Master'S Project Seminar: Inquiry, Designs, and Methods Education 409

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Santa Clara University

School of Education, Counseling Psychology, and Pastoral Ministries
Higher Education Program
Summer 2007

“We seem to have arrived at a watershed in the debate on the value of

higher education research. Researchers have actively reconsidered
methodological standards, long dominated by the social science research
paradigm. Many scholars and practitioners roundly criticize much research as
limited in value, neither relevant nor legitimate, and void of purpose,
commitment, or coherence. . . . Over and over, they suggest that we have
substituted method for substance, that we have chosen trivial or irrelevant
questions to pursue, and that we need to reorient our field to different questions
and new methods if we are to have any importance at all” [emphasis added].

- Leslie, D. W., & Berkham, J.C. (1986). Research on

higher education: Dead end or new directions.
Review of Higher Education, 10, 123, 128.

Instructor: Lester F. Goodchild, Ph.D.

Director of the Higher Education Program
and Professor of Education
Reading and Learning Center (Franklin Street)

Class Meeting: 6:00-9:00 p.m., Tuesdays, beginning June 26, July 3, 24, 31, and
August 7 and 14 through the quarter and during exam week, a 3
unit course—yet to be determined

Office Hours: By appointment (usually on Fridays)

Prerequisite Course and Status: 490 Research Methods; nearing completion of the higher
education master of arts program.

Course Description: As noted in the School of Education, Counseling Psychology, and

Pastoral Ministries Bulletin (2006-2007, p. 64). “Individualized project in support of a
master’s degree in higher education. Professional paper and/or fieldwork activities in
support of systemic change; inquiry and research.” Such topics as “organizational theory,
learning theories and goals, program incentives administration, management and

leadership, and public policy” should provide a focus to the research project. Instructor
and students explore topics in group where faculty mentoring and peer advising and
feedback provide a stimulating and exciting seminar for exchange of ideas related to
inquiry, designs of study, and appropriate research methods. Students should expect to
understand the basics of inquiry and research, different types of research methods, and
produce an important research study which demonstrates their research skills. They will
design their own research project, with the approval of the instructor.

There are two typical approaches used in completing a master’s project. Historically, the
Higher Education Program has encouraged according to Professor Tom Savage: “a
curriculum project or a research project.” The curriculum project is focused on the
analysis of learning, instruction, outcomes assessment, and curricula, as well as their
implications for students, faculty, and institutions of higher learning. This project centers
“on an important need that has practical application. It should have application to a
broader setting than just one setting.” On the other hand, the research project is a more
traditional research based project. It involves developing a research question or problem,
and then collecting data through either qualitative or quantitative methods to answer it.
The summative work analyzes these data and discusses their implications. The research
project approximates a traditional master’s thesis.

Therefore, this course was created to enable master’s students to develop, design, and
formulate the appropriate method for their master’s project. It is the summative work of
the program. It is predicated upon the student’s earlier study of different research
methods in EDUC 490. Generally, students work on this project two quarters. (Students
may take EDUC 399 in a subsequent quarter to complete the requirement, usually for an
additional 3 units. All students taking this subsequent course will meet as a group in a
biweekly fashion.)

Before beginning the course, students should have a defined project and have substantive
knowledge of the subject proposed to study. This course is not a course where the
knowledge base related to the topic or problem can be gained. Rather, this course is a
summative inquiry course where exploration of the design of the proposed project is the
focus of study. This course is a combination of seminar time, research opportunities, and
individual conferences with the instructor. Thus, the seminar meets every other week
during the quarter. The first part of the class will focus on the readings for the night,
while the second part of the class will center on group discussion of individual student

Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to:

1. To understand the current challenges facing higher education research within

academe and the larger community.

2. To ask critical inquiry questions which may lead to significant master’s project

3. To understand the interrelationship between different components of the master’s
project, namely, topic/problem, literature review, method, data collection,
analysis, results, implications, and significance.

4. To explore both qualitative and quantitative research methods and be able to

select the appropriate method to answer a research problem.

5. To discuss how they grew as researchers and explore the critical points in the
development of their project’s problem statement, literature, and research method.

Learning Aids:

Required texts for this course:

Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2003). The craft of research, 2nd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Murray Thomas, R. (2003). Blending qualitative and quantitative research methods in

theses and dissertations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

APA Publication Manual—5th edition (2001)

Evaluation Criteria and Techniques:

A. On successful completion of this course, learners should be able:

1. To understand the components of a master’s project design and their


2. To understand the role which theory plays in master’s research;

3. To present provocative research questions, possible master’s

topics/problems; and

4. To write the first three chapters of their master’s project—and assess their
development as researchers.

B. Evaluation of this learning is achieved in this course will be determined in four


1. Class participation in discussions through assigned and related readings

and from professional experience as well as course tasks (such as
developing drafts of master’s chapters).

2. A mid-term grade based on the assessment of Chapters 1 and 2.

Two chapters (classes 3 and 4). The first chapter should comprise four
parts: (1) a description of the problem statement (e.g., the college
presidency; faculty duties related to teaching, research, and service;
student admission in community colleges) and its history; (2) a significant
research question and several secondary questions about the topic--make
sure to introduce the "why" or theoretical question into these research
questions; (3) how each of these questions relates to the current research
related to the topic area.

3. Completion of Chapter 3—discussion of research method used to answer

the research questions (class 5).

4. Final presentation of all three chapters during examination week and how
they grew as researchers during the quarter (class 6).

C. Course evaluation will be determined in the following manner: class participation

is 30% of the course grade; the mid-term chapters are 35% of the course grade;
and the final chapter and presentation is 35% of the course grade.

Each student will develop a project consistent with the scholarship normally
expected of a graduate level student. This project will be written in a format
consistent with accepted writing format and style.

APA is the style required for all papers in this course.

Understanding a Good Master’s Project

CLASS 1: Doing the Master’s Project: Either the Curriculum Project or the
Research Project

Seminar Discussion: Overview of the Course. Presentation of individual student

projects. Group discussion and advising.

CLASS 2: The Master’s Project Topic and Problem Statement

Required Reading:
Booth, Colomb, and Williams, pp. xi-109.

Seminar Discussion: What are good master’s project topics in higher education? How
are they different from questions and problems? What are the relationships between
problems and sources? What did you learn from analyzing the nature of inquiry?

Assignment: Turn in a draft of your first chapter—paper in class; email it also--it will be

returned to you using Mircosoft track changes.

CLASS 3: The Master’s Project Literature Review

Required Readings:
Booth, Colomb, and Williams, pp. 114-182.
Murray Thomas, pp. 1-13.

Seminar Discussion: How can your literature help you make a good argument for your
project? What is a good master’s project literature review for higher education? How
did you structure your review? Where did you find the best research?

Assignment: Turn in the revision of your first chapter on the question; turn in four major
areas of literature and use at least one author's publication for each area.

CLASS 4: The Master’s Project Research Design: Interrelating the Research

Method, Data Collection, and Analysis

Required Reading:
Booth, Colomb, and Williams, pp. 183-219.
Murray Thomas, pp. 17-31.

Seminar Discussion: What is a good master’s project design? How does the research
method relate to the topic and literature review? What should the analysis of the data
achieve? How difficult was it to grasp these interrelationships?

Assignment: Turn in draft of your second chapter on literature review in paper and

Class 5: Review of the First Three Chapters—Getting the Design Right for the
Master’s Project

Required Reading:
Booth, Colomb, and Williams, pp. 222-238.
Murray Thomas, pp. 33-99.

Seminar Discussion: Let’s talk about methods—what is best for the problem to be
investigated? Why is fit so important? How do you know when you have a good match
between the research questions and the method?

Assignment: Turn in your revision of the second chapter; turn in your draft of the

method chapter.

Class 6: Examination Week--Seminar:

There will be three activities for this final session:

Discussion of all three chapters during examination week--turn in final revision of all
three chapters;

Be prepared to discuss Murray Thomas pp. 101-170 how can these models of blended
qualitative and quantitative methods offer you insights about different research methods
available to researchers—did you want to change your research method?;

and how did you grow as a researcher during the quarter.

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