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Unit 1 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF .....

1. Fill each gap in the sentence with one word from the o!. rigade " fields. #$ ish " weather" e!periences" famil%" danger" ro$ntines" children" neigh ors 1. &hen her children are at school" 'rs &hite does her $s$al ............... (. There)s a lot of ............. in*ol*ing in roc+ clim ing. ,. The seccess of the crop depends on the .............. -. &e can see man% ............... of corn in the *illage. .. T$rn the radio down" or %o$)ll wa+e the ................... /. Almost e*er% ............. in the town owns a tele*ision. 0. &hene*er %o$ see a ho$se on fire" call o$t the fire ................ 1. The street is co*ered with old cans and other +inds of .................. 2. 3e*eral ...................." aged a o$t se*en" were pla%ing in the %ard. 14. He had man% interesting ................ while he was tra*eling in Africa. (. 'atch a *er in A with a phrase in 5. A 5 1. to drin+ a. at the airport 6$ite earl% (. to lead ,. to arri*e -. to p$t .. to p$mp /. to tal+ 0. to ta+e 1. to come 2. to ha*e 14. to lea*e 11. to go . to e a a o$t 14 pm. c. water into the field d. a short rest e. a c$p of tea f. a wonderf$l *acation g. to see neigh ors h. the ho$se at a 6$arter past fi*e i. $p the tents in the middle of the field 7. e*er%thing as planned +. the $ffalo to the field

1(. to do l. in a friendl% wa% ,. 8hoose the est answer. 1. It was ................. hot that I decided to sta% indoors all da%. A. so 5. too 8. s$ch D. *er% (. 3he li*es near me and I spea+ to her e*er% da% on m% ................... to wor+. A. road 5. wa% 8. street D. tra*el ,. '% father en7o%s ................ for a wal+ in the par+ after dinner. A. ta+ing 5. ha*ing 8.going -. In spite of her protest" her father ............. her train for the race two ho$rs a da%. A. let 5. ca$se 8. insisted D. made .. &e do*e aro$nd the cit% center for an ho$r loo+ing for a par+ing .............

A. area 5. space 8. ho$se D. stop /. The teacher ................ the st$dents the sol$tion to the pro lem. A. told 5. said 8. disc$ssed D. e!plained 0. His parents don)t ................ of his ha*ing parties e*er% wee+. A. agree 5. s$pport 8. appro*e D. appreciate 1. At -9 ,4 e*er% da% she has to go and ................. $p her children from school. A. ta+e 5. dri*e 8. ring D. pic+ 2. I was ill all da% %esterda%" so I 7$st sat and ................... tele*ision. A. saw 5. loo+ed 8. watched D. noticed 14. Do %o$ fanc% a .................. of tennis this afternoon: A. pla% 5. game 8. part D. match 8hoose the word that does not elong to the same gro$p. 1. A. plow 5. harrow 8. raise D. lea*e (. A. land 5. field 8. rest D. crop ,. A. morning 5. wee+ 8. e*ening D. afternoon -. A. pla% 5. wor+ 8. repair D. p$mp .. A. 6$ic+ 5. read% 8. short D. 6$ite /. A. frightened 5. cheerf$l 8. satisfied D. contented 0. A. lo*el% 5. slowl% 8. e!actl% D. s$ddenl% 1. A. tent 5. camp 8. offalo D. sleeping; ag 2. A. flight 5. lo$nge 8. seaside D. chec+;in 14. A. fishing 5. camping 8. smo+ing D. farming 8hoose the word with the different prono$nciation of the $nderlined part. 1. (. ,. -. .. /. 0. 1. 2. 14. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. dail% ho$se lead lo*e death food m$ch ride danger c$p 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. read% ro$tine lea*e plot thin+ floor $nl$c+% fire land crop 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. famil% sho$t peasant crop an%thing noon occ$pation o$tside camp content D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. satisf% gro$nd stream office weather soon s$mmer fa*orite ag c%clo

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