Beamdistotion Gap

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Electron-beam distortion in the region of a klystron gap

A. H. Falkner, M.A., Ph.D., C.Eng., M.I.E.E. Indexing terms: Electron beams, Electric distortion, Klystrons ABSTRACT Some klystrons incorporate a very dense magnetically focused electron beam. Such a beam is distorted in the region of each tunnel gap by the local changes in the electric-field pattern. The effect has been evaluated in a way allowing its magnitude to be found in any particular case by reference to a set of graphs. The solution includes the effect in the tunnel near the gap and considers both radial motion and axial velocity reduction. The results can be applied to annular and solid beams. The distortion is shown to be small in practical cases, but it does not follow that the overall effects are small. LIST OF SYMBOLS e0 = dielectric constant of free space TJ = charge/mass ratio of electron 6 = angle in cylindrical polar co-ordinates <p(r, z) = electric potential 0 o (r) "= potential in undisturbed beam (f)Ar,z),<p2(r,z) = potentials used in solution w(r) = angular velocity a, b, c = tunnel, outer-beam and inner-beam radii t semigap length p = beam perveance r = radius in cylindrical polar co-ordinates u0 = axial velocity of beam z = axial co-ordinate Bz = applied focusing field B, C, L, R = normalised values of b, c, 1, r F = radial field at wall with undisturbed beam P(r, z) = normalised potential depression Q(r, z) = normalised change in radial field T(r, z) = normalised radial velocity Vc = potential equivalent to uniform axial velocity of beam W(r, z) = normalised radial displacement on the validity of the approximations used. Graphs are given to allow evaluation in any particular case. In Section 3 general comments are made on the results and on the mechanisms by which the overall performance will be modified.

2 2.1


Fig. 1 shows the undistorted magnetically focused electron beam superimposed on a gap in the tunnel. Cylindrical polar co-ordinates r, 6, z are used and the axial magnetic field is B z . The undistorted beam is assumed to have the flow pattern described by Samuel 11 and Natrass. 12 From their results it can be deduced that the radial electric field F at the tunnel satisfies:
p y3/2

Fa =


1 INTRODUCTION In a high-power klystron that incorporates a dense electron beam the distortion of the electric-potential pattern in the region of each resonator gap may be large enough to affect the overall performance of the device. This may partially explain the difference between the predicted and measured performance of such devices reported by Anderson and Bers, 1 Mandics and Bers, 2 > 3 Poeltinger,4 and other workers. Computer programs exist that take account of this effect as part of a complete analysis of the behaviour at each gap. An example is reported by Mihran, Branch and Griffin.5 But knowledge of the effect in isolation is useful for a fuller understanding of the operation of such devices, and results are required that show simply how the effect depends on the parameters of the system. Some previous work exists by Rook,6 by Pease 7 and by Falkner. 8 None allows for the potential change in the tunnel near the gap or for the possibility of radial motion in the beam. Both these effects are included in the theory now presented, and seen to be important. The depression of the beam potential near a gap occurs because, in the uniform conducting tunnel, the presence of space charge reduces the beam potential below that of the tunnel. Near a gap the effective tunnel diameter is larger, enhancing the reduction and causing a local change in the velocity and geometry of the beam. There will be a reduction in the axial velocity and radial motion will be induced. Both these changes will alter the coupling coefficients to the spacecharge waves on the beam, 9 ) 10 and possibly cause intermodulation between the various waves. In Section 2 the beam and gap parameters are specified and the solution is presented with comments on the method and Paper 7028 E, first received 12th February and in revised form 19th July 1973 Dr. Falkner is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Lanchester Polytechnic, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, England 1216

2b 2c



Fig.l Undistorted beam superimposed on gap

where p is the beam perveance, V the tunnel potential, and Vc the potential equivalent to the uniform axial velocity of the beam. The method of solution uses the first two stages of an iterative process by finding the potential pattern with the undistorted beam present, and then calculating the beam distortion in this field. A criterion is given for this to be a . satisfactory approximation, and this is usually satisfied. The change 4>x{r, z) in the potential in the tunnel at the gap has been found by a relaxation method assuming an artificial resonator shape, confined between discs at z = 1 and extending radially to 4a. The effect is assumed to be confined to a distance 4 into the tunnel. These are considered reasonable approximations. 0 1 (r, z) is found to be of the form (Fa) P(r/a, z/l, L), where L = /a. The term (Fa) contains the dependence on the parameters of the beam and thus the solution depends on finding P as a function of position and the one parameter L. Fig. 2 shows the solution obtained for L = 0'5. The corresponding electric-field pattern is superimposed showing the direction of the forces on electrons in the beam. This shows that the force is outwards close to but outside the gap and inwards approximately in the gap region. A similar result has been found for other L values in the range 0-05-1-0. PROC.IEE, Vol. 120, No. 10, OCTOBER 1973

The radial motion of an electron in this distorted electric field and the focusing magnetic field B z is given by

The approximations in eqns. 6 and 7 also require the condition of eqn. 10. The interpretation of the results is simplified when the potential depression (px appears mainly as a reduction in the axial velocity. The condition for this is f2\ /y \


(0-757 104p)


Suggested limits on the expressions of eqns. 9, 10 and 11 are 0 - l as an average, or 0-2 taking the peak values during motion through the gap. This should give a solution with errors of the order of 10%. As an example consider the case L = 0-75,^-= 3-0, p = 1 0 " 5 A / V 3 / 2 , - = 0-9. Using the solutions v a c obtained this leads to values of 0-075, 0-22 and 0*025, respectively, for the maxima of eqns. 9,10 and 11. This is a possible but probably extreme case, suggesting that the approximations are normally acceptable.

Symmetry of solution


004 006 008


Fig. 2 Potential and field patterns for L = 0-5

It is interesting to note that the radial velocity at z = 0 is always nearly zero within the approximations used. This follows from the symmetrical nature of the field pattern Q about z = 0 and consideration of Gauss's theorem for any cylinder contained in the tunnel and terminated by z = oo, z 0 = 0. Then / Qdz = 0, implying T(0) = 0. This result has been * oo confirmed in the calculations. Further it follows that the distortion is symmetrical about z = 0, and in particular that the beam returns to its undistorted shape after leaving the gap region. The approximations used will result in a residual ripple that is small compared to the maximum excursion.

where $ 0 is the potential in the undistorted beam. The radial motion causes w to change, but the type of magnetically focused beam considered has the property that a > depends on radial position and not on the path to that position. This applies during formation of the beam from a cylindrical cathode 1 1 ' 1 2 and is still true if the beam is subsequently distorted. Thus the value of u > during the distorted motion at the gap can be evaluated from the equation for u > in the steady beam at the same radius. Therefore
and r = 77-

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Presentation of results The results are presented assuming the symmetry of Section 2. 3 and are therefore shown up to the gap centre only. For practical applications, the functions P giving the potential depression and W giving the radial excursion are required. Figs. 3 and 4 show these functions for L = 0-25. The peak value of P for R = 1-0 is approximately proportional to L over the range L = 0-1-1-0. As L increases in this range the radial variation of P decreases, and when L = 1-0, P varies from 0-3 on the axis to 0-4 at R = 1-0. The value of W at R = 0-9 is almost independent of L in the range L = 0-1-1-0, but the radial variation decreases with increasing L. Knowledge of the peak value of T is also required and this is sufficiently well represented by the formula: T = 0-026
R=1 O




Define Q as the normalised field

then f = 7]FQ (5)

Eqn. 5 is solved to find the radial velocity r and radial displacement Ar in the normalised forms


and W = * Ar


where u 0 is the undisturbed uniform axial velocity and the change in this is not taken into account so that t=o Ar is derived similarly. 2.2 Validity of approximations

008 -

006 -

004 -

The validity of the approximation of taking no further stages of the iteration depends on: (a) the radial excursion being small compared to the tunnel radius a (b) the proportional change in density being small. These conditions are satisfied if WL2(-M OO2 -

0 00

\ v c/

(1-51 104 p) < 1

(151 104 p) 1

(9) Fig. 3 (10) Normalised potential depression for L = 0'25 1217

/ V\ 3/2
and PITT-)

PR0C.IEE, Vol.120, No. 10, OCTOBER 1973

The function P is interpreted as a proportional reduction in


the axial velocity of 1-51 x 104 x p x f^-j W as a radial excursion Ar

for a beam of thickness 0-15a. The sudden change to the original dimensions might seriously affect the performance and this problem requires further study. The effect is probably distinct from those due to imprecise focusing and beam scalloping because these do not cause such sudden changes.

p and

= 1-51 x 104 x p x L 2 U^H \Vc/



0 2


The magnitude of the effect has been evaluated for the general case, and the approximations used are valid in practical examples. Present theory does not allow evaluation of the subsequent effects, but it appears that these will probably depend mainly on the sudden nature of the distortion of the beam as it passes the gap. In any particular design the magnitude of the distortion should be considered, and it may be necessary to reduce the effect by reducing the gap length or the beam wall thickness.


0 7

The author is grateful to Professor A.H.W.Beck for introduction to the importance of the problem discussed in this paper, and to the Lanchester Polytechnic for making available the necessary computing facilities.

0-6 05


ANDERSON, L. B., and BERS, A.: 'A broadband megawatt hollow beam multicavity klystron'. Proceedings of the 4th International congress on microwave tubes, Scheveningen, 1962, pp. 60-62 MANDICS, P., and BERS, A.: 'High perveance hollow electron beam study'. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quarterly Progress Report. (Research Laboratory of Electronics) Report 70,1963, pp. 43-57 MANDICS, P., and BERS, A.: 'High perveance hollow electron beam study'. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quarterly Progress Report (Research Laboratory of Electronics) Report 71,1963, pp. 45-50 POELTINGER, A.: 'Experimental study of a high-perveance, hollow electron beam'. M.Sc. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sept. 1962 MIHRAN, T. G., BRANCH, G. M., and GRIFFIN, G. J.: 'Design and demonstration of a klystron with 62% efficiency', IEEE Trans., 1971, EDrl8., pp. 124-33 ROOK, C.W.: 'Approximate techniques for evaluation of electronic loading in a klystron gap in the presence of a potential depression'. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quarterly Progress Report (Research Laboratory of Electronics) Report 65,1962, pp. 45-49 PEASE, R. L.: 'Calculation of the potential depression in klystron gaps'. Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report 316, 1963 FALKNER, A.H.: 'Radio frequency wave phenomena on annular electron beams'. Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University 1966 BECK, A. H. W., and DEERING, P.: 'Space charge waves on annular beams in drift tubes', Proc. IEE. 1958,105B, pp.635-641 BERS, A., and PAWULA, R.: 'Dense space charge theory of gap interaction'. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quarterly Progress Report. (Research Laboratory of Electronics) Report 62,1961, pp. 117-120 SAMUEL, A. L.: 'On the theory of axially symmetric electron beams in an axial magnetic field', Proc. Inst. Radio Eng., 1949, 37, pp. 1252-1258 NATRASS, H. L.: 'An experimental study of beams formed by magnetron guns'. Ph.D. dissertation, Cambridge University 1962, pp. 154-160 BERS, A.: 'Kinematic theory of gap interaction for relativistic electron beams'. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quarterly Progress Report (Research Laboratory of Electronics) Report 66,1962, pp. 29-32 SIEGMAN, A. E.: 'Analysis of multivelocity electron streams by the density-function method. J. Appl. Phys., 1957,28, pp. 1132-1138





Fig. 4 Normalised radial motion for L = 0-25 2

3.2 Discussion of results As expected, the effect is concentrated near the wall when L is small and permeates towards the axis as L increases. In the region where | z | < I, P always increases with radius, but for larger L values the opposite is true when | z | > t. In contrast, the radial excursion always increases with initial radial position at every point.

4 5 6

The example given previously implies that the approximations are normally satisfactory. The conditions for this also imply that the beam distortion is small. It is difficult to calculate the effect on the overall device performance. Rook's 6 method of considering an equivalent gridded gap does not allow for all the mechanisms involved. The following may all be relevant: (i) the change in resonator-beam coupling (ii) the change in beam loading on the resonator (iii) modified space-charge waves due to the differential axial velocity across the beam at the gap (iv) changes in the modulation pattern as the beam is distorted leaving the first resonator and entering the second resonator. The single-mode theory for annular-beam klystrons given by Bers 1 3 shows that small changes in the beam configuration would have little effect on the overall gain if these changes continued uniformly into the tunnel. Evaluation of his expressions for high-density beams using typical beam geometries and gap lengths show that the gain reduction caused in this way is usually less than 2 dB. The multimode theory of Beck and Deering 9 leads to similar conclusions, implying that effects (i) and (ii) are unimportant. The differential axial velocity is estimated from the radial variation of P and is very small, particularly for thin beams. The theory of Siegman14 then suggests the overall effect is also small. However, it is not certain that a change in beam geometry that occurs in a length much less than the space-charge wavelength will allow a smooth transition of the wave pattern without signal loss. Using the example given earlier, the radial distortion at the maximum, while being small compared to the radius a, would be 50% of the beam thickness

7 8 9 10

11 12 13



PROC.IEE, Vol. 120, No. 10, OCTOBER 1973

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