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This picture depicts the first and second estate crushing the third estate with all of its restrictions and increased taxes that they dont have to pay. The Estates had a great impact on France during the late 1780s. It was a representation of this sectio n in that the poorest class had to pay the most taxes, while the richest class paid the least amount.

Lady Liberty

This painting depicts Lady Liberty leading the charge as the commoners fight for equality during the French Revolution. This embodies the section because it shows the consequences of social and economic inequality. The commoners, or third estate, have risen up and revolted against the government because they were not experiencing equality. The Peoples Rebellion

This is propaganda from the Russian Revolution showing the people of Russia revolting against the Tsar. This impacted people to fight because it showed regular bystanders fighting. It also encaptures the theme of this section because it is another example of a revolution cause by inequalities among the classes of people.


This image pokes fun at Marie Antoinettes lavish lifestyle, which was subject to much criticism during her time as queen. This image demonstrates the economic inequality in France because it shows the great wealth of the royal family and how they choose to spend their money when most of the population is very poor and can barely afford food. The Great Lenin

This picture shows Lenin as the leader of the Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution. Lenin has a very concerned tone and is trying to convey the message that he is concerned about the people of Russias well being. This shows the social and economic inequality because during this time, Lenin was promising the people liberties and equality in order to gain their support for his rise to power. The Privileged

This is a painting of Louis XIV done by a personal artist hired by Louis XIV. This

painting captures the trend in France of economic inequality. It depicts Louis XIV as having immense wealth and spending it freely on personal artists and on fashion. Louis XIV gets France into huge amounts of debt during a time when the majority of France is experiencing abject poverty. Preservation in Turmoil

This cartoon shows the attitude of the the extremely wealthy in the present day and the contradicting attitude of the large amount of people who have been laid off. This relates to the trends of absolutist rulers in European history. Most absolutist rulers whom we have learned about, spend countless amounts of money in a time when the majority of the population cant afford to put food on the table. They continue these spending habits in preservation of their luxurious lifestyles and unwillingness to change. The Rich get Richer.

This pie chart reflects the theme of social and economic inequality in european history perfectly. This image shows that the minority of the population holds the majority of the wealth while the overwhelming majority of the population hold the minority of the wealth. This image also shows that after taxes, the rich get richer as the poor get poorer. This method of taxation is evident over the course of European history and in todays world. Coloring a world

This cartoon of Stalin represents him covering the world in communism with red propaganda. This is exactly what he did to the people of Russia. Through propaganda he persuaded the Russians that his form of government was the best. The Russians quickly found out that his ruling was very oppressive and not in the interest of the people. Under Stalin, there was vast amounts of social and economic inequality and ignorance.

The Oppressed

This picture shows the peasant being crushed by the nobility and clergy. This symbolizes the burdens the wealthy have put on the peasants (ex. serfdom). This depicts the section because the wealthy have every social opportunity they want while the poor have little if any.

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