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You Lose, You Win Weight Loss Challenge

What: 8 week weight loss competition When: Monday, January 7th-Monday, March 3rd
Who is eligible? All U.S. Xpress, Xpress Global, and Total employees with a BMI of 25 or greater who are ready to get in shape for 2013! (Pregnant women should not participate) Kick Off: A kick off meeting will be held Monday, January 7th at 12 p.m. in the West Building, first floor focus for Chattanooga employees. A conference call kick off will be held for all off site employees on Monday, January 7th at 3 p.m. EST. If you plan to participate you should attend this meeting. During the meeting, you will have your initial weigh in (off site employees should weigh in with your locations official liaison or send official weight and before photo to Mary Augustino by 4 p.m. EST January 7th). If you are unable to attend this meeting you may schedule your weigh in within 24 hours. Weekly Meetings: Meetings/Conference calls will be held each week to encourage participants and give them the tools they need to be successful in their weight loss. A different topic will be covered each week. Meetings are not mandatory, but are encouraged. How to Sign Up: If you are interested in participating you must submit signed informed consent & completed Participant Info form (attached) to Mary

Augustino by Thursday, January 3rd, 2013. Email: or Fax: 423.510.6490 Rules & Guidelines: Winners will be determined by percentage of weight loss, not pounds lost. Participants at locations with a challenge liaison must attend an official initial and final weigh in. If your location does not have a challenge liaison or you are a driver that is not able to get to a terminal for official weigh in, you must send a photo of your weight recorded on a scale as well as a before and after photo of yourself as proof of your official weight. You must weigh in on the same scale for initial and final weigh in. (All participants that provide an email address will be emailed weekly meeting materials) All participants must send self-reported weekly weigh ins to Mary Augustino by 4 pm EST every Monday. 2 missed weigh ins will result in a disqualification. Body weight will be kept confidential, but percentage of weight loss may be made public. Participants are on the honor system and should participate in only healthy and safe methods of weight loss. Prohibited methods include, but are not limited to: o Diet pills (appetite suppressants, metabolism enhancers, etc.) unless prescribed by your physician o Water pills (diuretics) unless prescribed for a medical condition such as hypertension o Fasting/Starvation Winners will be announced after the final weigh in on Monday, March 3rd Prizes: There will be weekly prize drawings for all those that send in their weekly weight on time. Cash prizes will be given to male and female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners o 1st Place: $200 o 2nd Place: $100 o 3rd Place: $50

Each participant will receive 50 Highway to Health points for participating If you have any other questions concerning this challenge, please contact Mary Augustino

You Lose, You Win Weight Loss Challenge Waiver Form

I am participating on a voluntary basis in the You Lose, You Win Weight Loss Challenge and understand that I may stop participation at any time. I understand that the You Lose, You Win Weight Loss Challenge encourages healthy lifestyle and emphasizes that following sensible guidelines for eating and physical activity is important to overall health. Therefore, I will only participate in safe methods of weight loss to ensure long lasting weight management. I hereby affirm, to the best of my knowledge that I do not suffer from any condition that would prevent or limit my participation in this challenge and have not been advised by any physician that I should refrain from participating in exercise. In addition, I acknowledge that if my health changes during the duration of the challenge it is my responsibility to seek medical advice to determine if continued participation is appropriate for my health. I release U.S. Xpress, the wellness committee, and other participating sponsors from liability now or in the future. I have read this form, and understand and agree to the guidelines established for this program. I understand the possible risks involved with my participation, and having had an opportunity to ask questions that have been answered to my satisfaction; I consent to participate in the You Lose, You Win Weight Loss Challenge.

Name of Participant (please print)


Signature of Participant

Participant Information Form

Name: _________________________________________________________ Position/Dept:__________________ Phone #/Ext: ___________________ Birthdate: ___________ Current Weight:________ Sex: _______ Height:________ Employee ID:_____________ Email:___________________

Below to be filled out by wellness representative Starting BMI:______ Weight Measurer Initials: ______ Participant Initials: ______

First Day




Weight Change:

Percent Weight Loss:

Ending BMI:

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