Mid-March 2014: Dear Parents, Carers and Friends

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North Wheatley C of E Primary Newsletter

Mid-March 2014
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends, The Spring sunshine is definitely having a positive impact in school. Pupils are very enthusiastic about their learning and there is more than a tweet of excitement in Early Years as their eggs have hatched !hat a fabulous learning experience for pupils to watch the tiny chic"s chip their way out of the eggs and change so #uic"ly $ets hope that the excitement continues with all the new things that are happening in school. Top attendance! % huge than" you for supporting your childs education& every class in school has received the '(() attendance award over the past few wee"s. Some classes have received the award multiple times !e are a very proud school !ell done to the *orth !heatley Team& lets "eep it up and aim to be the top attending school in +etford Enhanced playtimes! Pupils are en,oying the new range of choices and activities during morning playtimes& -rs !hitfield has added the role of Enhanced Play Provider her already long list of ,obs and now plans and sets up play provision ready for pupils at ten ocloc". .t is great to see how engaged pupils are as they play imaginatively and creatively together. Than" you& -rs !hitfield Budding Musicians in school !e are becoming a singing school -rs Taylor is ,oining the staff team every !ednesday afternoon to teach singing and music through school. .t is wonderful to hear pupils carry on with this during the rest of school as they sing their way through the day Than" you -rs Taylor %dding to our musical prowess& are -r Trippet and -iss !ilson from the Eli/abethan %cademy who have been teaching pupils the 0"ulele on Tuesday afternoons. Pupils are gradually developing their confidence and we are hoping for a small recital at the Easter Service. Sports Relief! *ext 1riday& pupils are ,oining with the rest of the nation to raise money for sports relief. -rs 2ox is organising a mini Triathlon for our athletes to participate in. -ore details will be discussed this 1riday with pupils in 2elebration assembly. !e do hope you will help us to raise money for this really worthy cause. Bi ea!ility You may have seen our Year 3 and 4 pupils cycling around the village in their hi5vis ,ac"ets on -onday afternoon. They are busy training for their level 6 7i"eability award with *ottinghamshires cycle safety team. .ts good to "now that as the weather gets warmer and warmer and the days get longer& our pupils have the "nowledge of how to be safe on the roads. De"eloping a listening school 1ollowing the success of the parents forum and the impact it has had on provision& school leaders and staff are "een to listen to the views of pupils on school and wider issues. !e will therefore be starting to have mixed5age circle time sessions every 1riday morning from 8.9( : '(.((a.m. during these sessions we will reflect on a range of issues that are important to pupils. %ll pupils will be organised into four groups and initially& the circle times will be led by staff but we soon aim for them to be led by members of the school council and Year 4 pupils. %fter the first session which will be used to discuss our new enhanced playtime provision& pupils will decide the focus for the main discussion. !e loo" forward to hearing what they have to say& thin" and debate

E#tended school days !e are currently consulting with parents on the demand for extended school day provision. . am sure you will have all heard about the ;overnments debate on this matter& more important to us& is the views of our parents and whether or not they feel there is a need for this type of provision .f you could let school have the #uestionnaires bac" as soon as possible& it would help us to ascertain the viability of such an initiative. Parents$ e"ening Than" you for the very #uic" responses to the parents evening letter. <opefully many of you now have your appointment times. !e loo" forward to sharing your childs learning with you on the evening. The Year 3 and 4 pupils will be preparing their own resume of their learning this term and will be able to ,oin you for the appointments to share this with you. The ne% school %e!site !hile you are at Parents evening we hope you will have the opportunity to have a loo" at the new school website which is very nearly ready . will be available to tal" you through it and to show you where to find things Staff are very busy uploading information to the site and learning how to add to the class blogs. !e "now we still have a bit to do yet& but we hope you will en,oy using it to share in your childs learning and the success of the school. PTF& Easter coffee morning Pupils and staff loo" forward to seeing you at the PT1% coffee morning on 1riday 6= th -arch. 2ome along and ,oin the fun Easter Ser"ice 2elebrate Easter with school at our Easter service in church. Pupils will be leading the service and sharing their talents with us all. 2ome along and ,oin the celebration on 1riday 9 th %pril at 'pm . Pupils will be able to go home with a responsible adult when the service has finished. !ith my best wishes& and as always& if you have any #ueries& do not hesitate to come and as"

<ead Teacher

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