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Date Time Class Enrolment Subject Theme Topic Focused skill Integrated skill

: 23 September 2013 : 9.10 a.m. 10.10 a.m. : 3 Venus : 20 : English : World of Stories : The Princess and The Dragon : Reading : Listening and speaking

Content standards : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and nonlinear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meanings. 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral text in a variety of contexts.

Learning standards : 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences. 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral contexts by: (b) answering simple Wh-Questions (c) sequencing with guidance Learning objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: (a) Identify and tell 5 characters seen in the video correctly. (b) Read and understand the story. (c) Sequence the story correctly. Educational emphasis: MI Verbal Linguistic and Interpersonal Thinking skills Moral values Teaching aids : Matching : Being courteous : Video, sentence strips, word cards and power point presentation.


Teaching activities

Student-Learning activities


Rationale/Teaching Aid

Set Induction (5 minutes)

1. Teacher shows a video clip of The Princess.

1. Pupils the that


characters they

1. How are you, 1. To activate pupils class? schemata. 2. Now, lets 2. To bring pupils watch a video. focus to the topic The Princess and The Dragon. 3. What characters can Teaching aid/s: you see? Video

noticed from the 2. Teacher what are asks the that seen video.

characters can be

from the video. Presentation (15 minutes) 1. Teacher reads a story of The Princess and The Dragon. 2. Pupils read the 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the story from the power point read the story from the power point presentation. Once upon a time e.g : 1. Pupils listen to teachers reading. 2. Now, I want you to read the story. Teaching aid/s: Power point presentation (Appendix 1) 1. Listen to my reading first. 1. To enable pupils to become familiar to grammar items.

presentation. 1. Pupils listen to Practice (20minutes) 1. Teacher shows seven phrases with pictures about the story. 2. Pupils read the phrases. 2. Now, read the phrases. 2. Teacher reads the phrases. e.g: the princess, a brave dragon 3. Teacher guides the pupils to read the phrases. Teaching aid/s: Phrases strips (Appendix 2) teachers reading. 1. Firstly, listen carefully to my reading. 1. To provide meaningful focus practice where the pupils can read simple phrases correctly.

Production (20minutes)

1. Teacher asks pupils to sit in group of four.

1. Pupils sit in their groups. 1. Please sit in a group of four. 2. Pupils complete

1. To give pupils chance to work in a group (cooperative

their tasks. 2. I will give five 2. Teacher gives five sentence strips to each group. 3. You must arrange the 3. Teacher asks pupils to sequence the sentence strips correctly based on the story that they have read. e.g:
The princess cried


sentence strips to each group.

2. To develop pupils vocabulary and content knowledge. (i+1)

sentence strips in a correct sequence like the story that you have read just now.

Teaching aid/s: Sentence strips (Appendix 3)

. Closure 1. Teacher recalls the story. 1. Pupils respond to the teacher. 1. Lets recall the story. 1. To enable pupils to apply knowledge that they have learnt.


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