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Topic 1: Education I.

teacher and student relation

1. Has the relationship between students and teachers changed over the past 20 years? 2. What is the role o teachers and students in learning and teaching nowadays? !. "hould students stay at ho#e doing their own studying or go to lectures? $. What are the bene its and drawbac%s o sel &learning? '. (o you thin% that how you are taught at school will a ect the way you teach other people? ). *etween teachers and parents+ who in luences the way you behave #ore? ,. Teachers are supposed to be the #irror or his- her students to i#itate? (o you thin% that he- she #ust lead a bla#eless li e? Why or why not? .. "tudents nowadays tend to show very little respect to their teachers+ what do you thin% are the causes o this pheno#enon? II. technology in the classroo# 1. can you co#pare a classroo# now with that 20 years ago+ in ter#s o technology? 2. do you thin% that teachers and students can wor% better with hi& tech devices? !. discuss the advantages and disadvantages o using /ower /oint in giving lessons? $. discuss how co#puters and the Internet helps students in their studies? '. do you thin% that co#puters will replace the role o teachers in the uture? ). what are the pros and cons o correspondence courses? ,. will video&con erencing and distant learning be a popular or# o uture studies? III. punish#ent 1. when a student #a%es a #ista%e+ how should he be punished? 2. do you thin% corporal punish#ent is acceptable in education? What #ethods do you suggest instead o this %ind o penalty? !. what are the e ects o physical punish#ent? $. who do you thin% should ta%e the responsibility o punishing the students? Teachers or parents?

I0. e1a#inations 1. what do you thin% about the nu#ber o tests that you have to ta%e nowadays? 2re there too #any? 2. do you thin% it is necessary to have #id&ter# and inal tests in the school year? Why or why not? !. should tests now be replaced by continuous assess#ent? Why or why not? $. do you thin% that university entrance e1a# is a necessary? Why or why not? '. should university entrance e1a# is abolished? ). what proble#s do students ace when there are #any tests to ta%e? ,. i you were the /ri#e 3inister o Education+ what changes would you #a%e to our education syste#? 0. ho#ewor% 1. do you have to do a lot o ho#ewor% every day? 2. do you thin% that such a#ount o ho#ewor% is reasonable? !. do you thin% it will be better or students i their teachers give the# less ho#ewor%? $. should students4 ho#e ti#e be or un only+ not or doing ho#ewor%? '. what do you suggest teachers do when they have to reduce the ho#ewor% assigning to students? ). do you thin% doing a lot o ho#ewor% will help students understand what they have learnt better? 0I. a ter school activities 1. do you participate in any social activities? 2. what social activities can you thin% o ? !. do you thin% that scouting is a very use ul activities to help young people to beco#e #ature? $. what are the bene its o social activities? 0II. single&se1 schools 1. do- did you go to a single&se1 school or a #i1ed school? 2. do you thin% that students can learn better when there is no presence o #e#bers o the opposite se1?

!. do you thin% that those who study in single&se1 schools will have proble#s interacting with #e#bers o the opposite se1? $. do you support or discourage the practice o single&se1 education? 0III. /rivate versus public education 1. do- did you go to a state or private school? 2. can you co#pare the two types o school? Which one do you thin% is better? !. do you thin% that there should be no private schools? Why or why not? $. when students study at state establish#ents+ should the govern#ent pay or their schooling? '. do you thin% that private school is always in erior to public ones? ). do you thin% that a degree ro# a private school is not valued as #uch as that ro# a public one? I5. 2rts "ub6ects and sports education 1. when at school+ should students be taught arts along with acade#ic sub6ects or 6ust acade#ic ones? 2. what can sub6ects li%e #usic and drawing help students? !. can students be s#arter when they are taught these sub6ects? $. is teaching sports good or students? In what way? '. do you thin% that so#e sports help students build up tea# spirit which is necessary or their uture wor% and li e? Which ones? ). when at school+ should there be sports co#petitions? ,. so#e people say there #ust be no sports contests at school? What is your opinion on this? .. what are the disadvantages o playing sports?

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