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Power Transmission and Distribution

Benefits from advanced network planning procedures
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL System Planning for all Fields




District Heating

Network analysis and planning Weak points Optimal structures Cost effective networks
Multi Windowing Diagrams for Visualizing

Network Analysis steady state and dynamic

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Embedding PSSSINCAL into IT Environment

Metering SCADA Assets
Mainte nance Evaluations



Data Bus - (virtual) Data Ware House - Middle ware IEC 61970 - CIM/XML
Standard Interfaces: GIS Smallworld (Mettenmeier) DVG UCTE PSS E Adept Viper NETOMAC CIM-Exchange ODMS EXCEL-Import Scripting (any language) Customized: SCADA GIS ERP . Customized Applications

Tabular Editor


Calculation methods

Interfaces (API,COM)



Reports (Crystal )



Object oriented access layer (models, methods, cases) COM-Interfaces: Data base access layer SINCAL DB
Input data Graphic data Results
Workspace XML Data Dictionary




global / local global / local

global / local E D SE PTI SW / Sachs



PSSSINCAL Modules Electricity Networks

Basic Modules Enhanced Modules Time Domain Frequency Domain Protection Strategy

Load LoadFlow Flow Balanced Balanced

Load LoadFlow Flow Unbalanced Unbalanced

Motor MotorStart Start

Ripple RippleControl Control

Distance DistanceProtection Protection

Reliability Reliability

Short Short Circuit Circuit3-Phase 3-Phase IEC IEC//VDE VDE //ANSI ANSI// G74 G74 or orPreload Preload Short Short Circuit Circuit2-Phase 2-Phase IEC IEC//VDE VDE //ANSI ANSI// G74 G74 or orPreload Preload

Multiple MultipleFault Fault

Stability Stability

Harmonic Harmonic Response Response

Overcurrent Overcurrent Time Time Protection Protection

Cost Cost Calculations Calculations

Dimensioning Dimensioningof of LV LV Networks Networks

Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Transients Transients EMT EMT

Protection ProtectionSimulation Simulation

Generation Generation and and Load LoadProfile Profile

Short Short Circuit Circuit1-Phase 1-Phase IEC IEC//VDE VDE //ANSI ANSI// G74 G74 or orPreload Preload

Compensation Compensation Optimization Optimization Load LoadBalancing Balancing Optimal Optimal Branching Branching

Contingency ContingencyAnalysis Analysis Load LoadAllocation Allocation(Trim) (Trim) Transformer TransformerTap TapDetection Detection Load LoadFlow FlowOptimization Optimization

Eigenvalues Eigenvalues

Arc ArcFlash FlashHazard Hazard Load LoadDevelopment Development

FACTS FACTSModels Models Generic Generic Wind WindModels Models

Graphical Graphical Model Model Builder Builder BOSL BOSL// Netcad Netcad Line LineConstants Constants
t [sec]
104 t [s]

Optimal Optimal Network Network Structures Structures

-K2 -K2 K2 K2 K2

S5 S7 S2 S7 S1


NA-B RSZ3n kv a 3WN6 3UA42-2C 7SJ512


10 2

0.5 EB 14 EB 2 0.0 S1 SS1 -0.5 E B 11 S S3 E B 5 S S2 Abg1


E B 12

E B 10
10 1

EB 14 EB 2 EB 11 EB 12 EB 5 EB 10






Z[O hm ]


I [A] 1 10 1 10 2 103 10 4 10 5

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 S chutzstrecke: E B14 [S 1,Abg1]



E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Modules - Pipe Networks

Gas Water District Heating

Gas Gas Steady SteadyState State

Water Water Steady SteadyState State

District District Heating Heating Steady SteadyState State

Water Water Tower TowerFilling Filling

Gas Gas Dynamic Dynamic

Water Water Dynamic Dynamic

District District Heating Heating Dynamic Dynamic

Gas Gas Contingency ContingencyAnalysis Analysis

Water Water Contingency ContingencyAnalysis Analysis

District District Heating Heating Contingency ContingencyAnalysis Analysis

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Presentation of Calculation Results Protocol in Crystal Reports

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Presentation of Calculation Results Result evaluation in tabular view

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Presentation of Calculation Results Display at Element Location

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Presentation of Calculation Results Results in the Network Map- Short Circuit

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Presentation of Calculation Results Results in the Network Map- unbal. Loadflow

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Presentation of Calculation Results Network with coloured Results

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Diagram Comparison for Different Variants

In the diagram system, diagram data from different variants can now be compared.

Fig: Dialog box for customizing diagrams

Fig: Voltage curve diagram with data from multiple variants E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Presentation of Calculation Results Diagrams for Illustration

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Supporting Network Planning by common features

Building catalogues for network parts or specific outlet or busbar configurations Working with macros working with multiple data bases at the same time see them in separate windows holding them synchronous defining connetcion points between them Using variants using tree structure for updates maintaining the network changes evaluate across different variants Defining batch procedures Programming with COM-Interfaces
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Macro usage

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Calculation of Transfer between Networks

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Supporting Network Planning with specific features Definition of areas, zones and other element groups Calculation of power exchange between areas Highlighting of element groups Calculation and display of ISO-Areas e.g. for load density Positioning of Substation by load density criteria Feeder evaluation and documentation Load profiles (days, weeks ,year, common) Load increase in areas during time periods Cost calculation (elements with life time cycles)
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Network Generation: Load Density Visualization

On basis of the customer loads and their location in the area a load density visualization is done with iso regions With this it is possible to get a quick overview about the load and feeding situation.

green: low load density

red: high load density e.g. town centre

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Iso area with load density and substation placement

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Feeder evaluation and documenation

Feeder individually or per substation Feeder documentation in EXCEL sheets e.g. adjascent feeder checking

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Feeder Evaluation

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Load density in areas with proposal for supply loops

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load development during a long time period

load increase in areas with additional loads

load density in different areas during a 10 years investigation



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Digitizing of Maps

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Background Graphics

.shp .MrSid

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

From Data Collection to Results


Import from GIS

Import from Excel

PSSE, etc. PSSSINCAL Data Base Export to Excel Results

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Standard Interface between GE Smallworld and PSSSINCAL

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PSSSINCAL Network displayed in Google Earth

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PSSSINCAL Networks and Results displayed in Google Earth

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Modelling of Large Transmission Networks in PSSSINCAL

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PSSSINCAL Example: Schematic Network View

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Example: Network with synchronized geographic and one-line diagram

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PSSSINCAL Substion Model (with decluttering)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Wind Power Simulation

Modeling of wind power plants and their effect on the network: Connection and Grid Code Compliance Studies Load flow, short-circuit, harmonics, protection and dynamic simulations (RMS, EMT), fault ride through

Connection models AC-connections, HVDC, HSC-HVDC, DC-lines

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Wind Power Simulation

Modeling of wind power plants and their effect on the network: Modeling of wind generators Generic models for squirrel-cage and double-fed induction generators, direct driven synchronous generators (including pitch control, wind speed, crowbar, PWM controllers, etc.) are available. Specific vendor models can be embedded.

1.2 5 PCC volta ge (pu)

-1.2 5 1 MEL [pu] WTG1 MMEC H [pu] WTG1

-1 1 Y DREHZ WTG1 cppu [__]

-1 4 P [MW ] BRA 2 LT G3 Q [Mvar] BRA 2 LT G3 0

10 Y DRE HZ W TG1 b eta [__] Y DREHZ WTG1 vwf 0 [__]

-4 1

-10 4 Q [Mv ar] C AP1 PCC 0 Y VAR -Y CAP 1 NC [__]

-1 5






5.00 [s ]


2009 -1 0-30 12 :19

SCIG SMIB test syste m - RMS - dT=1 - SCR=1000

Pr oduce d with PSS

NETO M AC (Re gi stered trademark of S iemens A G)

wind profiles user defined models (including machine model) Matlab Simulink models
5 active pow er stator + LSC (MW ) reactiv e power stator + LSC (MVAr ) 0

-5 5 active pow er stator (MW ) reactiv e power stator (MVAr ) 0

-5 2 active pow er LSC (MW ) reactiv e power LSC (MVAr ) 0

-2 2 active cu rr ent stator + LSC (pu) reactiv e curren t stator + LSC (pu) 0

-2 2 crow bar t rigger

-2 1 .5 generato r speed (pu) 0

-1 .50


0.5 0

0.7 5

1.0 0 [s ]


20 09 -10-3 0 12 :28

DFIG SMIB test system - RMS - dT=1 - SCR=1 00

Pr oduce d w ith PSS (R) NET OM AC (R e gi st ere d trade mark of S iemens A G)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

One PSSSINCAL Element Model for all Tasks

The model complexity could vary from very simple (e.g. for short circuit) to normal (Load Flow or Harmonics) and different levels of complexity for Dynamics (different PV models or wind)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Example: PSSSINCAL Dynamics in Unbalanced Networks with DER (PV, Wind,)

simulates effects like: network stability, if a wind generator at the end of a feeder disconnects from the grid and grid is unbalanced or unbalanced faults simulation in balanced systems e.g. according to grid code

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Smart Grid Simulation (photovoltaic, fuel cells, batteries, )

Distributed generation (e.g. photovoltaic, wind turbines, fuel cells, batteries) and its effect on the network can be simulated. Single-phase loads and generation can be modeled. Quasi-dynamic simulation of changes in solar radiation or wind speed is possible with generation/load profiles.

Smart meter data can be integrated.

Stability analysis (for balanced & unbalanced disturbances), protection simulation, harmonic analysis, etc.

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Smart Grid Calculation

Smart Metering

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Smart Grid Calculation

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Smart Grid Calculation

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Smart Grid Calculation

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Solution for optimal Operation: Switching off backfeeding Transformer by Network Protectors
meshed low voltage network with (single phase) DER

feed-back of transformers

sequential switch off of transformers by NWP

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL has an linkage to MDMS system

Understand the actual networks and evaluate specific events (post mortem) Improve long term network planning based on profile data for loads and generators

Develop more suitable standard profiles for utility-specific clusters of customers.

Recognize different trends in the network at an early stage

Support Operation Planning :

Influence the network configuration based on the actual situation Optimize the loading of elements due to the conditions of the last period Shift investments to a later date
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Long Term Network Planning in PSSSINCAL via MeterReadService from Energy IP

Existing network model within the network planning System PSSSINCAL All loads and generators linked to standard VWEW profiles 2 loads represent the meters in the presentation wall, are linked to these meters with specific profile names

On request load profiles from history are uploaded from Energy IP system to SINCAL data base

Tabular Editor Evaluations Calculation M essages Diagram s (Crystal ) m ethods Reports G UI

SINCAL analyzes this specific day


Object oriented access layer (models, methods, cases) COM-Interfaces: Data base access layer SINCAL DB Input data Graphic data Results SQL-DB
Workspace XML

New, optimal network structures with additional equipment are evaluated

Data Dictionary elements protection macros

global / local

global / local

global / local


E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Long Term Network Planning in PSSSINCAL via MeterReadService from Energy IP

The network simulation gives you results for the loading of the network and for the voltage ranges during the day in every location SINCAL also provides theme-maps for the whole network e.g. for the voltage at different times This will lead to optimized network configuration for the future based on reliable evaluations

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Operation Network Planning in PSSSINCAL via the ActivityGateway of Energy IP

Existing network model within the network planning System PSSSINCAL All loads and generators linked to standard VWEW profiles and planning P and Q 2 loads represent the meters in the presentation wall, are linked to these meters with the actual P and Q

On request via the ActivityGateway of EnergyIP the average P and Q of the last h of the loads are updated in the SINCAL data base

Tabular Editor Evaluations

SINCAL simulates the actual situation of the network and optimizes the network configuration The operation planning can initiate suitable changes in the SCADA system
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs


Object oriented access layer (models, methods, cases) COM-Interfaces: Data base access layer SINCAL DB Input data Graphic data Results
Data Dictionary elements protection macros

Actual Customer Meter Data


Workspace XML

global / local

global / local

M essages

Diagram s

Reports (Crystal )

m ethods


global / local


Operation Network Planning in PSSSINCAL via the ActivityGateway of Energy IP

The network simulation gives you results for the loading of the network and for the voltage ranges for the near real time situation

With a suitable network configuration a change of parts of a feeder to an adjacent feeder can optimize generation and losses in the network

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Benefit for Utilities and Customers

With the better and actual knowledge of the network situation gained out of the customer and feeder data together with the structure and operation planning the networks can be optimized Benefits Save losses Save investment cost Save carbon pollution May offer cheaper energy to the customers Support new form of Micro Grids Support new pricing models for customers (e.g. load shedding on demand) Operate networks with a high content of distributed energy resources (DER)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL : Programming Interface Open Structure

SINCAL 3.52 Open + Documentated DB PSSSINCAL 5xx



External Applications could control PSSSINCAL by standard-APIs


DATA + Methods
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL : Example Automation

Control of PSSSINCAL by Excel Requirements: PSSSINCAL V5xx MS Excel 2000 Tools: Visual Basic for Application (VBA) Visual Basic Editor within Excel Knowledge: SQL Visual Basic PSSSINCAL DB-Structure

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

3D-Visualization Load funnels

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3D-Visualization Load density and max load

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Good Reasons for PSSSINCAL:

Long history in power system planning, analysis and software Complete network analysis tool for electricity networks (radial/meshed, balanced/unbalanced, all voltage levels) as well as gas, water and district heat networks Powerful network analysis and planning tools with strong graphical visualization & automated documentation capability Geographic and schematic networks diagrams are supported Good integration in work flows and with other IT-systems, e.g. GIS (e.g. ESRI, Smallworld etc.), SCADA/DMS/EMS interfaces Numerous standard import and export formats, e.g. PSS E, CIM, Excel Easy to use (Plug and work), online help, hotline support Trainings, customized workshops and user group meetings Continuous further development and regular updates

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

calculation of quality mixture from different sources and time from source to node

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contour plotting in pipe networks (load density)

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Contour plotting of elevation of nodes

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longitudinal cuts through network

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longitudinal cut: results

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longitudinal cut for three different working points

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Water: filling of water tower within the day

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day profile of at a defined node

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display of problems in supply

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longitudinal cut: forward and reverse flow (heating)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Loadflow Tasks

Tasks: Determination of currents, voltages and powers within electrical networks - within operation - within failure of operation equipment - while changing of loads Restrictions: no overloading or operation equipment voltages within the voltage range machines within controler ranges Determination of weak points

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Loadflow constant Power or constant Impedance

A ZAB I UG = const. S = 3 x UL x J = const. UL S = const. B

constant power

ZAB I UG = const. S=


constant impedance

S = S100%

(U )


Z = const.

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Loadflow Loadflow - Iteration Methods

S*SOLL Y U(y) = Current - Iteration U


P Newton-Raphson Q


P |U|


P = Q

Q |U| |U|

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Load and generation profile modelling

load or generation profile

simultaneity factor

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Load Flow Day Profiles

Working with day curves (different types, 96-1/4h-values)

Calculating power from energy Working with diversity factors Losses at the transformer in kWh
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Short Circuit Tasks

Determination of the max. and min values at.: 123-

phase short circuits

according to VDE 0102/1/90 eg. IEC 909 or 2002 for system configuration, thermic and dynamic dimensioning of switching devices, protection coordination interference, method of neutral-point connection

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Short Circuit Stress in case of short circuit


Ik iP

thermic stress mechanical stress

upper envelope curve

2 2 Ik" iP

DC component

22 Ik= 22 Ik"


switching off time: 0,1s...1s

lower envelope curve

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Short Circuit with Preload

Loadflow Superposition

Short Circuit: Feed back

Short Circuit with Preload

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Dimensioning Tasks

Protection Devices must carry load current must switch off faults selectively

Combination: Loadflow 1 - phase short circuit

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Dimensioning protection area is limited by two fuses

1. Time step In2 In1 2. Time step Ik2 In1 < k Ik1 Ik1 > k ( In1 + In2 )

In1 3. Time step


In2 < Ik3 In2

Ik3 k

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Dimensioning Contradictions

Load current > rated current of fuse ( Insi ) ( existent ) Load current > max. permissable Insi according to neutralization Rated current of existing fuse Insi > max. perm.Insi according to neutralization

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Multiple Faults Combination of Faults

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Stability (ST)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Electromagnetic Transients (EMT)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

System Overview

Graphical input with NETCAD : System components, Machines, Shafts, Grid- and machine controllers, Control units

Load flow Initial conditions System in a-b-c All elements by differential equations Non-linearities Time domain Instantaneous values ns ... s ... ms ... s Single line network Complex admittances Symmetrical components Fundamental frequency Time domain Quasi steady-state values s ... min
Electromechanical phenomena
Frequency [Hz] 50 48.5 Power System 2 - System 1 [MW] 65 0

only Load flow

Short circuit calculation IEC or ANSI

Load flow Operating point

Graphical output of results with

System linearization

Frequency domain all system variables Frequency domain Frequency domain Eigenvalue analysis Eigenvalue analysis System oscillations

Special requirements, e.g. interferences of tunnel accessories by trains

Line feeder Return path Chain Wall 10 Rails Cable duct

Frequency response Resonances

75% Degree of compensation

Eigenvalue Observability, analysis Controllability


j Local modes 2.5Hz



G5 System Generator G2 G6 G1 1

G3 G4 Inter-area modes 0.5Hz

Voltage System 1 and 2 [%] 100 85 Earthing strip

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Program Modes
Stability Mode
1.5 LE-Volt [ pu] AE

Frequency Response


1000 P [ MW] SL5-2


DIF-Volt[ pu] 110KVT2. R BETR.SIE R



-1 75 THETA [ Deg] GT5MVA THETA [ Deg]0 DT2.5MVA



Q 1.5[ pu] GT5MVA

15.9.1999 21:08


-75 1


Produced with NETOMAC (R) NETOMAC is a registered trade-mark of Siemens AG

+ 0.7 pu


LE-Volt [ pu] BETR.SIE R

-1 1






2.0 SEC IA_HV [ pu] GT5MVA


-1 5

Produced with NETOMAC (R) NETOMAC is a registered trade-mark of Siemens AG

Transient Mode

Generatorgren Bild 1 von 1

0.4 0.8 TESTRECHNUNG (DOKU) bergang Momentanwertteil - Stabilittsteil Erstellt mit NETOMAC fr Windows SIEMENS AG EV_NP2-dn0040/Ru 1.2 1.6 SEC

-5 0.0

15.9.1999 21:01

Produced with NETOMAC (R) NETOMAC is a registered trade-mark of Siemens AG

Transient Stability Mode

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Useful Tools for Increase of Application Efficiency

Identification / Optimization

Variant Calculations
Automated processes for variant investigations

Recognition algorithms for unknown quantities

Complete System

Other Data / Formats

Importfilter Exportfilter Interactive Simulation supports Training

Relevant Network

Dynamic Netreduction

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

NEVA - Visualization of Power Systems Oscillations

All Results Visualized in NEVAr NEVA - Are NEVA -various variousrepresentations representationsof ofresults results Sample Results
(South African Power Pool)

(Western Systems Coordinating Council)




0.70 Hz 0.65 Hz 0.60 Hz


j4.06 rad/sec

f = 0.65 Hz

0.30 Hz

Geographical GeographicalMode ModeShape Shape

(Southeast China Power)

(New England Test System)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

NEVA - Controller Siting

Power System Stabilizer (PSS)

G( s) = rotor _ speed = VPSS excitation_ voltage

Static Var Compensator (SVC)

G( s ) = VBus bus _ voltage, line _ power = QSVC reactive_ power _ SVC

Residues Residue (incl. O. and C.)


without TCSC

with fixed series compensation with TCSC

0.3 Hz 0.3 Hz interarea interarea mode mode

Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)

G( s ) = PL line _ power = BL suspectan ce _ TCSC

Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)

G( s ) = bus _ frequency = PSMES active_ power _ SMES

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Automatic Test and Optimization of Protection Equipment


Hardware Interface

PC Interface


Digital Real-TimeSimulator


D/A - Converter

Digital Network Model


Simulation of your real network conditions for the protection and controller tests Test continuation also after the first system response (e.g. Autoreclosure) Realtime simulation of processes with complex fault conditions (e.g. Double-earth fault)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSNETOMAC Light Testing of an Exciter Controller

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL optimal Branching



7 S43

3 V39 0 V39

V40 0


E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL optimal Branching

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Harmonics Frequency Dependency of the Elements

3. Usual approximations
Im { Z }

1. Lv = Lo and Rv = Ro regardless of the frquency dependency of the ohmic part 2. Lv = Lo v k and Rv = Ro v k nearly constant quality factor

f f

3. Considering the Skin and Proximity Effects

Re { Z }

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Harmonics Harmonic Response and Polar Plot of a Network Point

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL Harmonics Voltage Disturbance at Node and Network Level

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Contingency Analysis

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Reactive Power Optimization: Capacitor Placement

Optimum capacitor locations Capacitor rating Reduction in network losses Annual savings from reduced losses Return on investment period Result documentation in report Optional automatic creation of proposed capacitors in the network.

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Capacitor Placement

The aim of this optimization procedure is to reduce transmission losses by adding capacitors. PSS SINCAL estimates the costs for the capacitors and the expected savings from reducing transmission losses. Based on costs and savings the "Return on Investment" can be determined. The available capacitors as well as the nodes where these can be placed need to be defined. The capacitor placement optimization procedure then attempts to place available capacitors at those nodes where they will produce the least possible network losses.

Available capacitors: 10 * kV 0,1 MVA, 0,7

The following have been installed at Node 1: 2* 0,1 MVA and 1 * 0,5 MVA

2 5* kV 0,5 MVA, 0,7

The following have been installed at Node 2: 2* 0,1 MVA and 1 * 0,5 MVA

Available insert nodes: 1 and 2

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Compensation Optimization

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Transfomer Tap Calculation

Tap Zone Detection Tap Zone Detection is a special load flow procedure for determining transformer tap positions in feeders. PSS SINCAL attempts to set transformer tap positions at the feeders so that the voltage for supplied consumers stays within the permitted voltage range for both minimum and maximum load. Basically, tap zone calculations combine a simple optimization with load trimming for minimum and maximum operating states. The results of tap zone calculations provide the optimal transformer tap positions as well as the load flow results for minimum and maximum load.

Enhanced loads with transformer and measurements Measuring devices

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Transfomer Tap Calculation

-In the first step, the load is trimmed for both the minimum and maximum values in the network. The network needs to be analyzed topologically to determine how measuring devices and loads are interconnected. -With the help of the network topology, PSS SINCAL assigns all loads "behind" a measuring device to it. Any number of loads can be assigned to a measuring device. -Loads with measurements are included in the tap zone detection. Loads without measurements remain with their prescribed power as constant load in the network. - After load trimming, two load flow calculations are performed for both minimum and maximum loads. - The load flow results are stored at the enhanced loads. - PSS SINCAL uses this data to determine the tap position so that the transformer low-voltage side at the enhanced load stays within the permitted voltage range for both minimum and maximum load. - The optimal transformer tap positions calculated are prepared for all the nodes with attached enhanced loads
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Transformer Tap Calculation

To visualize the results in a simple and clearly arranged manner, the evaluation type tap zone positions can be used to color the network diagram. Network areas with the same transformer tap positions are colored in identical colors. The load flow results are prepared for both minimum and maximum load. To precisely evaluate transformer tap positions, PSS SINCAL has special voltage curve diagrams to show voltage curves at feeders

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PSSSINCAL Ripple Control Modells of Transmitter

Parallel Injection

Series Injection

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Reliability Analysis as Planning Tool

m in /a m in /a

Additional Additionalplanning planningtool tool Quality Qualitystatement statementfor forcustomers customers Basis Basisfor forrisk riskassessment assessment Support Supportfor formaintenance maintenancemanagement management Identification Identificationof ofweak weakpoints points

Non availability Non availability

10 8 6 4 2 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 Exist Exist V1 V1 Variant Variant V2 V2 V3 V3

Significance of reliability analysis Reliability indices

Interruption Interruptionfrequency frequency Mean Meaninterruption interruptionduration duration Unavailability Unavailability Performance Performanceinterruption interruption Energy Energynot notsupplied suppliedin intime time Interruption Interruptioncosts costs

TT u u Q u Q

H u H u hh min/a min/a MVA/a MVA/a MVAh/a MVAh/a EUR/a EUR/a

1/a 1/a

LL u u W u W

K u K u

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Example: Day ahead reliability assessment without and with line shutdown for maintenance

Reference Case Normal Operation Absolute NonNon-Availability in min/a

Scenario Line Shutdown for Maintenance Absolute NonNon-Availability in min/a

0 min/a

25 min/a

0 min/a

25 min/a E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Influence of components to energy not delivered in time

100 f (E) F (E) 80






Extension: Variant A
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PSSSINCAL Reliability Input and output data in network diagram

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PSSSINCAL Motor Starting Input Data

- several motors running up at different time - Spezification of load torque motor torque starting current - variable-speed drive possible

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PSSSINCAL Motorstart (MA)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Overcurrent time protection

Coordination of overcurrent time protection devices Extensive overcurrent protection device library: Overcurrent time relays Fuses and bimetal switches MCBs and circuit breakers Definition of user-defined overcurrent time protection characteristics and devices Stepped-event simulation of relay starting and operation (including back-up protection)
E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Distance protection
Calculation of distance protection relay settings based on different grading strategies

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Depiction of protection simulation results

Stepped-event simulation automatically determines the protection device states if the network configuration changes, e.g. change of short circuit current/impedance after disconnection of one end of a parallel circuit

green: started

red: tripped

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Stepped-Event Fault Simulation in PSSSINCAL

Simulation determines automatically the state of operation of overcurrent time and distance protection devices Changes in the network due to protection devise operation are considered, i.e. each state of fault clearance sequence is simulated Unwanted overload tripping conditions are checked Different fault locations are simulated Results are summarized in reports and visualized graphically Warning messages indicate unsuccessful fault clearance Detailed step-wise analysis of fault events (e.g. back-up protection)

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Results of stepped-event protection system analysis

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Protection Devices Management System PSSPDMS

PSS PDMS (Protection Device Management System) is a program for the central management of protection devices and their settings. All the data are stored in a central relational database for protection devices.

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL and PSSE Graphic Model Builder (GMB)

GMB supports modeling of AVRs, Exciters, and other models GMB created models are easily included in PSSSINCAL and PSSE files Now model any vendor-supplied model

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSSSINCAL and PSSE GMB Wires Together Control Blocks

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

PSS SINCAL Cost Calculation

The objective of the Cost Calculation is to determine the most economic technical solution Investment, annual maintenance, decommissioning, energy costs; interest rate, planning horizon, depreciation, etc. are taken into account Costs can be assigned to network elements or to station, feeder, equipment and route model User-defined cost libraries are supported Costs comparison of planning horizon based on net present value method

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Cost calculation

Alternative A: 161 kV
power station
161 kV 2 x 500 MW 30 km

161 kV 345 kV

2 x 500 MVA


Alternative B: 345 kV
power station
345 kV 2 x 500 MW 30 km

Proposed solution
MDM 10 9 8 7 6

345 kV

2 x 500 MVA

4 3 2 1

161 kV


0 171 B1 282 B1 403 B3 604 B4

Conductor Cross Section in mm2

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

Optimal Network Structures

The objective of this method is the determination of optimal structures for medium-voltage networks. The optimization considers minimum losses and complies with technical limits (max. feeder load, max. voltage drop, etc.), and determines the costs of proposed Greenfield network structure.
Picture 1

Picture 1 shows an underlying route and station model. Picture 2 shows the resulting identified optimal routes from network stations (representing loads and downstream networks) to the primary substations. Various optimization strategies are available and resulting alternatives can provide a benchmark for the existing network.

Picture 2

E D SE PTI SW / Sachs

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