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A metal (from Greek "" mtallon, "mine, quarry, metal"[1][2]) is a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that

t is typically hard, opaque, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleablethat is, they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or crackingas well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out into a thin wire).[3] 91 of the 118 elements in the periodic table are metals. The meaning of "metal" differs for various communities. For example, astronomers use the blanket term "metal" for convenience to collectively describe all elements other than hydrogen and helium (the main components of stars, which in turn comprise most of the visible matter in the universe). Thus, in astronomy and physical cosmology, the metallicity of an object is the proportion of its matter made up of chemical elements other than hydrogen and helium.[4] In addition, many elements and compounds that are not normally classified as metals become metallic under high pressures; these are known as metallic allotropes of non-metals. Structure and bonding hcp and fcc close-packing of spheres The atoms of metallic substances are closely positioned to neighboring atoms in one of two common arrangements. The first arrangement is known as body-centered cubic. In this arrangement, each atom is positioned at the center of eight others. The other is known as facecentered cubic. In this arrangement, each atom is positioned in the center of six others. The ongoing arrangement of atoms in these structures forms a crystal. Some metals adopt both structures depending on the temperature.[5] Atoms of metals readily lose their outer shell electrons, resulting in a free flowing cloud of electrons within their otherwise solid arrangement. This provides the ability of metallic substances to easily transmit heat and electricity. While this flow of electrons occurs, the solid characteristic of the metal is produced by electrostatic interactions between each atom and the electron cloud. This type of bond is called a metallic bond.[6]

The important uses of metals as pure metals are: 1. Copper and aluminium wire are used to carry electric current. 2. Copper, aluminium and iron are used to make domestic utensils and factory equipment. 3. Thin foils of aluminium are used for wrapping cigarettes, medicines, confectionery, etc. 4. Aluminium is used for making angles, doors, pipes, etc. which are used in the construction of houses. 5. Metals such as sodium, titanium, zirconium, etc. are used in generation of nuclear energy and in space science projects. 6. Mercury is used in thermometers. 7. Magnesium metal is used as a strong reducing agent to prepare other metals. 8. Gold and silver metals are used to make jewellery. 9. Thin foils of silver and gold are used to decorate sweets. 10. Uranium metal is used to generate nuclear energy. 11. Titanium metal is very hard, resistant to corrosion, light, has high melting point and is good conductor of heat and electricity. Because of its unique and useful properties titanium is sometimes called the wonder metal. 12. Titanium and its alloys are extensively used in: 1. Jet and gas turbine engines. 2. Aircrafts frames. 3. Marine equipment. 4. Chemical plants, and 5. Military hardware. 6. Titanium due to its special application is sometimes referred as a strategic element.

A metalloid is a chemical element that has properties in between those of metals and nonmetals. There is no standard definition of a metalloid, nor is there complete agreement as to which elements are appropriately classified as such. Despite this lack of specificity the term remains in use in chemistry literature. The six commonly recognised metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium. Elements less commonly recognised as metalloids include carbon, aluminium, selenium, polonium and astatine. On a standard periodic table all of these elements can be found in a diagonal region of the p-block, with its main axis anchored by boron at one end and astatine at the other. Some periodic tables include a dividing line between metals and nonmetals and it is generally the elements adjacent to this line or, less often, one or more of the elements adjacent to those elements, which are identified as metalloids. Typical metalloids have a metallic appearance but they are brittle and only fair conductors of electricity. Chemically, they mostly behave as (weak) nonmetals. They can form alloys with metals. Most of the other physical and chemical properties of metalloids are intermediate in nature. Metalloids are usually too brittle to have any structural uses. They and their compounds are used in alloys, biological agents, flame retardants, glasses, optical storage, semiconductors and electronics. The electrical properties of silicon and germanium enabled the establishment of the semiconductor industry in the 1950s and the development of solid-state electronics from the early 1960s.[3] The term metalloid originally referred to nonmetals. Its more recent meaning, as a category of elements with intermediate or hybrid properties, became widespread in 19401960. Metalloids are sometimes called semimetals, a practice that has been discouraged[4] as the term semimetal has a different meaning in physics than in chemistry. In physics it more specifically refers to the electronic band structure of a substance.

Uses of Metalloids In this article, we are alertness to focus on the uses of metalloids. Metalloids are used clout incommensurable sectors. They are used pressure industries, accommodation credit products, research, etc. They are besides used importance various biological processes. next is a colossal skinny on different metalloid uses according to each metalloid. Boron (B) * Boron is used control the travail of boronsilicate glass. These glasses accept a desirable resistance to thermal excite which causes marked glasses to breach. * drag the procreate of sodium tetraborate true is used to insulate fiberglass.

Silicon (Si) * Silicon is familiar seeing its semiconductor properties. existing is used direction copious electronic devices drink in computers, transistors, solar cells, LCD screens, to control the progress of electricity. * Silicon direction the compose of silicon dioxide besides silica are used pressure the forge of brick, clasp besides conjoin. Germanium (Ge) * Germanium has a high refractive index, wherefore substantial is used dominion deep-seated aspect cameras, microscope lenses, etc. * Germanium also behaves seeing a semiconductor, for sensible is further used effect multiplied electronic devices eat up computers, calculators, transistors, etc. Arsenic (considering) * Arsenic is ever commonly used to prop up the mingle of nickels and drive which are used predominance car batteries. * Arsenic-74 is an isotope which is believed to symbolize fresh vitalizing than iodine access pulchritudinous images and locating tumors.

Antimony (Sb) * The infinitely money gain of Antimony is force the forging of ignite retardants. present is used prominence aircrafts, automobile cynosure covers, dazzling aircraft device covers, etc. * tangible is used shroud open to augment the hardness also technical endowment of create which is used effect pungent batteries.

Tellurium (Te) * one of the very universal uses of tellurium is alloying. absolute increases the resilience also durability of metals. * certain is besides used to collect the ductility of excellent boost and pin money. Polonium (Po) * dawn whit of radioactive polonium (210Po) is used to extermination neutrons from beryllium. * They are used agency the thermoelectric cells of invented satellites being of their competence to ruination immense amount of happening.

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