Ddbdubai Lynxawards PR Final

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DDB Dubai Takes Home Grand Prix at the 2014 Dubai Lynx Awards



Location *ubai

The 2014 Dubai Lynx Awards announced last Thursday that DDB Dubai, a division of O nico !rou" #$%&'(, has earned 11 awards, includin) the !rand *rix in the *ro o Activation cate)ory for the *ersil, +en,el -*reservin) *ride. ca "ai)n/ The Dubai Lynx Awards honor the re)ion0s best wor, in advertisin)/ The award cere ony was held at the 1adinat Arena at 1adinat 2u eirah in Dubai on 1arch 12, 2014/ DDB Dubai3s -*reservin) *ride. ca "ai)n for *ersil, +en,el is based on the insi)ht that ' iratis ta,es "ride in their national dress4 the ,andura and the abaya/ The ca "ai)n launched on 5A' $ational Day, Dece ber 2, 2016, with 10,000 li ited edition bottles of *ersil that featured custo i7ed sleeves and were available in stores across the country/ To view the wor,, visit htt"s488www/dubailynx/co 8winners820148"ro o8/ +ubert Boulos, 9hief 'xecutive Officer of DDB 1iddle 'ast, co ented, :DDB stands for creative excellence, and the a)ency in the 1iddle 'ast should be no exce"tion/ DDB Dubai3s awards wins at this year3s Lynx ;estival "roves that we are on the ri)ht trac,/ The challen)e is to ,ee" on strivin) for better results, and to ensure that the other offices in the DDB 1iddle 'ast networ, contribute to this co on )oal/: <n addition to the !rand *rix, DDB Dubai won five !old awards for the *ersil -*reservin) *ride. ca "ai)n in a ran)e of cate)ories includin) Desi)n #2(, Direct #2(, and *ro o = Activation #1(/ Also, the a)ency too, ho e four &ilver awards for -9onversations. for Al 1an7il &chool in cate)ories such as Direct #2(, <nteractive #1(, and *ro o = Activation #1(/ The a)ency also won one Bron7e in the >adio cate)ory for ?hirl"ool3s T@0 ?ashin) 1achine #Al !handi 'lectronics(/ ;iras 1edrows, 'xecutive 9reative Director of DDB Dubai, said, :< believe that )reat wor, is the "roduct of a ha""y bunch of talented creatives who strive to "ush the boundaries of co unication whenever the o""ortunity "resents itself/ That is what we have at DDB Dubai/ *assion, fun, tea wor,, and dedication is what drives us all to "roduce truly outstandin) wor,/.

437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb. o! www.ddb. o!
"e#is$ered nu!bers% offi e and re#u&a$ory au$'ori$y de$ai&s as re(uired

About DDB DDB ?orldwide #www/ddb/co ( is one of the world0s lar)est and ostAawarded advertisin) and ar,etin) networ,s/ <n 2012 DDB was na ed Advertisin) $etwor, of the %ear by Campaign, as well as A)ency of the %ear and Di)ital A)ency of the %ear by Strategy a)a7ine/ At the "resti)ious 2016 9annes <nternational ;estival of 9reativity, DDB won B6 Lions, the ost ever for the networ,/ <n addition, The Gunn Report has listed DDB as one of the To" 6 !lobal $etwor,s for the last 12 years/ The a)ency0s clients include Col,swa)en, 1cDonald0s, 5nilever, 1ars, 2ohnson = 2ohnson, and 'xxon 1obil, a on) others/ ;ounded in 1B4B, DDB is "art of the O nico !rou" #$%&'( and consists of in over B0 countries with its fla)shi" office in $ew %or,, $%/ ore than 200 offices

About the Dubai Lynx Festival of Creativity The Dubai Lynx <nternational ;estival of 9reativity is the 1iddle 'ast and $orth Africa re)ion3s #1'$A( annual ustAattend event for the advertisin) and co unications industry to learn, be ins"ired, networ,, and celebrate/ The Dubai Lynx Awards honor the re)ion3s best wor, in advertisin)/ Dubai Lynx is "art of the Lions ;estivals stable, which includes 9annes Lions, &"i,es Asia, 'urobest, and the Asia 'ffectiveness Awards/ The ;estival and Awards are "roduced in "artnershi" with 1otivate, with the su""ort of Dubai 1edia 9ity #D19(, and in association with the 5A' 9ha"ter of the <nternational Advertisin) Association #<AA(/

Contact: 1Dlanie Ci)non Director 9o unications DDB 1'A E66 1 @6 62 F1 66 elanie/vi)nonGddb/fr

437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb. o! www.ddb. o!
"e#is$ered nu!bers% offi e and re#u&a$ory au$'ori$y de$ai&s as re(uired

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