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Electronic Banking 1 A Major Technology Implemented in Jamaica over the Past 10 Years

Management o Innovation and Technology Electronic Banking !ro"p Mem#ers$ %alia Ale&ander Yannick +arvey -leardo M"rray 0'0()0* 0,0(')* 0'0,1.1

T"tor/s 0ame$ Mrs1 2ook3ood4 Bro3n

A project s"#mitted in partial "l ilment o the re5"irements or the Bachelor o B"siness Administration degree in Prod"ction and 6perations Management and Acco"nting

7niversity o Technology 8chool o B"siness Administration 8t1 Andre39 Jamaica

Electronic Banking . 0ovem#er ..9 .011

Table of Contents
Ta#le o -ontents11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. 6"tline o Electronic Banking in Jamaica111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* Identi ication and +istory111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* E4Banking Today in Jamaica1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* P"ll and P"sh :actors in the ;evelopment o 6nline Banking1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( Market P"ll :actors1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( Technology P"sh :actors1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111) 8trategies Employed in the ;i "sion o E4 Banking1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111< Implications or Management1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, Increased Training 0eeds111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, 2ed"ction in costs111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' =ariations in c"stomer s"pport1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' 2ep"tations at risk111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111> Bene its o E4 Banking 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111> Bene its to the -"stomer11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 -onvenience11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 It is easier to catch ra"d"lent activity in yo"r acco"nt11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Bene its to Banking Ind"stry1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :"t"re Bene its o 6nline Banking 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Appendi&11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* E&ample o 0ational -ommercial Bank E4 Banking ?ayo"t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( E&amples o Banks that 7ses E4 Banking 8ystem in Jamaica1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111<

Electronic Banking * Bi#liography11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,

Outline of Electronic Banking in Jamaica

Identification and History
6ver the past 10 years all Jamaica has seen a vast increase in the implementation o technology especially 3ithin the #"siness ind"stries1 6ne s"ch ind"stry that stands o"t clearly in the minds o Jamaicans is the #anking ind"stry1 This ind"stry has revol"tionali@ed #anking 3ith the implementation o electronic #anking commonly called e4#anking or online #anking1 The premise o e4#anking is to e&pand or make it possi#le and easier or e&isting #anking and payment mechanisms9 primarily #y making many transactions cheaper9 aster9 more sec"re9 and more convenient1 To #e dimin"tive9 e4#anking re ers to ho3 #anking and payment transactions are cond"cted rom a remote location9 or e&ample the home or at the 3orkplace9 3hich allo3s c"stomers to gain access #y the "se o comp"ters1 The history o online #anking dates #ack to as ar as the 1>>0s1 To #e e&act on 6cto#er <9 1>>) Presidential 8avings Bank in the 7nited 8tates 3as the irst to anno"nce the acility or reg"lar client "se1 The idea 3as 5"ickly snapped "p #y other 78 #anks like Aells :argo9 -hase Manhattan and 8ec"rity :irst 0et3ork Bank1 In the early phases o online #anking most #anks "sed a very simple layo"t9 3hich allo3ed "sers to sign in9 see their acco"nts and statements9 then make trans ers rom one acco"nt to the other1

E-Banking Today in Jamaica

Electronic Banking ( Electronic #anking started in Jamaica aro"nd .00( ho3ever it 3as not "ntil .00> 3hen signi icant gro3th occ"rred1 In a J"ne .00> article the Jamaica !leaner reported that online #anking is gro3ing signi icantly as more c"stomers choosing B reeB over B eesB1 The article "rther states that the trend s"ggests a direct response to #anksB increasing service charges9 3hich represents #illion in ann"al reven"es or the #ig t3o commercial #anks1 E4#anking in Jamaica today is 3itho"t do"#t another road to revol"tioni@ing #ank services1 Today many transactions has #een made easy thro"gh internet #anking services in Jamaica incl"ding vie3ing o acco"nts and statements9 credit card payments9 arrangement or loans9 sending credit trans ers9 payment o "tility #ills and set "p direct de#its9 all in j"st a e3 clicks1 Banks in Jamaica have also managed to retain the simple easy to "se layo"t1 or online services1 %ey players o the introd"ction o these online #anking services in Jamaica are "ndo"#tedly the 0ational -ommercial Bank and the Bank o 0ova 8cotia altho"gh other #anks 5"ickly ollo3ed1

Pull and Push Factors in the Develo ment of Online Banking

Market p"ll innovations are de ined as the advancement o technology9 oriented primarily to3ard a speci ic market need1 Ahile technology p"sh innovations relates to orms o technology that has #een implemented and the need has to #e created1

!arket Pull Factors

Traditionally9 cond"cting #anking transactions in Jamaica has #een vie3ed as a tedio"s and time cons"ming activity1 -"stomers are "s"ally greeted at #anks #y very long lines res"lting rom

8ee appendi& or a sample e4#anking layo"t

Electronic Banking ) lack o technology 3hich co"ld improve the speed o the process1 Another actor res"lting in long lines in Jamaican #anks is the act that the #anks in Jamaica on average are only open or a si& ho"r period per day as compared to those in developed co"ntries that 3ork an eight hr day1 This leads to a r"sh or individ"als to get their #"siness done1 As a res"lt o this #anks co"ld have a red"ction in #"siness9 3hich give more reason or their investment in this innovation1 This is 3here online #anking has come in to #ridge the gap1 ;"e to the market p"ll 3hich re5"ired longer ho"rs or #anking online #anking is a major sol"tion to this pro#lem1 6nline #anking has #een "sed in developed co"ntries or many years #e ore its implementation in Jamaica1 8"#se5"ent its implementation in Jamaica9 individ"als are no longer compelled to 3ait in long lines since their #anking can #e done .(C,1

Technology Push Factors

As it relates to technology p"sh9 #anks are implementing vario"s technologies to "rther appeal to the p"#lic to "se their services1 The 8cotia Bank o Jamaica or e&ample has created a card 3hich is named a 8cene card1 Aith the "se o this card persons 3ill #e a#le to gain points or transactions they do 3ith the #ank9 #oth online and act"al visits1 The points earned 3ill contri#"te to3ards giving them ree tickets to see movies and concession at the snack #ars1 In this move 3e are seeing the #ank creating a certain need or this innovation considering the high costs associated 3ith the cinemaD persons 3ill ind this "se "l and have already #eg"n to "se it1 Also9 n"mero"s #anks no3 o er clients to sign "p or their packages online 3hich seem to #e a aster ro"te to traditionally going in ho"se1

Electronic Banking <

"trategies Em loyed in the Diffusion of E- Banking

;i "sion is de ined as the process #y 3hich an innovation is propagated thro"gh certain channels over time among the "nits o a system1 =ario"s strategies 3ere "sed #y #anks to di "se e4#anking in Jamaica1 These incl"de ease o "nderstanding and "se and e icient comm"nication1 Banks "ses ease o "nderstanding and "se as a di "sion strategy #eca"se the layo"t o the e4 #anking system is set "p in s"ch a 3ay that it is easily "nderstood #y c"stomers and th"s c"stomers 3ill not #e easily de4motivated 3hen they are irst introd"ced to the system1 In act it is the hope o #anks that the system 3ill #e so easy to "se and "nderstand that "sers 3ill recommend it to a riend and th"s aide in the di "sion o the technology1 E icient comm"nication helps to di "se the technology #eca"se #anks constantly comm"nicate the added #ene its o e4#anking to c"stomers/ in order to pers"ade them to "se the technology1 Also i there are any pro#lems 3hile "sing the system there is a c"stomer care n"m#er. directly on the 3e# page that can #e called immediately1 The 84c"rve o di "sion can "sed to ill"strate the di "sion process o e4 #anking1 The 84-"rve has o"r stages namely the Emergence phase9 2apid gro3th9 8lo3 gro3th and Mat"rity phase1 ;"ring the emergence phase the technology 3as rather ne3 and individ"als 3ere not as s"re as to 3hether or not to tr"st the online system as they 3ere not a3are o its #ene its1 In act many individ"als 3ere not a3are o the online system in this phase marketing cost may #e high and there 3ill #e little or no #ene it #eing accr"ed rom the online system1

8ee appendi& or e&ample o 0-B 3e# page 3ith c"stomer care n"m#er

Electronic Banking , ;"e to e icient comm"nication #y #anks 3ith c"stomers the technology then di "sed to the rapid gro3th phase 3here more c"stomers are a3are o the prod"ct and th"s are a#le to red"ce their overhead cost as more persons "se this technology1 This technology also di "sed to rapid gro3th phase #eca"se o the gro3th o technology in general as more persons no3 have access to comp"ters than in previo"s years1 Maya Aalrond9 senior vice4president o c"stomer e&perience at 8cotia #ank arg"es that as more people get access to Internet9 more are "sing e4 #anking as their primary 3ay o #anking1 It is the easiest o all o"r channels9 even easier than telephone #anking9 she stated1 6nline #anking is yet to enter into the phases o 8lo3 gro3th and Mat"rity in Jamaica as it is c"rrently at the 2apid gro3th phase as mentioned a#ove1

Im lications for !anagement

The phenomenon o internet #anking allo3s c"stomers to cond"ct some or all transactions 3ith a comp"ter "sing the Internet1 -"stomers are allo3ed to #ank in their spare time at home9 3ork or school1 The option to cond"ct #anking transactions e&cl"sively online has had several e ects on local #anks9 some positive and some negative1 8ome implications or management are disc"ssed #elo31

Increased Training #eeds

The increased need or training is needed as the learning c"rve or Internet "sage changes 3ith each ne3 development1 -"stomers o ten come into the #ank and ask tellers 5"estions a#o"t online #anking iss"es or they may call "sing the c"stomer care n"m#er provided online1 ;espite

Electronic Banking ' the act that specialists can #e reached #y phone9 it is important to management that all employees 3ho convene 3ith c"stomers have s" icient kno3ledge a#o"t the practicalities and i possi#le the technical aspects o this technology1

Increase in com etition

Aith increasing pop"larity o the internet and access to it9 internet #anking has #ecome a primary eat"re or almost every #ank in the co"ntry1 :rom the emergence o start4"p #anks9 many spro"ted "p as online4only #anks9 eliminating many o the costs that traditional #anks have1 Aith lo3er operating costs9 Internet4#ased #anks are a#le to pass those savings on to their c"stomers in the orm o higher interest rates9 leading to increased competition or traditional #anks1 Management needs to #e a3are o this competition so they can strategically oc"s on gaining a competitve advantage over competitors1

$eduction in costs
Management does not have to 3orry a#o"t "sing reso"rcesD #eca"se internet #anking red"ces costs or #anks9 as transactions can #e done 3itho"t the "se o paper and 3itho"t any #ank tellers9 red"cing the need or employees1 +o3ever more technical persons 3ill #e needed to monitor this technology1

%ariations in customer su


Aith the "se o the Internet9 management can no3 manage c"stomers promptly and e ectively #y creating online s"pport :AE data#ases as 3ell as online chat s"pport1 +o3ever management m"st monitor these s"pport systems and ens"re they are 3orking e iciently1

Electronic Banking >

"ecurity Issues
8ec"rity iss"es are a main so"rce o concern or every person #oth inside and o"tside the #anking ind"stry1 6nline4#anking increases sec"rity risks9 potentially e&posing "p till no3 secl"ded systems to open and risky environments1 Both management and sta need to #e proactive in monitoring and managing sec"rity threats1

$e utations at risk
This is considera#ly heightened or #anks "tili@ing the Internet1 :or e&ample the Internet allo3s or the rapid di "sion o in ormation 3hich in t"rn means that any incident9 either good or #ad9 #ecomes common kno3ledge 3ithin a short space o time1 The rate o the Internet considera#ly c"ts the optimal response times or #anks to any incident1 Any pro#lems e&perienced #y one irm in this ne3 environment may in l"ence the commerce o another9 as it may #ring to 5"estion9 con idence in the Internet as a 3hole1 8o9 there is conse5"entially a risk that one rog"e e4#ank co"ld ca"se major pro#lems or all #anks providing services via the Internet1 This ne3 type o "niversal risk ca"se major concern to e4#anking providers1 6verall9 Internet "sage places importance on rep"tational risks1 Managers need to #e certain that c"stomers/ rights9 in ormation and privacy needs are s" iciently protected and provided or1

Benefits of E- Banking
There are n"mero"s #ene its to #e derived rom electronic #anking1 These incl"de the #ene its to the c"stomer9 #ene its to the #anking ind"stry and "t"re #ene its1

Electronic Banking 10

Benefits to the &ustomer

Convenience Thro"gh Internet Banking c"stomers can operate their acco"nt 3hile sitting in an o ice or home1 There is no need to go to the #ank in person or s"ch matter1 Also most services that are "s"ally availa#le in the physical #ank can #e o"nd on a single 3e#site only a mo"se click a3ay1 Internet Banking is availa#le .( ho"rs a day9 seven days a 3eek th"s c"stomers can do transaction in their o3n time instead o #eing restricted to physical #anking ho"rs1 0o matter 3here yo" are or 3hat time it is9 yo" can easily manage yo"r money1

It is easier to catch fraudulent activity in your account Aith the a#ility to vie3 yo"r acco"nt at anytime it is easier to catch ra"d"lent activity in yo"r acco"nt #e ore m"ch damage is done1 As soon as yo" log into yo"r acco"nt9 yo" can check yo" acco"nts statement to see 3hether there is anything amiss1 I anyone 3rites a check or 3ithdra3s "nds rom yo"r acco"nt and yo" kno3 it 3asnBt yo"9 yo" 3ill see it right a3ay1 This lets yo" get started on correcting the pro#lem immediately rather than having to 3ait a month "ntil yo" receive a physical statement or "pdate yo" #ank4#ook to even have a cl"e it is happening as 3o"ld #e the case 3ith a traditional #ank1

Internet banking costs less ;"e to the lo3er overhead cost associated 3ith online #anks s"ch as less involvement #y salaried employees #ank inc"r savings tho"gh e4#anking1 These savings allo3 them to o er

Electronic Banking 11 higher interest rates on savings acco"nts9 lo3er lending rates and service charges or online transactions1 8ome #anks even o er ree #ill paying services to enco"rage their c"stomers to do their #anking online1

Internet banking account is simple to open and use There is "s"ally a very simple layo"t* or internet #anking1 Yo" j"st enter a e3 ans3ers to 5"estions in a orm 3hile sitting com orta#ly in yo"r o3n home or o ice to create an acco"nt1 To access yo"r acco"nt9 yo" esta#lish sec"rity meas"res s"ch as "sernames and pass3ords1 There is also a .( ho"rs c"stomer care service representative j"st a phone call 3aiting to ans3er yo"r 5"eries1

Benefits to Banking Industry

Banking ind"stry has also received n"mero"s #ene its d"e to gro3th o E4Banking in rastr"ct"re1 There are highlighted #elo3$ The gro3th o E4#anking has greatly helped the #anks in controlling their overheads and operating cost Many repetitive and tedio"s tasks have no3 #een "lly a"tomated res"lting in greater e iciency9 #etter time "sage and enhanced control1 The rise o E4#anking has made #anks more competitive1 It has also led to e&pansion o the #anking ind"stry9 opening o ne3 aven"es or #anking operations1

8ee appendi&

Electronic Banking 1. Electronic #anking has greatly helped the #anking ind"stry to red"ce paper 3ork9 th"s helping them to move the paper less environment1 Electronic #anking has also helped #ank in proper doc"mentation o their records and transactions1 The reach and delivery capa#ilities o comp"ter net3orks9 s"ch as the Internet9 are ar #etter than any #ranch net3ork1

Future Benefits of Online Banking

Technology Integration4 As technology integrates the online #anking system 3ill #e re4 invented in Jamaica to prod"ce a more advance system s"ch as mo#ile #anking1 This may #e done 3ith the integration o a major cell phone company and a #ank1 :or e&ample in the 7nited 8tates Apple ?td integrated 3ith -hase Bank to o er -hase #anking applications on their cell phones1 !lo#alisation4 As the 3orld #ecomes a single glo#al market persons 3ill #e a#le to "se online #anking to trans er cash rom #rand o #ank to the ne&t1 Persons 3ill #e a#le to cond"ct #anking transactions rom any3here in the 3orld 3itho"t hassle an in their o3n convenience1

Electronic Banking 1*



Electronic Banking 1(

E(am le of #ational &ommercial Bank E- Banking )ayout

Corporate Banking



Corporate Internet Banking

To sign in to online banking, enter your Corporate ID, User ID and Signon password in the fields provided. Trouble Signing in? 1. Make sure your Caps o!k key is off. ". Che!k for !orre!t spelling. #. Call us toll free at 1$%%%$ &C'$(I)ST *1$%%%$+""$#,--. or e$/ail us at n!binfo01n!b.!o/ Customer Care Centre 2lease !onta!t our Custo/er Care Centre and we will show you how, at the Cli!k of a /ouse, you !an !ondu!t your banking transa!tions se!urely, fro/ anywhere in the world. (or /ore details 3 Call us toll free at 1$%%%$&C'$ (I)ST *1$%%%$+""$#,--. or e$/ail us at n!binfo01n!b.!o/

Corporate ID User ID 2assword


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4 Copyright 1666 $ "55" by &C' 7a. td. 8ll rights reserved.

Electronic Banking 1) Personal Banking

&C' 9o/e

To sign in to online banking, enter your User ID and 2assword in the fields below.

:nter User &a/e :nter 2asswor d

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(8;s Ter/s and Conditions

1. Make sure your Caps o!k key is off. ". Che!k for !orre!t spelling. #. Call us toll free at 1$%%%$&C'$(I)ST *1$%%%$+""$#,--. or e$/ail us at n!binfo01n!b.!o/.

2lease !onta!t our new Custo/er Care Centre and we will show you how, at the !li!k of a /ouse, you !an !ondu!t your banking transa!tions se!urely, fro/ anywhere in the world. Cli!k here to see what elink !an do for you (or /ore details, !all us toll free at 1$%%%$&C'$(I)ST *1$%%%$+""$ #,--. or e$/ail us at n!binfo01n!b.!o/.

Electronic Banking 1<

E(am les of Banks that *ses E- Banking "ystem in Jamaica

There are n"mero"s #anks in Jamaica 3ho engage in online #anking in Jamaica1 These incl"de the ollo3ing$

Bank o 0ova 8cotia4

0ational -ommercial Bank4

Jamaica 0ation B"ilding 8ociety4

:irst -ari##ean International Bank4

2B- 2oyal Bank4

Electronic Banking 1,

Bi+liogra hy
11 Bain#ridge9 2oss1F.00<G1History of Online Banking1 2etreived rom http$CCE@ineArticles1 comC.,00,) on 0ovem#er .09 .011 .1 -ollinder9 Avia F.00>G Online banking grows- more customer choosing free over fees12etreived rom http$CCjamaicagleaner1comCgleanerC.00>0<.'C#"sinessC#"siness11html *1 Online Banking - The Evolution Of Online Banking, Lukewarm ustomer !es"onse Banks, #ervices, $eb, an% &inancial1 2etreived rom http$CCecommerce1hostip1in oCpagesC'0CBanking6nline1htmlHi&@@1eM%Yn<> (1 http$CCecommerce1hostip1in oCpagesC'0CBanking46nline1html )1 http$CC3331jnc#1comC <1 http$CC3331scotia#ank1comCjmCcdaCinde&C099?I;en9001html ,1 http$CC3331#ankersonline1comCtechnologyCg"r"sItech0'1'0*d1html '1 http$CC#ooks1google1com1jmC#ooksJidK&>AE(55jo-LlpgKPA)*Ld5KonlineM.0#anking >1 http$CCecommerce4jo"rnal1comCne3sConlineI#ankingIservicesIe&pansionIinIjamaica

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