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Join the marches against racism #M22...

hile the people at the top of two bailed out banks, Lloyds and RBS, got an estimated 35 million in bonuses earlier this monththe Tories continue to slash jobs, drive down wages and attack the welfare state. At the same time the Tories want us to believe that migrant workers are the real problem. Most recently the government brought in new legislation to make it even harder for migrants to claim benefits. Migrant workers often do the jobs that no one else wants to do. A new report the Tories have tried to bury shows that contrary to the racist myths, migrants do not undermine employment and do not drive down wages. The Tories dont like the Impacts on UK Native Employment report because it undermines a central prop of their austerity agenda. It suits them to divert attention from the handouts the rich give themselves by scapegoating migrants. Theresa May has previously peddled the myth that, For every additional 100 immigrants23 British workers would not be employed. The Tories are under pressure from Nigel Farages racist UKIP party while Ed Milibands Labour does little to challenge their lies.
Glasgow residential care workers strike rally

In Doncaster, care workers have just announced a second seven day strike from Wednesday 19 March. But local fights wont be enough and Labour cant be trusted to improve our pay, working conditions and benefits. Its good that teachers in the NUT are striking nationally on 26 Marchwe should do everything we can to support them. But our union leaders need to lead a national coordinated fight over pay across the unionsand the sooner the better!

Cleaners striking back at SOAS, central London

Bob Crow 1961-2014

Glasgow and Cardiff. These marches are a much needed opportunity to show mass opposition to the whipping up of antimigrant racism by UKIP and the Tories ahead of the elections in May and next years general election. The protests are also about standing up to the endemic racism and corruption in the Metropolitan police revealed by the latest review into the Stephen Lawrence case which showed that the Lawrence family were spied on.

It was with great sadness that many received the news of RMT leader Bob Crows sudden, untimely death on Tuesday 15 March. It is a tribute to him that many trade unionists not in the RMT, faced with attacks by the bosses said that they wished Bob was their leader or that they could join the RMT. His willingness to call strike ballots and to use his members industrial strength helped forge a stronger union. A full obituary is available in Socialist Worker here:



Migrant workers are an important part of resistance to the driving down of our living standards. Last week Ecuadorean and Columbian cleaners at SOAS University, in London, took on the huge multinational ISS. The Unison members held an inspirational two day strike, fighting for equal employment rights with other workers. Porters, domestic, catering, and help desk workers employed by Medirest Compass at Ealing hospital, many of them migrant workers, are striking for seven days from Friday 14 March in their fight for a living wage. On Saturday 22 March we all have an opportunity to stand together against racism and the threat posed by fascist organisations like the BNP. Three demonstrations are being held; in London,

We have to fight any attempts to divide us. If the cleaners at SOAS and the workers at Ealing Hospital were to win their fights it could help give hope to millions of people who face the same attacks. A series of disputes have won important victories. Edinburgh College, Hovis workers, the STEM6 Academy in North London, and the Pupil Support Assistants in Glasgow have all struck and won.

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