Genre Analysis

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Genre analysis Sci-fi

The genre for sci-fi is well known and its general conventions are also very well known. It normally consists of a story set in the future or with some sort of futuristic aspects. A stereotypical sci-fi film would include robots, lasers, time travel, space ships and things that we generally assume to be from the future. Also another thing is sci-fi props which help further identify these films. For example scanners, weird weapons and things like advanced computers The average audience for this genre ranges from film to film. Generally films like Star Trek attract both young audiences with its futuristic charm and interesting story line. Alongside that older audiences are attracted to it due to its nerdyness. For example the technology and the fact it is based on the older Star Treks which they watched. But both of these audiences share one thing in common. Both of these audiences watch these to escape to a world which is slightly more possible as its all yet to happen. So when thinking about my film I should try to see how I can interest these two audiences and attempt to grasp the teenage audience with some heavy action. Sci-fi , although its set in the future, can sometimes relate to current events. Best example would be War of the worlds. Back when people feared about the end of the world and Russia invading this film almost gave light to that topic. Same for the film the body snatchers, It was commenting on the spread of communism. There are of course sub-genres to Sci-fi like with any genre. For example this is the outline for the sci-fi genre

Genres in terms of emphasis to accuracy and the type of science Hard science fictiona particular emphasis on scientific detail and maybe accuracy Soft science fictionfocus on human characters and their relations and feelings, while deemphasizing the details of technological hardware and physical laws Social science fictionconcerned less with technology and more with social speculations about human society

Themes related to science, technology, space and the future, as well as characteristic plots or settings Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic science fiction Biopunkuses elements from the hard-boiled detective novel, film noir, Japanese anime, and post-modernist prose to describe the nihilistic, underground side of the biotech society Cli fiemphasizes effects of anthropogenic climate change and global warming Dying Earth science fiction Military science fiction Steampunkdenotes works set in (or strongly inspired by) an era when steam power was still widely used usually the 19th century, and often set in Victorian England though with otherwise high technology or other science fiction elements

Time travel Space colonization Space operaemphasizes romantic adventure, exotic settings, and larger-than-life characters Spy-fi

Genres concerning the historical era of creation and publication Cyberpunknoted for its focus on "high tech and low life" and taking its name from the combination of cybernetics and punk. Golden Age of Science Fictiona period of the 1940s during which the science fiction genre gained wide public attention and many classic science fiction stories were published. New wave science fictioncharacterised by a high degree of experimentation, both in form and in content. Pulp science fiction Scientific romancean archaic name for what is now known as the science fiction genre, mostly associated with the early science fiction of the United Kingdom.

Genres that combine two different fiction genres or use a different fiction genre's mood or style Alternate history science fictionfiction set in a world in which history has diverged from history as it is generally known Comic science fiction Science fiction erotica Adventure science fictionscience fiction adventure is similar to many genres and is emphasized in popular culture (see Romantic Science Fiction and Space Opera) Gothic science fictiona subgenre of science fiction that involves gothic conventions New Wave science fictioncharacterized by a high degree of experimentation, both in form and in content Science fantasya mixed genre of story which contains some science fiction and some fantasy elements Science fiction operaa mixture of opera and science fiction involving empathic themes Science fiction romancefiction which has elements of both the science fiction and romance genres Science fiction mysteryfiction which has elements of both the science fiction and mystery genres, encompassing Occult detective fiction and science fiction detectives Science fiction Westernfiction which has elements of both the science fiction and Western genres Space Westerna subgenre of science fiction that transposes themes of American Western books and film to a backdrop of futuristic space frontiers.

Of all of these sub-genres and so on, I believe that I would like to aim for the cyber/steampunk era and characteristics as these would look best in a dying earth style kind of film. Also as I believe there is not enough of this kind out there where a fair amount of sci-fi films primarily focus on bright and flashy future looking stuff rather than steampunk and cyberpunk.

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