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Why is community service important in todays world?

Community service is a noble activity in every community around the world. It surpassed the boundaries of culture, religion, society and can be used as a work of worship in the life. A variety of events around the world is growing old. Natural disasters, social problems, poverty and environmental pollution are examples of events that remains in the minds of many people. The overnment of the countries involved to face disasters such as not able to solve all problems encountered with alone. The soul will be satisfied with giving than receiving. The ability and strength to give is usually born of awareness and confidence in alerting the community about the importance of health, planning a trip in a safe and comfortable as well as championing environmental care changed its state of the world from that miserable to happy. The concept held is awareness to help society to life more perfect and happy. !ithout the availability of a desire to help, the "tate of the community it would mess up and live alone. #eople who love shopping and a materialistic will emphasi$e high salaries, employment, property overflow and sophisticated vehicle. %iving environment here will strengthen their comfort $one and erode the desire to help others. Community service activities should start from the beginning. &amily and school are important institutions as interest in the spirit of community service. The value of volunteering need educational process, upbringing and training. The family can start the activity gradually by participating in any of the activities that interest you through residents ' associations or participate in non(governmental organi$ations )N *s+. Activities such as these can be implemented in part time or full time. Among the activities that can be made is the tuition classes, advice, manage patients in hospital and read to the blind. The overnment of each country played a extremely important for moving the overnment's efforts. ,illions of dollars allocated by the overnment

community service activities in the community. Any intervention, prevention and strengthening of the for the success of the campaign for Courtesy, as well as the ,alaysian campaign should be

given similar financial assistance and mobili$ed on a systematic basis, directional and all the time. A very important element is the implementation of the syllabus curriculum as identity in the exposure to students from elementary school. -e.uire all students to participate in activities of the curriculum may burden the teachers and schools but give priority to students who are active in curriculum and academic excellence are an attractive alternative. "tudents will be excited to actively participate in the activities of the curriculum as a side activity to provide a wide range of skills. Non(human capital development efforts focused on providing knowledge, but also focus on moral development so that at birth the feeling of love in society. Through love, a sense of identity can be nurtured from the next /ouse will be law in the community.

Reference: /anum /assan, -a$li Ahmad dan A$uddin 0ahari )1223+. 4emahiran Insaniah dan 4epentingan #enerapannya dalam #rogram 0aktisiswa #erdana 5ni,A#. 5niversiti ,alaysia #erlis. !alker, 6.N )1272+. 8 *ffice of Co(Curricular %ife9."weet 0riar College 1272(1277 "tudent /andbook )1277+.

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