Potsdam Village Police Department Blotter March 13, 2014

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Authorized By: Sgt. Smith Date: 3/13/14

0019 00$% 0,11

Dispatched PV S to a ca!! o" #u"so" Street. &omp!eted a record chec' (or )e* +or' State Po!ice. Dispatched PV S to a ca!! o" #u"so" Street.

0%,- Bicyc!e !ocated o" &!ar'so" A.e /y a passi"g motorist. Bi'e is a" 1- speed oadmaster #t". Sport 0rou"d Assau!t1 !ight /!ue i" co!or1 /rought to the PPD (or sa(e 'eepi"g. 0%3% Patro! respo"ded to a" 2!m Street reside"ce a"d assisted a reside"t *hose door *as *edged shut /y s"o* accumu!atio". 0301 Patro!s respo"ded to a motor .ehic!e accide"t o" 4a*re"ce A.e.

03$4 5ie!ded report o( possi/!e damage to the A6# at )B6 /a"'. 7"(ormatio" tur"ed o.er to S4& Sheri((8s 9((ice. 0903 091$ 094% 09$, 09$3 1041 104% 10$Dispatched Potsdam escue to a ca!! (or a motor .ehic!e accide"t Dispatched a patro! to a report o( a car i" a s"o*/a"' at 0arde" a"d #ar'et St. 6ra((ic Stop made (or a .ehic!e tra.e!i"g the *ro"g *ay o" a 9"e :ay St. o" ;ami!to" St. Dispatched Potsdam escue to a ca!! Patro!s respo"d to a , car #VA o" Sa"dsto"e Dr. A patro! *as dispatched to attempt to catch to stray dogs p!ayi"g i" tra((ic /y 2!m a"d 0ra"t St. Dispatched Potsdam escue to a ca!!. A tra((ic stop *as made o" &!i"to" St. (or a" 9/structed :i"dshie!d.

13$3 A su/<ect e"tered the statio" to comp!ai" a/out ho* a .ehic!e has /ee" par'i"g croo'ed i" a par'i"g spot o" a dai!y /asis. &o"tact *as made *ith the o*"er o( the .ehic!e a"d the pro/!em *i!! /e corrected. 1400 Su/<ect e"tered the statio" to report she has (a!!e" prey to a scam i" *hich she thought she *as hired to /e a "a""y /y a coup!e that *ou!d /e arri.i"g short!y (rom o.erseas. A chec' *as se"t to her to /uy supp!ies a"d the e=tra *as to /e se"t /ac' to the coup!e. 6he chec' tur"ed out to /e (raudu!e"t. Peop!e are remi"ded that i( u"'"o*" peop!e are se"di"g mo"ey i" the (orm o( a chec' a"d as'i"g (or mo"ey (rom the chec' to /e se"t /ac' the" it is a scam.


141$ 14,3 1$,% 1%,, 13$$ 1940 1941 ,144 ,,4% ,340 Assisted a"other !a* e"(orceme"t age"cy *ith a /ac'grou"d i".estigatio" Assisted a" i"di.idua! *ith (i"gerpri"ti"g (or emp!oyme"t Assisted a" i"di.idua! i" getti"g ha"dicap permits A patro! respo"d to a report o( a #VA at the i"tersectio" o( :a.er!y a"d 0ro.e St. eport o( a gas !ea' o" Pi"e Street. DP: dispatched to mar' se*er/*ater (or repair o( !ea'. ecei.ed dog comp!ai"t Patro! respo"ded to a" a!arm acti.atio" at a /usi"ess !ocated o" #ar'et Street Patro! respo"ded to a "oise comp!ai"t o" &herry Street Patro! respo"ded to De/ra Dri.e to pro.ide a !i(t assist to citize" &itize" e"tered PPD to report !ost/sto!e" property (rom a" esta/!ishme"t !ocated o" #ar'et Street

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