Fictitious Gravitation Activity

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Fictitious Gravitation Activity

Name: _________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: _____________ Purpose: 1. To understand how gravitational forces affect orbits Procedure I: 1. Go to 2. earch !gravit". #. elect the !Gravit" and $rbits% simulation. &. 'lic( !)un Now.% *. $nce the simulation has loaded+ chec( the following options on the right hand side: a. un and ,arth b. Gravit" on c. how Gravit" -orce d. how .elocit" e. how Path /. 'lic( the pla" button at the bottom and watch the simulation. Questions I: 1. Does the force due to gravit" ever change magnitude 0does the length of the arrow change1 between the sun and the ,arth2 34NT: 4t5s easier to see if the sun5s arrow is changing. 6atch a whole revolution.

2. Describe the relationship between the velocit" vector and the force vector between the sun and the ,arth. 7re the" parallel or perpendicular2 #. 4ncrease the si8e of the sun. 6hat happens to the magnitude of the force2

Procedure II: 1. )eset the simulation. 2. $nce the simulation has loaded+ chec( the following options on the right hand side: a. un+ ,arth+ and 9oon b. Gravit" off c. how Gravit" -orce d. how .elocit" e. how Path #. 'lic( the start button at the bottom and watch the simulation. Questions II: 1. Describe the path of the ,arth with no gravit". 0:se the velocit" vector as a reference.1 2. Describe the path of the moon with no gravit". 0:se the velocit" vector as a reference.1

Fictitious Gravitation Activity

Name: _________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: _____________ Procedure III: 1. 'lose the simulation. 2. $n the Ph,T website+ search !gravit". #. elect the !9" olar "stem% simulation. &. 'lic( !)un Now.% *. $nce the simulation has loaded+ chec( the following options on the right hand side: a. "stem centered b. how Traces c. 9a;imum 7ccurac" /. 'hec( 2 bod" s"stem on the left hand side. <. 'lic( the start button at the bottom and watch the simulation. Questions III: 1. (etch and describe what "ou see in this simple sun=planet s"stem.


pecificall"+ what happens to the central ob>ect 0the un12

#. ,;plain wh" the central ob>ect moves. 034NT: 4s gravitational attraction onl" the sun pulling on the planet21

&. Does the planet orbit in a perfect circle2 4s the sun at the center2


top the simulation and change the mass of the ?planet5 to 1@@ units and then tart. ,;plain how the motion is different from the planet mass of 1@.

/. )epeat with both bodies at 2@@ units of mass. ,;plain how the motion is different from the planet mass of 1@. -eel free to draw the pathwa"s if that is easier.

Fictitious Gravitation Activity

Name: _________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: _____________ Procedure IV: 1. )eset the simulation. 2. 'hec( the following options on the right hand side: a. "stem centered b. how Traces c. 9a;imum 7ccurac" #. 'hec( # bod" s"stem on the left hand side. &. 'lic( the start button at the bottom and watch the simulation. Questions IV: 1. (etch a complete c"cle 0orbit1.

2. 6atch the #rd bod" ob>ect closel". 6hat is it doing2 Describe and e;plain.

#. 'ould this be the ,arthA9oonA un s"stem2 0Tr" unchec(ing Show Traces.1

Procedure V: 1. )eset the simulation. 2. 'hec( the following options on the right hand side: a. "stem centered b. how Traces c. 9a;imum 7ccurac" #. 'hec( & bod" s"stem on the left hand side. &. 'lic( the start button at the bottom and watch the simulation. Questions V: 1. Boo( at the inner planet. 4s its orbit the same ever" time2 6h" or wh" not2

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