VALLEY MINE? Presea: To the mine? Regal: It s all right with me. If you have business there, I ll give you permission to enter. Lloyd: But what are we going to do about a Rheaird for Tabatha? Unlike Mithos, she s not small enough to ride with someone. Zelos: I ll stay behind. Lloyd: Okay. Then, let s go. Lloyd s group proceeds to the Toize Valley Mine. Upon arrival Presea: What are we going to do here? Tabatha: PLEASE GO FURTHER IN TO A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN HEAR THE VOICES OF THE EXSPHERES. Lloyd: All right. Let s go, Presea. Presea: Yes

Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with a bridge near the waterfalls. Upon arrival Presea: Here? Tabatha: YES. YOU CAN HEAR THE WHISPERS OF THE EXSPHERES.

There was a brief pause. Presea: I can t hear anything

Tabatha: BE QUIET. PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY. The camera shows the Exsphere rising up from the waterfalls and the whole area is lit blue. Blue drops come down. Tabatha: EXSPHERES AND I ARE THE SAME. WE ARE BOTH LIFE-LESS. Presea: You re the same as Exspheres? Tabatha: EXSPHERES HAVE FEELINGS, TOO. THEY GET LONELY VERY EASILY. SO, THEY ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO BE TOGETHER WITH SOMEONE. THEIR LONELINESS ABSORBS PEOPLE S LIVES. Presea: Lonely Exspheres are lonely, just like me.

Tabatha: YES. AND THEY SEEK COMPANIONS, JUST AS YOU DO NOW. Lloyd: Yeah. We humans are the ones digging them up and using them for our own purposes. Presea: We are the ones making use of their traits and making them even more lonely as well. Tabatha: I KNOW THAT THEY ARE MAKING YOU SUFFER. BUT, PLEASE, DO NOT HATE THEM. EXSPHERES ARE ALIVE, TOO. Presea: Yes I will think about this. About being lonely and about hate

Lloyd: Yeah. Just smashing one hatred up against another doesn t solve anything. Tabatha: YES. I THINK IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. Presea: Than you, Tabatha. Tabatha: NOT AT ALL, PRESEA. THE EXSPHERES ARE HAPPY AS WELL, THAT YOU HAVE COME TO UNDERSTAND THEM. Later, after this, Lloyd s group heads back to Altessa s House. Inside Lloyd: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Zelos: I should have gone along. I was so bored. Presea: I think I heard the voice of the Exspheres. Lloyd: Yeah. Presea: I have learned yet another thing. Lloyd: What? Presea: Hatred gives birth to nothing Lloyd: Yeah.

Presea: Yes. Lloyd s group talks to Mithos. Mithos: Welcome back, everyone. Genis: Mithos, here Mithos: What s this? Lloyd: A flute made from a Linkite Nut. Genis: We d like you to have it. Mithos: But Lloyd: It was our fault that the memento of your sister was broken. Mithos: Thank you!

Genis: It may not be the same as your sister s flute Mithos: No, don t worry about that. Your feelings are enough. I m so happy. I mean, the Linkite Tree is supposed to be extinct Lloyd: You sure know a lot of stuff, Mithos. You even knew about the Linkite Tree. Genis: Yeah, really. I wish you could come along with us instead of Lloyd. Lloyd: Hey. What s that supposed to mean?

Mithos: Ahahahaha. If there s anything I can do for you, I will. Come talk to me anytime. Lloyd: You got it. Genis: Thanks, Mithos! Lloyd s group exits Altessa s House and travels to Sylvarant. Upon arrival in Sylvarant, Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Tower of Mana. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group approaches the teleporter to the seal, until Kratos: Stop! Lloyd: Kratos! Don t get in our way! Kratos: Hear me out! The Derris-Kharlan core-system just finished calculating its answer. If you form the pact with the Summon Spirit, the protection around the Great Seed will be completely lost! Voice of Yuan: And that s exactly what we desire! Lightning ball was thrown towards Kratos, but Kratos evaded the lightning ball. Yuan appeared at the scene. Kratos: Don t you understand?! What you re hoping for will not happen! Yuan: Silence! Do you think we ll pass up this opportunity?!

Yuan begins to cast another lightning ball at Kratos. Yuan: Lloyd! Leave him to me! Go, now! Form the pact with the Summon Spirit of Light! Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the seal. Upon arrival Lloyd: This is it. The protection around the Great Seed will finally fall after this pact. Colette: we re counting on you, Sheena. Sheena: You got it! Sheena approaches the seal and Luna appeared at the scene. Sheena: I am Sheena! I ask that thou annulst thy pact with Mithos and establish a new pact with me. Luna: Where is Aska? Sheena: He ll come. He promised. Luna: I see Then all is well. I shall test thy worthiness to wieldst my power. Suddenly, Aska appeared at the scene and Lloyd s group fights Luna and Aska. After Lloyd s group defeats Luna and Aska Luna: Thou art powerful. Now state thy vow upon which thou wilt base our pact. Sheena: I vow to germinate the Great Seed in order to realize the true regeneration of both worlds. Luna: We accept thy vow. Our power is thine. Luna and Aska transforms into a stone crystal and Sheena received Topaz. Now that Sheena acquired the ability to summon Luna, Kratos and Yuan appeared at the scene. Yuan: You did it! Kratos: No! We watch a movie of the seals reacting and the Giant Kharlan Tree was grown, destroying Palmacosta in the process. The camera shows a woman who is encased in her sleep. After that Lloyd: What s happening?! Zelos: Oh my g Genis: It that the Giant Kharlan Tree? Colette: That person I feel like I ve met her somewhere before.

Yuan: Martel! Raine: Martel? That woman about to be consumed by the tree is Martel? Colette: She reminds me of someone. She reminds me of

Yuan: Why would Martel reappear with that giant, grotesque tree? Kratos: I was afraid this would happen Lloyd: What do you mean? Kratos: Having lost the stability afforded by the protection of the Summon Spirits, the Great Seed has gone out of control. Yuan: No! The purpose of the Summon Spirits was to isolate the Great Seed from the outside world and prevent it from growing! Kratos: That was only half of it. The two worlds were forced out of phase by Yggdrasill. They should have drifted apart from each other and have been consumed by the void. But this was prevented from happening because the Great Seed was placed in the center between the two worlds. Yuan: I don t need a lecture from you to know that! Kratos: The Great Seed is constantly being pulled upon from both worlds as they try to separate from one another. It s a miracle that this delicate balance held up for even this long. Yuan: Wait! So the mana links served as a cage to contain the Great Seed in the space between the two worlds? Is that what you re saying? Kratos: Exactly. And because you provided the unstable Great Seed with mana, germinated in a twisted form and has gone out of control. It s even engulfed Martel. Lloyd: Who cares why this happened! I wanna know what s gonna happen if we can t stop this thing! Yuan: If what Kratos says is true, then Sylvarant will be consumed and destroyed by the Great Seed. And if Sylvarant is destroyed, Tethe alla will be destroyed as well, as it is linked by the Holy Ground of Kharlan and the Otherworldly Gate. Presea: Then everyone will die. Kratos: Everyone except that twisted tree and the angels that live on Derris-Kharlan. Genis: We have to do something! Sheena: But what can we do?! Regal: Yuan. How do you plan to rectify this situation? Yuan: We can cut off the mana flow and stop the seed from receiving any more mana. Kratos: But that won t subdue the Giant Tree. The process has already begun. Zelos: Is the Giant Tree going crazy like that in Tethe alla, too? Kratos: Highly unlikely. Although I imagine they are feeling some effects, such as earthquakes.

Raine: That makes sense. Because Colette activated the process of world regeneration, the Summon Spirits of Sylvarant are now active. Therefore, the Giant Tree was drawn over here by Sylvarant s Summon Spirits. Kratos: Correct. The Summon Spirits exchange their respective roles of yin and yang each time a Chosen s quest for world regeneration succeeds. Currently, the Summon Spirits of Sylvarant are carrying out the role of yang by providing the mana. But because the Giant Tree has over-absorbed Sylvarant s mana, it has gone out of control. Lloyd: If that s the case, couldn t we neutralize it by blasting it with the power of the opposing Summon Spirits? Genis: Whoa, Lloyd!! You actually understood what we were talking about?

Lloyd: Shut it, Genis! Professor once said that the negative and positive of a magnet neutralize each other. This is kind of the same thing, right? Raine: That s not quite right, Lloyd, but nonetheless it s a clever idea coming from you. Sheena: Even if we did decide to try and set the Summon Spirits of Tethe alla against it, how are we gonna go about doing that? We can t get close to that crazy thing the way it is now. Yuan: The Mana Cannon. Presea: Mana Cannon? That machine Rodyle was building? Yuan: We were actually manipulating Rodyle into building that. Before the mana links started to disappear, we planned to have Rodyle destroy the Tower of Salvation. Kratos: So you re suggesting we feed the mana of Tethe alla s Summon Spirits into the Mana Cannon and fire it at the Giant Tree. Hmm I suppose there s no better option right now. Raine: First, we need to shut off the current flow of mana to the tree. It ll be too late if the tree grows any larger. Kratos: Then here s the plan. Yuan, I m going to pretend I don t know who you ve been working with or what you ve been doing. In exchange, you re going to order the Renegades to stop firing mana at the tree immediately. Meanwhile, Lloyd s group will head for the Mana Cannon. Yuan: All right. Suddenly, the area shakes and then, a Renegade soldier appeared at the scene. Renegade Soldier: It s not possible, sir! Forcystus has executed our Iselia ranch infiltration team! Lloyd: What does that mean? Yuan: The Iselia ranch is still operational. We had people working undercover switch over the mana flow. Zelos: In other words, we have to infiltrate the place right now and stop the flow.


Then I shall go.

Regal: You? Are you suggesting we should send you, our enemy, to do this by yourself? Yuan: I ll send some of my men. Kratos: Preparations for the Mana Cannon, the shutdown of the mana reactors throughout the world there are too many things we need the Renegades to do. You don t have enough troops to do everything. Lloyd: I ll go.

Sheena: What are you saying?! We have to head for the Mana Cannon! Lloyd: You and the Renegades can take care of the Mana Cannon. Kratos and the rest of us will infiltrate the Iselia ranch. Fire the Mana Cannon when we give you the word. You wouldn t be able to trust the signal if it came from Kratos alone, right? Sheena: Well, that s true, but Kratos: Is it about Chocolat?

Lloyd seemed startled. Colette: That s right. Chocolat is held at the Iselia ranch. Lloyd, you remembered your promise. Yuan: All right. We ll leave it to you then. Don t let us down. Lloyd: Let s go, guys! Kratos rejoined Lloyd s group and Sheena left to do her assigned duties for Lloyd s group. The camera switches to areas of Tethe alla which the sound of an earthquake can be heard. The camera then switches to Mithos outside Altessa s House. Mithos: Tabatha: IS SOMETHING WRONG, MITHOS? Mithos: Ah, no. Just now I thought I heard Genis Suddenly, the earthquake is starting. Tabatha: AHH! Mithos: Ahh! Suddenly, a big stone from the hill next to Altessa s House was about to fall on Tabatha, but Mithos: L look out! Mithos shoves Tabatha out of the stone s way. Mithos got hit by the stones, pinned down in the process. Tabatha: MITHOS! voice

Mithos: Ma r The camera switches to Lloyd s group who arrived in Iselia Human Ranch. Kratos: Why did you bring me along? You don t need me in order to stop the mana reactor. Lloyd: Because I don t trust Cruxis. It just happens that this time, our goals, your goals, and those of the Renegades coincide, but we don t know what s going to happen next. It s easier to keep an eye on you if you re close by. Kratos: I see. A wise decision. Genis: How are we going to get in? The gate s closed. Lloyd: I ll jump down inside from the cliff and open the door. Kratos: No, let me go. I can simply fly over a gate like this. Kratos wings are revealed and flies over the locked gate and unlocks the gate from the inside. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds inside the human ranch. Upon entering, Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changes. Lloyd: Whoa! A kinda warm light came out of it. Kratos: It s the light of mana. Lloyd: This is mana? Kratos: Be careful. If you release too much of your body s mana, you will exhaust it. Lloyd: O okay Lloyd s group approaches the computer console area. Upon arrival Colette: This is the mana reactor.

Genis: Can t we just destroy the ranch? Lloyd: If we re going to do that, we have to rescue the captives. Raine: We don t have time this time around. Let s destroy or stop just the mana reactor while rescuing Chocolat and the others. Regal: Where are the captives held? Zelos: Around here, I think. Lloyd: That s on the way to the mana reactor. We may be able to rescue them at the same time. Presea: There is insufficient time. It would be a seventy percent loss. Kratos: It s the same as in Kvar s ranch. We will have to divide into teams. Colette: What should we do, Lloyd? Lloyd: I ll go to the mana reactor. Chocolat hates me, anyway.

Genis: Okay. Then, pick the members for your team, Lloyd. CHOOSE 3 MEMBERS FOR LLOYD S GROUP IF YOU CHOOSE COLETTE TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: Please take me along, too! Lloyd puts Colette in the reactor team. Colette: Really? I m so happy! IF YOU CHOOSE GENIS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: I m going with you, right? Lloyd puts Genis in the reactor team. Genis: Well, of course! IF YOU CHOOSE RAINE TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: Don t you think you should bring me along? Lloyd puts Raine in the reactor team. Raine: All right. IF YOU CHOOSE ZELOS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Zelos. Zelos: I want to be where the most girls are. Lloyd puts Zelos in the reactor team. Zelos: Ahh, yeah, I m so loved. IF YOU CHOOSE PRESEA TO JOIN LLOYD Presea: I am always ready to fight. Lloyd puts Presea in the reactor team. Presea: I understand. IF YOU CHOOSE REGAL TO JOIN LLOYD Regal: I place my strength at your disposal. Lloyd puts Regal in the reactor team. Regal: I understand.

IF YOU CHOOSE KRATOS TO JOIN LLOYD Lloyd talks to Kratos. Kratos: Choose as you will.

Lloyd puts Kratos in the reactor team. Kratos: Hmm. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Later, after Lloyd s group formed the reactor and rescue teams Lloyd: I ll have these three come with me. IF YOU HAVE COLETTE IN LLOYD S GROUP Colette: Okay! Let s do our best! IF YOU HAVE GENIS IN LLOYD S GROUP Genis: I ll show you what a genius magician can really do. IF YOU HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine: Leave the machines to me. IF YOU HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: You know, I d really prefer to avoid danger if I could IF YOU HAVE PRESEA IN LLOYD S GROUP Presea: You have my full support. IF YOU HAVE REGAL IN LLOYD S GROUP Regal: I shall follow any order you give. IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: I will observe how far your skills with the blade have progressed. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT IF YOU HAVE RAINE IN THE RESCUE TEAM Raine: Let s stay together until we reach Chocolat s location. That will be faster. Lloyd: Gotcha. Raine: Also, it looks like we can use these facilities. We should prepare ourselves before going into battle. IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN THE RESCUE TEAM Kratos: We don t need to split up until we get to where Chocolat and the others

are being held. Do you understand that, Lloyd? Lloyd: I know. Kratos: It looks like we can use the facilities here. Don t neglect to prepare for battle. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group proceeds to the prison area. Upon arrival Chocolat: Chosen One! Lloyd: Chocolat! Desian Soldier 1: Don t move! So you re the intruders! Desian Soldier 2: The host bodies made a break for it when they heard you were here! You ll pay for this! The Desian soldier attacks Lloyd. Lloyd: Ugh! The other Desian soldier attacks Colette. Colette: Ahh! Colette lost her balance and falls to the floor. While the Desian soldiers continuously kicks both Lloyd and Colette Prisoner: Uahhh!! The prisoner attacks the Desian soldiers and then steps back. Desian Soldier 1: Y you! As the Desian soldiers approaches the prisoner, Lloyd and Colette gets up. Lloyd: So you like kicking people around, huh? Well now, it s payback time! Lloyd s group fights the Desian soldiers. After Lloyd s group defeats the Desian soldiers Prisoner: Thank you so much! Chocolat: Thank you. Lloyd: Are there any others here? Prisoner: I think the people in the other rooms managed to get away already. IF YOU HAVE RAINE IN THE RESCUE TEAM Raine: Well then, we ll take the captives just as planned. Lloyd: Right. Good luck. Raine: Come everyone, this way.

IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN THE RESCUE TEAM Kratos: We ll take them with us and escape. Don t fail. Lloyd: I know. Kratos: Rest of you, come with us. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Chocolat: I Lloyd: If you don t want to be saved by me, just consider yourself rescued by the Chosen. Now hurry and go! Lloyd s group splits into two teams. Raine s group escorts Chocolat and the prisoner to safety while Lloyd s group proceeds to the mana reactor. Upon arrival, Forcystus appeared at the scene. Forcystus: That s as far as you go. Lloyd: You re Forcystus! Forcystus: Well, well. So you remember me. It looks like it was a mistake to have let you live. I guess I ll have to take care of you personally. ASKING TO LET FORCYSTUS THROUGH IF COLETTE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Colette: Please let us through! The Great Seed is out of control. The whole world will perish unless we stop the seed! Forcystus: What do I care? Even if the world is destroyed, it s of no concern to us half-elves. Colette: Why?! The world is vital to everyone! IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: Look, I don t have anything against you personally, but you re dead unless you move out of the way, capisce? Forcystus: Do you realize what you re doing? You ve sealed your fate. Zelos: My fate isn t gonna mean squat if the world is destroyed. And besides, you half-elves aren t exactly gonna be able to live without the world either, now are you? IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: Enemy confirmed. Threat level, high. Eliminating the enemy! Forcystus: A futile effort. You are the ones who will be eliminated along with this human-tainted world! Presea: If the world is destroyed, half-elves will die as well Is that what you wish? IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP


So you re Forcystus. If death is what you seek, you shall have it.

Forcystus: Tough talk from a human. You re the one who s going to die, along with this tainted world. Kratos: Even if the world is lost, you can escape to Derris-Kharlan what you re thinking? How nave. Forcystus: What did you say? Is that

Kratos: Desians are nothing but expendable pawns to Yggdrasill. He d never bother to save you. Forcystus: Silence! How dare you speak ill of Lord Yggdrasill! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Forcystus: We have Derris-Kharlan! It is a world of mana, the very source of life! The destruction of this tainted world is of no concern to us. ASKING FORCYSTUS IF THE GREAT SEED OR CRUXIS IS IMPORTANT TO HIM IF GENIS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Genis: No how could that be part of Cruxis the angels plan?

Forcystus: Of course. Lord Yggdrasill s direct order is to leave the Great Seed as is. IF RAINE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Raine: What twisted logic Is this Cruxis idea?

Forcystus: Lord Yggdrasill s orders are absolute. IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: Are you saying that s really what your boss Yggdrasill wants? Forcystus: Of all people, you question me? Haha how amusing, It is indeed Lord Yggdrasill s direct order that the Great Seed be left as is. IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: But if this continues, not only the world, but the Great Seed will be lost as well. Is that what you want? Forcystus: It is Lord Yggdrasill s order that the Great Seed be left alone. IF REGAL IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Regal: How can you so easily cast away the world? Is it not the source of all life? Forcystus: Mana is the source of life. And the very source of mana, Derris-Kharlan, will be our new world thanks to Lord Yggdrasill. IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP

Kratos: The Great Seed is invaluable to Yggdrasill. If you stand in our way, the great Seed will die, and you will be held responsible. Forcystus: Hahaha! You have no idea what you re talking about. I am under direct orders from Lord Yggdrasill himself. Kratos: Because Martel is fused with the Great Seed would go this far just to protect her?! Forcystus: You speak as if you know him. Who are you? CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT NOT TO ARGUE AND START FIGHTING FORCYSTUS IF GENIS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Genis: We don t have the time to be goofing around with this idiot! Let s go, Lloyd! IF RAINE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Raine: There s no reason for us to play along with their stall tactic. We must hurry. IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: Ugh, your babbling is driving me nuts! Let s just ignore this idiot. We don t have the time to be dealing with the Desian s victim complex. IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: At this rate, this operation will be compromised. IF REGAL IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Regal: Looks like we have no time to waste. Are you saying that fool

IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: Lloyd! We ve no time! We ll have to use force!

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: I know! Forcystus: You will not get past me! Lloyd s group fights Forcystus and 2 Exbones. After Lloyd s group defeats Forcystus and 2 Exbones Forcystus: Ugh im possible Forcystus steps back towards the pit. Forcystus falls into the pit. Forcystus: Ughhhh! After that Lloyd: Now we can stop the mana reactor!

Later, Lloyd s group attempts to use the control console to shut down the mana reactor. Lloyd: I don t have a clue what any of this stuff does. WHOMEVER WILL STOP THE MANA REACTOR IF COLETTE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Colette: Really? What are we going to do? Colette approaches the control console, but tripped and stumbled to the floor. The control console then activated. Colette: Uh-oh. Wh what did I do?!

The control console then shuts off as well as the mana reactor. Lloyd: Hmm? It looks like it stopped! Colette: Oh, you re right phew! Lloyd: Good job Colette. Looks like your luck is as strong as ever. Colette: Hehehehe. IF RAINE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Raine: I told you, leave the machines to me. Raine uses the control console and shuts off the mana reactor. Lloyd: That s our Professor! I knew it was a good idea to ask you to come along! Raine: Lloyd, stop being silly. But I m glad I was able to help. IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: All right, leave this to me! Lloyd: You sure you know what you re doing? Zelos: I figured something like this might come up, so I found out how this machine works. Lloyd: Found out from who? Zelos: Th that doesn t really matter, now does it? Okay, here we go. Zelos uses the control console and shuts off the mana reactor. Zelos: Well, that s that. How do you like me now, baby? You re even more impressed now, aren t you? Lloyd: Personality issues aside, I m very impressed. I guess even you have your uses sometimes. Zelos: Lloyd, that was harsh, man

IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: (holding her ax) operate this. It would seem that there is no one here who can

Lloyd: Hmm what should we do? Presea: Presea approaches the control console. Lloyd: Whoa! Presea, what are you doing?! Presea strikes the control console with her ax and shuts off the mana reactor. Presea: Mission complete. Let us return. Lloyd: (tensed up) Um okay IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: I ll handle this. Kratos uses the control console and shuts off the mana reactor. Lloyd: You sure are handy with everything swordsmanship, magic, even operating machines. Kratos: I ve lived a little longer than most humans. Lloyd: Lived longer? So you re a half-elf, too? But then again, he called you human, earlier Kratos: Focus on what s important. We must stop the Giant Tree. Lloyd: Y yeah. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group exits the human ranch and met up with the other group while they assure the prisoners evacuated successfully. After that IF COLETTE WAS WITH THE RESCUE TAEM Colette: Lloyd! I m so glad you re safe! IF ZELOS WAS WITH THE RESCUE TEAM Zelos: You re late, Lloyd! I was about to go in after you! Well, anyway, I m glad you re okay. IF REGAL WAS WITH THE RESCUE TEAM Regal: Impressive as always, Lloyd. Looks like you stopped the mana reactor successfully. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Yeah! All we need to do now is contact Sheena and

Suddenly, Forcystus appeared behind Lloyd. Forcystus: You will do no such thing. Forcystus fires his left arm optic beam at Lloyd. Lloyd: Ughhh! Lloyd got injured and falls to the floor. Presea: No!

Forcystus: I am one of the Five Grand Cardinals I won t die so easily! (clenching his wound) I m taking all of you inferior beings with me! Kratos: So this is how the great Desian hero, Forcystus, meets his end. I m disappointed. Forcystus: I see I get it now. I wondered how a mere human could exude the smell of mana. You re Kratos Kratos: What of it? Forcystus: Lord Yggdrasill trusted you Yet in the end, you betray us! This is why humans can never be trusted! Just as Forcystus aims and fires his left arm optic beam at Chocolat, Colette quickly shielded Chocolat and took the hit. Colette: Ahhh!

Colette falls to the floor. Lloyd angrily draws his sword. Lloyd: No! You bastard! Lloyd thrust his sword through Forcystus stomach.

Forcystus: Lord Yggdrasill! Glory to the new Age of Half-elves!! Forcystus dies and vanishes from the scene. Colette gets up. Lloyd: Colette, are you okay?! Lloyd suddenly noticed Colette s sleeves on her left arm is blown off and her partially crystalized left arm was revealed. Lloyd: What s th Colette: (grasp her left arm) No don t look! Don t look at me! Kratos: Lloyd! Send the message, quickly! Lloyd: But Colette Kratos: The Chosen won t die yet, but if you don t hurry, this world will! Now do it. Lloyd: A all right! We watch a movie of a tower rising from the water. After that, the camera shows

Sheena in the water tower. Sheena: That s the signal! Disciple of everlasting ice! Sheena summoned Celsius. Sheena: Hammer of godly thunder! Sheena summoned Volt. Sheena: Servant of Mother Earth! Sheena summoned Gnome. Sheena: Envoy from the dark abyss! Sheena summoned Shadow. Sheena: I command thee! Gatherest before me and unleash thine power! Okay, guys! I m counting on you! The Summon Spirits gave their mana to the tower and the tower is activated. Sheena: Fire Mana Cannon!! We watch a movie of the water tower firing the Mana Cannon at the Giant Kharlan Tree, striking the encased Martel. Martel s scream can be heard and the Giant Kharlan Tree was vaporized. After that, the camera switches to Yuan in his office of Sylvarant Base. Yuan: The camera switches to Altessa s House where Mithos gets up after the injury he suffered. Altessa: You mustn t get up! Mithos: !!

The camera switches to Lloyd s group in Iselia Human Ranch. Genis: What was that cry? Kratos: Martel, I would assume. The out-of-control Great Seed is Martel herself. Genis: I wonder The camera shows the communication box getting a signal. Yuan: (speaking through communication box) The Great Seed is once again bound in the Holy Ground of Kharlan. For that, I owe you my gratitude. Thank you. It seems that you have managed to save the Great Seed as well as this world. Kratos approaches the communication box. Kratos: If the Great Seed is intact, then I presume Martel, who s fused with it, is safe as well? The camera switches to Yuan in his office of Sylvarant Base.

Yuan: I m sure that s good news for you. I wish I could say the same for me. The camera switches to Lloyd who faces Colette. Lloyd: Colette, it looks like things have settled down. Colette: It s gross, isn t it? It s disgusting, isn t it? It s Lloyd: It s not at all. Lloyd attempts to approach Colette. Colette: Stay away! Don t look at me! Suddenly, Colette collapsed and became unconscious. Lloyd: Colette! Lloyd checks on Colette. Raine: It s okay. She just fainted. Let s take her back to the village. Genis: To Iselia? But Lloyd and I were banished! Raine: Colette s home is in Iselia. Besides, we can t just leave behind the people who were held at the ranch. Lloyd: All right. Let s go to Iselia. Yuan: Then I ll notify Sheena to meet you at Iselia. Farewell for now. The communication box shuts down. END OF DISC 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------6: DISC 2 Game Script Later, Lloyd s group returned to Iselia in Colette s house. Phaidra: I see. So the angels of Cruxis were really half-elves Lloyd: Please don t tell anyone about this. We don t want to start a panic. Phaidra: Indeed. Especially now that the Tower of Salvation is gone, I wouldn t dare tell people the truth. Genis: Tower of Salvation is gone? Phaidra: After that frightening earthquake, the tower disappeared from the eastern sky along with that monstrosity. Lloyd: How could it disappear?! Kratos: I don t know. The Chosen never completed the ritual of regeneration. The Cruxis core system, which controls the appearance of the tower, may have malfunctioned. It is of little consequence. Raine: No, it s not. It s a tremendous shock to the people of Sylvarant. After a giant earthquake sunders the land, the symbol of salvation vanishes. The Chosen will be held responsible. It s

Zelos: Why? Lots of other Chosen have failed up till now, too. Phaidra: The others have paid for their failure with their lives. But Colette is still alive Regal: When people are suffering, they feel the need to place the blame on someone Presea: It is not fair to Colette. Lloyd: I m gonna go see what s going on in the village. Genis: I ll go too. Zelos: Let s all go together, then. It sounds like it s a bit sketchy for you to be walking around by yourself. Kratos: I ll stay here. Go on. Lloyd s group goes outside and approaches the villagers confronting the mayor. Mayor: This is an outrage! Those who were banished returning without permission The Chosen failed atrociously It s the end of the world! Genis: Well, he certainly hasn t changed. Mayor: And on top of all that, people we thought were elves are actually half-elves?! I bet you were the ones that led the Desians here to attack this village! Genis: Wh what did you say? Female Villager 1: Mayor! He s only a child. Mayor: It doesn t matter if he s a child. He s a half-elf! Lloyd: I ve heard enough from you! Now listen! It s true that the Professor and Genis are half-elves but so what?! There are good half-elves just as there are bad humans! Mayor: Humph! What does a kid know? You were raised by a dwarf. It s no wonder you caused the Chosen to fail her journey! And you even brought a bunch of dirty prisoners back here! It s intolerable how much pain you ve caused the good humans of this village. Chocolat glances at the mayor. Mayor: Wh what? Chocolat: That s enough! You re just complaining about everything! Does any part of you besides your mouth even work?! Lloyd: Chocolat Zelos: Yeah! You tell him! I ve had all I can handle of this chump. Presea: You criticize and attack people for their birth and upbringing things they cannot change. It is you who are not human.

Mayor: What?! We have an arrangement with the Desians! I have a duty to protect this village. Isn t that right? No one said anything. Mayor: Say something! Boy: Genis is the smartest person in this village. He even knows factorizations that you don t know. Female Villager 2: The Professor is scary when she s angry, but when I know the answer, she s happy, too. Boy: Lloyd isn t any good at school, but he s the strongest in the village. He saved me when I was attacked by monsters. Female Villager 2: Colette, she s always falling down and stuff, but she never cries. She doesn t cry even when it hurts. Colette is really grown up. Lloyd: Everyone Raine ran away from the scene. Genis: Raine Mayor: Sh shut up! You children, go away! Chocolat: Those children understand the truth much better than you! Who do you think you are?! And it s not just you! Everyone shoved all the responsibility on the Chosen and Lloyd and the others! What have you done?! You haven t done anything! Mayor: We are powerless Female Villager 1: Yes. But even powerless, we can still aid the Chosen and her companions when they return exhausted to this village. Male Villager 1: Mayor your words are so shallow that even a child can see through them. Male Villager 2: You say that you are powerless and force everything onto the Chosen, but when push comes to shove, you turn and blame her? That s just too much! Chocolat: Forcystus is dead. There are no more restrictions upon this village. Female Villager 1: We will take in the Chosen and her companions and the people from the ranch. And, Mayor, we re not going to let you say a word about it. Male Villager 1: Yeah! Lloyd: Everyone are you sure?

Genis: I m a half-elf remember? Male Villager 2: But you were raised in this village. And Lloyd is like a member of this village, too. Genis: Thank you. Everyone.


Fine! Do what you want!

The mayor left the scene. Chocolat: I must apologize, too. Lloyd: What? Chocolat: You saved me, and yet I I couldn t bring myself to accept it. I heard at the ranch about how you were kind to Grandma. Thank you. Genis: Thank you, Chocolat. Lloyd: I ll always remember Marble for the rest of my life. Lloyd s group approaches Raine near her destroyed house. Lloyd s group talks to Raine. Lloyd: Professor. What is it?

Raine: No, it s nothing. Just no no, never mind. Lloyd: Hmm? Raine: Perhaps this village has some hope left for it after all. Zelos: I was really looking forward to you chewing out the Mayor. Raine: I m not stupid enough to waste my time lecturing pigs. Zelos: Well, well, my apologies Lloyd s group approaches the south exit gate where Colette and Kratos awaits. Lloyd: Colette! Are you all right now? Colette: Yes I think I m sorry for making everyone worry. Kratos: I have accepted a request from Phaidra and Frank to escort the Chosen to your father s house. Lloyd: To Dad s house? Why? Colette: Grandmother said that dwarves know the most about Cruxis Crystals Lloyd: I see Yeah, they probably do. Then I ll go with you. In should visit Dad every once in a while. Kratos: Yes, you do that. After I deliver the Chosen, I will return to Cruxis. Presea: But what about Sheena? Kratos: I requested a message be sent. She should rejoin you soon. Lloyd: Gotcha. Then, let s go back to Dad s place. Lloyd s group arrived in Dirk s House. Lloyd s group approaches Dirk. Dirk: Lloyd!

Lloyd: Dad! How ve you been? Were you affected by the earthquake? Dirk: This area is on top of hard bedrock. Everything is fine. Kratos: Dirk, we are here by the request of Colette s family. They wish for you to help her. Later, inside Dirk s House Dirk: I m afraid, even if Cruxis Crystals are an evolved form of Exsphere, I still don t know the first thing about them. It d be a better idea to ask a dwarf over in that Tethe alla place. Lloyd: Oh so even you don t know anything about these. Dirk: I m sorry I couldn t be of help At least stay here for the night to get some rest. Kratos: I must politely decline.

Kratos exited Dirk s House. Dirk: Ah all right. Lloyd goes outside and tries to speak to Kratos. Lloyd: Wait! Are you really going back to Cruxis? Kratos: I am an angel of Cruxis. Lloyd: Then why didn t you follow Yggdrasill s orders to leave the Great Seed alone? Kratos: I have my reasons that s all. But as a result, Martel was not lost. That goes along with Yggdrasill s wishes. Lloyd: It s true then. You really are our enemy Kratos: Lloyd.

Lloyd: What? Kratos: If you want to save the Chosen, you should research the records from the Ancient Kharlan War. Remember the words of the unicorn at Lake Umacy. Lloyd: Wait! Why are you with Cruxis when you re a human?! Kratos ignores Lloyd and left the scene. Lloyd: What is he trying to do? Then, Sheena appeared at the scene. Sheena: Hey, wasn t that Kratos just now? Lloyd: Sheena! Yeah he returned to Cruxis. Sheena: I see So he really is our enemy. Lloyd: Yeah but anyway welcome back!

Sheena: Thanks! Thank goodness we stopped the Giant Tree. Lloyd: Yeah. With Lloyd s group scattered from places in Dirk s House, Lloyd talks to Zelos. Zelos: I bet you lived a crappy, hard life so far, huh? Lloyd: Gee, you sure know how to cheer someone up, don t ya? Zelos: Heh heh. Well, don t worry about it too much. So now what? Aren t you at your wit s end right about now? Lloyd: Why do you say that? Zelos: The Giant Tree, which we thought was all good, goes nuts, our cute little Colette comes down with some funky cold It s just human nature to start getting tired of it all. Lloyd: I m never gonna give up. If I quit, I ll never be able to face all the people who ve suffered because of what I ve done. So I m gonna fight to the very end. I can t give up! Zelos: Hot-headed and stubborn as well. Well but I guess that s what I dig about you. Lloyd talks to Presea. Presea: This area resembles Ozette. Lloyd: Yeah, this entire area is surrounded by a forest. Presea: Lloyd I heard about Chocolat. Lloyd: And about Marble? Presea: Yes. And other things as well. Were you hurt by Chocolat s hatred towards you? Lloyd: Well, yeah it s definitely painful when someone hates you. Even if I deserved it. Presea: I see. Lloyd: But I m going to do everything I can to make up for it. Even if I don t ever make up for it completely. Presea: Even if she never forgives you? Lloyd: Whether or not you re forgiven isn t important. It s the effort that matters. At least, that s what I think. Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: The problem is what to do now. We need to know how the two worlds were forced apart before we can figure out a way to save them. Lloyd: How the worlds were forced apart I wonder about that, too, but I also want to know why Yggdrasill split the world in two.

Raine: Don t you think it was to protect the Great Seed? To protect Martel? Lloyd: But because the worlds were pulled apart, that phase thing got shifted, and the Great Seed became unstable, right? That s not really protecting her that s more like putting her in danger. Raine: Lloyd, you manage to say something intelligent every now and then. You re absolutely right. Lloyd: Every now and then ? Geez, that s harsh. That s what we need to know.

Raine: The who, why, and how

Lloyd: Right now, all we know is who. Lloyd talks to Regal. Regal: This whole time, Colette hid her suffering deep in her heart and always kept a smile on her face. Lloyd: Yeah. And once again, I failed to notice. Regal: She is a courageous girl. It takes tremendous strength to smile no matter how dire the situation. Lloyd: Colette hides her suffering too much. It s okay for her to let her true feelings show. Regal: She knows the power that words possess. Lloyd: Power of words? Regal: Your will manifests itself in the words you speak. Whether they be curses, or words of joy, the soul of those words yields power. Lloyd: I get it. Okay, then I m going to say it out loud right now: I will save Colette and both worlds! Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: Lloyd I feel like I m starting to hate humans more and more. Lloyd: I m sorry, Genis Genis: You don t have to apologize, Lloyd. I like you, as well as the people of Iselia. It s just that when I think about how there are lots of people who think just like the Mayor Lloyd: I remember a lesson where the Professor said that words exist in order for people to understand one another. Genis: What do you do about people who don t wanna understand? Lloyd: Genis Genis: I m sorry. I don t mean to take it out on you. Don t worry about it. After that, Lloyd talks to Colette.

Colette: Lloyd, I m sorry. I m being a burden to you again, aren t I? Lloyd: What are you talking about? You re the one that s suffering. Stop apologizing. Colette: Okay I m sorry. Lloyd you saw my shoulder, right? Lloyd: Yeah.

Colette: I wonder if I m just going to turn into one big Exsphere. Lloyd: You dork. There s no way that ll happen! Colette: But it keeps spreading! Right now, it s still hidden under my clothes, but eventually Lloyd: Colette Colette: (worried) If that happens, you re going to hate me I ve caused you so much trouble, and now on top of that, my body s turning into this disgusting thing Lloyd: It s not disgusting. Remember what I said. You re you. Even if you become an Exsphere No. No, I won t let you become an Exsphere! Colette: Really? Lloyd: Yeah. Have I ever lied bef well, okay, I have, but I did keep my promise to give you your birthday present, so I swear that I ll save you no matter what. I promise. Colette: Hehe you always save me, and you always keep the promises you ve made to me. Lloyd: Yeah. So cheer up! When you re down, everyone feels sad including me. Colette: I m truly thankful to have met you, Lloyd. This time, I don t want to disappear. I really don t. I m gonna live, right? I m going to be able to stay by your side, right? Lloyd: Of course! You re right here, in front of me, alive. I swear that you will be absolutely, positively, indubitably all right! A little later, Lloyd s group gathered together. Genis: What are we going to do now? Raine: Let s go see Altessa for Colette. Sheena: Yes. Regardless of whether or not we trust Kratos return to Tethe alla for now. Zelos: Can we trust him though? Lloyd: We don t have any other leads. All we can do is keep on going! Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds and travels to Tethe alla. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Altessa s House. Upon entering, Lloyd s group talks to Altessa. words, we d better

Altessa: You! If you re back here in Tethe alla, then the world must be Lloyd: Actually.

After Lloyd described everything that is happening right now Altessa: I see So that s what caused the massive earthquake the other day. Lloyd seemed startled. Lloyd: Was there damage on this side, too?! Altessa: It seems that the other regions were not greatly affected. But Tabatha: THERE WAS LANDSLIDES AND FALLING ROCKS IN THIS AREA. AND BECAUSE OF THAT, MITHOS WAS Genis seemed surprised. Genis: Hey! Mithos, what happened? You re hurt!

Mithos: Ah this is It s okay. I m fine now Tabatha: DID YOU SEE THE BOULDERS OUTSIDE? THE OTHER DAY, THERE WAS A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE, AND THE BOULDERS FELL TOWARD ME. Raine: I see I m glad you re safe. Lloyd: Yeah. And that s really impressive the way you protected Tabatha like that, Mithos. You saved us before, too. You re a really nice guy, Mithos. There was a brief pause. Mithos: Ah not really

Presea: Mithos is a kind person. Genis: Yeah! He helped us find Raine when she disappeared, too. You re awesome, Mithos! Mithos: Thank you.

Zelos: A nice guy? Hmm Altessa: Regarding Colette s illness, it s most likely Chronic Angelus Crystallus Inofficium. Lloyd: Chr chronic angelus? Altessa: Rejection of the crystal is said to occur in one out of every million people. But I ve heard that knowledge of the cure was lost long ago. If you could find records from the Ancient War, then perhaps Lloyd: So it all comes back to the Ancient War But where do we go to find records of it? Regal: There s an archive building is Sybak that is dedicated to the history of Mithos. Zelos: Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, I ve heard of that

Mithos: Oh yes. I do know about that. Raine: An archive building I wonder if it will be of any use Mithos: If you like, I can show you around there. Genis: Yeah! That d be great. Lloyd: You just want to go with Mithos. Genis: Heheh. Lloyd: Well, I guess an archive building will be safe enough. Sure, let s go together. Lloyd s group exits Altessa s House. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Sybak. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the library. Inside, Lloyd s group sits on the floor and reads a book on some useful information. Mithos: Materials pertaining to Mithos and his companions are on display in this area. Sheena: Hey, take a look at this. Lloyd: What s up? Sheena: (reading the book) One of Mithos disease that crystallizes the body. Genis: That sounds the same as Colette. Mithos: Colette is sick? Colette: Ah, yeah, a little. Presea: What happened to that person? companions was afflicted with a

It seemed it was cured.

Regal: Then there is a way to cure it, just as Altessa said. Raine: I hope the technique hasn t been lost. Lloyd: So what s the cure?! Sheena: (reading the book) It says a unicorn saved the maiden. Is that the Unicorn Horn that we got at Lack Umacy? Zelos: You mean the one that Raine used to learn new healing arts? Raine: If so, then we already know that those healing arts can t help Colette. Presea: I wonder if the unicorn itself is necessary. Sheena: Now that you mention it, the unicorn did say he lived for healing Martel s sickness or something like that Lloyd: It s just as Kratos said. Remember the unicorn s words.

Colette: I wonder who Kratos really is?

Zelos: What are you talking about? He s a traitor. What are you gonna do if you trust him and wind up regretting it? IF YOU CHOOSE I TRUST KRATOS. Lloyd: I trust Kratos. Colette: Yeah.

Lloyd s group stands up. Mithos: Lloyd you re strong. Lloyd: You think so? Mithos: You can trust someone who s betrayed you once. That s amazing. Lloyd: He feels special. His eyes don t feel hostile when he looks at me Mithos: I envy you, Lloyd I wish I could have been like you

Genis: Oh, no, you don t want that. If you became like Lloyd, you d turn into an idiot. IF YOU CHOOSE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY. Lloyd: There is a possibility, but let s test it before we start worrying whether it s true or not. Lloyd s group stands up. Sheena: Yeah! We can only do what we can!

Mithos: Lloyd you re strong. Lloyd: You think so? Mithos: How can you be so positive when there way be a trap and only darkness may lie up ahead? Lloyd: I think it s because my friends will help me. If I was alone, I think I would have already been crushed by the weight of the burden. Mithos: I, too wish I d had friends like that. Lloyd: You re our friend now, right? Genis: Yeah! You re one of Lloyd s friends. Although, you may catch his stupidity. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: (mad) Hey! Genis! Mithos: Hahaha! Yeah I really envy you. Presea: But How can we find more information on the Kharlan War? Mithos: I ve heard that the royal family has compiled and stored most of the materials concerning Mithos and the Kharlan War.

Zelos: During the Kharlan War, Mithos did have various interactions with the rulers. Raine: So it s Meltokio, then. But the Pope will be breathing down our necks. It s dangerous. Sheena: We don t have the luxury of complaining that now. Lloyd: Yeah. We ll head for Meltokio, but you should go back, Mithos. Anyway, we ll take Mithos back and Mithos: It s fine. I can go back myself. Lloyd: But Mithos: It s fine. Don t you need to hurry? And, you re going to be infiltrating the castle, right? So be careful Lloyd: Yeah. Okay then, guys, let s go!

Lloyd s are preparing to leave the scene. Zelos: (to himself) Do they all really believe him?

Zelos catches up with Lloyd s group and they ride the Rheairds to Meltokio. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the sewers. While Lloyd s group makes their way through the sewers, they witness the area with the soldier talking to Vharley. Soldier: This is the money. The soldier gave the money to Vharley. Vharley: Yup. It s all there. Hehehehe Soldier: How long before the King is dead? Vharley: Probably another month or so with this poison. Soldier: It takes a while. Vharley: I ve been told to make it look like he died from an illness. It s slow, but he ll die for sure. Tell His Eminence, the Pope, to wait just a little bit longer. Zelos: I see. I knew there was something wrong when the normally healthy King got sick. Genis: What re we gonna do, Lloyd? Lloyd: Isn t it obvious? If we save the King Raine: He ll be in our debt. Let s go. Sheena: Why can t they just say that they ll save him? Soldier: Who s there? The soldier and Vharley saw Lloyd s group.

Zelos: It s the Chosen. Soldier: Damn, it s Zelos! Vharley: What? Regal: (angry) It s you, Vharley! Presea: ! Vharley: Damn. I can t have people knowing about the assassination. Die here! Regal: Be quiet. Presea: I won t forgive you!

Lloyd, Regal and Presea draw their weapons and attacked Vharley. Vharley fell to the floor. Vharley: (dying) I m going to die here? You ve got to be kidding me going to die here like that damned Alicia? Presea: Don t insult Alicia! Vharley died at the scene. Lloyd: So he was the link between the Pope and Rodyle of the Five Grand Cardinals. Sheena: The Pope is connected to Kuchinawa as well. Raine: The Exspheres in Tethe alla passed from Vharley to Rodyle, and the experiments related to the Cruxis Crystals were passed from Rodyle to Vharley and ultimately to the Pope. Zelos: The Pope probably asked them to assassinate the King in exchange for his cooperation. Regal: Insolence! Lloyd: All right. Let s get the Pope! Lloyd s group exits the sewers and proceeds to the Church of Martel. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the Pope s room. Inside Pope: (back turned) You re late. The Pope turns around. Zelos: Oh, I m terribly sooorry! Lloyd s group approaches the Pope. Pope: What?! What are you people doing here?! Lloyd: We have something we want to ask you about. Zelos: You re poisoning His Majesty, aren t you? I m

Pope: I don t know what you re talking about. Zelos: You re certainly a stubborn little liar. Regal: Is there an antidote? Pope: I don t know anything! Presea approaches the Pope with her ax and threatens him. Presea: Don t move Raine: Then, let s have you drink this poison. It doesn t take effect immediately, anyway Pope: A all right! It s in the drawer in the desk! Colette searches the desk. Colette: Here it is! Colette found the antidote. Genis: I have something I ve been wanting to ask you, too. Why did you try to have Kate executed?! She s your daughter! Pope: Sh shut up! What do you know?! Genis: Yeah, I don t! I don t know, so that s why I m asking! Are you stupid or something?! Lloyd: You have a half-elven daughter! Why would you take the initiative in creating rules to oppress half-elves? Pope: When I was young, I also thought the oppression of half-elves was wrong. Colette: Then, why? The church exists to offer salvation to all, does it not? Pope: Are you capable of understanding the terror of growing older, while your child, who supposedly shares your blood, does not? Genis: That s not Kate s fault. That s the kind of species half-elves are. Pope: Yes! And that is why they are shunned! I understand the feelings of those who persecute them, because my daughter is a half-elf. She terrifies me! As the Pope was about to leave Pope: I just called the guards. If the Chosen dies here, the Church will be mine in both name and reality. Regal: Will the Church of Martel last without the Chosen? Pope: Humph. We have Seles! Zelos: So you did intend to drag my sister into this, you pathetic old geezer!

Pope: It s your fault! Why is a worthless and irresponsible man like you the Chosen?! If it weren t for you, no one would have interfered with my half-elf banishment project!

Genis: Why do humans treat us this way? Pope: Those who are different must be eliminated. Lloyd: Shut up! It doesn t matter if you re a half-elf, a human, or whatever. No matter who or what you are, you re born in this world, you have the right to live! The bookshelf moves, revealing a secret path. Then suddenly, 2 knights appeared at the scene. Knight: D don t move! Zelos turns around. Zelos: Hey! He s gonna get away! Presea: (readying her ax) I will take care of them. Lloyd s group retreated to the inside of the castle. Lloyd: Damn! He got away Suddenly, 2 more knights confronts Lloyd s group. Knight 1: Ch Chosen! I m sorry! Please prepare yourself! Suddenly, the camera was brightened, and then shows Colette flying in the air with her revealed angel wings. Knight 1: Ah! Ahhhhh! Knight 2: It s an angel! An angel has come down from heaven! It s the second coming of Spiritua! Zelos: Look! Your heretical deeds have brought down an emissary of Cruxis! Lloyd s group seemed puzzled. Knight 1: Chosen One! Then this must truly be! Zelos: Yes. She is the angel of death and destruction. Spiritua has returned! Knight 1: Pl please forgive us, oh great angel! Colette: Ah um um what should I do? Lloyd: Hey, what s going on? Zelos: Don t worry and just follow my lead. Oh, holy angel, how shall we deal with these creatures? Lloyd: Colette. Say you re going to kill them.

Colette: B but Lloyd: It s okay. Just say it like you re in command. Colette: Um um Die!

Knight 2: P please! Forgive us! Zelos: Holy one! Please spare their lives in my name. I will defeat those who oppose you and once again act as the Chosen to spread the teachings of Martel. Please! Lloyd: Say you ll forgive them. Colette: Ah, okay I shall forgive you. Zelos: Did you hear that?! The angel has recognized the Chosen as the true holy will of the church. Leave at once and capture my enemies, the Pope and his private soldiers, the Papal Knights! Knight 1: Y yes, sir! Zelos: Revoke the wanted status of the Chosen and his companions at once! Knight 1: Yes, sir! Everyone, do as the Chosen commands! The 2 knight left the scene. Colette descends to the floor and puts away her angel wings. Colette: Wow! Everyone did what you said, Zelos! Regal: We were saved by the Legend of Spiritua. Raine: Is that related to Spiritua, the Chosen of Sylvarant? Zelos: Beats me. If you want to know the details, go read the books in the church or something. Anyway, Spiritua is famous for saving a Chosen by killing a King who tried to dispose of the Chosen. Genis: Hmmm. Kind of like what s going on now. Presea: Does this mean they won t be chasing us anymore? Zelos: The church should be fine now, anyway. What s left is His Majesty. Lloyd: We need to let him know that he s been poisoned. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the king s room. Inside Hilda: W wait! Zelos: Princess. Please let us see His Majesty. Hilda: I don t know anything about the return of Spiritua, but my father is sick. My father only wanted to protect Tethe alla Zelos: We know. Are you aware that His Majesty has been poisoned by the Pope?

Hilda: That can t be Lloyd: It s true. The Pope has run away upon being investigated for it. Raine: We must hurry and neutralize the poison. Please move. Hilda moves out of the way and Lloyd s group approaches the sick king.

Raine: It looks like this is definitely the antidote. Tethe alla King: Oh hmm Raine gave the king the antidote and he woke up. Hilda: Father! Tethe alla King: Ahh? What

Zelos: It looks like he s regained consciousness. Your Majesty, do you recognize me? Tethe alla King: The traitor Zelos. Have you come to kill me? Lloyd: No! Zelos saved you! Zelos: Traitor yes, that does suit me. Anyway, we were set up by the Pope. We have no intention of harming Tethe alla. Raine: Even if the ruling family were to doubt him, the church, soldiers, and citizens will certainly side with Zelos the Chosen. We have the return of Spiritua with us, after all. Tethe alla King: What do you want?

Lloyd: We want to see documents concerning the hero Mithos and the Kharlan War that are maintained by the royal family. Tethe alla King: They are stored in the archive on the second floor. Do what you will with them So not show yourselves in front of me again. I am tired. I want nothing more to do with the church s power struggles. Genis: You re just being selfish! Zelos: It s all right, kid. Then, Your Majesty, we shall allow ourselves access. Lloyd s group proceeds to the archive. Inside Lloyd: All right, let s start looking through the books. Later, the camera shows Lloyd s group browsing and reading tons of books. Afterwards, the camera shows Lloyd standing near a stack load of books. Zelos: It s no use! Genis: I can t believe we ve searched through all this and still haven t found it Sheena: Are there any other books? Lloyd: I m not going to give up. There has to be a way.

Colette: Lloyd. Thank you. But it s okay, you can stop. Colette suddenly tripped and fell to the floor, making the stacks of books fall to the floor. Suddenly, another book came down and glittering sparkles came out of it. Raine catches the book and reads it.

Raine: This is angelic language? This may be it!

No they re ancient elven letters.


Regal: I certainly didn t expect to find the book that way. Sheena: Colette s clumsiness seems to truly be blessed. Lloyd: Professor. What does it say? Raine: Wait. In order to prevent the erosion of the Cruxis Crystal, a Mana Fragment and zircon are fused using Boltzman s technique, to create a Rune Crest. Fibers from the Mana Leaf Herb, when placed in the crest, protect against the crystallization caused by the illness Ah, the rest of this is just theory. Genis: So in other words, we need a Mana Fragment, Zircon, and a Unicorn Horn, right? Raine: And a Mana Leaf Herb. Then, we make something called a Rune Crest, and attaching that to the Key Crest will suppress the crystal s activity. Lloyd: Who s going to make that? Zelos: Well, a dwarf, I guess. Presea: What is happening to Colette s body? Raine: It says it s called, Chronic Angelus Crystallus Inofficium. Just like the Altessa s diagnosis. It s an illness that causes the entire body to become a Cruxis Crystal. Lloyd: Okay, now we have some hope! Raine: But there s not much time. It says that epidermal crystallization begins within a few months, and the final stages of the disease cause the body to completely crystallize. The internal organs start to crystallize once the epidermis has crystallized, and then finally Colette: The subject dies.

Raine: I suppose there s no point in trying to mince words. Yes, exactly. Zelos: Then let s hurry. Cute girls deserve to live long. Presea: Where are the materials? Regal: My company once handled zircon. If we go to the main Lezareno building, we should be able to find information on it and where it is stored. Raine: Man Leaf Herb is probably in Heimdall. Genis: The elven village? Raine: Yes I think I ve heard the name of that plant before, when I was a child Zelos: But the people of Heimdall forbid anyone that is not an elf to enter the village. Lloyd: Why?

Zelos: It seems there was some trouble between them and humans a long time ago. These days, no one enters without a permit from the King of Tethe alla. Colette: I wonder if the King will give us a permit? Zelos: Who knows? He doesn t seem to want to see me. We could try asking Princess Hilda. Sheena: Then, assuming we can get the Mana Leaf Herb, what about the mana Fragment? What is it, anyway? Lloyd: Beats me.

Colette: In the scriptures of the Church of Martel, there is a passage that says, The colossal mana of the great motherland, Derris-Kharlan, rained down upon the earth in fragments, giving birth to all living things. Lloyd: So it s in Derris-Kharlan?

Colette: There s no proof, but Lloyd: That s the enemy s main base. Let s do that later. First, we ll go to either Heimdall or the Lezareno Company in Altamira. Lloyd s group proceeds to the throne room. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to Hilda. Hilda: My father says that he does not want to meet with anyone. Lloyd: But we have to go to Heimdall. The King is the only one that can issue the pass to Heimdall, right? Zelos: Could you place ask him for us, Princess? Hilda: Zelos, if you insist, I will ask my father. Please wait a moment. Hilda left the scene. While Lloyd s group waits patiently Raine: Even if we receive the pass Heimdall is not a friendly village to anyone except elves. I can t say if they ll give us a Mana Leaf Herb Lloyd: We ll get them to give it to us somehow.

Later, Hilda return to Lloyd s group. Hilda: This is a letter from my father to Heimdall. You should be able to enter the village with this. Lloyd: Thank you! Zelos: Princess, you have my thanks! Lloyd: Where s Heimdall, anyway? Zelos: The Tower of Salvation is located at the center of the world, right? It s south of there. I heard it s surrounded by the Ymir Forest. Lloyd: Okay, let s go, guys! Lloyd received the King s Letter. After that, Lloyd s group exits the castle.

Then, someone else came out of the castle s entrance. Lloyd: What the why is he coming out of the castle? Later Zelos: Who knows? Who cares? It s not like this is the first time he s done something weird. IF YOU CHOOSE YEAH, YOU RE RIGHT. Lloyd: Yeah, you re right. Let s not worry about him. Right now, Colette is all that matters. Zelos: Exactly. And even if we did follow him, there s no telling what kind of trouble we could be walking into. IF YOU CHOOSE WE CAN T JUST IGNORE IT. Lloyd: We can t just ignore it. If the King turns out to be working with Cruxis, that d be a disaster. Let s follow him! Zelos: (Sigh) Okay, fine. I guess you ve never heard that wise men avoid danger. Lloyd s group follows that person whom Lloyd just saw. Lloyd s group saw the person who is speaking with another person. Man: Then I ll carry the wood outside the city. Lloyd: Kratos! Lloyd approaches the person who turns out to be Kratos. Kratos: Do you intend to fight here?

Lloyd: What are you going to use the sacred wood for? Kratos: You do not need to know. Presea: Sacred wood burns several times hotter than normal firewood. Genis: Are you are you going to melt Aionis? Raine: Aionis is a fictional ore. Kratos: Yes. So they say.

Lloyd: Stop being so mysterious about everything! Kratos prepares to leave. Lloyd: Wait! Lloyd approaches Kratos. Kratos: Move Lloyd: I said, wait! Kratos: The more time passes, the less likely you will be able to cure the

Chosen s illness. Lloyd: What?! Kratos ran away from the scene. Lloyd: Kratos Zelos: I hate to say it, but he s right. Let s hurry up and save Colette. Okay?

Lloyd: Yeah. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Before heading to the designated area, Lloyd s group stops by in Exire. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the elder s house and talks to him. Elder: Virginia. Raine seemed startled. Raine: You know my mother?! Elder: I see. So you are Virginia s Raine: If you know my mother, please tell me is she she s in this city, isn t she? Elder: You should not meet her. Even if you did it would do you no good. Raine: Lloyd Please, find Virginia. Lloyd: R right. Okay. Lloyd s group exits the elder s house and proceeds to one of the small huts. Before Lloyd s group could enter the hut Woman: You d best avoid that place. Lloyd: Why? Woman: There s an elf woman who lives there, and she s a bit of strange one. Raine: It can t be! Mother is in this house? Lloyd s group enters the small hut. Inside Virginia: Who s there? Raine: Excuse us. I have something I would like to ask you Virginia: Oh, half-elves. My child is a half-elf, too. Lloyd: It s a doll Virginia: See, she has such an intelligent looking face, doesn t she? Her name is Raine. She s my pride and joy. Raine and Genis seemed startled.

Genis: Huh? She has the same name as It can t be Virginia: Right now, I have another child on the way. I ve already decided on a name. If it s a girl, it s Jean. If it s a boy, it s Genis. What do you think? Aren t they lovely names? Genis: What? Then Lloyd: Are you Virginia? Virginia: Yes, that s right, How did you know? Genis: !! Lloyd, Genis and Raine were startled. Raine: Stop this! Lloyd: Professor Sage Raine: (upset) Stop this! What were you thinking?! Do you know what happened to the two of us since you abandoned us?! Virginia: (startled) Wh what? Why are you raising your voice like that? You ll wake Raine. Raine: (upset) I m Raine! I m the daughter you shunned and abandoned! Not that doll! Genis is here, too! Virginia: What are you talking about? There must be something wrong with you. Raine: (very upset) You re the one that s wrong! How could you how could you Virginia: Oh, now you ve gone and made Raine cry. Please, leave! There, there it s okay, Raine The scary people have gone now. Don t cry Raine: Raine who is emotionally upset ran away from the scene. Genis: Raine! Lloyd and Genis catch up with Raine outside of the Virginia s hut. Raine: (slightly crying) How could she? First she abandons her children, and then she abandons the memory of doing so! She doesn t even remember us. Genis: Raine don t cry The elder appeared at the scene. Elder: So you met Virginia.

Lloyd: Why is she here? Elder: Several years ago, I found a husband and wife collapsed of exhaustion in the Ymir Forest. It was Virginia and her husband, Kloitz. Raine: Father.

Elder: It seems Kloitz was dispatched from Meltokio to investigate the elf village. He fell in love with Virginia and remained in Heimdall, but Raine: But a half-elf that lived in the village tried to sell out our father to the soldiers. It became a huge incident. Fighting broke out between the elves and half-elves Elder: The cause of the incident, Virginia s family was banished from the village. They traveled from land to land, but the world was not kind to half-elves Genis: And we were abandoned. Elder: So it would seem. And Kloitz must have been ill, for he died soon after they arrived in this village. Virginia began to lose her mind from that day. Raine: (mad) She s unbelievably selfish! She tosses us aside on a whim and then forgets us And just goes off into her own little world of dreams! Elder: Even so, Virginia was worried about you two. In the legendary land of Sylvarant, surely half-elves will be free from discrimination I want them to be happy That s what she said. Raine: (can t take it anymore) I ve heard enough! Elder: I ve been keeping Virginia s diary safe here. You can come get it at any time, if you ever decide you want it. Later, Lloyd s group proceeds to the elder s house. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the elder again. Elder: Do you want to read the diary? Lloyd s group chose to read the diary. Lloyd: Professor this is Raine: Raine approaches the diary and reads it as we hear Virginia s words as follows: The Otherworldly gate has opened. Raine, Genis, please forgive your powerless mother. Surely even the Imperial Research Academy will not follow you to Sylvarant. This must be a better choice than to spend your life in that damp, filthy dungeon like a slave. Please, make your way to freedom Raine finishes reading the diary. Raine and Genis seemed startled. Genis: What did she mean? Elder: Raine. You must have been incredibly talented. It seems the Imperial Research Academy was dying to get its hands on you. Raine: That s why we couldn t settle down anywhere and had to keep traveling Elder: Eventually you were chased all the way to the Otherworldly Gate. It seems she managed to send you through it. Raine: Mother.

Genis: Then she didn t abandon us because we were in the way or that she hated us or anything! Elder: Yes that s right. Genis: Raine, this is great news! Raine: This diary. Elder: Take it with you. It is your mother s, after all. Raine: Thank you.

Lloyd s group received Virginia s Diary. After that, Lloyd s group exits the elder s house and goes into Virginia s hut for the final time. Inside Raine: Excuse me. What happened to the elf that lived here?

Man: Ah, Virginia? She left suddenly. She was saying someone was chasing after her She was very frightened. Hmm, you know, you look a bit like her. Raine: Mother! It really was her. Where has she gone? Genis: Raine Lloyd: Once things calm down, let s go looking for your mother. I ll help. Genis: He s right, Raine. As long as you re with me, I m not lonely. Raine: Yes, you re right. We ll meet again someday, Mother

Lloyd s group stops by at Altessa s House. Upon entering Altessa s House, Lloyd s group talks to Mithos. Mithos: Everyone oh! Suddenly, Raine collapsed while Lloyd s group became surprised. Later Genis: Raine!

Mithos: Raine! Lloyd: Whoa she s burning up! Genis: Why all of a sudden? Mithos: There s a vicious virus going around recently. It might be that Raine: (sick) I m sorry it s nothing serious Mithos: No, you mustn t ignore it. Altessa: Get her to bed. Then we ll call a doctor Sheena: The doctor I know is in Flanoir Zelos: Well, I know one in Meltokio. Colette: Then let s split up and see both of them.

Lloyd: Okay, then Zelos: Presea, Colette and I will go to Meltokio. Zelos, Presea and Colette left the scene. Sheena: Picking only girls Let s go, Regal! Regal: All right. Sheena and Regal left the scene. Lloyd: I got left behind. Altessa: I guess so. Tabatha: SOMEONE MUST WATCH OVER HER. Lloyd: Well, that s true. Mithos: Genis. Can I talk to you for a minute? Genis: Hmm? What is it, Mithos? Later, Genis and Mithos went outside. Mithos: Raine s illness. I know how to cure it.

Genis: Really?! Mithos: Yes. It s probably the Ozette Cold. It s a dangerous disease. Genis: What do we need to do? Mithos: We need the nectar of the Fandalia flower that blooms at the summit of the Fooji Mountains. If we can get that, it will cure her fever. Genis: The Fooji Mountains? Okay! I ll go tell Lloyd! Mithos: Wait. Let s go get the flower together, just the two of us. Genis: You and I? Mithos: Yes. There s not much time. And besides, I want us to save Raine ourselves. Genis: Okay. Gotcha! Genis and Mithos left the scene. Lloyd then went outside of Altessa s House. Lloyd: Oh, brother IF YOU CHOOSE LET THEM DO WHAT THEY WANT. Lloyd: I guess I ll let them do what they want. Later, inside Altessa s House s bedroom Raine: Ohhh.

Lloyd: Professor, come on. Later, Lloyd s group came back to Altessa s House s bedroom. Genis: Lloyd, wake up. Lloyd: Huh was I asleep? Genis: Mithos and I went to the Fooji Moluntains. See how mature I am? Mithos: Genis was amazing. I respect him. Zelos: And then here s Lloyd, doing what again? Sheena: No kidding. Presea: Lloyd. Sleeping does not count as taking care of her.

Regal: I can t believe you would fall asleep when there is a sick woman in front of you Colette: I m sure Lloyd was doing his best to save the Professor, too. But you just got tired, right, Lloyd? Lloyd: Ah, well, y yeah Raine: It s all right. Just having you with me is reassuring. Colette: Anyway, Lloyd, thanks to the flower nectar that Genis and Mithos brought back, the Professor s fever went down. Genis: I m so glad Raine is well again. Our group just isn t the same when she s not feeling well. Mithos: But please, be careful. You just got over your fever. Raine: Thank you, both of you. Lloyd: I m glad you re better, Professor. Raine: Yes. IF YOU CHOOSE I D BETTER KEEP TABS ON THEM. Lloyd: I guess I d better keep tabs on them. Lloyd proceeds to Fooji Mountains. Upon arrival Lloyd: They re not here yet? Lloyd senses someone coming and takes his hiding place. Mithos: Here it is. Genis: The summit, right? Don t worry, I ve been here many times. Suddenly, a monster appeared at the scene. Genis: Whoa!

Mithos: W we have to defeat it! Genis uses his kendama and launches fireballs at the monster. However, the monster evaded and Lloyd quickly performs his sneak attack with his sword, killing the monster instantly. Lloyd quickly takes his hiding spot. Genis: What the? What happened just now? Mithos: Your attack must have hit it! Genis: R really? Mithos: Yeah! You re amazing, Genis! Genis: Ah, hahaha The camera shows Lloyd who is hiding and eavesdropping simultaneously. Lloyd: Oh, brother Oh, well. I d better follow them to make sure they re okay. Lloyd proceeds to the summit. In the summit, Lloyd takes his hiding place. Genis and Mithos appeared at the scene. Mithos: It s this flower. Genis: Great! Now we can save Raine. Mithos: Yes. It s because of your hard work, Genis. Genis: Nah, not really. You were with me, too. And the monsters were weak and easy. Mithos: Genis Between me and Lloyd, who do you like better? Lloyd: (to himself) What the? Why s he asking that all of a sudden?

Genis: What? Why are you asking something like that all of a sudden? I like you both the same. Mithos: If Lloyd and I got into a fight, which side would you be on? Genis: What? Hmmm. Well, it depends on what the fight s about, but I m sure you wouldn t start a fight about something stupid like Lloyd would, so I guess I d side with you. Lloyd: (to himself) Mithos: What s that supposed to mean?

Really? For sure?!

Genis: Yeah. Really. Mithos: Thank goodness. Because you and Lloyd are good friends I was a little envious Genis: You re Lloyd s friend, too, remember? Mithos: Ah yeah, I am, but I m sorry for asking such a weird question. I You re the first half-elf friend I ve had that is near my age, so I m happy and excited.

Genis: It s okay. I m the same way. Mithos: I wish we could stay together forever. Genis: Then why don t we? Mithos: Is it all right if I take that seriously?

Genis: Sure. We re friends, right? Mithos: Okay, I m holding you to that, then! Heehee Now, let s hurry back and save Raine. Genis: Yeah Wait just a little longer, Raine! Genis and Mithos takes the flower and left the scene. Lloyd: Humph. They have no idea how much trouble I m going through for them Oh, well. I guess I d better be getting back, too. Later, Lloyd returned to Altessa s House. Lloyd enters the room with Raine and his other group. Genis: What are you doing, Lloyd? Lloyd: What do you mean, what am I doing? Genis: Mithos and I went to the Fooji Moluntains. See how mature I am? Mithos: Genis was amazing. I respect him. Zelos: And then here s Lloyd, doing what again? Sheena: No kidding. Presea: Lloyd, you should be ashamed.

Regal: It s appalling to abandon a sick woman. Colette: I m sure Lloyd was doing his best to save the Professor, too. Right, Lloyd? Lloyd: Ah, well, y yeah Raine: really? Thank you. But as you can see, I m fine now. Colette: The flower nectar that Genis and Mithos brought back brought her fever down. Genis: I m so glad Raine is well again. Our group just isn t the same when she s not feeling well. Mithos: But please, be careful. You just got over your fever. Raine: Thank you, both of you. Later, Lloyd who seems irritated walks out of the bedroom. Lloyd: Humph.

Genis appeared at the scene. Genis: Lloyd Lloyd: (startled) Hmm? What? Genis: The one who helped us at the Fooji Mountains today that was you, wasn t it? Lloyd: Wha Ah, well Genis: Thanks. Lloyd: You re welcome.

Genis: (teasing) Haha. Lloyd s group exits Altessa s House and rides the Rheairds to Altamira. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group proceeds to Lezareno Company HQ and takes the elevator to the President s Office. In the President s Office, Lloyd s group talks to George. Regal: Is everything running smoothly? George: Yes, the business is. However, the sealed Exsphere mine was raided by someone. We believe it was the work of Vharley, but fortunately it appears that access to the core area was prevented. Regal: So it would seem. But it is safe to assume that there will be no more trouble of that nature. Vharley is dead. George: Are you certain of this?! Zelos: In other words, Alicia was avenged, through the actions of Regal and Presea. George: I see This is good news. Are you here just to report this information? Regal: No. I have other business. I want to take a look at the records concerning past mining operations. Please unlock the door to the archives. George: Documents related to past mining operations should be in the left room of the second floor archive. Regal: I see. Thank you. Lloyd s group takes the elevator to the 2nd floor. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group reads the documents. Lloyd: The last zircon shipment was Suddenly, someone quickly snatched the documents from Lloyd s hands. Lloyd: Wh what the? Kuchinawa: (looking at the snatched documents) Well, well. What have we here? Sheena: Kuchinawa! Lloyd: The Pope is gone. Vharley is dead. Why do you still get in our way?!


This is about me, isn t it?

Kuchinawa: Of course! Because of you, my parents and countless members of our village died. The Chief has not awoken from his coma for ten years! Sheena: I I m sorry. Kuchinawa: You think apologizing will cut it?! I will never forgive you! Sheena: Kuchinawa! If I m the one you hate Lloyd: Sheena! If you re going to suggest sacrificing yourself again, I ll never forgive you! Sheena: No. If I m the one you hate, let s have a one-on-one duel, as dictated by village custom. Kuchinawa: Do you really think you can defeat me alone? Sheena: Well? Do you accept my challenge? Kuchinawa: Very well. Do you want to do it here and now? Sheena: We ll follow the village custom and fight on the Isle of Decision. Is that all right with you, Lloyd? Lloyd: I guess it wouldn t be much use to try and stop you.

Sheena: Thanks. Kuchinawa: I ll be waiting for you on the Isle of Decision. Before Kuchinawa could leave Sheena: Wait. Give us back that document. Kuchinawa: This is the proof of your promise to fight. Sheena: Colette may die if we don t have that! If you need proof of the duel, I ll give you this. Kuchinawa: And that is?

Sheena: Corrine s memento. Kuchinawa: Very well. If you do not come, I will grind this bell to dust. Sheena exchanged Corrine s Bell to Kuchinawa for the documents. Kuchinawa left the scene. Colette: Sheena I know how important that was to you I m sorry. Sheena: It s okay. All I have to do is defeat him. I m not going to run away anymore. The Isle of Decision is reached from Mizuho, so can we stop by there later? Anyway, we have to get the zircon first. Colette s health is more important. Lloyd: Yeah, all right. Where s the zircon?

Regal: It says the last shipment was sent to the Imperial Research Academy in Sybak. Lloyd: Okay Let s get going. While Lloyd s group prepares to leave Zelos: Won t run away anymore. Dammit. What should I do?

Lloyd s group exits Altamira and rides the Rheairds to Sybak. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the Imperial Research Academy. Inside Researcher: Ch Chosen One! Please forgive me! Zelos: What?

Researcher: I heard that a ten foot tall angel and descended from heaven, and devoured those who opposed the Chosen! Lloyd: Ten feet tall? Genis: Devoured hmm Colette: Wow, I didn t know there were scary angels like that. There was a brief pause. Researcher: Th that girl with the Cruxis Crystal doesn t devour humans whole too, does she?! Sheena: Don t be stupid. Researcher: I I trust the Chosen, really! Zelos: Good, good. Is there any of that zircon left here that was purchased from the Lezareno Company? Researcher: Zircon? Yes, there is! Zelos: Could you give us some? Researcher: Of course! It s in the next room past this door. There are books scattered all over, but you ll still be able to find it right away. I ll leave it unlocked. Lloyd s group enters the room with books and takes the Zircon from the treasure chest. After that, Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Mizuho. Upon entering Orochi: Sheena, Kuchinawa declared that he will duel you on condition of leaving the village. Sheena: Yes. I know. Orochi: What happened? Kuchinawa was carrying out Tiga s orders to act as a liaison to the Elemental Research Laboratory in Meltokio. Why is he dueling against you? Vice-Chief Tiga is angry, saying that this is personal. Sheena: I ll report the details to the Vice-Chief.

Orochi: Then I will go as well. I have that right as Kuchinawa s brother.

Sheena: Yeah Lloyd, you come, too. Lloyd: What? Ah, okay. Later, in the Vice-Chief s house Tiga: Sheena, what has happened? Sheena: Kuchinawa desires the opportunity to fight me to avenge his parents.

Orochi: So he still bears a grudge from the tragedy with Volt Tiga: And you accepted this? Sheena: I believe what Kuchinawa says is correct. I am responsible for the deaths of Orochi and Kuchinawa s parents. I do not have a reason to refuse. Orochi: That s wrong, Sheena! If you follow that logic, many of the villagers must also challenge you for revenge. It was an accident. It is wrong to hold on to that grudge. Tiga: It is as Orochi says. I do not believe the Chief would have allowed this duel. Sheena: I made a promise to Kuchinawa that I would accept this duel. Tiga: Kuchinawa says that he will leave the village regardless of whether he wins or loses. Do you know why? Orochi: Only criminals leave the village. Sheena: Tiga: Then I shall ask the visitor. Lloyd, do you know something? IF YOU CHOOSE KUCHINAWA WAS WORKING WITH THE POPE. Lloyd: Kuchinawa was working with the Pope. He tried to kill us many times. Sheena: Lloyd! Lloyd: I think it s necessary that the people of Mizuho know. At the very least, there is the possibility that village secrets were leaked. Orochi: So that s it. Kuchinawa! I can t believe he resented Sheena so much that he would shame the Azumi family name IF YOU CHOOSE I DON T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Lloyd: I don t know anything about it. If it s necessary, Sheena will explain. It s not my place to speak. Sheena: Lloyd Thank you. Tiga: If that is your wish, Lloyd, I will not pursue it further. Then, head for the Isle of Decision. Orochi, prepare the boat. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Sheena, what has Kuchinawa done?


Yes, sir.

Tiga: And, who shall be the observer? Sheena: I d like to ask Lloyd. Lloyd: Me? What s an observer ?

Tiga: Very well. Lloyd, please head for the Isle of Decision with them. When you are ready, let Orochi know. Lloyd: Hey! Someone tell me what an observer is!

Lloyd and Sheena talk to Orochi outside. Orochi: Are you ready? Lloyd: Yes. Orochi: Kuchinawa has already headed for the Isle. I leave my brother to you.

The camera switches to the Isle of Decision where Kuchinawa awaits. Then, Kuchinawa sensed the boat with Lloyd and Sheena approaching the Isle of Decision. Lloyd and Sheena gets of the boat and approaches Kuchinawa. Kuchinawa: Sheena It took you long enough! Sheena: So you really want to do this?

Kuchinawa: Of course. Is he the observer? Sheena: That s right. Lloyd Irving is the observer. Lloyd: Hey, what does the observer do exactly? Sheena: He just watches over the fight. And when one side admits defeat or Kuchinawa: Or dies, the observer confirms it. Lloyd: All right. Then begin!

Sheena fights Kuchinawa. IF SHEENA IS DEFEATED BY KUCHINAWA Sheena is unable to stand a chance against Kuchinawa and was defeated. After that Kuchinawa: Sheena: I lost. Go ahead Kuchinawa. Do what you wish with me. Kuchinawa: That s all you ve got? Pathetic! Sheena: Kuchinawa approaches Sheena and gave back Corrine s Bell. Kuchinawa: I refuse to accept that a weakling like this took everything from me.

Sheena: Kuchinawa Kuchinawa: I am leaving the village. When you have become more powerful, we shall face each other again. Kuchinawa vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Sheena. I swear it.

Sheena: I m going to grow stronger. IF SHEENA DEFEATS KUCHINAWA After Sheena defeats Kuchinawa Sheena: Admit defeat.

Kuchinawa: So you don t want to kill me. I don t want your pity I refuse it! Kuchinawa gave back Corrine s Bell to Sheena. After that, Kuchinawa ran from distance of Sheena and Lloyd and pulls his dagger out. Kuchinawa: I lost because of my own insufficient skill. Good-bye! Kuchinawa aims his dagger towards his chest. Sheena: (tensed up) Stop! IF YOU CHOOSE TO STOP HIM Just as Kuchinawa was going to take his life by trusting his dagger to his chest, Lloyd immediately draws his sword, approaches Kuchinawa and breaks his dagger with his sword. Kuchinawa: What are you doing?! Lloyd: I m the observer, remember? I ve confirmed your loss. It s over. Sheena: Lloyd.

IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO STOP HIM Sheena breaks Kuchinawa s dagger before he even attempts to take his life. Kuchinawa: What are you doing?! Sheena: If you die, it s all over! Lloyd: Yeah.

Lloyd approaches Kuchinawa. Lloyd: I ve confirmed your loss. This match is over. CONTINUE WITH THE PATH THAT SHEENA DEFEATS KUCHINAWA Sheena: (to Kuchinawa) It s all right for you to hate me. It s all right for you to resent me. So please

Kuchinawa: I m being pitied by my parents killer I ve fallen lower than I ever thought possible. Lloyd: Even still it s better than dying. Kuchinawa: It s possible to live a life more painful than death. Lloyd: No. Life and death are fundamentally different. There is no meaning in living. There is no meaning in dying. That alone is enough to make them completely incomparable. Kuchinawa: No meaning in dying?!

Sheena: I m not sure exactly how to say it, but it s because people have respect for the way someone lived that they re sad when that person dies. Lloyd: Yeah, exactly. That s why there s no meaning in dying. The meaning lies in the life you lived. Therefore you have to live. Kuchinawa: Is there meaning in me living? Lloyd: I think that as long as you are alive, you can always give your life meaning. Kuchinawa: I see. Someday when I m able to think that way, I may be able to forgive you. Sheena: Okay Kuchinawa: I shall always be watching to see if what you have said is true. Don t betray me. Kuchinawa vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Sheena: I hope he forgives you someday. Yeah I hope so, too.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd and Sheena returns to Mizuho and Lloyd s other group are together again and they ride the Rheairds to Ymir Forest. Upon arrival Raine: There s no question. Heimdall lies ahead. I still remember.

Genis: Up ahead is the place where I was born Lloyd: Okay. Let s go. Lloyd s group approaches the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changed. Lloyd: Okay, then. Hi-yah! Lloyd uses the Sorcerer s Ring. Lloyd: Oh, this time it makes sounds. Colette seemed puzzled. Colette: Nothing happened.

Lloyd: Yeah. How do we use this? Regal: It may be that it only has an effect in specific places. Lloyd: Hmmm, I see Lloyd tries to use the ring while standing on top of the stump. After that, a boar charges towards a tree and hit it. Zelos: Whoa! That was scary! Sheena: Heh. You re pathetic! Zelos: No. I totally thought Sheena was charging at me. Sheena: What?! Lloyd: Okay, okay, that s enough! So this ring is Colette: It s able to call animals maybe? It looks like it had an effect when you used it on top of that tree stump. Raine: I have a feeling that it s reacting to the flower and not the stump. Lloyd: That s a weird ability. Oh, well! Calling animals is fun!

In the next area, Lloyd s group witnesses the use of the Sorcerer s Ring on top of the stump. After doing this, Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with the vicious fish. Lloyd: That fish Later Lloyd: Is it guarding its territory? But it s oblivious when it s swimming. Genis: Lloyd Why are you squaring off against a fish? Lloyd: Shut up! I was just taking notice. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the area with the path to Heimdall, Lloyd s group approaches the elf boy who is in the way of the path. Lloyd: Hello. Could you let us through? Elf Boy: No! Lloyd: Huh? Why? Elf Boy: Sheena: Why won t you let us through? Elf Boy: Raine: What s going on? Lloyd: We can t tell if you don t say anything.


You don t want to make us angry, kid!

Colette: Stop it, everyone. He s scared! (to the elf boy) What is it? Is something wrong? Elf Boy: Colette: Do you want to tell us about it? Elf Boy: Mommy is Lloyd: Hmm? Elf Boy: Mom is sick. I need a Ymir Fruit from this forest to save her, but there are monsters Lloyd: Okay, gotcha! Then we ll go get that Ymir Fruit for you. Then will you let us through? Elf Boy: You ll really get it for me? Lloyd: Dwarven Vow #11: Lying is the first step down the path of thievery. So I don t lie. Cause that s my mortal. Zelos: You mean, motto, idiot!

Lloyd: Well, anyway, we ll go get it for you, so just wait there. Elf Boy: O Okay. Lloyd: So where in this forest is it? Elf Boy: Actually I don t know much about it. Just Zelos: What? How are we supposed to search for that! Elf Boy: But Mom said, when you re in trouble, the butterflies of the forest will guide you. Raine: They say that the butterflies of this forest react to people s hearts. If we re having trouble with something, we should look for the butterflies. Lloyd: Okay. Then just wait right there. In the next stump, Lloyd s group tried the Sorcerer s Ring on the stump with the blue butterfly and a boar charge towards the tree, knocking down a Blue Seed in the process. Lloyd s group received the Blue Seed. Lloyd: Oh, it s not the Ymir Fruit. Genis: A flower seed? Lloyd: Let s see if we can find a place to plant it. Genis: Why? We re looking for the Ymir Fruit. Lloyd: It might be related somehow. Lloyd s group proceeds to the main area with the Sorcerer s Ring device and plants the Blue Seed in the garden of flowers. After that, a blue flower grew

on a lily pad. Raine: Look! A blue flower bloomed. I m sure there are others. Lloyd s group approaches the lily pad and uses the Sorcerer s Ring. A fish appeared and passes by. Lloyd: There re blue flowers blooming over there, too! Let s check it out. Lloyd s group continues the puzzle solving and eventually found the White Seed. After that, Lloyd s group returns to the main area and plants the White Seed in the garden of flowers. The white flowers appeared on the tree branch. Raine: This time a white flower bloomed. I m sure there are other white flowers. Lloyd s group continues to solve the puzzle and eventually, Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring to make the boar charge towards the tree and a Ymir Fruit came out on drops into the water. Lloyd: Isn t that the Ymir Fruit? Let s just hmm. We can t reach it And there are dangerous looking fish in the water. Can we get those little fish to help us? Lloyd s group finally manages to solve the puzzle by guiding the correct little fishes to bring the Ymir Fruit to the main area. After this Lloyd: That took forever! Lloyd s group proceeds to the area with the elf boy and talks to him again. Lloyd: Here you go, it s the Ymir Fruit we promised. Take it to your mother. Elf Boy: Th thank you. They said humans are inconsiderate, but you guys are different. Thank you very much. Here take this. Lloyd s group received a Metal Sphere. After that, the elf boy left the scene and Lloyd s group proceeds to Heimdall. Upon arrival Kratos: So you ve made it here.

Lloyd: What?! Then you do know how to cure Colette s illness! Kratos: And if I did? Lloyd: Why are you helping us?! Why are you giving us clues about how to save her? And how did you know that Colette s Angel Toxicosis was the same illness that one of Mithos the Hero s companions had?! Kratos: And what do you hope to accomplish by asking that? Lloyd: Ah well Kratos: There s no time. Hurry.

Kratos left the scene. Later, elf guards appeared at the scene. Elf Guard 1: This is the village of the elves. No half-elf may pass. Colette: What?!

Elf Guard 2: This is a defensive measure against those who brought catastrophe to our village. If you cannot accept that, then you humans may not enter either. Raine: Lloyd. We ll wait here. We ll leave the rest in your hands. Lloyd: All right. Raine and Genis left the scene. Elf Guard 1: Talk celebrating Mithos as a hero is forbidden in this village. Lloyd: Why? Elf Guard 2: We have no need to explain. Just do as we say. Lloyd s group without Raine and Genis proceeds to the elf elder s house. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the elf elder. Elf Elder: Mana Lead Herb, you said? Lloyd: Yes. We need it. Elf Elder: That is an important plant that we elves use in our magic. We can t simply tell anyone where it grows. Regal: Isn t there anything that can be done? Without that plant, a friend of ours will die. Elf Elder: What do you mean? Lloyd: We have a friend who is sick. She has uh angel effect Zelos: No no, it was chronic angelus Presea: Chronic Angelus Crystallus Inofficium. Lloyd: Yeah, what she said. The elf elder seemed startled. Elf Elder: What?! That s Martel s so that s why Kratos Lloyd s group was surprised. Sheena: What? Did you just say Martel? Lloyd: And what about Kratos?! What did he come here for? Elf Elder: Don t worry about Kratos. Mana Leaf Herb grows in a region southeast of here known as the Latheon Gorge. It lies deep within mountains covered in mist. Show this staff to the watchman. Lloyd: Elder! Elf Elder: I have no more to say to you, humans.

Lloyd s group received the Elf Elder s Staff. After that, Lloyd s group makes their way to the exit. Near the exit Genis: Welcome back. Are you leaving the village?

Lloyd: Yeah. Genis: Then let s go. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Latheon Gorge. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group talks to the guard. Guard: It looks like you have the Elf Elder s Staff. You may pass. Lloyd s group approaches the area with flowers blowing wind. Regal: What s that flower? Lloyd s group looks at the sick flower. Lloyd: Whoa, what is that? Colette: It s big and pretty. Sheena: It s big but it ain t pretty. Genis: Hey, Lloyd, there s one over there, too. The camera views the flower who is blowing wind. Presea: But it looks different. Lloyd: You re right. It looks like it s blowing out air. And the color is different from this one. There was a brief pause. Genis: Raine, what is it? Raine: I ve read about this in a book before. There s a plant which, when you provide it with food, begins blowing air. Zelos: That s our Raine! I m falling in love with you all over again. ? Regal: The flower over there is blowing air. So their food is present in this valley? Raine: Yes, that would make sense. Zelos: Um, Professor? Is it just me, or have you been ignoring my words of love lately? Lloyd: If so, then these flowers may be useful for something. Presea: Yes, I agree. Zelos: Presea, not you, too! Lloyd: (can t take it) Sheesh, Zelos, will you just shut up? We re gonna leave you behind! Lloyd s group uses the Sorcerer s Ring device and the power changes to temporarily get encased in a floating bubble. With this ability, Lloyd s group manages to be blown to the area with the sleeping flower. Lloyd s group

examines the sick flower. Colette: This flower looks sick. Regal: It we give it some of its food, then maybe it will recover. Lloyd: Hmmm Food, huh Lloyd s group approaches the Kirima tree. Zelos: Heh, it s Kirima. I never expected to find it growing in a place like this. Genis: You re right. It s a good ingredient, so let s take some. Lloyd: Yeah. It might come in handy. Lloyd s group picks some Kirima from the tree and then returns to the sick plant. Presea: We re supposed to give it food, right? How about the Kirima that grows over there? Lloyd: I see. Okay, I ll try feeding it. Lloyd s group manages to get blown to the unreachable area and then they move on. After that, Lloyd s group approaches the Amango tree. Genis: Hey, there s Amango. Amango grows here. Sheena: Don t these plants only eat Kirima? Lloyd: I dunno, but we may need some later. Lloyd s group takes some Amango from the tree. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the area with the slope Zelos: Lloyd! Are we there yet? How far is it to that storyteller dude? I m tired Lloyd: Hey, how should I know? Presea: Zelos you re pitiful

Colette: It looks like we can climb up from here. I m sure we re close. Let s hang in there, everyone. Lloyd s group arrived in the area with the hut and some flowers. Lloyd s group manages to make the plant blow them all the way up to the rock and as they landed on it, the rock splits the waterfall and Lloyd s group lands on the bridge. After that, Lloyd s group enters the hut and talks to the Storyteller. Storyteller: Humans? And half-elves? Lloyd: Oh, you must be the Storyteller. Can you give us some Mana Leaf Herb. Colette: Please. Storyteller: I see you ve brought proof from the Elder. I d like to say just take what you need, but

Lloyd seemed puzzled. Lloyd: Is there a problem? Storyteller: It s in a somewhat difficult place. I don t know if you ll be able to go get it. Zelos: We ve made it all the way up this mountain. We ll get it no matter where it is. We ll just send Lloyd. Lloyd: Hey! Presea: Please, tell us where it is. Storyteller: Hmm all right. Follow me. Lloyd s group follows the Storyteller to the gate and opened it for Lloyd s group. Storyteller: The leaf can be found in the cave ahead. Be careful. Lloyd: Okay! Let s go, guys! Lloyd s group manages to find a cave between the waterfalls. Lloyd: Ah, that must be the cave. Raine: Ah, I see You can t enter it without splitting the waterfall. Regal: It certainly is in a difficult place Lloyd: But the waterfall split in two, so we don t need to worry about it. Lloyd s group manages to make it to the cave. Inside, Lloyd s group examines the shiny plant. Lloyd: Ah-ha! So that s the plant. Sheena: That s pretty distinctive. Lloyd: You re saved, Colette! Colette: Yeah Thanks, Lloyd! Suddenly, the area is shaking. Lloyd: Wh what the? Presea: There s something here! Suddenly, Plantix rose from the scene. Regal: A giant plant! Lloyd: (drawing his sword) It s guarding it? Lloyd s group fights Plantix. After Lloyd s group defeats Plantix Lloyd: That thing was pretty tough.

Raine: So this was the real reason it s in a

difficult place.

Lloyd: Oh well, we got the plant, so it s all good. Regal: Indeed. Lloyd s group received Mana Leaf Herb. After that, Lloyd s group returns to the Storyteller s hut. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the Storyteller again. Storyteller: So you ve made it back safely. Lloyd: You knew about the giant plant guarding the Mana Leaf Herb, didn t you? Storyteller: Yes, but even if I had told you, your actions would not have changed. I felt a very strong will from you. Lloyd: Of course. It s for our very important friend. Colette: Lloyd. Raine: By the way have you lived here for long? Storyteller: Yes. I am the one who passes on the lore of the elven village to the next generation. Here I weave various stories into the mana leaf cloth. Presea: What kinds of stories? Storyteller: Legends of elves descending from the sky, and the birth of humans The rise and fall of the Balacruf Dynasty. The arrival of angels. The Giant Kharlan Tree, the Kharlan War and the story of the hero, Mithos. Zelos: Hey, hey, hey! I thought the hero, Mithos was taboo in Heimdall! Storyteller: This is not Heimdall. I live here to pass on the legends without being bound by the customs of Heimdall. Lloyd: Just who was the hero, Mithos? We hear his name everywhere we go. Colette: His name came up in the pacts with the Summon Spirits. Sheena: The legend of Mithos was involved in curing Colette s illness, too. Storyteller: Mithos was born in Heimdall. He as an outside who was cast out of the village when the Kharlan War began. He ended the Kharlan War with his three companions so that he could return to the village. Raine: An outsider? Does that mean he was a half-elf? Zelos: Mithos was a half-elf?! That s impossible! Storyteller: Yes, Mithos was a half-elf. Only one of his companions was human, and the others were half-elves. They were treated as outcasts, but overcame that and put an end to the war. Regal: Then why is his name taboo in Heimdall? Genis: It s because he s a half-elf. Storyteller: No, that s incorrect. It is because the hero, Mithos, loved by

Origin, is also a fallen hero. Lloyd seemed confused. Lloyd: A fallen hero? What do you mean? Storyteller: The ones who betrayed Origin and used the power of the magic sword given by Origin to split the world in two, were none other than Mithos and his companions. Mithos Yggdrasill, his older sister Martel, and their companions, Yuan and Kratos. The four angels changed the nature of the world, and that is why their names are taboo in Heimdall. Lloyd: Yggdrasill of Cruxis is the hero, Mithos? And his companions were Martel, Yuan, and Kratos? That s impossible! Colette: Kratos is the friend of a hero from 4,000 years ago? Regal: Even an elf cannot live that long. Storyteller: Angels can use special combat abilities developed during the Kharlan War. One ability uses the body s mana to alter its metabolism and stop the body s internal clock. This allows them to stop aging and become capable of living longer than elves Presea: I think it is not good for one to exceed the lifespan of its species. Lloyd: I m totally confused. None of this makes any sense. Zelos: Really? There s at least one thing we know for certain. The power of Origin is involved in the splitting of the world. And the magic sword that s the key. Raine: Exactly. We must be careful not to lose sight of the true problem. Our final goal is to save the two worlds. Sheena: Yeah. We couldn t control the Giant Kharlan Tree, but if we can return the worlds to their true form Regal: At the very least, we can reform this system that vies for mana. Lloyd: Yeah. You re right.

Zelos and Genis: It s a waste of time to think when you have no good ideas. Lloyd: You guys are mean. Presea: Let s go on to our next destination. Colette: Thank you very much for telling us the story. Storyteller: May the Giant Kharlan Tree protect you. Lloyd s group exits the Storyteller s hut. Outside Lloyd: Now we just need a Mana Fragment. I wonder if there really are any in Derris-Kharlan Raine: I m also curious about Origin s magic sword. That might be a key to saving the world.

Regal: But it will be dangerous. Zelos: Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Lloyd: What s that mean? Genis: It means, if you don t face danger, you won t receive anything important. Lloyd: Oh. I see. Raine: Honestly, Lloyd. You make me sad. main base, Derris-Kharlan!

Lloyd: But Zelos is right. Let s go to Cruxis Colette: But how are we going to get there?

Zelos: According to the scriptures, the Tower of Salvation is the entrance. Lloyd: Then we should go to the Tower of Salvation. There s one on this side, too, right? Zelos: Well, yeah, there is one, but unfortunately, we need my Cruxis Crystal. The Cruxis Crystal acts as the key to the Tower of Salvation. Raine: You know a lot about it. Zelos: Well, I am the great Chosen One, after all. Lloyd: I see You were born with a Cruxis Crystal, too. Zelos: Yep. My sister has it right now. She s in the Abbey located southeast of the Toize Valley Mine. Lloyd: Okay. Let s head there. Lloyd s group proceeds to SE Abbey. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group enters the Abbey and upstairs to a room with a girl. Seles: Big bro I mean I see that the Chosen is his usual self, wandering around aimlessly. Zelos: Yo Seles! I need that Cruxis Crystal I left with you. Give it back to me. Seles: As you wish! After all, it rightfully belongs to the Chosen.

Zelos: Yep. Seles: Now, if your business here is done, I humbly request that you leave. Immediately. Zelos: All right, all right Guess I m as unpopular as ever. Poor me Just as Zelos prepares to leave Seles: W wait big bro Zelos: Hmm? What is it, my darling little sister? Seles: Nothing!

Zelos: Oh all right then. Zelos left the scene. Seles: Please take care Lloyd: He couldn t hear that, you know.

Seles: I didn t say anything! So it doesn t matter if my big brother couldn t hear it. Genis: Aha! You called him big brother! Seles: N no, I didn t! There s no way I d have a brother like that! Now, please leave! Lloyd s group left Seles room and catches up with Zelos.

Zelos: Well, what do you think? I m well-loved, aren t I? Lloyd: She s certainly not very friendly. Zelos: Don t be too hard on her. She was sickly ever since she was a kid. But despite of that, her mother But despite that, her mother Ah never mind. Colette: As she left, she said, Zelos: Please take care.

Oh. Well, anyway. We re ready now, right? On to the Tower of Salvation.

Lloyd: Yeah! Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Tower of Salvation. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group approaches the area with a higher entrance and Zelos made the magic stairs appear. Lloyd s group climbs up the stairs and to the area with an oracle stone. Colette: Coming here reminds me of my journey to regenerate the world. Lloyd: But this time, we re here to cure your illness. Raine: I m curious to see what the design of Tethe alla s Tower of Salvation is like. Now, Zelos! Open the door! Quickly! Zelos: You know, you can get really scary sometimes. Zelos approaches the oracle stone and used it to reveal a secret door. Zelos: Oooh, yeah! Check me out! It s my time to shine! Do I look like a Chosen or what? Lloyd: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let s get going. Zelos: Hehehehe. Roger! Regal: That s a very disturbing laugh Presea: Zelos is something wrong? Zelos: What?

Presea: You re even more um Sheena: Even more obnoxious than usual? Nah, he s always like this. Just ignore him. Zelos: Hehehehehe. She s pretty sharp. Lloyd s group enters the Tower of Salvation. Inside, Lloyd s group witnesses the floating coffins circling everywhere. Zelos: Ugh. Regal: Ghastly Presea: Such a sad place Sheena: Wait a minute is this really Tethe alla? Genis: Yeah! It looks identical to Sylvarant s Tower of Salvation! Colette: My body I can t stop shaking. This is the same place! Lloyd: It can t be! Raine: Lloyd. Remember this? Lloyd approaches the broken pillar. Lloyd: That s wait, I broke that! In Lloyd s memory, the enemies threw him back, breaking the pillar earlier in his journey with Colette and others. The memory ended. Suddenly, Kratos appeared. Kratos: The two worlds are connected here. Of course it s the same place. Lloyd: Kratos it s you again Who are you, really? Are you really one of Mithos companions from 4,000 years ago? Kratos: Good. Since you figured that out, it saves me the time to explain. We will take the Chosen as the new body for Martel. Lloyd: You re still trying to do that? Are you so intent on resurrecting Martel that you re willing to distort the entire world in the process?! Kratos draws his sword. Kratos: I have no need to explain. Lloyd: So in the end, you really are our enemy! I kept thinking hoping that you might be good but you re not! Kratos: I should think that would be obvious at this point. Lloyd draws his sword. Lloyd: Don t hold back this time! Lloyd s group fights Kratos. After Lloyd s group defeats Kratos, angels suddenly appeared and surround Lloyd s group.

Kratos: I would advise against resisting, for there will be no mercy this time. Kratos and the angels seized Lloyd s group and ride the elevator up to a very high area. Later, Lloyd s group are locked up in cells with one for males and the other for females. Lloyd: Are we still alive? Zelos: Well, it looks like we ll have our lives at least until they finish preparing Colette s treatment. Apparently, she s useless the way she is now. Genis: Maybe we were tricked. He had us gather the materials to treat Colette and then had us bring her here That sure saved them a lot of time and effort. Lloyd: Kratos used us? Did he betray us again? Zelos: Lloyd Regal: I feel guilty for letting this happen to Colette and the others.

Lloyd: I really want to know why I keep getting captured and getting thrown into jail all the time! Zelos: You sure you haven t even doing anything to deserve it? Regal: We should just be glad we have our lives. Lloyd: Well, yeah. Later, Lloyd attempts to break the cell door. Lloyd: Dammit!! This thing s built solid as a rock! And I can t open the lock either. Sheena: (from the other cell) Same here. It won t budge at all. Lloyd: Can Colette or Presea break it? Colette: Nope Presea: I m sorry I couldn t be of use.

Lloyd: So we re completely trapped Regal: Move.

Zelos moved out of the way and Regal approaches the bars. He performs his electric fireball and launches it towards the bars, destroying them in the process. Lloyd, Genis and Zelos were startled. Genis: Wh whoa! Later, Lloyd s group managed to release the locked cell door of the females and they meet up with Lloyd s group. Lloyd: How did you do that? Regal: I originally specialized in fighting with my hands, not my feet. And since Exspheres amplify their user s abilities far above their maximum limits,

this results is to be expected. Zelos: Then why don t you just fight with your hands? Regal: I swore I would never fight with these hands again. This time, I used them in order to save you, Lloyd. You re going to unite the worlds and save Colette, right? Lloyd: Yeah, that s right. All right. Everybody, grab what you can and let s get out of here! Lloyd s group approaches the transporter. Lloyd: What the? That s weird. This is a transporter, right? Raine: There may be a problem with its destination. Lloyd: Man, what do we do now? We can t stay here. Colette: Lloyd, I ll go fly around and have a look. Lloyd: Okay don t do anything dangerous. Colette: I know. Colette flies to search for clues. Lloyd: Is she going to be all right? Raine: Let s let her handle it for now. Later, Colette flew up to the top level of The Holy City, Welgaia. Colette: Hmm? This box must be in the way. In The Holy City, Welgaia, Colette managed to move the box blocking the warp ring out of the way. After that Colette: That should do it! Colette takes the warp ring back to the prison area where Lloyd s group awaits. Lloyd: That was fast. Raine: It looks like the problem was resolved. Colette: Yeah. Lloyd: Okay, let s go. Lloyd s group takes the transporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia, the camera shows the angels everywhere in Welgaia. Lloyd s group arrived at the scene. Lloyd: Whoa! They re all angels! We re gonna get caught if we keep wandering around here. Raine: You re right. We ll pretend to be Colette s prisoners. She should be fine because she s an angel. Lloyd: Okay.

Lloyd s group enters the area with Mana Fragments. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the angel. Colette: Hi, could I please have a fragment of mana? Angel: Fragments of mana are no longer being distributed. Return to your area. Lloyd: You won t give us one? Angel: A human? Raine: There are the subjects needed for the Cruxis Crystal research. Angel: Hi-Exsphere research? I see. Now that you mention it, I ve heard that research involving humans were being conducted. Raine: Yes, exactly. And we require a fragment of mana for that purpose. Angel: Understood. Then please show me your identification. Zelos: Do we need that? Angel: Of course. Suddenly, a hologram communicator of Kratos appeared at the scene. Angel: Lord Kratos! Kratos: We need a fragment of mana for the ritual of the Chosen. I ve sent a courier over to pick it up. Angel: Understood. Lloyd: Yeah, that. That s us! Angel: Are you saying you re Lord Kratos Lloyd: Y yeah!! Raine: Silence, human. Colette: We re with Kratos. Angel: But just a moment ago, you said you were going to use it for hi-Exsphere research Raine: That s right. And it just so happens that it s also needed in the ritual, so we came to retrieve it. Please hurry. Angel: But without identification Besides, you seem to be of the Desian Class, and have humans among you Lloyd: While you re complaining about these little nitpicky details, you re keeping Yggdrasill waiting. Do you want to tick him off? Genis: That s right. Lord Yggdrasill is scary if you cross him. Angel: A all right. couriers?

The angel ascends towards the containers and takes a Mana Fragment from the container. Then, the angel descends to Lloyd s group. Angel: Make sure you get it to them! Lloyd s group received Mana Fragment. After that, Lloyd s group exits the building and goes through a escalating tunnel. After that, Lloyd s group witnesses a transporter from a distance. Genis: Hey, look at that. Raine: A giant transporter, perhaps? Lloyd: Maybe we use that to get back to the ground. Lloyd s group attempts to approach the transporter. However Angel: Wait. Show your identification. Lloyd: Gah! Identification again! Angel: You. You re a human! Raine: He s being transported for an experiment. Excuse us. The angel will not let Lloyd s group through. Lloyd s group walks away from the angel and gathers to speak. Colette: We don t have any identification. Genis: How are we supposed to get back to the ground? Zelos: That can t possibly be their only method of transportation. If that thing breaks, they re screwed. Raine: Yes. Let s have a look around. Lloyd s group later found a computer console. Colette: What s this? Zelos: Looks like some kind of information terminal. Raine attempts to activate the console. Raine: It s useless. If won t start up. Colette: Really? Colette approaches the console, but stumbled to the floor next to the console. The computer console then got activated. Raine: Oh It started up. Zelos: That s our Colette! ? Colette: I m so glad I didn t break it. Computer: A terminal to the surface is located in the center area. Please use the emergency route located in the rear of the Idea District while it is under

maintenance. The camera shows the transporter from distance. Lloyd: Okay. Let s use that emergency route thing. Lloyd s group uses the computer console again. Raine: This seems to be this city s data bank. Lloyd: Professor, can you operate it? Raine: I ll try. (operating the console) this terminal. Got it! Now we can get data from

Lloyd s group reads about Derris-Kharlan as follows: Derris-Kharlan is protected by the force field emitted from the Eternal Sword. If this force field is removed, Derris-Kharlan will be released from the planet s gravity, and will wander in space again as a comet. Lloyd s group reads about World Prolongation Project as follows: The world was split in two in order to keep the mana depletion to a minimum and to sustain the world and the seed of the Giant Tree. Additionally, the usage of the Summon Spirits to guard the Mana Link and restrict the flow, keeps the world from prospering. Great prosperity leads to the possible development of magitechnology, which causes meaningless wars. The World Prolongation Project, proposed and put into effect by the leader Yggdrasill, is an outstanding system to maintain the world. Lloyd s group reads about Eternal Sword as follow: The magic sword was given to the leader Yggdrasill when he formed the pact with Origin. Its immense power is able to control time and space. It is said to be the source of the leader Yggdrasill s power. The leader Yggdrasill was able to split the world with the power of the Eternal Sword. If this sword were to be lost, the leader Yggdrasill s power would diminish, and Welgaia would surely face its doom as well. Lloyd s group finishes using the console. Lloyd: That s some pretty mind-numbing stuff. Raine: We ve obtained some very valuable information. Lloyd, we shouldn t stay here long. Let s escape through that emergency route that we found earlier. Lloyd: Yeah. Let s go. Lloyd s group proceeds to the transporter. Colette: It looks like this is the emergency exit. Lloyd: Okay, let s go before anyone sees us Regal: No, it looks like they already found us.

Suddenly, the angels surround Lloyd s group. Angel 1: Th that s them!

Angel 2: You re the ones that pretended to be working for Lord Kratos! Angel 3: It s the Chosen! The Chosen of Mana has escaped! Lloyd: Dammit! Let s just get out of here! Lloyd s group quickly approaches the transporter and disappears from the scene. Angel 1: I ll follow them. You, report to Lord Yggdrasill. Angel 2: Understood. Lloyd s group appeared in the Tower of Salvation. Lloyd s group proceeds to the zero gravity area. In the zero gravity area, Lloyd starts floating. Lloyd: Whoa, I m floating! Raine: So this is weightlessness.

Lloyd: (puzzled) What s that? Genis: Well, on the ground, the mana from Gnome, the Summon Spirit of Earth, gives rise to the effect known as gravity. Raine: The reason we fall to the ground from high places is because Gnome s power pulls at us. But this place is so far away from the ground that Gnome s power doesn t reach. Lloyd: And so we float like this He had an annoying attitude, but I guess Gnome s a pretty important Summon Spirit. Raine: Be careful and move slowly. Once you start moving, you won t stop until you hit something. Zelos: Yahoo! This is fun! Zelos floats forward very fast. Zelos: Augh! Zelos floats into a wall and drifts the other way. Lloyd: I I ll be careful Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by navigating through the zero gravity area, disengaging locks and finding the Elevator Key in the process. After that, Lloyd s group uses the Elevator Key to ride the elevator to the lower floor. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the next teleporter. Lloyd s group then arrived in the area with the Eternal Sword. Lloyd s group approaches the Eternal Sword. Lloyd: This is the sword Yggdrasill struck me with Raine: Could this be the Eternal Sword?

Zelos: Haha, no way. Nobody d leave a sword that important in a place like this. Lloyd: How about we take it to Heimdall and show it to the Elder?

Genis: Good idea. That way we d know for sure. Voice of Yggdrasill: You have not the right. Just as Lloyd attempts to take the sword, he was knocked back from a bright flash. Lloyd: Oww what happened?! Yggdrasill: A waste of effort. Lloyd: Yggdrasill!

Yggdrasill: The Eternal Sword cannot be touched by those who lack the right. Lloyd: The right? Sheena: He must be talking about the pact with Origin! That s the sword Yggdrasill tricked Origin into giving him! Yggdrasill: Hahahaha! You really are a pathetic bunch. (Sigh) It matters not. Origin is under Kratos seal. Either way, it is impossible for you to wield that sword. And without the power of the Eternal Sword, you cannot reunite the worlds. Your journey is futile. Lloyd: Futile? You re the one who s making futile attempts to bring back the dead! Besides, what does splitting the world in two even have to do with that?! Yggdrasill: The worlds still exist only because they were separated into two.

Lloyd: No! It s because of being split in two that there s not enough mana and countless people are suffering! Yggdrasill: Think for a moment. Why is there a shortage of mana? Well? What do you think, my fellow kinsman? Genis: Me? Um because the development of magitechnology resulted in a large consumption of mana? Yggdrasill: Yes and that magitechnology led to a great war. War consumes an abhorrent amount of mana. Lloyd: Don t change the subject. There s a mana shortage because you won t let the Great Seed germinate. Yggdrasill: I am revived, another opposing forces. that caused that Tethe alla. not changing the subject. Even if the Giant Tree were to be war would make it wither and die. Wars are caused by two That is why I split the world in two: To isolate the powers foolish Kharlan War into the worlds of Sylvarant and

Raine: By alternating between prosperity and dearth, the development of magitechnology is subdued. So that was your plan. Yggdrasill: Although, at the moment, Tethe alla has prospered for a little too long. Lloyd: You re lying. You re sacrificing the Great Seed just to save Martel. Yggdrasill: That s right. The same way you abandoned the declining world of

Sylvarant in order to save Colette. Colette: That s

Yggdrasill: What you re doing is exactly the same. Lloyd: No, it s not! Yggdrasill: Yes it is. Genis: No it s not!! Lloyd isn t like you! Yggdrasill: What? Genis: Lloyd is looking for a way to save both Colette and the world! You re a coward who gave up! Yggdrasill: It is the same thing. I am trying to create a world without discrimination. That is the way to save the world. Lloyd: A world without discrimination? That s Yggdrasill: People fear and hate what is not normal. They are scared of those that are different. Then the solution is for everyone to become the same. By using the Exspheres to eliminate the different bloods that flow through elves and humans, everyone on this earth will become the same lifeless beings. Discrimination will vanish. That is the grand age I strive for. Genis: Everyone the same Yggdrasill: Yes. Desians and Cruxis both exist for this purpose. The conflicts between the races born from discrimination will disappear, Genis. Genis approaches Yggdrasill. Genis: People will stop treating us differently? Really?

Lloyd: Genis! Don t fall for it! Think about how the Exspheres are made! They re made at the cost of people s lives, like Marble. Don t you see what s wrong with that?! Yggdrasill: With revolution comes sacrifice. If you cannot understand that, then you deserve to die with the others. Yggdrasill disappeared and reappeared in Lloyd s group s level. Yggdrasill: However, first you ll hand over the Chosen. Lloyd: No! I won t let you!

Yggdrasill: You have no choice. Lloyd s group fights Yggdrasill. Just after Lloyd s group inflicts some damage to Yggdrasill, the fight ends and then, Colette suddenly kneels to the floor. Lloyd: Colette! Lloyd checks on Colette. Genis: Now!

Genis launches a fireball from his kendama and Yggdrasill got wounded. Then suddenly, Pronyma appeared at the scene. Pronyma: Lord Yggdrasill! You little vermin! You may be one of us, but you shall pay for your treachery! Pronyma prepares to launch a dark fireball at Genis, but Yggdrasill quickly shielded Genis and takes the hit. Yggdrasill suddenly drops an item. Genis: W why? Pronyma: L Lord Yggdrasill! Yggdrasill: Pronyma! Why are you here? Pronyma: Sir. Ah new activity in regards to that certain matter has Understood. Not always is there a way to save everyone. Remember

Yggdrasill: that.

Yggdrasill faces Lloyd. Yggdrasill: Lloyd, the path you seek is nothing but an illusion. Yggdrasill quickly glances at Genis and then Yggdrasill and Pronyma vanishes from the scene. Later Lloyd: Why did he let us go? Genis suddenly saw a panpipe on the ground and picks it up. Genis: It can t be It can t be

Presea: What s wrong, Genis? Genis hides the panpipe to his back and faces Presea. Genis: N nothing. Raine: Lloyd, we must treat Colette as quickly as possible. Lloyd: Right. Let s head back for now. Lloyd s group proceeds to the exit of the Tower of Salvation. Outside Lloyd: Let s go to Altessa s place. We need to cure Colette. Lloyd s group returns to Altessa s House. Inside Lloyd: (running towards Altessa) Altessa! Altessa: What s wrong? Lloyd: Colette s collapsed! Later in the bedroom, Colette lays on the bed while Lloyd s group, Altessa and Tabatha checks on her. Raine: We have the necessary items to cure her. Please save her.

Altessa: (startled) You found out how to cure it?! But what can I do? Raine: We want you to make something called a Rune Crest! I remember the process as described in the book. Tabatha: LET US HURRY, MASTER. Altessa: All right. Everyone else, go outside.

Later, in the living room Lloyd: I wonder if Colette is going to be okay. Sheena: We ve done everything we can. Zelos: She s right, Lloyd. Have something to eat and calm down. Lloyd: I can t eat at a time like this! Zelos: Don t say that. How about some carrots? Or a potato? Lloyd: I really don t want any.

Zelos: Hey, what s with you and Genis? Why are you both acting so gloomy? Mithos: Yes, what s wrong, Genis? Genis: Mithos Actually um Later, Tabatha, Altessa and Raine appeared at the scene. Tabatha: TREATMENT IS COMPLETE. Lloyd: How s Colette?! Altessa: She s sleeping now. When she awakens, her body will be back to normal. And the Cruxis Crystal should be fully controlled by the Rune Crest. Presea: That s good to hear. Lloyd: I see Now Colette doesn t have to suffer anymore. Zelos: Okay, then! Let s have dinner in celebration of Colette s full recovery. Lloyd: What s with you and wanting to eat so much?

Zelos approaches Lloyd and embraces him from behind. Zelos: Cause we re best friends, right? I m worried about you. You ve got to be tired. Mithos: It looks like you re good friends. Sheena: Yep! Doesn t it, though? Mithos: Are you tired, too, Genis? Genis: Mithos we re friends, right?


What? Of course. What are you talking about?

Genis: We re really friends, right? Mithos: Y yeah Genis: I believe you, okay? Mithos: Later, while Lloyd s group has dinner at the table, Lloyd suddenly feels drowsy. Lloyd: Now I feel sleepy all of a sudden. I m going to bed. Raine: It s not good for your digestion if you sleep right after eating. Regal: Are you all right? Your fatigue may have finally caught up with you. Lloyd: I m fine. I m just going to lie down for a little while. The cameras switches to the outside of Altessa s House where someone is approaching and then Lloyd: !! My body I can t move. Lloyd woke up and saw Yuan who is using his binding magic around Lloyd. Yuan: Do you want to meet your father? Lloyd: !! What have you done with my dad?! Lloyd wakes up and heads outside of Altessa s House where the Renegade soldiers aim their blade towards Lloyd. Lloyd: Kratos! The Renegades and Cruxis are enemies, aren t they?! So why? Yuan: Quiet. Of course, the drug should have everyone sleeping soundly.

Lloyd: Drug?! Where s my dad? If you ve done anything to my dad, I ll tear every last one of you to pieces! Yuan: Now, now, is that the way to act when you re about to meet your father for the first time? Kratos: So it was you. You were the assassin who tried to kill me at Hima. Yuan: Kratos. If you value your son s life at all, do as we say. Lloyd: What are you talking about? Yuan: Release Origin s seal. Otherwise, Lloyd will die right here. Lloyd: No Kratos can t be my dad. I c I can t believe that I won t believe that! Yuan: (to Kratos) How does it feel to have your own son reject you like that? Kratos: Humph.

Yuan: I d guess from your attitude, you don t plan on releasing Origin If

that s the way it s going to be, then you ll just have to die! One of the Renegade soldiers aims his blade towards Lloyd. Lloyd: Ugh!! Kratos seemed startled. Renegade Soldier: One move, and your son dies! Yuan: (to Kratos) You changed once you got a family. Just like that time fifteen years ago. When Anna was transformed into a monster, you lost your ability to fight back. Lloyd: (startled) What? Yuan: If she hadn t been together with you, she would have never turned out like that. Such an unfortunate woman. Lloyd attempts to approach Yuan, but the Renegade soldier knocked him down. Lloyd then gets up and continue to approach Yuan. Lloyd: Don t mock my mom! Lloyd draws his sword and attempts to attack Yuan, but he evaded. Yuan throws an electric fireball towards Lloyd and before Lloyd could take the hit, Kratos shielded him and takes the hit instead. Lloyd: Kratos: Kratos? Are you all right? Good.

Kratos then collapsed. Lloyd: Uh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Suddenly, Colette came out at the scene and the Renegade soldiers aims their blade towards Colette. Colette: Lloyd? What s wrong? What s going on?! Lloyd: What am I what am I supposed to believe?! Colette: Lloyd, calm down! Lloyd: It s not true! Kratos can t be The man who betrayed us and made you suffer, he couldn t possibly be my dad. Colette: Lloyd, don t lose sight of who you are! No matter who your parents are, no matter your background, you re still you! Lloyd: I m me? Colette: You re the one who told me that no matter what I look like, even if I become an angel, I m still me And don t forget Kratos saved you. Lloyd: Yeah, you re right. Lloyd approaches Kratos.

Lloyd: Thanks. Kratos: Lloyd: But I still can t call you Dad. Colette: Lloyd Lloyd: I hate what you what Cruxis does. Too many people have died. People from Sylvarant, people from Tethe alla Desians and Renegades and members of Cruxis They re all victims. I refuse to accept the idea that it s okay to sacrifice people for a cause. It s not okay to lose your life. No life should be born for the sole purpose of dying. I won t sacrifice the world to save Colette. I m not giving up until I find a way for everyone to live. Voice of Mithos: Wow, that was an amazingly corny speech. Congratulations. Mithos appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Mithos? Mithos launches his light fireball at the Renegade soldiers and they all died. Then, Mithos launches a light fireball at Yuan. Yuan was knocked to the floor. Mithos: Did you think I didn t notice what was going on? How pathetic. I had Pronyma keep tabs on Kratos, since it seemed he was leaking information to Lloyd s group. Yuan: Dammit! Yggdrasill! How the hell did you find out? Lloyd: (startled) What?! Mithos: That was a pretty amusing scheme you had going. (approaches Yuan) Hard to believe those filthy Renegades that were always getting in my way were actually led by you. If it weren t for my sister s wishes to spare your life, I d kill you right now. Mithos starts kicking Yuan continuously. Mithos: Ahahahaha, haha Ahahahahahahahahaha!

Lloyd: Stop it! Wh what are you? Suddenly, Genis, Raine, Presea, Altessa and Tabatha all appeared at the scene. Altessa: What s going on?! Genis: Mithos so it s true Mithos: What s true? That you shouldn t have trusted me? Good guess, Genis. Because I didn t trust you either! Mithos launches a light fireball at Presea. Presea: Ahh! Before Presea could take the hit Altessa: Ugggghhh!

Altessa shielded Presea and takes the hit instead. Altessa became unconscious. Tabatha: MITHOS SAVED ME Mithos: Shut up!! Mithos launches a light fireball at Tabatha and she falls to the floor. Tabatha: MITHOS SAVED ME MITHOS Raine: How could you do that?! You even risked your life to save her! Genis: Mithos, why? Why are you doing this? How could you hurt Tabatha and Altessa! You got along so well with them! Mithos: Tabatha! That doll looks so disturbingly like my sister I never could stand her! She s a failed vessel who couldn t accept my sister s soul! Just looking at her makes me sick! Lloyd: You little bastard! How dare you betray my best friend!

Lloyd performs Demon Fang towards Mithos. Mithos got wounded. Genis: Lloyd, stop! Please! You re both my friends! Suddenly, Pronyma appeared at the scene. Lloyd, Genis and Raine were startled. Pronyma: Lord Yggdrasill, your wounds are not yet healed. Please leave this to the angel. Mithos transforms into Yggdrasill. Mithos: (his voice in Yggdrasill) All right. Mithos, Pronyma and Kratos vanish from the scene. 3 Angels appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Out of the way! Lloyd s group fights 3 Angels. After Lloyd s group defeats the 3 Angels Voice of Mithos: No life should be born for the sole purpose of dying? What do you think those Exspheres are that you re using? After that, Lloyd s group talks to Yuan. Lloyd: Are you all right? Yuan: With this, all of our efforts have been rendered useless Lloyd: You planned to form the pact with Origin and use the Eternal Sword. Yuan: Correct. And then, we would use the Mana Cannon to destroy that infernal tower, allowing the Great Seed to sprout. That was our plan. Upon learning of your existence from a Desian insider. I was certain I would be able to force Kratos to participate. Lloyd: You didn t approve of Mithos Age of Half-elves?

Yuan: That plan was the result of a twisted perception of Martel s last wish.

It s not what she truly desired. Colette: What was Martel s last wish? Yuan: She said she wanted to see a world free from discrimination. Yuan stands up. Lloyd: You shouldn t move. Yuan: No, there s no time. I must evacuate the Renegades before they are killed by Yggdrasill. Lloyd: Wait. Is Kratos really the only one who can release Origin s seal? Yuan: Yes. The seal will be released upon freeing the mana from his body. Regal: If he does that, he s likely to lose his life. Yuan: Yes. The seal is based on his own life. Lloyd: Kratos life Are you saying we have to trade his life in order to get the Eternal Sword?! Yuan: Lloyd. You won t be able to use the Eternal Sword. It does not require he power of a summoner. You must merely be acknowledged by Origin. However, there is one thing you cannot do anything about. Lloyd: What do you mean? Yggdrasill Mithos said that, too. Yuan: Only half-elves can wield it. That sword was created by Origin for Mithos. Lloyd: What?! Yuan left the scene. Lloyd s group checks on Tabatha. Presea: Tabatha.

Tabatha: WEL COME PLEA SE STA TE STA TE Presea: (saddened) I m so sorry I failed to protect you Lloyd s group checks on Altessa where Raine is attempting to heal him. Altessa: Oh Lloyd

Lloyd: Don t talk! Don t push yourself! Colette: Altessa saved me! Please, Professor! Please save him! Raine: I m doing everything I can. Genis: Mithos why? Why did he do this? The next morning, Altessa lays in his bed while Raine checks on him. After that, Raine goes outside of Altessa s House and catches up with Lloyd s group. Presea: Is Altessa going to be all right? Raine: I managed to administer first aid using the Unicorn Horn, but we should

bring a doctor as soon as we can. Zelos: Yeah, unlike us, Altessa isn t using an Exsphere. Healing arts won t be very effective. Sheena: I know a good doctor. We called him from Flanoir when our chief suffered a serious injury. Colette: Let s go there, Lloyd. Let s call the doctor for Altessa. Lloyd: Okay, Flanoir right? Let s go! Lloyd s group proceeds to Flanoir. Upon arrival Lloyd: Hmm? Where s Zelos? Sheena: What s wrong with him? Why is he wandering off at a time like this?! Lloyd: We don t have a choice. Lloyd s group then found Zelos near the outside of the doctor s office. Zelos: Aionis is that weird rock they had me ingest. Use that to make the ring of the pact hmm. Can I really do this? Lloyd: Zelos! There you are! Why are you mumbling to yourself? Lloyd s group approaches Zelos. Zelos: What? Lloyd, you re late. The hospital s right here. Come on, hurry up. Lloyd s group enters the doctor s office. Inside, Lloyd s group talks to the doctor. Sheena: Doctor! Doctor: Oh, my, if it isn t Sheena. It s been a while. How is everyone in Mizuho? Sheena: It s an emergency! We have someone who s about to die. Doctor: Oh, my, it sounds like things aren t quiet and peaceful. Lloyd: Stop standing there chatting and hurry up and get ready to go! Doctor: It ll cost you.

Lloyd: How can you talk about money at a time like this! Doctor: I m not running my business as a charity. Lloyd: You Sheena: We ll pay anything! So please, hurry Lloyd: You re taking advantage of people when they re in need! Fine, we ll give you as much as you like! How much do you want?! Doctor: Let s make it payment upon success. First, I need to see the patient. Travel expenses and hazard pay will be billed separately.

Lloyd: Fine! Whatever! Doctor: Then please give me an escort. Let s see AT THIS POINT, DEPENDING WHO HAS THE BEST RELATIONSHIP WITH LLOYD WILL STAY WITH LLOYD WHILE THE OTHERS GO WITH THE DOCTOR Later Doctor: The three of you will be good. IF GENIS LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Genis: We ll borrow your Rheaird for a bit. IF RAINE LEADS HER GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Raine: We ll need to borrow your Rheaird. IF ZELOS LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Zelos: We ll take your Rheaird, okay? IF PRESEA LEADS HER GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Presea: We ll borrow your Rheaird, Lloyd. IF REGAL LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Regal: Do you mind if we have this doctor ride on your Rheaird? CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The doctor left with four of Lloyd s group. Lloyd: Yeah, okay. I guess I ll wait here in this city. Later, someone knocked on Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: Who is it? Come on in. READ THIS IF COLETTE IS IN LLOYD S GROUP Colette came in at the scene. Colette: Lloyd, did I wake you? It s snowing outside. Lloyd: I was wondering why it was so cold. Colette: Yeah! It s really cold! Lloyd: You sure sound happy. Colette: Yeah, I mean, I can actually tell it s cold! I m so happy! Lloyd: That s right, you couldn t feel things like that just a little while ago, huh? Colette: Say, Lloyd, if you don t mind the cold, do you want to go for a little

walk? IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Colette: Look, look! You can see out over the city! It s so beautiful! Lloyd: Yeah. Colette: Lloyd do you remember what Kratos said? Lloyd: What was it? TO COLETTE

Colette: He said we can throw the Exspheres away at any time. But right now, we need to carry the burden of the hopes and dreams of the victims and fight on their behalf. Lloyd: Oh, that. That was when we saw Exspheres being made at the human ranch in Sylvarant. Colette: He was talking about your mother, wasn t he? Lloyd: But he works willingly for the boss of the guy responsible for turning my mom into a monster! Colette: I don t think that s true. Kratos saved us over and over again. And he protected you, too, Lloyd. Lloyd: Yeah, but Colette: And so, I m sure he cares about both you and your mother. He s a wonderful father, don t you think? Lloyd: Is that why you brought me out here? To tell me that? Colette: Um, hmm yeah, I guess that was part of it. Lloyd: Thanks. But it s okay. I m not really shocked about the fact that he s my father anymore. Colette: But Lloyd: Origin s seal? Colette: I m sorry for bringing it up. But it he unleashes all the mana from his body, then not even he could Lloyd: I know. No one knows if he ll survive or not. Colette: And that s why we need to find a way to release Origin without Kratos losing his life! Just like the way you saved me! Lloyd: Colette.

Colette: I m sure everyone will understand. Okay? Please? Lloyd: Thanks, Colette. But I look at it this way. Kratos has his reasons for

siding with Mithos, and I want to hear what those are. Anything else I do is going to wait until after that. Colette: You re going, aren t you? To Derris-Kharlan.

Lloyd: Yeah. I plan to go after we check on Altessa s condition tomorrow. I agree with Mithos vision I have to prevent it from happening. I m going to fight him. Colette: Is it okay if I come a little closer? Lloyd: Um, sure. Colette approaches a little closer to Lloyd. Colette: I don t want to see this beautiful scenery ruined the way Sylvarant was. Lloyd: I won t let that happen. Colette: This time, we re going to protect it, right? Lloyd: Yeah. Do you know the seventh Dwarven Vow? Colette: Hehe, the one you hate the most, right? Lloyd: Goodness and love will always win! Colette: Are you worried? Then take this. Colette gave Lloyd a snow bunny. Lloyd: What s this? Colette: It s a charm. A Flanoir snow bunny. They say it brings good luck. I had them take one to Altessa earlier. And this one s for you. Lloyd: Thanks. I really hope that s true.

Colette: Lloyd, we re all with you. Now that you have a charm, too, everything will work out okay! Lloyd: Yeah, you re right. Lloyd received Snow Hare. IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO COLETTE Lloyd: I m sorry. Colette: Oh. No, it s okay. I m sorry for bothering you. I m getting all happy and excited at a time like this, when Altessa is suffering? I ll go back to my room READ THIS IF YOU HAVE GENIS IN LLOYD S GROUP Genis came in at the scene. Genis: It s me! Have you looked outside? It s snowing.

Lloyd: I was wondering why it was so cold. Genis: Let s go outside for a bit! Come on, it ll be fun! IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time, Genis approaches the cathedral s balcony. Genis: Wow! Everything is so quiet when it's snowing. Lloyd arrived at the scene. Lloyd: Yeah. It's kinda creepy, huh? Genis: We hardly ever see snow in Iselia since it's so warm. Genis runs around the snowy area. Genis: Wow, this is so cool! Genis continue to run around. Lloyd: Hey, you're gonna trip and fall! Genis: Don't worry, I'll be fine! Genis trips and falls to the floor. Lloyd: See, I told you! Lloyd approaches Genis. Lloyd: Hey you okay?! Genis: Yeah, I'm okay. TO GENIS

Lloyd: Are you crying? Did you hurt yourself? Genis gets up. Genis: Huh? Heheh, no, it's not like that. I just got a little scared. Lloyd: Of what? Genis: I just thought about Mithos as an angel He probably wouldn't notice that it's so cold. Lloyd: Maybe. Maybe he just wants to reject everything about who he is. Being human, being elven even being half-elven. Genis and Lloyd approaches towards the balcony s fence. Genis: Tomorrow, after we make sure Altessa's okay, we're going to finally put an end to all this, aren't we? Lloyd: Huh? Why do you ask? Yeah, that's the plan anyway.

Genis: Then, is it okay for me to take Mithos' side for just a minute? Lloyd: What? Genis: I can kind of understand how he feels. Just a little. Lloyd: Really? Genis: When we were chased out of Iselia, I I cursed the fact that I was part human. I couldn't stand it. Lloyd: I see. Genis: When Raine and I were refused at Heimdall, I was so embarrassed and frustrated. Lloyd: Yeah Genis: I'm neither human or elf. Neither side will accept me. Yet, unless I belong to one of them, neither will recognize my very existence! Lloyd: Are you opposed to fighting Mithos? Genis: No, it's not like that. I certainly can't forgive him for the things he's doing. Lloyd: But it pains you, right? Genis: Well Even if we defeat Mithos, I don't think we'll truly have defeated him. Lloyd: Yeah. Humans, elves, and half-elves all of us have to change. Genis: Can everyone really change? Lloyd: We can't give up. Everyone has the right to live in this world to see this scenery. At least, that's what I think. Genis: You're right. You've been really stubborn about not giving up. Lloyd: Can't you think of a better word than stubborn? Genis: Maybe I'll try being a little stubborn, too. Lloyd: You sure know how to push a guy's buttons. Hehe, oh well. Genis: (sneezing) Achoo!

Lloyd: It's getting pretty cold. Wanna head back inside? Genis: Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, Lloyd. Lloyd: Huh? For what? Genis: For just treating me like Lloyd: Treating you like what? Genis: Nah, never mind.

Genis left the scene. Lloyd: What was that about? Dork. IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO GENIS Lloyd: I m sorry. Genis: Humph, fine then, jerk! READ THIS IF YOU HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine came in at the scene. Raine: Could I speak with you for a moment? Lloyd: Hey Professor, what s up? Raine: I wanted to go outside to see the snow. Would you like to accompany me? IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Raine: It's so wondrous the way snow can fall from a jet black sky. Lloyd: (shakes his head) Hard to believe you would say something like that. Raine: Humph! Although, I'd have to agree with you. Lloyd: Hehehehe. Raine: You're going overboard on the laughter. Lloyd: Sorry. Raine: Lloyd, what are you planning to do now? Lloyd: We need to go to Derris-Kharlan. Raine: Yes, it's time we settled this. Lloyd: Yeah, I know what I have to do. Release Origin's seal, acquire the right to wield the Eternal Sword, and use it to reunite the worlds. Although, they say humans can't use the Eternal Sword. Raine: That's not the only problem. In order to accomplish your goal, you must defeat not only Mithos, but Kratos as well. Lloyd: I wonder if there's another way, like with Colette. TO RAINE

Raine: Before, I would have simply stated that there is none. Lloyd: Really? Raine: Yes. I used to believe that there are things that can't be changed in this world.

Lloyd: And now you don't? Raine: I still think there are things that can't be changed.

Lloyd: Ah Raine: But I don't think it's such a bad thing to believe in possibilities. Although I'm a little nervous about this change in myself. Lloyd: I wonder what it was that changed you? Raine: Do you remember studying about snowflakes? How when viewed under a magnifying glass, you can see that they have complex crystalline shapes? Lloyd: Uhhh, wh what? Did they? Raine: (catches a snowflake) Yes they do. They're beautiful crystals that resemble conifers. Lloyd: Coni fers? Raine: Never mind. Anyway, depending on the temperature and humidity, snow crystals become completely different shapes. Lloyd: And so? Raine: They all look like the same cold snow, but in reality, they're very sensitive to the environment around them. Lloyd: Oh, yeah. I get that, but Raine: In other words, the temperature around me has changed. Lloyd: Oh! I see, you're saying that there's something that has changed you! Raine: Hehe, although it would seem that my heat source hasn't realized it at all. Lloyd: Huh? Huh? Raine runs from the balcony and faces Lloyd. Raine: Thanks for keeping me company. We should head on back and rest, for tomorrow may be our last battle. Lloyd: Y yeah, I guess. IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO RAINE Lloyd: I m sorry. Raine: I see then I ll leave you alone. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE SHEENA IN LLOYD S GROUP Sheena came in at the scene. Sheena: Hey, do you have a sec? Lloyd: Sheena! What s up?

Sheena: Wanna come outside with me? It s snowing, and it s really pretty. IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Sheena: Everyone s asleep. The world looks so peaceful when you stand here like this. Lloyd: Yeah. Even though up above us, Cruxis is busy planning its absurd Age of Lifeless Beings. Sheena: Lifeless beings Do you think discrimination would really go away if everyone became lifeless beings? Lloyd: I doubt it would. Sheena: Yeah. I agree. I m human. But the people of Mizuho and the other humans of Tethe alla have always had a gap separating them. Even inside Mizuho, I always stood out. Lloyd: Maybe Mithos despises the blood of both races that course through his body. Sheena: Maybe so. I can kind of understand that, too. Lloyd: Because you re from Mizuho? Sheena: Well, since I can make pacts with Summon Spirits, I probably probably have elves in my ancestry somewhere in the distant past. Lloyd: Really? Sheena: Apparently, only those of elven blood can call forth Summon Spirits. Not just magic, but also any technique that uses the mana of the natural world requires some elven blood to be flowing through you. Lloyd: Then, Kratos and Zelos, too? Sheena: They might have some elven blood in them. Just like me. Lloyd: I see. Sheena: The instant I made the pact with Corrine, people around me started to look at me differently. And I thought to myself, this is what it must be like for half-elves all the time. Lloyd: Did you ever wish you were different? Sheena: I ve lost count of all the times I ve wished it. Especially since I caused the deaths of the people in my village. But it s because I have this power that I met Corrine and all of you. Lloyd: Yeah, if you didn t have your summoning abilities, someone else might have come to kill Colette instead. Sheena: When I think about it that way, I think that everything a person I TO SHEENA

possesses is important in some way. Lloyd: In other words, you have your summoning abilities because they re needed. Sheena nods. Sheena: Yeah. My power, Colette s power, Raine and Genis elven blood And everything you ve received from your parents. They re all needed, and that s why they re there. We re all needed, and that s why we re here. Lloyd: I think you re right. I think every single life has meaning.

Sheena: Me, too. I ve started thinking that way lately. And when I did, it s like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. To know that it s okay just to be alive you know? Lloyd: Well, yeah, that s a given, isn t it? Sheena: It wasn t a given for me. I failed in my duties and ran from making pacts. I always thought of myself as a burden. Lloyd: I see. Sheena: But after seeing you say exactly what you mean, not holding anything back, time and time again, I started to think that maybe I could just be myself. Lloyd: Really? I don t quite get it. Sheena: Really. I think I started to think that way because you live your life in such earnest. Lloyd scratches his head. Lloyd: Heh, I think that s a compliment. Sheena: (giggles a little) I wish Mithos could feel that, too. Lloyd: Mithos Sheena: If he lived his life as earnestly as you do, maybe he wouldn t be able to snuff out the lives of those who are trying just as hard to live. Lloyd: I don t know if we can get that across to him or not, but I m going to fight him For the sake of creating a world where we can live our lives the way we want to. Sheena: Are you planning to make the next move? Lloyd: Yeah. I don t see the situation improving by allowing Cruxis to go about their merry way. There was a brief pause. Sheena: I agree. I don t like just sitting around and waiting to see what happens. Lloyd: Right? You and I think a lot alike, Sheena! I think we could become great friends. Sheena: Great friends.

Lloyd: Oh, you don t want to? Sheena: Idiot!

IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO SHEENA Lloyd: I m sorry. Sheena: Oh sorry I bothered you. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos came in at the scene. Zelos: Hey man, you awake? Lloyd: I just got sleepy right now. G night. Zelos: Whoa whoa whoa! Don t be like that! Come on, let s go talk outside for a bit. IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Zelos: city. On that day, Meltokio had a record snowfall. It looked just like this TO ZELOS

Lloyd: What are you talking about all of a sudden? Zelos: Ah, just a story about the past. I suddenly felt like talking about it. Lloyd: Well, if you want to talk, I m all ears. Zelos: I was so excited to see snow for the first time, and I made a snowman in the garden with my mother. The camera shows the skies of falling snow turning tinted red. Zelos: Then suddenly, the snowman fell apart. Before I knew what was going on, red snow began to fall. The camera reverts to Lloyd and Zelos. Lloyd: Red snow? Zelos: It was my mother s blood. She was murdered. Lloyd: (startled) Zelos: As she fell, she grabbed my shoulder and told me, been born. Lloyd: That s that s horrible! Zelos: My mother probably loved somebody else. But because of the oracle from Cruxis, she had to marry the Chosen at the time my father. And the old man had You should never have

another woman as well. Lloyd: But none of that was your fault! Zelos: The magic that killed my mother was meant for me.

Lloyd: What? Zelos: They targeted me because I was the next Chosen. My mother was caught in the crossfire. Lloyd: (startled) Zelos: The one who tried to kill me was Seles mother. They executed her and Seles was placed under house arrest in the abbey. Lloyd: So that s what happened. Zelos: I never wanted to be the Chosen. I spent every moment of my life wishing I could just run away. Lloyd: Chosens lead really difficult lives. I can only imagine what it s like. But I can still understand how hard it must be. Zelos: Sorry. Kinda hard to think of anything to say to a story like that, right? Lloyd: Don t worry about it. But why did you suddenly decide to tell me? Zelos: I should ve never been born. Lloyd: Wh why do you say that?! Zelos: I m not saying I still think that way now. (crossing his arms) But all my life, I ve been rejected by my parents, shunned by the Church, and viewed as a threat by the royal family I just wanted to run away. Lloyd: But you re here with us, now, right? Zelos: I dunno. Even now, to tell the truth, I get tired of all the problems. Sometimes I think it d be easier if everyone and everything were just destroyed. Lloyd: (getting snappy) Zelos! How can you say that?! Zelos: Did I piss you off? Lloyd: Hell yes! Of course! It d be a huge problem for me if everything was destroyed. Zelos: But think about it. If everything was destroyed, you d vanish, too. Lloyd shakes his head no . Lloyd: I refuse to vanish. And so I don t want anyone else to be destroyed I want you to live, too, Zelos. Zelos: (playing a prank) I think I m gonna cry.

Lloyd: Don t make fun of what I m saying. Tomorrow, once we re sure that Altessa is okay, I m going to challenge Mithos to a final battle. But if that s

the way you feel, I ll be too worried to bring you along. Zelos: You re going to fight? Do you really think you can unite the worlds? Lloyd: I can and I will. I m not going to run away. Zelos: All right, all right, I hear ya. I swear, your fervent enthusiasm is enough to melt all the snow in Flanoir. I m in. I guess I ll give this not running away thing a shot. Lloyd: Haha. Once the world is at peace, you can run away all you like. Zelos: Gee, thanks. Man, I can t believe I m joining the weaker side. This isn t like me at all. Lloyd: What are you talking about? Zelos: Nothing, just talking to myself. Anyway, let s get back. It s way too cold out here. Lloyd: Yeah. The next morning, while Lloyd is in his room Lloyd: Hmm? Did Zelos drop this? Hey, there s a letter attached The letter reads as follows as we hear Zelos voice:

This is a symbol of my trust. Hang on to it for me, okay? I don t have the right to ask for your forgiveness, but I still want you to forgive me. P.S. Don t tell the others. After Lloyd finishes reading the letter Lloyd: What the? Man, what the heck is he trying to say? He should make it easier to understand! Lloyd received The Chosen s Orb. IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO ZELOS Lloyd: I m sorry. Zelos: (getting slightly snappy) Oh, fine. I see how it is. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE PRESEA IN LLOYD S GROUP Presea came in at the scene. Presea: It is me. Lloyd: This is unusual. What s up? Presea: Would you like to go see the snow? IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. TO PRESEA

Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Lloyd: Wow! I ve never seen this much snow before. Presea: I have hardly ever seen snow, so it feels strange. Lloyd: Really? Presea: My memories from the time when my soul was missing are not very clear. And, also, I ve never been anywhere besides Ozette and Meltokio. Lloyd crosses his arms. Lloyd: I see. I understand. I m the same way. Before all this happened, I d hardly ever left Iselia. Presea catches some falling snow. Presea: Snow melts away so quickly. Lloyd: Yeah. It s just basically ice. Presea: I always thought of it as something that remained for a long, long time. But instead, it is fleeting. Lloyd: Yeah. When you talk about it that way, it s kind of sad. Presea: But that s the way things are. Trees, grass, and flowers all eventually wilt away. People are no different. Lloyd: All life eventually dies. And so now disappears as well. Presea: Altessa will not disappear yet right? Lloyd: Presea Presea: I I still haven t forgiven him. And yet, if he were to pass away, I Lloyd: It ll turn out okay. Presea: That is not absolute. I wish you wouldn t say things like that so casually. Lloyd: If it was absolute, I wouldn t say, It ll turn out okay.

Presea: What do you mean? Those kinds of words are meant for when we feel that there is no need to worry. Lloyd: There s nothing in this world that s absolute. And I think that s precisely why we say things like that to ourselves. Stuff like, I know I can do it! I know it ll be okay! Presea: Perhaps so. Lloyd: Honestly, I don t know if Altessa will be all right. The only thing I can do is believe in Altessa s will to live. Presea: Believe Lloyd: Yeah. And that s why I say, It ll be okay. I m going to keep saying it

and keep believing it. Human will is a powerful thing. power to keep Altessa in this world.

I m gonna use that

Presea: It must be that power of will that makes you so strong. Lloyd: Ah, I dunno about that Presea: When I look at you, the things I thought were completely hopeless feel as through they may actually be easy to overcome. Lloyd scratches his head. Lloyd: I m simple-minded, so I don t think too hard about things. I just figure it ll all work out somehow as long as I don t give up. There was a brief pause. Presea: Do you think you can win against Mithos? Lloyd: Yeah. I m going to win. I won t be able to fight him unless I have that mindset. Presea: Is it because you were friends with him for a little while? Lloyd: I m not sure. Maybe. But I can t sympathize with him. Presea: Yes, he has done many terrible things to humans, elves, and to the land itself. Lloyd: And to half-elves. He took his own pain and forced it on everyone around him, and got the entire half-elf race caught up in the process. Presea: Yes. That s true. Lloyd: The fact is that humans and elves have both done bad things. And I m sure that Mithos tolerated it as long as he could. But that s only an excuse for all the things he s done. Presea: Lloyd, you will win. Lloyd: Huh? Presea: That is how I feel after talking to you. If your will and Mithos will were to collide, I m certain that yours will overcome his. Because you are not denying your true self. Lloyd: Thanks. Just hearing you say that gives me the courage to take on Cruxis tomorrow. Presea: Tomorrow? Lloyd: Yup. After we make sure Altessa s okay, I m going to put an end to all of this. Presea: You are going to defeat Mithos and unite the worlds. Lloyd: Yeah. That s the only way. Presea: Lloyd. I m sure everything will be okay. I know you can win.

Lloyd: Hey, you re being positive. Presea: Yes. I will lend you the power of my will as well. Lloyd: Okay! I ll make good use of it! IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO PRESEA Lloyd: I m sorry. Presea: I understand. READ THIS IF YOU HAVE REGAL IN LLOYD S GROUP Regal came in at the scene. Regal: Pardon me. Lloyd: Regal? What are you doing up at this hour? Regal: I apologize for coming late. Would you mind if we stepped outside for a moment? I d like to have a word with you. IF YOU CHOOSE SURE. Lloyd: Sure. Later, outside Flanoir during the night time Regal: Snow this place is clearly affected by Celsius presence. TO REGAL

Lloyd: It s pretty to look at, but I bet the people that live here have a rough time. Regal: Indeed. The only way to survive in this area is through tourism. Lloyd: Hey, your company s main business is tourism, right? Do you own any buildings in Flanoir? Regal: There should be several ski resorts and hotels of ours in this area. Lloyd: Whoa, you really are rich. Regal: I m not the one that built the company. It was someone in my family many generations ago. Lloyd: Wow, your family s been around for a long time. Regal: The Exsphere mine produced a great deal of wealth for the family. They most likely sold the Exspheres through a broker who passed them onto the Desians. The fortunes I possess were raid for by the blood of the people of Sylvarant. Lloyd: Yeah, I suppose so. Regal: I m sorry. Lloyd: It s not your fault. Regal: Ignorance is no excuse. If anything, it itself is a crime.

Lloyd: Well, maybe so, but Regal: That may be part of the reason why Mithos oppresses all life on the planet. Lloyd: What do you mean? Regal: Humans are ignorant of their sins, while elves turn a blind eye to them. That frustrates Mithos. Lloyd: Even if that s true, what he s doing is dragging the whole world into a quest for revenge. That s not something that can be forgiven. Regal: If so I, too, cannot be forgiven. Lloyd: What? Why? Regal: For I am on a quest for vengeance against the Cruxis. Lloyd: That s different. Regal: No, it s not. If the ones who turned Alicia into a monster had been human, I might have followed the same path as Mithos. Lloyd: Your conscience will usually kick in before you get to that point. At least that s what the Professor said. Regal: Yes, I d imagine so. But even still, what I no, what we are doing is no different than Mithos. Lloyd: No different than Mithos?

Regal: We are eliminating those who do not share our ideals and those who stand in our way by force. Lloyd: Well, yeah, if you re gonna put it that way. Regal: Mithos knows that. That explains why he said the things about the Exspheres as he was leaving. About the hypocrisy of our protest against sacrificing lives while using these stones that have consumed people s lives. Lloyd: He s really starting to get to me. Regal: Are you sure that s not because what he said is true? Lloyd: Maybe. But just because the logic is sound, that doesn t make it right. Regal: Hmm. Lloyd: I can t stand what he s doing. That s all there is to it. Regal: Yes, perhaps that is all that needs to be said. By putting myself in Mithos place, I may have been subconsciously trying to legitimize my own justice. Lloyd: You always think about the complicated stuff. No one wants to be the bad guy, and no one wants to have to put up with things they don t like. Regal: Everyone thinks the same way is that what you re saying?

Lloyd: If you stop and think about the fact that others are the same as you, then you won t do the kind of things Mithos does. So Regal: You re going to fight him. Lloyd: Tomorrow, after we check on Altessa s condition, I m going to put an end to all of this. Regal: Very well. This chain of tragedy must be broken as soon as possible. Lloyd: Yeah. I m counting on your support. Regal: You have it. IF YOU CHOOSE I M SORRY. TO REGAL Lloyd: I m sorry. Regal: I see I apologize. READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO HAVE KRATOS REJOIN YOU LATER Lloyd: Wow, that s some snow. Voice of Kratos: Lloyd Lloyd: Did someone just call my name? Later, Lloyd proceeds outside and stands near a balcony like area. Lloyd: Huh I guess I was just hearing things Kratos: Lloyd.

Kratos and Noishe appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Did you know I was your son the whole time? Kratos: I realized it when I found Anna s grave at your house. Lloyd: How did Mom die? You know, don t you? Kratos: Like Presea, Anna was a research subject of the Angelus Project. They were trying to create a Cruxis Crystal inside her body. When I learned of Mithos plan to create an Age of Lifeless Beings, I turned against him and descended upon this land, where I met Anna. Lloyd: So Mom was an experimental subject, just like Presea

Kratos: After meeting Anna, I realized my mistake in believing that accepting Mithos vision would be the fastest route to reunite the worlds. I began to search for a way for a human to wield the Eternal Sword. Lloyd: So you can unite the worlds?

Kratos: Yes. However, Anna and I were pursued by Cruxis. We traveled from place to place, and when you were born, with you as well, but we were finally caught by Kvar.

Lloyd: And then Mom was turned into a monster Kratos: Her Exsphere was removed. Lacking a Key Crest, the mana in her body went out of control, and she turned into a monster. When it tried to devour you, Noishe protected you, and Anna regained control of herself momentarily. Lloyd: Noishe saved me? Kratos: That s probably when Noishe became sensitive to monsters. Noishe and Anna are both wounded. You mother begged me to kill her. Lloyd: I ve heard enough. Kratos: Anna went out of control again and turned on you. Then I Lloyd: (getting mad) That s enough! Kratos: I killed her. Lloyd: (angry) I said, that s enough! Kratos: After that, Kvar attacked, then you and Noishe fell down the cliff along with the Exsphere. I fought off Kvar and his men, and descended the cliff, but all that was left were the Desian corpses, half-eaten by monsters. I thought there was no way you could still be alive. Lloyd: Is that when you returned to Cruxis?

Kratos: I am the Origin seal itself. Since killing me would break the seal, Yggdrasill couldn t just leave me alone. Lloyd: And you were okay with that? Even though you opposed what he was doing?! Kratos: Everything felt meaningless. Mithos said he would reunite the worlds as soon as Martel was revived. I came to think that as long as the land would return to normal, that would be enough Until I met you. Lloyd: Me? Kratos: You remind me of Mithos. Just like you, Mithos was desperately trying to save the world. He didn t give up. No matter how much he was oppressed, he was hopeful until the day Martel was killed. Lloyd: A hero that s what people called him. Kratos: Yes, but there is a clear difference between you and Mithos. Lloyd: Our race? Kratos: No, not that. You realize that you are capable of making mistakes. Or rather, if you make a mistake, you are capable of acknowledging it. That takes courage. Mithos, as well as I were unable to do that. Lloyd: The courage to acknowledge one s mistakes Kratos: We were incapable of correcting our flawed path. We gave up on correcting our mistakes. You didn t give up. Lloyd: If you feel that way, then you must have realized it by now! Mistakes can be corrected. It s not too late. Let s look for a way to release Origin

without sacrificing your life together. Kratos: I still have something I must do. Until I am able to entrust it to you, I cannot fight alongside you. Lloyd: Something you have to do? Kratos: The Eternal Sword. Until I am able to entrust it to you do not die, Lloyd. Just as Kratos prepares to leave Lloyd: Kratos! Where are you going? Kratos: Do not allow Yggdrasill to continue as he pleases. He is capable of sacrificing any number of lives. Stop Yggdrasill stop Mithos before Colette is taken from you again. Kratos left the scene. Lloyd: (to himself) I ll stop him. I ll head to Derris-Kharlan and put an end to this. The next morning Lloyd: Oh, Noishe. What s that in your mouth? Lloyd takes the item from Noishe s mouth. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: A pendant? What is? It s Kratos and Mom? Then this baby must be me. Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: Kratos gave this to you, didn t he? Noishe: (Whine) Lloyd: Okay, I ll hang on to it. Lloyd received Kratos Locket.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The next morning, Lloyd s other group appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Guys! How s Altessa?! IF GENIS LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Genis: He somehow managed to recover. That annoying doctor was really as good as they said. Some people from Mizuho are watching over him just in case. IF RAINE LEADS HER GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Raine: He s doing well at the moment. We left the doctor there. Some people from Mizuho are there as well. I m sure he ll be fine. IF ZELOS LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR

Zelos: Well, he managed to pull through. Some dudes from Mizuho are hanging out there to guard him, so everything is all right. IF PRESEA LEADS HER GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Presea: It seems he is out of danger. Right now, some people from Mizuho and the doctor are watching over him. IF REGAL LEADS HIS GROUP WITH THE DOCTOR Regal: We left the doctor there just in case, but it seems that he s fine for a moment. People from Mizuho are tending to him as well. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Good. I need to speak with everyone. The world is never gonna change if we just wait for Cruxis to make the next move, right? So this time, we re going to strike them first. Zelos: Well, so you re finally ready to do it! We re gonna raid Cruxis! Lloyd: Yeah. I have two objectives: Prevent the establishment of Mithos Age and release Origin. Genis: But if you release Origin, what about Kratos? Lloyd: I don t really know yet. We don t know for certain that he ll actually die. We also don t know if he ll side with us or not. We don t have the time to worry about things we re not sure of. Raine: What do you intend to do about the Eternal Sword? Even if you break Origin s seal, you can t wield it, remember? And I doubt either Genis or I would be able to handle a sword Zelos: Don t worry about that. I ve got it covered. Lloyd: What are you talking about? Zelos: Why do you think I can use magic swords? I received magic injections with the latest in Tethe alla technology. There was a brief pause. Zelos: In other words, I m a human with elven blood in me. That should work, shouldn t it? Raine: Then I guess this will be the final battle. Presea: Understood. Let us end this. Regal: For the sake of uniting the worlds. Genis: Yeah. Colette: I ll do my best, too! Lloyd: Colette, I need you to stay behind. new

Colette: Why?

Lloyd: They want you as Martel s vessel. We ll have either Mizuho or the Renegades hide you. Colette: If that s what you want After Colette thinks it over Colette: No, I m going, too!

Lloyd: But Zelos: Heh, I get it. You don t think you can protect her. That is so sad Lloyd: Wh what did you say? Zelos: Don t worry, Colette! I, the great Zelos, swear to protect you! Lloyd: Zelos! Zelos: Take her along, Lloyd. They re gonna be after her no matter where she is. You ought to know that by now. Be a man, show her what you re made of! Sheena: Wow, we actually have the same opinion for once. Sorry, Lloyd, but I agree with Zelos this time. Lloyd: All right, Colette will come with us, okay?

Colette: Thank you, Lloyd. And everyone else, too. Later Sheena: Does Tethe alla really have a technology like that? Zelos: It sure does for some weird reason.

A little later, as Lloyd s group prepares to leave Zelos: All right, let s go kick come Cruxis butt, Lloyd! IF YOU MET SOMEONE IN FLANOIR WHO IS NOT KRATOS DURING THE NIGHT Lloyd: Zelos, I trust you. Zelos: Wh what are you talking about? Well, of course, I can understand that you re counting on me. Just place your faith in me! Lloyd: Faith, huh. I hope so. Zelos: Yeah, yeah, come on, let s go! IF YOU MET KRATOS IN FLANOIR DURING THE NIGHT Lloyd: Zelos, can I really trust you? Zelos: What are you saying? Of course you can trust me! I m the type that responds to people s trust. Lloyd: Really?

Zelos: Really! Really, really, come on, let s go! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Tower of Salvation. Upon arrival, 3 angels blocked the way to the entrance. Lloyd: It s no good. It s blocked! Raine: At this rate, our escape route will be blocked. Sheena: Here come some more! Suddenly, Yuan appeared at the scene. Yuan: Lloyd! This way! Colette: Lloyd, let s go! Later, in the secret passage Lloyd: Why are you helping us? Yuan: Now that the truth about me is known to Yggdrasill, the only way left to save Martel is to work with you. Don t think that I want to be your friend or anything. Lloyd: You have a real negative attitude, you know that? Well, whatever. Thanks for helping us. Let s go everyone! Lloyd s group proceeds to the next area. In the room with the Eternal Sword Zelos: Leave this to me.

Sheena: Leave it to you? What are you gonna do? Zelos: I figured something like this might happen, so I prepared a little something the last time we were here. Zelos moves further a little. Zelos: Colette, come here for a second. Colette: Huh? Oh, okay. Colette approaches Zelos and suddenly, 3 angels appeared at the scene along with Pronyma. Pronyma: Good work, Chosen. Now, bring her to me. Zelos: Sure thing. Zelos makes Colette appear around Pronyma. Genis: Zelos!! Sheena: What the hell are you doing?! Zelos: Oh, shut up. I m just putting myself on the winning side. What you re trying to do is hopeless and meaningless. What s the big deal? Colette wanted

to be a sacrifice, remember? Lloyd: Zelos! You traitor! IF YOU MET SOMEONE IN FLANOIR WHO IS NOT KRATOS DURING THE NIGHT Zelos: Aw, give it a rest, Lloyd. Did you forget what I said in Flanoir? I side with the strongest. IF YOU MET KRATOS IN FLANOIR DURING THE NIGHT Zelos: It s so funny that you would say that. It s not like you trusted me in the first place. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Pronyma: Betray you? How amusing. Zelos was our spy from the very beginning. Isn t that right, Zelos? Lloyd: Is that true? Colette: It s not true, is it? Please say that she s lying Zelos: I side with the strongest. It was a simple matter of weighing the Renegades, Cruxis, and all of you. Sheena: You were leaking information to the Renegades, too?! I can t believe you! You were always a pervert, but I never doubted that you were a good person when it came down to it. Zelos: Why, thank you, my sweet, voluptuous hunny. But in the end, I choose this side, because Mithos promised to release me from my fate as a Chosen of Mana. Regal: You hate being the Chosen so much that you would betray your friends? Zelos: Oh, yeah, I do. It s because of that title that my life has been a total joke. I can t stand it. I can t wait for Seles to become the Chosen instead. Lloyd: You re lying! I still trust you, you hear me?! You re the one that told me I could trust you! Zelos: What are you, stupid? IF YOU MET SOMEONE IN FLANOIR WHO IS NOT KRATOS DURING THE NIGHT Zelos: Let s get going, Lady Pronyma! ?

Zelos appears around Colette and Pronyma in a warp circle. Colette: Lloyd Lloyd! Lloyd!!!! Colette vanishes from the scene along with Zelos and Pronyma. Angel: Disappear unto nothingness. Just as the angels makes their attack, the ninjas from Mizuho appeared at the scene. Sheena: Everyone! What are you doing here?

Orochi: We ll explain later. Here they come! Lloyd: Damn Regroup! Lloyd s group fights the angels. After Lloyd s group defeats the angels Lloyd: Are you okay? Orochi: Yes Sheena approaches Orochi and the other ninjas. Sheena: Why are you all here? Orochi: We received a message saying that you were about to head to the final battle. Right now, you must hurry and save Colette. Lloyd: Right. Be careful. Orochi: And you as well. IF YOU MET KRATOS IN FLANOIR DURING THE NIGHT Zelos: Lady Pronyma! ? Hurry and take Colette. Pronyma: I leave the rest to you. The 3 angels approach Colette and Pronyma in a warp circle. Colette: Lloyd Lloyd! Lloyd!!!! Colette vanishes from the scene along with Pronyma and the 3 angels. Zelos then approaches Lloyd s group. Zelos: So this is how it ends. Lloyd: Why Zelos? You were our friend! Zelos: Friend huh? I never did get you to trust me, though. Lloyd: That was Zelos: Don t feel bad about it. I mean, I did deceive you, after all. Lloyd: There s got to be some sort of explanation for all this. This is just another joke, right? Zelos: Haha, I don t know what to tell ya. I m just a weak, lazy bum. All I want is a fun, easy life. That s it. Nothing more, nothing less! Zelos wings are revealed. Lloyd s group fights Zelos. After Lloyd s group defeats Zelos, Zelos falls to the floor. Lloyd s group checks on him. Zelos: Th that was pretty good Lloyd: Zelos Zelos: anyway It s okay. To tell you the truth, I was getting pretty tired of living


Don t talk like that! She s below, in the hall of the Great Seed. Make

Zelos: Oh yeah, about Colette sure you save her

Lloyd: W why did you fight us?! Zelos: (dying) Because my life was a mistake. But once I m gone Seles might be happier and they ll finally let her out of that abbey Lloyd: Don t tell me that s why you Zelos: (dying) Heheheh nah, that s just a bonus Cruxis Crys tal Zelos died at the scene. Sheena: Damned idiot Make sure you destroy my

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Presea: Is it still active? Lloyd: Looks like it. Let s go! Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the next area. In the area with a broken bridge, Lloyd s group jumps on the bridge and the bridge suddenly tilts to the lower area. Genis: That was startling! Raine: It appears that this floor is only supported in the center. It tilts because of our weight. If only we could find something to weigh it down with Lloyd: Then how about we split into two groups, and have one group become the weight Regal: And how do you plan to join up again? We should think of another way. Presea has a slight startle look. Genis: What is it, Presea? Presea: That Lloyd s group looks up and saw a big rock held by branches. Lloyd: I see! That does look like it would work. Lloyd s group manages to solve the puzzle by reaching the high area and use the Sorcerer s Ring to burn the branches holding the giant rock. After that, the rock fell to the broken bridge, thus not moving so much that Lloyd s group made their way to the teleporter. In the next area, Lloyd s group suddenly heard a bell. Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Suddenly, angels appeared at the scene.

Lloyd: Angels! Regal: Here they come! Lloyd s group fights the angels. After Lloyd s group defeats some of the angels Lloyd: Dammit, there s no end in sight. Regal: Make a break for that passage! Lloyd: All right! Lloyd and Regal runs to the passage. Regal then kicks the pillars, blocking the path to the passage. Lloyd: Regal! Regal: I ll hold them off here. Hurry! Lloyd: You know I can t leave you behind! Regal: There s no time. You know that. You re the only one who can save Colette. Lloyd: I know that! But I can t just leave my friend! Regal: That s not what you re doing, I I once wasn t able to protect someone very important to me. So this time, I m going to succeed. I m going to protect my friends. Lloyd: Regal Regal: Lloyd, save Colette. Lloyd: All right.

As Lloyd prepares to leave Lloyd: Regal, don t die. Don t make me go through the same pain you did, you hear me? Lloyd s group moves on. The camera shows Regal. Regal: Heh. You sure don t make things easy, Lloyd. I m sorry, Alicia. It looks like it s still going to be a while before I join you The angels are about to prepare their attack on Regal. Regal: You shall not pass! Lloyd s group without Regal moves on to the next area. In the spiral staircase Lloyd: Whoa! The tree s branch strikes the bridge and then the branches came back to the tree. Lloyd: This thing won t let us through! Sheena: Hang on! This thing looks like leftovers from earlier.

Lloyd: You mean one of the Giant Tree s Sheena: Yep, no doubt about it. Just stand back and leave this to me! Later Sheena: Disciple of everlasting ice! Sheena summoned Celsius. Sheena: Hammer of godly thunder! Sheena summoned Volt. Sheena: Servant of Mother Earth! Sheena summoned Gnome. Sheena: Envoy from the dark abyss! Sheena summoned Shadow. Sheena: I command thee! Gatherest before me and unleash thine power! The Summon Spirits gave powers to Sheena and they disappear. Lloyd: Whoa, what are you doing? Sheena: My impression of the Mana Cannon. Well, it won t be nearly as powerful, but it should be enough to take care of this thing. Lloyd, when I give the signal, run underneath it. Got it? Lloyd: All right. But what about you? Sheena: Don t worry, I ll be fine. Get ready, here we go! Sheena unleashes her Mana Cannon at the tree. Sheena: Now! Lloyd runs to the other path. Sheena: Haaa! The tree collapses on the bridge and it falls into the pit. Lloyd: Sheena! Are you okay? Sheena s body is pitched black. Sheena: Yeah, I m all right.

Lloyd: That was amazing! Sheena: Phew. Just don t ask me to do it again, okay? Phew. That drained all my mana, I m going to rest for just a Suddenly, the tree branch grabs Sheena s leg. Sheena: Ahh!

Sheena attempts to grab the ledge as the tree branch is grabbing her leg. Lloyd: Sheena! Hang on, I ll Sheena: Hah ahahahahahah! Lloyd: Wh what s wrong with you? Why are you laughing? Sheena: No, I was just remembering the time when we first met. It looks like I have a strong affinity for falling into holes. Lloyd: Just hang on. I ll be right there! Sheena: Don t worry about me. Just hurry up and go rescue Colette. Lloyd: This is not the time to act all tough! Sheena: I m not acting. It s just like the last time when I climbed up from the bottom of that pit and I took you on. And this time I won t miss the main event. Lloyd: You better be telling the truth. Sheena: Of course! You better leave me a piece of the action! Lloyd: Okay, I ll be waiting for you, you got that? Lloyd moves on. The camera shows Sheena. Sheena: I m so stupid. Stubborn to the very end I really need to start acting more feminine at times like this and let him rescue me. Heh, that wouldn t be my style, now, would it? Sheena lets go of the ledge and falls into the pit. Sheena: Lloyd good luck Lloyd s group without Sheena moves on to the next area. In the area with a computer console, Lloyd approaches the door. Lloyd: Dammit, open! Raine: It looks like you can control it from here. Leave this to me. Lloyd: Professor Sage, hurry. Raine: Don t rush me This is it. Raine uses the console and unlocked the first door. Lloyd: You did it! Suddenly, the area starts shaking. Lloyd: Whoa! Raine: Ahh! Ow !! Just as the floor collapses, Raine manages to grab the ledge and pulled herself up.

Lloyd: Professor Sage! Are you okay? Raine: I m fine. I just made a minor input error.

Lloyd: Be careful, okay? Raine: It s okay now. I m opening the next door. Raine uses the console to open the second door. Suddenly, a monster appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Another input error? Raine: No! Now hurry up and defeat it! Lloyd without Raine fights the monsters. After Lloyd s group defeats the monsters, more floors around Raine s area collapses. Raine: This is quite an intricate trap. Lloyd: Professor Sage, are you really making that many mistakes? Wait, are you Raine: There s no time to worry about that! I m opening the next one! Raine uses the console to open the third door. The monster then appeared. Lloyd: Not again! Lloyd immediately turns around and saw more floors collapsing. Lloyd: What? Professor Sage! I knew it! Raine: Lloyd, you need to focus on saving Colette right now. Don t get distracted! Lloyd: Grr! Lloyd s group fights the monsters. After Lloyd s group defeats the monsters, the final door opened. Lloyd: Professor Sage, it s okay now! Hurry up and come The camera shows the area of Raine with floors collapsing in her surroundings. Lloyd: Professor Sage! Raine: Lloyd, this room will soon collapse. Hurry up and go. Lloyd: No! I m not leaving you behind! I don t want to sacrifice anyone anymore! Raine: Sacrifice? When did anyone become a sacrifice? I believe in your ideals. A world that would accept those of us caught in the middle. I believe in your vision of the world. It has become my hope. I came all the way here in order to realize that dream. I ve no regrets. Lloyd: Saving the world won t mean anything if we lose you! Raine: My soul will live on in the world you create. But if your ideals die, then my hope dies as well. Living on without hope is worse than death, don t

you think? Lloyd: I I don t understand that at all! Raine: If you don t understand, then make use of your remaining life to think about what it means for a person to live. That s my final lesson to you as your teacher. Now, go. Do as your teacher says. Lloyd: Professor Sage I ll never forget you! Lloyd evacuates. Raine: The rest is in your hands, my precious student The area collapses and Lloyd s group without Raine made it to the teleporter in the nick of time. Lloyd s group moves on to the next area. In the area with a locked door Lloyd: It s locked from the inside It s no good, it won t budge. Presea: (saw a duct) Lloyd, look up there. Lloyd: That? Presea: I may be able to enter the room from there. I ll give it a try. Lloyd: But it s too dangerous to go alone. Presea: I ll be all right. Besides, I m the only one that can fit through there. Lloyd: Okay, but be careful. Presea: I will. Presea enters the duct and uses the computer console to open the locked door. However, a shutter is closing to the teleporter. Presea: No! Presea falls to the floor, dropping her ax as well. A tree branch grabs Presea s leg. Presea: Augh I ve almost got it! Presea made her ax stand while the shutter temporarily stops moving. Presea: Ahh! Lloyd came in and saw Presea being dragged by the tree branch. Lloyd: Presea! Lloyd approaches Presea. Presea: Stay back! Don t come over here. Please, hurry! Go! Lloyd: No! I I Presea: Lloyd, you are a kind person. But if you allow your kindness to interfere with your judgment, you re merely weak.

The camera shows the ax attempting to hold off the shutter. Presea: You have something you must do. Please do not forget that. Please go. If you don t, I ll lose my respect for you. I ll be fine. So please, hurry Lloyd: I m sorry, Presea! Lloyd quickly slides under the shutter. Presea: Lloyd whatever happens, you mustn t give up. Stand and fight. I know you can do it. The ax breaks and the shutters closes completely. Lloyd: Presea, I promise. I ll rescue Colette, no matter what. And I ll make a world where everyone can live freely Lloyd and Genis without Presea move on to the next area. In the area with a four-way passage, Lloyd and Genis attempts to approach the teleporter until a force field wall appeared in front of them. Lloyd: Another trap?! Genis: It s coming towards us! Lloyd: Whoa, run! Suddenly, Lloyd and Genis ended up in the center area while the force field walls closes in on them. Genis: It s no good. There s one over here, too Lloyd: We ll just have to attack it at the same time and smash our way through! Genis: Is that gonna work? Lloyd: Dwarven Vow #16: You can do anything if you try! We re dead anyway if we fail. Give it all you ve got! Genis: Heh, that s just like you, Lloyd. Okay! Let s do it! Later, Lloyd and Genis prepare their team attack. Lloyd: On the count of three Genis: Lloyd.

Lloyd: Wh what? Genis: Ah, nothing. I m ready. Lloyd: Okay! One, two Genis: Three! Lloyd: Three!! Lloyd performs his Demon Fang and Genis launches fireballs from his kendama simultaneously and the force field wall to the teleporter created an opening.

Lloyd: Now! Genis stands still. Lloyd manages to make it to safety. Lloyd: See, look, it worked! Genis: It was pretty good for one of your plans, Lloyd. The only flaw was that you didn t take into account my lack of physical reflexes. Suddenly, the force field wall closes on Lloyd when he approaches. Lloyd: Genis! Genis hopelessly kneels to the floor. Genis: Heh, I messed up. Lloyd: You did that to get me out? Genis: N no! Lloyd: Liar! You knew it would end up like this. Why did you do it? Genis: If you d been in my place, you d have done the same thing. You always jump in without thinking to save someone in trouble. But it was that Lloyd that I looked up to. I wanted to be like you. Lloyd: Genis Genis: Now, hurry up! Before it s too late. Lloyd: No way! I can t leave you behind! Genis starts shaking in fear. Genis: I said, go! I m not like you. I m a coward. When it comes down to it, my body starts shaking I don t want you to see me looking pathetic in the end Lloyd: Genis Genis: Go! I said, go!! Lloyd prepares to leave. Lloyd: You you fool! Lloyd moves on. Genis kneels to the floor. Genis: You were my best friend, Lloyd. Lloyd moves on to the next area. In the area with a narrow bridge, Lloyd attempts to step on the bridge, but some of it collapsed. Lloyd: From here on out, looks like it s a one way road Lloyd manages to evade the arrows shooting from the side as he crosses the bridge. IF YOU DID NOT SEE COLETTE, ZELOS OR KRATOS IN FLANOIR

Upon reaching the next area, an arrow fire in Lloyd s direction and he quickly evaded the arrow. IF YOU DID SEE COLETTE, ZELOS OR KRATOS IN FLANOIR Upon reaching the next area, an arrow hit Lloyd. Lloyd: Ugh! Lloyd falls to the floor. Later, Lloyd somehow managed to survive the arrow attack. Lloyd: Augh I m alive But how? IF YOU HAVE COLETTE S SNOW HARE Lloyd takes a look a Colette s Snow Hare. Lloyd: The snow bunny that Colette gave me She protected me coming for you! Just hang on! IF YOU HAVE ZELOS CHOSEN S ORB Lloyd takes a look at The Chosen s Orb. Lloyd: This is Zelos a traitor A traitor Cruxis Crystal He protected me No, that can t be. He s Colette! I m

IF YOU HAVE KRATOS LOCKET Lloyd takes a look at Kratos Locket. Dad

Lloyd: Kratos pendant He protected me CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT

Lloyd approaches a sword in a wall and examines it to reveal a secret entrance. Lloyd: What s this? Is it some king of trap? And what is this thing? Damn. There s no time to be worrying. I ve got to rescue Colette, for everyone s sake! Later, in the room with the Great Seed, Colette is in some encased bed while giving powers from Martel in the Great Seed. Mithos: It is finally time, dearest sister. This body has the closet match to your mana signature. I ve failed many times in the past, but this time I swear I ll make it work. An angel appeared to tell Pronyma something and left the scene. Pronyma: The mana charge is complete, my lord. Mithos: Good. Do it. Just as Mithos and Pronyma was going to charge the mana Lloyd: Let her go! Lloyd appeared at the scene.

Mithos: Lloyd?! How did you get in here?! The lock to this room can only be opened by a member of the Cruxis high order! Lloyd: None of your business! What matters is that your selfish dream ends here! Mithos: A futile effort Just as Mithos was about to attack Lloyd, a fireball was launched towards Mithos and he takes the hit. The camera shows Lloyd s other group appearing at the scene somehow. Genis: We won t let you lay a finger on him! Lloyd: Guys! How? You re okay?

Sheena: I told you I wouldn t miss the main event! Regal: You did not want to share the same pain I do, correct? Raine: I can t possibly miss seeing the new world that s about to be made. Presea: I can still fight. As long as I can fight, I will stay by your side. Genis: Heheheh, pretty good, huh? Lloyd: Everyone! All right! Let s take him on together! Lloyd s other group joined up with Lloyd. Mithos: (Sigh) What a sorry lot. Pronyma, it is your fault they re still alive. Kill them! Pronyma: Y yes, sir! Lloyd s group fights Pronyma and 2 Idons. After Lloyd s group defeats Pronyma and 2 Idons Pronyma: (dying) Lord Yggdrasill it hurts Please help me The camera shows the Martel s power from the Great Seed was given to Colette. Mithos: I ve succeeded! Martel is awake!

Pronyma: Lord Yggdrasill Mithos please Just as Pronyma crawls towards Mithos Mithos: Only my former companions can call me by that name! Get out of my sight! Mithos reveals light power on his right hand and strikes Pronyma. Pronyma died at the scene and her body vanishes. Presea: That s so cruel After that, the encased bed opens and Colette awakens. Colette approaches Mithos. Mithos: Dear sister you ve finally come back to me!

Lloyd: No Colette It can t be true! Colette: (with the voice of Martel) Mithos what have you done? Mithos: Martel? Oh, you mean my body. I hastened my growth to have an appearance befitting the leader of Cruxis. Wait just a moment. I ll switch back to my old form. Mithos switches back to his youth form. Colette: No, Mithos, not that. I ve been watching all this time. Unable to move, unable to do anything, I watched all those foolish things you ve done. Have you forgotten everything? We stopped the Ancient War because we dreamt of a world where humans, elves, and those in between could live in harmony. Mithos: What are you saying? This after all the trouble I went to prepare a new body for you? But I see you don t like that one, do you? Colette: Mithos, please. Listen to me. What you have done is wrong. It is not what we strived for. Mithos: Wrong? Are you rejecting me?

Colette: No, I want you to remember. Please stop this and become your old self again Mithos: Martel, even you reject me? No Martel would never say something like that Haha hahaha ahahahahahaha! I won t allow that, do you hear me?! Mithos unleashes his light power from his eyes into the air and the area starts shaking. IF YOU MET SOMEONE NOT KRATOS IN FLANOIR Zelos appeared at the scene. Zelos: You okay, Lloyd? Zelos approaches Colette and puts the Key Crest on Colette s Cruxis Crystal. Mithos: (snappy) What are you doing?! Mithos launches his light ball at Colette, but Zelos shoved Colette out of the way and the light ball misses hitting Colette. Mithos: (angry) I thought you wanted me to set you free of your fate as a Chosen! Zelos: Oh, you know what? I changed my mind. Zelos faces Mithos. Zelos: That won t matter after we beat the snot out of you anyway. Lloyd: Zelos! I knew you d come back to us! Zelos: Sorry about all that. It was the only way I could get my hands on this. Here. Zelos tosses an Aionis to Lloyd and he catches it.

Zelos: Refine that with dwarven arts, and it ll let even a human use the Eternal Sword! Lloyd: You are you saying you did all that just to get this? Sheena: That s right. This stupid Chosen released us from those traps back there. Zelos: But it is true that I deceived you. I ve held you guys back for a long time. I figured I d at least have to do something like that to make up for it. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: If you want to make it up to us, hurry up and fight! Zelos: You got it! IF YOU MET KRATOS IN FLANOIR Kratos appeared at the scene. Kratos: Lloyd, are you all right?! Kratos approaches Colette and puts the Key Crest on Colette s Cruxis Crystal. Mithos: Kratos! You betray me again?! Kratos: I do not mean to betray you. I am full of regret. Regret that I could not stop you. Lloyd: Kratos! I knew you d come back to us! Raine: That s right, Lloyd. He saved us from the impossible situations we were in. Kratos: I wish to atone for my sins alongside you.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Mithos: Damn you! Give me back my sister! Colette: Goodbye, Mithos. This is my final wish. Please, return this twisted world back to its original form. Mithos: No! Martel! Don t go! Colette: If things were going to end up like this, perhaps the elves should never have left Derris-Kharlan. If they hadn t, people like us would never have been born The powers of the Great Seed come out of Colette s body and returns to the Great Seed. Colette falls to the floor. Mithos: So so that was it aha ahahahaha Mithos approaches the Great Seed. Mithos: Martel, you just wanted to leave this filthy world and return to Derris-Kharlan Yes, of course. That world is the homeland of all elven blood.

Genis: Mithos? Mithos: Yes, dearest sister let s forget these filthy creatures and return home together. To Derris-Kharlan While Mithos attempts to move away the Great Seed, Colette gets up. Colette: (her own voice) Everyone, we have to stop Mithos! Martel is calling to me! Martel wants us to stop him! Mithos: Shut up! Martel would never say something like that. You miserable failure! Colette: She did say it! She was crying! She said, Please don t make everyone suffer any longer! Mithos ignores Colette and continues to move the Great Seed away. IF ZELOS IS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: Lloyd, you understand, right? If we lose the Great Seed, we ll betray the Renegades hope. IF KRATOS IS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: Lloyd, do you understand? If we lose the Great Seed, we ll betray everyone s hopes! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Sheena: And we of Mizuho won t stand it, either. Raine: Without it, the Giant Tree will not germinate. Presea: Without mana, the land will die. Regal: If your goal is the reunification of the world, then Lloyd: I know! We re gonna stop Mithos with everything we ve got! Let s go! Mithos: I won t let you interfere. Mithos transforms back to Yggdrasill. Mithos: (Yggdrasill s voice) I will kill you all! Lloyd s group fights Yggdrasill. After Lloyd s group defeats Yggdrasill, Mithos in Yggdrasill s form grasps his wounds. Mithos: How? I cannot lose I m going home I m going home with my sister

Mithos vanishes from the scene. Genis picks up the Cruxis Crystal that Mithos left behind. The Great Seed then descends to it holding area. Lloyd: It s over.


Kratos appeared at the scene. Kratos: The worlds are still split. The Giant Tree has not yet germinated. What exactly is it that s over? Lloyd: Good timing. I wanted to ask you something. What was it that you saw in Mithos? Why did you help him seal Origin? Kratos: Mithos was my apprentice and a valuable friend. Isn t that enough? Lloyd: Do you forgive anything someone does, no matter how horrible, just because he s your friend?! Kratos: I don t see a need to explain myself further. If you want to release Origin s seal, you must defeat me. Just as Kratos was about to leave Lloyd: Kratos! Wait! Kratos: I ll be waiting for you before the seal.

Kratos left the scene. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: No, it s not. The worlds are still split. The Giant Tree has still not yet germinated. You must release Origin. Lloyd: Do you know what that means? You might die! Kratos: I tried to run from everything. I still need to pay for my past sins. For the sake of releasing Origin s seal, as well as for the sake of settling my past, Lloyd you must defeat me. Lloyd: (snappy) You think I m just gonna go along with that?! Kratos prepares to leave. Kratos: I ll be waiting for you before the seal.

Kratos left the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Colette: Lloyd, let s head back first. Okay? Later, outside of the Tower of Salvation IF YOU DON T HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine: By the way Zelos, where did you learn a method for humans to equip the Eternal Sword? Zelos: I really think it d be better if I didn t say. Lloyd: What are you talking about? Genis: Yeah, that s a strange thing to say.

Zelos: Go to Heimdall. Everything should become clear there. Lloyd: All right.

IF YOU ALREADY HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine: What are you going to do, Lloyd? Are you going to fight Kratos? Lloyd: I don t know. At any rate, I ll go to Heimdall. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Ymir Forest and quick jumps to Heimdall. Upon arrival Elf Elder: Lloyd, welcome. Your visitor has already entered Torent Forest, where Origin sleeps. Lloyd: Thank you.

Raine: Then, we ll see you when you get back Lloyd: Wait, Professor, Genis. (to the elf elder) Elder. Please let these two into the village! It s only for now. They re my close friends, and I want them to be there when I face off against Kratos! Elf Guard 1: Unthinkable. No half-elf may enter our village. Lloyd: That kind of attitude gave rise to Cruxis! Elf Guard 2: What did you say?! Elf Elder: Stop, both of you! The chasm that separates us from the half-elves is deep and dark. Nevertheless, there is reason in what you say. Thus, from now until Origin is released, I will grant these two entrance to the village. Lloyd: Thank you! Elf Elder: However, they may not use any of our facilities. Is that clear? Raine: That s fine. Genis: Gee thanks. Later Lloyd: Then let s go to where Kratos is Colette: Lloyd, wait! You should relax a little first. You re about to fight your father, remember? Lloyd: I know that! Regal: Colette is right. Don t be hasty, Lloyd.

Raine: The fate of the world rests on your battle with Kratos. Let s rest here tonight and you can sort out your feelings. This will be the end of our journey.


All right.

Lloyd s group scatters from each other. Lloyd talks to Raine. Raine: What is it? Lloyd: Ah, nothing. Raine: Are you feeling uneasy? Lloyd: What? Raine: If you don t kill Kratos, Origin will not be released. Even if you somehow manage to avoid fighting, you still have to release Origin. If you release Origin, Kratos may die and you re right back where you started. Lloyd: Yeah. I want to ask with him. I want to ask him if there isn t any other way. Raine: You must prepare yourself for the possibility that there isn t. Lloyd: Professor. Raine: I m sorry. I always say things so coldly Lloyd: No You say the harsh things on purpose. It s for our benefit. Thank you. Raine: Lloyd Lloyd: Tonight I ll make up my mind about whether or not I will kill Kratos. Lloyd talks to Genis. Genis: Hey, you know how they say, He who chases two hares won t catch either ? Lloyd: (puzzled) Hairs? How do you chase hairs? You mean chase someone and grab em by the hair? Genis: You know, Lloyd, sometimes I think you are a true genius.

Lloyd: Heh heh, thanks, Genis! Genis: That wasn t a compliment. What it means is, if you re greedy and try to get everything, you ll fail. Like me Lloyd: Genis? Genis: I wanted to be friends with both you and Mithos. Mithos was the first friend I ve ever had that was my race But in the end, with my own hands I Lloyd: I m sorry, Genis. He was your friend, and I Genis: I don t want you to apologize for that. Genis takes out a Cruxis Crystal. Lloyd: Is this Mithos Cruxis Crystal?

Genis: I m sorry. I picked it up in the Tower of Salvation, but I just couldn t bring myself to destroy it. I took it with me. I thought, I d at least

show him the regenerated world Lloyd: I see.

Genis: Lloyd, don t do anything you ll regret. That s all I wanted to say. Lloyd talks to Presea. Presea: Sitting here, it just doesn t seem real that the world is heading towards destruction Lloyd: Yeah. If the Great Seed doesn t wake up, this world will Presea: What we re doing may be against the laws of nature. Lloyd: What? Presea: People chose the path of destruction. What we re trying to do may be nothing more than meaninglessly extending the life span of the world Lloyd: Are you saying it s better if the world is destroyed? Presea: I don t know. I don t think anyone knows what is best. That s why you re having difficulty deciding. Lloyd: Presea Presea: There may not be a correct path. So please, choose what you really believe for yourself. Lloyd: Thanks, Presea. IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Lloyd talks to Zelos. Zelos: Yo. I m in a really bad mood, just so you know. Lloyd seemed startled. Lloyd: Wh what are you talking about all of a sudden? Zelos: I just can t accept the way he acts. You know, Kratos. Lloyd: I m sorry Zelos: You don t need to apologize. Lloyd: Well, yeah, but Zelos: Well, I guess you are his son. But I gotta say, the way he s decided to leave the job of settling things up to you is just, like, really irresponsible. It s like he s trying to run away from the situation Lloyd: Haha When you start putting down people, even Kratos isn t safe. Zelos: Lloyd. If you re having trouble finding the answer, just chant my special magic words. Lloyd seemed puzzled.

Lloyd: Special magic words? Zelos: Whatever will be, will be. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd talks to Regal. Regal: You look tired. Lloyd: Really? Regal: Cruxis was destroyed, but a bigger problem still remains. It s only natural that you are fatigued. Lloyd: But this is the end, I didn t expect to fight Kratos in the end Regal: I understand well your desire for wanting your father to live desire to unite the worlds, as well. And your

Lloyd: Yeah. If I don t do anything, the world will wither and everyone will die. Regal: In times like this, you have two options: choose what you desire to do or what you must do. Lloyd talks to Sheena. Sheena: Hey, are you all right? Lloyd: What? Yeah Sheena: Haha. Sorry. You re not someone who would answer that question with a No I m so stupid. Lloyd: Sheena No, I m really okay. I just have hesitations. Sheena: Yeah. Yeah, of course. Anyone would be confused. Kratos was so sudden. This thing with

Lloyd: But there s no time for it. I have to decide. I can t waiver back and forth wanting to save both, like the way I was with Colette. Sheena: A father and son battling to the death it s horrible. Lloyd: Sheena You don t have to make yourself feel bad about it. Thank you I ll think long and hard about it. I ll find an answer that won t make you feel that way again Sheena: I m sorry I couldn t cheer you up Lloyd: No, don t worry about it. Thanks. Lloyd talks to Colette. Colette: Are you ready to go to bed? Lloyd: Yeah.

Colette: Then have a good night. IF YOU MET COLETTE DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR During the night, Colette can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: What is it? Colette came in at the scene. Colette: Are you still up? Lloyd: I couldn t really get to sleep. Colette: The stars are so pretty. Do you want to come see them with me? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while. Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Colette: Wow it feels like they might come falling down at any moment! Lloyd: Yeah. The camera shows Lloyd and Colette walking as they talk. Colette: You know, it still feels strange. The fact that I m still here, talking. Lloyd: How come? Colette: My grandmother told me that I could never return to the village once I left on the journey to regenerate the world. So when I talked with you the night before leaving Iselia, I thought it would be the very last time. But I m still here, right beside you. Lloyd walks forward. Lloyd: And that s the way it ll be. Colette: Hm? Lloyd: (stops walking) Cruxis is gone. And tomorrow when I win against Kratos and have him remove the seal, the worlds will be reunited. (faces Colette) You don t have to worry anymore. Colette approaches Lloyd. Colette: So you re going to fight Kratos?

Lloyd: I have to. Colette: But he s your father. Lloyd: It s because he s my dad that I have to fight. Colette: Wh why? Lloyd: He wants to settle things. He wants to settle the score with his own

past. That s what it feels like to me. Colette: Hmm maybe you re right. After all, he saved us.

Lloyd: Yeah. And I also want to settle things myself. Colette: What do you mean? Lloyd: I ve spent this whole time expecting you to do everything. I just took it for granted that you re the only one who could regenerate the world. I never questioned that. Colette: You didn t know. It s not your fault. And besides, you saved me, just like you promised you would. Lloyd: But because of that, a lot of people lost their lives. I have to shoulder their sacrifices. For their sake and mine I have to defeat the Kratos of the past. Colette: I understand.

Lloyd and Colette sit on a bench. Lloyd: When this is all over, I hope the world becomes a place where everyone can live together. Colette: When this journey ends and the world really becomes like that, what are you going to do? Will you return to Iselia? Lloyd: I don t think I m going back there again. I plan to go on a journey to collect all of these. Colette: Exspheres? Lloyd: Unless they are all retrieved, there ll be more victims like you and Presea. So I want to gather all of them before that happens. That s my way of showing gratitude to these guys, for using their powers to fight. Colette: Do you mind if I come along with you? Lloyd: What? Colette: I want to continue to be by your side, just like I ve been up until now. Lloyd: All right. We ll go together. Let s go explore the new world together. Colette: Okay! IF YOU MET GENIS DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR Lloyd: What is it? Genis came in at the scene. Genis: Lloyd, are you still up? Lloyd: I really couldn't get to sleep. Genis: Then let's go outside and look at the stars. They're beautiful right now.


Okay then, just for a little while.

Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Genis: Wow you can see just as many stars here as you can from your house, Lloyd. Lloyd: That reminds me how you and the Professor used to come to my house just to look at the stars. Genis: Raine always told me to study the positions of the stars. Lloyd: How come? Genis: So we'll be ready in case we're chased out of the village uh, I mean There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Well, anyway, knowing the position of the stars is important. It'll keep you from getting lost. Genis: At least you know a lot about those types of things. Lloyd: What do you mean, at least? Genis: Say, Lloyd, can I ask you something?

Lloyd: What's up? Genis: How come you don't discriminate against half-elves? Lloyd: Huh? Do you think it would be better if I did? Genis: No I'd hate that. Lloyd: Then it's good that I don't, right? Genis: Yeah, but it's just no matter where we go, that's just the way it is. Lloyd: Who decided that? Genis: Wh who decided? Lloyd: Humans, elves, whatever, there are people you like and ones you don't. That's all there is to it. Genis: Lloyd Lloyd: If I'd been born a half-elf, I don't think I could stand being liked or disliked for something I can't do anything about. Genis: Yeah.

Lloyd: You can't change what you are and how you've been born. Genis: Yeah. You're absolutely right. Lloyd: Well, but I guess that means I can't change the fact that I'm stupid, huh?

Genis: Don't worry. Your stupidity is what makes you cool. Lloyd: Hey, what the heck does that mean? Genis: Heh. I really like you, Lloyd. Even though you're a human. Lloyd: H huh? Genis: I think that if I'm with you, I'll eventually learn to like humans. Lloyd: Well then, why don't you come with me? Genis: To where? Lloyd: When this journey is over and the worlds are reunited I plan to gather all the Exspheres. Genis: To make sure there won't be any more people like Presea? Lloyd: Exactly. Genis: That's a good idea. I'd worry if you're by yourself, so I'll come along too. Lloyd: Okay, then! It's a deal! Genis: Yeah. We'll be friends forever! IF YOU MET RAINE DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR During the night, Raine can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Raine came in at the scene. Raine: Are you still up? Lloyd: I couldn't really get to sleep. Raine: In that case, would you like to join me outside? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while. Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Raine: Hehehe. It really brings back so many memories Lloyd: What does? Raine: This village. Lloyd: Huh?

Raine: Oh, have you forgotten? Genis and I were born here. Lloyd: Oh yeah. That's right. Raine: I never realized that there were two separate worlds. research seems so meaningless. Now all my

Lloyd: So the reason you were interested in old ruins was Raine: I was searching for the images from my childhood. Heimdall, the Otherworldly Gate everything was over here, in Tethe'alla. Lloyd: I'm glad you finally found it, Professor. Raine: Should I be glad? Lloyd: But this is the village you'd been searching for, right? You finally found your homeland. Raine: Yes. In the end, perhaps I should be glad Lloyd: What's wrong? Did I say something bad? Raine: No. I'm glad I learned the truth instead of spending my entire life never knowing where my roots were. Lloyd: Your roots I wonder where I was born. Raine: You should ask Kratos when you get the chance. Lloyd: Kratos? I couldn't talk to him about that Raine: That man has risked his life to protect you. Think carefully what that means. Lloyd: But I don't understand what he's thinking! Why did he just go along with what Mithos told him to do? Raine: Who knows? But in protecting you, he acted against Mithos. Lloyd: He deceived us. Raine: People change. For better or for worse. Lloyd: Then then why does he still want to fight me? Raine: Adults are troublesome creatures. They aren't very good at admitting their mistakes. This is probably his way of settling things. Lloyd: Settling things about my roots. Once it's over, I wonder if I'll be able to ask him

Raine: Perhaps If you do find out where you were born, would you like to go there together? Lloyd: Yeah. That sounds good. Along the way, we can collect all the Exspheres from around the world. I don't think these things should just be left about. Raine: Yes, it would be best if they never appear again. Lloyd: Right? Raine: Okay. Then it's settled. When the worlds are reunited, we'll head for your birthplace together. Lloyd: Okay! That's a promise!

IF YOU MET SHEENA DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR During the night, Sheena can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: What is it? Sheena came in at the scene. Sheena: Umm, heh are you still up? Lloyd: I couldn't really get to sleep. Sheena: Well, in that case, want some company for a little while? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while. Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Sheena: So aren't you nervous? Lloyd: Huh? The camera shows Lloyd and Sheena walking as they talk. Sheena: About tomorrow. The battle with Kratos. Lloyd: Yeah a little. Sheena: Right? Of course you'd be. Doesn't it bother you? Lloyd: What? Fighting with Kratos? Sheena: Yeah. I mean he's your father right? Isn't it kind of difficult to face him? Lloyd: The fact that he's my father still hasn't sunk in. When I stop and think about it, it does seem like he helped me out a lot along the way. But he also betrayed us and put us through hell. So accepting the fact that he's my father is harder to deal with than the fact that I have to fight him. Sheena: I see but I'm still a little envious. Lloyd: Why? Sheena: Well, you know I was abandoned as a child, so I don't have a clue who my parents are. Lloyd: Ah. Sheena: I thought about what it would be like if I was in your place. If my parent was my enemy, and yet still came to my aid I think I'd just be all confused. Lloyd: Haha, I'm confused, too. Even now. Sheena: Hehehe. Well, so when I imagined about fighting my own father tomorrow, I got really frightened.

Lloyd: You did? Haha, you dork. You don't have to put yourself in my shoes that much, you know! Sheena: I know! But either way, it nearly drove me crazy I couldn't take it. Anyway that's how I felt, so I thought maybe you were feeling the same way. Lloyd sits on a bench. Lloyd: Heh. Thanks, Sheena. There was a brief pause. Sheena: (nervous) Ah nah, it's a um say, what are you planning to do after this? Lloyd: After this? Sheena sits on a bench. Sheena: When the worlds are reunited, our journey will be over right? So, what then? Lloyd: Well, I think I want to go on a journey to collect all the Exspheres. Sheena: Oh that's a good idea. Could I come along with you? Lloyd: Huh? You don't have to go back to Mizuho? Sheena: (nervous) I want to be with you. Lloyd: S sure, I want to be with you too. Sheena excitedly stands up. Sheena: R really?! Then it's settled, okay? You can't change your mind now! We're going together on a journey to collect all the Exspheres in the world! Lloyd: Yeah. That way, no more people will fall victim to the Exspheres, and these things will never be dragged into a conflict like this again. Sheena: (crossing her arms) It's a promise. If you don't keep it, I'm going to invoke the Mizuho tradition of making a liar swallow a thousand needles. Lloyd: Whoa okay, okay, I promise. IF YOU MET ZELOS DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR During the night, Zelos can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: What is it? Zelos came in at the scene. Zelos: Sorry. Did I wake you? Lloyd: I couldn t really get to sleep. Zelos: Then could I talk to you for a sec? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while.

Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Zelos: Sorry about calling you out here in the middle of the night. Lloyd: Nah, don't worry about it. What's up? Zelos: I'll get right to the point. What's up with this Kratos guy? Lloyd: What do you mean, what's up? Zelos: (angry) Doesn't he piss you off?! Lloyd: (concerned) Zelos, why are you so mad? Zelos: He's done all this stuff to us. Turned against us and even betrayed his own son. Damned right I'm mad! Lloyd: Um do you really think you're in a position to be mad? Zelos: We don't need to talk about me. I'm really good at conveniently forgetting things like that! Lloyd: That's hardly something to brag about. Zelos: I think parents are there to protect their children. Lloyd: Well yeah. Zelos: But this guy, he just goes back and forth, like he can't make up his mind. Doesn't he realize that it only hurts you? And then after all that, he challenges you to a duel?! What kind of family turns swords against one another?! This whole thing's nuts! Lloyd: Yeah...well, I guess that's true... Zelos: You certainly don't seem that worked up about it. (slightly snappy) Doesn't he piss you off? Lloyd: Well, right now, you're mad enough for the both of us. Zelos: (mad) I hate parents like that. Parents who just jerk their kids around for their own convenience. Lloyd: Yeah, when you put it that way, I guess he did kinda jerk me around. Zelos: Exactly! I mean, he knew about the Eternal Sword and Eternal Ring from the very beginning and didn't say a word about them! There was a brief pause. Zelos: Uh! Lloyd: What? What about the Eternal Ring? Zelos: Uh well Lloyd: Is Kratos the one that told you about the Eternal Ring?! Zelos: S so, Lloyd. After we've succeeded in reuniting the worlds, what are

you gonna do? Lloyd: Zelos, you heard about the ring from Kratos, didn't you? Zelos: He he knew everything. That humans can't use the Eternal Sword, the details of Colette's sickness, the way to make the Eternal Ring--everything. Lloyd: Yeah, I guess when you think about it that way, he could have said something sooner. Zelos: Exactly! Lloyd: But even if he had told us, I don't think we would have believed him. So maybe he did his best to gauge when to do what and to set things up for us along the way. Zelos: When you put it that way, I suppose that might be true. Now I feel kinda stupid for getting so worked up over it. Lloyd: Not at all. Because you were upset, I think I've calmed down. I'm not worked up anymore. Zelos: Oh. Well, that's good then. Lloyd: Tomorrow, I'll fight Kratos, and then I'll ask him what he was thinking, and what he was trying to do. Zelos: Tomorrow if Origin's seal is broken, the worlds will begin to unite, right? Lloyd: Yeah. Oh, yeah, about that question you asked earlier I'm planning to go on a journey to search for Exspheres. Zelos: Huh? Lloyd: You asked what I was gonna do after the worlds are reunited. Zelos: Oh, I get it. That sounds like a good idea. We should put the Exspheres somewhere people will never get their hands on them again...for the sake of living beings, as well as for the lifeless ones. Lloyd: What about you? What are you going to do? Zelos: Me? Hmm, good question. The institution of the Chosen will surely be abolished. So, uh...I guess I'll just tag along with you! Lloyd: Huh?! Are you serious? Zelos: Yep, I think it's an awesome idea, if I do say so myself. Zelos, savior of the world, on a journey with his faithful sidekick. What do you think? Lloyd: ...Whatever, man. Do what you like. Zelos: Okay then, it's settled! It's gonna be awesome traveling around with me, just you wait! Lloyd: (shows no interest) Yeah, yeah. IF YOU MET PRESEA DURING THE NIGHT IN FLANOIR

During the night, Presea can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: What is it? Presea came in at the scene. Presea: Are you awake?

Lloyd: I couldn t really get to sleep. Presea: Could you come outside and talk with me? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while. Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Presea: Our journey is almost over. Lloyd: Yeah. When I defeat Kratos and release Origin tomorrow The camera shows Lloyd and Presea walking as they talk. Presea: You don't feel any trepidation about fighting Kratos?

Lloyd: I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But I guess Kratos wants to fight us. Presea: I do not understand. I do not see the logic of this fight. For all intent and purposes, Cruxis no longer exists. Lloyd: Well, I think Kratos wants to bid farewell to his old self as an angel of Cruxis. Presea: Can he not do that by physically abandoning his role as an angel? Lloyd: He's probably lived too long to do that. (shakes his head) I can't even imagine what four thousand years is like. Presea: Four thousand years Continuing to exist beyond the limits of your race is a painful thing. Lloyd: I wonder what I'd do if I had that kind of time. Presea: Eventually you would get tired of living. That is what I think. Lloyd: Get tired? I wonder if that's true. If you can live for a long time, you'll get to do a lot of things. Presea: Is it not because people know that they will eventually die, that they try very hard to live? When people die, everything is over. Therefore, everyone wants to find their destiny before that time comes. At least, that's how I feel. Lloyd: Yeah maybe so. It's kinda like if the holidays lasted forever, I'd never do my homework. Presea faces Lloyd. Presea: I don't think that is quite the same thing.

Lloyd: Oh, really? Presea: It is not the same, but it is easy to understand. Lloyd: Hahaha it's okay, I wasn't offended or anything. Presea: I spent my life watching the people of my village grow older and pass me by. Lloyd: Yeah. Presea: Even my younger sister, Alicia, grew older than me. to the next grade with everyone else. Lloyd: Presea: But I, alone, am still on a holiday Lloyd sits on the bench. Lloyd: Then, let's grow older together. Presea: Together with you? Lloyd: When this journey is over. I'm planning to go around the world collecting all the remaining Exspheres. To make sure that people will never get hurt by them. Presea sits on the bench next to Lloyd. Presea: I wish to go with you, too. Together with you, I may be able to fill the void in my life. Lloyd: Then let's make that a promise. Presea: Yes. It's a promise. Please, don't leave me behind. Lloyd: I promise I won't. IF YOU MET REGAL DURING THE NIGHT OF FLANOIR During the night, Regal can be seen approaching the inn. In the inn, Lloyd is trying to sleep. Then, someone knocked Lloyd s room s door. Lloyd: What is it? Regal came in at the scene. Regal: Are you awake? Lloyd: I couldn't really get to sleep. Regal: I see then, would you like to come speak with me for a little while? Lloyd: Okay then, just for a little while. Later, outside of Heimdall, the camera shows the moon in the night skies. Regal: It's a strange feeling I wanted to go on

Lloyd: Huh? What is? The camera shows Lloyd and Regal walking as they talk. Regal: That your father appears younger than me. Lloyd: Oh, yeah. I know what you mean. It doesn't feel real to me yet, either. It feels more like he's my older brother. Regal: Brother, huh. Yes, I could imagine that. Lloyd: Although, I guess you could say the same about us. Regal: I, too, have thought of you as a younger brother. I don't have any brothers, but if I had a younger brother, I imagine he might be like you. Lloyd: Hahaha. If I was your brother, I'd probably be a lot more level-headed. Regal: No, you really don't lose control of yourself. You may have gotten that from your father. Lloyd: Regal, do you understand Kratos and the things he does? Regal: Why do you ask? Lloyd: I was thinking that you two were a little bit alike. You and Kratos. a lot of ways. Regal: You think? Even when I lost the one I loved, I don't think I lost control of myself. I even shocked myself at how calm and subdued I am all the time. Lloyd: Really? But you sought revenge for Alicia, right? Whether that's a good thing or not, I'd hardly call that calm and subdued. Regal: If that was really for Alicia's sake, or if it was to fill the void of my own sadness in losing her, I honestly don't know. Lloyd: Hmm. I think you think too hard about stuff all the time. What you said are the same things. How sad you are shows how important Alicia was to you. Regal: I see. You always seem to find the simple truth. Lloyd: People tell me I'm simple-minded. Maybe if they add the two of us together and divide by half, we'd be just right. Regal: Perhaps. When this journey is over, maybe I'll accompany you and learn your way of thinking. Lloyd: Heh. I don't know if learning from me is such a good idea, but if you want to come along with me after this journey is over, that's fine by me. It'll be like killing two birds with one stone. Regal: Two birds with one stone? Will I be of use to you somehow? Lloyd: Once the two worlds are reunited, I'm planning on collecting all the Exspheres. I mean, we can't just leave them out there the way they are now, right? Regal: Indeed. Perhaps we should allow these sad things to continue their sleep In

forever. Otherwise, history may repeat itself. Lloyd: Exactly. So I thought stuff like Exsphere shipping records left at your company might turnout to be useful. Regal: I'd like you to allow me to join you on that journey.

Lloyd: Really? To be honest, I don't even know if I'll be able to collect all of them in my lifetime. Regal: I expect my business experience may be of use in accomplishing that. And besides, Alicia would surely prefer that I help you rather than return to my cell and idle my time away. Lloyd: It'll be a tremendous help to have you around. Regal: My strength is yours, even after our current journey ends. You are my new hope for the future. We will move forward together. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT The next morning, Lloyd s group finds the elf elder and talks to him. Elf Elder: Are you going to the Torent Forest? Lloyd: Yeah. Elf Elder: Kratos traveled the world in search of the legendary ore, Aionis. He came here, too, of course. Do you know why? Lloyd: In order to allow a human to wield the Eternal Sword, right? Elf Elder: So that you can wield it. But in the end, Aionis could not be found in this world. It had to be taken from Derris-Kharlan. IF LLOYD S GROUP WAS SAVED BY ZELOS DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Lloyd: So that s why he sent Zelos to get it. IF LLOYD S GROUP WAS SAVED BY KRATOS DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Lloyd: CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Elf Elder: Even if you cannot avoid the battle, do not forget ninth companion. Lloyd: I won t. The elf elder faces the path to Torent Forest. Elf Elder: Torent Forest lies this way. Speak to the watchman. Lloyd s group talks to the watchman. Watchman: Kratos should be in the deepest region of the forest. Be careful. Lloyd s group arrived in Torent Forest. A while later, Lloyd s group eventually reached the area where Kratos awaits. Kratos was your


So you ve come.

Lloyd: Is there no other way? Kratos: Are you still thinking like that? You ll die if you fight me with any doubt left in your heart. If you want the pact with Origin, then you must defeat me. Lloyd: So that s your way. (to his group) Everyone. Leave this to me. Kratos: You re going to fight alone?

READ THIS IF YOU MET COLETTE DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Colette: Lloyd won t lose. Lloyd bears the weight of all the lives that you and Cruxis sacrificed. READ THIS IF YOU MET GENIS DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Genis: Don t underestimate Lloyd. He didn t run. He didn t give up. By that alone, he s already beat you. I believe in him. READ THIS IF YOU MET RAINE DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Raine: You re about to witness something remarkable surpassing you. Lloyd is our hope. The sight of your own son

READ THIS IF YOU MET SHEENA DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Sheena: You d better prepare yourself! Lloyd possesses more strength than you imagine. He s not the same Lloyd you knew back when you were with us. But you already know that, don t you? You see his potential. READ THIS IF YOU MET ZELOS DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Zelos: This guy s really stubborn, simple-minded, and tough as nails. So he s more than a match for you all by himself. But anyway try your best. READ THIS IF YOU MET PRESEA DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Presea: Lloyd is not alone. We are always with him. Even if we do not take up our weapons, we fight alongside him. READ THIS IF YOU MET REGAL DURING THE NIGHT IN HEIMDALL Regal: You and Lloyd most certainly should duel one-on-one. Is that not the closure you desired? You are even less capable than I am at expressing your feelings. READ THIS IF KRATOS SAVED LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Lloyd: If it s your wish to settle things with your past, then it s my duty as your son to see it through. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd draws his sword. Lloyd: Get ready!

Lloyd fights Kratos. After Lloyd defeats Kratos, he kneels to the floor. Kratos: You ve grown strong.

Lloyd: Thanks to you. Kratos: Aren t you going to finish me? Lloyd: I defeated Kratos, the angel, the one who betrayed us. And I give Kratos, the hero of the Ancient War, who helped us. That s all. Kratos: Humph and I thought I d finally earned the right to die. softheartened as ever. Kratos stand up and approaches the seal. Lloyd: H hold on! You can t be are you going to break the seal? Kratos: That is what you desire, is it not? But you re as

Lloyd: But then, you ll Kratos reveals his angel wings and released the seal of Origin. After that, Kratos collapses and Yuan appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Kratos!! Yuan heals Kratos as Lloyd approaches Kratos. Yuan: Don t worry, he s alive. I gave him some of my mana. Lloyd: Da Kratos: Kratos. Are you really okay? Looks like I failed to die once more.

Lloyd: You stupid jerk! You can die any time! But when you die, that s the end. Yuan: You want him to live in eternal damnation? Lloyd: Who said anything like that?! What will you accomplish by dying? Nothing! There is no meaning in dying!! Kratos: You re right. To think, I had to have my son teach me such an obvious lesson. Kratos passed out. Lloyd: Kratos! Yuan: Kratos will be fine. Form the pact with Origin. Later, Lloyd s group faces the seal and Origin appeared at the scene. Origin: You who lack the right. I have lost faith in all things. Have you come here to disappoint me as well? Lloyd: Origin. Are you bound by a pact with Mithos? Origin: My pact with Mithos was broken the moment I was freed. Never again

shall anyone make use of my power. Sheena: Even if we make a vow? We need the Eternal Sword! Lloyd: I want to use the Eternal Sword to reunite the two worlds and revive the Giant Kharlan Tree! Unless we do something, the worlds will never stop vying for mana and everyone will suffer! Origin: That situation was born from the weakness of creatures who are unable to accept those that are different. Lloyd: That may be true, but mistakes can be corrected. Origin: Some things cannot be corrected. Colette: Even so we have to do everything we can. Lloyd: Exactly. I m not gonna give up. From the moment they are born, everyone has the right to live. I want to reclaim that. Humans, elves, half-elves, dwarves, and even Summon Spirits Everyone has a right to life! Kratos: Origin Kratos approaches Origin. Kratos: For almost an eternity, I thought that the only way to save this world was to cling to Mithos ideals. Just as you once agreed with Mithos ideals, I, too, thought his was the only way. But Lloyd is different. He taught me that in order to change something, you must do it yourself. It is not enough to merely rely on someone else and go along with their ideals. Origin: You who possess the right of summoning. Make your vow.

Lloyd: Origin! Then Origin: I will try once more to believe in people. I shall do my duty in order to create a world you speak of a world in which everyone can live equally. Sheena: I, Sheena, have but one vow. To reclaim a world in which everyone can live freely A world in which no life is sacrificed meaninglessly! That s all. Origin: Then we shall create a pact upon that vow. Now, fight! Origin draws his weapons. Lloyd s group fights Origin. After Lloyd s group defeats Origin Origin: Pact-maker Sheena and Lloyd. I place my power in your hands. The camera shows Sheena and Lloyd looking at Origin. Origin: With that power, transform the Eternal Sword into a blade to save all life! However, the Eternal Sword remains, as by Mithos pact, unusable by those who lack the blood of elves. You must master the sword by your own power and forge a new bond with it. Origin transform into a stone crystal and Sheena received Diamond and the power to summon Origin. After that Genis: You did it, Lloyd

Genis approaches Lloyd, but suddenly Genis: A ahhh! The Cruxis Crystal came out of Genis possession and approaches Lloyd. Then, Lloyd begins to lose control of himself. The ghostly figure of Mithos appears behind him. Mithos: There s no time I ll take your body!

Mithos went into Lloyd s body. Lloyd: (possessed) N n no!! Raine: No! It s Mithos! He survived in the Cruxis Crystal. Lloyd s body will be taken over unless we do something! IF YOU MET COLETTE DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Colette: Lloyd! Colette approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Colette holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses her body. Colette: (Mithos voice) Damn, you interfered! Fine. I ll just take this body.

Lloyd: Colette! Wait! Let her go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let her go! Colette: (Mithos behind! voice) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world

Colette vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET GENIS DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Genis: Mithos! I won t let you take Lloyd! Genis approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Genis holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses his body. Genis: (his and Mithos voice simultaneously) Genis, your body will do.

Lloyd: Genis! Wait! Let him go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let him go! Genis: (Mithos voice) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Genis vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET RAINE DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Raine approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Raine holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses her body. Raine: (Mithos voice) Genis, I m going to borrow your sister s body for a

while. Lloyd: Professor! Stop! Let her go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let her go! Raine: (Mithos voice) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Raine vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET SHEENA DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Sheena: Look out! Sheena approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Sheena holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses her body. Sheena: (Mithos voice) Damn, you interfered! Fine, I ll just take this body. Lloyd: Sheena! Stop! Let her go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let her go! Sheena: Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Sheena vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET ZELOS DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Zelos: I don t think so! Zelos approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Zelos holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses his body. Zelos: (Mithos personality) Damn, you interfered! Fine. I ll just take this body. Lloyd: Zelos! Stop! Let him go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let him go! Zelos: (Mithos personality) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Zelos vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET PRESEA DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Presea: !!

Presea approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Presea holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses her body. Presea: (Mithos voice) Damn, you interfered! Fine. I ll just take this body. Lloyd: Presea! Stop! Let her go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let her go! Presea: (Mithos voice) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world

behind! Presea vanishes from the scene. IF YOU MET REGAL DURING THE NIGHT OF HEIMDALL Regal: No! I won t let you! Regal approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Regal holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses his body. Regal: (his and Mithos voice simultaneously) Damn, you interfered! Fine. I ll just take this body. Lloyd: Regal! Stop! Let him go! We promised that we ll go on a journey together when the world is reunited Let him go! Regal: (his and Mithos voice simultaneously) Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Regal vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF KRATOS SAVED LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Colette: Lloyd! Colette approaches the possessed Lloyd and takes the Cruxis Crystal from Lloyd s possessed body. Then, Colette holds the Cruxis Crystal and Mithos possesses her body. Colette: (Mithos voice) Damn, you interfered! Fine. I ll just take this body.

Kratos: Mithos! Stop! Colette: (Mithos this body. voice) Kratos you never really understood me. I won t return

Lloyd: Colette! Wait! Let her go! Colette: Ahahaha! What do I care? I m leaving this filthy world behind! Colette vanishes from the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT We watch a movie of the Tower of Salvation collapsing. Pieces of debris drops everywhere like meteors towards Heimdall. Later IF COLETTE IS TO RESPOND Colette: The Tower of Salvation is collapsing! IF GENIS IS TO RESPOND Genis: The Tower of Salvation is collapsing! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Yuan: It s Mithos! He s sealed off the route to Derris-Kharlan!

Lloyd: Damn! We ll evacuate the elves for now! The entire village will be destroyed unless we do something! Lloyd s group immediately heads back to Heimdall where the city is already in ruins. Lloyd s group manages to save all of the villagers who are trapped. As Lloyd s group attempts to rescue the elf elder Lloyd: Hey, what are you doing?! Get out of here! Elf Elder: I cannot leave without the others of this village. I will remain in the village until the end. Lloyd: We re evacuating the remaining people. So run, now! Elf Elder: I can t believe I m being saved by humans and half-elves IF GENIS IS TO RESPOND Genis: How can you say things like that at a time like this?! IF RAINE IS TO RESPOND Raine: How can you say things like that at a time like this?! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Elf Elder: After that Kratos: It appears that was the last remaining elf in the village. Lloyd, you should get out as well. Lloyd s group heads for the exit. Upon approaching the exit, we watch a movie of the Tower of Salvation collapsing and then a big purple lightning planet appeared towards the sky of the earth. After that Lloyd: What is that?! Kratos: That is Derris-Kharlan. READ THIS IF RAINE IS TO RESPOND Raine: Impossible! How could a planet exist so close?! READ THIS IF REGAL IS TO RESPOND Regal: Impossible! How can a planet exist in such close proximity?! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Yuan approaches Lloyd s group. Yuan: It is the Eternal Sword that makes the impossible possible. Lloyd s group seemed confused. Yuan: It was hidden by the protective barrier projected from the Tower of Salvation. But it has always existed there, for four thousand years. Yes We may have been foolish. I entrust my villagers to you

Suddenly, Tabatha appeared at the scene. Tabatha: Yes. Lloyd s group faces Tabatha. Tabatha: And now, Mithos, with the Great Seed in hand, is trying to leave this land and take Derris-Kharlan with him. READ THIS IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: Tabatha! You re feeling better? Tabatha: Yes. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT READ THIS IF COLETTE IS TO RESPOND Colette: Wait. If Derris-Kharlan is a mass of mana, and the Great Seed is the seed of the Giant Kharlan Tree, what will happen to the world if they are both gone? READ THIS IF SHEENA IS TO RESPOND Sheena: Wait a minute. Derris-Kharlan is a mass of mana. And the Great Seed is the seed of the Giant Tree, right? If he takes both of them, what s gonna happen to this world? CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT READ THIS IF RAINE IS TO RESPOND Raine: It will wither and die from mana deprivation. READ THIS IF PRESEA IS TO RESPOND Presea: The world will die due to insufficient mana. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT READ THIS IF COLETTE IS TO RESPOND Colette: Oh, no! READ THIS IF GENIS IS TO RESPOND Genis: This is a much bigger problem than reuniting the worlds! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT READ THIS IF GENIS IS TO RESPOND Genis: Who cares?! Our friend just got kidnapped! What should we do, Lloyd?! READ THIS IF ZELOS IS TO RESPOND Zelos: What the hell are you guys talking about? Our friend just got kidnapped! What are we gonna do, Lloyd?!

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: What else? We re going after Mithos! READ THIS IF REGAL IS TO RESPOND Regal: But the Tower of Salvation was destroyed. READ THIS IF RAINE IS TO RESPOND Raine: How? The Tower of Salvation was destroyed. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Kratos: Use the Eternal Sword. If you really made a pact with Origin, with its power over time and space Yuan: But Altessa is not well enough to move. Who is going to craft the Ring of the Pact? Lloyd: Dad!

IF COLETTE IS TO RESPOND Colette: Oh, Dirk! IF GENIS IS TO RESPOND Genis: Dirk?! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Yeah. He s our only hope. We ll go to Sylvarant! Kratos: Wait. There was a brief pause. Kratos: I m going with you. Lloyd: All right. Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to Sylvarant and then to Dirk s House. Upon arrival Dirk: So you want me to forge the Ring of the Pact? A dwarf who s losing his skills by living on the surface? Kratos: There s no one else. The dwarf that has the skills is unable to move. Lloyd: Dad please! Kratos: I ve gathered all of the necessary items.

Later, Kratos takes out all the items he found and placed it on the table. Dirk: This is adamantite for polishing Lloyd: Is this sacred wood? Hmm? What s this piece of wood?

Kratos: This must fuel the fire. Lloyd: this? Kratos: Dirk: I see. So everything is set. I can t very well refuse after you ve gone through so much trouble, now can I? And I suppose it won t hurt me to help out my dearest son. After all I m his father, too. Dirk faces Lloyd. Dirk: Dwarven Vow #1: Work together for the sake of a peaceful world. All right, let s do it. Later, after Dirk finished crafting the ring Lloyd: With this, I ll be able to use the Eternal Sword, right? Is that why you were traveling all over Tethe alla? To prepare all of

IF ZELOS HELPED OUT LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Suddenly, Kratos kneels to the floor. Lloyd: Da Kratos! What s wrong?! Kratos: Lloyd, you ve really grown stronger. I never expected you d be able to inflict such a serious wound on my angelic form. Take this and stop Mithos. I don t think I ll be able to help you anymore. IF KRATOS HELPED OUT LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Kratos: Lloyd, I have a favor to ask. Lloyd: What is it? Kratos: Would you allow me to join your journey once more? Lloyd: Kratos: Of course. I was hoping you d say that. Then, use this. We ll stop Mithos together.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Okay. Dirk: That s a marvelous blade. I doubt you have a sword in your possession to match it. Lloyd: Really? Dirk: Take this with you. It s a present I promised you. Now that you ve grown all up, I can entrust you with the greatest sword I ever forged. Lloyd takes the swords and raises it. Lloyd: Wow I ll become even stronger with these two swords. Thanks, Dad. And Kratos.

Lloyd received Material Blade. IF ZELOS HELPED OUT LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Kratos: I m sorry I ve forced everything upon you.

There was a brief pause. Lloyd: I have great dads. One made a ring for his son using the lost arts, and another risked his life to protect his son in secrecy. Dirk: Yeah. You ve got great parents! Lloyd: Yeah! Well, I m off. Dad! IF KRATOS HELPED OUT LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION Kratos: Well then, let s be on our way. The final battle awaits.

Lloyd: Yeah. Everyone s waiting outside. Let s go, Kratos! Dirk: Be careful. Lloyd: Right! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd also received the Eternal Ring as well. Lloyd goes outside and meets up with his group. Lloyd: Everyone, let s go! Lloyd s group rides the Rheairds to the Tower of Salvation. Upon arrival in the remains of the Tower of Salvation IF PRESEA IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Presea: The only thing left is that dais IF REGAL IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Regal: That dais is all that remains. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: It s the Eternal Sword. IF RAINE IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Raine: Lloyd. Are we fully prepared? This may be our last battle. IF RAINE IS NOT WITH LLOYD S GROUP Colette: Lloyd, are we ready? This might be our last battle CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Yeah. We re set. Lloyd approaches the Eternal Sword and pulls it out. The Eternal Sword

transform into power source and goes into Lloyd s Material Blade. Lloyd draws his Material Blade. Voice of Origin: You, who possess the new right. What do you ask of me? Lloyd: Carry us to Derris-Kharlan. To where Mithos and our dear friend are! Voice of Origin: Understood. Lloyd: Here we go, everyone! Lloyd s group is teleported to Derris-Kharlan. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group manages to make it to the area with the floor circle. However, just as Lloyd walked past the floor circle, Lloyd s other group are trapped in the floor circle. Lloyd: Wh what the? IF RAINE IS TO RESPOND Raine: Oh, no! It s a trap! IF PRESEA IS TO RESPOND Presea: Is this a trap? CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE COLETTE IN LLOYD S GROUP Colette: Lloyd, I m sorry. It looks like I m going to trouble you again Colette vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE GENIS IN LLOYD S GROUP Genis: Lloyd, help us! Genis vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE RAINE IN LLOYD S GROUP Raine: Forget about us! Find a way to evade this trap! Raine vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE SHEENA IN LLOYD S GROUP Sheena: Don t worry about me! Just take care of Mithos! Sheena vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: I see so this is the Lloyd! Get the Derris Emblem! With it, you can-Zelos vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE PRESEA IN LLOYD S GROUP

Presea: This device is not life-threatening. Please don t worry. Presea vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE REGAL IN LLOYD S GROUP Regal: Lloyd. As long as you re all right, we still haven t lost. You must get to the Great Seed! Regal vanishes from the scene. READ THIS IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: Lloyd! Find the Derris Emblem! With it, you can disarm the trap! Kratos vanishes from the scene. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Guys! Damn! What the hell is going on?! What happened to everyone?

Voice of Origin: Everything is all right. I can feel the presence of your companions. They are somewhere in this city. Lloyd: All right. Let s go find them! Lloyd proceeds to the teleporter. IF COLETTE WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Colette who is resisting against Mithos possession. Colette: Get out of my body! Lloyd: Colette! Mithos: Ugh she s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from her! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!! body

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad! memory! Don t let it get to you!

Voice of Colette: Lloyd, we re inside Mithos

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Colette! Are you okay?! Colette: Lloyd! Yeah. I m fine! Thank you for rescuing me. I knew you d come. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: We made a promise, didn t we? That s we d go on a journey together. Colette: Yeah! Lloyd: Looks like the crystal won t come off. Colette: Yeah but I think it s okay. The feeling of something eating through my mind is gone now. Wait, where s everybody else? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Colette: Oh no! We have to find them! Lloyd: Yeah. Let s go! Lloyd and Colette take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Colette: Nothing is broken, but it feels cold Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! IF GENIS WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Genis who is resisting against Mithos possession. Genis: Mithos! Please! Let me go back to Lloyd! Lloyd: Genis! Mithos: Genis you choose Lloyd over me? But I thought we were friends Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from him! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!! body

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live!


How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Voice of Genis: Lloyd, this is Mithos Dad! memory! Don t let it get to you!

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Voice of Mithos: Genis I thought at least you would understand Lloyd: Genis! Are you okay? Genis: Lloyd! Yeah, I m fine, but Mithos is Lloyd: Genis, why did we come here? Genis: To get back the Great Seed and save the world. Lloyd: Right. To restore the world where half-elves and elves and humans can all live together freely. Let s get Mithos to understand that, too. Genis: Yeah we don t have to fight him. We just need to get him to understand. Thanks, Lloyd. Where are the others? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Genis: Then it s my turn to save them! Lloyd: The Cruxis Crystal won t come off. Are you going to be okay? Genis: Yeah. I think it ll be fine. Let s get going! Lloyd and Genis take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Genis: This cold feeling. Mithos you ve abandoned even your own kind.

Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Genis proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. IF RAINE WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Colette who is resisting against Mithos possession. Raine: Let me go. Lloyd: Professor Sage! body


Of course. I will eventually return you to Genis. But right now

Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from her! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!!

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad!

Voice of Raine: Lloyd, these images are Mithos memory! Don t let them deceive you! The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Professor Sage! Are you okay? Raine: Lloyd! Yes I m fine. I m so glad you came to rescue me. strong. There was a brief pause. Lloyd: Y you think? Raine: Humans grow up so fast not like us. You ll eventually become an adult, and eventually you ll pass me by. Lloyd: Professor I suppose your life span is really long, too, just like an elf. Raine: Yes I ll be able to teach your children. And their children. children s children for generations to come. Lloyd: That s strange when you think about it. Raine: I m sorry. Now s hardly the time to be sentimental. Where s everyone else? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Raine: I see I m a little concerned that I can t remove this Cruxis Crystal, but right now, it s more important to find everyone. And their You ve grown so

Lloyd: Okay, let s go! Lloyd and Raine take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Raine: It s becoming a ghost town. It must have been abandoned by Mithos. Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Raine proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. Raine: Lloyd! IF SHEENA WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Sheena who is resisting against Mithos possession. Sheena: Mithos get out of me, now! Lloyd: Sheena! Mithos: Ugh she s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from her! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!! body

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad! memory! Don t be tricked!

Voice of Sheena: Lloyd, this is just a part of Mithos

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Sheena! Are you okay? Sheena: Lloyd! Sorry for making you worry.

Lloyd: You dork. The only thing matters is that you re safe. There was a brief pause. Sheena: I m glad to see you re safe, too. Lloyd: It s because of you. Thanks. Sheena: (nervous) Ah wha n no, I you don t need to thanks me. I just wanted to do that, that s all A anyway, where s everybody else? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Sheena: Oh no! We have to hurry and find them! Lloyd: But you re still got Mithos crystal attached to you. I just

Sheena: Yeah, but I ll be fine. We need to find the others right now. Lloyd: All right. Lloyd and Sheena take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Sheena: He s even abandoned the half-elves Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Sheena proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. Sheena: Lloyd! IF ZELOS WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Zelos who is resisting against Mithos possession. Zelos: Damn get the hell out of me, you little twerp! Lloyd: It s Zelos! Mithos: Ugh he s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from him! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!! body

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same!

Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad! memories! Don t let it affect you!

Voice of Zelos: Lloyd, these are Mithos

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Zelos! Are you okay? Zelos: Lloyd!! Took you long enough! If I didn t make it back to Tethe alla, the world would have been flooded by the tears from all the chicks who absolutely love me! Lloyd: I sometimes get the feeling your brain s flooded with something

Zelos: Heheheh. Man, you re harsh. But I knew you wouldn t disappoint me. Lloyd: Of course. You re my friend. Zelos: Good man. To show my appreciation, I ll teach you my 100 secret techniques of bagging chicks. BY the way, where are my beautiful hunnies? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Zelos: What?! Why didn t you say that instead of rambling on about stupid things?! Lloyd: Excuse me? Who was rambling?! Zelos: I m not exactly happy that the brat s Cruxis Crystal is still stuck on me, but right now, we need to go rescue my cuties. Lloyd: (shows no interest) Yeah, yeah. Lloyd and Zelos take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Zelos proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. IF PRESEA WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Presea who is resisting against Mithos possession. Presea: Get away from me! Lloyd: Presea! Mithos: Ugh she s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from her! body


How dare you, human! You son of Kratos!

How dare you give me orders!!

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad! memories! Please calm down!

Voice of Presea: Lloyd, these are Mithos

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Presea! Are you okay? Presea: Lloyd! I m unharmed. Lloyd: I m sure glad to see you re all right. Presea: Lloyd: Hmm? Something wrong? Presea: No, it feels strange. Lloyd: Strange? Presea: When I saw you, I felt so relieved, and even though I m happy, my eyes hurt the way they do when I m sad Lloyd: Hmm. I dunno. But people sometimes cry when they re happy. Presea: Happy sad No, it s something different need to take some time to think about it. Lloyd: I ll help, too. Lloyd and Presea take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Presea proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. IF REGAL WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST More like pain, and yet I ll

In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Regal who is resisting against Mithos possession. Regal: Get out of my mind! Lloyd: It s Regal! Mithos: Ugh he s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from him! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos!


How dare you give me orders!!

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: What s going on? Mithos Yuan Dad! memory! Get a hold of

Voice of Regal: Lloyd, these are images from Mithos yourself!

The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Mithos: Why do you interfere?! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a world where no one will be persecuted! Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Regal! Are you okay? Regal: Lloyd! Thanks. I apologize for all the trouble. Lloyd: Trouble? You re the one that saved me, remember? Regal: It was all I could think of at the time. There might have been a better way Lloyd: No point worrying about it now, right? It worked out in the end. We re both okay. That s all that matters. Regal: You re absolutely right. I m sorry. By the way, where are the others? Lloyd: They got caught in a trap and we all wound up separated. Regal: Well then, let s hurry up and start looking for them. We d better make sure they re safe. Lloyd: But you have Mithos Cruxis Crystal on you.

Regal: It s fine. It looks like he s gone. Lloyd: All right. Lloyd and Regal take the teleporter to Welgaia. In Welgaia Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Regal: This city has been abandoned by Mithos Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Regal proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. IF COLETTE WAS POSSESSED BY MITHOS DURING TORENT FOREST WHEN ZELOS IS NO LONGER WITH LLOYD S GROUP In the next area, Lloyd witnesses Colette who is resisting against Mithos possession. Colette: Get out of my body! Lloyd: Colette! Mithos: Ugh she s too strong I can t Lloyd: Mithos! Get away from her! Mithos: How dare you, human! You son of Kratos! How dare you give me orders!! body

In Mithos memory Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Mithos: Martel! How could you?!

Yuan: Human! Your kind must not be allowed to live! Kratos: How far are you willing to go to take control of the mana?

Mithos: I ll never forgive you You humans are all the same! Lloyd: Kratos? Why is Kratos?! Kratos and Yuan prepare to attack Lloyd. Lloyd: Dad!

Voice of Kratos: Lloyd, don t lose yourself! The truth is within you! The memory ended and the camera switches to Derris-Kharlan. Lloyd: What was that? Colette: It s Mithos memory. After the Ancient War when Martel was killed

Mithos: Shut up! Shut up! Why do you interfere?! Both you and Kratos! We both want the same thing! I just wanted to save the world and my sister! To have a

world where no one will be persecuted! Kratos knew that as well! Mithos ghostly body disappears from the scene. Lloyd: Colette! Are you okay?! Colette: Lloyd! Yeah. I m fine! I m sorry. I m always causing trouble for you. Lloyd: Don t worry about it. Lloyd proceeds to the teleporter and takes it to Welgaia. Lloyd: This is Welgaia. Colette: Nothing is broken, but it feels cold Lloyd: Let s go! We have to stop Mithos! Lloyd and Colette proceed to the detention area and Lloyd himself suddenly got pulled into the dark magic circle. Colette: Lloyd! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT IF COLETTE AND ZELOS ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE FUGITIVE Later, in the other area Zelos: Where the heck is this funky place? Colette: Huh? What's that strange noise? Zelos: Strange noise? Sheena and Zelos are getting pulled into the dark magic circle. Colette: We're going to be swallowed up by the magic circle! Zelos: Aww crap! Let's get the hell outta here! Sheena and Zelos are getting pulled into the dark magic circle. Zelos: Oww! Colette: What is this? Zelos: What's that thing down there?! The camera shows a red spider at the bottom of the area where Colette and Zelos are. Then, Remiel and Seles appeared at the scene. Remiel: What's the matter? You'll be caught unless you hurry and run. Seles: Such a pathetic sight, Zelos. Colette: Why is Remiel? Zelos: It's got to be an illusion. There's no way those two would be here.

Seles: You're so stupid. You've shut your eyes to reality for so long that you can't even tell what's real anymore. Remiel: Despite receiving your angelic powers, you still fail to realize that I am not an illusion. You are indeed a failure. Seles: It's so sad. How did someone so unworthy become the Chosen? It's no wonder he betrayed his friends. Remiel: You two Chosens were born by mistake. Had you not been born, all these misfortunes would have not fallen upon everyone. You poor, poor Chosen who'll destroy the world. Colette: I've never brought mis Remiel: Never brought misfortune upon anyone? Really? Countless lives were lost because you valued your own life more than theirs. Seles: A Chosen who betrayed his friends and then came shamelessly back, and a Chosen who will destroy the world a fitting end. Remiel: Now, run away if you can! Be devoured by darkness and die! Colette and Zelos are getting pulled even closer to the dark magic circle. Zelos: Dammit! We're gonna be eaten by that monster unless we do something! Colette: No! Seles: Would you like me to save you, Zelos? Remiel: Beg for our forgiveness. Seles: And pledge loyalty to Cruxis. Mithos in Yggdrasill form appeared at the scene. Mithos: (Yggdrasill s voice) That monster below will bestow eternal suffering upon you. If it devours you, you will neither live nor die. You will be trapped in the true darkness, tormented in isolation forever. Colette: Forever Mithos: I can save you. Join us and defeat Lloyd. Then it will all be over. Remiel: Lord Mithos will reunite the worlds if you become the Goddess Martel. Seles: And he'll remove the title and duties of the Chosen from you and transfer everything to me. Zelos: Seles will gain the power of the Chosen?

Seles: Yes! What I've wanted more then anything else, the power of the Chosen! You'll let me have it, won't you? Just imagine, your life will finally have meaning and value. Mithos: All you have to do is pledge your allegiance to me. As soon as you do that, you will be saved from the shadow's grasp. Colette: The world will be saved?

Zelos: Seles will become the Chosen Voice of Lloyd: Listen to me, both of you! The camera views the red spider. Voice of Lloyd: I've come for you guys, I'm right down below. Zelos: Whoa, whoa, whoa The only thing down there is that monster! Colette: Lloyd! Don't tell me you were eaten by that big thing! Mithos: That Lloyd is the real illusion. The monster is mimicking his voice to lure you. Voice of Lloyd: I'm not an illusion! Did Martel want to possess your body? Do you think it's okay for Seles to become the next Chosen who could be sacrificed at any time? Zelos: I Colette: Well The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal self. Voice of Lloyd: Both of you have to decide for yourselves. But I have faith in you. I know you won't run away, even if what we're trying to do is difficult! Don't forget. Your lives have value just by being alive and being there! Colette: Value in just being alive? Zelos: A traitor like me has value? Mithos: Of course not. No life has any value just by being alive. The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal self. Voice of Lloyd: Shut up! There's a significance in being born. But if that's not good enough for you, I'll give them another value. They're both valuable because they're my friends! Zelos: Heh, that s a pretty pathetic value, but I suppose it ll do. Mithos: You reject my offer? Seles: You know what I wish for, yet you still interfere?! Zelos: Sorry, but I've got no choice. The guy who decided my value believes in me and tells me not to run away! Zelos goes into the dark magic circle. Zelos: I trust you, Lloyd. I, the sorta valuable Zelos, am headed your way! Colette: Ahh. He beat me to it. Remiel: Are you running away again?!

Mithos: The world will end because of you. Colette: I won't run. We're going to reunite the worlds our way. Lloyd taught me that it's wrong to think that dying will solve everything. Colette goes into the dark magic circle. Colette and Zelos appear in Welgaia with Lloyd. Colette: I may be a failure as a Chosen, but I have to fulfill my duties as a Chosen by continuing to live! Lloyd: Welcome back, you two. Colette: Thanks, Lloyd. I'm not going to run away from life anymore. I'm going to live and find a new world with everyone! Zelos: Exactly. Especially since we now have out new found pathetic value and all. I'm gonna try and face my challenges head on. Lloyd: Yeah. Running won't solve anything. The camera shows Mithos in his youth form in a higher area. Mithos: What possible value does one burdened to exist with cursed blood have? Sometimes running is the only way to save yourself. Humans are so arrogant. Mithos vanishes from the scene. Later, the Spider Figurine descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What is that?

Zelos: A spider figurine? Colette: But it s broken in half Lloyd: Maybe it's an admonition to not run away. Zelos: Heh. I guess that's one way to look at it. Colette: It might be true. I'm gonna hang on to it as a reminder. IF SHEENA AND ZELOS ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE FUGITIVE Later, in the other area Zelos: Where the heck is this funky place? Sheena: Hang on a sec. Do you hear a strange sound? Zelos: A strange sound? Suddenly, a dark magic circle appeared at the scene. Sheena: We'll be sucked into the magic circle! Zelos: Aww crap! Let's get the hell outta here! Sheena and Zelos are getting pulled into the dark magic circle.

Zelos: Oww! Sheena: What is this thing? Zelos: What's that thing down there?! The camera shows a red spider at the bottom of the area where Sheena and Zelos are. Then, Kuchinawa and Seles appeared at the scene. Kuchinawa: What's the matter? You'll be caught unless you hurry up and run. Seles: Such a pathetic sight, Zelos. Sheena: Wh Why is Kuchinawa? Zelos: It's got to be an illusion. There's no way those two would be here. Seles: You're so stupid. You've shut your eyes to reality for so long that you can't even tell what's real anymore. Kuchinawa: You grew up in Mizuho, yet you still can't tell if I'm real or an illusion? You really are a failure. Seles: It's so sad. How did someone so unworthy become the Chosen? It's no wonder he betrayed his friends. Kuchinawa: Neither of you should have been born. Everyone would have been so much happier had you not been born! You brought misfortune upon the people of Mizuho. Sheena: I I haven't brought misfortune to Kuchinawa: Can you really say you didn't? You, the coward who trembled before Volt and killed your comrades. Seles: One betrayed his friends and then came back shamelessly, and the other killed the people of her village A fitting end. Kuchinawa: Now, if you think you can run, run! You'll be devoured by the darkness and die! Sheena and Zelos are getting pulled even closer to the dark magic circle. Zelos: Dammit! We're gonna be eaten by that monster unless we do something! Sheena: You've gotta be kidding! Seles: Would you like me to save you, Zelos? Kuchinawa: Beg for our forgiveness. Seles: And pledge loyalty to Cruxis. Mithos in Yggdrasill form appeared at the scene. Mithos: (Yggdrasill s voice) That monster below will bestow eternal suffering upon you. If it devours you, you will neither live nor die. You will be trapped in the true darkness tormented in isolation forever. Sheena: Forever

Mithos: I can save you. Join us and defeat Lloyd. Then it will all be over. Kuchinawa: Lord Mithos has agreed to let the people of Mizuho live. Seles: And he'll remove the title and duties of the Chosen from you and transfer everything to me. Zelos: Seles will gain the power of the Chosen?

Seles: Yes! What I've wanted more then anything else, the power of the Chosen! You'll let me have it, won't you? Just imagine, your life will finally have meaning and value. Mithos: All you have to do is pledge your allegiance to me. As soon as you do that, you will be saved from the shadow's grasp. Sheena: The people of Mizuho Zelos: Seles will become the Chosen Voice of Lloyd: Listen to me, both of you! The camera views the red spider. Voice of Lloyd: I've come for you guys, I'm right down below. Zelos: Whoa, whoa, whoa The only thing down there is that monster! Sheena: Lloyd, don't tell me you were eaten by that monster! Mithos: That Lloyd is the real illusion. The monster is mimicking his voice to lure you. Voice of Lloyd: I'm not an illusion! Do you think it's better for the people of Mizuho to become part of the Age of Lifeless Beings? Do you think it's okay for Seles to become the next Chosen who could be sacrificed at any time? Zelos: I Sheena: But The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal self. Voice of Lloyd: Both of you have to decide for yourselves. But I have faith in you. I know you won't run away, even if what we're trying to do is difficult! Don't forget. Your lives have value just by being alive and being there! Sheena: Just by being alive my life has value? Zelos: A traitor like me has value? Mithos: Of course not. No life has any value just by being alive. The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal self. Voice of Lloyd: Shut up! There's a significance in being born. But if that's not good enough for you, I'll give them another value. They're both valuable

because they're my friends! Zelos: Heh, that's a pretty pathetic value, but I suppose it'll do. Mithos: You reject my offer? Seles: You know what I wish for, yet you still interfere?! Zelos: Sorry, but I've got no choice. The guy who decided my value believes in me and tells me not to run away! Zelos goes into the dark magic circle. Zelos: I trust you, Lloyd. I, the sorta valuable Zelos, am headed your way! Sheena: Tch. Looks like he beat me to it. Kuchinawa: Are you running away again?! Mithos: I'll raze the entire village of Mizuho! Sheena: I'm not running. The people of Mizuho are waiting for us to reunite the worlds. Betraying that trust would truly be running away! Sheena goes into the dark magic circle. Sheena: Damnation or salvation guess there's only one way to find out. Zelos goes into the dark magic circle. Lloyd: Welcome back, you two. Sheena: It's not like I can really run away from the fact that I was born. Zelos: Exactly. Especially since we now have out new found pathetic value and all. I'm gonna try and face my challenges head on. Lloyd: Yeah. Running won't solve anything. The camera shows Mithos in his youth form in a higher area. Mithos: What possible value does one burdened to exist with cursed blood have? Sometimes running is the only way to save yourself. Humans are so arrogant. Mithos vanishes from the scene. Later, the Spider Figurine descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What is that?

Zelos: A spider figurine? Sheena: But it's broken in half. It's kind of creepy. Lloyd: Maybe it's an admonition to not run away. Zelos: Heh. I guess that's one way to look at it. Sheena: Maybe it is, I'm gonna hang on to it as a reminder. IF SHEENA AND KRATOS ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE FUGITIVE

Later, in the other area Kratos: Is this the location of the Derris Emblem Seal? Sheena: Hang on a sec. Do you hear a strange sound? Kratos: What's this?! Suddenly, a dark magic circle appeared at the scene. Sheena: We'll be sucked into the magic circle! Kratos: We must run! Sheena and Kratos are getting pulled into the dark magic circle. Kratos: No! Sheena: What is this thing? Kratos: Look below! The camera shows a red spider at the bottom of the area where Colette and Zelos are. Then, Kuchinawa and the illusionary Lloyd appeared at the scene. Kuchinawa: What's the matter? You'll be caught unless you hurry up and run. Lloyd: Well, well, what a rare sight, Kratos! Sheena: Wh hy are Lloyd and Kuchinawa Kratos: Calm down. It's just an illusion. Lloyd: I'm not an illusion. You've spent so long turning a blind eye to Mithos that you've lost all ability to see. Kuchinawa: You grew up in Mizuho, yet you still can't tell if I'm real or an illusion? You really are a failure. Lloyd: You couldn't stop Mithos, and you couldn't protect Mom. And then you sank to the level of a traitor. You're absolutely pathetic, you know that? Kuchinawa: Neither of you should have been born. Everyone would have been so much happier had you not been born! You brought misfortune upon the people of Mizuho. Sheena: I haven't brought misfortune to

Kuchinawa: Can you really say you didn't? You, the coward who trembled before Volt and killed your comrades. Lloyd: The one who betrayed his friends and then shamelessly came back, and the one who killed the people of her village. What a fitting end. Kuchinawa: Now, if you think you can run, run! You'll be devoured by the darkness and die! Sheena and Kratos are getting pulled even closer to the dark magic circle.


At this rate, we'll be eaten by that thing.

Sheena: You've gotta be kidding! Lloyd: Want me to help you, Kratos? Kuchinawa: Beg for our forgiveness. Lloyd: Pledge loyalty to Cruxis with me. Mithos in Yggdrasill form appeared at the scene. Mithos: That monster will bestow eternal suffering upon you. If it devours you, you will neither live nor die. You will be trapped in true darkness, tormented in isolation forever. Sheena: Forever Mithos: Allow me to save you. Just cooperate with us and turn over Colette. Then it will all be over. Kuchinawa: Lord Mithos has agreed to let the people of Mizuho live. Lloyd: You turned a blind eye to what Mithos did once. All you have to do is turn away one more time. Then the world will be saved. Mithos will save it. Kratos: Mithos will save the world?

Lloyd: Yeah! And he'll even forgive you for betraying him. You and me, Dad let's build a peaceful world that Mithos envisions together. Mithos: All you have to do is pledge your allegiance to me. As soon as you do that, you will be saved from the shadow's grasp. Sheena: The people of Mizuho Kratos: This is absurd Voice of the Real Lloyd: Listen to me, both of you! Don't be fooled. The real me is down below. The camera views the red spider. Kratos: So it would seem.

Sheena: Then that one really is a fake. Mithos: You fool. The real Lloyd is here. That voice is just an illusion. Voice of the Real Lloyd: I'm not an illusion! Do you think it's better for the people of Mizuho to become part of the Age of Lifeless Beings? Besides, there's no way I'd go along with Mithos' ideals! Kratos: Don't worry. That's just an illusion that lives in my heart. An illusion that tries to appease me for turning my back to reality and going along with Mithos. Sheena: Then, that Kuchinawa is is an illusion inside me. The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal

self. Voice of the Real Lloyd: Exactly! I believe in you! I know you two can beat those illusions and come back to me! You're here because you're needed in this world. Your lives have value just by existing! Sheena: Just by being alive my life has value? Kratos: I have value? Me?

Mithos: Of course not. No life has any value just by being alive. Humans and those who have betrayed me have no value! The red spider reveals and then reverts Lloyd from the red spider to his normal self. Voice of the Real Lloyd: Shut up! There's a significance in being born. But if that's not good enough for you, I'll give them another value. They're both valuable because they're my friends! Kratos: So you accept me?

Mithos: You'd betray me again? Illusionary Lloyd: Dad, are you choosing that fake over me?! Kratos: Be gone, illusions of Mithos and Lloyd! My son needs me. I cannot run from the sins of my past. Lloyd, allow me to atone for the foolishness of overlooking Mithos' brutality! Kratos goes into the dark magic circle. Sheena: Looks like he beat me to it. Kuchinawa: Are you running away again?! Mithos: I'll raze the entire village of Mizuho! Sheena: I'm not running. The people of Mizuho are waiting for us to reunite the worlds. Betraying that trust would truly be running away! Sheena goes into the dark magic circle. Sheena: Damnation or salvation guess there's only one way to find out. Zelos goes into the dark magic circle. Lloyd: Welcome back, you two. Sheena: It's not like I can really run away from the fact that I was born. Kratos: I am ashamed for giving up and running away. I convinced myself that there was nothing I could do. I was able to reconfirm that thanks to that illusion. Lloyd: Yeah. Running won't solve anything. The camera shows Mithos in his youth form in a higher area. Mithos: What value does one burdened to exist with cursed blood have? Sometimes

running is the only way to save yourself. Humans are so arrogant. Mithos vanishes from the scene. Later, the Spider Figurine descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What is that? Kratos: A spider figurine? Sheena: But it's broken in half. It's kind of creepy. Lloyd: Maybe it's an admonition to not run away. Kratos: Humph.

Sheena: Maybe it is. I'm gonna hang on to it as a reminder. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group received Spider Figurine. After that, Lloyd s group examines the glowing circle. Voice of The Fugitive: I feed off the fear and selfishness that lives in the hearts of men. Will you offer your selfishness to me? Lloyd: Yes. Voice of The Fugitive: Fall into dark, pleasant sleep inside of me. Lloyd s group fights The Fugitive. After Lloyd s group defeats The Fugitive Voice of The Fugitive: Light fled into darkness, and you are now the new light. The coward who fled into darkness has lost his power. After that, Lloyd s group proceeds to the prison area. Lloyd s group arrived at the cell. IF COLETTE WAS RESCUED FROM HER BODY POSSESSION BY LLOYD Colette: It s them CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT IF COLETTE AND PRESEA ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE JUDGED Lloyd s group proceeds to the prison area. Lloyd s group arrived at the cell. Lloyd: I'll save you guys! Just as Lloyd s group approaches Colette and Presea, Lloyd s group became invisible. Colette: Wasn't that Lloyd just now? Presea: Yes He disappeared. What could Just as Lloyd s group approaches Colette and Regal, Lloyd s group became invisible. Colette: Oh! It opened! I wonder if it's a trap?

Presea: Even if it is, remaining here indefinitely Colette: You're right. They'll all be worried. As Colette and Presea exits the cell, they suddenly saw Alicia at the scene. Alicia: I'm so glad the two are safe! Presea: Alicia Colette: Huh? Why? Alicia: Please wait, I'll take you to Lloyd. Colette: Something's not right Alicia passed away didn't she? Presea: Yes. She was murdered.

Colette: Oh Alicia: Then, what am I, Presea? Even though I'm right here, breathing, my very own sister insists that I'm dead? Presea: I Alicia: It's true I was murdered by Regal. But here I am alive in front of you. Isn't that enough? Colette: No. This feeling it's not Alicia! Don't lead Presea astray!

Colette draws her chakram and approaches Alicia. Alicia: Ahh! Presea blocks Colette s way. Colette: Presea! Presea: We don't know for certain it's an illusion. Alicia: Presea You believe me, don't you?! Thank you! Colette: This isn't right! Lloyd destroyed the Exsphere Presea draws her ax. Presea: Stop! If you don't stop Alicia: You're my sister's friend, and yet you try to kill me it I can't believe

Colette: Presea! Don't be fooled! Alicia's aura didn't feel like this! Presea: If you want to kill Alicia you must face me first. Prepare yourself!

Voice of Lloyd: Stop it, both of you! A slash can be heard and a drop of blood falls to the floor.

Colette: Lloyd s voice is this an illusion, too? Presea: But there's blood Alicia: I feel an evil presence from that blood! Be careful, Presea! Colette: No! This blood is Lloyd's blood!

Voice of Lloyd: It doesn't matter, just settle down! Why are you fighting each other! You're supposed to be friends! Lloyd appeared at the scene and is kneeling. Presea: Lloyd Colette: Lloyd! Alicia: Why did you stop attacking?! Presea: But Alicia: Colette. Why don't you just cooperate and let yourself be killed? You've felt guilty for so long not being to die as the Chosen, so why do you resist now? Colette: Alicia: Here's your chance to end it all! Suddenly, Mithos in his youth form appeared at the scene. Mithos: Yes. Once you're dead, my sister will take your body. If you kill, you will surely go mad with guilt. People must be punished for their crimes. Lloyd: Wake up, both of you! Don't mistake who you need to fight! Dying won't settle anything! Killing won't solve anything! Mithos: That is merely logic. People are not moved by logic. If the one you love is killed, and you hate the murderer And murders must be punished. Lloyd: But if you keep killing people like that, it will only spawn new hate and new revenge! Besides you're just running away if you die. You'll forget the murder and the pain of that crime. Presea: Spawn new hate Colette: Dying won't settle anything?

Alicia: Then what should I do about my regrets and lost dreams? And what of those people that died because of your decisions? Lloyd: It's true that Alicia died and countless others have died waiting for the world to regenerate. But there's no way they would want us to hurt one another like this. Revenge and self-sacrifice are both selfish! Colette: You're right. You must be the real Lloyd. Presea: And that Alicia is a fake. Alicia wouldn't say things like that

Alicia: Are you going to kill me?!

Lloyd: Stop deceiving my friends! Lloyd approaches Alicia, but she vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd attempts to attack Mithos, but he also vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd then checks on Colette and Presea. Lloyd: I came to get you guys... Colette: I'm sorry, Lloyd. Somewhere in my heart, I felt that if I had died and became Martel, the world would not have suffered even though I know that countless people would be sacrificed to bring about the Age of Lifeless Beings. Presea: I closed off my heart and turned away from people who were trying to atone for their crimes because it was easier to hate then to forgive. Lloyd: There are so many things you can do before you die. And I don't everything has to be forgiven. But no matter how painful things may be, you just can't dwell on the past. Colette: You're right. Presea: I will stop allowing myself to be trapped in the past. No. We're going to restore the world

Colette: We're going to make a new world. to the way it should be.

The camera shows Mithos from high above, watching Lloyd s group. Mithos: And thus, you forget the past The countless lives that were lost and the pain of those that suffered. Crimes must be met with punishment. Suddenly, the Chipped Dagger descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What's that? Colette: A knife? Presea: There are nicks all over the blade. Lloyd: Maybe it's a symbol of your past Colette: Yeah. It probably is. Presea: Yes so that we may never fight amongst ourselves again. IF COLETTE AND REGAL ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE JUDGED Lloyd s group proceeds to the prison area. Lloyd s group arrived at the cell. Lloyd: I'll save you guys! Just as Lloyd s group approaches Colette and Regal, Lloyd s group became invisible. Regal: I thought I just saw Lloyd. Colette: Yes but he disappeared. Suddenly, the cell door opened by itself.


A trap?

Colette: You may be right, but staying here Regal: Would not be particularly meaningful. Let us search for Lloyd.

As Presea and Regal exits the cell, they suddenly saw Alicia at the scene. Alicia: I'm so glad you two are safe!

Colette: Alicia!! Regal: Impossible Alicia: Please wait. I'll take you to Lloyd. Regal: It's an illusion! Alicia is dead! Colette: But Lloyd destroyed the Exsphere. Regal: Yes.

Alicia: Then, Miss Colette, what am I? Even though I'm right here, breathing, you insist that I'm dead? Colette: I Alicia: It's true that I was murdered by Regal. But here I am alive in front of you. Isn't that enough? Regal: It's only an illusion! Be gone!

Just as Regal approaches Alicia Alicia: Ahh! Colette got in Regal s way. Regal: Colette! Colette: We don't know for certain that it's an illusion. Alicia: Colette Colette, you believe me! Thank you! Regal: You! Colette: Stop! Please, stop! Colette draws her chakrams. Alicia: Regal, I can't believe you'd try to kill me Regal: Silence, phantom! Colette: I can't let you kill Alicia please back away! I can't believe it

Voice of Lloyd: Stop it, both of you! A slash can be heard and a drop of blood falls to the floor.

Regal: Lloyd's voice is this an illusion as well?! Colette: But there's blood Alicia: I feel an evil presence in that blood! Regal: What's going on? What is real? Voice of Lloyd: It doesn't matter, just settle down! Why are you fighting each other! You're supposed to be friends! Lloyd appeared at the scene and is kneeling. Colette: Lloyd! Regal: You aren't an illusion? Alicia: Why did you stop attacking?! Colette, you should fight that person and die! Because you're the Chosen. Colette: What?

Alicia: And Regal why don't you just let yourself be killed? You've always felt guilty about killing me. Regal: Alicia: Here's your chance to end it all! Suddenly, Mithos in his youth form appeared at the scene. Mithos: Yes. Once you're dead, my sister will take your body. If you kill, you will surely go mad with guilt. People must be punished for their crimes. Lloyd: Wake up, both of you! Don't mistake who you need to fight! Dying won't settle anything! Killing won't solve anything! Mithos: That is merely logic. People are not moved by logic. Living with guilt is painful. The crime of murder must be punished. Lloyd: But if you keep killing people like that, it will only spawn new hate and new revenge! Besides you're just running away if you die. You'll forget the murder and pain of that crime. Colette: Dying won't settle anything?. Regal: Running away from my crime

Alicia: Then what should I do about my regrets and lost dreams? And what of those people that died because of your decisions? Lloyd: It's true that Alicia died and countless others have died waiting for the world to regenerate. But there's no way they would want us to hurt one another like this. Wanting to die is selfish! Regal: You're the real Lloyd. Colette: That Alicia is a fake, isn't she?

Alicia: Are you going to kill me?! Lloyd: Stop deceiving my friends!! Lloyd approaches Alicia, but she vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd attempts to attack Mithos, but he also vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd then checks on Colette and Regal. Lloyd: I came to get you guys Regal: I'm sorry. I lost the will to atone for my crimes by taking comfort in the feelings of being punished. Death is not punishment. Punishment is living with one's crime and working to atone for it. Colette: I'm sorry, Lloyd. Somewhere in my heart, I felt that if I had died and became Martel, the world would not have suffered even though I know that countless people would be sacrificed to bring about the Age of Lifeless Beings. Lloyd: There are so many things you can do before you die. And I don't think everything has to be forgiven. But no matter how painful things may be, you just can't dwell on the past. Regal: You're right. Colette: I'm going to stop letting myself be held back by the past. This time, for real. Regal: One cannot seek a new world while dragging the past along. The camera shows Mithos from high above, watching Lloyd s group. Mithos: And thus you forget the past The countless lives that were lost and the pain of those that suffered. Crimes must be met with punishment. Suddenly, the Chipped Dagger descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What's that? Regal: A knife? Colette: There's nicks all over the blade. Lloyd: Maybe it's a symbol of your past Regal: Let us think of it that way. Colette: Yes. For the sake of never fighting amongst ourselves again. IF PRESEA AND REGAL ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE JUDGED Just as Lloyd s group approaches Presea and Regal, Lloyd s group became invisible. Regal: I thought I just saw Lloyd. Presea: Yes he disappeared. What could Suddenly, the cell door opened by itself. Regal: A trap?

Presea: Even if it is, remaining here indefinitely Regal: Would not be particularly meaningful. Let us search for Lloyd.

As Presea and Regal exits the cell, they suddenly saw Alicia at the scene. Alicia: I m so glad you two are safe!

Presea: Alicia Regal: Impossible Alicia: Please wait. I ll take you to Lloyd. Regal: It s an illusion! Alicia is dead! Presea: Yes. She was murdered.

Regal: Yes. Alicia: Then what am I, Presea? Even thought I m right here, breathing, my very own sister insists that I m dead? Presea: I Alicia: It s true that I was murdered by Regal. But here I am alive in front of you. Isn t that enough? Regal: It s only an illusion! Be gone! Just as Regal approaches Alicia Alicia: Ahh! Presea got in Regal s way. Regal: Presea! Presea: We don t know for certain it s an illusion. Alicia: Presea you believe me, don t you?! Thank you! Regal: You! Presea draws her ax. Presea: Stop! If you don t stop Alicia: Regal, I can t believe you d try to kill me Regal: Silence, phantom! Presea, move! Presea: If you want to kill Alicia, you must face me first. Prepare yourself! I can t believe it

Voice of Lloyd: Stop it, both of you! A slash can be heard and a drop of blood falls to the floor. Regal: Lloyd s voice is this an illusion as well?!

Presea: But there s blood Alicia: I feel an evil presence from that blood! Be careful, Presea! Regal: What s going on? What is real? Voice of Lloyd: It doesn t matter, just settle down! Why are you fighting each other! You re supposed to be friends! Lloyd appeared at the scene and is kneeling. Presea: Lloyd Regal: You aren t an illusion? Alicia: Why did you stop attacking?! You hate the one who murdered me, don t you?! Presea: But Alicia: And Regal why won t you just let yourself be killed? You ve always felt guilty about killing me. Regal: Alicia: Here s your chance to end it all! Suddenly, Mithos in his youth form appeared at the scene. Mithos: Yes. It s for the best. If you are killed, you will no longer feel guilt. If you killed him, you will have your revenge. Crimes must be punished. Lloyd: Both of you! Get a hold of yourselves! Don t confuse who you should be fighting! Dying won t settle anything! Killing won t solve anything! Mithos: That is merely logic. People are not moved by logic. If the one you love is killed, you hate the murderer And murderers must be punished. Lloyd: But if you keep killing people like that, it will only spawn new hate and new revenge! Besides you re just running away if you die. You ll forget the murder and the pain of that crime. Presea: Regal: Alicia: Spawn new hate Running away from my crime What about my feelings?! You murdered me!

Lloyd: It is true that Alicia died. But I know she doesn t want things to end like this. What you re both doing is selfish! Regal: You re the real Lloyd. Presea: And that Alicia is a fake. Alicia wouldn t say things like that

Alicia: Are you going to kill me?! Lloyd: Stop deceiving my friends!!

Lloyd approaches Alicia, but she vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd attempts to attack Mithos, but he also vanishes all of a sudden. Lloyd then checks on Presea and Regal. Lloyd: I came to get you guys Regal: I m sorry. I lost the will to atone for my crimes by taking comfort in the feeling of being punished. Death is not punishment. Punishment is living with one s crime and working to atone for it. Presea: I closed off my heart and turned away from people who were trying to atone for their crimes because it was easier to hate then to forgive. Lloyd: There are so many things you can do before you die. And I don t think everything has to be forgiven. But no matter how painful things may be, you just can t dwell on the past. Regal: You re right. Presea: I will stop allowing myself to be trapped in the past.

Regal: One cannot seek a new world while dragging the past along. The camera shows Mithos from high above, watching Lloyd s group. Mithos: And thus, you forget the past The countless lives that were lost and the pain of those that suffered. Crimes must be met with punishment. Suddenly, the Chipped Dagger descended towards the scene. Lloyd: What s that? Regal: A knife? Presea: There are nicks all over the blade. Lloyd: Maybe it s a symbol of your past Regal: Let us think of it that way. Presea: Yes so that we may never fight amongst ourselves again. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group received Chipped Dagger. Lloyd s group then examines the blood on the floor. Voice of The Judged: All life bears sin when it is born. Will you face your sins? Lloyd: Yes. Voice of The Judged: Then sinners, be judged. Lloyd s group fights The Judged. After Lloyd s group defeats The Judged Voice of The Judged: Light fell into darkness along with sin. You bear your sin and are the new light. The power of darkness has now ended. Lloyd s group proceeds to the lower area with a mirror like doors are.

Lloyd: What the? IF COLETTE AND RAINE ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE NEGLECTED In the mirrored area where Colette and Raine are Colette: Why is the mayor? Raine: Be careful. It's an illusion.

Mayor: You think I'm an illusion? This is exactly why everyone says half-elves are fools. Virginia: Raine. My pitiful child elven blood. Raine: M mother? Mayor: Half-elves have no place in this world. Colette: That's not true! Virginia: It is because you are despicable halflings that I was chased out of Heimdall. Raine: Then why did you give birth to us?! Mayor: There probably was no choice. That's why you were thrown away after you were born. Virginia: Disappear from this world Mayor: Die. There is no meaning for you to live. Virginia: Disappear Mayor: Die. Now! Colette: Why are you saying such cruel things?! Mayor: Shut up, you failed Chosen! Raine: I didn't choose to be born like this Yet Virginia: It can't be helped. It's your fault for not being a pure blood. Voice of Lloyd: No, you're wrong! Lloyd appeared on the mirror. Mithos: No, they are not wrong. Half elves are despised and discriminated against for merely being alive. Our existence is a crime. Lloyd: No! It's not the half-elves' fault! Colette: Raine: We Lloyd: People who can't accept those who are different are the ones to blame! A tainted child who received only half her

It's because of their weak hearts! Lloyd breaks through the sealed mirror and checks on Colette and Raine. Lloyd: Hey you two, I came to getcha. Colette: Lloyd Lloyd: Now let's go. Virginia: It's hopeless, Raine. You'll just be abandoned again. As long as you are a half-elf, the world will continue to hate you. Raine: Lloyd came for us, even though he could have left us behind and face Mithos. Virginia: You'll just be betrayed again. Because you're a half-elf. Raine: You may be right. But then again, you may be wrong. It wasn't because of my blood that you abandoned me. It was because of the world that hated my blood and a mother who was too weak to stand up against it. I'm going to stop hating that weakness. My hatred never changed anything. In order to change the world, I must first change myself. I'm glad I was born a half-elf. It was because of it that I met Lloyd and my other dear friends. Mithos: You, failed Chosen. What will you do? If you obey your blood as a Chosen and lend me your power, the world will be saved. Mayor: Yes. Give up your life and fulfill your duty as the Chosen! You were born to be a sacrifice! Colette: I have the blood of the Chosen flowing in me. I was born to save the world. Lloyd: Colette! Colette: Because I was the Chosen, I was always alone in the village. Until Lloyd came to school, no one would be my friend. Because I was the creature known as the Chosen I wasn't even a human being. Mayor: Of course! The Chosen exists to save the world! A Chosen who can't do that is nothing more than a monster! Colette: I used to think that way. That it's okay because I'm not human. But that was because I was weak. Just as humans are unable to accept half-elves, I wasn't able to accept that there was another way of life other than to wait for death. My heart was weak, too. Mithos: Is it a sin to be weak hearted? Not everyone's strong. Not everyone can stand being despised. Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Hey, you two! Colette: Lloyd! Thank you for coming! Raine: I'm sorry. I promise to make up for all the trouble we've caused. Suddenly, the Mirror Shard descended towards the scene.

Lloyd: Don't worry about it! We're friends, right? Hey, what's this thing that just came floating down? Raine: They're fragments of the mirror. Colette: Maybe they're symbols of the weakness of our hearts. Lloyd: You should hang onto it. It's proof that you guys beat that weird mirror. Colette: Yeah! Raine: Yes. It's a good idea. IF GENIS AND RAINE ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE NEGLECTED In the mirrored area where Genis and Raine are Genis: Why is the Mayor? Raine: Be careful. It s an illusion.

Mayor: You think I m an illusion? This is exactly why everyone says half-elves are fools. Virginia: Raine. My pitiful child elven blood. Raine: M mother? Mayor: Half-elves have no place in this world. Genis: That s not true! Virginia: It is because you are despicable halflings that I was chased out of Heimdall. Raine: Then why did you give birth to us?! Mayor: There probably was no choice. That s why you were thrown away after you were born. Virginia: Disappear from this world Mayor: Die. There is no meaning for you to live. Virginia: Disappear Mayor: Die. Now! Genis: Humans and elves neither side wants us! Mayor: That s right. No one wants you! Raine: I didn t choose to be born like this Yet Virginia: It can t he helped. It s your fault for not being a pureblood. Lloyd: No, you re wrong! A tainted child who received only half her

Lloyd appeared on the mirror. Voice of Mithos: No, they are not wrong. Half-elves are despised and discriminated against for merely being alive. Our existence is a crime. Lloyd: No! It s not the half-elves fault! Genis: But Raine: We Lloyd: People who can t accept those who are different are the ones to blame! It s because of their weak hearts! Lloyd breaks through the sealed mirror and checks on Genis and Raine. Lloyd: Hey you two, I came to getcha. Genis: Lloyd Lloyd: Now, let s go. Virginia: It s hopeless, Raine. You ll just be abandoned again. As long as you are a half-elf, the world will continue to hate you. Raine: Lloyd came for us, even though he could have left us behind and face Mithos. Virginia: You ll just be betrayed again. Because you re a half-elf. Raine: You may be right. But then again, you may be wrong. It wasn t because of my blood that you abandoned me. It was because of the world that hates my blood and a mother who was too weak to stand up against it. I m going to stop hating that weakness. My hatred never changed anything. In order to change the world, I must first change myself. I m glad I was born a half-elf. It was because of it that I met Lloyd and my other dear friends. Voice of Mithos: Genis, do you feel the same? Are you happy that you were born a half-elf? Mayor: That s ridiculous. There s no world for half-elves. Genis: Because humans hate us, I hate humans. Lloyd: Genis! Genis: But I like you, Lloyd. And I like everyone we traveled with. Because I think they all like me. Mayor: You re an idiot. You re deluding yourself! Genis: I m the same. Just like those that hate half-elves, I get mad at humans and elves just for being who they are That s just going to make them hate me more! My heart was weak, too. Mithos: Is it a sin to be weak hearted? Not everyone s strong. Not everyone can stand being despised. Mithos vanishes from the scene.


Hey, you two!

Genis: Lloyd! Thanks for coming! Raine: I m sorry. I promise to make up for all the trouble we ve caused. Suddenly, the Mirror Shard descended towards the scene. Lloyd: Don t worry about it! We re friends, right? Hey, what s this thing that just came floating down? Raine: They re fragments of the mirror. Genis: Maybe they re symbols of the weakness of our hearts. Lloyd: You should hang on to it. It s proof that you guys beat that weird mirror. Genis: Okay! Raine: Yes. It s a good idea. IF GENIS AND COLETTE ARE AT THE SCENE OF THE NEGLECTED In the mirrored area where Genis and Raine are Genis: Why is the mayor? Colette: Be careful. It's an illusion.

Mayor: You think I'm an illusion? This is exactly why everyone says half-elves are fools. Remiel: Colette, you poor, poor Chosen. A despised Chosen who will destroy the world. Colette: Remiel! Mayor: Half-elves have no place in this world. Colette: Why are you saying such cruel things?! Mayor: Shut up, you failed Chosen! Genis: Humans and elves neither side wants us! Mayor: That's right. No one wants you! Remiel: It is time for you to disappear from this world Mayor: Die. There is no meaning for you to live. Remiel: Disappear! Mayor: Die. Now! Colette: Neither Genis nor I chose to be born this way Yet Remiel: It cannot be helped. He is a hated creature, unable to even become one of us.

Lloyd: No, you're wrong! Lloyd appears on the mirror. Voice of Mithos: No, they are not wrong. Half elves are despised and discriminated against for merely being alive. Our existence is a crime. Lloyd: No! It's not the half-elves' fault! Genis: But Colette: Lloyd: People who can't accept those who are different are the ones to blame! It's because of their weak hearts! Lloyd breaks through the sealed mirror and checks on Genis and Colette. Lloyd: Hey you two. I came to getcha. Genis: Lloyd Lloyd: Now let's go. Remiel: A futile effort. Just what would the failed Chosen do upon returning? You lived in solitude because you were the Chosen. None would approach you. Colette: Lloyd became my friend. He saved me countless times. Remiel: That was because you were supposed to save the world which you failed. Colette: No, you're wrong! Lloyd tried to find another way! It's true I lived a lonely life, but it wasn't because I was the Chosen. I didn't have the strength to approach anyone because I believed I would die as the Chosen. I'm going to cast away that weakness. It's because I was the Chosen and treated differently by everyone, that I was able to meet Lloyd and my precious friends. I'm glad I'm the Chosen. And I want to live as the Chosen and save the world. Voice of Mithos: Genis, do you feel the same? Are you happy that you were born a half-elf? Mayor: That's ridiculous. There's no world for half-elves. Genis: Because humans hate us, I hate humans. Lloyd: Genis! Genis: But I like you, Lloyd. And I like everyone we traveled with. Because I think they all like me. Mayor: You're an idiot! You're deluding yourself! Genis: I'm the same. Just like those that hate half-elves, I get mad at humans and elves just for being who they are That's just going to make them hate me more! My heart was weak, too. Voice of Mithos: Is it a sin to be weak hearted? Not everyone's strong. Not everyone can stand being despised.

Mithos vanishes from the scene. Lloyd: Hey, you two!

Genis: Lloyd! Thanks for coming! Colette: I'm sorry. I've been a burden on you again. Suddenly, the Mirror Shard descended towards the scene. Lloyd: Don't worry about it! We're friends, right? Hey, what's this thing that just came floating down? Genis: They're fragments of a mirror Colette: Maybe they're symbols of the weakness of our hearts. Lloyd: You should hang onto it. It's proof that you guys beat that weird mirror. Genis: Okay! Colette: Yes. Let's do that. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd s group received the Mirror Shard. After that, Lloyd examines the shattered mirror. Voice of The Neglected: I reflect the bitterness that lies in the depths of your hearts. Will you face your darkness? Lloyd: Yes. Voice of The Neglected: Then be devoured by darkness. Lloyd s group fights The Neglected. After Lloyd s group defeats The Neglected Voice of The Neglected: You have conquered your darkness. You have changed from shadow to light. That which was light will lose its power. Lloyd s group proceeds to the sealed path to the teleporter. Upon arrival Lloyd: Wh what is this? Colette: This is IF YOU HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: This is the Derris Emblem! IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: This is the Derris Emblem.


IF ZELOS IS AT THE SCENE Zelos: It s a seal that blocks the path to Mithos know where it was. Lloyd: Then, with this Raine: The trap should be deactivated. Let s keep going. IF KRATOS IS AT THE SCENE Kratos: It s a seal Mithos created to block the path to his castle. He created it by linking his soul with the fabric of space by the power of the Eternal Sword. Lloyd: So that s why the trap didn t affect me. castle is now open. castle. Although I didn t

Kratos: With this, the path to Mithos CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: Okay, let s go!

Lloyd s group proceeds to the teleporter. Lloyd s group arrived in Vindheim. Lloyd s group manages to solve the optional puzzle by acquiring the Future and Past Stones. With the possession of the stones, Lloyd s group proceeds to the main floor and then Lloyd: The Future Stone is The Future Stone approaches the red panel and boxes appeared at the scene. Lloyd: Words it says Will the future be one of a bountiful earth, caressed by the blessing of the wind? Will it be one of swirling, terrible water that wishes away all in its path? Is there a ray of light in our future? Lloyd s group approaches the other panel and then Lloyd: The Past Stone is The Past Stone approaches the blue panel and more boxes appeared at the scene. Lloyd: There is something written here It says What can be seen in the past is anger that seeps out from the depths of darkness. What can char this frozen heart is this burning hatred, like the fires of hell. Bring down upon them the lightning of judgment. Lloyd s group managed to solve the puzzles by moving the correct colored boxes to the highest area in the correct sequences and the barrier for the Sacred Stone was deactivated. Lloyd s group acquires the Sacred Stone from the treasure chest. After acquiring the Sacred Stone, Lloyd s group takes the Sacred Stone back to the main floor and used it on the teleporter as a backup if they need to backtrack. Afterwards, Lloyd s group finds the Dark Dragon and talks to it. Dark Dragon: I am the gatekeeper. You, who would open the gate, stand forth and destroy me! Lloyd: Let s go!

Lloyd s group fights Dark Dragon. After Lloyd s group defeats Dark Dragon, they received the Vindheim Key. Lloyd s group unlocks the door to the next area. Lloyd s group arrived in the area to the Great Seed. Lloyd: Mithos is just ahead Colette: And the Great Seed should be there, too. Lloyd: This is it, everyone Are you ready?

Raine: I m ready. I m prepared to accept whatever happens in the coming battle and we will win! Sheena: Yeah. We re gonna win for Mizuho, Corrine and for all of you who believed in a coward like me. Colette: And for myself, too. I don t want anyone else to make the same mistake I did. No one should have to think that he has to sacrifice his own life Genis: Everyone should be able to live freely, no matter who they are. Humans and elves and even us It s okay for us to be here, in this world. Regal: Yes. That s why we must recover the Great Seed from Mithos and revive the Giant Tree. Without it, not only will we be unable to restore peace between the different races Presea: The world itself will die. We can t let that happen. We must reunite the worlds. Afterwards we shall make a new promise to the new world. IF YOU HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: The people that I like and the people that I don t both have the right to live in the same world as I do. Because that s the way things should be. So count me in. I won t run from this one. IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: To atone for allowing this twisted world to exist, I will fight with everything I have. And win. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd: All right! Let s go! We re going to restore a world where everyone can live freely! Lloyd s group takes the teleporter to the area with the Great Seed. Upon arrival, Lloyd s group approaches Yggdrasill. Yggdrasill: Home I m going home

Genis: Mithos listen to me! We don t have to fight! Please return the Great Seed to us so that we can reunite the worlds. Yggdrasill: Lloyd: Home I m going home

Something s wrong. He sounds like a puppet


Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Colette s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF GENIS IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Genis: Whoa! Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Genis s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF RAINE IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Raine: What s happening? Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Raine s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF SHEENA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Sheena: Ahh! Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Sheena s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF ZELOS IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Zelos: Whoa! Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Zelos possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF PRESEA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Presea: What?!

Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Presea s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. IF REGAL IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Regal: What? Suddenly, Mithos Cruxis Crystal came out of Regal s possession and goes into Yggdrasill s body. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Yggdrasill: I need to thank you for going through all the trouble to bring me back here. I m finally myself again. Lloyd approaches Yggdrasill. Lloyd: Damn! So that s what this was all about! Genis: Mithos Martel is already dead Yggdrasill: That s not true! Martel is alive, just as I lived on in the Cruxis Crystal.

Lloyd: That s not living. That s just existing as a lifeless being. Yggdrasill: What s wrong with that? Lloyd: What?! Yggdrasill: After all, in our bodies flow the blood of humans and elves the bloods of those that despise us. We re better off casting aside much filth and become lifeless beings. Lloyd: That s what you really want? Yggdrasill: (Mithos voice) Of course. Watch! When you become a lifeless being, you can even control your appearance and growth. Yggdrasill reverts to Mithos. Mithos: Everyone should become lifeless beings. I told you before. The only way to eliminate discrimination is for everyone to become the same race. Lloyd: What you hope for is nothing but a dream, Mithos. Discrimination comes from the heart. Genis: He s right, Mithos. It s the weakness of people s hearts that causes discrimination. Looking down upon others while placing themselves too high Sheena: You do the same thing! You look down on humans and elves, treating them like cattle. That s the weakness of your heart. Regal: Even if people become lifeless beings, nothing will change. Discrimination will continue. Mithos: Then where should the half-elves go?

There was a brief pause. Mithos: We aren t accepted anywhere. We opened our hearts, but no one took us in. Where should we live? Lloyd: You can live anywhere you like. Mithos: Don t make me laugh.

Lloyd: I m serious. Anywhere is fine. If you aren t doing anything wrong, you should just live proudly in the open. There was a brief pause. Mithos: own! It s because we couldn t do that that I that we wanted a place of our

IF YOU HAVE ZELOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Zelos: Uh-uh. Sorry, but don t act like you re the only victim here. It doesn t even come close to justifying all the things that you ve done. IF YOU HAVE KRATOS IN LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: But that is not an excuse for the things we have done. It is merely a motive, not a justification.

CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Presea: What you ve done caused meaningless suffering and death to countless people. Can you feel their pain? Raine: People can change. Even if they don t change right away. Months, years as time passes, change is inevitable. Colette: Maybe not everything can be forgiven. But one can try to atone for one s sins. Can t you feel it in your heart? The Goddess known as conscience Mithos: Do you think I m going to beg for forgiveness? Ridiculous. There is no Goddess. So I will continue to pursue my ideals. If there is no place where I can live, and if I ve been denied my Age of Lifeless Beings, then the only thing left for me is to build a new world on Derris-Kharlan. A world just for my sister and me! Mithos angelic wings were revealed. Lloyd s final fight is against Mithos. After Lloyd s group defeats Mithos, Mithos appears in his second and ultimate form. After Lloyd s group defeats Mithos in his ultimate form, Mithos vanishes and his Cruxis Crystal appears along with his ghostly form. Colette: Mithos is! Presea: It s just like Alicia! Mithos will continue to live as long as the Cruxis Crystal exists! Voice of Mithos: And eventually I will be taken over by the crystal. Lloyd: Mithos Voice of Mithos: I m tired of playing your game of good-and-evil. Hurry up and destroy the crystal. If you don t, Derris-Kharlan will continue to drift away. Lloyd: Mithos Voice of Mithos: Do it now! Before I, too, am no longer myself Genis: Lloyd! Please help him! Let him die while he s still himself! Lloyd: All right. Voice of Mithos: Farewell, my shadow. You, who stand at the end of the path I chose not to follow. I wanted my own world, so I don t regret my choice. I would make the same choice all over again. I will continue to choose this path! Lloyd strikes the Cruxis Crystal with his sword. The Cruxis Crystal shatters and the fragments of the crystal go into Lloyd s Exsphere. After that, Lloyd glances at his Exsphere. Lloyd: (unhappy) You could have you could have lived with us in our world! Damn it Suddenly, the power sources came out of Lloyd s swords and the Material Blade appears. The Material Blade forms into one and then it turns into the Eternal Sword. Lloyd holds the Eternal Sword. Voice of Origin: The old master of the pact is no more. What does the new master of the pact ask of his sword?

Lloyd: Restore the true form of our two worlds! We watch a movie of Lloyd using the Eternal Sword to emit a beam from the sword. The beam then strikes the destroyed Tower of Salvation and then the whole planet of earth changes and the world is formed into one. After that, Lloyd s group arrived in the outside of the Tower of Salvation. Lloyd: Are we back? Suddenly, the area is shaking. Lloyd: Wh what s going on? Suddenly, all 8 Summon Spirits appeared at the scene. Sheena: What are you all doing? Voice of Origin: Your wish is granted. Lloyd s group looks upward. Voice of Origin: But there is no link. Without link, the land will die. IF COLETTE IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Colette: What do you mean? IF GENIS IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Genis: What do you mean? IF RAINE IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Raine: It can t be IF SHEENA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Sheena: What are you talking about?! IF ZELOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP AND IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Zelos: Whaddaya saying? IF PRESEA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Presea: What does that mean? IF REGAL IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Regal: What are you saying? IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP AND IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Kratos: Just as I thought CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Voice of Origin: The world was originally separated into two in order to prevent its destruction. If it returns to its true form, the world lacks the

mana to support itself. The land is dying. Lloyd: I don t need to know why it s dying! What do we need to do to stop it? Voice of Origin: Support the two worlds by linking them with the Giant Tree. That is the only way to stop the destruction of the land. IF COLETTE IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Colette: We need to awaken the Giant Kharlan Tree! Lloyd: I get it!

Colette: Lloyd, hurry! You have to shine the mana of Derris-Kharlan on the Great Seed before Derris-Kharlan is too far away! IF GENIS IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Genis: Ah! We need to germinate the Great Kharlan Tree! Lloyd: I get it! Genis: Lloyd, hurry! You have to shine the mana of Derris-Kharlan on the Great Seed before Derris-Kharlan is too far away! IF RAINE IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Raine: We need to awaken the Giant Kharlan Tree! Lloyd: I get it! Raine: Lloyd, hurry! You must bathe the Great Seed in the mana of Derris-Kharlan before Derris-Kharlan leaves the gravitational field! IF SHEENA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Sheena: We need to awaken the Giant Kharlan Tree, right? Lloyd: I get it! Sheena: Lloyd, quickly! You have to bathe the Great Seed in the mana of Derris-Kharlan before Derris-Kharlan disappears! IF ZELOS IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Zelos: Ah, I get it, we need to make the Giant Kharlan Tree sprout. Lloyd: I get it! Zelos: Lloyd, hurry up! Don t let Derris-Kharlan get away! Hurry up and get the Great Seed to sprout and put an end to this! IF PRESEA IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Presea: The restoration of the Giant Kharlan Tree Lloyd: I get it!

Presea: Lloyd, please hurry. If you don t expose the Great Seed to the mana of Derris-Kharlan, the world will be destroyed.

IF REGAL IS REALLY CLOSE TO LLOYD Regal: I see, we need to revive the Great Kharlan Tree. Lloyd: I get it!

Regal: Lloyd, we must hurry! Before Derris-Kharlan disappears, expose the Great Seed to it s mana! IF KRATOS IS WITH LLOYD S GROUP Kratos: We need to restore the Giant Kharlan Tree. Lloyd: I get it! Kratos: Lloyd, quickly! Before Derris-Kharlan flies off into the distant reaches of space, use its mana to awaken the Great Seed! That s the only way to revive it. CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Lloyd raises the Eternal Sword. Lloyd: All right, then! I m counting on you, Eternal Sword! Voice of Origin: Derris-Kharlan is already at the edge of the gravitational field. Not even Yggdrasill Mithos could stop this from happening. Do you still intend to try? Lloyd: Yeah. Voice of Origin: Even strengthened by your Exsphere, it is likely that your body will not withstand the forces. Are you certain of your decision? Lloyd: I said I m doing it, so I m doing it! It s not like we have a choice! Voice of Origin: Very well. The camera shows the Great Seed getting mana, but was deflected. Lloyd who is holding the Eternal Sword disappears. Lloyd: It s not working! The mana s being deflected! Colette: The Great Seed is already dead. Lloyd and Colette look at the Great Seed as it is dying. Lloyd s Exsphere reacted. Lloyd: Wait! Don t go! Please, wake up! Suddenly, wings appeared on Lloyd and he flies towards the Great Seed. The Expshere s power was transferred to the Great Seed. Then, Colette flew up towards Lloyd. Colette: It looks like Derris-Kharlan stopped moving away. Lloyd: Yeah, but why? The Eternal Sword is gone Suddenly, the Eternal Sword reappeared.

Lloyd: The Eternal Sword! Colette: Thank goodness! Lloyd: This is my final wish. Eternal Sword Colette: Please awaken the Great Seed! Lloyd: I beg you, please, wake up! Colette: Please! Lloyd wields the Eternal Sword. Lloyd: Rise Giant Kharlan Tree! We watch the final movie of Tabatha who looks at the Great Seed descending towards her area and the Great Seed splits into separate petals and engulfs Tabatha. Martel appears while Tabatha prays silently. Martel approaches Tabatha and they merged into one. Martel approaches the small Mana Tree and then, Lloyd and Colette descended towards the scene. Martel: I am Martel, and also the incarnation of the Great Seed itself. Lloyd, your hope as well as those of many others, resurrected me. Lloyd: (startled) So you re Mithos sister?! Martel: No. Mithos sister Martel, is one of the many source within me. I am Mana, and I am the Giant Tree. I am a symbol of the many lives sacrificed to the Great Seed. I am the new spirit born to accompany the Giant Tree. And now the Seed has awakened anew along with me. Suddenly, the small Mana Tree grew into a large and restored Giant Tree. Lloyd: This is the Giant Kharlan Tree?! Colette: It s so beautiful and so brand! Mana: (formerly Martel) This is the future form of the Giant Tree. Right now, it is only a small sibling. In its current rate, the tree will wither and die. Lloyd: Well then, how do we protect it?! Mana: You must provide the tree with love and adoration. As long as those conditions are met, I shall always protect the sibling. Lloyd: I promise! If the tree starts to wither, I ll make sure, we won t let it die! Mana: Then Lloyd, on behalf of all living things, I want you to give this tree a new name, as a proof of the pact. Lloyd: What? Man: The Giant Kharlan Tree was planted here by the elves when they first came is a guardian to watch over and protect them. This newly reborn tree protects elves, humans and the lives of all who have caught in between. Therefore, this tree requires a new name.

Colette: Lloyd, pick a name for us. A name for everyone s tree. Lloyd: So this tree is the link that connects the world. Okay, I got it! This tree s name is The camera shows the higher view of the tree. The credits roll. After that, the game ending appears for each character as follows below: COLETTE ENDING In Iselia Colette: Grandmother, I m home. Phaidra: Ohhhh! Chosen One! Colette: No, Grandmother, I m not a Chosen anymore. Phaidra: Oh, yes Colette, you have made us all proud. Frank: Welcome home, Colette. Colette: It s good to be home, Father. RAINE AND GENIS ENDING In Altessa s House Altessa: I see, so Kratos will travel with Derris-Kharlan, wherever it may go. What are you going to do? Go back to Iselia? Raine: No, we re going out to visit new lands.

Genis: We re going around the world to try and make it easier for half-elves to be accepted. Altessa: It sounds like you have a difficult journey ahead of you. Raine: We can return to Iselia when we re tired. Genis: We will always have a home there. SHEENA ENDING In Mizuho Sheena: Hi everyone! I m back! Ninja: Sheena! I m so glad you re safe! Man: Congratulations, Sheena! Sheena: Don t congratulate me yet! A whole new world lies before us now. We have to inform everyone about the revival of the Igaguri style. Orochi: Yes. And for when Kuchinawa returns as well. Sheena: Yeah, come on everyone, let s work as hard as we can! We re gonna make the village of Mizuho into a ninja clan to be proud of!

ZELOS ENDING ONLY IF HE REJOINS LLOYD S GROUP DURING THE TOWER OF SALVATION In Meltokio castle Zelos: See, look what happened! It s all because the Pope opened up his big mouth and tried to banish me and stuff, the whole world got messed up! Tethe alla King: Well then, Chosen One, what would you have me do? Zelos: We ll send an emissary of peace to Iselia. Tethe alla King: Emissary? Who do you plan to send? Zelos: How about Sheena from Mizuho? She s already involved. Tethe alla King: So the emissary of death becomes the emissary of peace Zelos: I won t let you say no. Until you do something about the Church of Martel, I still have the rights of the Chosen, remember? PRESEA AND REGAL ENIDNG At the Sky Terrace of Lezareno Company HQ in Altamira, Presea looks at Alicia s gravestone. Presea: Alicia I m finally myself again. Time is finally starting to flow again from that night sixteen years ago. You know what? I m twenty-eight years old now. Can you believe that? Regal: Were you talking with Alicia? Presea: Yes Regal: I just got back from overseeing the destruction of part of the mine. Now that that s done we can rest assured that no new Exspheres will be excavated. Presea: That s good to hear. What are your plans now? Regal: I m going to devote the full resources of my company to revitalization projects in order to build a new and better world. Presea: I ll help, too. I m sure Alicia and Daddy would have wanted me to. KRATOS ENDING Near the Tower of Salvation Lloyd: Are you really going to Derris-Kharlan? Kratos: If a half-elf of Cruxis remains here, the other half-elves will have no place to live. As a surviving member of Cruxis, I must bear the responsibility for what has happened. Lloyd: I m going to collect all the Exspheres remaining in this land. Kratos: And I will discard all of Cruxis Exspheres into space. I ve dragged you into this until the very end. Lloyd: It s okay

Kratos: It s time for me to go. Please use that sword to send us to Derris-Kharlan. Lloyd: Goodbye Dad! Kratos: Lloyd uses the Eternal Sword to send Kratos into Derris-Kharlan. Kratos: Don t die before I do, Lloyd my son.

The camera shows Derris-Kharlan sending sources to earth. LLOYD ENDING Lloyd glances at his mother s gravestone. Lloyd: Mom, Dad left. That was okay, wasn t it? For me to let him go it was okay, right? Dirk: Lloyd. You wanted to go with him, didn t you? Lloyd: No, I have my own path to follow. And Dad has his. And besides, I have a dad here already! Dirk: I see. Then I won t say any more. Lloyd places the sword near the gravestone. Lloyd: Mom. I ll leave Dad s sword here beside you. Well I m off! CONTINUE WITH THE SCRIPT Depending on your relationship with one of Lloyd s group, s/he waits near the entrance along with Noishe. This ends our story and the game. THE END -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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