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First Grade News

Curriculum Highlights

March 17, 2014

Writing Procedural Texts Math More fact practice, identifying patterns, finding rules Reading Following instructions, reading for detail Social Studies Where does our trash go? Word study long o Visiting Author - Eliza Teoh Reminders Friday March 21st, Free Dress KIVA day RM5 Spring break begins Saturday March 22nd. School returns Monday March 31st.

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This week we begin a new unit called Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We will be looking at how the choices we make impact the environment. You can support this unit by talking with your child about the various choices you make in your home and how this effects the environment. What are you currently doing that has a positive impact (or reduces your impact) and what are some things you could change? Your child has come so far this year. Please keep up with some thinking practice over vacation by taking advantage of the many opportunities vacations present for learning: using money to purchase things and receive change; looking at the clock to see how long until the flight will arrive; dividing shells into equal parts and then making fractions; solving real life problems; conflict resolution (EG Excuse me, you may not realize, but I think youre are sitting in my seat, instead of yelling Move outta my seat! :-); reading brochures for holiday destinations; reading the menu and calculating prices; paying tolls and getting change; purchasing movie tickets; reading movie/book reviews; noticing people who persist through a task and dont give up; tracking your journey on a map; making a schedule for the day I know this could turn a 5 minute task into a 30 minute activity but this type of homework is much better for your child than worksheets. Take the time to teach your child slowly now and in a short time they will be independent and able to save you time by doing these things all by themselves. In partnership, !"#$%&'()**$

Monday Reading: What connections do you make to the book? Connections might be to your self or to another text. How does this connection help you better understand the book? EG I also got lost one time so I know how the main character feels when she couldnt find her mum. Word Study: Listen for long <o> while reading. What ways do know to make the long o sound? Math: Measure the length, height and width of things in centimetres. First make an estimate and then measure. Whats the difference between an estimate and a measurement?

Tuesday Reading: What connections do you make to the book? Connections might be to your self or to another text. How does this connection help you better understand the book? EG I also got lost one time so I know how the main character feels when she couldnt find her mum. Math: Measure the length, height and width of things in centimetres. First make an estimate and then measure. What are some things you need to remember to get an accurate measurement?

Wednesday Reading: What connections do you make to the book? Connections might be to your self or to another text. How does this connection help you better understand the book? EG I also got lost one time so I know how the main character feels when she couldnt find her mum. Word Study: Quick read (silent e) (attached) Math: Choose two objects. Measure their length, height and width. Compare the measurements. EG the book is longer than the box, but the box is wider than the book etc. Focus on the language you use and try to be as accurate as possible. Thursday Reading: What connections do you make to the book? Connections might be to your self or to another text. How does this connection help you better understand the book? EG I also got lost one time so I know how the main character feels when she couldnt find her mum. Word Study: Find examples of words with the long o sound in a book you are reading. Math: Choose two objects. Measure their length, height and width. Compare the measurements. EG the book is longer than the box, but the box is wider than the book etc. Focus on the language you use and try to be as accurate as possible.


ECO FOOTPRINT - Do the Eco footprint homework (following). Monitor your actions over the holidays and be ready to report back to your classmates about what choices you made over vacation to reduce your impact on our earth. (Theres no need to send the paper to school. You can discuss at home and share your verbal plans at school.)
Poem collection: Return to school on Monday after spring break. What are some things you can do to stay safe over the holidays? Go on a trash hunt. Where does your garbage go? How much trash does your family produce? How can you reduce the amount of trash you produce?

Eco Footprint
With an adult visit this website:

Take the quiz. Discuss what you can do as a family to reduce your impact on our earth. Make a plan listing two things you will do as a family to reduce your footprint on the earth. Email the plan to school by Monday March 31st and be ready to discuss with your classmates the things you and your family have committed to, to reduce your footprint on our earth. Our Family Plan (EG We will say, No, to plastic bags in the market. We will bring our own reusable bags instead. We will try to eat more fresh local foods and less imported and processed items.) 1. ___________________________________________




2. __________________________________________




Word Sort Long o/ short o

Sort these words.

go so mop

show know got stop grow slow top hot over overalls open hope slop slope not note pop Pope


Long o

Short o

Quick Read Time yourself three times reading these words as quickly as you can. Pay attention to the single silent e change. Record your best time.


/ quite

twin / twin Sam / same glob / globe slim / slime cub slop / cub / slope

shin / shine pet / Pete not / note cut / cute us / use bath / bathe scrap / scrape

strip / stripe kit / kite

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