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Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Ialomita Olimpiada de limba engleza Etapa locala Clasa a 11-a Question I (50 points) Are

children influenced by what is shown on television? What can be done to prevent television programmes having a negative influence on children? Write an article covering these points to be published in a magazine for young adults. Question II (50 points) ! Complete t"e second sentence so t"at it "as a similar meaning to t"e #irst sentence! $se t"e gi%en &ord &it"out c"anging it! (10points) 1. This bridge will take us three years to complete. completed In three years time.this bridge. . We decided to try again later. &ould It was try again later. !. If "auline hadnt been interested# the pro$ect would have been abandoned! interest %ut ..the pro$ect would have been abandoned. &. Its possible that this kind of snake is poisonous. could This snakethe poisonous kinds. '. I should really be going home now! time Its .home now. '! (ill in t"e blan)s &it" one &ord (*0 points) (nly twelve astronauts actually set foot on the moon during the )* +pollo space programme between1,-, and 1,. . *ome have since ../10.. household names1 like 2eil +rmstrong# ./ 0.. made the original 3giant leap for mankind4 and %uzz +ldrin# his copilot in that mission. The other ten are less well known# even /!0.. each made his contribution to the programme. %ut to "aul "rendergast# a postal worker from 5ondon# they are all pioneers# worthy to be mentioned in the /&0.breath as the great e6plorers of earlier eras# /' 7hristopher 7olumbus. "auls fascination /-0. the sub$ect began in 888 /.0....he attended a convention for people ./90.. hobby is collecting autographs. There he met +lan %ean/fourth man on the moon0 and :d ;itchell /si6th0. +h he remembers< 3There were television stars there# people from %ond movies# and so /,0# but these men had walked on moon. I headed straight/ meet them and ask for their autographs.4

C! $se t"e &ord gi%en in capitals to #orm &ords t"at #it in t"e gap (*0 points) "ress /10. continues over whether the prime minister is on the point of calling a general election. +n / 0is e6pected shortly from the government head=uarters. "olitical ./!0..believe that the timing of an election is crucial to the ../&0of the government. ;ichael 5ee of 3The Independent4 commented< 3Weve had repeated /'0.from the "rime ;inister that no election would be call this year# but present circumstance may $ust cause him to change his mind.4 *i6 months ago this would have been /-0 +n election would have been /.0..suicide# and would have certainly led to the /90of the government. The government was coming in for severe ../,0.. because of its education policy. +lso# it was widely attacked for its ../180.. involvement in the arms e6port scandal. 1.*":7)5+T: . +22()27: !. +2+5>*: &. *)?@I@: '. +**)?: -. TAI2B .. "(5ITI7* 9. C(W2 ,. 7?ITI7I*: 18. CI*+*T:?

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