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Minnesotas leaders have identified increased availability, speed, and use of broadband as key policy priorities for the state. The Office of Broadband Development (OBD) was created to coordinate public, private, and philanthropic efforts in these areas, helping to ensure that all Minnesota citizens and communities are able to participate in the digital economy and enjoy improved access to health, education, and innovation opportunities statewide. AREAS OF FOCUS: Research and data collection on broadband-related issues Assistance to local broadband initiatives Planning, policy analysis, and legislative recommendations related to achieving Minnesotas statutory goals for broadband availability, speed, and use RESEARCH AND DATA COLLECTION Survey Broadband Service Availability and Use Track broadband service availability and usage levels statewide; oversee the States agreement with Connect Minnesota for additional broadband data and mapping. Inventory Current Broadband Initiatives - Monitor community and provider efforts to bring high-quality broadband to unserved areas of Minnesota; identify barriers to further broadband deployment. Study Connectivity Needs in Public Institutions Collect data on current broadband connectivity levels, uses, and additional needs in the public sector and in community anchor institutions. Catalog Federal Funding Opportunities Identify federal funding opportunities from the Federal Communications Commission, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and others; provide technical assistance and serve as a resource to all Minnesota groups applying for broadbandrelated funding from the federal government. ASSISTANCE TO LOCAL INITIATIVES Advise on Resources Assist local initiatives in identifying financial resources for achieving broadband goals. Increase Adoption and Use Collaborate with stakeholders and community partners to address low broadband adoption rates among identified population groups. PLANNING, POLICY ANALYSIS, AND LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS Communicate and Connect Work with legislators, community groups, local government leaders, service providers, and trade associations to establish partnerships, survey needs, communicate opportunities, and gather ideas for how to move the state toward border-to-border broadband access. Engage Nationally Review federal legislative activity and recommend appropriate state-level engagement tactics. Support Policy Leadership Provide administrative support to the Governors Task Force on Broadband.
Updated 3/4/2014

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