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<Q> Which of the followings is not a usual feature of Class III malocclusion?

<C> Anterior cross bite <C> Unilateral posterior cross bite <C> Bilateral posterior cross bite <C+> Scissors bite <C> Anterior open bite <Q> In Class III malocclusion <C> !he upper incisors are rarel" se#erel" crow$e$ <C> !he lower incisors are usuall" se#erel" crow$e$ <C> !he upper incisors are usuall" retrocline$ <C+> !he lower incisors are usuall" retrocline$ <C> %one of the abo#e <Q> Which of the followings contra$ict the use of remo#able appliance for the treatment of Class III malocclusion <C+> &e$uce$ o#erbite <C> Increase$ o#erbite <C> 'istall" incline$ ma(illar" canine <C> Upright incisors <C> !wo answers are correct <Q> Which of the followings is not a component of the remo#able appliance use$ for the treatment of Class III malocclusion <C> )osterior bite plane <C+> Anterior bite plane <C> A$ams Clasp ma$e of *+, mm wire on the primar" $eci$uous canines <C> -(pansion screw <C> %one of the abo#e <Q> Acti#ation of the $ouble cantile#er spring is performe$ b" opening <C> !he pro(imal coil <C> !he $istal coil <C> Both coils <C+>.aries from one patient to another <Q>-(traction of permanent tooth as part of remo#able appliance treatment shoul$ be carrie$ out <C> Before ta/ing the impression for the wor/ing cast <C> Before insertion of the remo#able appliance <C+> 0ne #isit after insertion of the remo#able appliance <C> After acti#ation of the remo#able appliance <C> .aries from one patient to another

<Q> Anchorage loss $uring retraction of upper incisors b" &obert1s retractor is manifeste$ b" <C> Increase in the o#er2et <C> &e$uction of the o#er2et <C+> 3esial mo#ement of ma(illar" first permanent molar <C> 'istal mo#ement of ma(illar" first permanent molar <C> two answers are true <Q> When the anchor teeth are onl" allowe$ to mo#e bo$il" while the teeth to be mo#e$ are free to tip this is calle$ <C> &eciprocal anchorage <C+> Stationar" anchorage <C> Compoun$ anchorage <C> Anchorage reinforcement <C> 4rictional anchorage <Q> &emo#able appliance coul$ be use$ to close upper mi$line $iastema if <C> !he upper incisors are mesiall" incline$ <C+> !he upper incisors are $istall" incline$ <C> !he upper incisors are upright <C>!he upper canines ha#e not erupte$ "et <C> !wo answers are correct <Q> !he most important factor controlling the amount of force e(erte$ b" remo#able appliance spring is <C+> !he $iameter of the wire <C> !he length of the wire <C> !he $egree of acti#ation <C> !he number of coils incorporate$ in the $esign of the spring <C> All of the abo#e are e5uall" important <Q> All are true about twin6bloc/ functional appliance e(cept <C> Allows e(pansion of the lower arch <C+> Allows retroclination of lower incisors <C> Allows incremental a$#ancement of the man$ible <C> !ooth born appliance <C> !wo answers are correct <Q> An$resen functional appliance upon insertion $oes not allow o#er6eruption of posterior teeth7 while 8ar#ol$ appliance $oes allow it <C+> 4irst statement is true7 secon$ is false <C> 4irst statement is false7 secon$ is true <C> Both statements are true <C> Both statements are false

<Q> !he labial bow in An$resen functional appliance i$eall" is ma$e of666666gauge S+S archwire <C+> *+9 mm with tubing <C> *+9 mm without tubing <C> *+: mm with tubing <C> *+: mm without tubing

<Q>All of the following functional appliances ma" allow e(pansion of the upper arch e(cept <C> 4ran/le II <C> Bionator <C> !win bloc/
<C+> An$resen

<Q> &egar$ing Class II $i# ; <C> !he correcte$ $eep bite is rather stable <C> A%B coul$ be normal <C> <rowing patients ma" be treate$ with functional appliances <C+> &e$uce$ inter6incisal angle <C> !wo options are correct <Q> =6hoo/ hea$gear can be use$ in open bite case+ Its best use is for gumm" smile <C> 4irst statement is true7 secon$ is false <C+> 4irst statement is false7 secon$ is true <C> Both statements are true <C> Both statements are false <Q>All the following appliances ma" not pro$uce bac/war$ rotation of the man$ible <C>Anterior bite plate <C>Cer#ical hea$gear <C+>8igh pull hea$ gear <C>'elaire face mas/ !he main in$ication for e(traction in Class II>; is to correct the $eep bite+ Class II elastics are hea#il" use$ $uring the treatment of Class II>; <C+> 4irst statement is false7 secon$ is true <C> 4irst statement is true7 secon$ is false <C> Both statements are true <C> Both statements are false <Q> !he least stable feature of treate$ Class II>; is <C> !rans#erse relation <C> Antero6posterior relation <C+> .ertical relation <C> %one of the abo#e

<Q> All of the following are true about intrusion of ma(illar" central incisors $uring treatment of Class II>; e(cept <C+> Increase lip pressure on the cer#ical part of upper incisors <C> -nsure stabilit" of the treatment <C> 3ore fa#orable than e(trusion of posterior teeth <C> %one of the abo#e

<Q>In Class II malocclusion with rece$ing chin7666666666666666666666666666is unfa#ourable <C>Anterior growth rotation <C+>)osterior growth rotation <C>Anti6cloc/wise rotation <C>All of the abo#e <Q> Ban$s is better than brac/ets for <C> )remolars <C+> 3olars <C> Incisors <C> all of the abo#e <Q>Interma(illar" elastics in 4i(e$ appliance treatment is use$ for <C+> Anchorage <C> Intrusion <C> &etention <C> 4i(ation of teeth <Q>A nine6"ear6ol$ bo" presents with all of his permanent incisors erupte$ e(cept the ma(illar" right central incisor+ Base$ on clinical inspection one shoul$ suspect <C> Congenital absence of the tooth <C> Insufficient root formation for eruption <C+> A supernumerar" tooth inhibiting its eruption <C> )alatal impaction of the tooth <Q>S/eletal mi$6palatal e(pansion is best carrie$ out b" <C> &emo#able appliance <C> Qua$6heli( <C+> 8"ra( palatal screw <C> All the abo#e

<Q> !reatment of increase$ o#er2et inclu$es <C> &obert1s &etractor <C> )alatal finger spring to mo#e canines $istall" <C> An$resen functional appliance+ <C+> All of the abo#e

<Q>What #alue woul$ "ou e(pect the A%B angle to ha#e in patient with se#ere Class II malocclusion <C+> ?arger than normal <C> %ormal <C> Smaller than normal <C> %egati#e <Q> !ooth mo#ement possible b" 4i(e$ appliance <C> !ipping <C> Bo$il" <C> &otation <C> Intrusion <C+> All of the abo#e <Q>!o locate the position of unerupte$ upper canine which is not palpate$ buccall"7 the best ra$iographs woul$ be <C> !wo )eriapicals <C> 0cclusal an$ periapical <C> !wo 0rthopatomogram <C+> A+B <C> All of the abo#e <Q> If Surger" is in$icate$ in treatment of Class II $i#ision @7 the following pre6surgical ortho$ontics shoul$ be applie$ e(cept <C> Alignment of teeth <C+> -(traction of teeth in the upper arch <C> Use of -lastics <C> -(pansion in the upper arch <C> Correction of $eep bite

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