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Departamento de Educacin y Ciencia




Escuela Oficial de Idiomas n 2 de Zaragoza

Sentence transformations Finish each sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the one printed before it. 1. It is not necessary for you to wear formal clothes. You 2. You dont have to do military service in this country. It is not 3. Hes already proved he can do it himself. Hes capable 4. It is impossible to accept your explanation without a thorough investigation. Your explanation 5. It was impossible for me to finish the report in time for the conference. I wasnt 6. There is a ten day free trial of the goods without obligation. You can 7. You dont have to stay here if you dont want to. You are under 8. It was unnecessary for the robber to use the gun, as the cashier handed over the money. There 9. If you hadnt been speeding, the police wouldnt have stopped you. You must 10. I am convinced that there is a mistake with this bill its astronomical. There 11. It was wrong of you not to call the doctor at once. You should 12. Im sure that he missed the eleven oclock train. He cant

Sentence transformations test a wide range of structures, as well as common expressions and fixed phrases. Note that: Some of the questions will only involve one structure. Others may test two points at the same time. You may be penalised for incorrect spelling if it affects the language that is being tested. When you have finished a set of transformations, you should check that you havent made the following common errors: 1 Unnecessary changes e.g. tenses. 2 Omission of necessary words and phrases from the first sentence. 3 Forgetting secondary changes related to the new structure e.g. changes in prepositions or parts of speech. 4 Spelling or punctuation mistakes. Strategy When you do sentence transformations: Try to identify the structure(s) being tested. Include all the necessary information from the first sentence. Make all necessary changes to the second sentence. Dont make unnecessary changes. Check your spelling and punctuation are accurate.

KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. You dont need/have to wear formal clothes. It is not compulsory to do military service in this country. Hes capable of doing it himself. You explanation cannot be accepted without a thorough investigation. I wasnt able to finish the report in time for the conference. You can try the goods for ten days without obligation. You are under no obligation to stay here if you dont want to. There was no need for the robber to use the gun, as the cashier handed over the money. You must have been speeding. Otherwise the police wouldnt have stopped you. There must be a mistake with this bill its astronomical. You should have called the doctor at once. He cant have taken the 11 oclock train.

From Proficiency Gold Coursebook, J. Newbrook and J. Wilson, Longman, pp. 66-67 Pearson Education S.A. This material may only be used for individual study; multiple copying and distribution are prohibited For further practice you can consult in the library Proficiency Gold Exam Maximiser, R. Mann, Longman

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