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Foundation Studies Department ROOM 207 - BUILDING C T L!

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&m ' N(u)en Trai Road* T+an+ ,uan Ba-* T+an+ ,uan Distri-t* .anoi / 0ietnam Te1ep+one!2%" "3 %#""$$%* Fa-simi1e!2%" "3 %#""##04



1. COURSE OVERVIEW T+e BEL Test Preparation-Speaking -ourse is 9or 9irst-)ear students o9 t+e Foundation Studies Department at .anoi Uni8ersit)7 :e assume t+at t+e students are (ood at n(1is+ (rammar and t+at t+eir spea;in( s;i11s are at pre-intermediate 1e8e17 Sti11* t+e) are not 9ami1iar 6it+ I LTS test 9ormat and test ta;in( strate(ies7 T+is 6i11 <e 1i;e1) t+e 9irst I LTS -ourse 6+i-+ 6i11 introdu-e t+e <asi- re=uirements o9 part > o9 t+e test to students7 BEL TEST PREPARATION - SPEAKING 6i11 <e used as t+e main materia1 durin( t+e -ourse7 Tea-+ers 6i11 +e1p students <e -on9ident o9 t+e 9ormat and di99erent t)pes o9 =uestions o9 t+e test at pre-intermediate 1e8e17 T+e main 9o-us o9 t+e 6+o1e -ourse is e=uippin( students 6it+ t+e te-+ni=ues and tips o9 doin( t+e test 91uent1) and a--urate1)7 2. BOOKS AND MATERIALS In-class book! B L T ST ?R ?@R@TION / S? @&ING COURS BOO& Homework book! B L T ST ?R ?@R@TION / S? @&ING :OR&BOO& 3. TIME ALLOCATION > 1esson 55 # a-ademi- +ours per 6ee; 4. METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES Met+odo1o(i-a1 prin-ip1es upon 6+i-+ -1ass a-ti8ities are <ased Tea-+in( is NOT testin(7 T+ere is no time pressure in -1ass Lesson pro-edure must 9o11o6 n(a(e* Stud)* @-ti8ate se=uen-e7 Spea;in( s;i11s must <e t+e main 9o-us7 Ot+er s;i11s are Aust inte(rated to a 1ess eBtent7 n(1is+ must <e used up to '0C durin( 1essons7 @-ti8ities s+ou1d <e tas;-<ased and s;i11-<ased rat+er t+an topi--<ased7 Learner--entered a-ti8ities are tar(eted7 Tea-+er s+ou1d <e -are9u1 not to -orre-t studentsD errors too 9re=uent1)7 C+e-;in( +ome6or; is a must7 Tea-+erDs ro1e is s+o6in( studentsD 6ea;nesses and in8o18in( t+em in 1essons7

5. FRAMEWORK FOR BELD TEST PREPARATION SYLLABUS SPEAKING: 1 LESSON 2.5 ACADEMIC HOURS W!!" 1 T#$%& T'!(! A++ ,0#/* 1#/ .:! 2 Unit > in 6or;<oo;7 Y#/2 &,2!!2 Euestion re-o(nition 2II3 .:! 3 Unit 2 in 6or;<oo;7 F,(%+1 2!+,*%#-)'%$ Btendin( ans6ers 2I3 .:! 4 Unit $ in 6or;<oo; S$#2*) ,-3 .,(!) Btendin( ans6ers 2II3 Stru-tures 9or (i8in( eBamp1es* eBpressin( 9ee1in( 21i;e5dis1i;e3and 9uture intention7 F1uen-) mar;ers 9or (i8in( more in9ormation* reasons and uneBpe-ted in9ormation7 :a)s to response to :+=uestions a--urate1)7 T!)* )"%++) Euestion re-o(nition 2I3 L,-./,.! F#&/) :a)s to response to Fes5No =uestions and Optiona1 =uestions -orre-t1)7

.:! 5 Unit " in 6or;<oo; C#-)#+%3,*%#Re8ie6 .:! Unit # in 6or;<oo; F##3 .:! 5 Unit G in 6or;<oo; A-%(,+) Be a6are o9 usin( -o11o-ations in spea;in( .:! 6 Unit 7 in 6or;<oo; H,$$%-!)) Intonation and <od) 1an(ua(e .:! Unit % in 6or;<oo; C#-)#+%3,*%#Re8ie6 E-39#:9*!2( *!)* Stru-tures o9 eBpressin( )our interest @n use9u1 stru-ture o9 eBpressin( )our 9ee1in( a<out anima1 ?ronun-iation! endin( sounds 2s5es5ed3 Re8ie6

@dAe-ti8es 9or des-ri<in( t+e taste o9 9ood

7 18


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