DR Bartels Excel Spreadsheet Model

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Steps for creating an Excel Spreadsheet to use with petrologic data

1. Figure out what the purpose of your spreadsheet is. For this particular purpose, we want to create a spreadsheet to make it classify them.

2. Design the spreadsheet. I decided to enter data in columns, so I typed in the individual components of the chemical compo data set. I also have a row where I can enter the specimen number or sample number of my rock, so I can keep track of which 3. Enter the data. I will leave this step up to you!

4. Write a formula to add up all the numbers in your chemical composition to get a value for total wt %. The original data you a can check that you entered the numbers correctly or that the original data set is correct and complete. 5. Since we want to plot this data on a total alkalis vs. silica diagram, we need to write a formula to calculate Na2O plus K2O.

6. Copy the cells with the formulas for the "total" and for "Na2O plus K2O" and then paste them into the other columns that con other compositions, too. 7. Make graphs of the data. See the next worksheet for general instructions.

3A. insert 3B.

compositional data for first specimen here Insert compositional data for the second specimen in this column

3C. ETC -->>


Type in your specimen or sample numbers or names in this row

2A. Insert name of data set here

R1 Composition in wt. % oxides SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 CO2 SO3 S F Cl R3 R4 R6 R7






2.287 3.041

1.879 2.568

0.42 1.503

2.183 2.855

2.177 3.338

H2O+ H2OZr3O2 BaO Cr2O3 NiO

4. Write formula to
calculate "Total" here

Total Na2O plus K2O

#REF! 5.328

#REF! 4.447

#REF! 1.923

#REF! 5.038

#REF! 5.515

5. write
excel formula for addition of "Na2O plus K2O" here An content in normative plagioclase

6A. Copy cell E44 and paste it into F44, G44, H4 Copy cell E46 and paste it into F46, G46, H46, e

te a spreadsheet to make it easier for use to take chemical compositions of rocks and make graphs so we can

ents of the chemical composition (SiO 2, etc) in a column. I have a space above that for writing in the name of the so I can keep track of which is which.

t %. The original data you are looking at might have this number, but it is good to have a formula calculate it so you te.

calculate Na2O plus K2O. the other columns that contain data. Then "total" and "Na2O plus K2O" values will automatically be calculated for all



















2.318 2.625

2.994 3.983

3.65 4.575

3.576 4.789

3.056 5.513

2.026 3.339

3.859 5.495

2.079 2.623

3.585 4.487

#REF! 4.943

#REF! 6.977 8.225 8.365 8.569 5.365 9.354 4.702 8.072

d paste it into F44, G44, H44, etc. ste it into F46, G46, H46, etc.




4.09 4.365


Here are some instructions for adding data to some graphs that I have already set up**. The two worksheets that follow this one are graphs of Total Alkalis vs. Silica. is the IUGS one, and the second one is the alternative from Cox et al. Steps for adding data to an existing graph.^ Click on the tab of the worksheet that contains the graph you want to use.

Click on the chart menu at the top of the excel page. Then click on source data. Select the series tab (there will be two tabs at top left, data range and series). Click the Add button (lower left). Click on the right side of the box that says x-values. Click on the tab of the worksheet (at the bottom of the screen) where your data is. In this case, unless you changed the n ame, it will be on the Enter Data on This P worksheet. Use the mouse to highlight the row that contains the data you want to plot as the x -axis values. In this case it will be the row that contains "SiO

Click on the right side of the box that says y-values Click on the tab of the worksheet (at the bottom of the screen) where your data is. In this case, unless you changed the n ame, it will be on the Enter Data on This P worksheet. Use the mouse to highlight the row that contains the data you want to plot as the y-axis values. In this case it will be the row that contains "Na Click the OK button (lower right) Your data should now be plotted on the graph.

You want your data to plot as points, not as a line connecting points. If your data plots as a line, you'll have to select your data series and use "format data series." P pointer right over the line of your data. A little yellow box should appear with the name of the data series. Right click the mouse and a little menu should pop up right t choice should be "format data series." Click on that and a box with seven different tabs will pop up. Choose the tab that says "Patterns." If you have a line connecting and you want it to go away, under "line" click the circle that says "none." If you don't have any symbols on the graph for your points and you want some, under "Marke "automatic" or "custom." Then click "OK." CAUTION: Don't move the graph around or resize it, because the field labels might not end up in the right places if you do that.

are graphs of Total Alkalis vs. Silica. The first one **I entered in the x, y points (SiO2, Na2O plus K2O) for all of the intersections of the field lines, and then created a data series to plot the field boundaries as lines.

^ You need to take different steps to create a graph from scratch.

t will be on the Enter Data on This Page

at contains "SiO2" data. Hit the enter key.

t will be on the Enter Data on This Page

at contains "Na2O plus K2O" data. Hit the enter key.

eries and use "format data series." Put the mouse and a little menu should pop up right there. The top atterns." If you have a line connecting your points nts and you want some, under "Markers" click either



Sienita Fodica


Monzo sienita Fodica


10 Na2O + K2O (wt%) Monzo diorita Fodica 8 Monzogabro Fodico Monzonita Monzonita Cuarzosa Granito Monzo-diorita Monzogabro

4 Granodiorita 2 Picrogabro Gabro 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 SiO2 (Wt%) 65 70 75 80 Diorita Gabro Diorita

SiO2 Na2O + K2O

40.9 3

44.9 3

40.9 0

40.9 6.9

52.5 14

44.9 0

44.9 5

SiO2 Na2O + K2O

39 0

68 10.5

72 12

63 14.5

52 0

52 5

49.2 7.3

44.8 9.4

57 0

57 5.8

53 9.4

48.3 11.3

63 0

63 7

57.8 11.7

52.8 14

50 15.27

69 8

52 5

44.9 5

69 13

69 8

76 0

Total Alkali vs. Silica Diagram of Cox et. al. 1979



Sienita Nefelinica

12 Sienita 10 Sienodiorita Sienita granito

Na2O + K2O wt %


Gabro granodiorita Diorita

0 35 40 45 50 55 SiO2 Wt. % 60 65 70 75

Total Alkalis vs. Silica Diagram IUGS classification





Tephriphonolite Foidite Phonotephrite Trachy andesite Basaltic Trachyandesite

Na2O + K2O (wt%)


8 Tephrite Basanite Trachybasalt

4 Picrobasalt Basalt 0 35 40 45 50 55 SiO Basaltic Andesite

lis vs. Silica Diagram S classification






Dacita Andesita

60 SiO2 (Wt%)





O + K2O (wt%) 14 16



Na2O + K

0 35 40 45



55 SiO2 (Wt%)



SiO2 Na2O + K2O




39 0

68 10.5

72 12

80 15

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 66 68 70 72

SiO2 R-01 R-03 R-04 R-06 R-07 R-08 R-10 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 10 9 8 7 6 Series1 5 4 3 2 1 0 72 74 76 78 80 66 68 70 69.99 73.379 71.734 71.36 67.262 76.32 69.809 73.551 73.413 73.186 77.825 74.355 72.097 74.015 74.731

CaO 1.926 1.968 5.034 1.665 1.84 1.5 2.041 0.766 0.779 0.56 1.094 0.53 1.795 0.555 0.639

Na2O 2.287 1.879 0.42 2.183 2.177 2.318 2.994 3.65 3.576 3.056 2.026 3.859 2.079 3.585 4.09

K2O 3.041 2.568 1.503 2.855 3.338 2.625 3.983 4.575 4.789 5.513 3.339 5.495 2.623 4.487 4.365

Na2O+K2O 5.328 4.447 1.923 5.038 5.515 4.943 6.977 8.225 8.365 8.569 5.365 9.354 4.702 8.072 8.455







SiO2 Na2O + K2O SiO2 Na2O + K2O

52 1.7

52 5.6

53 7

57.2 9.2 39 0

61.8 10 66 9 75 12

55 1.7

55 5.6

44.2 5.6

56.2 5.6

63 7

69 11.8

63 3.5

63 7

70 5.5

65 9

58 11.4

55 11.3

48 8.5

41.1 3.2

39.5 4.2

43.7 8.5

51.5 13.3

43.7 8.5

40.8 9.5

55 11.3

49 14.8

46 7

53 7

58 11.4

62 14

50 9.2

57.2 9.2

48 8.5

45.4 9.45

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