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Hit Based OBD description cum technical document

Format of API : ytime=&returnurl=

Description of parameters:
1) Cid: Has to be provided by ValueFirst and binded with the account. It would be numeric i.e. 123 2) Tonumber: Source party number (call center number). It could be of 10 digit with xxxxxxxxxx and 11 digits with 0xxxxxxxxxx and 12 digits with 91xxxxxxxxxx. 3) tts_data: Variable data if supported by the template (comma separated -- numeric

alphanumeric and date is currently supported only). It would be string and comma separated i.e. your Account balance is due on, 2011-05-06 12:03:45. 4) BufferFlag: If user wants to buffer the calls and wants to execute on a specified time. It Must set to true. it would be string. 5) Retrytime: It is time to execute the buffered call (Must be encoded in YYYY-mm-dd H: i: s format) 6) Returnurl: Has to be provided by client where the MIS needs to be updated at their End.(i.e

The format of URL which will be pushing back to client is given below: _used=&deliveredon=&latching_status_String=&latching_duration=&latching_credit_used=&la stVoiceClip=&Call_Id=&C_Id=&triedon=&retry_count=

This is the URL which we get from the client. The client can send us the URL up to and client can append one or more parameter to the URL.

Note : Below description can be skipped if the you do not want to configure the actionurl

Descriptions of the parameters for returnurl :

1) srcNo: Source party number(call center number) . It could be of 10 digits with

xxxxxxxxxx and 11 digits with 0xxxxxxxxxx and 12 digits with 91xxxxxxxxxx. 2) Status: IVR(Interactive Voice Response) call status.

3) responseCaptured: User response captured(default NULL).it would be the value which user enter during call flow in case of IVR. It would be numeric and dash separated i.e. 13-4. 4) duration: This parameter specifies the duration of call in Seconds. it would be numeric i.e. 30 5) Credit_used: No of credits used during a call. In normal case 1 credit is of 30 seconds. 6) Deliveredon: Call end time in encoded date time format. This is the time when first party picks up the call. It would be in date time format i.e. 2011-01-03 02:23:33 7) lastVoiceClip: It would be string i.e. vc-1 and it is the last clip which is listened by the end-user during the call flow. And user can perform any kind of action on the basis of the clip. Like to send a message after the particular clip played during the call flow. 8) Call_Id: 13456279. 9) C_Id: Campaign ID same as cid. It would be string like LE456CVB234RT123 10) tried_on: This is the time when client initiated the request. It would be in datetime format i.e. 2011-06-07 07:34:45 11) retry_count: .It represents the nth retry and it would be numeric. Its value range depends on the retry configuration during the creation of the campaign. Unique call ID same as Http API returns in response. It would be numeric i.e.

The parameters like destNo, latching_status_String, latching_duration, latching_credit_used are used in case of Call latching and hence irrelevant in case of hit based OBD broadcast.

The table below specifies the sample values for returnurl parameters:

Parameter name srcNo destNo Status responseCaptured duration Credit_used Deliveredon latching_status_String latching_duration latching_credit_used Call_Id C_Id tried_on retry_count lastVoiceClip tried_on

Ivr sample value 91xxxxxxxxxx 91xxxxxxxxxx 0x10 1-2-3 30(in seconds) 2 Yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss null null null >= 8 digits 16 digit(alphanumeric) Yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss 2 vc-1 Yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss

To know more about the hex codes please refer to the Disconnect Reasons document.

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