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Foundation Studies Department ROOM 207 - BUILDING C T L!


&m ' N(u)en Trai Road* T+an+ ,uan Ba-* T+an+ ,uan Distri-t* .anoi / 0ietnam Te1ep+one!2%" "3 %#""$$%* Fa-simi1e!2%" "3 %#""##04 +ttp!556667+anu7edu78n

1. COURSE OVERVIEW Writing Skills for Basic English Language (BEL WRITING) is the writing course book which is specifically co pile! for the official stu!ents of English with a low inter e!iate ability in English of the "oun!ation #tu!ies $epart ent% &anoi 'ni(ersity) BEL Writing #kill focuses on recogni*ing an! writing kin!s of sentences) #tu!ents then learn an! write the types of paragraphs that co only occur in aca!e ic conte+t) They practice writing topic sentences% supporting i!eas an! conclu!ing sentences% organi*ing paragraph coherently% an! using appropriate (ocabulary% gra ar% an! transition !e(ices in the paragraph bo!y) Ne+t% they apply what they learn about paragraphs to essay writing) They work on !e(eloping an! supporting a central thesis% organi*ing an outline fro which to write an effecti(e essay) They will stu!y , patterns of essay organi*ation% na ely Logical !i(ision of i!eas% -ause. Effect% an! -o parison. -ontrast) 2. COURSE OBJEC IVES !"# OU CO$E The curriculu aterials of this course are selecte! to acco plish the following/ Understand different kinds of Sentences: Simple, complex, compound sentences Build accurate sentences Create the various paragraph types Understand how to organize a good essay Understand patterns of essay organization Write a cause and effect, discursive and comparison and contrast essay

We seek the following outco e/ The stu!ents will be able to write goo! sentences% (arious paragraphs% an! goo! essays %. BOO&S !"# $! ERI!LS e't(ooks for classroo) acti*ities an+ ho)e,ork -stu+ent use./ BEL Writing Tea (0112) BEL Writing Skills for Basic nglish !anguage" "oun!ation #tu!ies $epart ent% &anoi 'ni(ersity% &anoi) Suggeste+ Reference $aterials -to (e 0urchase+ se0aratel12 if nee+e+./ 3lice 4shi a 5 3nn &ogue% Writing #cademic nglish% the secon! e!ition $aterials for lesson 0lanning an+ han+outs -teacher use./ E(ans% 6) (0111) Successful writing, E+press 7ublishing)

8 - Lee 5 &appy Goh (0119)% ffective College Writing% The :c Graw &ill co pany1) 3. 4RO4OSE# CL!SS I$E SC5E#ULE B ! Writing has been sche!ule! to 6. !SSESS$E" &o ework/ &o ework will be assigne! an! checke! for e(ery class eeting) -o pletion of the ho ework is co pulsory) #tu!ents who ha(e not co plete! all ho ework will be arke! absent) #tu!ents who are absent for ore than 01< of class ti e are not per itte! to recei(e arks for the ter ) E+a inations/ 4NE e+a ination will be a! inistere! to stu!ents at the en! of the ter as integrate! in T7 Writing E+a ) When finishing the BEL Writing course% stu!ents will be ore confi!ent in writing an aca!e ic essay which is part of the T7 Writing e+a as shown below/ nd$of$%erm Writing xamination -1. $aking sentences an+ Writing a 0aragra0h -2. IEL S Writing 7. $E 5O#OLO8IC!L 4RI"CI4LES There are any ways to teach writing to English language learners) But ost of the are base! on a recursi(e syste of writing= that is% the learners prewrite% analy*e% write% re(ise% an! rewrite) Whate(er the approach is% stu!ents shoul! be acti(e participants in their leaning process) 7racticing see s to be the key factor to succee! in learning Writing skill) Therefore% stu!ents nee! to practice by !ifferent ways) In class% for e+a ple% there is a peer e!iting% group !iscussions% in which stu!ents can e+change their work with their frien!s) "or ho ework% stu!ents co plete an! e!it their brainstor ing an! write a rough first !raft% all of which they bring to class) They then han! in the secon! !raft% together with their notes% first !raft% an! peer re(iew% in the ne+t class perio!) #o eti es% the har!est part of writing is !eci!ing what to say) Thus% stu!ents are a!(ise! rea! a lot of o!els) eet twice a week% for a total of ;)1 aca!e ic hours)

9. :R!$EWOR& :OR BEL WRI I"8 S;LL!BUS < 2 LESSO"S ==6 !C!#E$IC 5OURS 4ER WEE& Week Class o0ic = he)e 4rientation an! Nee!s . analysis Intro!uction to 3ca!e ic writing . Unit 1/ Sentences . Skill :ocus i!entify an! write si ple% co poun!% an! co ple+ sentences= write sentences that use a series use sentence (ariety to achie(e ore interesting writing) !cti*ities

W8 >

Lecture/ !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual an! group work

&o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . . . . . be aware of clarity% coherence% co pleteness an! unity in sentences= write effecti(e sentences with appropriate sentence length= use effecti(ely wor!s in sentences= proofrea! an! ensure gra atical consistency)

W8 0

Unit 2/ he 0articulars of a sentence

Lecture/ !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual an! pair work

&o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . i!entify appositi(es in sentences= . create sentences using appositi(es= . use con?uncti(e a!(erbs to show the correct relationship between two clauses in co poun! sentences= . !istinguish between con?uncti(e a!(erbs an! transitions . write sentences using (erbals)


Unit %/ I)0ro*ing sentence structure

Lecture/ !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual an! pair work

&o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . un!erstan! the parts of a paragraph= Unit 3/ Intro+uction to an! 0aragra0hs an+ ,riting . i!entify an! write goo! topic the to0ic sentence sentences) &o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession Lecture/ !cti*it1/ pair work2 group work

W8 @

Week Class

o0ic = he)e

Skill :ocus


W8 ;

. un!erstan! etho!s of paragraph support an! !e(elop ent= Lecture/ Unit 6/ Writing . write goo! supporting i!eas= !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual su00orting i+eas an+ the . write goo! conclu!ing sentences= an! pair work conclu+ing sentence an! . un!erstan! about unity an! coherence) &o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . un!erstan! the structure of an essay Unit 7/ Intro+uction to an! how the ain parts of an essay Lecture/ essa1 ,riting an+ correspon! to the ain parts of a !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual outlining paragraph an! pair work . write an outline for an essay) &o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . write the intro!uctory paragraph for Lecture/ an essay !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual . write the conclu!ing paragraph for an! pair work an essay)

W8 A


Unit 9/ Intro+uctor1 an+ conclu+ing 0aragra0hs

&o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . un!erstan! how to logically !i(i!e the i!eas for an essay= Lecture/ Unit >/ Essa1s using . learn the language use! in !cti*it1/ In!i(i!ual logical +i*ision of i+eas intro!ucing the i!eas logically an! 7air work . write an essay using the logical !i(ision of i!eas) &o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession

W8 2

Week Class

o0ic = he)e

Skill :ocus


W8 B

Unit ?/ Cause @ Effecti*e essa1s

. un!erstan! the structure of an essay which !iscusses causes an! effects= Lecture/ . learn the language use! in in!icating !cti*it1/ in!i(i!ual cause an! effect structure= an! an! 7air work . write an essay !e(eloping causes an!Cor effects confi!ently)

&o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession . un!erstan! the structure of an essay which !iscusses the !ifference an!Cor si ilarities between two= e)g)% ob?ects% people% ?obs% or Lecture/ Unit 1A/ Co)0arison @ concepts= !cti*it1/ group Contrast essa1s . learn the language use! in !iscussion) presenting !ifferences an! si ilarities . write an essay presenting !ifferences an! si ilarities) &o ework for Ne+t -lass #ession W8 1 !tB5o)e Re*ie, == "o Class $eetings E"#BO:B ER$ EC!$ @ Satur+a1 )orning

W8> 1

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