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20th Jan Some cheer on the economy High prices were a major campaign issue in the recent State

e elections and are certain to figure prominently in the coming national elections as well. Failure to push up GDP growth to levels seen just a few years ago is another negative factor. In the first half of the current year (2013-14), the economy grew by barely 4.6 per cent and it may not be able to match the CSOs esti - mate of 5 per cent for last year, the lowest in a decade. Most satisfying news has been the sharp fall in inflation, both headline (from 7.52% to 6.16%) and retail (from 11.6% to 9.87%), in December. Core inflation, that excludes food and fuel prices, has been climbing. A leader steps forward Rahul Gandhi In a speech delivered at the All-India Congress Committee, Rahul Gandhi combined vision with heart and sought to enthuse the cadre. He tried to establish the Congress as an idea indistinguishable from the idea of India. Mr. Gandhi signaled that a demographically young India deserved leadership. He outlined congress journey from achieving social reform to embracing technology. The Congress had a constitutional vision and it was a party of ideas. He could not run for prime minister ship due to the constitutional context - the Parliamentary Party leader had necessarily to be elected by the MPs. The Congress party enabled corruption to be exposed through the Right to Information Act and the Lokpal Act.

Genes and environment in brain development The cognitive consequences of early developmental disorders range from the mild to the severe. Disorders of early brain development represent a public health issue for India. The brain disorders are untreatable conditions that include both autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.

The causes of brain developmental disorders are complex, involving both genetic (nature) and environmental (nurture) factors. An effective prevention could come from addressing maternal and foetal health and nutrition. Another is early diagnosis and identification of the most effective strategy for management. Correct timing and location of the expression of genes is important during development for a brain to form and function normally. As defective genes (nature) affect brain development in specific ways, environmental and lifestyle factors (nurture) can also do so. Nurture through diet, lifestyle and the impact of infection works itself into nature by affecting gene expression. Genetics points to the causes and provides understandings for potential treatments of these disorders. For instance, research being done on Fragile-X and Rett Syndromes. India must embark on its own research as the environmental and genetic factors here are different. The best international interactions and collaborations are vital to progress faster.

21st Jan From Hindutva to development Being a Hindutva proponent, Mr. Modi is now in the expansion phase, trying to reach out to people who have not traditionally voted for BJP. He wants to be A.B. Vajpayee and L.K. Advani rolled into one, a Loh Purush and a Vikas Purush. Mr. Modis articulation of his idea of India at national meet of the BJP was important. There was no space for controversial issues such as minority rights and the building of a Ram temple at Ayodhya. Mr. Modi came up with a rainbow strategy of Strengthening cultural and familial values, Agricultural- rural development, Womens empowerment and security, Environmental protection, Youth power, Democracy, and Knowledge and skill development.

Without toning down the Hindutva rhetoric, and without placing governance in the forefront, he would not be able to bridge the seats deficit after the Lok Sabha election.

Kashmir: fewer troops, more peace The idea of phasing out the Army from its counter-terrorism commitments in Kashmir deserves serious debate. The troops can be pulled out from counterterrorism duties after maintaining a robust presence on the LoC and retaliating hard against Pakistani military provocation. There isnt an insurgency to be fought in Kashmir. Ever since the 2001- 2002 near-war between India and Pakistan, levels of violence have fallen steadily. The insurgency in J&K cost 1.51 lives per 100,000 persons of its population, lower than the homicide rate in Delhi or Haryana. The States total firearms fatalities were well below those in UP (1,575 in 2012) or Bihar (681) or even West Bengal (269). Even as violence levels have diminished, though, Indian force levels have actually risen. J&K now has highest police officers in the country outside the northeast States. The small increase in violence last year came about, despite high troop levels. There are two fallacious arguments to justify continued force-saturation in J&K. 1) The State remains vulnerable to large-scale street violence. Counter Argument - But, in 2010, over 100 protestors were killed in pitched battles between mobs and the police; Dozens died in communally charged strife in 2008. Yet, the fact is the Armys counter-insurgency formations werent used to contain the violence in either case its presence is thus rendered irrelevant. The crisis in Pakistan is strengthening jihadist groups, with dangerous consequences for Kashmir. In 2011, XV corps commander Lieutenant-General Syed Ata Hasnain warned that secession might become inevitable if the AFSPA were withdrawn and troops pulled back. From Northern Ireland to Vietnam, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, governments have learned that the long-term deployment of soldiers inevitably leads to friction with local communities.

In Kashmir, the tensions have been increased by the failure of the government to sanction the prosecution of military personnel involved in human rights violations. From unsigned notes, it is known the two governments were contemplating a four-point deal: The transformation of the LoC into a border, Free movement across the LoC, Greater federal autonomy for both sides of J&K, Gradually phased cutbacks of troops as jihadist violence declined. Engaging with J&Ks government on a programme for replacing troops with police in built-up areas could be a first step forward. 22nd Jan Jet lag disrupts rhythm of hundreds of genes Jet lag (desynchronosis) is a physiological condition, which results from rapid long-distance trans meridian (eastwest or westeast) travel on (typically jet) aircraft. Jet lag causes extreme disruption to 1,000 genes or more. Hence, people with jet lag feel so miserable, with ailments like nausea, anxiety, stomach complaints and memory problems. Jet lag disrupts rhythm of hundreds of genes. Negative health outcomes linked to jet lag and nightshift work may have their roots in the genes disruption. Sleeping at the wrong time is bad as it has a massive effect on the temporal organisation of gene expression. Disruption to gene activity could affect how well peoples drugs work. Many common drugs work properly only if they are taken at the right time. The antics of a Chief Minister Sitting in dharna, Arvind Kejriwal played with the peoples trust and endangered their hopes for an alternative form of politics and administration. He violated the belief of placing the public interest above political position. He undermined the rule of law by unjustified demand of suspending the police officers.

Turmoil in the heart of Africa The Central African Republic (CAR) is an impoverished country, located in the Centre of Africa, which became independent from France in 1960. It has recently turned into another hub of instability. France deployed 1,600 soldiers in the country to an urgent appeal from the African Union and the transitional authorities of the CAR. The French soldiers are bolstering the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA). Since rebels ousted the ruling government in March 2013, the daily life of civilians was reduced to exactions, arbitrary arrests, looting, scorched villages, rape, mutilation, summary executions and recruitment of child soldiers. There were communal clashes between Christian and Muslim groups. Anarchy in the CAR is a threat to its neighbors, especially Sudan, Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, where the UN maintains peacekeeping operations. Frances first goal is to restore security in the CAR, check the extortions and religious drift, and enable the return of relief organizations as well as the reinstatement of a functioning government. The second goal is to put the MISCA in a position to ensure control over the security situation. Too scared to turn left or right Aap Mr. Kejriwal gave promise of systemic rebuild and transformative politics. Excessive expectation can quickly turn into disillusionment and despair. AAP faces two potential risks First is its near free-for-all style of governance like turning the Delhi Secretariat into a Janata durbar and calling upon people to sting corrupt officers. The second is the AAPs refusal to define itself ideologically. Two kinds of popular movements have led to party formation in India Those based on self-respect and identity (DMK, TDP, AGP, and BSP), and

The ones focussed on political corruption and misrule. A series of anti-corruption mobilizations fall in the second category - The Total Revolution call of 1974-1975 (led by J.P.Narayan) and the antiBofors movement of 1988- 1989(V.P. Singh). The end result of each movement formed a political alliance - the 1977 umbrella Janata Party and the 1989 Janata Dal coalition. Both accommodated the RSS. All pan-national anti-corruption movements so far have been against the Congress. All of them have had a strong right-wing content, which led them to selfdestruct. The Anna movement was similar to the earlier anti-corruption movements. The JP and Anna movements sought to overthrow the system. V.P. Singhs anti-Bofors campaign had a powerful peoples attention similar to todays 2G and other scandals. Since forming the AAP, Mr. Kejriwal has evolved in a more progressive direction. The fight against corruption is critically important. But the neglect of ideology can prove ruinous for this cause.

28th Jan Redeeming the Supreme Court The SC of India has delivered two judgments recently. The first one is upholding the criminalization of homosexuality (Suresh Kumar Koushal and another Vs. NAZ Foundation and others Case). The second one is upholding the rights of death row prisoners (Shatrughan Chauhan and another Vs. Union of India and others). The first one is regarded as most poorly reasoned judgment and another as thoroughly reasoned. In Koushal, the judgment does not address the legal issues to Section 377. There are the poorly argued sections on equality under Article 14, the right to life under Article 21 and the protection against discrimination under Article 15.

The judgment did not consider the established constitutional doctrines to test the discrimination and violation of the right to equality under Articles 14 and 15. In Chauhan, the SC concluded that unreasonable delay in delivering mercy petitions amounts to torture and the nature of crime must have no relevance. The merit of the decision in Chauhan is that the SC rejected the argument - Constitutionally protected rights can be denied to the death row prisoners for their immoral actions. The SC took the position that it has to play the role of being the guardian of the fundamental rights of all persons within the territory of India.

In Addition - Facts of the cases Suresh Kumar Koushal and another v NAZ Foundation and others The case concerns the constitutionality of Section 377(Unnatural Offences) of the Indian Penal Code. Section 377 prohibits sexual activity against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal. In 2001, the NAZ Foundation (NGO for HIV/AIDS prevention) filed a writ petition before the Delhi High Court. It sought a declaration that Section 377 violated following articles Articles 14 (equality before the law), Article 15 (non-discrimination), Article 19(1)(a)-(d) (freedom of speech, assembly, association and movement) and Article 21 (right to life and personal liberty). NAZ argued that section 377 be repealed because it was being used to harass the LGBT community and hampered HIV/AIDS prevention work. The petitioner alleged that the police had been using section 377 to blackmail, torture, and harass sexual minorities. In 2004, the High Court dismissed the writ petition due to submission of only purely academic issues. Fresh petitions were filed in the subsequent years. Later in its 2009 decision, the High Court favored the NAZ Foundation and accepted its arguments. The High Court stated that Section 377 violates right to privacy

and liberty (Article 21) as it criminalizes consensual acts between adults in private. The decision was appealed to the Supreme Court. Arguments in support of constitutionality of Section 377 The documentary evidence supplied for discriminatory treatment by the law was not enough. The data (Section 377 adversely affecting the control of HIV/AIDS) presented was manufactured and fraudulent. Section 377 is entirely gender neutral and covers voluntary acts of carnal intercourse irrespective of the gender of persons committing the act. So Article 14 was not violated. Indias social structure and the institution of marriage would be detrimentally affected and it would cause young people to become tempted towards homosexual activities. Whether a law is moral or immoral is a matter that should be left to Parliament to decide. Arguments against constitutionality of Section 377 Sexual rights and sexuality are human rights guaranteed under Article 21. Section 377 deprives LGBT of their full moral citizenship. Section 377 impacts homosexual men at a deep level and restricts their right to dignity, personhood and identity, equality and right to health by criminalizing all forms of sexual intercourse that homosexual men can indulge in. Section 377 delegates policy-making powers to the police, and results in the harassment and abuse of the rights of LGBT persons. Criminalization increases discrimination and acts as a barrier to HIV prevention programmes. Decision The SC maintained that: Section 377 does not criminalize a particular people but identifies certain acts as an offence. Such a prohibition regulates sexual

conduct regardless of gender identity and orientation. The Court held that the details provided to the High Court were insufficient for recording a finding that homosexuals, gays, etc., are being subjected to discriminatory treatment. Fewer than 200 persons had been prosecuted under Section 377, this cannot be made sound basis for declaring that section 377 violates the provisions of Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.

Shatrughan Chauhan and another Vs. Union of India and others Case

Indias Syria venture At Geneva-II talks, the regime and the opposition negotiated after three years of a brutal civil war in Syria. India has been invited to think on Syrias future. India must look closely at the conflict. The root causes of crisis in Syria are Democratic, religious, ethnic, economic and political. 2011 military crackdown of pro-democracy protesters triggered rebellion in Syria. Economic frustration was main cause of rebellion than the political reform. Syria had faced a four-year drought, which lead to extreme poverty, unemployment and starvation. Sunni majority did not accept the rule of Bashar al-Assad and opposed the Assad regime. The U.S.s move to bring down Mr. Assad would defend its pro democratic record. It will also limit Iranian and Russian influence in the Middle East. In joining the diplomacy on this issue, India took a position in alliance with BRICS which eventually sided with Russia, an apt choice given Indian priorities. An important Indian priority is to represent as a responsible global power, fit for a seat at the U.N. Security Council.

India supports Syrias right to the Golan Heights, and in exchange, Syria favors Indias position that Kashmir is a bilateral issue. Such support is rare in the Arab world as the Arab League is in tune with Pakistan. Mr. Assad also supports Indias bid for a Security Council seat.

30th Jan Giving the AAP a fair chance It is unfair that while every government gets five years to implement its manifesto, the AAP government is expected to fulfill its within the first month. AAP has taken crucial decisions on water and power tariffs. Delhi High Court upheld Nursery admission guidelines for private schools as well as the CAG audit of power companies. This judgment shows that AAP governments decisions are solid. Grievance redress helplines are working, genuine and effective. Other national parties started to follow AAPs strategies to win public support. Mr. Shindes home State, Maharashtra, and the Congressruled state, Haryana, have copied AAPs decision to reduce power tariffs. Likewise, the BJP-ruled Rajasthan and the Samajwadi Partyruled Uttar Pradesh have cut down on security for their chief ministers. Mr. Gandhi recently announced that the party would invite applications from common people to contest on a party ticket in 15 Lok Sabha constituencies. The BJP is also campaigning for corruption free India. Somnath Bhartis issue and Kumar Vishwas comments cannot be the basis to condemn the entire AAP. AAP projects itself as a party in movement mode. AAP believes in open-door politics and is inclusive in selecting ordinary people. Mr. Kejriwal has realised that without control over the police, his government cannot deliver on its promise of

ensuring the safety and security of women. The AAP is the only party, which has set up a five-member committee to look into complaints by women of harassment.

When caring less may actually help The shooting of a man-eating tiger leads to different public opinions. The ones, whose lives are at risk, want man-eaters shot. Animal lovers demand safe capture of the man-eaters. Science and practical experience clearly show that we cannot care for every individual wild tiger. There should be a focus on saving the species as a whole, rather than worry about saving every individual. Conservation interventions must be guided by scientific evidence rather than emotion. Every wild tiger requires a prey base of 500 animals to sustain it. When prey becomes abundant, individual tiger territories shrink and breeding increases. Tigers accidentally attack persons either in self-defensing or mistaking them for prey. True man-eaters are individual animals that hunt human beings. They pose a serious risk to local people and must be swiftly removed. An increase in tiger numbers has lead to conflicts in the Western Ghats, Central India and the Terai. The tigers occur at low densities in the extensive and overhunted forests of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and the North Eastern Hill States. Research shows that 20% of the tiger population is lost every year due to fights between rivals, injuries, starvation, poaching and official removals by shooting or capture. Rescuing a few man-eating tigers is irrelevant to accomplishing the conservation objective. Tigers, involved in conflict incidents, suffer a life of stress if they are captured and moved to a zoo. Caring for the man-eating tigers misdirects scarce resources that could be used for conserving others. A kind and quick death may be the best option for old and injured conflict tigers. In conflict situations, safe chemical capture of a tiger is difficult or even impossible.

Shooting the animal with a gun is often far easier, and saves human lives. To save the tiger for future, we have to expand protecting area, and reduce adverse human impacts. Both these require increased local support for tiger conservation. In this context, the decision of the Tamil Nadu government to shoot the man-eater in the Nilgiris, was right.

The agony of awaiting death

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