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Software Testing Methodologies These are some of the commonly used test methodologies:

Waterfall model V model Spiral model RUP Agile model RAD

Let us have a look at each of these methodologies one by one. Waterfall Model The waterfall model adopts a 'top down' approach regardless of whether it is being used for software development or testing. The basic steps involved in this software testing methodology are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Requirement analysis Test case design Test case implementation Testing, debugging and validating the code or product Deployment and maintenance

In this methodology, you move on to the next step only after you have completed the present step. There is no scope for jumping backward or forward or performing two steps simultaneously. Also, the model follows a non-iterative approach. The main benefit of this methodology is its simplistic, systematic and orthodox approach. However, it has many shortcomings since bugs and errors in the code are not discovered until and unless the testing stage is reached. This can often lead to wastage of time, money and other valuable resources. V Model The V model gets its name from the fact that graphical representation of different test process activities involved in this methodology resemble the letter 'V'. Basic steps involved in this methodology are more or less the same as in waterfall model. However, this model follows both a 'top-down' as well as 'bottom-up' approach (you can visualize them forming the letter 'V'). The benefit of using this methodology is that, both the development and testing activities go hand-inhand. For example, as the development team goes about its requirement analysis activities, the testing team simultaneously begins with its acceptance testing activities. By following this approach, time delays are minimized and optimum utilization of resources assured. Spiral Model As the name implies, spiral model follows an approach in which there are a number of cycles (or spirals) of all the sequential steps of the waterfall model. Once the initial cycle gets completed, a

thorough analysis and review of the achieved product or output is performed. If it is not as per the specified requirements or expected standards, a second cycle follows, and so on. This methodology follows an iterative approach and is generally suited for large projects having complex and constantly changing requirements. Rational Unified Process (RUP) The RUP methodology is also similar to the spiral model in the sense that entire testing procedure is broken up into multiple cycles or processes. Each cycle consists of four phases namely; inception, elaboration, construction and transition. At the end of each cycle, the product/output is reviewed and a further cycle (made up of the same four phases) follows if necessary. Today, you will find certain organizations and companies adopting a slightly modified version of the RUP, which goes by the name, Enterprise Unified Process (EUP). Agile Model This methodology follows neither a purely sequential approach nor a purely iterative approach. It is a selective mix of both approaches in addition to quite a few and new developmental methods. Fast and incremental development is one of the key principles of this methodology. The focus is on obtaining quick, practical and visible outputs rather than merely following the theoretical processes. Continuous customer interaction and participation is an integral part of the entire development process. Rapid Application Development (RAD) The name says it all. In this case, the methodology adopts a rapid developmental approach by using the principle of component-based construction. After understanding the different requirements of the given project, a rapid prototype is prepared and is then compared with the expected set of output conditions and standards. The necessary changes and modifications are made following joint discussions with the customer or development team (in the context of software testing). Though this approach does have its share of advantages, it can be unsuitable if the project is large, complex and happens to be extremely dynamic in nature, wherein requirements change constantly. This was a short overview of some commonly used software testing methodologies. With applications of information technology growing with every passing day, the importance of proper software testing has grown multifold.
hat is the difference between Winrunner and QTP ? 1.Winrunner uses TSL language where as QTP uses VB script & Java script 2.Winrunner doesn't supports the OOPS concept where QTP supports the OOPS concept

3. Winrunner doesn't supports to multimedia. QTP supports to multimedia , media player, photo shop. (6.5 version ). 4. Winrunner doesn't supports to XML. QTP supports to XML 5. Winrunner doesn't supports to .NET. QTP supports to .NET. 6. Winrunner supports only Interpreter ( Line by line execution ). QTP is compiler. 7. In Winrunner GUI spy is used to check the properties of object / window. In QTP,the name is Object spy 8. Winrunner: GUI Map editor is used to store the physical descriptions. QTP: Object Repository is used to store the physical descriptions of the objects 9. Winrunner has 3 modes of recoding :analog and context sensitive recording modes. QTP has only one recording mode i.e Standard recording mode. In this recording 2 types are (1) Analog (2) Low level 10. Winrunner has 4 typesof checkpoints [ GUI checkpoint, Bitmap checkpoint, database checkpoint, Text checkpoint ]. QTP has 9 types of checkpoints [ Standard check point, Bitmap checkpoint, Database checkpoint, Text/Text area checkpoint, Image checkpoint, Table checkpoint, Page checkpoint, Accessibility checkpoint, XML checkpoint ] 11. Winrunner: In GUI check point has 3 types 1. single object / single property 2. single object / multiple property 3. multiple object / multiple property QTP has only One type i.e Single object / Multiple Property 12. Winrunner: In Bitmap checkpoint 2 types 1. for Object / Window 2. for Screen Area QTP has only One i.e for Object / Window Bitmap using this above checkpoint we can check also Screen area 13. Winrunner: In Database check point there are 3 types 1. Default 2. Custom 3. Runtime Here in QTP only One Type i.e Custom database checkpoint 14. 9 types of verifications in WR 1. Case Sensitive 2. Case Insensitive

3. Numeric Range 4. Numeric Content 5. Case Sensitive Ignore Space 6. Case Insensitive Ignore Space 7. Exact one match record 8. One or more match record 9. No match record 3 types of verifications in QTP 1. Numeric Range 2. Numeric Content 3. String Content 15. 3 types of Synchronizations in WR 1. for Object / Window Property 2. for Object / Window Bitmap 3. for Screen Area Bitmap In QTP only One type i.e Object / Window Property 16. WR: Has 3 types of running modes i.e 1.Verify 2. Debug 3. Update. QTP has 2 types of running modes i.e 1. Standard 2. Update 17. Exception Handling method used to avoid the runtime errors in WR 3 types [ 1. Popup 2. TSL 3. Object ] .In QTP name is Recovery Scenario and here 4 types of exceptions [ 1. Pop-up Window 2. Object state 3. Test run error 4. Application Crash ] 18. In WR 4 types of result window [ 1. Test result window 2. GUI checkpoint window 3. DB checkpoint window 4. DB record checkpoint window ]. Here in QTP only One Window i.e Test Summary Result Window 19. In WR Test script is divided into 2 parts [ 1. Main Script 2. Compile Module ]. No such types using WR we can execute functions in QTP 20. Add-ins in WR are: 1. ActiveX 2. Power Builder 3. Visual Basic 4. Web 5. Java 6. C 7. C++ , etc Add-ins in QTP are: 1. ActiveX 2. Visual Basic 3. Java 4. Web 5. Multi-media ( 6.5 version ) 21. In WR only One View i.e Normal Mode. Here in QTP 2 Views 1. Expert View 2. Keyword View 22.WR: Only One Sheet in data Table if we want to add another sheet then another new data table to be opened. In QTP 2 sheets in Data Table 1. Global 2. Action. In action sheet we can add number of sheets 23. WR: Virtual Object wizard only One type. QTP : 2 types of Virtual Object Wizards [ 1. Virtual Object 2.

Virtual Object Manager ] 24. WR: Here after checking the checkpoints it gives mismatch error ( no snap Shots ). QTP: Checks the checkpoint but will not give mismatch error . If test is fail it shows snap shot 25. WR: support Rapid script wizard. QTP: no rapid script wizard 26. Function generator is present in WR. QTP: No Function Generator 27. WR: 2 types of GUI map editor [ 1. Global 2 Per test ]. QTP: only one type i.e Global 28. WR: Only One window ie. Form Window You want to open data table we have to call the function to open data table. QTP : five types of Window [ 1. Tree View or Keyword view 2. Expert View 3. Data Table 4. Active Screen 5. Debug Viewer ] 29. WR: Running methods [ 1. Step, 2. Step into, 3. Step out ]. QTP : Running Methods [ 1. Step into 2. Step over 3. Step out ] 30. WR: Data type declaration is not necessary. QTP: data type declaration is must

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