Politely Asking Someone To Do Something

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Politely asking someone to do something

When we ask somebody to do something in a polite way, we can use this form: Would you mind + -ing form of verb Examples Would you mind passing me the salt, please? Would you mind closing the window? We can also ask somebody to not do something in the same way, using this form: Would you mind + not + -ing form of verb Examples Would you mind not smoking? Would you mind not shouting? We can also use the following forms to ask someone politely to do something: Would you please! + base form "ould you please! + base form of verb "ould # ask you to please! + base form of verb Examples Would you pass me the salt? "ould you please talk more $uietly? "ould # ask you to please help me? %imilarily, when we want somebody to not do something we can use these forms: Would you please! + not + base form "ould you please! + not + base form "ould # ask you to please! + not + base form Examples Would you please not shout? "ould you please not smoke in here? "ould # ask you to please not make so much noise?

Inviting someone to do something with "Do"

When we invite somebody to do something in a polite way, we can use this form: &o + base form of verb Examples &o sit down' &o have some cake' &o come with us'

Politely interrupting
When we want to interrupt somebody we can use one of the following expressions: %orry to bother you' %orry to interrupt you' %orry to disturb you' %orry to trouble you'

http:((www'oneworldofenglish'com(english)grammar)exercises(fawlty)towers)polite) expressions'htm *ill in all the gaps: +,%#-: Excuse me, #.m sorry to /0 W,0E#12: What? +,%#-: "ould # ask you please to /0 W,0E#12: +ut''' you' Would you mind to that table over there? to that table?

+,%#-: #.m so sorry to you' /0 W,0E#12: We.re halfway through''' +,%#-: 3hank you so much' /0 W,0E#12: 4es, but''' +,%#-: 3his is -ord /elbury.s table, you see' /0 W,0E#12: What? +,%#-: -ord /elbury' When he stays with us he always sits at this table' /0 W,0E#12: Well, why did they put us here? +,%#-: ,h, an oversight''' on my wife.s part' #.m so sorry' 5e.s only 6ust arrived, you see' Would you mind? 7olly8 - Would you thank you so much' these people to that table? 3hank you,

+,%#-: "ome on8 "ome on8'' 3hank you' ,h, -ord /elbury8 &o please this way'''your lordship''' # have your table over here by the window'''as usual' 9ust here''' thank you so much' /E-+:04: 3hank you, thank you very much''' +,%#-: #.m so sorry8 ;h my -ord8 ;h my 2od8 /0 W,0E#12: # think he.s killed him8 +,%#-: 2et on with your meals8 3hank you so much'

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