List of Case Studies

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Create a business model for 1. Use your creative thinking to create Coke Event management a.

What is the market for event management in India b. What will be the differentiation strategy c. How will they create brand differentiation d. Select a TG and create a business penetration strategy. 2. Microsoft nokia mobile , identify markets growth potential a. What is the positioning mantra b. Will Microsoft Nokia branding play a role c. What are the strategies for emerging markets d. Create aBCG matrix for the Nokia Microsoft e. How successful can the brand / products match the expectation of unmet market 3. Think of a transformation strategy for Star TV, Flipkart or Fasoos a. What is the existing strategy, define new strategy, b. define newness of strategy c. Will there be any innovation , where is the inspiration drawn from d. Evaluate the its pros and cons 4. Concept of Bottled water: a. There is a criticism about bottled water on quality, claims that bottled water is not better than tap water. b. Plastic bottles are carbon costly and not biodegradable c. What programs will you consider to combat these arguments d. If your were pepsi or coke trying to launch a new brand e. What is the product awareness campaign drive required to build a customer base. 5. SME industry in India is a major contributor to India's economy, if you were a developer of software either web based or tally customization for sme. a. Define usage gap to understand the market potential b. How will you ascertain the market analysis to access the attractiveness of the market or submarket c. What will be your product strategy d. Do you see large player like big 3 entering the competition spree ( with specific reference to tally) e. Can Web based/Cloud based solutions for SME be the answer to reduce the cost of hardware and expensive programs. 6. Create a portfolio of companies / brands that are able to fight competition in high growth market. Creating a market leadership e.g Google, Samsung a. Substantiate with examples, with reasons b. Your understanding of the strategies deployed 7. Can India create an alternative to Mc donalds, a. What are emerging submarkets in the food industry b. What are alternative ( Indian) to Mc donalds c. Can we forecast trends in health food category d. What is the value proposition of the new chain e. How will the chain be delivered 8. Revitalize Reebok brand a. Focus on Newer market b. Ansoff's quadrant c. Innovation to product range/ market

d. Technology and design parameters e. Improve perception

9. why yahoo failed? 10. Kingfisher analysis of internal assessment 11. concept of game theory 12. oligivy strategies 13. set promotion budget & Mix

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