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This is how I imagine all the

caracters of Twilight been humans

I hope you enjoy it
Comment please

By: Michelle

The summer had ended, Bella spended all her time working like nuts so she
can buyit a car, she wanted to change her old car that had stop working, with all
her savings that originals were destinys for college, but thanks to the fac that
Bella have earned a schoolarship now that Money was destiny to buy a
Corvette 90,of course that wasn’t a new car but it was a beautiful red Corvette ,
Emmett was dying of envy, but anfortunally for him, he wasn’t smart as Bella
and his savings he has to used for college, although the good side was that
Bella has no social life so he could use her sister’s car to go out. Charlie and
Renee was Bella and Emmett’s parents they were divorced for years now, she
live in Florida with her housband Phil, while the kids had determined stay with
their father that worked as Chief of police, they were not Richs.

While Edward and Alice had a loto of money they father Carslie was a
recognized doctor and Esme they mother was a recognized decorador, bouth
was living and respected people in Phoenix, Edward had a beautiful Silver
Volvo and Alice a Yellow Convertible last model. Although they were twins
were so differents and look alike all at the same time, bouth were populars he
for been the futboll teams capitan and she the queen bee the it girl, she decided
the follow standars, she was the most superficial girl, friends of Tanya, Lauren
and Jessica, who adore Edward, in fact that was one of the reasons for the
effort that they do it to follow Alice, honestly they didn’t care their friendship with
her, the two other reasons were the social status and the popularity of the twins.

The first day of school had come Bella had missed Edward like crazy how since
she remembered had always been in love, but never, never has sayit a word a
but it, he only treated her as his best friend , the only one and he was the only
friend for her, they know each other since ever for been neighbords but he
really know her when she gave he classes in the first year of high school, he
realizad how sweet was the sister of his best friend, and begin defended her of
everyone and everything, incluying Alice who insisted in attack Bella for her
missed sense of fashion.

Bella and Emmett were driving to the school, arguing like always because
Emmett insisted in driving Bella’s new car.

“Bella seriously you should let me drive your car!! We don’t want you crashing it
in the first day of shool!!”

“Emmett stop please, i already told you I am going to borrow my car when you
really need it, and I mean really need it no just showing it okay?, to showing it
you can ask Edward to borrow his car, my car cost me hard work and I need it
for college!!”

“Alright Bella!! But imagine how Alice Hill looks me if I show out driving this
“Come on Emmett when you will understand that Alice Cullen is a superficial girl
that never is going to puta an eye on you!! Altough you become as popular as
her brother, you don’t have the things she likes in the boys she date, well one
thing and it’s the most important, YOU ARE NOT RICH!!!!!!”

Everyone knows that Alice only date boys who drive new cars, and could take
her to dinner at expensive places and pay all her little whims, she never date
anyone from our school, she only date young richs boys... daddy’s boy...who
were in college, and although Emmett was extremenly good looking and
popular he doesn’t have the thing that Alice wanted the most.

“Bella I’m sure, that when Alice realized that I loved the most she will accept

“Dream brother, dream the day that Alice Cullen accepts you that day the hell
will freeze!!”

“And, what about you and Edward??”

“What about me and Edward??”

“You are in love with him since you saw it in the garden of his house playing
when we just have 5 years old!!”

“Don’t over react Emmett, reside on like you, I have very clear what my roll is in
his life!!! I’m only his friend and I prefer that, that losing him!! He never is going
to look me differntly, and how could he having beautiful girl like Tanya, Lauren
and Jessica??”

“Sis you are way more beautiful that those bitches!!”

“You only say that because I’m your sister!!”

“It’s not true and one day you will figure out!!”

“We are in school!!”

Bella y Emmett made it to the parking lot, all the students were watching they,
thanks to Bella’s new car, when Bella put a foot outside her car, somebody lifted
her and hug her hard, that someone was Edward.

“Bella my dear friend!! How I miss you skinny!!”

Bella turns all colors everytime that Edward call her that way, he say it skinny to
her in a loving way.

“I imaging that you miss me, it most be pretty difficult to be in the beach without
me, with all that girls chasing you, I can only imagine how much you miss me!!”
“Come on Bella you are imposible, you know that you are my only and truely
friend and of course I miss you, although the beach was awesome!!”

“Eddie did you miss me??”

“Emmett, you know how I hate when you call me!! That is why I don’t miss you
at all!!”

“What a genius EDWARD!!”

“Bella your car is nice!! I hope you don’t think in borrow it to Emmett, I mean if
you want your survie our senior year lol!!”

“Come on!! You are watching that I’m trying to convings and you are not helping

“Stop you guys!! Quit fighting Edward I know to who I borrow my car you don’t
have to tell me about it and Emmett I’m sorry but Edward it’s totally right lmao!!”

Bella and Edward walked away of Emmett: “and how was your summer Bella??
Did you spended just working or did you do something fun?? And remember
that stay in your all day painting doesn’t count as fun!!”

“That is very fun for me and please don’t critized me because I don’t critized
your ways of having fun!!”

“That is because is nothing wrong with go out, go to the movies, do what normal
and fun peolpe do skinny!!”

“I’m not normal or fun is the way Edward!!”

“I know skinny that I learned a long time ago!!”

They walked to their first class; Bella had biology, and for Edward and Emmett
was English.

Bella also had biology with Alice, but of course she Hill never share a lab table
with her, Alice and Tanya were parners while Jessica and Lauren share the
other lab table, in the back of the classroom Bella was alone in a lab table, she
was used to the hard time Alice Cullen gived to her, the class was about to star
when a girl enter by the door, she was the most beautiful girl I ever see in my
hole life, more beatiful that Alice Cullen, she was blonde, blue eyes, and she
look like a model, of the ones you look in a magazine, the teacher took her card
and introduce her to the class.

“Guys say hi to your new classmate, she came for a exchange of New York, her
name is Rosalie Hale!! Miss Hale welcome, you can sitt down with Miss Swan
at the back!!”
The new girl Rosalie walked to the lab table and sit next to me, I thought that
she wont be nice, you know the tipical popular girl but the way she speak to me
shock me.

“Hi!! Nice to meet you my name is Rosalie, oh! Silly girl the teacher has just say
my name, by the way, what is your name?!!”

“I am Isabella Swan, but everybody call me Bella, nice to meet you too Rosalie
and welcome to Phoniex!!”

Alice Cullen was watching us, obviusly she was upset, she didn’t expect that
someone like Rosalie was so nice and treat me nice, beside I’m sure that
Rosalie beauty was getting in her nerves.

Bella and Rosalie talk during all the class, Rosalie was extremly beautiful but
she doesn’t act all superficial and she was so friendly, by the end of the class
Alice came to our table.

“Hi Rosalie, my name is Alice Cullen and I whould love to show you our

Alice totally ignore Bella, but Rosalie totally realizad what is happening and she
didn’t like it so she say it to Alice.

“Nice to meet you Alice, you are very nice but Bella is going to show me the

“I will allow myself to give you a tip Rosalie, in this school like in all the rest are
levels, and trust me you don’t want to be sem. with Bella Swan!!”

When she was finish Alice walked away and her group of FRIENDS foolow her.

“What a bitch!!!!!! What is her problem with you??”

“Mmm she is never like me, I don’t what her problem is, that I’m not rich or my
lost sense of fashion!!”

“Bella you are so nice!!”

Bella show to Rosalie where her next classes were, the new girl was so nice,
that Bella have say it that they will meet for lunch in the dinner, she was so
excited for introduce her to Edward and Emmett.

When Bella was at the dinner she sit in the same table that she always sit it with
Edward and Emmett a little after they were there too.

“Bella you know why everyone are talking about?? And I just see Alice who say
something about a new girl and you, what is going on??”
“Nothing it’s just that in biology I meet the new girl Rosalie and well your sister
offer her to join her group and she rejected for me, awesome right??”

“Someone dare to reject!!” say Edward and Emmett at the same time.

In that same moment Rosalie enter by the door, but she was not alone, a
incredible good looking guy was with her they look like family, blonde hair and
blue eyes, she was looking for Bella and Bella call her name.

“Bella did you know that beautiful girl!!” say Edward to Bella.

“She is Rosalie the girl I was just talking about!!”

“Hi Bella!! Look this is my brother Jasper, Jasper she is the girl I was just telling
you Bella!!”

“Nice to meet you Jasper!!”

“Nice to meet you too Bella!!”

When Jasper look Bella in the eyes his eyes were in shock what a beautiful girl
he thought, while Edward look at Rosalie and practical eat her alive she was
looking at Emmett who like always was looking at Alice, that was looking at the

“Bella are you going to introduce us??!!” dijo dándole un codazo a Bella.

“Ahh si claro Rosalie el es Edward mi mejor amigo y el es Emmett mi


“Mucho gusto Rosalie soy Edward Cullen!! Es un placer conocerte!!”

“Cullen are you family of little girl of biology Alice??”

“Yes, that little monster is my sister!!”

“Ohh!! And Emmett you are Bella’s sister!! I most say you don’t like family she is
so skinny and you... big!!”

Emmett stop looking at Alice to look at Rosalie, definitly her comment fall him by
surprise, in that moment Alice show out at th table and talking to Jasper, only to
Jasper she introduce herself.

“Hi I’m Alice Cullen and I World love to show you the school!!”

“Ohh nice to meet you Alice I’m Jasper Hale!! And thanks for your offert but I
have a schoolmap and beside Bella, Edward and Emmett will help me if I have
a question, but thanks!!”
Everyone was with their mouth fully open, nobody expect Jaspers answer, Alice
just took of and walked outside of the dinner.

The first day of school, it has been rare Bella meet a new friend, or I should say
her only girl friend, and with a fan, truely was a rare day and it hasn’t over yet.

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