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2014 LENTEN COMMUNITY LUNCHEONS ($8.00 per person held at Immaculate Conception R.C. Church) March 19 Rev.

v. Pirie Mitchell (Central United) March 26 - Rev. Michelle Down (St. John ! United) "#ril 2 - Pa!tor Chad Mc$aren (%ethel Penteco!tal) "#ril 9 - Rev. Daniel %ow&er (St. Pa'l ! "n(lican) STRATFORD AND AREA WOMEN ALL TOGETHER What: )o*en ! Da& When: Sat'rda&+ "#ril ,th 2-1. -- /01- a.*. to 101- #.*. Where: 2e!tival 3nn+ Strat4ord

Rejoice in Hope with Keynote Speaker Michelle Sim, Pastor, Singer and Comedian as well as Celeste Z gec, !ospel recording artist

Advance Tic ets onl!: 51- (a4ter March 21 - 51,) $'nch and n'trition 6rea7! incl'ded onl& 2-- tic7et! availa6le 6& callin( ,19-281-.81. or ,19-281-1918 )e are e9cited to once a(ain o44er an '#li4tin( and enco'ra(in( da&: ON-LINE LAY EDUCATION - ;he <wart Centre ! online la& ed'cation 6-wee7 #ro(ra**e on the =o!#el o4 Matthew led 6& the Rev. ;i* P'rvi! o4 )e!tview Pre!6&terian Ch'rch 6e(in! on Monda&+ March 18th. Si(n '# now a www.7no9.' and di!cover new in!i(ht! into thi! 'ni>'e (o!#el and en(a(e in online di!c'!!ion with other intere!ted Chri!tian!. 2or *ore in4or*ation+ contact John ?ender!on at hender!on.@ohncharle!A(** ADULT STUDY GROUP - B'r re!o'rce i! C<*6racin( an "d'lt 2aithD 6& Marc'! %or( on What it "eans to #e Christian. <ach !e!!ion+ we will watch a DED #re!entation and then !hare in conver!ation and #ra&er. ;here i! a wor76oo7 that will hel# '! in o'r !hared @o'rne&. 34 &o' have an& >'e!tion!+ #lea!e !#ea7 with Rev. Mar7. )e will *eet a(ain on March 2-th+ 28th and "#ril 1rd. Plea!e @oin '! at 10-- #.*.

Minister Rev. Mar7 =edc7e ,19-,8,-//18 or 6& e*ail at *(edc7eA7no9!* Dire!t"r "# M$si! S'Fanne Strahan O##i!e A%&inistr't"r Gath& %a7er Tre's$rer Shannon "rcher O##i!e (1)-2*1-0+*+ 7no9!Awi(ht* OFFICE HOURS )'&- 1,& T$es%'- t.r"$/. Fri%'-

0NO1 PRES2YTERIAN CHURCH M'r!. 134 2014 11 00 '& Mini!ter0 Rev. Mar7 =edc7e M'!ic Director S'Fanne Strahan


PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP - Pra&er+ Meditation and Ei!itin( PRELUDE: Hoct'rne - Sch'6ert WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP $eader0 ;he love o4 =od !'##ort! '! when we 4eel lonel& and a4raid. People: The faithfulness of o! in"ites us to sha#e the $ifts of patien%e an! self&%ont#ol $eader0 ;he ho#e o4 =od challen(e! o'r !el4i!h and !el4 centred wa&!. People: We lon$ to 'e t#ue to ou# %allin$ as o!(s !au$hte#s an! sons) $eader0 $et '! wor!hi# =od and !in(: OPENING HYMN I../ B =od 6e&ond all #rai!in(

OPENING PRAYER THE LORD5S PRAYER (!'n( 6& choirJ traditional Cari66ean t'ne arran(ed 6& %en@a*in ?arlan) PASSING OF THE PEACE $eader0 ;he Peace o4 Chri!t 6e with &o' Con$#e$ation: An! also *ith +ou. ANTHEM )onder4'l+ Merci4'l Savior D. Rod(er!+ <. )&!e+ arr. M.3. =ra'l I88. =od 4or(ave *& !in


CHILDREN5S TIME ;he Jo& o4 the $ord i! M& Stren(th SCRIPTURE READING =ene!i! 1201-, John 101-18


Unconditional $ove

I192 B hol& dove o4 =od de!cendin(

OFFERING OFFERTORY M& ?eart <ver 2aith4'l J.S. %ach

OFFERTORY PRAISE I89 Prai!e =od 2ro* )ho* "ll %le!!in(! 2low PRAYER OF DEDICATION (to(ether) So'rce o4 Stren(th+ we are (rate4'l 4or the o##ort'nitie! we have to 6e &o'r (enero'! #eo#le. ?el# '! to loo7 4or o##ort'nitie! to !hare &o'r (ood new! 6& action! o4 7indne!! and *erc&. )e (ive to &o' o'r!elve!+ alon( with thi! o44erin(. %le!! '! to &o'r !ervice. "*en HYMN I..6 B $ord+ hear *& #ra&er (v 1 !in( twice) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE CLOSING HYMN 2ENEDICTION POSTLUDE ;r'*#et Eol'ntar& ?enr& P'rcell I86, )e ve a !tor& to tell the nation!

C.$r!. O,enin/ T"%'- $aird Chri!tie Us.ers 6ee7 Richard %a!t+ ;o* ?i!lo#+ Gir7 K $ori S#eiran Us.ers ne8t 6ee7 Sean Ralei(h+ "nnie Pottle+ $aird Chri!tie+ Ron =ra& Greeters 6ee70 Charle! K Mar(aret $'#ton Greeters ne8t 6ee7 %ill K Mar& Coo#er Lenten Re'%in/ Jared ?ardin(-Shier K Eivien ?ardin( C"##ee 6ee7 )endell K Shannon "rcher

YOUTH FOR CHRIST - Bn S'nda&+ March 21rd+ we loo7 4orward to learnin( *ore a6o't the *ini!tr& o4 Lo'th 2or Chri!t. B'r ('e!t !#ea7er! will 6e S'Fi ?i((in! and =rant Dod!on who *ini!ter in the Strat4ord area.

PLANNING FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL AND 0INTAIL ON THE ROAD Bn S'nda&+ March 21rd+ #lea!e @oin '! 4or a #lannin( ti*e 4ollowin( o'r wor!hi#. )e will !hare in a l'nch to(ether a! we !ee7 to 6e !'##ortive to o'r #ro(ra*! 4or children and &o'th. )e will e9#lore i*#ortant i!!'e! li7e the c'rric'l'* 4or S'nda& School !tartin( in the 4all+ (ettin( read& 4or Gintail on the Road (J'l& 8-11)+ !ee7in( a deci!ion a6o't havin( a con(re(ational retreat in 2-1.. )e enco'ra(e all tho!e intere!ted in *ini!tr& with o'r children and &o'th to @oin '!. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - "! &o' *a& 7now+ Mar& Jare*a+ who ha! 6een a li4elon( *e*6er o4 o'r Gno9 4a*il&+ ha! *oved 4ro* Strat4ord to Pic7erin( to 6e clo!er to her 4a*il&. Mar& wa! an active *e*6er o4 Gno9 and #artici#ated in *an& o4 o'r activitie!. )e will 6e havin( a !#ecial #re!entation on S'nda&+ March 1-th+ d'rin( the wor!hi# !ervice to hono'r Mar&. ;here will 6e a #otl'c7 l'nch in the %an>'et ?all 4ollowin( the !ervice. Mar& and her e9tended 4a*il& will 6e in attendance that da&. Plea!e #lan to attend and cele6rate with Mar&. YOUTH GROUP - Bn S'nda&+ March 1-th+ we will have l'nch to(ether 4ollowin( wor!hi# in the %an>'et ?all. ;hen+ we (o to Mi7e ! %owlin( 4or !tri7e!+ !#are! and *i!!e!. ;he co!t i! 51- #er #er!on. Lo' are welco*e to 6rin( a 4riend. Plea!e let '! 7now that &o' are co*in(. J'!t contact the o44ice or Rev. Mar7 6& e*ail or #hone. Lo'th =ro'# will then *eet a(ain on S'nda&+ "#ril 28th 4ro* 6 to / #.*. in the %an>'et ?all. 34 &o' are a6le to 6rin( a de!!ert 4or the (an(+ #lea!e let a &o'th (ro'# leader 7now. DEDICATING OF 2ANNERS S'nda&+ "#ril 6th+ i! Hational ;artan Da&. 2ollowin( the !er*on+ we will dedicate 6anner! #re!ented 6& 4o'r 4a*ilie! a! well a! the Cit& o4 Strat4ord. "! #art o4 thi! !ervice+ the 6anner! o4 o'r con(re(ation will 6e di!#la&ed at the 4ront o4 the !anct'ar&. SUR9EY A2OUT A CONGREGATIONAL RETREAT - 3n the la!t 4ew &ear!+ o'r con(re(ation ha! 6een 6le!!ed with the o##ort'nit& o4 havin( a retreat at Ca*# Gintail. $a!t &ear+ we @oined with St. Mar&! Pre!6&terian Ch'rch 4or a retreat late in J'ne. ;he Chri!tian <d'cation ;ea* need! &o'r 4eed6ac7 a! we con!ider whether to have a retreat thi! &ear or e9#lore the idea at a 4't're ti*e. )e have !ent o't a !'rve& 6& e*ail and there are co#ie! o4 the !'rve& in the narthe9. Lo'r #artici#ation i! !o hel#4'l.

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