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Email: Mobile: 09710940572, 8 950 0572

Career Objective: To gain employment with a company that offers me a consistently positive atmosphere to learn new technologies and implement them for the betterment of the Organization. To secure a challenging position where I can contribute my technical skills for the growth of the concern. Educational Qualifications:
200 !2011 ".E#Elec$rical % Elec$ronics En&ineerin&' # 9(' )*n +olle&e ,f En&ineerin& -n. /echnolo&y, 0a&ercoil, -nna 1ninersi$y, +hennai. ++M.2r )econ.ary )chool # 7(', 3.aian&*.i,/hir*nel4eli. ))6+ #92.4(', )$. 7ose8h 2i&h )chool 0aranammal8*ram,/hir*nel4eli.



Computer Knowledge Software Skill : Operating Systems : 'esktop %ackage : Auto cad indows !"""#$%#& (S Office

PROFESS O!"# E$PER E!CE I have the more than ! ) year*s e+perience in sales and marketing e+ecutive %ORK E$PER E!CE ! &E'" # Compan( &esignation &uration !ature of -ob Compan( &esignation &uration Client : )P*#SE OR+"!" S"' O!, Coimbatore : )"!"+E)E!' 'R" !EE : ,ov!"-" to (arch!"-: Sales . train new comers. : "#% ! E#EC'R C"#S, Coimbatore. : Electrical Sales / Service Engineer : April !"-- to /eb !"-! : (#s. Arun Te+tiles0 1rode. (#s.2udhra Spinning mills0 Avinasi.


"-6-9:3)20-0 M
!ature of -ob Compan( &esignation &uration Client !ature of -ob Compan( &esignation &uration Client !ature of -ob Responsibilities

Email : Mobile: 9710940572, 8 950 0572

: Sales and service : "PPCO ndia Pvt #td, : )anagement 'rainer : 3une !"-! to 'ec !"-! : 2eliance Telecommunications. : Sales / 'rain new comers : 01# +#O1"# P2' #'& : 'ele Sales E3ecutive : 3an !"-4 to present : 5'/6 7A,8 : )ulti 'ele Sales 4 nsurance,loans/ot5er credit card produts6

"ank ass*rance +hannel, ,n +om8any 8ayroll. ;orkin& a$ +hennai. -ssis$ bo$h sales % o8era$ion of $he "ank for &enera$in& ma<im*m b*siness $o be close. /raine. $he en$ire $eam of Em8loyee abo*$ $heir 8ro.*c$ kno=le.&e % sales 8i$ch.
IRDA certified. Purely on Incentive basis. Sales only customer satisfied product.

Main$ainin& al=ays a heal$hy rela$ionshi8 =i$h /eam 2ea.. >ery m*ch orien$e. abo*$ 8olicy enforcemen$ % main$ainin& a &oo. rela$ion =i$h c*s$omers

nterpersonal S7ills Adaptability to any situation . commitment. 9earned discipline0 teamwork0 how to follow instructions and hard work. Ambitious0 outgoing0 reliable and have solid work ethic. 'etermined . willing to put ma+imum effort to achieve goals. 6oncerned with :uality. %roduce work that is orderly and attractive. 1nsure tasks are completed correctly and on time. illing to try new things and am interested in improving efficiency on assigned tasks.


"-6-9:3)20-0 M
Personal Profile

Email : Mobile: 9710940572, 8 950 0572

%ersonal 'ata /ather name %ermanent Address

Indian0 Age: !< ='.O.7: -!th April ->??@. Single. (urugan 8 17/15, Church Street, Selvamarudhur, Thisaiyanvilai-627657,Tirunelveli Dist, Tamil Nadu, India. >&-"><"A&!0?B>A"B"A&! 1nglish0 Tamil. s

%hone ,o 9anguages 8nown

&eclaration I hereby declare that the above;mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above;mentioned particulars.

Place: 6hennai

7A9A82IS5,A, (

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