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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family, Aloha! Ever feel like you are not quite sure if you want to laugh, cry, sleep or take a long walk? I have been faced with all of these and more latelyin the midst of it all I have chosen to cling to a God that is unchangeable, unrelenting, whose love never fails, and is always on time. Though my time here has been short in Kona, I have yet to fully sink into a pattern and a home. I have had a challenging time not having a place to work, live, or even unpack. Even though I know this is for but a season, it still doesnt make the times of transition easier. It is in times like these, when nothing appears to be certain and a ton of things are chaotic that I choose to cling to what I know to be true. Despite my predicament I have been blessed beyond words with confirmation that I am where I am suppose to be and as long as I cling to an unchangeable God and holdfast to what He is asking of me, all things are possible. The dreams I have in my heart are unwavering and the exploits I hope to do are still waiting so I earnest ask you to prayprayer can and will change things. Prayer can move mountains, open doors and alter pathways. Pray for a home, team members to join me, a place to work, favor that will open the right doors, and finances. So many of you are all ready faithfully supporting me and praying for me. For that I have no words to describe how truly grateful I am. You prayers and all ready rocked this world and brought the message of salvation, hope and healing to many. This new phase in my ministry is requiring more of me, more of everything. I am in a place that I truly need to see some mountains moved and some puzzle pieces fall into place. So I simply ask for prayer. Next Steps The ministry with YWAM Ships is taking off faster than I dreamt. The folks down in Australia and I have been in communication about the details regarding the installment of a lab on their next ship. This will be an amazing opportunity to reach an entire nation (Papa New Guinea) with life saving medicines, surgeries, and the gospel of Jesus. I will be going on an exploratory trip to Papa New Guinea and Australia during the months of June and July. I will be needing at least $4,000 to cover the airfares, ground fees and food. It is my hope that I will be able to recruit some people from that region to train and equip so that once the lab is functioning and the ship is set out to sea, they will be running it not me. I have been asked to pioneer new labs and science projects like this all around the world so I will need to train equip and release people as I go. I have asked the staff in Australia to be praying with me for those to carry this work to come forward. Prayer Requests As I mentioned above please pray for a home, place to work and finances. Please also be praying for those who God is calling to take part in this ministry. I am so indebted to all of you for your graciousness and love. Thank you so much for all that you have sown. It is my prayer that God multiplies it and blesses you in return for what you have given me! Love, April !

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771 My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information !

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