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Batch Determination in Production Order


Define Batch Determination Batch Determination is used in inventory management, production, sales and distribution, warehouse management. It is used to select batches and allocate the same in a manufacturing order or in an outbound delivery or in a goods issue/goods transfer in inventory management. In Production, Sales & Distribution, in inventory management or in warehouse management, batch determination is used to search and allocate batches for the components in production order/process order or to search and allocate the delivery batches in a customer based outbound delivery or to search for batches and allocate batches in goods issues. The tools that batch determination uses is the determination condition techniques based on the condition tables, access sequence and strategy types. These condition types are enough to choose and allocate batches. Though additionally batch determination uses selection classes and its characteristics values to choose batches and/or uses sorting rules to choose sort batches while selection based on characteristics and its values. We have already learnt in batch derivation documentation, how the search procedures condition techniques help in searching the sending batches and receiving batches and thus derive the transfer of characteristics values. Similarly you can use the search procedures techniques to search and select batches during batch determination.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


irst go to transaction code !C"A for #$% of Batc& $anagement

Belo' screen s&o'ing t&e '&ole Batc& $anagement configuration menu

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


First Step Create Batch Determination Condition tables Batch determination condition tables once created become the key combination fields for searching batches. Eventually the condition records or search strategies are created as master data based on these key combinations. The Condition Tables are created separately for IM, Production, WM and Sales.

Create or Co(y Condition ta)les according to t&e )usiness need. "ere 'e are co(ying t&e condition ta)le *+ and creating ,,,.

Click on

to generate t&e condition ta)le and save

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Second Step Create Batch Determination Access sequence Batch determination access sequences have multiple condition tables (key combinations) assigned in a sequence of priority. This facility allows you to create data for many key combinations so that even if the search of batches fails on the first key combination condition the rest in the priority would help in search. The Access Sequences are created separately for IM, Production, WM and Sales.

Select Standard Access Se-uence C!+. and click on Co(y As to Co(y.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


%ive Access se-uence name and descri(tion.

Select t&e access se-uence and click on Accesses from left menu.

%ive t&e condition ta)les in se-uence as desired.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Select Condition ta)le and click on ields from left menu.

Select t&e Access Se-uence 'e &ave /ust created and click on 0tilities icon.

Select Access se-uence and click on utilities

Click on E1ecute or (ress 2.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


3&e log 'ill )e dis(layed.

Third Step Create Batch Strategy Types Batch Search Strategy holds multiple access sequences, though not assigned in any sequential priority. The assignment of the strategy types is separately for IM, Production, WM and Sales. The strategy types or condition types are assigned in priority in the next step called Batch Search Procedure Definition. The strategy types configuration holds the selection criteria and the sort rules used in batch determination techniques. Strategy types are used ultimately to create the batch search master data or batch search condition record so that the system would know the exact level at which search for batches is to be carried out along with the selection/sort rules of these batches. It is obvious that batch search strategy is used to search batches on certain rules, because you want to automate the process and do not want it to do it manually for each and every batch. Thus you have to aid the system in putting in a decision such as - search all the batches of a given plant or search all the batches of a given set of material at a plant or search batches for a given component or etc.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Select t&e standard entry to co(y or create ne' entry4 &ere 'e co(ied from standard C!+..

%ive t&e Strategy entry4 access se-uence4 selection ty(e4 sort se-uence.

3o create sort se-uence go to transaction code C05+.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


%ive t&e name as you 'ant and (ress enter.

Enter descri(tion and click on C&aracteristics icon.

Enter t&e c&aracteristics '&ic& you &ave created.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


"ere 'e &ave created FIFO_LAST_GR_DATE as s&o'n )elo'4 go to transaction code C3+6 and enter data as s&o'n )elo'4

"ere 'e 'ant t&e c&aracteristics value from standard ta)le so in t&e additional data vie' 'e &ave to maintain ta)le and field name from '&ic& t&e c&aracteristics value s&ould )e u(dated as C!A" L#ED3 and assign t&is c&aracteristics to class of class ty(e )atc& i.e. 7*

3a)le name $C"A and field name 89ED3

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Fourth Step - Create a Batch Search procedure A Batch Search procedure holds multiple strategy types assigned in sequential priority. The Batch search procedure thus becomes the final configuration which holds the total search configuration together. The Batch Search Procedures are created separately for IM, Production, WM and Sales.

Click on :e' Entries4

%ive t&e Procedure name and descri(tion and click )ack

Select t&e (rocedure 'e &ave /ust created and click on Control from left menu.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


"ere add t&e condition ty(e 'e &ave created and click on save

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Assi$nment o% Search &rocedure to Order T'pe(" :o' 'e need to assign searc& (rocedure to Plant and !rder ty(e and activate t&e c&eck.

Select t&e Plant and !rder ty(e com)ination and click on details4

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Assign t&e searc& (rocedure and activate t&e c&eck )atc& tick.

Assign searc& (rocedure and tick c&eck )atc&

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


aster Data(" 9&ile in t&e material master 'e need to c&eck Batc& management tick.

Batc& $anagement 3ick

9&ile in t&e classification vie' of material master assign t&e )atc& class for '&ic& 'e &ave assigned c&aracteristics.

Assignment of class ty(e 7* to material for '&ic& 'e &ave assigned c&aracteristics

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Condition Records(" :o' all configuration (art is done4 'e need to create condition records4 for t&at go to transaction code C!B.

Enter t&e Strategy ty(e 'e &ave created and (ress enter4

:o' from t&e key com)ination select t&e desired key com)ination and (ress enter.

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Enter order ty(e4 (lant and materials and (ress enter4 t&en select all materials and click on Selection Criteria icon

Enter )atc& class and click )ack4 do t&is for all materials

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


3ick on selection criteria and sort se-uence indicating t&ese are assigned

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


Resu)t(" %o to create Production order ;3ransaction code C!+.<

Enter "eader material4 (lant and order ty(e4 (ress enter

Enter total -uantity4 and click on Com(onent !vervie' icon

Com(onent !vervie'

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


"ere you 'ill see t&e B!$ e1(losion -uantities4 select t&e material and click on t&e )atc& determination icon at t&e )ottom of screen

Select material and click on t&e )atc& determination icon

System 'ill determine t&e )atc&es of material according to our configuration for all materials.

$essage indicating )atc&es are determined

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

Batch Determination in Production Order


inally you can see t&e com(onent overvie' screen after )atc& determination done.

Determined )atc&es

Created By: Devidas Karad SAP PP Certified Consultant E-mail:

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