Listening - Level: Advanced: I. Listen To The Following Sentences and Circle The Correct Answer

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I. Listen to the following sentences and circle the correct answer. 1. How is Kirsty feeling after the flight? a. tired b. worried c. jet-lagged d. excited 2. What exactly is the time difference between Tokyo and Denver? a. over 6 hours b. about 16 hours c. over 2 hours d. just only an hour 3. What problem did Katty face last night? a. She lay awake all night. b. Shes enjoyed a dinner party. c. She went to bed early. d. She worked in her office all night. 4. One thing that makes the difference between Tokyo and Denver is .. a. a lot of high buildings. b. lots of taxis and people. c. underground shopping centers. d. its sanitary no litter on the street. 5. How does Kirsty get to work? a. on foot b. by car c. by taxi d. by train 6. The best way Kirsty used to keep in touch with her family is .. a. e-mail b. letters c. telephone d. chatting II. Listen to the 3 conversations and answer the questions. 7. The man/woman asks her/his neighbor to for him/her while he/she is going away for 2 weeks. a. clean the house. b. water his/her houseplants. c. take care of his/her pets. d. keep his/her eye on the garage. 8. What position is Anna going to take after she gets back from Hong Kong? a. interviewer. b. manager of the New York branch. c. teacher of English at New York High School. d. Chief Buyer of New York branch. 9. The problem with the bigger place like this is .. a. to have more housework to do. b. to get a lot of guests there. c. to move lots of furniture. d. to pay much from the moving. 10. Whats the matter with Carlys grandmother? a. Shes injured. b. Shes homesick. c. She gets flu. d. Shes sick and homebound.


Listen to the following questions and circle the correct letter. 11. What kind of program does Andrew listen to on the radio? a. the Voice of America. b. the BBC News. c. the London News. d. the CNN News. 12. What does Gabriele miss whenever she/he enjoys short trips? a. his/her parents. b. his/her children. c. his/her 2 cats Mickey and C. J. d. his/her homework. 13. What should his/her do when she/he goes out? a. to take them with him/her. b. to get someone care of them. c. to stay at home with them. d. to take their photo with him/her. 14. What does Sylvia do daily? a. listening to the radio. b. reading newspapers. c. listening to news from a specific anchor lady. d. visiting friends and neighbors. 15. What does Chris often do on Saturday? a. to make coffee b. to read the press, drink coffee and relax. c. to order hotel room. d. to get up late.


Listen and choose the correct letter. 16. How long was the Silk Route? a. 800km. b. 8,000km. c. 80 km. d. 8km 17. Where was Marco Polo born? a. Rome. b. Napoli. c. Milan. d. Venice. 18. What was his father? a. a business man. b. a blacksmith. c. a doctor. d. a carpenter. 19. He stayed in China for .. years, when he left, he took back a fortune in . a. 7 / silver and gold b. 17 / gold and salt c. 17/ gold and jewelry. d. 7/jewelry/ and silver. 20. The man Marco Polo met was a. President Alexandre Pis meets. b. Emperor Kublai Khan. c. Official Back Smith. d. Emperor Khan, chairman on the supermarket. 21. How did he travel through Persia and Afghanistan? a. boat. b. car. c. horseback. d. plane. 22. What kind of trip is Tommy on? a. sailing trip. b. single holiday. c. backpacking trip. d. train journey.

23. Where has he visited during his trip? a. royal palaces in Japan. b. Mount Fuji in Japan. c. Bangkok. d. royal palaces and national parks in South Korea. 24. What makes him worried during his trip? a. fees. b. insects. c. accommodation. d. food and drinks. 25. How has he been traveling mainly? a. plane. b. train. c. public transportation like bus, train .. d. ferry. 26. Which countries has he been to? a. Viet Nam, Hong Kong, and Japan. b. Japan, Viet Nam, and the U. S. c. Viet Nam, Hong Kong and North Korea. d. South Korea, Viet Nam and England. 27. What kind of disease did he have during his trip? a. cough b. influenza. c. stomachache. d. diarrhea. V. Listen and choose the answer. 28. What memories does Tashi have of trekking in Nepal? a. boring experience. b. lots of amazing experience. c. fantasy experience. d. enjoyable one. 29. On vacation, the Wheeler family is very a. relaxed. b. comfortable. c. boring. d. exhausted. 30. How do Tashi and her brother spend their time on vacation? a. swimming in the sea. b. cooking meals. c. doing the crosswords. d. watching movies. 31. How did her attitude to travel change as she got older? a. valuable. b. enjoyable. c. privileged. d. sociable. 32. What did she find difficult socially? a. easy to get along with local people. b. difficult to have small talk with the other people. c. essential to wear traditional clothes. d. difficult to get along with kids who have the same ages as Tashi. 33. What did the school children have that she didnt? a. only TV. b. everything TV, programs, books. c. only a broader view of life. d. traveling experience. 34. Where does she feel comfortable? a. Asia. b. Europe. c. Australia. d. the U. S. 35. Which city is definitely her home? a. Melbourne. b. Paris.

c. Jakarta. VI. Listen and choose the correct answer.

d. Sydney.

36. What kind of clothes was he wearing when he jumped off Niagara? a. formal clothes. b. protective clothes. c. ordinary clothes. d. a pyjama. 37. What did he do it for? a. joking. b. a dare. c. his likes. d. his date. 38. Where did this event happen? a. at school. b. in the big city. c. on the top of the Fuji Mount. d. in the Swiss Alps. 39. What did the two mountain climbers do when they got trapped in a terrible storm? a. climbed down the mountain. b. returned to the camp. c. went up the mountain. d. built a shelter. 40. How old was the boy who hacked into these top secret U.S. military computers? a. 12 b. 17 c. 18 d. 14 41. Why did he do that? a. to develop his own software program. b. to download the information. c. to print some secret materials. d. to figure out his uncles information. 42. What did he use his own program for? a. to study online. b. to download movies and music from the Internet. c. to buy goods. d. to chat online. VII. Listen and circle the correct answer. 43. What is the speakers favorite movies? a. Gone with the Wind. b. Hamlet. c. Witness. d. Shakespeare 44. Who is the main character in the movies? a. Leonardo de Vinci. b. Arnold. c. Elizabeth Taylor. d. Harrison Ford. 45. How is the end of the movies? a. incredible. b. thrilling. c. boring. d. passimate. 46. What did Harrison Ford do to investigate the murder? a. to live with the killer. b. to live with the Amish community. c. to ask an Amish child. d. to stay at his house.

47. Who is the writer of The Secret History book? a. Jane Smith. b. Margaret Atwood. c. Donna Tartt. d. Rachel Scholes. 48. How thick is the book? a. 60 pages. b. 601 pages c. 500 pages. d. 600 pages. 49. Why does the speaker recommend it to anybody who wants to read? a. because he likes it. b. because the story is claustrophobic. c. because it is exciting. d. because it is really dramatic. 50. What is the book about? a. a terrible camping trip. b. a murder group of students. c. a thrilling life experience. d. a passimate love story.

Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what is said in each conversation. You must select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation. 1. What is the man doing? A. Changing a flight reservation. B. Changing a hospital room. C. Reserving an extra hotel room. D. Canceling a hotel room. 2. What information does the woman need? A. A telephone number and address. B. A name and reservation number. C. A name and cell phone number. D. A date of birth. 3. What is Jordan? A. The womans name. B. The mans given name. C. The mans family name. D. The mans pet dog. Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following conversation. 4. What are the man and woman discussing? A. Their companys new invoicing system. B. Bills that need to be paid. C. Their companys new computers. D. Their coworkers. 5. What does the man imply? 5

A. Their billing system used to be efficient. B. Their old billing system was outdated. C. Its too late to change their billing system. D. Hes unimpressed with the new system. 6. Where does the woman think of the changes? A. It was better before. B. It has helped her with her work. C. She wishes it had been changed sooner. D. She hasnt experienced the changes yet. Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following conversation. 7. What can be said of the expense record? A. It was typical. B. It was full of errors. C. It contained an unexpected item. D. It exceeded the allotted budget. 8. Who did the man dine with? A. A coworker. B. An old school friend. C. A telecommunication expert. D. His wife. 9. What does the woman imply? A. The meeting was not essential. B. She is interested in telecommunications. C. She wishes she could have met the specialist. D. The man submits very accurate records. Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following conversation. 10. What is the womans problem? A. She didnt know she had to pay taxes. B. She overpaid on her taxes. C. The woman has lost her tax receipts. D. She is unemployed. 11. What does the woman want to know? A. Her social security number. B. The state tax code. C. How much sales tax on the item will be. D. How much she will have to pay. 12. What does the man tell the woman to do? A. Contact her local tax office. B. Pay by check. C. Read an information leaflet. D. Look on the Internet for information. Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following conversation. 13. What are they discussing? A. Purchasing a lot of buildings.

B. Expanding their budget for supplies. C. The paperwork necessary to build a new building. D. Buying a piece of land and building on it. 14. What do the woman and John plan to do? A. Increase the size of their building. B. Landscape the garden behind the store. C. Move to a new location. D. Sell their business. 15. When will the plans take effect? A. Next week. B. In 3 weeks. C. In 3 months. D. Next year. Questions 16 through 18 refer to the following conversation. 16. What took place in the morning? A. A staff meeting. B. An emergency drill. C. A sales event. D. The annual promotions. 17. What did the woman have to do? A. She had to make a presentation. B. She had to meet a client. C. She had to go to a doctors appointment D. She had to take her car to the mechanic. 18. How does the woman feel about the meeting? A. She regrets not attending. B. She is glad that she was not there. C. She wants to attend next time. D. She wishes she had got back in time. Questions 19 through 21 refer to the following conversation. 19. What does the man need? A. Johns cell phone number. B. The invoice number. C. To borrow Johns telephone. D. Johns office number. 20. What does the woman imply about John? A. He doesnt like being disturbed at home. B. He is quite upset with the man. C. He usually turns his cell phone off. D. He will arrive later in the afternoon. 21. What does the woman suggest looking? A. At home. B. In the office directory. C. In the filing cabinet. D. In the shipment.

Questions 22 through 24 refer to the following conversation. 22. When is the meeting? A. This Wednesday. B. Thursday afternoon. C. Next Wednesday morning. D. Next Wednesday afternoon. 23. Why is the man surprised? A. The meeting is next week. B. Its Wednesday. C. The woman has marked it on her planner. D. The meeting will be very long. 24. What will be happening at the meeting? A. The writing of memos. B. A presentation by the planning division. C. The setting of an agenda. D. A period of eating lunch.

Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear a number of short talks given by a single speaker. Again, you must answer three questions about what is said in each talk. Choose the most appropriate response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 25 through 27 refer to the following news report. 25. What is the top story? A. AAMs plans to build factories. B. AAMs success in foreign sales. C. AAMs impending financial failure. D. AAMs new commercial airplanes. 26. To which countries will AAM deliver aircraft? A. England, Norway, Spain, and Austria. B. England, Norway, France, and Germany. C. England, Sweden, France, and Germany. D. England, Denmark, Italy, and Germany. 27. Who is credited with this change? A. AAM. B. European orders. C. Mark Simpson. D. Credit cards. Questions 28 through 30 refer to the following announcement. 28. What is the point of this announcement? A. To increase use of paper and electricity. B. To increase political donations. C. To decrease work efficiency. D. To decrease use of paper and electricity. 8

29. Which of the following is NOT suggested? A. Use paper thoroughly. B. Dont leave lights on. C. Recycle drink containers. D. Flush the toilet regularly. 30. Why is this announcement necessary? A. People at work are tired and unfriendly. B. People must conserve natural resources. C. People recycle too much. D. Companies like huge electricity bills. Questions 31 through 33 refer to the following message. 31. Why would you call this number? A. By mistake. B. To listen to a movie review. C. To subscribe to this publication. D. To find out the score of a baseball game. 32. How can you pay? A. With cash. B. With bills. C. By check. D. By credit card. 33. Who would probably be interested in Red Review? A. Those interested in the arts. B. Those interested in gardening. C. Those who like animals. D. Those with very little leisure time. Questions 34 through 36 refer to the following announcement. 34. Where is this announcement taking place? A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On an airplane. D. In a train station. 35. Why does the announcer apologize? A. The conductor will ask for tickets. B. The dining car has already closed. C. The weather is bad. D. The train is late. 36. Whats going to happen in 30 minutes? A. The train will arrive at Victoria Station. B. The conductor will collect tickets. C. The food service will close. D. They will arrive in Derby. Questions 37 through 39 refer to the following recorded message. 37. Why would you press1?

A. If you have a rotary phone. B. To slow down the recording. C. To speed up your call. D. If you want to check airfares. 38. Which number do you select to hear arrival and departure information? A. 1. B. 2. C. 4. D. 5. 39. What special service does Southern Airlines offer? A. Repeated telephone menus. B. Flights to Canada and the Caribbean. C. Flyaway Vacations. D. Ticket delivery. Questions 40 through 42 refer to the following talk. 40. Who is Francisco De Souza? A. A Southeast Asian business. B. A businessman who provides charitable assistance. C. A professor of economics. D. A professional speaker. 41. How long has Mr. De Souza been providing this service? A. Since he was a child. B. For 10 months. C. For 7 years. D. For a decade. 42. How has Mr. De Souzas project saved lives? A. By allowing for the provision of clean water. B. By providing medication for the sick. C. By providing food in famine-stricken areas. D. By caring for the elderly. Questions 43 through 45 refer to the following announcement. 43. What does GFY sell? A. Athletic equipment. B. Supplies for babies. C. Travel products. D. Health care products. 44. Whats offered in this announcement? A. Gold Card members get 20% off on Tuesdays. B. Gold Card members get 30% off on Thursdays. C. Gold Card members get 20% off every other Tuesday. D. Gold Card members get 20% off every day. 45. Who is eligible for Gold Card membership? A. Anyone who pays the $20 membership fee. B. All GFY customers. C. All customers aver the age of 18. D. Customers who spend over $50.


Questions 46 through 48 refer to the following recording. 46. Why did Marina call Everett? A. To keep him informed of the situation. B. To remind him to attend a meeting. C. To ask him to do her a favor. D. To ask him to join the union. 47. What will be discussed with the union? A. Layoffs. B. Pensions. C. Health insurance premiums. D. Improving quality control. 48. What solution might be offered? A. A pay raise or an increase in personnel. B. A reduction in productivity. C. A reduced labor force. D. New uniforms for workers. Questions 49 through 51 refer to the following talk. 49. Who visited the factory last week? A. A delegation from the head office. B. The CEO. C. Health and safety inspectors. D. Tax officials. 50. What was discovered in the factory? A. An infestation of rats. B. A new production method. C. Defective safety mechanisms. D. Three cutting machines. 51. What will happen to the workers? A. They will be off work with full pay for about a week. B. The will go on strike. C. They will be laid off. D. They will be off work with no pay for about a week.


I. Tapescript 1.6 II. Tapescript 1.7 III. Tapescript 1.9 IV. Tapescript 2.1 V. Tapescript 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 VI. Tapescript 3.1 VII. Tapescript 3.5

Taylor, A. 2006, Target TOEIC, Practice Test 1 Part 3, 2nd Edition, Nh Xut Bn Tr

Taylor, A. 2006, Target TOEIC, Practice Test 1 Part 4, 2nd Edition, Nh Xut Bn Tr


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