RTS Chemistry SPM Question Bank Chapter 2

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Essential Chemistry SPM Question Bank

Chapter 2: The Structure of the Atom

Paper 1 1) The diagram below shows a change in the state of matter.

Which of the following is process P? A Melting B Condensation

C Sublimation D Freezing

) The diagram below shows the graph of the cooling of acetamide from its gaseous state to its solid state.

What is the boiling point and the time when li!uid acetamide starts to condense? Boiling point Time condensation begins A T1 m1 B T1 m" C T m D T m#

") The diagram below shows the graph of temperature against time for the heating of naphthalene.

What is the process of change in the state of matter$ which occurs at temperature T oC$ and the state of the substance at time t? Process at temperature T State of the substance at time t A Melting Solid and li!uid B Freezing Solid and li!uid C Condensation %i!uid and gas D &oiling %i!uid and gas #) Which of the following substances will undergo sublimation when heated? A &romine C 'mmonium chloride B Sodium nitrate D Carbon () The diagram below shows an atomic model.

Which of the following scientists introduced this atomic model? A )arnest *utherford C Sir +oseph +ohn Thomson B ,iels &ohr D +ohn -alton .) The diagram below shows the s/mbol of the potassium atom.


Which of the following is true about the s/mbol? Proton number Nucleon number A 10 10 B 10 "0 C 10 "0 D "0 1

Number of neutrons "0 10 1 10

3) Which of the following is the ma4imum number of electrons in the shells of an atom? Shell Maximum number of electrons A 1 1 B 5 C " 15 D # 5) The diagram below shows the s/mbol of the sodium atom.


What is the electron arrangement and the 6alence electrons of the sodium element? Electron arrangement Valence electron A .1 " B .1 ( C .5.1 1 D .5.5.( 1 0) The diagram below shows the structure of atom X.

Which of the following statements are true? I 'tom X has . protons II 'tom X has # 6alence electrons III The electron arrangement of atom X is .# IV The nucleon number of atom X is . A 7 and 77 onl/ B 7$ 77 and 777 onl/ C 7$ 777 and 78 onl/ D 77$ 777 and 78 onl/



The following information is about the subatomic particles of atom Y. )lectron arrangement; .# ,umber of protons; . ,umber of neutrons; . Which of the following diagrams represents atom Y? A C


)lement J has an electron arrangement of .5.". 7f the nucleus of atom J has 1# neutrons$ what are the proton number and the nucleon number of element J? Proton number Nucleon number A 1" 1# B 1" 3 C 1# 3 D 3 1"

1 ) Which of the following isotopes is used to 9ill cancer cells? A Sodium: # B Carbon:1# C Cobalt:.1 D Chlorine:"( 1") 'tom P has 0 protons and 11 neutrons. Which of the following is true about atom P? A 'tom P has 11 electrons B 'tom P has 5 6alence electrons C 'tom P has shells filled with electrons D 'tom P has a proton number of 10 #

1#) Stud/ atom X and atom Y in the diagram below.

30 51

"( "(

Which of the following statements is true about atom X and Y? A The/ are different atoms B The/ are a pair of isotopes C The/ ha6e fi6e 6alence electrons D The/ are located in different groups of the <eriodic Table 1() 'n atom is indi6isible$ cannot be produced or destro/ed. Which of the following scientists ga6e the abo6e e4planation about an atom? A +ohn -alton B Sir +ames Chadwic9 C )rnest *utherford D Sir +oseph +ohn Thomson

Paper 2 Structured question The table below shows four substances with their respecti6e chemical formula. Substance 7odine <otassium chloride ,aphthalene Magnesium Chemical formula 7 2Cl C11=5 Mg

>a) State one substance from the table abo6e that e4ists as >i) atoms. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? >ii) molecules. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>iii) ions. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? >b) >i) What is the state of matter of magnesium at room temperature? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? >ii) -raw the particle arrangement in the substance /ou ha6e stated in >b)>i).

>c) Magnesium has 1 protons in the nucleus of its atom. -raw the atomic structure of the magnesium atom.

>d) The diagram below shows the graph of temperature against time for the cooling of naphthalene.


What is the melting point of naphthalene? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


)4plain wh/ the temperature does not change from X to Y. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


State how the mo6ement of the naphthalene particles changes during the cooling process between and X. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

ssa! question >a) Compare matter in solid$ li!uid and gas forms in terms of >i) the arrangement of particles >ii) the mo6ement of particles >iii) the force of attraction between particles >i6) the energ/ content &/ using the 9inetic theor/ of matter$ e4plain the change in the state of matter when a li!uid boils to form a gas.


Paper " The smell of the fried fish in the 9itchen will spread to other locations in the house. *eferring to the statement abo6e$ plan one laborator/ e4periment to in6estigate the diffusion of particles in gas. @our plan should include the following; >i) <roblem statement >ii) =/pothesis >iii) %ist of substances and apparatus >i6) <rocedure >6) Tabulation of data

Ans#ers Paper 1 1 ' " ' # C ( & . C 3 & 5 C 0 & 11 '

11 1 1" 1# 1(

& C C & '

Paper 2 Structured question >a)>i) Magnesium >ii) ,aphthalene >iii) <otassium chloride >b) >i) Solid >ii)


>d)>i) T1 >ii) The heat lost to the surroundings is e!ual to the heat released during the formation of the force of attraction between particles >iii) The speed of the mo6ement of particles is decreasing

ssa! question >a) Properties of matter 'rrangement of particles Solid $iquid %as

Mo6ement of particles

The particles are arranged closel/$ compactl/ and orderl/ at a fi4ed position There is 6er/ little space among the particles The particles are not free to mo6e and onl/ 6ibrate at a fi4ed position

The particles are not arranged in an orderl/ manner and are not close to each other There is space among particles The particles mo6e randoml/ and !uite slowl/ The particles often collide among one another

The particles are not arranged in an orderl/ manner The particles are separated far apart from one another

The particles mo6e randoml/ in all directions

Force of attraction between the particles )nerg/ content >b)

8er/ strong

%ess strong

8er/ wea9

8er/ low


8er/ high

When the li!uid is heated$ heat is absorbed b/ the particles of the li!uid The particles mo6e faster 't the boiling point$ the particles of the li!uid obtain sufficient heat The force of attraction between the particles is bro9en The particles can now mo6e freel/

Paper " >i) >ii) >iii) >i6)

Will particles diffuse in a gaseous state? -iffusion occurs when gas particles occup/ space. %ist of materials; %i!uid bromine %ist of apparatus; ' gas Aar with co6er$ dropper <rocedure 1) ' few drops of li!uid bromine are dropped into a gas Aar. ) The gas Aar is co6ered immediatel/ with the co6er. ") The obser6ation on the li!uid bromine is recorded in a table. Tabulation of data (bser)ation


Space in the &as 'ar &eginning of the e4periment )nd of the e4periment


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