NCT Partner and Volunteer Manual: Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

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Partner and Volunteer


Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

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NewBeginnings Charitable Trust

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Volunteer Placement Policy/ Guidelines:


NewBeginnings Charitable Trust (NCT) was started with the coming together of four
professional social workers who have been in this field for more than 10 long years. The felt in
need of the professionals has been the prime force behind establishing the Trust.

NewBeginnings aims at transparency and accountability in project implementation and

approach. The Trust envisages implementing projects towards poverty alleviation, and capacity
building of the rural community in partnership with NGOs. The Trust functions as nodal agency
to grassroots level organizations which are new and small. The Trust provides consultancy to
the grassroots level NGOs and monitors projects implementation on behalf of funding
organizations. NewBeginnings, though reaches out to the whole of India through our
Networking partners, predominately concentrates on Tribal belts of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa,
Jharghand, and Chathishghat The primary reason for choosing the above mentioned states is
the social, economical and gender equality, status of women and girls child in particular and
the people from indigenous communities. The Trust shares and has been enriched by the vast
experiences of working with different organizations both in India and abroad.

In the recent past, NewBeginnings has been placing volunteers from overseas in selected NGOs
that meet our criteria. In this connection, we approach you with an offer to place students as
well as professional volunteers as part of their learning experience in India. The minimum
duration of the stay of our volunteers is six months, which could be extended to one year. We
will be able to place volunteers with NGOs working with the following issues: Street Children,
Poverty reduction – Alternative Income Generation Activities and emergency assistance,
Agriculture, Education, Health Care, Environmental protection, protection of natural resources,
Human rights, Democratic Citizenship, Sports, Youth employment, Water management, etc

NewBeginnings lays down the following policy guidelines to all our FPOs and those who wish to
volunteer with us in our endeavour to make ‘a better world for everyone to live in”.

Vijayawada, June 3rd, 2009

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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NCT, Team

General Tips for successful Volunteering:

• Optimistic Viewpoint: A pleasant, open attitude can prepare volunteers for the unforeseen
challenges and opportunities encountered while volunteering in an unknown land

• Meeting New People: As you are left with on your own on a foreign land, you will have the
opportunity to meet and interact with other individuals of not of your background. Try to
explore their unique perspective and show dignity and decorum in dealing with cultural issues.

• Don’t Expect Too Much & Don’t be Judgmental: It is true “one person alone can not do
everything, but one person can do something”. You might encounter and experience the
instability and chaos of the non-profit world and might lead to frustration for volunteers. But,
consider the impact they make in this world with their contribution

• Feel Confident to Make Suggestions: Volunteers are encouraged to make suggestions or

observations while at the volunteer site. New ideas and viewpoints often lead to better results

• Dress Appropriately: Volunteers are encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner suitable to

the culture and custom practiced locally. If your service site involves manual labour and/or
construction areas, please dress in appropriate clothing such as long pants, close-toed shoes,
and gloves. NewBeginnings highly recommends women volunteers to wear Punjabi dresses or
chudidhar dresses which will be more comfortable and culturally more accepted

• Report Unsafe Behavior: While serving as a volunteer, report any behaviour or environments
which seem unsafe to your safety and your continuous stay in the particular FPO. The
Organisation is strictly against any kind of racial attack (verbally/ physically), ragging, or sexual
assault of any kind and anything of this type – even if it is only your perception/ assumption of
the situation - should be immediately brought to the notice of the NCT as well as to the FPO. We
at NewBeginnings consider providing safety as the at most responsibility required of us.

 Have FUN!: Volunteering can be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences.
Kindly bear in mind that when you reach the project, you are required to fill up the ‘Declaration
Form’ with photo (3 copies) to be dispatched to the Government of India and to the city police. This
is mandatory and required of all foreign nationals arriving in the country.

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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NewBeginnings provides specific instructions to the volunteers and the FPOs with regard to the
work, and safety of the volunteers and the kind of responsibilities of FPOs in providing specific work
environments, evaluations and safety of volunteers as per the MOU with NCT Vijayawada and FPO.

A. Work Environment

1.1 The Volunteer is provided free board and lodge

1.2 The Volunteer is housed mostly within the premises of the FPO
1.3 The FPO where a volunteer has been placed should provide work that will enable the
volunteer to learn as per her/his requirements. The Organisation will arrange
transportation to the volunteers between the ‘housing’ to the project site.
1.4 No Volunteer is placed in any remote Village and left on her/his own on any
circumstances. When a Volunteer has to serve in any remote area, she/he should be
accompanied by staff from the FPO and will be travelling up and down being escorted
by the staff. If in any case, this is not possible, the Volunteer should inform the NCT
without any delay.
1.5 No volunteer should be left alone in work place
1.6 When you work with the team, kindly follow the instruction of the coordinator or the
team leader. Your suggestions are welcome, but it is the team leader who takes the
1.7 You may not get the things that you might have asked for as part of your work in time
and sometime, you will never get. Be patience and ask repeatedly till you get them.
Never take for granted that people take note of your request at the first request itself.
This is what happens here and this will surely help you practice patience. If things never
turn to be as you requested, kindly take up the issue with the concerned director.
1.8 You need to fit yourself to this work environment. You will experience scarcity of tools,
professionalism on the part of staff, etc, and you are requested to make use of the
available resources to its maximum. Being negative or too much of criticism never help
you or the organization you are placed in
1.9 Participate in all components and events that make up your training programmes as
part of your volunteering
1.10 Personal Safety: For your safety and the safety of others, volunteers must be in full
view of other witnesses and/or other staff members when working one-on-one with an
adult or child. Volunteers should not be in a closed room alone with another individual
at any time during the work hours. Never encourage any outsiders, especially any child
to enter into the volunteers room/ flat allotted to you by the FPO.
1.11 Personal Integrity: Please keep in mind of your personal integrity while volunteering in
the local community. At all times, you are a representative of your personal self as well
as the NCT.
1.12 In case of any difficulty you face or the kind of field provided is not that of your
expectations, kindly bring to the notice of the director/ staff in-charge to volunteers in
the working organization and also to NCT

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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B. Cultural Environment

1.1 It is highly expected of every volunteer to respect and accept the local culture and the
custom practiced in his/her volunteering environment and is expected to maintain
decency and decorum in dealing with outsiders. The manual on guidance for volunteers
has to be followed strictly. Any volunteer who repeatedly breaks the norms or behaves
such a way that disturbs the local social cultural and custom consciousness will be sent
back to his/her country.
1.2 Use of alcohol is restricted only to your living room. Though sale of drinks is legalized in
most of the Indian states, drinking in public is strictly prohibited. We strongly restrict
your getting into a bar for your drinking while you are in India.
1.3 Smoking in public places has been statutorily prohibited recently by the Indian
1.4 Maintain a decent distance when you meet female staff or any known women. A close
movement of men and women in public places is not acceptable to this culture. Your
‘friendliness’ will in all probability be understood wrongly and land you in trouble.
1.5 If you encounter anyone misbehaving with you / mocking at you/ ragging you/ any racial
attack on you, kindly bring to the notice of your Volunteer In-charge at FPO and also to
NCT immediately.
1.6 As much as possible, never encourage anyone get ‘friendly’ with you. It is strictly
prohibited that people whether young or old making a ‘friendly’ visit to you in your work
place and especially on odd hours.
1.7 Avoid meeting or spending time even with small and young girl children in private.
1.8 We don’t hug/ kiss anyone as a sign of greeting in public places on the back of palm or
on cheek as you might have experienced in the Western Countries. People greet you
‘Namaste’ or Good morning (now a days, it is becoming common, but prepared for the
other form of greeting) with hands folded as if in worship. You may find hand shake in
good number of places, but be sure to offer your hand only the other is started

C. Pick up and Travel arrangements

1.1 The NCT will pick up the volunteers if necessary on his/her arrival to India
1.2 The Volunteer has to undergo a complete health checkup on his/her arrival
1.3 All the legal formalities will be completed by the NCT and in case of renewal of visa or
passport, the Volunteer should inform the NCT Staff well in advance. Any lapses in this
matter, NCT will not take responsibility and such matters will be immediately informed
to the Sending Organisation
1.4 NCT will place you in the respective chosen FPO
1.5 Other than the work place transportations, you need to look after any personal
1.6 NCT will be happy to arrange for your return tickets on completion of your service with
us on request

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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** The Government of Andhra Pradesh is proposing to go online the registration of

foreigners visiting the state. If such is implemented, the registration should be done as it will
be expected.

D. Emergency and Safety

1.1 The Volunteer has to report to the NCT immediately anything she/he finds that is not
suitable to his/her continuous stay
1.2 On your arrival, we request you to inform us of your health, in case of any previous
major surgery or any serious health issue you had. This will help us to take good care of
you. Provide us with emergency telephone number, a brief description of your health,
1.3 The food is normally spicy in India, however, make clear to the FPO your taste of food
and requirements.
1.4 Never go out alone late evening especially if you are a girl
1.5 Never find yourself in a solitary place or where the street light is dim
1.6 On your arrival, as part of personal safety, NCT will train you in basic martial arts.

E. Expectation of NewBeginnings

1.1 A great amount of flexibility and reliability. We look for volunteers who are willing to
work and do their assigned duties
1.2 Travel on your own to any other place should be done either before or after your
placement with us. Since, the FPO normally doesn’t have any replacements for you and
it would be difficult for them in your abrupt absence
1.3 Be part of all the activities of the FPO such as meeting and maintain the team work
1.4 Don’t give money to anyone on the field or to any staff; If you really want to help
someone whom you think is deserving, such observation should be brought to the
notice of NCT and FPO
1.5 Don’t encourage children or staff to enter into your personal or common volunteer flat/
room for any reason
1.6 Always observe the local people and learn the code of dressing and behavior.
1.7 Since many FPOs have already worked with good many volunteers, the staff and the
local people might identify you with someone else (a former volunteer) and talk about
former volunteers to you. Remember, the same way, they will talk about you to the
future volunteers when you are left and gone back to your home. Don’t get hurt!!!
1.8 Don’t give chance to anyone to get attached to you especially if you are placed to work
with children. Remember, you will be going back to your home after your placement
here in India and the ‘dependent-child’ might feel terribly let down and lonely.
1.9 A great amount of flexibility and reliability. We look for volunteers who are willing to
work and do their assigned duties independently.

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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F. Participants’ Profile

1.1 The participants should have completed at least 18 years of his/her age when the placement
is actually takes place
1.2 Men and women are eligible
1.3 The Option is open to any one from any country with valid passport and visa permission
1.4 Team-player, open minded, healthy, open to learn, enthusiastic person and who is willing to
take extra mile and who is interested in new culture and custom of developing countries,
prepared to work hard
1.5 Person with graduation or secondary school or with vocational skills or similar
1.6 The Volunteer is responsible for his/her Insurance coverage. Neither NCT nor the FPO is
responsible for any non-compliance regarding this. You should hold a legal and valid VISA
and PASSPORT and any other International Documents that may be required of you in

G. Drugs, Alcohol, Driving, and Independent Travel

1.1 All volunteers are strictly prohibited to the use of any kind of drugs except those prescribed
for medical purpose. Explicit violation of this rule, will result in the immediate dismissal from
the programme and immediate return to the home country
1.2 NCT will provide complete legal representation, if any volunteer is found allegedly involved
and cooperate with the law enforcing authorities.
1.3 All the factual information will be collected and shared with the Sending Organizations
1.4 The volunteers are strictly asked to follow the law of the country (India) where they are
placed for volunteering. It is sure that some kinds of law that is allowed in any other
countries is not applicable in India and hence a strict observance of law is demanded
1.5 Even, if the volunteer is not detained by the law enforcing authorities on account of having
any drugs or found driving without valid license, NCT will consult the Sending Organisation
and accordingly the decision will be implemented. However, we would like to make it clear
that Volunteers who seem to be addicted to drugs/ alcohol will be send back immediately in
consultation with the volunteer or with the Sending Organisation.
1.6 NCT does not approve your driving unless you have a valid motor vehicle driving license.
Prudence is always expected to be at command. NCT will not take any responsibility on
damages caused to the vehicle of the FPO or any staff by the volunteer.
1.7 When the FPO allows the volunteer to drive a motor vehicle as the situation may demand,
the Partner Organisation is responsible for the safety of the volunteer and brief him/her of
the traffic rules and parking slots available on the main roads. It is the partner organisation
who is responsible for the volunteer as well as to the vehicle.
1.8 Moderate use of alcohol is accepted but within the premises of the partner organization or
in your room. Be aware of the cultural implications.
1.9 If the Volunteer plans for independent travel (during the volunteering period or after the
completion of the placement) to any other place within the country (India), Kindly keep NCT
informed of your whereabouts. It will help us to track down in case of any emergency.
However, NCT strongly expects the volunteers not to take up any such independent travel
during the assignment period.

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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H. Strategy and support of partnership

1.1 The FPO should develop adequate support strategy, training, monitoring and evaluation
1.2 The FPO is expected to provide adequate training to the volunteers enabling them suitable
to the work in the field.
1.3 In case of any misunderstanding with the volunteers or between volunteers and the
organization staff, the volunteers’ in-charge / director could intervene and find out workable
and acceptable solutions. However, when the intervention of NCT becomes inevitable, the
FPO should bring to the notice of NCT without any further delay
1.4 As the situation progresses, development information should be shared with NCT on a
monthly basis. It is the responsibility of the staff/director in-charge for volunteers in FPO.
1.5 The Volunteers are not in substitute to the paid staff of the organization.
1.6 The FPO should provide job description to the volunteers and explain to them the
organizational culture
1.7 The FPO is expected to conduct an orientation day to the volunteers on the organization’s
mission and programmes
1.8 The FPO should appoint a competent staff to guide the volunteer(s) in their work.
1.9 The FPO is expected to provide a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ or ‘ Letter of
Recommendation’ to the volunteers on the completion of their volunteer service at the

I. Language Training

1.1 NCT will train the volunteers in the local language – working language for a period of two
months. However, this will be done along with your service to the FPO in the field.
1.2 NCT does not charge any fee from the volunteers for the training, if the volunteers are sent
by a Sending FPO from overseas. Such fee might be born by the Sending Organisation
1.3 There is no explicit rule on the learning hours, however, NCT recommends 100 hours of
learning to each volunteer

J. Visits by parents or friends

1.1 Though NCT is not against the visit of parents, we strictly don’t encourage any such visits
and not certainly your friends’ visit during your stay as volunteer in any of our FPO.
1.2 Be aware that your absence in the field will be an obstacle / hindrance to the FPO in
performing their daily routine programmes. There is no substitute for your work in the
project site during your stay.
1.3 On any unavoidable reason, pre-visit permission for your parents from NCT is a must

K. Temporary Visit to the Home Country

1.1 The volunteer can make a temporary visit to his/her home country, if any emergency
demands, with an intention of returning to the same FPO to work as volunteer,
provided, such volunteer should get permission from the Sending Organisation and from
his/her parents/ guardian
Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009
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1.2 However, if the stay exceeds more than two weeks, NCT might choose to place the
volunteer with any other FPO. Such move will be shared with the Sending Organisation,
if the volunteer is part of an organization
1.3 The travel expenses is not in any way met by NCT or the FPO
1.4 Kindly be aware of your VISA restrictions. NCT or any of its partner organizations (local
as well as overseas) is not responsible for any lapses with regard to this.

L. Conflict Management

1.1 In case of any conflict that the volunteer fasces with the FPO/ Hosting Family, kindly bring to
the notice of the staff / director who is in-charge to the Volunteers. In case of any
misunderstanding with the staff / director in-charge to the Volunteers, take up the issue
with the head of the Organisation. In any case, keep NCT informed.
1.2 Never wait for any issue to take its strong root resulting in hatred or quarrel. Make sure, you
inform the NCT team immediately.
1.3 Any conflict because of your public behavior, such as not stick to the dress code, or
consumptions of drinks (alcohol) will need to be addressed and you are expected to
cooperate with the FPO.

M. Project Change

1.1 NCT won’t recommend any project change before the completion of the ‘in-progress
placement’ with the current project. However, to avoid an early return, if the volunteer is
governed by a Sending Organisation and its norms, such change is possible
1.2 However, if the volunteer is found to be not adhering to the prescribed norms of NCT or its
FPO, such Volunteer might be asked to terminate his/her service with us. In such case, if a
Sending Organisation is involved, it will be informed of the decision.
1.3 However, a project change is possible, in the following cases:
1.3.1 If the FPO fails in providing adequate learning experience to the Volunteers, or
1.3.2 If the FPO is closing down its operation, or
1.3.3 If the FPO, for any reason, is black listed by the Government of India, or
1.3.4 The political situation is getting worse in the area where the FPO is located, or
1.3.5 The health of the Volunteer is getting affected due to the over all geographical
environment available in the operational location of the FPO, or
1.3.6 If it poses any threat to the well-being of the volunteer, or
1.3.7 If the volunteer has to go home on account of his health

N. Project Evaluation

1.1 NCT conducts evaluations on your field experience every two months
1.2 NCT will have a final evaluation on completion of your volunteering with the FPO(s)
1.3 The information will be shared with Sending Organisation as well as FPO

Vijayawada, 3rd June, 2009

Copy Rights @ NewBeginnings Charitable Trust, Vijayawada, 2009

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