Descriptive Words

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Movements ( Fast )

Movements ( Slow )

bolt bounce careen chase dart dash drive drop flee flick fly gallop hope hurl hurry lift odorous plummet plunge propel race ram run rush sail scamper scramble scurry shove skip smash soar speed spin spring sprint streak stride swat swerve swing swoop trot whisk zip zoom

amble bend crawl creep drag drift droop edge heave loiter lumber plod saunter slink slouch sneak stagger stalk stray stroll swagger sway tiptoe waddle

Touch and Feel cold cool crisp damp dry dull elastic explode feathery firm fishy fleshy fragile furry fuzzy gritty hairy hard hot icy leathery lukewarm moist oily pebbly prickly pulpy rough rubbery sandy satiny sharp silky slimy slippery smooth soft spongy steamy sticky stuccoed tacky tender tepid textured thick thin tough velvety warm waxy wooly



Hearing ( Soft Sounds )

alkaline bitter bittersweet bland burnt buttery crisp fishy fruity gingery hearty hot mellow oily oily overripe peppery raw ripe salty sour spicy spoiled sugary sweet tangy medicinal tasteless unripe vinegary

acidy acrid aromatic balmy briny burnt damp dank earthy fishy fragrant fresh gamy gaseous mildewed moldy musty perfumed piney pungent putrid rancid reek rotten savory scented sharp sickly sour spicy spoiled stagnant stench sweet tempting

buzz chime clink crackle faint gurgle harmony (musical) hiss hum hush inaudible lilting melody murmur mute mutter patter peep purr rush rustle sigh snap speechless still swish tinkle twitter whir whisper zing

Hearing ( Loud Sounds ) bang bark bedlam blare bleat bluster boom brawl bray bump caterwaul clamor clap clash crash deafening din discord earsplitting grate hubbub jangle noise pandemonium piercing racket rage rasp raucous riot roar rowdy rumble scream screech shout slam smash squawk stamp stomp thud thump thunder tumult whine whistle yell

Characters clever confident courageous demanding determined easy-going eccentric efficient emotional energetic enthusiastic exuberant firm flexible forgiving frank friendly generous gentle good-natured healthy helpful honest hopeful humble humorous imaginative independent individualistic industrious insightful intelligent inventive kind likable logical loyal methodical modest motivated open-minded optimistic practical precise prudent purposeful quick-witted quiet realistic reliable resourceful responsible

self-confident selfless sensible serious sincere smart sociable spontaneous strong-willed tenacious thorough thoughtful tolerant trusting trustworthy unconventional understanding verbal versatile visionary wise witty zany


Agitated Ambiguous Ambivalent Apathetic Cynical Disturbed Diverse Dominant Exuberant Humourous Hysterical Insensitive Jovial Lackadaisical Livid Morose Precocious Raucous Relaxed Sarcastic Sensitive Sleep Soothed Vivacious

Shapes & Patterns adjacent aquiline arc baggy ball banded box breadth checkered concave concentric cone contoured convex corkscrew crescent crested crowned crystalline cube cupped curly curved cylinder dappled depressed depth diagonal disc drooping ellipsoidal elliptical fanned flat frail girth globe height helix hemisphere hexagon horizontal lanky length long narrow octagon orb oval oval ovate palmate

parallel pentagon pied pinnate plate plump pointed polyhedron protruding pyramid rectangle reticulated rolling round rounded serpentine shallow shapely sharp short sinuous solid spherical spiked spotted square streamlined sunken swollen terrain tetrahedral thread tight trapezoid triangle veined vertical wide width winding worm-like

Slight Words angular animated apprehensive arid arrogant attractive awkward blazing blithe blood blotched bold branching bright broken bruised calm cheap chintzy chubby clean clear clustered cluttered congested conical crimped crinkled crisp crooked crowded curved cylindrical dark dazzling decorative dingy dismal distinctive dotted drab dramatic dramatic dull elegant energetic erect exhausted exhuberant exotic expansive fat

fearful fiery flamboyant flared flashy flat flowery fluid flushed formal fragile frail freckled fresh frightened frilled gigantic glassy glazed globular glossy glowing gorgeous grimy handsome hardy healthy heavy hexagonal hollow huge hysterical immense imposing iridescent irregular irresistible jammed jeweled jutting lacy large lavish lively loan loose lumpy massive messy miniature mottled muddy muscular

narrow nerveless nervous octagonal old opaque opulent orderly oval overloaded packed pale pasty patterned pendulous perky pleasant portly pretty proportioned pyramidical radiant ramshackle rectangular regal ridged robust rotted rotund ruffled scrolled scrubbed serene shabby shapeless shapely sheer shimmering shiny showy shy sickly skinny slender slim small sparkling spindly split spotted square squeezed stately

statuesque stolid stout straight stretched striped strong sturdy sunny supple swollen tall tantalizing tapering tearful terrified thin tidy tied timid tiny tired topheavy translucent transparent triangular tubular tufted twiggy ugly unruffled untidy used verdant vivid wide wild winged wiry worn wrinkled young

Strong And Power Ability Authority Baron Big Businessman Business Leader Capacity Clout Command Control Crown Empower Energy Force Forte Gale Great Power Hard Heavy Impregnable Influence Inviolable King Magnate Major Power Might Mightiness Mogul Power-Assisted Powered Powerful Powerfulness Powering Powers Reign Rule Solid Strength Strong Strong And Power Stronger Strongest Strongish Strongly Substantial Superpower Throne Top Executive Tough Tycoon Unassailable Unattackable World Power

Man Adonis Adult Adult Male Bachelor Beau Benedict Bloke Boy Brakeman Bridegroom Brother Casanova Concubine Dandy Dude Earthling Eunuch Family Man Father Fellow Fireman Gallant Gentleman Gentleman's Gentleman Graybeard Groom Guy Handyman He He-Man Hombre Homo Sapiens Homunculus Human Human Being Human Beings Humankind Humans Husband King Knight Lad Male Mankind Manless Manlike Manly Mannish Master Men Military Man Military Personnel

Mister Patriarch Satyr Senor Serviceman Sir Soldier Son Squire Stud Superman Valet De Chambre Widower

Woman Adult Female Anile Beauty Beldam Beldame Belle Bride Char Charwoman Chick Concubine Coquette Crone Dame Damsel Doxy Enchantress Female Feminine Flapper Frau Frump Gal Gentlewoman Girl Girlfriend Hag Harridan Hellcat Heroine Hostess Hussy Jade Lady Landlady Madam Maenad Maid Maiden Mannish Matriarch Matron Minx Miss Mistress Mother Nurse Nursemaid Paramour Princess Queen Shrew

Siren Sister Slattern Spinster Termagant Virago Virgin Vixen Wench Widow Wife Witch Woman Womanhood Womanly Women

Colors amber amethyst aqua aquamarine avocado azure bistre black blue brass bright brilliant brindle bronze buff burgundy canary carmine carnelian cerise charcoal chartreuse chestnut chocolate chrome citrine claret clear cobalt copper coral cordovan cream crimson crystalline cyan dark drab dull dun ebony emerald flesh flushed fuchsia garnet gay glassy gold green grizzly henna

indigo iridescent ivory jade jet khaki lake lavender lemon light lilac lime magenta mahogany maize maroon mauve milky mint mustard navy obsidian ocher olive onyx opaque orange orchid pale peach pearl pearly pink plum poppy primrose puce purple red rose ruby ruddy rust sable saffron salmon sapphire scarlet sepia shimmering sienna silver slate

smoky snowy sooty spruce tan topaz translucent transparent turquoise twinkling ultramarine umber vermilion violet walnut white wine yellow Brown

almond amber bay brandy bronze chocolate cinnamon coffee copper earth ginger hazel mahogany mousy nutmeg rotten rust sandy sorrel tan tawny walnut




burgundy cardinal carmine cherry coral crimson currant dive flame garnet maroon raspberry rose ruby salmon strawberry tomato vermillion wine

aqua aquamarine azure cerulean cobalt delft navy peacock royal sapphire sky steel turquoise violet

ivory marble milky oyster pearl platinum porcelain satin silver snow

apple celery chartreuse emerald kelly lime mint mushy olive pistachio

apricot beige buff butter buttercup butterscotch canary chartreuse citron gold lemon mustard ochre peach saffron straw topaz

tangerine persimmon

chicory ebony jet licorice tar


amethyst fuchsia lavender lilac magenta mauve mulberry orchid pansy plum

ashen dove pearl-gray steel

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