The Clock Repairer's

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H'ith 300 fine drmt:ingx

Introduction Finding Clock Faults

Cleaning Clock Movements

Bushing Clock Plates Pivoting and Mounting Anchor Escapements Dead-beat Escapements

Verge Escapements Train Faults and Gears

Suspensions and Crutches

Strike and Chime Work

Lubrication and Friction

Weight and Spring Drives

Tools and Equipment

Suppliers and Further Reading Index

hardneqs. 5 1 hole, wear, 37: raisctl or upsct. 37; broaching. 4 5 , 5 0 replacement. 49. 54,5.7, h4 resurfacing, 49.56 size crileria. 5 l . 6.7, 136 wear. 37, 49,55; effects. 9, 13; tests. 13 Planishing hammcr, 164 Platform escapement: cylinder, 75. 119 levcr, 7h. 120 cleaning. 10,36 cxarnination. 10 putting [n heat. 77, 722 Pliers, 1SI.2Th Rack. final setting. 120.228 Kack hook correction, 123,23h; opcsatlon , 17.123 Rack pitch tests & corrections, 19, 118. 126,221 Kack striking tests, 18, 118 Kack tail corrections. 120,224 Ratchct and cTicks, 150, 275 Recol 1. adjusting clearances, M. 89 anchor. posit~oning. 64. 90; repair, 64. 91 American vespc . 65, 94 hcnt strrp. 64, 84 Black Forest anchor. 65.04 escapcmeart, 54,84: cnrrectlun. 12,91 pallcts. marking out, 60. 78; impul~e anglc hO. $12: dnlp-off points, 60, (5'2; curved fi~ccs, h2 Repcater striking. 128.246 Saws, 156

Scriher, 161 Silk thread suspension, 26 Snail. and starwheel. 118. 220; lesting. 118. 219: wear and corrcction~, 19 Soldering hcarth. I h3 Spring: distortinn. 24-38. 143 inspcction, 142,262; for d~mencion, l42 lubricants, 24 pos~tion in a barrel, 23, 24 removal or inhcrtion, 3fi, 37. 141. 145 setting for a fusee, 25; For slopwork, 25 too strong, 23 tired, 25. 142,263 winders. 36, 38 windin9 on thc lathe, 38. 115.

Taps tind dies, 163 Tln snips, l63 Train. correcting cccentrfcity, 89. 148; testing. 86 Tweezers. 152
Ultrasonic cleaning, 36 Vcrge: bent crownwheel teeth. 81 crownwhcel, and ctaff, 79. 124; pitch errors, X I . 127: bottom pivot, 84. 741 deadheat, T9,12S knifc-edgc pivots, 82, 101, 124, 138, hed and apron. 84. 140 making staff & flags. 82, 1.32 repairing flags. 81, 131 Vice, 154 Vicnna pallets. we Deadhcat Waaning failurc, 16 Warning-picce wear. 17 Wax chuck to hold wheel, 56, 72 Wcipht line anchorage, 139 Weights and lines, l39 Wheel: collets. 57, 74 hand cuttine. 94. I65 keyhole wa$i;er ;etaincr. 57. 75, 11K) mounting. on pinion. 5 5 , 71; alternatives. 57. 73 removal, 55.69 remounted on a pinion. S h , 72 repairing, 9 1. 157 tceth wear, I h Winding arbor hook or anchorage, 25

Screwdrivers. 152,280

Spring barrel. 140, 259: lubrication. 134 quick fit, 31, 34 inspcction, 37 ring repair. 97,175, Stability of clock and movement. 8 Stecl, 165: rulcr, 161 Slop whcel and hoop wheel, 112.199 Strike on passlng, 109, 796 Striking train assembly, 1 14 Suspenxion: BulIe, 105, I H Y cocks, various styles. 102. I82 400 day top block, 1U6 silk thread, 26. 102,1316 spring. 104. 187: srze. 105 spring lengths. l 0 top blocks. 106, I Y O Sympathetic vibrat~on, 8

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