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Form 3b: New Course Thoughts

Melanie Tikalsky Complete the following form and upload to the Dropbox. se this form if you are proposing a new !ourse.

Description: What will this course be about? Where/how will it be taught? My course will be an introduction in Mentoring. This class will be taught on-line Learners: Who are the learners? What do you know about them that might make a di erence in what you design? !Think about age" prior knowledge" amiliarity with technology# The students will be comprised o adult learners in a corporate en$ironment. These students will be in need o mentoring skills with no prior knowledge o mentoring programs. The ages o the students will $ary rom mid-twenties to i ty and si%ty something&s. The learners will be o ice and business pro essionals who should ha$e a thorough understanding o technology. Things that you want to accentuate in your course. This can be related to what or how you teach" how students respond" or about the technology. What do you want to see happen in this course? '. The importance o mentoring

(. )ow to build a two way relationship with a mentor or mentee * want to see students that ha$e the skills to create and orm strong mentoring bonds. +nce they achie$e this goal mentoring or participating in a mentoring relationship will be a $ery rewarding goal or both parties. ,trong mentoring relationships are pro$en to enhance personal and business relations. -roblems that you&d like to a$oid in your course. .ased on past e%perience" what would you predict will drag you down? *t could be technology" disinterested students" lack o discussion" etc. ,tudents should not be orced to take this class. -ast e%perience tells me that students who take this class as an electi$e tend to do much better because they are open to participating in a mentoring relationship. ,ome people are interested in this relationship others simply are not. The ones who are not interested tend to show the most disinterest in the course and re use to participate in discussions.

What might be the most problematic aspect o this course as you teach it? /orm adapted rom ,mith" 0. M. Conquering the Content. ,an /rancisco: 1ossey-.ass" (223.

The most problematic aspect could be inding suitable student group matches or mentor/mentee. ,tudents need to ha$e relati$ely common goals in the business world to work or a success ul scenario o$er the course o se$eral weeks. The most time consuming aspect o this course as you teach it will be: Working in groups o two" to complete certain aspects o a mentor contract.

/orm adapted rom ,mith" 0. M. Conquering the Content. ,an /rancisco: 1ossey-.ass" (223.

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