Answer Before P612 LT1

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Question 1 Calculate the energy released when (a) 10 g water at 100 C and (b) 10 g of steam at 100 C are each

spilt on the hand. 1 1 Take the specific heat capacity of water to be 4200 J kg K and the specific latent heat of 1 vaporisation of water to be 2.2 MJ kg . Assume that the temperature of the skin is 33 C. Solution (a) E = mcD0 = 0.01 4200 (100 33) = 2814 J = 2.8 kJ (b) The latent heat given out in changing from steam at 100 C to water at the same temperature is E = ml = 0.01 2.2 106 = 22 000 J The heat given out when this condensed water drops in temperature from 100 C to 33 C is E = mcq = 0.01 4200 (100 33) = 2814 J So, the total heat given out is = 25 kJ Question 2 When a falling hailstone is at a height of 2.00 km its mass is 2.50 g. What is its potential energy? Assuming that all of this potential energy is converted to latent heat during the fall, calculate the mass of the hailstone on reaching the ground. Take the specific latent heat of fusion of ice to be 3.36 105 1 2 J kg and the acceleration due to gravity to be 9.81 m s Solution Potential energy = mgh = 2.5 103 9.81 2 103 = 49.05 J The falling hailstone loses potential energy, and this is used to partly melt the hailstone. ml= 49.05 m 3.36 105 = 49.05 m = 1.4598 104 kg (mass of hailstone that melted) Total mass of hailstone = 2.50 g => Remaining mass that reaches the ground = 2.50 0.1458 g = 2.354 g Question 3 0.30 kg of ice at 0 C is added to 1.0 kg of water at 45 C. What is the final temperature, assuming no -1 heat exchange with the surroundings? Take the specific heat capacity of water to be 4200 J kg K 1 -1 and the specific latent heat of fusion of ice to be 3.4 10 5 J kg .

Solution Let q be the final temperature. Heat lost by water = heat gained in melting the ice + heat gained in warming the ice water mwcwDqw = micelice + micecwDqmelted ice mwcw(45 q) = micelice + micecwD0 melted ice

1 4200 (45 q) = (0.3 3.4 105 ) + (0.3 4200 q) 4200 (45 q) = 1.02 105 + 1260 q 1.89 105 1.02 105 = 1260 q + 4200 q q = 16 oC

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10. A refrigerator uses 400 J of work to remove 200 J of heat from its contents. How much heat must it reject to its surroundings?

10. The refrigerator must reject an amount of heat to the room equal to the sum of the work done by the refrigerator and the heat removed from its contents or 400 J + 200 J = 600 J.

7. Work of 2000 J is done on an ideal gas which experiences an internal energy increase of 800 J. Calculate the heat transferred during this process and indicate whether heat was added to or removed from the gas.

7. This problem requires a direct application of the first law of thermodynamics. U = Q - W or Q = U + W The problem stated that work was done on the system, so by our sign convention this is expressed with a negative sign.

Q = (800 J) + ( - 2000 J) = - 1200 J The negative sign indicates that heat is transferred from the system. This is the case, because the work done on the system of 2000 J was sufficient to increase the internal energy by 800 J and to have excess energy that is manifested as heat transferred from the system.

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