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ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT _______________________________________________________________________ _ HBEL 3103 TEACHING OF WRITING JANUARY 2014 _______________________________________________________________________ _ INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1.

This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Answer in Eng !"#$ 3. Download the language version of the %""!gn&'n( ('&) %(' concerned from the MyV ! for preparation and su"mission of your assignment. #our assignment should "e typed using 12 point Times $ew %oman font and 1.& line spacing. '. #our assignment should "e "etween 2*00 (+ 3000 ,+-." '/0 1.!ng references. The num"er of words should "e shown at the end of your assignment. D+ n+( copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. &. #ou must su"mit your assignment TO YOUR FACE2TO2FACE TUTOR. #ou are advised to (eep a copy of your su"mitted assignment for personal reference. ). #our assignment must "e su"mitted "etween 3(# * 4(# M%-0# 2014 +- T1(+-!% 4$ +u"mission %5('- 4(# M%-0# 2014 +- T1(+-!% 4 will NOT "e accepted. ,. #our assignment should "e prepared individually. #ou should not copy another person-s assignment. #ou should also not plagiarise another person-s wor( as your own.

E6ALUATION This assignment accounts for 407 of the mar(s for the course mentioned and shall "e assessed "ased on (#' R18-!0" +- An",'- S0#'&'$ #ou would "e informed of the assignment mar( "efore the .inal +emester !/amination commences. 9LAGIARISM : MAR;S DEDUCTION W%-n!ng: The su"mitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity chec(. 0f plagiarism is detected1 mar(s would "e deducted as follows2 Assignments with 10 2 30 7 +<'- %) with others2 207 deduction from the total mar(s scored. Assignments with 31 2 *0 7 +<'- %) with others2 407 deduction from the total mar(s scored. Assignments with &+-' (#%n *07 +<'- %) with others: ='-+ &%-> would "e given.

ASSIGNMENT ?UESTION There are many techniques that teachers can apply to support their students- learning of writing. The different techniques are ela"orated in Topic ' of your te/t"oo(. 3ne technique that teachers can introduce in their writing classes to support students as they learn to write is peer4editing. 5eer4editing1 which is also (nown as peer4review1 peer4 response or peer4assessment1 is a technique used in writing classes where students receive evaluation of their writing from their peers. .or this assignment1 you are required to write a commentary essay on )''-2'.!(!ng )-%0(!0'" !n (#' ,-!(!ng 0 %""-++&. 0n your commentary1 you have to indicate whether peer4editing practice is a worthwhile effort or not. #ou are required to support your writing with your reading on the 8'n'5!("1 the .-%,8%0>"1 and the 0#% 'ng'" of peer4 editing practices in the writing classrooms. #our commentary of the technique has to "e supported "y research findings and e/pertsopinions. 6hen writing your commentary on the peer4editing technique1 you should also relate the challenges and constraints in your own teaching conte/t if the technique is employed within your own writing classroom. %efer to the guidelines provided in the ru"rics given "elow on the e/pected assignment content and also the "asis for which mar(s are to "e awarded for the report. @T+(% : 40 &%->"A

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NO 1 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA In(-+.10(!+n INDEB WEIGHT 1 9OOR 1 0ntroduction has inadequate development 0ntroduction does not have a clear thesis7 stand. 5oor development of ideas in all points. 8nclear e/planation in all points. !/planation is not supported "y relevant sources. A6ERAGE 2 0ntroduction has adequate development "ut thesis7 stand is not clear. 3nly one or two main points have adequate development. +ome points have clear e/planation to support stand while others do not. 3nly some e/planation is supported "y relevant sources 3 C+#'-'n0' 1 6riting is generally incoherent due to ineffective utili9ation of cohesive devices. 8nclear and illogical connections in most parts of writing. ' R'5'-'n0'" 1 0nappropriate style of referencing7 citing e/ternal sources. 6riting is partly coherent "ut some parts are incoherent due to ineffective utili9ation of cohesive devices. 8nclear and illogical connections in some parts of writing. %eferences and citations contain a num"er of errors. GOOD 3 0ntroduction has adequate development and contains clear thesis7 stand. Three main points are well4developed. Most points and e/planation are supportive of stand. Most e/planation is supported "y relevant sources. EBCELLENT ' 0ntroduction is well4 developed and contains clear thesis7 stand. All main points are well4 developed. All of the supporting e/planation is supportive of the stand. %elevant and effective sources support stand and e/planation. MAR;S MAB 4

M%!n B+.CD A-g1&'n(



Most writing flows due to effective use of cohesive devices :lear and logical connection "etween parts of writing

6riting has a good flow due to effective use of cohesive devices There is clear and logical connection "etween parts of writing.

Most writing is properly cited and referenced.

6riting is properly cited and referenced


L%ng1%g'D C+#'-'n0'

imited range of structures utili9ed and many are wrongly constructed !ssay has serious flaws mista(es in grammar and mechanics that seriously affect reader-s understanding

+entences are moderately varied "ut some are wrongly constructed !ssay may have some mista(es in grammar and mechanics that sometimes affect reader-s understanding

Most sentences are varied and are s(illfully constructed !ssay may have a few mista(es in grammar and mechanics "ut these mista(es do not affect readers- understanding

+entences are varied and are s(illfully constructed 6riting is free from flaws in grammar and mechanics






Lampiran II: GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS 1. To write the essay, you are required to refer to Topic 2 of your module to understand the importance of feedback in writing and Topic 4 to understand the different ways to support students learning of writing. You are also required to read ournal articles on peer!editing, before you can start writing. "elow are some ournal articles that you can refer to for your assignment# "erg, $. %. 1&&&. The effects of trained peer response on $'( students re)ision types and quality. Journal of Second Language Writing . *+,-, 21.! 241 /ansen, 0. 1. 2 (iu, 0. 233.. 1uiding principles for effecti)e peer response. ELT Journal. .&+1-, ,1! ,* /yland, 4. 2 /yland, 5. 2336. 5eedback on second language students writing. Language Teaching. ,&, *,!131 7in, /. 2336. The effects of trained peer re)iew on $5( students re)ision types and writing quality. Journal of Second Language Writing. 1., 11*! 141 Tsui, 8.".7 2 9g, 7. 2333. :o second (2 writers benefit from peer comments; Journal of Second Language Writing . & +2-, 14<!1<3

2. Your essay should contain the following# 8n introductory paragraph Your introductory paragraph should contain background information on peer! editing. This part should pro)ide a brief literature re)iew on the benefits, drawbacks and challenges of peer!editing practice. Your thesis=stand should also be clearly indicated in this paragraph. >emember to take only one stand. You can either consider peer!editing as an effort that is worthwhile ?> as an effort that is not worthwhile= useful for your students. :o not take a neutral stand. Your argument This part of your essay should contain 5?@> +4- arguments to support your stand. Af you consider peer!editing a worthwhile effort, you should state the reasons why you think this is so. An your eBplanation, describe how the challenges addressed earlier in the literature re)iew can be o)ercome in your own writing classroom. Af you do not consider peer!editing as a worthwhile effort, you should also state your reasons. An your eBplanation, highlight the challenges that you think cannot be o)ercome or are difficult to be o)ercome in your own teaching conteBt, making the practice an effort that is not useful to your students. This part carries the most marks. Clease remember to support your stand with concrete eBplanation. :o not forget to relate your eBplanation to rele)ant research findings or=and eBperts opinion and to the challenges that eBist within your teaching conteBts. $Bternal reading is necessary to complete this part. 8ll outside sources used must be properly referenced.

%oncluding paragraph. An this paragraph, restate your stand and recapitulate your main arguments briefly. You are also required to close the essay appropriately. ,. @se appropriate transition signals in your writing. 7ake sure that the linking between paragraphs and ideas within paragraphs are clear.

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