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Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

INTRODUCTORY NOTE 1. I began this etymological wordlist for the cantigas damigo in the 1990s for my own use, while preparing a critical edition of the 501 poems in this genre (and of the seven pastorelas). The list went through several stages: adding references to Wilhelm Meyer-Lbkes Romanisches Etymologisches Wrterbuch (REW); putting in Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots from the Lexicon der Indogermanischen Verben (LIV); and drafting annotations. Then I chopped it down to size. The notes were eliminated. Roots for Latin words were removed, leaving roots only for some words from Germanic, Celtic and Semitic. The reasoning was that only roots with PIE primary stem formations were given (thats what LIV furnishes), and students could consult etymological dictionaries of Latin. The roots that remain are in bold, e.g. (Indo-European) *sel-, (Semitic) *dwr. I hope that, with the collaboration of Michael Weiss, a jointly authored list can be provided, with analysis of Proto-Indo-European roots and reconstructions of intermediate forms. Since this will take time, in the meanwhile I am posting the list as is. A number of words have been left without etymologies because proposals are problematic and such questions lie beyond the scope of this list, which aims mainly to be an aid to students. On the other hand, I have glossed most entries a step towards transforming the wordlist into a full-scale glossary (to replace that of Nunes) with etymologies. Words that are too common (articles, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, multi-purpose verbs, words with many constructions and senses) or too difficult have been simplified or, in a few cases, left blank. For individual constructions and disputed passages, please see the notes in my 2003 critical edition of the corpus, as well as the glossary of Nunes (vol. 3, pp. 577703) and my translation. Since the list depends on that edition, some words that occur in earlier editions are not to be found here (since they were errors) and some new words have been added (either correct manuscript readings that had wrongly been rejected or new emendations introduced into the text; see Cohen, p. 34, n4). Proper names and place names are omitted. Only a few irregular verb forms are included (e.g. ste, dia) and some variants of individual words (e.g. o and a, t and at) are also registered. For forms real or reconstructed in Vulgar, Late and Medieval Latin (not always easy to distinguish), I put macra over long vowels, even though quanitaties were no longer observed (taking advantage of the possibilities of online posting I color these words lilac to mark them clearly). This is a tradition in Romance Philology and should help to distinguish the vowel class into which the marked vowels fall. Hypothetical forms (marked with an asterisk), unless otherwise noted, may be assumed to be Late or Medieval Latin. Tils have been restored where we would expect them as a question of historical phonology and regularly find them in thirteenth century manuscripts of Galician-Portuguese lyric. I stress that references to REW need not indicate agreement. I am grateful to Michael Weiss, Stephen Parkinson and Federico Corriente for their help. I am responsible for all errors, including excessive doubt or overconfidence. I welcome corrections and suggestions (rip.cohen /at/ 2. This is not the place to study the vocabulary of the genre, but I would like to make one general point. The lexicon supports the thesis of Henry R. Lang (1894) and Carolina Michalis de Vasconcellos (1904), that the cantigas damigo were rooted (Langs expression) in a native tradition of female-voiced song a thesis still being debated. The total lexicon of the 501 cantigas damigo (and seven pastorelas, which add quite a few words) consists of 900 some odd words, many of them used once or in a single poem. In broad terms, around 30 words come through Latin from Greek, 20 enter from Germanic, 50 are loanwords from Provenal, a dozen from Old French; a few entries come from other IberoRomance dialects, a handful are Celtic, and a dozen are borrowed from Andalusi Arabic. Another dozen are of uncertain etymology. So only 10% of the total roughly 100 words do not come directly to Galician-Portuguese from Latin, and only a few dozen of those (under 5% of the total

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

lexicon) are commonly used (e.g., Germ. guardar, OF quitar, Prov. cor, Cast. sobejo, Celt. camisa, AA at). Most of the lexicon derives from Latin according to regular sound changes. An analysis of etymologies suggests that the language used by the female personae (the girl, her mother and girlfriends) corresponds to what has historically been considered the nature of female speech: local, conservati ve and largely uninfluenced by the outside world as Cicero says in a justly famous passage of De oratore. Equidem cum audio socrum meam Laeliam facilius enim mulieres incorruptam antiquitatem conseruant, quod multorum sermonis expertes ea tenent semper, quae prima didicerunt sed eam sic audio, ut Plautum mihi aut Naeuium uidear audire, sono ipso uocis ita recto et simplici est, ut nihil ostentationis aut imitationis adferre uideatur; ex quo sic locutum esse eius patrem iudico, sic maiores; non aspere ut ille, quem dixi, non uaste, non rustice, non hiulce, sed presse et aequabiliter et leniter. For my own part when I hear my wifes mother Laelia since it is easier for women to keep the old pronunciation unspoiled, as they do not converse with a number of people and so always retain the accents they first heard well, I listen to her with the feeling that I am listening to Plautus or Naevius: the actual sound of her voice is so unaffected and natural that she seems to introduce no trace of display or affectation; and I consequently infer that that was how her father and her ancestors used to speak not harsly, like the persons I mentioned, nor with a broad or countrified or jerky pronunciation, but neatly and evenly and smoothly. (Cicero, De Oratore, Book III, De Fato, Paradoxa Stoicorum, De Partitione Oratoria , trans. H. Rackham, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA/London, pp. 3637). This general description has been verified by researchers in Iberian linguistic geography. The language of the cantigas damigo seems, then, a stylized representation of local, traditional speech (with lexical archaisms: loir, ler, eire, gradoar, etc.; there are phonological archaisms too, notably the preservation of intervocalic -n-, found almost exclusively in this genre, nearly always in the incipit or refrain and/or in rhyme-position). The lexicon is smaller than that of the cantigas damor (Michalis glossary, covering c. 500 of 750 poems, has 1410 lemmata). And each of the other genres, the cantigas descarnho e maldizer (CEM) and the cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM), contains a lexicon incomparably richer than the cantigas damor. The lexicon of the cantigas damigo displays far fewer borrowings than its brethren (statistics are not available, since only Michalis provides etymologies in her glossary; neither Lapa [CEM] nor Mettmann [CSM] supplies them). This purity of diction, etymologically speaking, can hardly be a coincidence of stylistic choices made over the course of a century by 88 poets many of whom composed songs in one or both of the other two secular genres with a much broader lexicon. It seems rather to reflect the song tradition from which the cantiga damigo sprang, a tradition that both trobadores and jograes evidently kept as part of their compositional procedures. So in addition to the evidence provided by formal, rhetorical and pragmatic analysis, there is linguistic evidence to back up the thesis that the cantigas damigo were rooted in a native tradition, just as Lang and Michalis said.

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

SIGNS AND SYMBOLS (Nota bene: words which are not Galician-Portuguese nor otherwise identified are Latin.) 1. The symbol < means derives from by regular sound change. 2. The symbol means derives from by regular processes of derivation or word formation (but does not exclude direct phonological derivation) 3. Only Latin long vowels are marked. Unmarked Latin vowels can be assumed to be short. 4. An asterisk (*) precedes an unattested form. Except for roots, and unless otherwise specified, forms with asterisk are from Late or Medieval Latin. 5. In references to REW the plus symbol + means the Galego-Portuguese form is not cited in that entry and should be added. 6. [] means the word is classified as a Buchwort (learned word) in REW. 7. Specific texts are cited in parentheses for words occurring only once in the corpus of cantigas damigo (or in a pastorela). 8. A question mark (?) indicates doubt (my own or others). ABBREVIATIONS Sigla: manuscripts containing cantigas damigo B = cod. 10991, Bibloteca Nacional, Lisbon N = ms. 979, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York V = cod. lat. 4803, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome Languages AA = Andalusi Arabic Arab. = (Classical) Arabic Av. = Avestan Cast. = Castilian Cat. = Catalan Celt. = Celtic Eng. = English Frank. = Frankish Germ. = Germanic Goth. = Gothic GP = Galician-Portuguese Grk. = Ancient Greek Hisp. = Hispanic HL = Hispanic Latin Lat. = Classical Latin LL = Late Latin ML = Medieval Latin (written and spoken). LGrk. = Late Greek OE = Old English OF = Old French OLat. = Old Latin OSp = Old Spanish PGerm. = Proto-Germanic Prov. = Old Provenal Sem. = Semitic VL = Vulgar Latin Other abbreviations acc. = accusative act. = active abl. = ablative adj. = adjective Amigo = the cantigas damigo app. = apparently ap. crit. = apparatus criticus Ap. Prob. = Appendix Probi (cited from ILV) art. = article cf. = confer (compare) CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum conj. = conjunction conject. = conjecture dat. = dative dimin. = diminutive esp. = especially f. = feminine fut. = future gen. = genitive GPL = Galician-Portuguese lyric hapax = hapax legomenon (found once) imperf. = imperfect indic. = indicative infin. = infinitive infl. = influenced

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

intr. = instransitive m. = masculine n. = neuter nom. = nominative part. = participle pass. = passive perf. = perfect pl. = plural plup. = pluperfect pres. = present

prob. = probably pron. = pronoun scil. = scilicet (understand) sing. = singular subj. = subjunctive subst. = substantive s.v. = sub verbum (under the word) trans. = transitive var. = variant vb. = verb WORKS CITED

Cintra = Lus Felipe Lindley Cintra. A Linguagem dos Foros de Castelo Rodrigo, seu confronto com a dos Foros de Alfaiates, Castelo Bom, Castelo Melhor, Coria, Cceres e Usagre: contribuio para o estudo do leons e do galego-portugus do sculo XIII. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Cohen = Rip Cohen, 500 Cantigas dAmigo: Edio Crtica/Critical Edition. Porto: Campo das Letras, Cohen & Corriente = Rip Cohen and Federico Corriente. Lelia doura Revisited. La cornica 31.1 Corominas = Joan Corominas, Dicionrio Etimolgico-Crtico Castellano e Hispnico, con la Corriente = Federico Corriente, Diccionario de Arabismos e voces afines en iberorromance , 2nd ed. Cronologia = Lorenzo, Ramn. Sobre la cronologia do vocabulrio galego-portugues. Vigo, Editorial CSM = Walter Mettmann, Afonso X, o Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria. 4 vols [Glossrio in vol. 4]. CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (cited from OLD). Cunha = Celso Cunha, Cancioneiros dos Trovadores do Mar. Edio preparada por Elsa Gonalves. Diez = Friedrich Diez. ber die erste portugiesische Kunst- und Hofpoesie. Bonn: Eduard Weber, DVPM = Dicionrio de Verbos do Portugus Medieval: sculos 12 e 13/14. Org. M. F. Xavier et al. GED = Winfred P. Lehmann, A Gothic Etymological Dictionary. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986. GHG = Manuel Ferreiro, Grmatica Histrica Galega. 4th ed. Vol. 1. Santiago: Laiovento, 1999. HALOT = Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. 5 vols. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 19942000. Huber = Josef Huber, Altportugiesisches Elementarbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1933 = Gramtica do Portugus Antigo, trans. Maria Manuela Gouveia Delille. Lisbon: Fundao Calouste ILV = Veikko Vnnen, Introduccin al Latin Vulgar. Trans. Manuel Carrin. Madrid: Gredos, 1985. Kluge = Friedrich Kluge, Etymologisches Wrterbuch der Deutschen Sprache, bearbeitet von Elmar
Gulbenkian, 1986 [contains Lapas review on pp. 361378]. Lisbon: Universiade Nova de Lisbon/CLUNL, 2002. 1863. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional/Casa de Moeda, 1999. Coimbra: Universidade, 195972. Galaxia, 1968. Madrid: Gredos, 1999. colaboracin de Jos A. Pascual. 5 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1984 91. (2002): 1940. 2003. Moeda, 1984 [1959].

Seebold. 24th ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002. Lang = Henry R. Lang. Das Liederbuch des Knigs Denis von Portugal, zum ersten mal vollstndig herausgegeben und mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar versehen . Halle a.S.: Max Niemeyer, 1894 (rpt Hildesheim-New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1972.) Lapa = [review of Huber], Revista Lusitana 34 (1936): 30012. LF = Teresa Garca-Sabell Tormo, Lxico francs nos cancioneiros galego-portugueses. Vigo: Galaxia, 1991. LIV = Helmut Rix et al. Lexicon der Indogermanischen Verben. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1998.

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

Lorenzo = Ramon Lorenzo, La traduccion gallego de la Crnica General y de la Crnica de Castilla: edicin crtica anotada, con introduccin, ndice onomstico e glosario . Vol. 2 Glosario. Orense: LSJ = A Greek-English Lexicon, with a revised supplement. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Machado = Jos Pedro Machado, Dicionrio Etimolgico da Lngua Portuguesa . 3rd. ed. 5 vols. Lisbon: Livros Horizonte, 1977 [see also Cronologia]. Meier = Harri Meier, La etimologia iberroromance en el siglo XX. Boletim de Filologia 31 (1986 Michalis = Carolina Michalis de Vasconcellos, Cancioneiro da Ajuda. Edio critica e commentada.
2 vols. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional/Casa de Moeda, 1990 [with rpt. of Glossrio do Cancioneiro da Ajuda, Revista Lusitana XXIII (1920)]. MLLM = J. F. Niermeyer, Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus. Leiden: E. J. Brill 1993. Nunes = Nunes, Jos Joaquim. Cantigas damigo dos trovadores galego-portugueses. Edio crtica acompanhada de introduo, comentrio, variantes, e glossrio. 3 vols. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 192628 (rpt. Lisboa: Centro do Livro Brasileiro, 1973). OED = The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, Complete text reproduced micrographically, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. OHCGL = Michael Weiss, Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin. Ann Arbor, MI/New York: Beechstave Press, 2009. OLD = Oxford Latin Dictionary, ed. P.G.W.Glare. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983. Piel = Joseph-Maria Piel, Estudos de Lingustica Histrica Galego-Portuguesa. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional/Casa de Moeda, 1989. Rei = Francisco Fernndez Rei, Francisco. Dialectoloxa da Lingua Galega. Santiago de Compostela: Edicins Xerais de Galicia, 1991. Ramos = Maria Ana Ramos, Nota lingustica. In Elsa Gonalves & Maria Ana Ramos, A Lrica Galego-Portuguesa. Lisbon: Editorial Comunicao, 1983, pp. 81118. REW = Wilhelm Meyer-Lbke, Romanisches Etymologisches Wrterbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universittsverlag, 1992 [1934]. Sacks = Norman P. Sacks, The Latinity of Dated Documents in the Portuguese Territory . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1941. Williams = Edwin B. Williams, From Latin to Portuguese. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938 [2nd ed. 1962] 87): 620. Instituto de Estudios Orensanos Padre Feijoo, 1977.

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo


a f. pron., art. < illam a prep. (REW 136) < ad a- (VL, HL or GP formative prefix) < ad ac (REW 3965) here < eccum hc (abl. s. of haec) acabar finish, get done a- + cabo achar (REW 261.2) find < afflre ad + flre achegar (REW 548.2) arrive < applicre ad + plicre (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) acoomhar (REW 1527) punish < *accalumnire ad + *calumnire (for calumnir) calumnia (Bolseiro 8) acordar (REW 71a) remember; realize; wake up < *accordre ad + *cordre (cf. recordre,

var. of recordr) cor, cordis, n.

acorrer (REW 89) help, save < *accurrre < accurrere ad + currere (Vinhal 7) adevinhar (REW 2704) divine< *addunre (cf. devador [CSM]) ad + *dunre dunus

(Estevan Coelho 1)
adubar (REW 159) get done < OF adouber or Prov. adobar (equip) a- + *dubbre <

Frank. dubban strike (Fernand Esquio 4)

aduffe [handheld frame drum] < AA aldff with paragogic -e (Corriente) < Arab. duff Sem. *tpp (to strike [HALOT]) (Giinzo 8) adur (REW 2808) hardly < a- + dr < drus (Huber derives from Prov.; Lapa thinks native;

see Corominas, s.v. duro)

aduzer (REW 160) bring back < *addcre < addcere ad + dcere afan (REW 252) hardship, pain, suffering < Prov. afan (see LF) afeitar (REW 253) adorn < affectre affectum (see afeito) (Guilhade 13) afeito adv. (REW 255+) certainly < affectum perf. part. of afficere ad + facere (Meogo 2) afficado insistent perf. part. of afficar afficar (REW 3290) insist < *affgicre ad + *fgicre (see ficar) agora (REW 4176) now < hc hr (abl. of haec hra) agravar (REW 279) con que m agravo = with which I am oppressed < aggrure ad + graure grauis (Dinis 33) aguardar wait for a- + guardar aguisado perf. part. of aguisar aguisar arrange, work out a- + guisar ai interjection < ai (an expression of grief) Ah! Alas! (OLD) ainda ? (REW 4368) still; unexplained (see Lorenzo, s.v. ainda)

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

ajudar (REW 172) help < aitre (var. of aditre) adiuure ad + iuure al (REW 349) something else, someone else < *ale (for alid, var. of aliud) al (REW 4265) there < illc abl. s. of illa- + ce (or < ad + illc ?) alar (REW 385) raise, lift up < LL altire (var. of altre) altus (see alto) aleivosa traitor aleive < AA alybe Arab. ayb [Corriente]) + -oso (Lopo 3) algo (REW 345) something < aliquod alguen (REW 345) someone < aliquem algun (REW 339) some < *alicnum contraction of aliquem num (for aliquem) algur ? (REW 338+) somewhere < alicub (with analogical -r from alhur [Michalis]; otherwise algu- [see algun] with analogical r [Lorenzo]) alhur ? (REW 343.2) elsewhere < Prov. alhur(s) < *aliorse < aliorsum *ali-uorsus (see juso); or < alire in expressions like in alire loc (see Lorenzo) al (REW 4268) there < illc ill (old locative of ille) + -ce (or < ad + illc ?) alma (REW 475) soul < animam almirante (REW 423) admiral from stem of LL amiratus LGrk. amirs (al is a hypercorrect

art. and -ante a substitute suffix with metanalysis [Corriente]) Arab. amr chief (Charinho 2)
al (REW 4270) there < illc ill + ce (or < ad illc ?) alongado far away perf. part. of alongar alongar (REW 2853.2+) go away; send away < LL *allongre (cf. Prov. alongar) ad + *longre (cf. ML longre) longus altar (REW 381) altar < altre (cited once in OLD) altria, ~ium, n. alto subst. (REW 387) river, sea < altum perf. part. of alere alto adj. deep [of the sea] (Meendinho 1) alva f. subst. and adj. (REW 331.2) dawn; white < albam (Dinis 17) alvor (REW 324) dawn < LL albrem albus (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) amar (REW 399) love < amre ambos (REW 411) both < ambs ameaada (REW 5584) threatened perf. part. of ameaar GP ameaa minciae (with

agglutinated article) minr [OLD gives minre as uncertain]) minae (Johan Soarez Coelho 3)
amiga (REW 422) girlfriend < amcam amigar be amorously involved [with someone] amigo (Sevilha 1) amigo (REW 422) boyfriend < amcum amor (REW 427) love < amrem amores subst. (= a beloved) < amres

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

amostrar point out, show HL *admstrre (Cunha) ad + mnstrre (see mostrar) amparar (REW 500a) help < anteparre ante + parre andar (REW 409) walk, go; be < LL *ambitre ambre amb- + re anel (REW 452) ring < Prov. (or OF) anel < nellus dimin. nus (ring, circle) + -ellus (cf. nulus) (Porto Carreiro 3) ante adv. (REW 494) beforehand < ante ante prep. (REW 494) before < ante ante que or ante...que < antequam (ante + quam) antigo (REW 504) old < antquum ante (Berdia 5) antre (REW 4485a) var. of entre apertar (REW 540) tighten < appectorre (*apetrar > *apretar > apertar [Lorenzo]) formed

from pectus, ~oris, n. (Johan Airas 46, pastorela)

aper (REW 551) [with culpa] assign [blame] < *appnre < appnere ad + pnere aprazer please a- + prazer aprender (REW 554) learn, find out about < *apprendre < apprendere (contraction of apprehendere) ad + prendere (see prender) aquel/aquele, aquela (REW 4266) that < eccum + *illem, illam aquen hence < eccum + hinc aquende hence < eccum + hinc + d (from aquen de in phrases [Lorenzo]) aqueste (REW 4553) this < eccum + iste aqui (REW 4129) here < eccum + hc ar particle back, again; and moreover; on the other hand [etc] < ar- < ad- (-d- > -r- originally

in Latin in proclisis before labials [Cohen & Weiss; cf. OHCGL, 475-76]); with var. er
arco (REW 618) bow < arcum (Esquio 3) armar (REW 651) equip, fit out [a ship] < armre arma (Zorro 8) arte (REW 679) trick, strategem < artem (Sevilha 9) arder (REW 620) burn < ardre (Treez 3) arredor (REW 198+) around < ad + *retr (< *retr < retr [Corominas; see derredor])

(Johan Airas 46, pastorela)

asconder (REW 41) hide < *abscondre < abscondere abs- + condere ascuitar (REW 802.2+) (elsewhere ascoitar) listen to, hear < ascultre < auscultre ase var. of assi asperar ? (REW 8141+) wait for < *adsprre ad + sprre assacar ? speak ill of [someone], speak a lie against [someone] Goth. *atsakan < at + sakan [GED, S 13] speak against (Cohen & Weiss; see sacar); cf. Corriente, s.v. achaque; Corominas, s.v. achacar (REW 7517c [Arab. a]) (Johan Airas 35)

Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

assanhar ? (REW 4445+) get angry at a- + *snire < *nsnire (for nsnre) nsnia nsnus in + snus assaz adv. (REW 199) very < via Prov. (or OF ) < ad + satis asse var. of assi assi so, thus < ad + sc at (REW 4077) until < AA att < Arab. att (but see tes) atal a- + tlem atan a- + tam atanto a- + tantum atender (REW 763) await, wait for < *attendre < attendere ad + tendere atrever be bold, dare < *attribure < attribuere ad + tribuere (REW 771a wrong) augua var. of agua (REW 570) water < aquam (Meogo 5) avantar (REW 4) advance, grow < *abantre abante ab + ante (Giinzo 7) ave (REW 831) bird < auem avelana (REW 17) hazenut tree < abellnam (of Abella; esp. nux abellna = the filbert or

hazel nut; 2. fem. as sb. a filbert or hazel nut, a hazel tree [OLD])
avelanal grove of hazelnut trees < *abellnre (see avelana) avelaneira hazelnut tree < *abellnriam (see avelana) avento (REW 220) Advent < aduentum perf. part. of aduenre (see avir) (Bolseiro 1) aventurado lucky perf. part. of aventurar (Loureno 2) aventurar risk < *aduentr+re ML aduentra (REW 216) (Dinis 24) aver (REW 3958) have < habre avir (REW 216) happen [to]; make up with [reflex.]; reconcile [trans.] < aduenre ad + uenre avol (REW 3960) bad < Prov. vol < ? (conject. in Guilhade 21, v. 18) avuitor (REW 9466+) vulture < a- + *uoltrem < uulturem (Estevan Coelho 1) bafordar (REW 1098) [engage in martial games] < Prov. (LF) or OF (Corominas) Frank. *bihurdan; cf. ML balfardus fortification (MLLM) bailada subst. dance < *bailtam (see bailar) bailar (REW 909) dance < *ballire (var. of ballre [see Cunha]) formed from Grk. ballizein (dance, jump about in Sicily and Magna Graecia [LSJ]) Grk. ballein *gwel- (LIV) 1. bailia dance bailar (Dinis 40) 2. bailia (REW 888) bailiwick, jurisdiction < ML bailluia bajulus ([pun; cf. 1. bailia] Dinis 40) baiozinho (REW 877) bay dimin. of baio < ML badius (variants bagius, bagus, bayus; bay as

a horses color MLLM) (Dinis 18)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

bando (REW 929) de seu bando = on his side < ML bandum Goth. bandwa (uexillum quod bandum appellant a flag which they call bandum in Paulus Diaconus GED, B 22) 1. *bheh2- (LIV) (Redondo 1) banhar (REW 913) bathe < banere < LL balnere balneum/balineum < Grk. balaneon (cf.

baraa ? lace, strap (see Corriente, s.v. barao; Corominas, s.v. embarazar) (Guilhade 4) baralhar ? (REW 9150) quarrel (see Corominas, s.v. baraja) baratar ? (REW 943a baratta [Old Norse]) bargain, handle ones self (Diez derives from Grk. prattein) barca (REW 952) boat < LL barcam < *brica bris, ~idos < Grk. (a flat bottomed boat,

used in Egypt [LSJ]) Coptic bar (OLD)

barco var. of barca barqueiro boatman < *barcrium barca (Meendinho 1) beenon (cf. REW 1029, 1030) blessing < benedictinem bene + dicti, ~nis, f. dcere

(Dinis 10)
bel apocopated form of belo in proclisis (Dinis 18) [belo], bela (REW 1027) lovely, beautiful < bellum, bellam ben adv. (REW 1028) well < bene ben subst. happiness, joy, pleasure bendizer (REW 1029) bless < bene + dcere bever (REW 1074) drink < *bibre < bibere (Torneol 1) bogia (REW 1375) lume de bogia = ordinary candles < AA Bujyya < Bijyah city in Algeria

(Corriente, s.v. bugia) (Treez 3)

bon, ba (REW 1208) good, fine < bonum, bonam bravo ? rough (none of the explanations are satisfactory; Skeat) (REW 945) (Dinis 33) brial (REW 1169 +) tunic, dress < Prov. blialt (cf. OF bliaut) < ? (Meogo 8) brioso ? fluttering [?] brio < *bulluum (Meier) bullre bulla (bubble) + -oso (REW 1297 *brigos [Celtic]) (Charinho 1) buscar ? seek, follow perhaps < *bsequre bsequa, ~ae f. cow-herd (Apuleius, 2nd

cent. CE); cf. Schuchardt apud Corominas (REW 1420)

ca (REW 6928) than < quam ca (REW 6954.2) because, since < quia cabea (REW 1637) head < capitia formed from caput, capitis, n. cabelo (REW 1628) hair < capillum caber (REW 1625) listen to < *capre < capere (Solaz 3)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

cabo prep. (REW 1668) near, next to < *capum < caput, capitis, n. cada (REW 1755) each, every < Grk. kata caer (REW 1451.2) fall < *cadre < cadere afar be gone, be over AA (a)z < Arab. aza leave (Corriente, s.v. safar) (Guilhade 16) calar (REW 1487.2) be quiet, shut up *callre < calre2 to let down, allow to hang freely

(OLD, s.v. 1) Grk. khal

camanho (REW 5231) how much, as much as < quam magnum caminho (REW 1552) path, way < LL cammnum < ? (Airas Nunes 4, pastorela) camisa (REW 1550) shirt < LL camsam (var. of camsiam) can (REW 1592) dog < canem candea (REW 1578) candle < candlam candre cantar (REW 1611) sing < cantre cantum perf. part. of canere cantar subst. song cantiga (REW 1618 []) song < cantica n. pl. of canticum, ~, n. (1. a passage in comedy

chanted or sung; 2. a song [as a separate entity]; OLD) cantus (see cantar)
capa (REW 1642) cape < ML cappam (Beesteiros 1) caridade (REW 1695 []) por caridade =for goodness sake < crittem crus carreira (REW 1718) way, journey < LL carrriam carrus/carrum < OIr. carr *kers-

(Mafaldo 2)
cas (REW 1728) proclitic form of casa with apocope (cas del rei) casa (REW 1728) house < casam castigar (REW 1746) warn < castgre castgium (see castigo) castigo warning < castgium castus (Calheiros 1) catar (REW 1661) look at, look for, look after, attend to < captre captum perf. part. of capere cativa (REW 1663) wretched < captuam captum (see catar) (Dinis 33) cavaleiro (REW 1440) knight < ML caballrium caballus cavalgar (REW 1439) ride [a horse] < ML caballicre caballus (Avoin 12, pastorela) cavalo (REW 1440) horse < caballum (Dinis 18) cear (REW 9614+) be jealous < zlre (hapax, in an inscription, love ardently [OLD]) Grk. zl zlos (see 2. ceo) (Sevilha 9) cedo (REW 1954.1) soon, quickly, early < cito adv. citum, perf. part. of cire cen proclitic form of cento with apocope cendal (REW 7935) [fine silken cloth] < Prov. (or OF) cendal < LL cendlum app. formed from

Grk. sindn, ~onos, f. (from Sanskrit?) (Padrozelos 5)

cento (REW 1816) a hundred < centum


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

1. ceo (REW 1466) sky, heaven < caelum 2. ceo (REW 9614) jealousy < LL zlum < Grk. zlos (Sevilha 9) cercar (REW 1938) surround < circre circus < Grk. krkos (Meendinho 1) certa (REW 1839+) certain < *certnam certus (see certo) (Redondo 1) certo (REW 1841) certain < certum (cf. cernere) cerva (REW 1850) doe < ceruam cervo (REW 1850) stag < ceruum chaga (REW 6562a) wound < plgam (see chagado) (Guilhade 1) chagado wounded perf. part. of chagar (REW 6563) < plgre (plgtus hapax [OLD]) plga1 (cf. plangere) (Guilhade 1) chamar (REW 1961) call < clmre chegar (REW 6601) arrive < plicre chorar (REW 6606) cry, weep < plrre chufar ? (REW 7890.4) bluff, boast Corominas sees cross between onomatopoeic *chuff- and *sufilre for sibilre (Guilhade 20) chus (REW 6618+) more < pls (Guilhade 14) cima (REW 2438) fazer cima = make an end [Guilhade 16]; na cima da razon at the end of the argument [of the song] [Guilhade 19] < cyma (cyma, ~atis, n.) pl. or collective sg.

the spring shoots of a cabbage or similar vegetable (OLD) < Grk. kyma
cinger (REW 1924) tie [a belt] < *cingre < cingere cinta (REW 1921+) belt < cnctam perf. part. of cingere co (var. of con) < cum (REW 2385) cobrado recovered perf. part. of cobrar cobrar (REW 7136) recover formed (with loss of prefix) from recobrar < recuperre (var. of reciperre) recipere (see receber) cofonder var. of confonder (but the expected outcome of conf-) coidar var. of cuidar coita (REW 2015 +) love-sorrow, suffering, yearning < *coctam for coactam perf. part. of cgere co- + -igere agere coitado wretched; eager perf. part. of coitar coita colher (REW 2048) reap < *colligre < colligere con- + legere (Dinis 43) color (REW 2056) color < colrem (learned) (Dinis 23) coma (REW 6972+) just like < qumodo ac (Guilhade 16, v. 10) come (REW 6972) just as, like < qumodo et (see como) comear (REW 2079) begin < *cominitire cum + *initire initium inre in + re comer (REW 2077) eat < *comedre < comedere (var. of comsse) (Estevan Coelho 1)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

cometer (REW 2086) take on [someone in a contest] < *committre < committere con- + mittere (Loureno 4) como (REW 6972) just as, like < qumo < qumodo < qu + mod abl. s. of qu modus como quer in any way see como and querer companha (REW 2092) company < *companiam com + *pania formed from panis comprido perfect; full of perf. part. of comprir comprir (REW 2101) complete, fulfill < *complre < complre con- + plre con < cum (REW 2385) confonder/cofonder (REW 2141+) confound, damn < *confundre < confundere con- + fundere conhocer (REW 2031) know, recognize < *cognscre < cognscere con- + (g)nscere connosco with us con- + uoscum (see vosco) conorto (REW 2147) comfort, solace, pleasure < Prov. conort conortar < *conhortre con- + hortr (Ponte 4) conselhado perf. part. of conselhar conselhar (REW 2163) advise, counsel < *cnsilire cnsilium (see conselho) conselho (REW 2164) counsel, plan < cnsilium cnsulere consentir consent, say yes to < cnsentre con- + sentre contar (REW 2108) tell < computre com- + putre (Codax 7) contecer (REW 2184.2) happen < *contigescre *contigere var. of contingere con- + tangere (Baveca 12) conto (REW 2109) sen conto = numberless < *comp(u)tum (cf. contandus CIL) computre (see contar) (Dinis 26) contra (REW 2187) towards < contr convir (REW 2192) behoove, be fitting < conuenre con- + uenre convosco with you con- + uoscum (see vosco) cor (REW 2217) heart < Prov. cor < cor, cordis, n. coraon (REW 2217) heart < *cortinem cor (see cor) corda (REW 1881) string, lace < chordam Grk. khordon cordura prudence GP cordo; cf. cordtum (REW 2248) (Guilhade 16) corpo (REW 2248) body < *corpum corpus, ~oris, n. corte (REW 2032) court < cohortem co- + *hors (cf. hortus) (Johan Airas 4) cos (REW 2248) en cos = scantily clad < Prov. (or OF) cors < corpus (> *corps > cors > cos) cousa (REW 1781) thing < causam cousecer consider cousir cousir (REW 4685) consider < Prov. cauzir Goth. kausjan (GED, K 25) *eus- (LIV)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

cras (REW 2296) tomorrow < crs (Caldas 3) crecer (REW 2317) grow < *crscre < crscere creente [see note] < crdentem, pres. part. of crdere (Sevilha 9) creer (REW 2307) believe < *crdre < crdere cruamente harshly < crd (REW 2342) + mente (Johan Soarez Coelho 1) cruz (REW 2348 []) cross < crx, crucis, f. (learned; should have given o [cf. Italian croce]) cuidado subst. sorrow, pain, suffering < cogittum (see cuidar) cuidar/coidar (REW 2027) think, believe < cogitre co- + agitre agere cujo, cuja (REW 2371) whose < cuium, cuiam culpa (REW 2379 []) blame < culpam culpada blamed perf. part. of culpar < culpre culpa (Dinis 22) curar (REW 2412) care [about someone] < crre cra (Dinis 55, pastorela) dano (REW 2468) harm < damnum dar (REW 2476) give < dare de (REW 2488) of, from < d defender (REW 2517) forbid < *dfendre < dfendere d + *fendere defenson prohibition < dfnsinem dfnsum perf. part. of dfendere deitar (REW 4568.2) lay down; set down; put on top of < *deiectre d + iectre iectum perf. part. in compounds of iacere delgada adj. (Torneol 2) slender and subst. (Dinis 17) delicate clothes (REW 2538) < dlictam delo since the < GP deslo = des (< d ex) + lo (< illum) demais (REW 2546) furthermore, and moreover < dmagis (furthermore, moreover [OLD]) d + magis demanda demand, request < ML dmandam backformed from dmandre (see demandar)

(Guilhade 17)
demandar (REW 2547) search for, claim [as ones own] < dmandre d + mandre demo devil < *daim (for daimn [nom.]) < Grk. daimn demorando (REW 2552) delaying < *dmorre < dmorr d + morr (Johan Airas 30) dende (REW 2525) about that < deinde d + inde (Roi Fernandiz 1) depos prep. (REW 6684) after < dpost d + post dereitamente adv. correctly, perfectly < drect + mente (Sevilha 10) dereito (REW 2648.2) right [in various constructions] < *drctum var. of drctum perf. part.

of drigere (var. drigere-) d- + regere


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

derredor (REW 2584+) around < d + *retr < *retr < retr (Corominas, s.v. alrededor)

(Vinhal 3)
des (REW 2514) since < dex d + ex des- (VL, HL or GP prefix) < dis- (for most words beginning with des-, see the simplex) desamar not love; dislike; hate (see amar) desamor dislike; loathing (see amor) desasperar lose hope (see asperar) desassanhar get un-angry (see assanhar) descomunal extraordinary dis- + commnlem commnis (from Prov.) desden disdain < Prov. desdenh formed from disdignre (REW 2666) dis- + dignre dignus desejar desire < *dsidire (Michalis) dss (see desejo) desejo (REW 2590) desire < *dsedium (cf. dsidia1 OLD s.v. 2: leisure) dss, ~idis

idle dsidre d + sedre

desemparar abandon, renounce dis- + emparar desenganar set straight, enlighten (see enganar) desensandecer get un-crazy; recover ones sanity (see ensandecer) desfazer unmake; take apart (see fazer) desguisado unfitting, foolish (see guisado) desi since then, afterwards; in addition des + i desigual huge [= disproportionate] < *disqulem dis- + aequlem (REW 288) aequus desleal disloyal, faithless, untrue des- + leal desmaiar (cf. REW 3022+) faint, swoon < *dismagre (via OF esmaiier [Corominas]) dis- +

PGerm. magan (see GED, M 1) *magh- (LIV) (Sevilha 10)

desmentido liar (see mentido) (Dinis 14) desmesura lack of courtesy (see mesura) desmesurado discourteous (see mesurada) despagar displease (see pagar) despeito (REW 2598) loathing, anger < dispectum perf. part. of dispicere dis- + specere (var. spicere) destorvar (REW 2696) disturb < disturbre dis- + turbre turba (Dinis 55, pastorela) desviar take away dis- + *uire uia (Dinis 17) deter detain, hold back < dtinre d + tenre) Deus (REW 2610) God < deus (from nom.) dever (REW 2490) ought, must < dbre d + habre (see aver) dia (REW 2632) day < *diam (for diem) dis, ~, m. (f.)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

dia 3rd s. pres. subj. of dar (Servando 14, v. 14) dizedor one who speaks dizer + -edor (Johan Airas 32) dizer (REW 2628) say, speak < *dcre < dcere da (REW 2749) gift < dna pl. of dnum, ~i, n. dado (REW 2746) for no reason < dntum perf. part. of donre dnum doer (REW 2721) feel sorry for, take pity on < dolre doita accustomed [to], used [to] < ductam perf. part. of dcere (Dinis 53, pastorela) don (REW 2733) sir for dono (with apocope in proclisis) < dominum domus dona (REW 2733) lady < domnam var of dominam donzela (REW 2737) young lady < *dom(i)nicellam dominica dimin. of domina doo (REW 2727) pity, compassion < *dolum var. of dolrem dolre dormir (REW 2751) sleep < dormre doura (lelia doura = its my turn) = AA ddwra turn Sem. *dwr (Cohen & Corriente)

(Solaz 2)
dous (REW 2798) two < dus m. acc. pl. of duo dovidar (REW 2781) doubt < dubitre dubium du whence, from where < d + ub duas (REW 2798) two < dus acc. pl. of duae durar (REW 2805) last, endure < drre drus duvidar var. of dovidar duzer (REW 2785) lead, bring < *dcre < dcere (Baian) e (REW 2919) and < et ed and < et (an early Ibero-Romance form with voicing of intervocalic -t- between words: et hodie > ed oi [Cohen & Corriente]) (Solaz 2) eire (REW 4115a) yesterday < her (Bolseiro 2) el/ele, eles (REW 4266) he, they < ille, *illes (Williams 140.1) ela, elas (REW 4266) she, they < illa, ills (Williams 140.1) elos (REW 4266) < ills emparar var. of amparar empero although en + pero en prep. (REW 4328) in < in n adv. (REW 4368) allomorph of ende enartada fooled, taken by surprise (with non-native intervocalic -n- [see Corominas s.v. arte])

perf. part. of enartar in + artre (REW 684) in + art- (cf. ars, artis, f.) (Garcia Soares 2)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

encoberta subst. por encoberta = to dissemble (see encoberto) (Dinis 11) encoberto concealed, hidden perf. part. of encobrir encobrir cover up, conceal < in + cooperre (REW 2205) (var. coperre) co- + operre ende adv. (REW 4368) about that; because of that; of that; for that reason; from there < inde endado for no reason < *indntum (see dado) endurar (REW 4386) put up with, endure < indrre in + drre drus enfenger/enfengir (REW 4402a+) boast < *infingre/*-fingre in + fingere enfinta boast < in + *fincta var. of ficta perf. part. of fingere enganar (REW 4416) trick, deceive < *ingannre gannre (see Corominas, s.v. engaar) engano trickery enganar engenar trick var. of enganar (Reimon Gonalvez 1) enmentar mention, name < in + *mentre (REW 5505) mns, mentis, f. eno, enos; ena, enas < in + o, os, a, as ensandecer go crazy formed as if from *insandiscre based on sandeu, sandia ensanhar (Cast.) get angry < in + *(in)snire (see assanhar) (Vinhal 2) ensinada ben ensinada = discerning < *nsigntum perf. part. of *nsignre (REW 4462+) in + signre signum (cf. nsigntus) (Sevilha 12, pastorela) entenar [engage in an entenon] entenon (Loureno 4) entenon poetic contest < intentinem, infl. by Prov. tens (Loureno 4) entendedor suitor, lover < Prov. entend- (see entender) entendente fazer entendente = make [somone] believe entender + -ente (Johan Airas 41) entender (REW 4483) understand, learn of < intendre < intendere in + tendere enton (REW 4518) then, at that time < in + tunc entrar (REW 4511) enter < intrre entre (REW 4485a) between, among < *intre < inter (cf. intr) enveja (REW 4534) envy < inuidiam (Dinis 41) enviar (REW 9295) envy < *inuire formed from in + uia + -are er var. of ar (with weakening of a- in proclisis?) ergas except < erg (see GHG 234b on analogical -s) erger (REW 2899.2+) lift up [ones eyes]; get up < *ergre < rigere + regere ergo except < erg (Piel) (REW 2892) ermida (REW 2890) [rural] shrine < LL ermita Grk. ermits ermia (desert) ermos (deserted, desolate) errado perf. part. of errar errar (REW 2904) make a mistake, do [someone] wrong; be unfaithful < errre escaecer (REW 2944) be forgotten by; forget < *excadescre ex + *cadescere cadere


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

escolher (REW 2048) choose < *excolgre ex + colligere (see colher) (Bolseiro 14) escontra prep. towards < ex + contr escudeiro (REW 7755+) squire < ML sctrius sctum (Ponte 1) escusar do without < excusre ex + *csre causa (Ponte 1) esforar rely on < LL exfortire ex + *fortire (REW 3456) fortis esforo self-confidence < ML exfortium ex + fortis (Sevilha 8) esmorecer faint, swoon < *exmoriscre *exmorre ex + *morre (REW 5681.2) (see morrer) espanto fright espantar < expa(u)entre (REW 3035) expauns, ~entis pres. part. of expaure ex + paure paure espedir say goodbye, take ones leave < *expetre ex + petere espelho (REW 8133) mirror < speclum (Ap. Prob. 2) < speculum espertar (REW 3043) wake up < *expertre *expert- (for experrectus perf. part. of intr. expergisc wake up; cf. trans. expergere, expergitum awaken [see Corominas, s.v. despierto]) esquivo ? repulsive (REW 8002+) Germ. *skiuh- (see Kluge, s.v. scheu; cf. OE scoh, Eng. shy); possible cross with *skibu- Germ. *skiuban (Goth. af-skiuban, reject [GED, A

27], OE scufan thrust away with violence [OED, s.v. shove]) *skeubh- (LIV) (Dinis 33)
esse, essa, esso (REW 4541) that, that one < *ipsem, ipsam, ipsum estadal (REW 8237) candle < *sttulem (scil. cram) (cf. sttuere, sttus2 stre (Treez 3) estar (REW 8231) stand; be < stre ste is < est 3rd sing. pres. act. indic. of sum, esse este, esta, esto (REW 4553) this, this one < iste, ista, istud estorninho (REW 8339) starling sturnus with dimin. suffix (Airas Nunes 4, pastorela) estrado (REW 8292) [a raised platform in the main room of a dwelling, used as womens quarters] < strtum perf. part. of sternere (Guilhade 10) estragar (REW 8282) destroy formed from estrago strgs (Dinis 42) estranhar (REW 3098) find strange; reproach [someone for something] < ML extrnere extrneus extr (Dinis 45) eu (REW 2830) I < ego fala talk, conversation < *falla < fabla (cf. OSp. fabla, favla) < fbula fr (REW 3124) falar (REW 3125) talk, converse (amorously) < *fallre < *fblre < *fbulre (for fbulr ) fr


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

falha (REW 3168) sen falha = without fail; meter en falha = stand [someone] up (Roi

Fernandiz 2) < *fallia prob. via Prov. (LF) fallere

falido perf. part. of falir falir (REW 3167) fail < *fallre < fallere falsidade (learned word with hypercorrect -i-) falsity, treachery < ML falsittem falsus (see falso) (Dinis 43) falso (REW 3171) false, untruthful, unfaithful < falsus perf. part. of fallere fazenda (REW 3129.2) doings, affairs < facienda acc. pl. neut. gerundive of facere fazer (REW 3128) do, make < *facre < facere fe (REW 3285) faith < fidem feito subst. (REW 3135) fact, deed; situation, matter < factum perf. part. of facere fera (REW 3264) extreme, intense < feram feramente thoroughly < fer + mente (Guilhade 9) ferido beaten < *fertum perf. part. of ferre (cf. ML ferta) ferido subst. military service ferir (REW 3253) strike, beat < ferre fiar (REW 3282) trust, believe in < *fdre (cf. ML fdntia) var. of fdere ficar (REW 3290) remain, stay* < *fgicre (cf. fgere) filha (REW 3303) daughter < fliam filhar ? (REW 6503) take, choose; steal filho (REW 3303) son; in phrase filho dalgo = nobleman < flium (Calheiros 7) fin end < fnem (Servando 15) fis (REW 3287+) fazer fiz = make [someone] believe < Prov. fis < fdus fivela (REW 3278+) buckle < *fbellam var. of fbulam (Porto Carreiro 1) flor (REW 3382 []) (see frol) either learned form or borrowed from Prov. (Dinis 16) fogir (REW 3550.2) run away, flee < *fugre < fugere (Guilhade 20) folgar (REW 3417) rest < follicre (hang loosely, sag [OLD]) follis bag folia (REW 3422 follis) madness, folly < Prov. folia (cf. ML follia) ML follis/follus (crazy) fontana (REW 3426) spring, fountain < ML fontnam (aquam) fns, fontis, m. fonte (REW 3425) spring, fountain < fontem fora (REW 3455) a fora [here] = against my will < fortia nom. pl. of forte (Vinhal 2) forar (REW 3456) force < ML fortire fortia (see fora) forte (REW 3457) strong, poweful < fortem fossado (REW 3461) military service < ML fosstum perf. part. of ML fossre fossa perf.

part. of fodere
frances (via Prov. or OF ) French < *frankinsem Germ. franko (a Frank) (Avoin 11)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

fria (REW 3512.1) cold, chilly < frgidam frgor (cf. frgre) (Torneol 1) fremoso (REW 3450) lovely, handsome < formsum (by dissimilation) forma + -oso frol flower < flrem frolida (REW 3380+) flowering, in bloom < *flrta perf. part. of ML *flrre var. of flrre fronteira (REW 3533) frontier, border < ML frontria (cf. frontlis frns, frontis, f.)

(Charinho 2)
fror var. of flor fustan (REW 3618) fustian [skirt?] < ML (pannum) fustneum ? gar ? (REW 3637a) gain Goth. *gainon (confused with guaanhar; see Corominas, s.v. gana) gabar (REW 3626) boast < Prov. gabar < Germ. *gabb ? (imitative) (Guilhade 12) galardon ? (REW 9529) reward, recompense < ML widerdonum Germ. wider + Lat. dnum,

semi-translation of OHG *widarlon wider (back, again) + lon (reward, recompense; cf. Goth. laun [GED, L 21]); but Corominas (s.v. galardn) posits:
*gwedarlaun > *gwelardaun > galardon; perhaps via Prov. or OF. garceta ? (REW 619) tress, lock [of hair] garda var. of guarda garrida (REW 3691) frivolous, flirtatious < *garrtam perf. part. of garrre, intr.chatter (Dinis

gasalhado subst. comfort perf. part. of *gasalhar (REW 3697+) Goth. *ga-saljan saljan (stay, be a guest [GED, S 18]) 2. *selgonela (REW 3919) tunic [or cape] < Prov. gonela (cf. ML gunella/gonella dim. of ML gunna

fur cloak) < ? (Sevilha 12, pastorela)

graa (REW 3847a+) blessing < grtiam grtus (Bolseiro 7) gracir (REW 3848) thank, be grateful for < Prov. grazir < *grtre (infl. by grtia) grtus gradecer (REW 3848) thank, be grateful for grado as if < *grtescre grado (REW 3848) thanks, gratitude [sen meu grado = against my will, etc.] < grtum gradoar be happy, feel joy < *grtulre (for grtulr) grtus gran allomorph of grande (in proclisis, with apocope) granada (REW 3846) [of hazelnut trees] laden [with nuts] < *grntam (cf. ML grntrius, grnrium) grnum (Johan Zorro 10) grande (REW 3842) big < grandem (cf. gran) grave (REW 3855.1) grave, painful < grauem greu (REW 3855.2) e non vos seja greu = if you dont mind < Prov. greu (for graue-) by

antonymic contamination with leue- (Coton 1)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

groriosa glorious < glrisam glria guaanhar (w. var. gaanhar), (REW 9483) win Germ. *waidanjan (to pasture) < *waidja (OE w, OHG weida) guarda/garda (REW 9502) guard, guardian < Germ. warda < PGerm. *warda- (GED, W 33)

(Corominas says formed from guardar) 3. *uer- (LIV)

guardar (REW 9502) watch over, guard Germ. wardn guarecer live, be healthy, get well guarir guarida cure, remedy subst. formed from perf. part. of guarir guarir (REW 9504) live, be healthy, get well, recover, survive < *warir Goth. warjan (GED,

W 35) 1. *uer- (LIV)

guerra (REW 9524a frank.) fazer guerra = take revenge < Germ. werra *uers- (LIV) guirlanda ? (REW 9524) garland (see Corominas, s.v. grinalda) (Airas Nunes 4, pastorela) guisa (REW 9555) way, manner; condition < Germ. *wsa- (GED, G 78) *ueid- (LIV) guisado fitting, correct, right perf. part. of guisar guisar (REW 9555) arrange, work out guisa i (REW 4252) there, then < ib ida subst. departure, leaving < ta perf. part. of re igreja (REW 2823) church < LL ec(c)lsia < Grk. ekklsia ekkltos ekkale ek + kale iguar (REW 237+) be equal to, match < *qulre (cf. aequlis) aequus (Dinis 1) inda ? (REW 4368) var. of ainda ir (REW 4545) go < re ira (REW 4542) anger, wrath < ram irado (REW 4544a) angry < rtum perf. part. of rsc ra irmana, irma (REW 3742) sister, girlfriend < germnam germen, ~inis, n. ggnere ja (REW 4572) already, now < iam ja-quando sometime < iam + quand ja-que something < iam + quid jazer (REW 4562) lie, lie down < iacre jogadores (cf. REW 4585, 4586) gamesters, jokers jogar or < *iocultrem (Guilhade 16) jogar (REW 4586) play < ioculre < ioculr ioculus iocus (Charinho 2) juiz (REW 4599) judge < idicem is + dcere (Johan Airas 11) julgar (REW 4600) judge (Leonese [Cintra]) < idicre idex (cf. juiz) jura oath jurar jurar (REW 4630) swear < irre is, iris, n.


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

juso prep. (REW 2567.2) down by < LL isum < deorsum (bisyllabic in Lat.) < d + uorsum (diosum also documented; infl. by ssum < sursum sub + uorsum perf. part. of uortere [var. of uertere]) (Zorro 8) lado (REW 4935) side < *latum (for latus, ~eris, n.) (Solaz 2) lago (REW 4836) lake < lacum (abl. laco cited from CIL) lanar (REW 4879) throw, hurl, toss, < LL. lancere lancea (lancia Ap. Prob. 73) lavar (REW 4951) wash < laure (var. of lauere) lavrar (REW 4810) work on [silk]; construct [boats] < labrre labor, labris, m. lazerar suffer < lacerre (REW 4958 wrong) leal (REW 4968) loyal, faithful, true < lglem lx, lgis, f. lealdade loyalty, fidelity < lglittem lglis (see leal) lealmente loyally, faithfully see leal and mente ledo (REW 4848) happy, glad < laetum (cf. laetr) leixar (REW 4955) leave, let, allow < laxre laxus leli my nights! < AA layli = layl night + 1st pers. pronom. adject. = my (Dutton) (Solaz 2) lelia to me, for me = AA lyya /leja/ allomorph of li [Cohen & Corriente] (Solaz 2) ler sea Celt. *liro *leiH- (LIV) (Torneol 5) leva prize [literally, what is carried away; cf. MLLM, s.v. leure 17] levar (Guilhade 13) levado at high tide; rough [sea, river] < leutum perf. part. of leure (see levar) levantar (REW 5000) get up, arise < *leuantre leuant- pres. part. stem of leure levar (REW 5000) arise, wake up; take with; take away] < leure leuis leve adv. (REW 5004) easily < leuem (Berdia 5) lezer subst. (REW 5017) rest, leisure < licre (impers. licet, licuit) leu (lheu in MSS) in phrase ben leu = certainly, surely < Prov. lleu < leuem lhe var. of lhi lhi to, for [him, her, it] < ill dat. of ille, illa, illud liar (REW 5024+) bind [hair] < ligre lidar (REW 5086) engage in martial competition < ltigre ltigium lide (REW 5079b) martial contest < ltem (Guilhade 12) liero (hapax) (REW 5003+) quickly [?] < *legirium (with secondary g [Diez, Lang]) < *leuirium leuis (Dinis 15) linhage (REW 5061) lineage < Prov. (linhatge) or OF (lignage) < ML lneticium lnea (var. lnia) lneus (made of linen) (Sevilha 11) liria (hapax) lilies (melodic embellishments) < lria (pl. of lrium) < Grk. leiria (Bolseiro 5) lo, la < illum, illam


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

loado perf. part. of loar loar (REW 4938) praise < laudre laus, laudis, f. logar (REW 5093) place < loclem locus logo (REW 5096) then, later; soon < loc abl. sing. of locus lograr (REW 5145) complete < lucrre (for lucrr) lucrum (Lopo 3) loir (hapax) subst. (REW 5153a) playing < *ldre < ldere (Meogo 8) longe, longi adv. far [from]; [from] afar < long longus longo (REW 5119) long < longum louano (REW 4949) lovely, handsome < *lautinum (cf. lautiusculus, with base *lauti-) lautus perf. part. of laure louco ? (REW 9038a) mad, crazy (see Corriente, s.v. loco) loucura madness louco louvar var. of loar lume (REW 5161) light [often used as term of endearment] < lmen luz (REW 5190) light; sunlight < lcem ma = mha (see meu) macar although < AA makkar (Corriente) < Grk. makarie voc. of makarios (Diez) madre (REW 5406) mother < mtrem mer (REW 5296) spend the night (cf. MLLM, s. v. maneo 6; OLD 2a) < manre maestria (REW 5229+) mastery < magisteria magister, ~tr, m. (Ambroa 1) maior (REW 5247) bigger, greater < mairem mais (REW 5228) but; more < magis mal adv. (REW 5257) badly; ill < male mal subst. pain, suffering; ill (REW 5257) mal (proclitic adj. with acopope) < malum (in phrases mal dia, mal sen, etc.) maldeserto subst. ill-deserved behavior < mal- + deserto late perf. part. of dserure d + serure (Dinis 43) maldito cursed < maledictum perf. part. of maledcere maldizente gossiper, slanderer < maledicentem = male + dcns, ~entis pres. part. of dcere (see maldizer) (Johan Airas 45) maldizer (REW 5258) speak ill of, insult, curse < male + dcere (see mal and dizer) maltrager mistreat, abuse mal + trager maltreita mistreated, abused perf. part. of maltrager mandadeiro messenger < LL mandtrius mandtum mandado subst. message; order < mandtum perf. part. of mandre


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

mandar (REW 5286) send < mandre maneira (REW 5332) way, manner < manuria manus manha (REW 5330.2) mood, temperment < LL *maniam formed from manus manhana (REW 5295) morning < *manenam mne (Torneol 1) mano (REW 5339) hand < manum manselinho adv. softly dimin.of manso mnsus, ~tis (var. acc. mnsuem) (REW 5322) manu- + sus- (related to suscere) manto (REW 5328) cloak, mantel < ML mantum (cf. mantellum) (Estevan Coelho 2) mao, maa (REW 5273) bad, evil < malum, malam mar/mare (REW 5349) sea < mare maravilha (REW 5601 []) amazing thing < *marblia < mrblia mrr maravilhado amazed perf. part. of maravilhar maravilhar be amazed maravilha marteiro suffering < LL martyrium < Grk. martyrion matar ? (REW 5401) kill me (REW 5449) me < m medes (REW 5551) herself < (ego)metipse = (ego +) -met (enclitic particle attached for

emphasis to certain pronouns [OLD]) + ipse (see esse); cf. Prov. medeis, whence
medes may be borrowed (Dinis 53, pastorela) medo (REW 5555) fear < metum meio (REW 5462) half < medium (Johan Airas 22) melhor (REW 5479) better < melirem melhorar (REW 5480+) make better < melirre melior menage (REW 4170) pledge of loyalty [to a lord] < Prov. omenatge [LF] < ML homenagium (homenaticium) formed from stem of hom, ~inis, m. meninha girl dimin. of *mana < (ger)mna ? (see irmana) mente (adverbial suffix) (REW 5496) < mente abl. s. of mns, mentis, f. mentes in phrase meter mentes = pay attention, take to heart < ments (acc. pl. of mns) mentidor liar mentir as if < *menttrem (Giinzo 6) mentir (REW 5510) not keep ones word, swear falsely, lie < *mentre < mentr mentira lie mentir mentiral liar via Prov. mentir (Dinis 9) mentre conj. (REW 2794+) while, as long as < dum interim mos conj. (REW 5594) except < minus neut. of minor mercee (REW 5517) mercy, compassion < mercdem merx, mercis, f. merecedor deserving [of] merecer


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

merecer (REW 5522) deserve < *merescre merre mesela (REW 5607) poor girl! < misellam dimin. of misera (Porto Carreiro 1) mester (REW 5589) need < ministerium (perhaps via Prov. or OF) minister1 mesura (REW 5502) goodness, courtesy < mnsram mnsus perf. part. of metr mesurada (REW 5503) courteous < LL mnsrtam perf. part. of mnsrre mnsra (see mesura) meter (REW 5616 ) put, add; meter mentes = pay attention < *mittre < mittere meu, mha/ma (REW 5556) my < meum, meam mi to me, for me < m < mih mia used as bisyllabic form of mha migo (REW 5450+) with me < mcum (= m + cum) by analogy with m < mih (or < *mcum [Cunha]) mil (REW 5573) a thousand < mlle milgranada (REW 5575*) pomegranate tree < mlle + grnta (see granado) (Airas Nunes 3) milho (REW 5572) millet < milium (Johan Soarez Coelho 5) minguado (REW 5593) defective, bad < ML minutum perf. part. of minure var. of minuere minor mirar (REW 5603.2) gaze < *mrre (for mrr) mrus mizcrar (REW 5606) try to break up [lovers] (not from Cat. [Corominas, s.v. mecer]) < ML misculre miscre (Johan Airas 35) moa (REW 5779) girl < musteam (OLD, s.v. musteus, 1:fresh, juicy) < mustum mocelinha dimin. of moa (Guilhade 9) molher (REW 5730.2) woman < mulierem montar (REW 5668) < LL montre (Dinis 9, v. 9: it doesnt matter to me one way or the other) monte (REW 5664) mountain, hill < montem (Roi Fernandiz 2) monteiro (REW 5664) mountaineer < montrium montnus mns, montis, m.) (Meogo

morada subst. delay < morta perf. part. of *morre (see morar) (Froiaz 1) morar (REW 5674) live, stay < *morre (for morr) mora morrer (REW 5681 die < *morrre (for mor) mortal (REW 5691a) mortal, deadly < mortlem mors, mortis, f. morte (REW 5688) death < mortem mor morto (REW 5695) dead < mortuum mostrar (REW 5665) show < mstrre (var. of mnstrre [OLD]) mnstrum mover (REW 5703) preito mover = raise a question < moure (Sevilha 11) mui proclitic form of muito with apocope


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

mudar (REW 5785) change < mtre (Johan Airas 0) muito adv. very < multum muito, muita (REW 5740) much, great; many, < multum, multam mundo (REW 5749) world < mundum nacer (REW 5832) be born < *nscre (for nsc) nada (REW 5851) born < nta (scil. rs) perf. part. of nsc namorada in love < *inamrtum perf. part. of *inamrre (see namorar) namorado subst. boyfriend namorar woo (in perf.: m el namorada he wooed me [Servando 1]) < *inamrre formed

from in + amor + -re

natural native [du so natural = where Im from] < ntrlem (non-native word) ntus (see nada) (Sevilha 12, pastorela) navio (REW 5862) boat, ship < nuigium nuigre nuis + agere negar (REW 5876) hide < negre nembrar (REW 5489) come to mind < memorre memoria memor nemiga (REW 5885+) nothing at all, a slander < ne(c) + mca (not from inimca; see nemigalha) (Johan Airas 32) nemigalha (REW 5885; cf. 5559) [not] at all < ne(c) + *mcculam mca (Briteiros 3) nen (REW 5868) nor < necne < nec + ne (usually derived from nec with loss of -c and

assimilated final nasal; Williams 66b)

nen un, nen a (REW 5875 nec nus) none, not one, no < necne num, necne na (see nen

and un)
no, nos; na, nas < in + illum, ills; illam, ills nobres noble < nbils ( nscere) (Johan Airas 4) noite (REW 5973) night < noctem nojar (REW 4448) annoy from Prov. enojar < inodire in + *odire (REW 9701) (for od)

(Airas Nunes 4, pastorela)

nojo ei noj n = it annoys me < in odio (see nojar) (Dinis 55, pastorela) non (REW 5951) not < nn nosco < noscum with us (Ap. Prob. 220) by analogy, for nbiscum nbis + cum nosso, nossa (REW 5961) our, ours < nostrum, nostram ns nostro (REW 5961) our learned word < nostrum ns novo (REW 5972) new < nouum novas news < nous


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

nulho, nulha ? adj. (REW 5992) no; nulha ren = nothing; nulha sazon = at no time; nulh ome = no man, nobody < *nlliam var. stem of nllus (gen. nllus/nllius) ne + llus (Leite de Vasconcellos derives from Prov., Nobiling from Cast.; see Michalis, s.v. nulha) nunca (REW 5995) never < numqua (Ap. Prob. 219), var. of nunquam < ne + umquam o, os art. and pron. < illu(m), ills <o>cajon (REW 6029+) disgrace < occsinem occidere ob + cadere (conject. in Dinis

31, v. 31)
ogano (REW 4161) this year, not long ago < hc ann (abl. of hic annus) (Garcia Soarez 2) oi (REW 4163) (via Cast.?) today < hodi hc di oimais (REW 4163) from now on < hodi + magis (see oi and mais) oir (REW 779) hear, listen to < audre oje (REW 4163) today, now < hodi hc + di (see dia) olho (REW 6038) eye < oclum (cf. Ap. Prob. 111) < oculus ome, omen (REW 4170) man; one [a person] < hominem omildoso (REW 4235+) humble GP omilde humilis ( humus) + oso with -d- prob. from

stem of humilittem (Dinis 50)

onda (REW 9059) wave < undam onde (REW 9062) whence < unde ora adv. (REW 4176) now < hram < Grk. hra (Cornu derives from ad hram) oraon prayer < oratinem orre orar (REW 6081) pray < orre osmar ? (REW 6112) imagine < LL ( Grk.) *osmre (cf. REW 246 esmar [not in Amigo] < aestimre) oste (REW 4201.2) army < hostem ou (REW 810) or < aut ouro (REW 800 gold < aurum (Meo0go 5) ousar (REW 801) dare < *ausre ausus perf. part. of audre < auidre auidus aure outorgar (REW 775) authorize, grant, concede < ML autricre auctor (autor Ap. Prob.

156) augre
outren someone else < *alteri- with analogical -n from quen, alguen, ninguen (see outro) outro, outra adj. and subst. (REW 382) other, another < alterum, alteram outrossi just as much < alterum + sc padecer (REW 6294) suffer < *patiscre *patre (for pat)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

padre (REW 6289) father < patrem padron (REW 6300) patron [saint] < patrnum pater (Charinho 6) pagado (REW 6132) pleased, happy < pctum perf. part. of pcre pagar (REW 6312) please, make happy < pcre pax, pcis, f. palavra (REW 6221) word, verbal skill < parabol from Grk. para + bol (Roi Fernandiz 6) pan (REW 6198) pan de voda = wedding bread < panem (Guilhade 16) pano (REW 6204) cloth < pannum (Sevilha 12, pastorela) papagai parrot < Prov. papagay (Lang) < Arab. babba (Corriente says not originally Arab.) < ? (Dinis 54, pastorela) par adj. (REW 6219) equal < parem par prep. (REW 6396) < per paraiso (REW 6223 []) paradise < LL paradsus < Grk. paradeisos Av. pairi-daza *dheih- (LIV) (Guilhade 3) parado muit ben parada = is in fine shape (Ponte 5) parar (REW 6229) stop [in front of someone] < parre (Roi Fernandiz 6) parcir (REW 6231a+) forgive < *parcre < parcere parecer (REW 6237) appear < *parescre parre parecer subst. appearance paredes (REW 6242) walls < pariets (Sevilha 11) parentes (REW 6233) relatives < parents (parns app. old aorist part. of parre) (Bolseiro

parte (REW 6254) part < partem partion (REW 6260+) division < partitinem (Bolseiro 14) partir (REW 6259) leave; separate from; divide < partre (var. of partr) pars, partis, f. passar (REW 6267) pass, happen; transgress < LL passre passus (see passo) passarinha (REW 6268+) bird dimin. of passar (Ap. Prob. 163) for passer bird (Johan Soarez

Coelho 5)
passo adv. (REW 6270) softly < passus perf. part. of pandere (Airas Nunes 4, pastorela) pastor (REW 6279) girl < pastrem pscere (var. of psc) pastorela pastorella [poetic genre] < Prov. < *pastrilla pastor (Sevilha 12, pastorela) pavor (REW 6314) fear < paurem paure paz (REW 6317) peace [= rest] < pcem (conject. in Johan Airas 32, v. 14) pado in pain perf. part. of par = penar (Treez 3) pea (REW 6450) spell [of time] < ML pecia Celt. *petti- (Airas Paez 1) pecado (REW 6323) sin < pecctum perf. part. of peccre pecador (REW 6322) sinner < LL pecctrem peccre (Esquio 1)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

pedion (not in REW) plea, prayer < petitinem petere (Loureno 2) pedir (REW 6444) ask for < *petre < petere pedra (REW 6445) stone, rock < petram < Grk. petra (Dinis 43) pena (REW 6628) suffering, pain < LL pnam < poenam < Grk. poin/poin penada = pada with intervocalic -n- preserved penar suffer < LL p(o)enre p(o)ena (see pena) pensar (REW 6391) (learned form; cf. pesar) think of < pnsre pnsus perf. part. of pendere peor (REW 6367) worse < peirem pequena ? young (onomatopoeic? see Corominas, s.v. piqueo) per prep. (REW 6396) < per per intensifying adv. very < per pera for; towards < per ad perda (REW 6403) loss < perditam perf. part. of perdere perder (REW 6403) lose < *perdre < perdere per + -dere (form of dare used in

perdador [seer perdador = forgive] perdar as if < *perdntrem (Reimon Gonalvez

perdar (REW 6405) forgive, pardon < perdnre per + dnre dnum (see das) perdon backformed from perdnre (see perdar) perfia (REW 6409) stubborness, defiance < perfidiam per + fid- (cf. fids) perfiar struggle < LL perfidire perfidia (see perfia) (Guilhade 1) perjurado liar; oath-breaker perf. part. of perjurar perjurar break ones word, lie < perjrre reconstructed form of Classical pierre (var. pirre, etc.) per + irre is, iris, n. pero (REW 1158) for that reason; and so; although < per + hoc perto var. of preto pesar (REW 6391) grieve, upset, anger < pnsre pesar subst. grief, pain, distress pino/pinho (REW 6519) pinetree < pnum poder (REW 6682) be able to < *potre (for posse *pot- + esse) poderosa powerful poder + -osa (Dinis 6) per (REW 6647) put; promise < *pnre < pnere p- (cf. post) + sinere pois (REW 6687) ? after, since, because < *posti (Leite de Vasconcellos; poste occurs in

Plautus, Asin. 915)

pois que or pois...que < postquam post + quam


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

poncela (REW 6819) girl via Prov., Cat. or Cast. < *puellicellam puella (Sevilha 12,

ponto (REW 6847) time, moment < punctum perf. part. of pungere por (REW 6762) < pr porende, poren (REW 6773) for that reason, therefore < proinde pr + inde poridade (REW 6860) secrecy < prittem prus (Briteiros 1) portugueese Portuguese < portclnsem Portcle (Zorro 4) pos prep. (REW 6684) after, behind < post posse (REW 6682+) learned word (found only here in GPL) = ML posse (influence, force, etc.),

infin. of possum (Dinis 6)

posto decided, determined < positum perf. part. of pnere (see per) pouco (REW 6303) few < paucum pousada abode subst.: formed from perf. part. of pousar (Sevilha 11) pousar (REW 6308) rest < LL pausre < pausa < Grk. pausa prado (REW 6732) meadow < prtum (Meogo 5) pran (REW 6581 []) de pran = certainly, clearly < Prov. plan < pln adv. of plnus prazer subst. pleasure prazer vb. (REW 6557) < placre (semi-culto; Michalis) prazo (REW 6561) appointed time < *prazdum < placitum [diem] perf. part. of placre prear (REW 6746+) value, prize < *pretire pretium (Bolseiro 6) preo (REW 6746) reputation < pretium pregunta subst. question preguntar (REW 6400) ask < percontre (var. of percontr) per + contr (dubious,

according to OLD; found only in Plautus, Cas. 571) contus < Grk. konts
preito (REW 6561) plea, quarrel; agreement; tryst < *plaito < OF. plait (via Cast. ?) < placitum perf. part. of placre prender (REW 6736) take, grab hold of < *prendre < prehendere prae + *hendere prestar (REW 6725) do [someone] good < praestre2 prae + stre preto ? near, close-by (see apertar) prez (REW 6746) reputation < Prov. pretz < *pret(i)us var. of pretium prijon (REW 6737) prison < prsinem [Cronologia] prns- perf. part. of prendere (see prender) primeiro (REW 6749) first < prmrium prmus privado (REW 6761) soldier < prutum perf. part. of prure pruus prol (REW 6766) good, benefit < prde formed from prdesse prd- + esse (-l unexplained;

see Cunha)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

provado proved < probtum perf. part. of probre (see provar) provar (REW 6764) prove, put to the test < probre probus proveito (REW 6769) benefit < prfectum perf. part. of prficere pr + facere (Dinis 42) punhar, puinhar (REW 6813) try, strive < pugnre qual (REW 6927) such as < qulem quan (REW 6928) how great, how much < quam (or < quanto in proclisis; see tanto) quando (REW 6932) when, since [causal] < quand quanto, quanta (REW 6933) how much < quantum, quantam que rel. pron. (REW 6453.2) which, who, whom < quid que causal conj. (REW 6954) because, since < quia que interr. (REW 6953.4) what < quid quebranto (REW 2312+) heartbreak crepantem (Michalis) pres. part. of crepre (OLD,

s.v. 2: intr. to break or fall with a crack).

quedar (REW 6956) stop [+ gerund] < *qutre < *qutum (see quedo) (Redondo 1) quedo (REW 6956) quiet < qutum < quitum perf. part. of quiscere queimar (REW 2309) burn < LL *kaimare, modification of Lat. cremre due to Grk. kaima (var. of kauma) kaiein queixar complain < *quassire (Spitzer: cf. REW 6940+; see Cunha) queixosa complaining formed from stem of queixar + -osa queixume complaint formed from stem of queixar + -ume quen (REW 6593.2) who, whom < quem acc. s. of quis and qu quen quer anyone see quen and quer que quer anything see que and quer querer (REW 6923) want, desire < *querre < quaerere (var. quer- CIL) qui/quiai (REW 7586) maybe, perhaps < qu sapit quitar (REW 6958) be free of, rid of; leave; prevent, keep from; stop [doing something] < OF quitter < *quitre < *quitre quitus (see quedo) quite (REW 6958) free [of something/someone] < OF quite < quitum (see quedo) raia (REW 6999) ray [of sun] < *radiam (cf. LL raditus) formed from stem of radius + -are

(Johan Airas 46, pastorela)

ramo (REW 7035) branch, bough < rmum razada (REW 7087) logical, sensible < *ratintam perf. part. of ratinre rati, ~nis, f. razon (REW 7086) reason, logic, discourse < ratinem ratus perf. part. of rr recear be afraid of < ML rezlre re- + zlre (see cear)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

recado (REW 7107) message; consolation backformed from recabdar < *recapitre re- + capitre (cf. ML recapitulre) caput, ~itis, n. receber (REW 7120) receive < *recipre < recipere re- + capere referir upbraid, reproach < *referre var. of referre re- + ferre rei (REW 7286) king < rgem reino (REW 7176) reign, kingdom < rgnum rex, rgis, m. (Guilhade 21) remador oarsman remar as if < *rmtrem (Meendinho 1) remar (REW 7204) row < *rmre rmus ren (REW 7236) thing; person < rem (rs, r, f.) rezar (REW 7123) pray < recitre re- + citre citum perf. part. of cire (Bolseiro 1) riba (REW 7328) riverbank < rpam (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) ribeira (REW 7328) riverbank < rpriam rpa ricas (REW 7315) rich Goth. reiks from Celt. (GED, R 18) < *h3re- (LIV) (Johan Airas 4) riir (REW 7302) laugh < *rdre < rdre rio (REW 7341.2) river, stream < ruum (rus Ap. Prob. 174) rogar (REW 7361) ask for, plead for < rogre rogo (REW 7361) plea < *rogum backformed from rogre romaria (REW 7368) pilgrimage *romariam Roma romper (REW 7442) break, tear < *rumpre < rumpere rostro (REW 7386) face < rstrum (Ulhoa 6) sa (REW 8493a) var. of sua fem. of suus sabedor knowledgable [of]; cunning formed from stem of saber + -edor sabedoria trickery sabedor (Dinis 43) saber (REW 7586.2) know < *sapre < sapere sabor (REW 7590) delight, pleasure < saprem saboroso adv. lushly, pleasantly < LL saporsum (Dinis 54, pastorela) sacar ? take out, remove; except Goth. sakan (Corominas; cf. GED, S 13) *seh2g- (LIV) (REW 7489 saccus) sage (REW 7587) cunning < OF sage < sapidu- (for *sapius; cf. nesapius [Petronius]) sapere (Sevilha 11) sagraon (not in REW) consecration [or church] < sacrtinem sacrtus (see sagrado)

(Bonaval 6)
sagrado subst. (REW 7494) church < sacrtum perf. part. of sacrre sacer (Codax 6) saia (REW 7515) skirt < ML sagiam (var. saya, saja) sagum or sagus sair (REW 7540) go out, go away; turn out [well or ill] < salre


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

sal (REW 7521) salt < salem (Johan Airas 26) salido at high tide, rough [sea, river] < *saltum for saltum perf. part. of salre salvar (REW 7557) defend [ones self against a charge] < salure saluus (Johan Soarez

Coelho 6)
salvo (REW 7559) safe < saluum san proclitic form of santo with apocope sandece ? madness sandeu sandeu, sandia ? mad, crazy (REW 7934a sindija [Arab.]) not in Corriente; no viable

suggestion in Corominas, s.v. sando)

sandice (var. of sandece) madness sanha (REW 4455+) fury, anger < (n)snia nsnus in + snus sanhudo angry < LL *(n)snitum (infl. by nsnia) nsnre (intr.) nsnus (see assanhar) sano (REW 7584) healthy < snum santo (REW 7569) holy < sanctum perf. part. of sancre (cf. sacer) saude (REW 7555) health < saltem saluus (Garcia Soares 2) sazon (REW 7616) time < satinem satum perf. part. of serere s is (3rd p. sing., pres. ind. of seer) < sedet se reflex. pron. (REW 7761) himself, herself, itself, themselves < s se (REW 7889.2) if < s se (REW 7892) thus, so < sc secar (REW 7894) dry < siccre siccus (Torneol 1) seer (REW 7780) be, sit < sedre seguir (REW 7839) follow < *sequre (for sequ) segundo prep. (REW 7774) according to < secundum sequ seguramente (REW 7776) surely < scr ( s [privative prefix] + cr) + mente selar (REW 7795) saddle < ML sellre sella (Dinis 18) sembrante (REW 7925*) appearance < OF or Prov. semblant (see LF) < simulantem pres.

part. of simulre (see semelhar) (Afonso Sanchez 1)

semear (REW 7807) sow < sminre smen, sminis, n. serere semelhar (REW 7926) appear < *similire var. of simulre simulis var. of similis semelhar subst. appearance sempre (REW 7814) always < semper sen subst. (REW 7948a) intelligence, understanding < Prov. sen < Germ. sinn *sent- (LIV) sen prep. (REW 7936) without < sine sendia var. of sandia? (in Moogo 1 only; see sandeu)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

senheira var. of senlheira found in N with the spelling senneira senher (REW 7821+) sir [despective] < Prov. senher < senirem (see senhor) senhor (REW 7821) lady, lord < senirem, comparative of senex, ~is, m. senhora fem. of senhor [late form; not in Amigo] lady (Dinis 54, pastorela) senlheira (REW 7940+; cf. 7945) alone < singulrem singul (senlheira in BV; see senheira) senon unless, except < s + nn sentir (REW 7824) feel < sentre servir (REW 7874) serve < serure servo (REW 7876) servant < seruum (Sevilha 11) seu, sua (REW 8493a) seu for archaic sou (< suum) by analogy with meu; sua < suam si < s (REW 7889) if si < sc (REW 7892) thus, so (see Cunha) si (tonic pron.) himself, herself, themselves by analogy with m < mih sigo (REW 7771a+) with him, with her, with themselves for < scum ( s + cum) by analogy

with m < mih (*scum [Cunha])

siquer adv. even < s + quaerit (see querer) sirgo (REW 7848.3) silk < sricum < Grk. srikos Grk. Sres (Chinese [LSJ]) so (REW 8344) under, benath < sub sobejo very great, excessive app. from OSp. sobejo super + ? sobervha (REW 8458a) pride < superbiam superbus super + ? sobir (REW 8364) go up, climb < *subbre for subre sub + re sobre (REW 8456) above, over < super soer (REW 8065) be accustomed [to] < solre sofredor sufferer sofrer + -edor sofrer (REW 8428) suffer < *sufferrre < sufferre sub + ferre soidade (REW 8072+) yearning < slittem slus (see so) soilo ? (error for s? See soo) (Berdia 5) sol (REW 8059) sun < slem (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) sol adv. (REW 8080+) even < slum acc. sing. neut. of slus solaz (REW 8060) solace, comfort < Prov. solatz < slcium slr son (REW 8090) sound, melody < sonum sonre sonar (REW 8087) sound, ring out < sonre (sonere) sonhar (REW 8082) dream < somnire somnium (see sonho) sonho (REW 8085) dream < somnium somnus sono (REW 8086) sleep < somnum (Charinho 2)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

soo, soa (REW 8080) alone < slum, slam soqueixo (cf. REW 1659c) [a headscarf worn by women, tied under the chin] < sub + capseum (body of carriage, cage OLD) (Lopo 3) sospeita (REW 8485) suspicion < suspecta perf. part. of suspicere sub + spicere (Dinis 22) sospeitada suspicious perf. part. of sospeitar < *suspectre suspicere (see sospeita) sospirar (REW 8489) sigh < susprre sub + sprre souto (REW 7553) glade < saltum2 (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) t var. of at tes ? (REW 201+) until (var. of ates, not found in Amigo) < *tenes (see tes) prob. crossed

with at
tal (REW 8543) such; like that < tlem talan (REW 8540) intention, desire < Prov. talan < talentum < Grk. talanton talhada ben talhada = shapely, beautiful < ML talitam (see talhar) talhar (REW 8542) talhar preito = make an agreement < ML talere (var. tallire, etc. [MLLM]) tala talho shape < ML talium formed from talere (see talhado) (Guilhade 2) tamanho, tamanha (REW 8552) so great < tam + magnum, magnam tan adv. (REW 8546) so [+ adj. or adv.], so much < tam (or re-formed by apocope of tanto in

tanger (REW 8558) play [the aduffe] < *tangre < tangere (Giinzo 8) tanto, tanta (REW 8562) so much, so great < tantum, tantam tardada subst. delay < tardtam perf. part. of tardre (see tardar) tardar (REW 8572) delay, tarry < tardre tardus tarde, tardi adv. (REW 8573) late < tard adv. of tardus te object pron. you < t ter (REW 8646) have; consider < tenre tes ? (REW 201+) until (var. of ates, which is not found in Amigo) < ad + *tenes (for tenus;

Corriente sees cross with AA att)

temer (REW 8737) fear < timre tempo (REW 8634) time < *tempum (for tempus) tercer (REW 8677) third proclitic form of terceiro, with apocope < tertirius tertius trs, tria (Dinis 6) terra (REW 8668) land, country < terram ti you for tibi, by analogy with m < mih tirar ? (REW 8755) (Corominas: uno de los puntos ms oscuros de la etimologa neolatina)


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

todavia always, continually; anyway, still; by any means < tt ui (abl.) todo (REW 8815) all, every < ttum tolheito paralyzed, bewitched perf. part. of tolher (Dinis 42) tolher (REW 8769) take away, steal < *tollre < tollere tomar ? take torcer (REW 8798) twine [silk] < torqure (Estevan Coelho 2) tormenta (REW 8793) storm < tormenta (neut. pl.) torqure (Charinho 2) tornada subst. return < torntam perf. part. of tornre (see tornar) tornar (REW 8794) return, come back; turn [something] into [something else] < tornre tornus < Grk. tornos torpidade torpe (REW 9006) naughtiness < turpem as if < *turpittem (Guilhade 6) torre (REW 9008) tower < turrem torto (REW 8809.2) wrong < tortum perf. part. of torqure toste (REW 8814) soon, quickly < Prov. toste (cf. OF tost) < tostum perf. part. of torrre touca (REW 8601a) cap < *tauka (Hisp. [Corominas]) traedor (REW 8830 []) traitor < trditrem trdere tr- + dare traer (REW 8841+) < *trahre < trahere trager < *tragre var. of trahere traion (REW 8829 []) treason < trditinem trdere (see traedor) travar (REW 8823) criticize; be stuck < *trabre (cf. ML trabta) trabs, trabis, f. trebelhar ? play (REW 8881a *trepidulre) (see Cunha) treita treated perf. part. of traer tres (REW 8883) three < trs tristea (REW 8919) sadness < trstitiam trstis (Esquio 2) tristen (hapax) sadness < *trstdinem (Piel, p. 274) (Cangas 2) trobador trobadour < Prov. trobador trobar as if < *tropatrem trobar (REW 8936a) compose < Prov. trobar *tropre Grk. tropos trepein 2. *trep tu (REW 8963) you [said to a parrot] < t (Dinis 53, pastorela) u (REW 9028) where, when, since [causal] < ub un, a (REW 9075) one, a/an < num, nam uviar (REW 6027) be able to < LL obuire (in) obuiam (so as to meet) ob + uia (uviasse conject. in Bolseiro 2, v. 5) vagar (REW 9108) free time, rest < uacre (cf. uacuus) val (REW 9134) vale, valley < uallem


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

valer (REW 9130) < ualre vo (REW 9145) en vo = in vain < unum (Dinis 54, pastorela) varon (REW 962) man < ML bar, barnis ? (Dinis 55, pastorela) vassalo (REW 9166) vassal < ML uassallum ML uassus (REW 9167) < Celt. *wasso-

(Rodrigu Eanes de Vasconcelos 4)

vedar (REW 9286) forbid < uetre (Johan Soarez Coelho 1) veer (REW 9319) see < uidre vegada (REW 9304) time, occasion < *uicta (cf. uictim for uicissim) uicis (no nom.) velido (REW1027+) lovely < *belltu- bellus (see belo) + -itu-; Malkiel derives from melltu mel (see Cunha) vencer (REW 9338) win, defeat < *uincre < uincere vengar (REW 9347) take revenge on, get back at [someone] < uindicre (cf. OLat. uindcere)

denominative uindex, -icis, m.

vento (REW 9212) wind < uentum ventura luck < uentram fut. act. part. of. uenre vero (REW 9216) Spring, Summer < *uernum ur (Dinis 54, pastorela) verdade (REW 9228) truth, fidelity < urittem urus verdadeiro true verdade verde (REW 9368a) (uirdis Ap. Prob. 201) green < uiridem uirre vergonha (REW 9225) shame < *uercunniam < uercundiam uerr vertudes (REW 9371) [magical] powers < uirttem uir (Guiinzo 5) vervo (REW 9223) saying, proverb < uerbum vestir subst. (REW 9282) dress < uestre uestis (Meogo 8) vez (REW 9307) time, occasion < uicem via (REW 9295) way < uiam vioso (REW 9396) happy, thriving < uitisum uitium (Bolseiro 7) vida (REW 9385) life < utam vir (REW 9200) come < uenre vil (REW 9328) cheap < ulem (conject. in Berdia 5, v. 7) vila (REW 9330) town < ullam vinga vengeance backformed from vingar (Baveca 9) vingar (see vengar) virgeu (REW 9368+) garden, orchard < Prov. (or OF) vergier < LL uir(i)dirium uiridis virgo (REW 9364+ []) girl < uirg, ~inis, f. (learned; taken from nom.) viver (REW 9411) live < *uure < uuere vivo (REW 9420) alive < uuum


Rip Cohen, Etymological Wordlist for the Cantigas dAmigo

voar (REW 9431) fly < uolre (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) voda (REW 9458) wedding < uta perf. part. of uoure (see pan) volver (REW 9443) stir up < *uolure < uoluere voontade (REW 9438) intention, determination < uolunttem uelle (Treez 3) vos (REW 9455) you [pl.] < us vosco with you [pl.] < uoscum (Ap. Prob. 221) by analogy, for ubscum ubs + cum vosso (REW 9279) your, yours [pl.] < *uostrum (o from nostrum, not < OLat. uoster) for uest(e)rum us vou (REW 9117) I go < ud (1st pers. pres. indic. act. of udere) voz (REW 9459) voice < ucem (Johan Airas 46, pastorela) xe, xi reflex. pron. < s


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