Master of Toursim Managment

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MTM (Second Year) Assi n!en"s #oo$%e" 2&14 ('an(ar) and '(%) 2&14Sessions)

MTM * + TO 1,

Sc-oo% o. To(ris! and /os0i"a%i") Ser1ices Sec"ora% Mana e!en" Indira Gand-i Na"iona% O0en Uni1ersi") Maidan Gar-i2 Ne3 4e%-i 5 11& &67

Dear Student, You will have to do One assignment in each of the courses, i.e., MTM ! to " and TS !, #, $ and %. &nl' (ategor' II students should attem)t assignments of TS !, #, $ and %. All these are Tutor Mar*ed Assignments +TMAs,. -efore attem)ting the assignments )lease read the instructions )rovided in the MTM .rogramme Guide. No"e8 All Assignments must /e s(9!i""ed in "i!e in order to a))ear in the Term end e0amination and the' should /e sen" "o "-e Coordina"or o. )o(r S"(d) Cen"re. You must mention 'our enrolment num/er, name, address, Assignment code and Stud' (entre (ode on the first )age of the assignment. Yo( !(s" o9"ain a recei0" .ro! "-e s"(d) cen"re .or "-e assi n!en"s s(9!i""ed and re"ain i": If 0ossi9%e, *ee) a )hotoco)' of the assignments with 'ou. A."er e1a%(a"ion2 "-e assi n!en"s -a1e "o 9e re"(rned "o )o( 9) "-e s"(d) cen"re: ;%ease insis" .or "-is and $ee0 "-e! as a record 3i"- )o(: The Stud' (entre has to send the mar*s to S12E Division at IGN&3, New Delhi. GUI4E<INES =OR 4OING ASSIGNMENTS 4e e0)ect 'ou to answer each 5uestion in a/out 677 words or as mentioned in the assignment. You will find it useful to *ee) the following )oints in mind8 !, ;%annin 8 1ead the assignment 5uestions carefull'. Go through the 3nits on which the' are /ased. Ma*e some )oints regarding each 5uestion and then rearrange them in a logical order. #, Or anisa"ion8 -e a little selective and anal'tic /efore drawing u) a rough outline of 'our answer. Give ade5uate attention to 'our introduction and conclusion. Ma*e sure that 'our answer8 a, is logical and coherent9 /, has clear connections /etween sentences and )aragra)hs9 and c, is written correctl' giving ade5uate consideration to 'our e0)ression, st'le and )resentation. $, ;resen"a"ion8 &nce 'ou are satisfied with 'our answers, 'ou can write down the final version for su/mission, writing each answer neatl' and underlining the )oints 'ou wish to em)hasise. 4ishing 'ou all the /est

;ro ra!!e Coordina"or2 (MTM)


Re!inder8 All Assignment must /e sent to the Coordina"or o. )o(r S"(d) Cen"re. You must mention 'our enrolment num/er, name, address, Assignment code and Stud' (entre (ode in the first )age of the assignment.

Se!es"er &Co(rses (1s" Year)

Se!es"er I MTM 7! MTM 7# MTM 7$ MTM 7: Se!es"er II MTM 76 MTM 7% MTM 7; MTM 7"

< Ca"e or) 2 students will have to )ass the following additional )a)ers during the )eriod of their stud', )refera/l' during the !st Year itself: <is" o. addi"iona% 0a0ers TS !8 =oundation (ourse in Tourism TS #8 Tourism Develo)ment8 .roducts, &)erations and (ase Studies TS $8 Management in Tourism TS %8 Tourism Mar*eting

4a"e o. S(9!ission o. Assi n!en"s 1s" Year Re is"ra"ion > Session Se!es"er Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II <as" 4a"e o. S(9!ission $!st March #7!: $7th Se)tem/er #7!: $7th Se)tem/er #7!: $!st March #7!6

'an(ar) 2&14 '(%) 2&14

MTM is a se!es"er 3ise 0ro ra!!e: S"(den"s enro%%ed in 'an(ar) 2&14 session are e%i i9%e "o si" .or "-e 1s" se!es"er co(rses (on%)) in "-e '(ne 2&14 Ter! End E?a! 3-i%e s"(den"s enro%%ed in '(%) 2&14 session can i1e "-eir 1s" se!es"er co(rses e?a! in 4ece!9er 2&14 TEE: IGNOU ado0"s a .%e?i*o0en %earnin s)s"e! and o0"ion is a1ai%a9%e "o "-e s"(den" "o decide 3-ic- co(rse -e>s-e 3i%% co!0%e"e in a 0ar"ic(%ar se!es"er>)ear s(9@ec" "o "-e co!0%e"ion o. a 0ar"ic(%ar se!es"er and "-e 1a%idi") o. "-eir co(rse re is"ra"ion: S(9!i" )o(r assi n!en" 9e.ore "-e d(e da"e s0eci.ied .or on%) "-ose co(rses 3-ic- )o( 0%an "o i1e "-e e?a!ina"ion in a 0ar"ic(%ar Ter! End E?a!ina"ion: =or e?a!0%e2 i. )o( 0%an "o si" .or on%) MTM 1 and MTM 2 in "-e '(ne 2&14 TEE2 s(9!i" assi n!en"s on%) .or MTM 1 and 2 "o )o(r concerned S"(d) Cen"re 9e.ore 31s" Marc- 2&14:



(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en")

Co(rse Code8 MTM*+ To"a% Mar$s8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*+>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of two 5uestions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries #6 mar*s and should /e answered in a/out ;77 words. ;ar" II consists of ten 5uestions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out 677 words each. Each 5uestion carries !6 mar*s unless otherwise s)ecified. Send 'our TMA to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre.

;ART 5 I !, #, Define Mar*et 1esearch and its )ur)ose in tourism industr'. E0)lain the various research methodologies. #6 &1 4hat is the im)ortance of information in tourism> Discuss the various sources of information. #6 ;ART 5 II !, #, $, 4hat do 'ou understand /' new mar*ets in tourism> Identif' new mar*ets for India and suggest strategies for mar*eting India as a destination. !6 Discuss the characteristics and tourism trends of ma?or Euro)ean source mar*ets of India. 4rite short notes in a/out #77 words each. i, Travel motivators ii, Time share mar*et iii, Mar*et segmentation !6


:, 6, %, ;, ", C,

(om)are and contrast the dimensions and status of Indian In/ound and &ut/ound tourism. !6 Elucidate /asic differences /etween Mar*et led and Alternative tourism )roducts and their mar*eting st'les. !6 A1oot tourism is the reason for N1Is travel to IndiaB Discuss the a/ove statement highlighting the various issues to /e addressed for targeting the N1I mar*et. !6 E0)lain the factors res)onsi/le for the growth and develo)ment of tourism in the East .acific region.. !6 4h' is tourism considered a hard /usiness activit'> &utline the various constraints in mar*eting India as a world class tourist destination. !6 Define domestic tourism. 4hat are the infrastructural re5uirements for the develo)ment of domestic tourism in India> !6

!7, 4hat are the emerging trends and issues in tourism mar*eting> E0)lain the relevance of relationshi) mar*eting in tourism industr'. !6


(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en")

Co(rse Code8 MTM*1& To"a% Mar$8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*1&>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of "3o B(es"ions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries 2, !ar$s and should /e answered in a/out C&& 3ords: ;ar" II consists of 1& B(es"ions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out ,&& 3ords each. Each 5uestion carries 1, !ar$s. Send 'our TMAs to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre. ;ART 5 I 1: 4hat do 'ou understand /' GATT> Descri/e its *e' features in /rief and deli/erate u)on the im)acts of GATS on tourism. #6 OR 2: Descri/e the reasons for im)ortance of hills and mountains as )referred tourist destinations. Discuss various as)ects of hill tourism and anal'se its im)acts on the environment. #6 ;ART 5 II 1: Ela/orate the role )la'ed /' different segments of the tourism s'stem in sustaina/le tourism develo)ment. !6 2: Discuss the characteristics of tourism at the glo/al level. Discover the economic effects of mass tourism at international level. !6 3: E0amine the )otential determinants of the tourism carr'ing ca)acit' and discuss the )ro/lems associated with the measuring of tourism carr'ing ca)acit'. !6 4. 4hat are the )ro/lems faced /' crafts )erson and artisans in India> Discuss the social issues that have emerged /ecause of the relationshi) /etween tourism and crafts. !6

,: Dow gam/ling and use of drugs are related to tourism> 4hat measures would 'ou )ro)ose to rid the tourism from the negative im)acts of gam/ling and use of drugs> !6 6: 4hat is wild life tourism> (riticall' anal'Ee the role of non governmental organiEation in wildlife management. !6 C: 4rite an essa' on eco tourism resources of India. !6 7: Suggest some remedial measures to offset the im)acts of tourism on islands and /eaches. !6

+: Dow )olitical ideologies are influencing tourism develo)ment> Is three an' relationshi) /etween tourism, )u/lic administration and /ureaucrac'> Discuss. !6 1&: -riefl' descri/e some of the legal acts in India that have a /earing on tourism. !6 MTM*118 TOURISM ;<ANNING AN4 4EDE<O;MENT

(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en")

Co(rse Code8 MTM*11 To"a% Mar$8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of "3o B(es"ions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries 2, !ar$s and should /e answered in a/out C&& 3ords: ;ar" II consists of 1& B(es"ions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out ,&& 3ords each. Each 5uestion carries 1, !ar$s. Send 'our TMAs to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre. ;ART 5 I 1: 4hat do 'ou understand /' tourism )lanning> Discuss the various ste)s in )lanning )rocess.#6 &1 2: E0)lain different a))roaches to tourism )lanning. #6

;ART 5 II 1: 2: 3: 4: ,: 6: C: 7: +: 4hat do 'ou understand /' environmental )lanning )rocess> 4hat t')e of socio cultural /enefits can tourism /ring> !6 Discuss the various techni5ues that can /e a))lied to enhance the economic /enefits of tourism. !6 Discuss the role of government in tourism )lanning. Discuss the ma?or elements of )lan im)lementation in tourism. Discuss the )lanning goals for tourism develo)ment. 4rite an essa' on theme )ar*s. Discuss the role of )u/lic and )rivate sectors in tourism )lanning: 4hat is the difference /etween conventional and strategic )lanning> E0)lain the role of 4T& in the international tourism industr'.

!6 !6 !6 !6 !6 !6 !6

1&: 4rite short note on the following8 a) Sustaina/le Tourism Develo)ment 9) Event .lanning c) 1egional Gevel .lanning

6F$ @ !6


(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en") Co(rse Code8 MTM*12 To"a% Mar$s8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*12>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of two 5uestions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries #6 mar*s and should /e answered in a/out ;77 words. ;ar" II consists of ten 5uestions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out 677 words each. Each 5uestion carries !6 mar*s. Send 'our TMA to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre.

.A1T H I
!, Discuss the characteristics of Service Industr'. 4hat do 'ou understand /' Services Mi0> E0)lain with suita/le e0am)les. #6

#, 4hat is meant /' Destination .lanning> E0)lain with suita/le e0am)les the stages in the Tourist Destination Designing and Management. #6

!, 4hat do 'ou understand /' S)ecial Interest Tourism> E0)lain with three such tourism )roducts.!6 #, As a Tourism .rofessional how would 'ou design and )osition 'our Adventure Tourism .roduct> !6 $, 4hat are the characteristics of a 1eligious Tourism .roduct> 4hat are factors to consider while designing 1eligious Tourism .roduct> !6 :, 6, Discuss with e0am)les the )otential of Ethnic Tourism in India. 4rite short notes on an' three8 i, Dealth Tourism ii, 1iver (ruise Tourism iii, Eco Tourism iv, 1ural Tourism !6 $ 0 6 @ !6

%, ;,

4hat is the sco)e of develo)ing wildlife tourism in India> Dow would 'ou )osition and )romote such a )roduct> !6 IIndia has immense )ossi/ilit' and sco)e of develo)ing -each Tourism DestinationJ. (omment and design a -each Tourism .roduct. !6 Discuss the 1esort designing and )lanning )rocess. 4hat are the )ro/lems and challenges associated with 1esort Develo)ment in India> !6 IAll the festivals of India are )otential (ultural Tourism .roductsJ. E0amine the statement with suita/le e0am)les. !6 $06@!6

", C,

!7, 4rite short notes on an' three in a/out #77 words each8

i, ii, iii, iv,

Sensitising the Tourist (arr'ing (a)acit' Event Management Gife St'le as a Tourism .roduct



(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en")

Co(rse Code8 MTM*13 To"a% Mar$8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*13>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of "3o B(es"ions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries 2, !ar$s and should /e answered in a/out C&& 3ords: ;ar" II consists of 1& B(es"ions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out ,&& 3ords each. Each 5uestion carries 1, !ar$s. Send 'our TMAs to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre. ;ART 5 I 1: 4hat do 'ou understand /' distri/ution s'stem> E0)lain the )rocess of selling in tourism through distri/ution chains. #6

&1 2: #. 4h' assessments of mar*et and consumer needs are necessar' /efore o)ening food and /everage outlets> Enlist factors to /e considered while )urchasing e5ui)ments related to restaurants. #6 ;ART 5 II 1: 2: 3: 4: Dow communit' can /e involved in tourism develo)ment )lanning )rocess and decision ma*ing> Give suita/le e0am)les. !6 Discuss the in house managerial roles and functions of a tour o)erator. !6

Dow customer care in other sector is different from caring for customers in tourism> !6 4rite short notes on the following8 +6F$@!6,

,: 6: C: 7: +:

a, 3se of technolog' in tour o)erations /, =ormalities for .ATA mem/ershi) c, Inter sectoral lin*ages in tourism Discuss various )rocedures associated with in/ound and out/ound tour o)erations.


Descri/e travel agenc' o)erations. 4hat is the need for de)artmentaliEation in a travel agenc' /usiness> !6 4h' sustaina/le relationshi)s with )rinci)al su))liers are needed in managing travel agenc' o)erations> !6 4hat is the im)ortance of )romotional cam)aigns in travel and tourism /usiness> !6

4rite an essa' on organiEation structure and functions of the house*ee)ing de)artment. !6

1&: Discuss the role of unorganiEed hotel sector in hos)italit' /usiness. Ela/orate the services )rovided /' unorganiEed hotel sector in India. !6


(T("or Mar$ed Assi n!en")
Co(rse Code8 MTM*14 To"a% Mar$s8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*14>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of two 5uestions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries #6 mar*s and should /e answered in a/out ;77 words. ;ar" II consists of ten 5uestions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out 677 words each. Each 5uestion carries !6 mar*s. Send 'our TMA to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre.

.A1T H I
!, Dow can we a))l' the mar*et segmentation a))roaches in tourist trans)ort o)erations> E0)lain with the hel) of relevant e0am)les. #6 &1

#, E0)lain the role and im)ortance of Trans)ortation in the growth of tourism activities through the ages. E0)lain with hel) of suita/le e0am)les. #6

!, #, $, :,

4hat is the role of )rivate sector in managing Tourist Trans)ort s'stem>


Discuss the role of various state regulator' /odies in sustaining the efficient functioning of the trans)ortation s'stem. !6 As an entre)reneur, what difficulties do 'ou foresee in setting u) of a trans)ort com)an'> 4hat are the ste)s of formulating a sales strateg' for a Tourist Trans)ort -usiness> $06@!6 !6 !6

6, 4rite short notes on an' three in a/out #77 words each8 i, ii, iii, iv, Gea*ages in Tourist Trans)ort -usiness (ustomer (are in Trans)ortation &)erations 1elationshi) /etween demand and )ricing Demand assessment in Tourist Trans)ort

%, Discuss the various offences and )enalties )rocedures under the Motor Kehicle Act. ;, 4hat is recruitment )rocess in Tourist Trans)ort &rganisations> 4hat 5ualities must 'ou loo* for in a tourist ta0i driver> !6 ", Discuss the managerial functions in a Trans)ort -usiness.



C, 4hat are the various com)onents of costing Trans)ort /usiness> 4hat role do Karia/le (osts )la' in tourist trans)ort o)erations> !6

!7, 4rite short notes on an' three in a/out #77 words each8 i, 1ent H a car ii, Tourist )ermits iii, .ersonal Selling iv, Tourist Infrastructure

$ 0 6 @ !6

Co(rse Code8 MTM*1, To"a% Mar$s8 1&& ;ro ra!!e8 MTM Assi n!en" Code8 MTM*1,>TMA>2&14

No"e8 This TMA consists of two )arts. ;ar" I consists of two 5uestions out of which 'ou have to a""e!0" an) one. The 5uestion carries #6 mar*s and should /e answered in a/out ;77 words. ;ar" II consists of ten 5uestions. A""e!0" an) .i1e in a/out 677 words each. Each 5uestion carries !6 mar*s. Send 'our TMA to the (oordinator of 'our Stud' (entre.
;ART 5 I

!, #,

4hat do 'ou understand /' (onvention Management> Discuss the o)erations involved in managing an international convention. #6 OR 4hat are the strength and shortcomings of India as a MI(E destination> Discuss the ste)s ta*en /' the government to )romote India as a MI(E destination. #6


Define Incentive travel. Discuss the motives and the *e' )la'ers in the incentive travel /usiness. !6

#, 4hat does MI(E stands for> 4hat is the relevance of MI(E travel in the hotel industr' /usiness> !6 $, Identif' the different t')es of Trade Shows and the s)ecific services re5uired for managing them> !6 :, 4rite short notes on the following in a/out #77 words each i, S)ecialist Service contractors ii,(onference (entres iii, .ur)ose of E0hi/itions 6, %, 4ho is a meeting )lanner and what are its res)onsi/ilities> +6F$@ !6,


Define the term IE0hi/itionJ. Dow would 'ou develo) a mar*eting )lan for an Art E0hi/ition in a metro cit'> !6

;, Discuss the im)act of an international convention or a ma?or s)orting event on the econom' of the host destination. ", C, Ela/orate the technological advancement and its im)act on the o)erations of the MI(E sector. !6 4h' do we need s)onsors while holding (onventions> 4hat role do these s)onsors )la' for successful )romotional cam)aigns of the conventions> !6

!7, 4rite a detailed note on .ost (onvention tas*s and their anal'sis.



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